The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1922, Image 8

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    fl(JOn.iUVEiiGLAClfiU. TH OftHDAY, AUGUST-, 24, 1022 ;
v. :
a... . lf'" tt
AT fc
W:. Lai
3 - 4 :t B
it T"
f t':
hy they're here: inialltheirsplendorr-eightJiundred
mcnr genuine.;, custom rxaiior r. w ooiens r in your
favorite pat-tern : and : texture.: Smart, sturdy,; blue-
liloodeil-eacli Sand every, one.5 of them:
YoMEmarvchim our. amy ;' as, well las the prices we m
anx aEli:;fer;;genuine. Custom'' Tailored:- Suits- and,r
til i
Phone 1014"J
The . City Tailbus
Atm-( and 'Specifications of ;the.5UPREMB! ARCHITECT, Noah
boiltn-ATklhatiTitlistood the rah for forty da vs. and fort v nisrhts. :; .Thaolans i
Uir. mllcd iov certain kinds of 'timberand certain-dimensions. The waters prevailed
C upojctiic.csith.(ne :.htmdred' and -forty days;. Every: living creature! perished r
sava ilmaf withk the 'protection of ( LUMBER. : :
Cowi,?ct'ci3y better building-material than that. which' has the stamp of this
AllGXUZXXfttilxi&ibt':. 'His 'wisdom was never excelled by '' man's invention;-WMiitrih-jn,
ever beenman'B best'friend and is used in every country- of? .the i.
woi-iuL. KOAlIJuia iroven :to us that them is no bethen protection .to maxL and
beat.tlftmr:t shelter -made -of LUMBER.
Vi aii7i:to ca a. complete, stock of LUMBER;: SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES,
ami all "other materials necessarv for a comolete buildino- and these wit.h':
. , . . .
cur. plana and: rpccitications -solve the building (problem- for. you,
as; wise; asv Moah.
Phone 4121. That's our self-starter.
-T-ej -
f 1 I
I'll '
3 f " .
v$2;3Ql pt'fr foot!
f. Q klh(:i
! Don't Waste Time and Money -Trying to Cure-
John Yoone. whose fathet OweoD
Younj?. is vice-president and. chairman
of! the board; of Uhe General Electric
Co.. died at the Cottaee hospital Mon
day two hours after injuries sustained
when he was run over by a locomotive
of a narrow guage railroad at the
phoenix construction camp 00. Hood
river. Mr. Young; aged 18, was here
with' John- Atwofxl. colleire mate.
Bpendinn bis vacation gaining practical
experience on the local worKaj
;;YoungAtwood.i whe witnessed the
accident, savs he thinks the boy los
bis life in saviniz "Skee," a fox terrier
doc end maacot tf the bie construction
camp The dog -was riding on the front
of the dinky engine, with the boys. The
locomotive had slowed, almost to a stop
and the do?, lumned down directly in
front of the wheels. In reaching for
him Mr. Young lost ' his balance and
himself . fell uirectly under the locomo
tive, which . crushed i his ebest Mr.
Young was a general favorite with the
men at the camp and had made - many
fiwnds in the cityj Immediate-efforts
were made to notify his father, whose
office. i jn NewvYork City.
Until his tragic death under the con
struction Jine locomotive,- few fellow
workers of the ,camp had known they
were -working beside the son of one of
the country s most influential indus
trial leaders The General Electric
Company, whose rjolicies the . father
directs from the New - York headejuar-
trs, ia among the nation's largest cor
lhe engineer stoDDed the locomotive
quickly and Mr. Young was extricated.
His body had been badly crushed. He
was taken to the-. Cottaee hospital.
and a call was sent to Guy W. Talbot
to send one of Portland s beet sur
eeona immediately to give all possible
assistance in trying to save the youth's
life. . Before, the surgeon had started
on . tnia mipsiort) information , was. re.
ceived that the youth was dead. ,'
Mr. Young was still a student in col
lege. He had been attending bt. Law
rence university in northern NewvYork
Hia father,-known as one of the 'most
democratic of the counrty's industrial
leaders, makes it fl policy ; to sec that
his children learn life from the bottom
up, -said Mr. Talbot..
When the summer "Vacation arrived
the son and a college chum, John At
wood, came to Portland to accept work
as ordinary laborers' in any position
Mr. Talbot should find for them.- lhe
young men accordingly were, sent to
the camp of the Phoenix Utility Com
pany. The job given Mr. Young was
that of materiel cheeker - lhe boys
arrived in Portland July. 5 and. went
to work at the camp a few days later.
Mr. Talbot telegraphed news of the
tragedy to the boy's parents., whose
summer home out. of New York is at
Little Point, Riverside, Conn. Mem.
bers of the family, other than the
father and mother, said Mr. Talbot,
are a brother older . than. John and . a
younger' sister
The body left Tuesday night for Fort
Plain, N. Y. The remain! were accom
paniedjby young, Atwood. The two
boys were planning to start east Sep
tember 1, traveling through Canada -on
the way back.. :
Guy w. Talbot.- president or the ra-
cifia Power & : Light Co.. and J. A.
Cranston, manager of the. General
Electric Covin Portland, motored here
Tuesday from Portland and joined the
escort of men from the construction
camp who accompanied the body from
the Anderson undertaking - parlors to
the train. Mr." Youig was a member
of Beta Theta Pi Greek letter fratern
ity as is young Atwood. Geo.. R. Wil
bur and Arthur Johnson, local mem
bers of .the fraternity, aided in details
of arrangements for shipping the body.
The tragedy left the construction
Camp and the city shocked. Mr. Young
was generally liked around the camp
and had become popular among the
young folk of the valley.
Henry Munroe. a fellow official of
the boy's father in the- General Elec
tric Co., has started, from New York
City and is expected te meet the. body
west of Chicago.
; With Salves and;Lotioas..ButiUse
TtL: K: Si Poison, Oak ; Internal Antidote
Complete treatment consists of a pleasant inter
rial antidote and a SQOlhingexternal'application
which is guaranteed to effect a prompt cure or we
will furnish free medical advice for diagnosis.
Complete Treatment JMaHed Prepaid, on receipt of $1.50 addressed to
P- O.. Box. 76
Hood River, Ore.
If- 1 i J .
If you kruw. what you need come- m this week
and avoid the rush.
All books are cash and .no book are returnable.
The Book' and, Art Store
Oregon Fruit Crop Report
(F. L. Kent, U. S.. Agricultural SUt-
Except where irrigation is praeticed
it is believed that the long continued
dry weather will result in small sized
fruit (applet, pears, and prunes.) A
month ago we estimated the Oregon
commercial apple crop at 5,645 car
loads, and the commercial pear crop at
about 1,300 carloads. - The prevailing
weather conditions will quite likely re
duce these crops. Prunes continue to
drop, even in some , of the best culti
vated orchards, and: the small sises
will doubtless predominate at harvest
time. The. production of cherries was
much below- normal, particularly the
Hoyal Ann crop in the western part of
the state. The Lane. County Royal
Ann production has been estimated at
only about one third that of last year,
loganberries ripened very quick ly due
to the hot dry davi at picking time,
resulting in fruit of inferior quality.
and an abnormal demand for- pickers.
The marketed yield per acre was much
below the average this yeas. .-.
i The supply of farm labor, for the
harvest season has hardly been equal
to the. demand. The. wheat crowing
districts have drawn on the Portland
labor supply .to a considerable extent.
The Heppner district, for - instance,
''imported" about 100 men prior to
August 1, in addition to those who
came in without special request The
wage scale adopted at the .beginning of
the seaion has been fairly . well main
tained. Common . labor is be ins paid
43 to $3.50 per day.
' Miss Roberts' Enejosat Announced,
Miss Dale Roberts, daughter of Mrs.
May Roberts, at a luncheon tendered
to 16 friends at the Columbia Gorge
Hotel Monday, announced ber engage
ment to Richard G. Scearee, eon of
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Scearce, of AIo
sier. Mrs. Srearc and M rs- Roberts
aided Mtss Roberts in receiving. The
wedding will be an event of early fall.
Mis Roberta is a graduate of the
Hood River high school. Mr. Scearce,
University of Oregon man, is an over
seas w sr veteran.
Siib.Mex' StamBs
Card of Thiab
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our friends and neighbors
for their kind aid and expressions of
sympathy during our recent bereave
ment at the time of the death and
burial of our husband, father and Fon.
r per tally do we wish to thank those
who sent'beautiful floral tributes. We
wiil evrr treasure in ou memory the
kindness and aid cf roeiAbera ef the
Masooic Lodre.
Helen T. Hull
and Daothters,
Mrs. Eleaoor IlulL
, Fifteen boxes of apples were received
by freight' Monday (from: Portland for
the Phoenix Utility Company's camp
on Hood i river, t Freight office men
were astoniehed on observing the rub
ber stamp markings on the boxes to
find the ftuit had been grown by three
Hood Krvermen: F. H. BIagg, W; II
Furrow and L. L. Gooch.
The. apples had been purchased by
John- Sheridan Portland -commission
man, who shipped them back to Hood
River, f when the camp, commissary,
planning appie pies lor its men, was
unable to secure a sufficient quantity
01 apples iron? local growers. '
t -f
1 . 1 11 li 11',1 M i l H III!
f Althoogh soore of local nimrods left
hunday for the wilds of this county.
H erman Preeee. veteran, sportam an of
the uah Lrrove district,- who has not
failed in killing a deer in the past 10
years, brought in the season s first
buck, a 6-point animal yesterday. Mr.
r'regge was accompanied toahe Mount
Defiance region, where the deeriwas
killed with a single shot, by Geo. W.
Baker, Barrett orchardist Telling of
the hunt,' Mri Baker savs : -
"We eianted the -animal a little after
daybreak. First a beautiful doe walked
nimbly from the brush into the cleared
space, on one side of which we were
waiting. We watched her for a time
and then . Mr Pregge. made., a slight
noise and she made 20 feet the first
leap... Her departure., was -sudden and
exciting, j I almost wanted to let out a
yell. We 'remained absolutely quiet,
however, and soon the. buck; cam into
view. , Mr. . Pregga1 laid ,him low with
a bullet through the back of the head."
It is the opinion of C. E. Graves
that early steps must be taken to ex
terminate English i sparrows, now ap
pearing: here in swapmaif tbe valley
have any song. birds left. He suggests
the use of sparrow traps in catching
tbe invaders.-.
Tbe sparrows it is ; declared.: have
appeared at moat fity and rural homes.
Children's Jbird " boxes,. occupied in. for
mer seasons by blue birds, wrens and
field sparrows, have been seized this
season by the. trespassers. -
Mr. andJMrs. J. ' A. Abraham, of 'Ab
erdeen, Wash:, off on- a long-automo
bile tour, who pasfed ; through here
Friday, did not leave their pets to the
care of neighbors They bad them all
with them. On the .. top of bagagge
filling the entire tonneau, sat Laddie,
a clever looking Scotch collie. In a lat
ticed box on a running- board Miss
MuiIet, a Maltese cat. i was stretched
at full length watching the pedestrains
pass on Hood Rives streets..; Her two
six-weeks old kittens played over ber.
Our pets, have learned to.enjoy mo
toring almost, aa much) as Mr. A bra
ham .and I, said Abe mistress of the
Trolling for silversidos-and chinook
a! mon in the Columbia at the mouth
of the White Salmon river has become
popular sport with local anglers.
Daily several large. fish arc caught on
Small trout lods.i Landing the big fish
on the -small tackle often requires
more than half an hour. Dr.- L. L.
Murphy , caught . two big chinook last
H. O. Kresge, pioneer in the trolling
in the larger stream for the game fish,
has just put into commission a motor
launch j which makes the fishing much
more convenient than front a, row
i Hood River has shown no greater, in
teres t in a newly arrived automobile
this year than in the Big Six Speedster
now being demonstrated by the Camer
on Motor Co. It is a beautiful ma
chine, and those who have had the
pleasure of a ride in it, declare that
its motor ia a wonder..- Thei machine
sells for S2.075 in Hood River.
i Sixty , horse-power, six-cylinder mo
tor with detachable head and two
range carburetor. Plenty of power
ana speed.
Graceful body lines. Generous wheel
bage126 inches: long, semi-elliptic
springs." Body painted in Studebaker
Blue with black hood, blue wheels.
gold striping on louvres.
Upholstered - in high grade,, hand
buffed, bright-finished,. French-plaited
leather. The deep, soft front seat has
the correct tilt and affords ample leg
room.. The rear seat is divided in tbe
renter' by a large upholstered arm
rest, which provides utmost comfort. Z
Six disc wheels one. on each iront
fender both extra - wheels complete
with cord tires, and tubes. Substantia
and good-Jooking bumpers, front and
- Trunk and trunk rack at the rear
The trunk is roomy and specially made
for motor car travel, hxtra luggage
can be carried on top of trunk without
marring body, - becauseof protecting
vertical bars. These bars are made of
a special non-tarmshing metal.
. intermediate transmission easy
shifting, positive, noiseless. Dry-plate
oisc clutch positive and easy acting,
beventeen-gallon gasoline a.tank-vacu
urn feed.
Massive headlights, with artistic
cowl lamps and tail lamp to match
Tonneau light with .convenient exten
sion cord.
Built-in,- thief-proof transmission
lock, ignition lock, and lock on tool
compartment in left front door all op
crated witn same -Key..
Clear-vuion, orfe -piece windshield.
wind shield i wiper, jeweled eight-dav
ClocK, cowl ventilator.
A coyote whioh went foraging along
the Columbia River Highway near
Rowena the other night paid for its
boldness with its life, although the
death dealing automobilejhad to- get tip
a speed oi 40 miles an hour to overtake
the fleeing animal.
Asher-Winkler and Guv Phett place.
of The Dalles, were riding near Row
ena when the half grown coyote, with
a fat henin its jaw,- suddenly stepped
into the road directly, in front of the
glaring lights. The coyote turned and
ran straight ahead of the car, but was
run down finally., Winkler collected
$4 bounty.
Fishing on the Lake Branch and Up
per West Fork of Hood river is fine,
according to . B. L. Clark, who landed
the limit the ether-day. Perry - E.
Wells also caught the limit of trout.
Mr. Clark also landed a 29 inch
Rainbow trout, which weighed 1
pounds with an ordinary r trout rod and
ine. The big fish swallowed the small
trout hook, and Mr. Clark, by playing
it over 30 minutes, finally beached it.
ust as the fish reached the bar the
leader parted,- and Mr.- Clark-saved- it
only by grasping the .Rainbow, with his
bands. .
A tragedy was played out back stage
at the Rialto theatre the- other-night,-wben
"Pansy." kitten . mascot was
dragged inta &. huge, .ventilating, fan..
The little cat was literally ground into
mincemeat. Cat fur skin and entrails
were wrapped about electrical wiring,
causing a short that stopped the fan,
injured -electrical - equipment- and - al
most caused a fire. -
Pane y had .climbed to a narrow shelf
before the big ventilating fan. railing
for a nap, and was. sucked into tbe
mechanism by the strong, current.
Loop Road Progress Noted -
Forest Supervisor Sherrard has left
for Portland following his. inspection.
with District Superisor Walters, of the
Mount Hood Loop Highway in the na
tional forest. Mr. Walters says it is
now possible to drive in an automobile
almost to Horsetbief Meadows,, where
the road crosses to the west bank of
the East Fork of Hood river. He does
not anticipate that the road will be
connected up with the old Barlow road,
nowever, before next spring.
"clashing crews will finish their
work, says Mr. Walters, '"as thev
only bave a Jink of five miles, to com
plete. Tbe Shotwell Construction Co,
is making rapid progress in rocking
the road already graded. A total of
two miles has already been surfaced
The rock makes ideal surfacing."
Ladders For Rough Ground
tiardie ladders are built for use in
orchards where the conditions are such
that only the best equipment can with
stand the rtrain and hard usage to which
they are subjected. . An extra wide bace
and special strong construction are used
Bennett Brothers. alOtf
Lost Dog -Small
black dog with white legs
License tag on collar.- ' Please-tele
phone Mrs. Page, No. 6412 or Mrs.
Church, No. 5413.
! Choice Blooms of the Best
'Varieties, 50c and 75c per doz.
1109 Prospect Ave., near 12th St.
Hood River, Oregon
Visitor cordially welcome.
Among the fortunate Hood River
unters Monday were J. G Vogt and
Fd Button, who motored to the head
of Rock creek. near Mosier where.tbey
bagged, three grouse. On the return
journey the men met a rattlesnake in
the road, lhei reptile, dispatched by
Mr. Button armed with a fence post.
bad 10 rattMa-arule-buttorw
Dr. ft. L. Nichol. of Mosier, who
operates commercial fish- - trap and
nets in tbe Columbia river, was here
at week with an 80-pound sturgeon
caught 'near Memaloose island. The
lg hsh became entangled . in a net.
Tbe rtgbt to land it lasted 30 minutes.
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts male by Oregon Abstract Coro
rsny, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 205
Oak MrwL Fbooe 1521. jyW-U
Wm. MarhsaU. bold , the record for
anding chinooks at the mouth of the
hite Salmon river. . Casting hia spin
ners frm tbe bar there the other day
booked six huge fish. Mr. Marshall
landed four of the beauties.
upen seaons ior ureg. n tnis year
are as follows: Deerr Augovt 20 to
31 ; grouse. August 20 to Se;.Lember
20; native pbeaar,t. August 20 to
September 20. and China pheasant.
October 15 to 3L
Dick lister and Terry E. Wells,
returned Monday from tie Lost Ike
country, where they bagred. ajarge
buck. Mr. Wll. who tbot the deer,
will leave soon for a bunt in rentral
Ice Creams, l.-es sn.l Drink. Ir
Cream for partis, dinners and sprial
occatobs. Tu Plrt-asanu jt-ltf
Friday, Aug;25th
Mystery, Comedy and Magic
including- a fine big-
Playing the Mnsic.
Program at 8:(K) sharp
Admission, 25c, 50c and $1.0
"rep! Eh, Eddie? It's
the hattery. It gels
Te stinghouse Atten
tion regularly the
different kind of bat-
tery service . rendered
a ("cade Avteoa
Mrs. Walter Wells
Lesni given at jour Lunte,
Cred.te te Htfch School Students.
Phone 4723.
Odd Piece
To make room for our
large new stock of
and Rugs
which we will offer
to. the people of Hood
River and community
early, in . September,
compels us to dispose
of our presents stock
at unusually, low
prices. .
$19.00. Large -Upholstered
' Rocker at
$18,00 Solid Oak.
Leather Seat Rocket at
$1 1 .95
$12.00 Solid Oak
Rocker at
-$5.00 Solid Oak Dining
Chairs at
$3.00 Hardwood Dining
Chairs at
$19.00, Dressers
$35.00 Solid Oak Buffet
! $21.Q0f
$45.00 Solid Oak China
Cabinet at
$16.50)2-in Post Steel
Beds at;
Couches, Go Carts,
Rugs, Pillows, Cribs,
and many other items at
greatly reduced prices.
.This is your opportunit!
to make a big saving
See Oun Windows