The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 10, 1922, Image 4

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i 1
The Baking Powder that Gives
the Best Service in Your Kitchen
rm nr n n nnnr
f f t i i 3 I I I i II lit U if 1
astcl WlaolecoEae FesaHc
M Failures
When a "Big and Cheap"
can of baking powder is
offered you LOOK OUT.
Every can of Calumet is
the same keeping Qual
ity Perfect last spoon
ful good as the first.
The World's
riiuMi f
No Waste
The moderate cost of
Calumet combined with
the highest merit estab
lishes the greatest of
baking powder economy.
You save when you buy it
DEST BY TEST MVC Hiici1 uo u
Greatest Baking Powder
Personal shopping has advantages over ordering from the
homo. Some think only of the trouble, but they have a change
of mind after they try personal shopping on account of the sav
ings. It's enjoyable, brightens up the week like those big red
apples brighten up the sideboard gives the table a touch which
the home shopper misses.
Consolidated Mercantile
Successful Graduates
Arc the Best Recommendation of
O. A. C.
This institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard education
at a cost within reach of the hih school graduate.
It offers training for colltniate decrees in :
Mint $
Commi rcc.
l'nyiiiu ring and
Home Evonomwt
Mechanic Art
It offers training alao in :
cation, Iinlustiinl Journal)?!!!.
I 'tici'itnrtl Education
'hnnical Engineering
Military Science and 'j'actict
The School of Music, riiy&iral Klu-
Fall Term Opens September 18.
For circulars of information and illn-trit.-d iM,..klet write to
The Registrar, Orcpron Agricultural College
Corvallis, Oregon
We just
some new
BOOKS of late de
signs of Interior Fin
ish. Come and look
them over before
We are at your service for
all kinds of
A fresh and complete stock
always on hand.
The Hood River Market
A. r. DAVENrOKT, Prop.
Phone 43H
Our Motto:
our self-starter.
Lumber Co.
Because of the interest the Oretron
Experiment Station and the depart
ment of horticulture of the Oregon
Agricultural College have taken in the
development of the fruit industry of
the Hood Kiver valley and because of
the annual large attendance of local
boys and girls at the great state col
lege, Hood River folk are probably as
well acquainted with Corvallis. the
home of O. A. C, as the population of
any county in the commonwealth. O.
A. C. is a name so freauentlv heard
here and so often are faculty members
and experiment station officials among
the apple growers of the valley that
most local citizens, even though thev
nave never been near the thriving Wii
lamette valley city or browsed on the
great campus, think they know all
about the town and college.
Jt takes a lournev down into the
heart of this creat Willamette valley.
with its o.OOO.WO-aere agricultural em
pire, to eret a real comprehensive idea
oi the magnitude of the landed wealth
lying in northern Oregon between the
Cascades and the Coast range or to
know from personal touch the import
ance of O. A. C. or the progressive
enterprise of the residents of Corval
lis, among whom for nine months each
year nearlv 4.000 of our own bovs and
girls and those from some 38 other
states and 15 foreign territories and
nations reside. A leisurely visit to
the campus of O. A. C. strolls ud and
down its wide avenues and an inspec
tion of its lecture halls, laboratories
and workshops will cause us to read
with an understanding the following
foreword of a recent booklet issued by
the college.
'What charm and color the old fa
miliar campus gave to our college life I
What memories it stamped upon the
parchment of our minds I
L.1KO mirrors, men ana women re
fleet their surroundings. Mind and
body give back the impressions of the
immediate environment. The Greeks
grew beautiful in the midst of natural
beauty. The Italians, under limpid
BKies ana in a clear, soft atmosphere.
developed a genius of line and color.
the New bnglanders, on their stern
and rock-bound coast, evolved a char
acter of relentless and substantial no
bility. The people of the vast plains
acquire a freedom and breadth of
movement unknown, and often uncon
genial, to the dwellers in more crowd
ed quarters. Aspiration clings about
the mountain top, and majesty inhabits
the drapery of the shore.
"A college campus often becomes
the dearest remembrance of a life
time. Like home, it calls to the imag
nation or the youth who has once
learned to love it; and through all his
later years becomes a hallowed shrine
of recollection. With the change of
season his heart goes out to it; and in
times of annual teunion his steps turn
toward it as the sailor's toward the
"The Oregon Agricultural College
has a beautiful campus. Though only
thirty-five years have passed since the
campus knoll wsa selected and the cor
nerstone of the first building was laid,
those years have been rich with the
associations that make a campus inter
eating ana with the changes that give
it dignity and charm. Honest sacri
fices have made its acres precious,
The losses of two wars have sanctified
it. Dramatic crises that have threat
ened its existence as a campus have
reared up noble champions in its de
fense. And thousands of ittidents,
having blessed it by their best en
deavors while they lived here, have
successively gone forth from its gate-
wsya dedicating their lives to the pur
poses for which it stands and the ideals
it has taught them to uphold."
A visit to this great seat of learn
ing, which is by no means just a cow
college, as so many, who have no real
acquaintance with its curriculum or
purpose, seem to think it, should be
taken by every citizen, and more es
pecially by those who are taxpayers,
An earnest, close study of the history
of O. A. C, will reveal that it is one
of the leading institutions of its kind
in the nation, and that its affairs have
been administered with exceeding
economy, despite the onsalughts that
have been made in recent months bv
demagogues scouting to arouse antip
athies and secure votea of the unwary,
The 15th annual convention of the
Oregon State Editorial Association was
recently held at Corvallis. it was
really an 0. A. C. affair, for the visit
ing newspaper men were billeted at
Snell Hall, a magnificent new woman's
dormitory, and the sessions of the
meeting were all held in the college
library, the visitors were dined and
feted at Waldo Hall and in the banquet
room of the Domestic Science building.
They had an opportunity to move for
a time in the college atmosphere
Manv of them inspected laboratories
and shops, cow barns and poultry
yards. I hey saw how O. A. C. com
bines practice and theory. They began
to realize why it is a center of learn
ing that inculcates a higher and more
serviceable form of citizenship. Ihey
returned home determined to help fight
its battles.
Corvallis owes much to the state at
large because of the circumstances
that have placed one of the nation's
greatest colleges in its confines, but
no citizens of the state realize this
more keenly than do these selfsame
Corvallis people. When one stops to
give analysis to the situation, it will
tie seen that the task, for a compara
tively small city, to keep pace with an
institution of higher education of the
magnitude of O. A. C. naturally pre
sented some problems in local taxation
and finance. Corvallis citizens were
beneficiaries of the huge annual sum
spent from state appropriations and by
students, but they might have been
selfish : thev might have taken as much
as was available and have given a min
imum in return. This was not the
Corvallis wav. The town, without os
tentation but in a subntaitial manner
has built along with the college. It is
the second fastest growing city in Ore
gon, its tiulation now reaching 6,000.
Corvallis has no slums and the for
eign clement is conspicuous by its ab
sence, mojt of the retidentt being na
tive Americans of the better class. In
addition to the usual business enter
prises, then are 11 churches, four of
which have vry large buildings; a
high school with over 50 students;
three grade schools; three banks, with
combined deposits of over f 2,000,000 ;
three creameries; a sawmill, brick
yard, cannery and flouring mill; a
semi weekly and a daily newspaper;
10 miles of paved streets; pure sprirg
water pijed from the mountain; auto
park; live commercial club; strong
fraternal societies: women's club with
;00 member ; and the best fire depart
roent in the state.
Lint year the college erected two!
large tu,!d; and extensive additions
to three r ther ; one is no in the
course f construction and others
planned to accommodate the ever
widening stream of students. A $75,
(. theater. J".(HX bcepitsl, three
buires 1 locks and scores cf substan
tial residences complete the year's
building (rc gram. One hundred, thous
and dollars is being expended to im
prove the water system and a dozen
blocks of streets are being paved. The
Methodist church is to construct a
$100,000 edifice and the Church of
Christ one costing around $40,000 next
year. All these public and private im
provements, together with others be
ing planned for, will increase the price
of property there and the desirability
of Corvallis as a place to live and en
gage in business.
Provided the local motorist travels
by way of the Base Line road, Gresh-
am Jand Powell Valley and thence to
Oregon City, Corvallis is less than 150
miles from Hood River. A jaunt down
to this seat of learning is a journey
worth while for any Hood Kiver motor
ist. Lxcept for about a mile and a
half on the Base Line road and the 12
mile distance from Albany to Corval
lis, the entire 150 miles are now paved,
These macadam stretches, a little
rough, especially after the fine driving
over paved highways, will soon be
A journey to Corvallis, which will
carry one across the finest section of
the Willamette valley, extensive berry
tracts near Salem, hopyards, where
the trellised vines will soon be filling
with blossoms, wheat, oat and barley
neias and dairy farms on a scale im
possible in the mountainous valleys,
such a trip, by its very contrast with
the wild grandeur of our own high
ways, is soothing and restful to the
local resident. Just as the Willamette
valley resident, although he may know
of the superb quality of the Hood
River apple, will never have a compre
hensive idea of our intense methods of
cultivation, until he comes here to
feel the real appeal of our charming
small valleys and the closeness of our
mountains ; just so will we never sense
the magnitude of the Willamette val
ley or the greatness of its actual or
potential wealth until we tour there
among its residents. Instead of hieing
olt to seaeoast or mountains for the
entire time, it will profit us to spend
at least a part or the vacation period
studying the state s biggest valley.
Ice general idea seems to be that
the Willamette valley grows hotter
than our local summertime climate,
In reality it is cooler. During the
week of the editorial association con
vention, was almost too hot
for comfort here, it was cool enough
at Corvallis and Salem for an overcoat
when motoring after dark.
Oregon s great system of motor
highways, it is true, have been built
as a lure for the motor tourist from
other states, and they are finding these
paved boulevards, too. If you do not
believe it, pet out and count the for
eign cars. You will run out of figures
on the California visitors alone. But
we of the home state have not bene
fited by them as we should unless we
put them to full use, visiting around
among ourselves. Such journeys are
leavening, lhey take the conceit out
of us. We learn that ours is not the
only hospitality, that our industries
may be dwarfed by those of citizens of
Hume inner counties, we snume out
from under the cloak of sectionalism
and learn how to consider state prob
lems from a broader statewide view
point. The Corvallis convention of the
Oregon btate Lditorial Association in
a large measure exerted just such an
influence. And besides, the members
of no state organization ever had a
more enjoyable time, for the Corvallis
citizens and members of the faculty of
O.' A. C. seem to know how to make
their guests fill to overflowing each
moment of their stay. Thev were
quietly and unobtrusively busy all the
time supplying entertainment features,
and that Oregon city, at future con
ventions, that allows the state's edi
tors to depart for their homes after
greater pleasures than were theirs at
Corvallis is going to merit a SDecial
Hot Weather Diseases
Disorders of the bowels are extreme
ly dangerous, particularly during the
hot weather of the summer months,
and in order to protect yourself and
family against a sudden attack, get a
bottle cf Chamberlain's Colic and Di
arrhoea Remedy. It can be depended
upon. Many have testified to its excellence.
Notice of Sherirrs Sale
In the Circuit Court, of the State of
Oregon for Hood Riverl County.
The First National Bank, Hood Riv
er, Oregon, Plaintiff, ;vs. Oscar Van
derbilt and Barbara Vanderbilt. De
Notice is hereby given that in ac
cordance with an execution and order
or sale issued out of the above entitled
court by the clerk thereof, dated the
Ath day of July. 1922. to me directed.
on a decree or foreclosure in favor of
the plaintiff, 'lhe First National Bank.
Hood Kiver, Oregon, and aeainst the
defendants. Oscar Vanderbilt and Bar
bara Vanderbilt. entered the 26th riv
of July, 1922, wherein the said plain-
tilt recovered judgment against the
above name defendants for the sum of
$4,000, with interest at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the
14th day of December. 1921. together
with the further sum of $250 attor
ney's fees and for plaintiff's costs and
disbursements, taxed at $12.50. and for
the foreclosure of plaintiff's said mort
gage in said suit described ;
1 will on Saturday, the 2Gth day of
August, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
the front door of the court house, in
the City of Hood River, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder.
cash in hand, all the rieht. title and
interest which the said defendant!.
Oscar Vanderbilt and Barbara Vander
bilt, had on the 14thday of June, 1921,
or have since acquired in and to the
following described real property in
Hood River County, Oregon, to-wit:
The west half of the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter, and
the west half of the east half of the
southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section 23, Township 2
North. Range 10 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, containing 30 acres,
more or less, with 75 shares of the
capital stock of the Vanderbilt Orchard
Co. ;
said property will be sold subject to
the usual right of redemption.
Dated and first published and posted,
this 27th dav of July, 1922.
jy2724 Thos. F. Johnson.
Sheriff, Hood River County, Oregon.
Notice of Final Account and Settlement
of Estate j
Notice is hereby given that the un-!
dersigned R. C. Glanville, Administra- I
tor with the will annexed of the estate
of I'M ward N. Cook. Decemed.
filed in the County Court of Hood River ;
County, Oregon, his final account ard
report as such Administrator and said
court has by order named and fix! ;
Kridav, the 11th dav of AucusL l'2i
at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m.. at the 1
county court room in Hood River. Ore-!
gon, as the time and place for bearing
on said report and account and objec
tions thereto, if any there be.
Dated Hood River, Oregon, July 11. !
R. C Glanville.
Administrator. C T. A., of the Es
tate cf EJward N. CooH Deceased.
Pleasure seekers, by the score are going,
the merry throng?
Why not join
I (li'nes j
Go and enjoy the delights of these charming seashore resorts.
Write for copy of onr beautiful folder "Oregon Outdoors." It is
brimming full of details about resorts including hotel und cottage information.
For further particulars, ask local agent, or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON
HAVE you tried the Grange Store-"Your
Store ?" If not, better give us a call.
We satisfy the most paticular and
our prices and goods are the best.
Special for the week-
Carsten's T. C. Lard
5's 95c - 10's $1.85
Premium Hams
10-12 36c lb.
Grange Co-operative Store
Telephone 2151
aily Service
Portland to The Dalles
Fare to Portland $1.25 one way.
"SaJ'fc?- D0ck T,IE DALLES-Wharf Boat
broad ay 6343 Main 2m
! I I I
D a S,l?rT J''?1 HousAwife. ever stop to think that
Inon rip i. ar, a Inwirur n trtc-, . 3 .
... cii t ou'''-l bailie eas y prepared
r shelves. Just trv thi, trl p
tufcfcluuil uut.
meal from
Phone 2134
Office Supplies of All Kinds
OF 50CIAI VTA-nrwr
v . i v uij,i ir I
IOR THE DI5CR!.MIATlr. dfaVifd
II we iMVon't
ot It, we'll $ct It for
The Book
and Art Store
Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier Offi