HOOD RIVER GLACIEK. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1022 LARAWAY MEETS R. W. KELLY GIVES' CRITES IS NAMED OLD IOWA FRIEND II. R. II. S. PRINCIPAL rr W W1 - h-: f UNIFORMITY Every gallon like u - - - j ii other gallon. Every drop ca pable of vaporizing rapidly and uniformly in the carbu retor, and being consumed completely in the cylinder at the jump of the spark. That's "Red Crown." That's quality in gasoline. Use "Red Crown" and nothing else, and your car will develop the maximum power that its makers de signed it to give. Fill at the Red Crown (-Ti r, sign at Service Stations, lhe GaSOJine garages, or other dealers. Of QuQlitV STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 1 no ciormicK mowers and Rakes REDUCED McCormick Machines have been built continuously since 1831 It will pay you to investigate this price reduction. The Hood River Fruit Co. The Beauty of Cut Glass Its tinkle and the sparkle of its crystal clearness. What is more attractive for the setting of a summertime table? See our stocks. Our Cut Glass and Silverware offerings can not be bettered In any lar&e met ropolitan jewelry store. W. F. LARAWAY RELIABLE JEWELER Anderson Undertaking Co. C C. ANDERSON. Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 415 OAK STREET PHONE IJM S. E. BARTME55 FUNERAL DIMOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER LUtmed with Oregon's first class of Enbalmers. Ptroe I3SI, 3S2I HOOD RIVER. OREGON Last week W. F. Laraway was cross ing Oak street when an automobile bearing a Nebraska license plate passed. "Omaha?" cried Mr. Laraway. "You hit it right," replied the driver, halting. And then as he peered more closely at the pedestrian, he ex claimed, protlering his hand: "If it ain't my old friend. Laraway, It developed that the motor tourist was John Martin with whom Mr. Lar away had been associated in business in Glenwood, la., 30 years ago. Mr. Martin and his family are out on a long tour heading for Los Angeles. The visitors tarried awhile and the old f (iends and business associates held a pleasant reunion. K. of P. Band on Vacation For the first time since it was organ ized two years ago, the Knights of Fythias band is taking a vacation. Members of the musical body, now noted as one of the leading aggrega tions in this section of the Northwest, since they held their tirBt meeting have been attending rehearsals from one to three times weekly. "We are now having a two-week lay off." savs Manager brazeau. "I hope the boys will not get out of the habit and that I will not have to exert my self in getting them together again when vacation day is over." Cause of Appendicitis When the bowels are constipated, the lower bowels or large intestines be come packed with refuse matter, that is made up largely or germs, inese germs enter the vermiform appendix and set up inflammation, which is com monly known as appendicitis. Take Chamberlain's Tablets when needed and keep your bowels regular and you have little to fear from appendicitis. Notice ot Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood Riyer. Jessie I. Luther and Julia K. Fer guson, Plaintiffs, vs. David I. Stone, Eber K. Pradley and Sarah A. Brad ley, Defendants. by virtue of a writ of execution in foreclosure, duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hood Uiver County, Oregon, on the 8th day of July, 1922, in a certain suit wherein Jessie I. Luther and Julia E. Fergu son are plaintiffs and David I. Stone, Eber K. Bradley and Sarah A. Bradley are defendants, whrein the plaintiff, Jessie M. Luther, recovered judgment on June 6th, 1922, against the defend ant, David I. Stone, for the sum of $2,000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from February 1st. 1921. and the plaintiff, Julia E. Ferguson, recovered judgment on the same day against the said de fendant for the sum of $500.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from February 1, 1921, and said plaintiffs recovered judgment for the further sum of $250.00 as attorney's fees.Jand $12.00 as disbursements, which Baid writ of execution commands me, as sheriff, to make sale of the property therein de scribed, and hereinafter described, to satisfy said judgements, Notice is hereby given, that I will at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon on the 12th day of August, 1922, at the east front door or the County Court House in the City of Hood Riv er, iiood Kiver uounty, uregon, sen at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property situated in Hood River Coun ty, Oreogn, towit: All of the worm nan ot tne aoutn west quarter; the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the South west Quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 1 North of Ranee 9 East of the Willamette Merid ian, containing lfiO acres, more or less, according to the Government survey. or so much thereof as may be neces- f arv to satisfy said judgments in full, with accruing costs. Said property shall be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as provided by law. Dated July 8th, 1922. jyl3al0 Thomas F. Johnson, Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. The Pheasant Where you will find the most appetizing Steaks, Chops and Roasts tender and juicy-cooked to perfection-and served " with a variety of piquant sauces ICES -ICE CREAMS -DRINiKS The Pheasant 1IEIGI1TSJITNEY . Fare 15c each way Leave EefcLu al Earl E:tl Lmt Ii to i j Eeciiic Lidea. Oilwr drive at rravonaMe prices Of fice : Dec trie Kitchen Phone 1191 j. lie jjem auu wpr- shortly -develop in Hood Kiver. First ai I .' 1 ; .. will hn C ' (i 1 1 . i on me snipping "p" jacn etein apples, the d'Anjou pears and other varieties of Bpples will quickly follow. Kelly Bros. Co. is already prepared for this season s business and its warehoune in Hood River has been improved and the capacity greatly en larged to handle additional fruit. Also at Odell this company will receive and load their apples at the Davenport warehouse, which is conveniently lo cated and which is large and commodious- . At the present time there is very little to be said about the coming apple season. Prices will not be established until dealers are generally buying. The Kelly Brothers customers are all again wanting apples and this is the rule for all customers for Hood Uiver apples. The season will progtcss and result all right unless growers and shippers consign the fruit and this will automatically stop dealers from buying as there is no necessity of buying apples as long as the trade has the fruit sent to it. This condition applies not only in general to this district but also to all districts in the Northwest. In brief this is some of the information gleaned by R. W. Kelly at Seattle where he attended the apple shippers' convention. Visitor Attracted to Canned Apples The visit here last year of A. J. Campbell, merchant of Scotland, who was tendered a dish of apples canned by the Hood River Canning Co., a substantial exhort trade is being de veloped. Mr. Campbell secured small samples of the Hood River apples, and on returning home wrote offering to place an order for 5,000 cans of New towns and Spitzenburgs, provided thev were packed in gallon tins. The com pany acted on his suggestion. A re peat order for a similar amount has been received. The local apples are proving very popular with family, hotel and restaurant trade. Hill Military Accredited The commanding officer of the Ninth Corps Area at San Francisco has sent a communication to the Hill Military Armlpmv of Portland, where a number of local boys are studens, in recognition of its military work, to the efTect that H. M. A. students will receive credits for drill in the colleges and universities in the K. U. I. U. Thin nrt.inn was taken following or ders from the War Department, and signed by Robert C. Davis, acting Ad-juant-General. Capt. Earl C. Hegel, U. S. A., has been assigned by the War npimrl merit to conduct the mili tary work of the academy a3 1'iofessor of Military Science and Tactics. Students will resume tneir arm lm mpflintelv in ion the onenintr of the fall session, September 18. Hunger the ((est Sauce Sauce is used to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way is to look to your digestion. When you have good digestion you are certain to relish your food. Chamberlain s Tablets improve the digestion, create a healthy appetite and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. The Pheasant and Oregon Hotel Di ning Room under same management. Club Breakfasts Business Men's Lunch. Evening Dinner. Continuous Service, 0:30 A. M. to 11 P. M. leltf Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. . State Land Hoard ot tne Male oi Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Gertrude Van Voorhis-l'arker and fc. 11. t'arker, De-. fendants. To Gertrude Van Voorhis-Parker and E. H. Parker, the above named de fendants: You. and each of you are heieby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint in the above etuiiiea sun on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: On or before the 2oth day of August, 1922. If you fail so to appear and answer, judgment will be taken against you, and each of you, for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit: For the foreclosuie of that cer tain mortgage, made and executed by the otfendanti Gertrude Van Voorlm and B. E. Van Vooihis to the plaintiff, the State Land Board of the State of Oregon, dated the 1st day of April, Hill, recorded Vol. 5, pge Jhb, ot Mortgages, Hood River County, Ore gon, securing the promissory note ot said last named defendants for the sum of $1500 of even date therewith, due one year after said date; and for the further sum of $1C0 attorney's fees; and for plaintiff's costs and dis bursements in this suit, and for a de cree of this court forever barring you, and each of you of all right, title and interest, in, and to said mortgaged prenvses, to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Four, in Townthip Two North, Range Ten East of the Willamette Meridian, containing twenty acres, more or less; aleo all your right, title and interest in that certain private roadway from the tract above de scribed across the south half of the nurthwett quarter of said Section 4 to the County Road, which roadway is more particularly described in two cer tain deeds from John Leland Hender son and wife to Fred N. Bornbecker, one of said deeds being recorded in Book 37 at page 5U5 and the other of said deeds being recorded in Book 3'J at page Is:?, of the Records of Deeds of V asco County, State of Oregon ; al so all c f jour rikjht, title and interest in that certain roadway across the east end of the south half of the northwest quarter cf the northwest quarter of said Section 4. above described, to the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 4, and which road right of wav is described in deed from Samuel C. Elliott and wife to 15. E. Van Voorhis recorded in Rec ords of Defda of Hood River County. Oregon, in Book 3, pace 2'S; there is also exempted from this mortgage a five foot right of way heretofore eon vejed to the Hood River Irrigation Di-tricL This nirrmona is published in the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspa per cf general circulation, t tinted ar.d pul I f bed at Huod River. Oregon, fur lit jrct!ve week", in accordance with the rrderef the Honorable H. L, Ha'brouck. Courty Julee of County Court of Hi River County, Oregon, dated the 12th day of Julv, UC2. re quirire you to appear and answer the eomi lamt bfrein on or before .the lh I 'ate of fcrtt put bration of this mm nvr.s is July IS, I.-22. A. J. Derby, Attorney f-r Fiair.tifT, i jj :2aI4 Hood River, Oregon. Following the resignation of B. II. Conkle, principal for the past two years, J. W. Crites, who was formerly in charge of the school for a number of vears, was elected princiual of the Hood River high school. Mr. Conkle has accepted the principahihip of a union high school in the Milton-Free-water district. E. Tinglestad, formerly principal of the high Bchool at Maddork, N. D., ha been appointed to . the chuir if math ematics in the local school. At the North Dakota town he developed a school band that won renown. He will organize a band among the students here., "The city school faculty is now com plete," says Superindentent Cannon. "I think we have the strongest lot of teacheis we have ever engaged. Our school this year will not open until the Tuesday following Labor Day, as this extra week of vacation will enable us to have the new junior high school ready for occupancy. A number" of improvements in the school structures of the city have been completed during the summer months." FOREST FIRE DRIVES OUT WILD ANIMALS The Herman creek forest fire, which burned over hundreds of acres of the Columbia river brakes, the wildest re gion in this section of the Cascades, has driven out scores of deer, bear ard other wild animals, according to Gil bert Edgington and Herman Pregge, who for the past two weeks have been engaged continuously as packers for crews lighting the fires. Wild animals, according to the packers, are fairly swarming around North and Rainy lakes west of Mount Defiance, where firefighters conquered the big burn. "Three days ago." said Mr. Edging ton, here Thursday to secure supplies, "Mr. Pregge was swimming in Hainy Lake when he heard a splash behind him. Glancing back over his shoulder be was surprised to see a big bear, which had jumped from a high bank, sporting like an enthusiastic being in the cool waters of the lake. Bruin paid no attention to Pregge bqt re mained close in shore. The big bear, Mr. Pregge said, stood erect and slapped the water over his head and shoulders with his forepaws with ap parently the greatest of pleasure. "I myself have seen many deer and several bear on North Lake. The other day a fawn was seen along the Columbia River Highway just weit of the. city. The animals seem confused as a result of ttie fire. Somehow or other they seem to know that we men are fighting to control the fire and they show no fear of us. " Mr. Edgington reports that the latt outpost of the fire, although controlled is still burning cn the east slope of Mount Defiance. He says it swept the timber alonir Lindsay creek, which empties into the Columbia at Shell Rock mountain, clean. It was stopped on Gorton creek and the upper reaches of Lindsay. Indians Harvest Huckleberries Indians, who have been harvesting the fruit in the Green Point district, began marketing huckleberries here last week. The fruit is retailing for 40 cents per quart. The redskins say the hot, dry weather is resulting in injury to the berries on exposed hi!lsik's. The berries now offered are of the poorest quality seen here in many years. The huckleberries of the highlands around Lost Lake, not yet ripe, are said to be of their normal good quality. Efforts are beng made by local folk to have the forestry service open Zig-,Hg mountain, west of Lost Iake and in the Bull Run water reserve, about the middle of August. Hood River the cleanest town in the state. It can be if you will help tiy cleaning np your own place. After that a little fresh paint will do wonders. Entry Lumber & Fuel Co. a27tf Lawn Hose Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Best Brand . ii Cut to any length 11 MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING CAR ioi cord tire, r.ew battery, n-1 mwhanicalij in ir"l cosi-li-ti.in. in; of the in rn 1 tiob I Oaklan.i" an 1 an umi-tial valu at t! e pri ake 1. BENNETT BROTHERS v. THE UNIVERSAL CAFl FIXING FORDS ' that's our long suit, and years of experience have made us experts in fact, our Repair Department it running full capacity every day and some folks find it even profitable to call up our service manager in order to make an appointment for work to be done and thus avoid annoying delays. Undoubtedly the success of our shop is due not only to the quality of the work turned out but to our un qualified guarantee of satisfaction as well and in this connection we beg leave to introduce Mr. J as. Fene--more, our service manager. Most folks call him ''Jim" for short. Jim is a regular sleuth lor hunting trouble, that is, Ford trouble, and when a car leaves our shop and passes Jim's O. K. there isn't a speck of trouble left, for Jim is a hard fellow to please. Come in and get acquainted with Jim and ask him about Ford standard repair prices, lower than any automobile repair schedule in the world. CZ30EZD BARTOL-MANSFIELD MOTOR CO. Incorporated "The Home of Unusual Service." 1014. WE CALL AND DELIVER WE WILL MOVE MONDAY, AUGUST 7th TO One Eleven Second Street SOUTH OF OREGON HOTEL Meyer & Brazeau The City Tailors CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING P. OP iember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require- merits. Yours for prompt service. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY di:i:, oiu:(;ox General Blacksmithing WELDING Machine Work, Wagon Work, and especial attontion paid to work on Orchard and Farm Implements. Automobile Work zni the Repair cf Springs a Specialty. I will be kiad to ;roet my old Hood Paver friends again. W. L. UPSON Phone 2723 Twelfth Street BERRY GHOWEBS - FRUIT HEN-RANCHERS A i;gU ut J rv-k w,;' ry for it,cW k'unim,r- We ,live complete and rmciy to run, for a tmall price. !, l.,rna!,.m:. t-.J r-.vf.r.an, t,r.-. b..Jy. ir:dM,U-:d l-t,,,"1.i-::.V.V- m It.ic. I-:: V.;u ' , , . . , .... .tr; ;.g:it ml ..- r. ,,Vi:i 1 ;k uew.. -X) ' ' ' - . - . w. -It , . . ; i.i n'- i at coi hi !. ?! j . 1X j I .ii i V ! ! nl ! !; . ill o'IJ iHV'iroWv wmi 1 ton !' 2 t-.n IN i i ,..in-iy, .t !., t.i.e t. ..ly. en tr.c CM I)1 I.Si.i'l .n, Hut in-i-h'. i.l .'' l.t,. !,ih-i,i, ..v.- . t'-iv a-,1 t,r-, a - I tj-xtii.. ) . w i.m. 'i Miy an i i- . J 1M n at A i;;. 2 1. ill OV" Mti .iit'-r 21. hi I :,rkir l-i. n r.-l lid Many others All size THE WHITE COMPANY . 3J fi;r.t St.. PcrtUr.4 Ore. H:jlt h j.rir pai l lor .-ir n-i 1 furniture, (I'jvm aoJ r j. Call Mil' n t E. A. i ran Co. t.- d A. J. DLIiSY Lawyer ' J. 7. MORTON" j Attorney 2nd Counselor at Lsw I i - -1 lau-r, Or, n