339 O C3 2 O (S3 HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1022 RETARDING OF LOOP EASTERN OREGON JOHN BAKER'S FINE xcu BRINGS LOCAL REGRET GROWS HEAD LETTUCE RAISED BY FRIENDS T1 o wo ramo -ft." JIZ a2 It has been proved that as much as 20 of the power delivered to the driving wheels may be lost through friction, due to the use of an incor rect oil. This friction may be of two kinds the friction of metal on metal, due to the failure of the oil to preserve a lubricating film between the bear ing surfaces, or the friction of oil on oil the internal, molecular friction of the lubricant Too heavy an oil, or an oil lacking in "oiliness" the quality that makes it cling to the bearings while at the same time offering a minimum of internal or fluid friction constitutes a direct drain on the available horsepower of your motor. The right body at all operating temperatures Made from carefully selected crudes and scientifically refined by our patented high-vacuum process, Zerolene has great "oiliness." It clings to bearing surfaces, while offering in itself a minimum of fricdonal resistance to the engine power. Zerolene maintains the right lubricating body under all conditions. As the engine gets hot, bearing clearances decrease. Analysis of Zerolene shows that the variations in its body, at the various engine temperatures, follow in . close relation the decrease in bearing clearances. Because of their "oiliness," stability and purity, Zero lene oils give perfect lubrication and help to develop the maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage of the car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY California t more power speed less fiiction and wear thru Gomel lubrication IcCormick Mowers and Rakes REDUCED McCormick Machines have been built continuously since 1831 It will pay you to investigate this price reduction. The Hood River Fruit Co. The Beauty of Cut Glass Its tinkle and the sparkle of Its crystal clearness. What Is more attractive for the setting of a summertime table? See our stocks. Our Cut Glass and Silverware offerings can not be bettered In any lare met ropolitan Jewelry store. f W. F. LARAWAY RELIABLE JEWELER Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 415 OAK STREET. PHONE 1394 S. E. BARTMESS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMEB Licensed with Oregon's tlrst cla js of Embalmers. Phone I3SI, 3S2I HOOD RIVER. OREGON Business men and orchardists here generally express keen regrets over action of the board of commisaionera of Multnomah county last week in holding up the Mount Hood Loop pro gram by failure to meet the Mate Highway Commission in plans of sur facing the road in Clackamas county No forml action has been taken, most of the directors of the Commercial Club and other civic organizations are out of the city on vacation trips. The appeal of Hood River county citizens, however, was carried to Port land yesterday by Kev. Billy Sunday in an address before the Ad Club at a weekly luncheon. While the Multno mah county commissioners' decision is not expected to retard work of the valley trunk of the Loop Highway, which will serve as a market link be tween the Upper and Lower Valleys, it is feared that it may result in post ponement of the surfacing program within the Oregon National Forest, where grading crews are expected lo finish 17 miles of new road this summer. Small Fire Last Week The Volunteer fire department re sponded in time, at an early morning roof fire at the home of Harold Black- man last Friday, to limit damage to a small amount. The fire was started, it is presumed, from sparks from a kitchen chimney. Cause of Appendicitis When the bowels are constipated, the lower bowels or large intestines be come packed with refuse matter, that is made up largely of germs. These germs enter the vermiform appendix and set up inflammation, which is com monly known as appendicitis. Take Chamberlain's Tablets when needed and keep your bowels regular and you have little to fear from appendicitis. Notice ot Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Jessie I. Luther and Julia E. Fer guson, rlaintins, vs. David J. btone Lber R. Bradley and Sarah A. Brad ley, Defendants. By virtue of a writ of execution in foreclosure, duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Oregon, on the 8th day of July, 1922, in a certain suit wherein Jessie I. Luther and Julia E. Fergu son are plaintiffs and David I. Stone, Eber R. Bradley and Sarah A.' Bradley are defendants, whrein the plaintiff. essie M. Luther, recovered judgment on June 6th, 1922, against the defend- nt, David I. btone, for the sum of S2.000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from ebruary 1st, 1921, and the plaintiff, ulia E. Ferguson, recovered judgment on the same day against the said de fendant for the sum of 500.00, with nterest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, irom fepruary I. 1921, and said plaintiffs recovered judgment for the further sum of $250.00 as attorney's fees.Jand $12.00 as disbursements, which said writ of execution commands me, as sheriff, to make sale of the property therein de scribed, and hereinafter described, to satisfy said judgements. Notice is hereby given, that I will at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon on the 12th day of August, 1922, at the east front door of the County Court Hou9e in the City of Hood Riv er, Hood River County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property situated in Hood River Coun ty, Oreogn, towit: All of the North half of the South west quarter ; the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 1' North of Range 9 East of the Willamette Merid ian, containing 160 acres, more or less. according to the Government survey, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgments in full, with accruing costs. Said property shall be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as provided by law. Dated July 8th. 1922. jyl3al0 Thomas F. Johnson. Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. That the northern part of Harney countv and the Boice valley of Idaho i growing into one of the country's most notable trucking districts was the in formation brought here lapt week by Mayor W. H. Doolittie, of Ontario, who with J. W. McCulloch is tourin the state in behalf of plans palling for rail development of central Oregon Mr. Doolittie says that this section will have 5.000 acres set to head let tuce this fall, and that the tonnage of potatoes for the season is estimated at 15.000 cars. "We grow a superior quality of head lettuce." says Mr. Doolittie. "Its greatest value, however, anees from the fact that it is ready lor market in October, at a time when r:o other dis tnct is shipping this product., lt tuce men of California are die playing keen interest in our lettuce land, and the' bulk of our crop is marketed through their extensive distributing machinery. Some of our growers have realized as high as $700 per acre for their lettuce crops. We get our seed from California It is very valuable, costing severs dollars a pound. We received a ship ment not long ago, and the experiment station was asked to send an expert to test it. He drove to a warehouse to see the seed, but was informed that he would have to go to the bank. For safe keeping the seed had been placed in a safety deposit vault. The Pheasant Where you will find the most appetizing Steaks, Chops and Roasts tender and juicy-cooked to perfection-and served with a variety of piquant sauces ICES -ICE CREAMS -DRINKS The Pheasant New Rule for Bootleggers' Families The trend, according to local author ities, lere and in other counties has been for the families of convicted bootleggers to throw themselves on the county and peek public maintenance while heads of families are serving jail sentences. In instances, it is de clared, Hood River county has found it necessary to make appropriations for such indigents. In other cases the existence of dependent wives and chil dren has operated to secure a parole of prisoners. Judge llasbrouck states that no fur ther funds will be appropriated to maintain families of convicted boot leggers except they be willing to accept such aid at the Wasco county poor farm, where Hood River s indi gent poor are cared tor under an agreement between the two counties. Wheeler lias Flower Farm J. II. Wheeler, rancher, whose place 18 on the River road, between Dee and Tuckers Bridge, has started what is known as the Hood River Valley Flower Farm, He will specialize in the production of gladiolus bulbs. The harvest this fall, it is estimated, will provide 10,000 bulbs for market. Var ious other species of flowers, however, are being grown on a small scale, and the coloring of his blooming tracts now attracts the attention of motor tourists using the River toad. 12th St. Improvement Planned The city is taking steps to improve Twelfth street, the main thoroughfare leading from town to the West Side orchard district, by securing property from Mrs. Dolly Scott. Twelfth street makes a jog, at its intersection with May. street that is an annoyance to motorists. The Pheasant and Oregon Hotel Di ning Koom under same management. Club Breakfasts Business Men's Lunch. Evening Dinner. Continuous Kervice, 30 A. M. to 11 r. M. jeltf Summons HEIGHTS JITNEY Fare 15c each way L-jve Heights at Bart EoteL Leave don towi at Eectric Licks. Other drive at reasonable prices Office : Dectric Kitchen. Phone 1191 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County.- State Land Board of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Gertrude Van Voorhis-Parker and E. H. Parker, De fendants. To Gertrude Van Voorhis-Parker and E. 11. Parker, the above named de fendants : You, and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: On or before the 2Gth day of August, 1922. If you fail so to appear and answer, judgment will be taken against you. and each of you, for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit: for the foreclosure of that cer tain mortgage, made and executed by the defendants Oertrude Van Voorhis and B. E. Van Vooihia to the plaintiff, the State Land Board of the State of Oregon, dated the 1st day of April, l!lll. recorded Vol. 5, page 30ti, of Mortgages, Hood River County, Ore gon, securing tne promissory note oi said last named defendants for the sum of $1500 of even date therewith. due one year after said date; and for the further sum of 5150 attorney's fees : and for plaintiff s costs and dig bursements in this suit, and for a de cree of this court forever earring you. and each of you of all right, title and interest, in, and to said mortgaged prenrses. to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Four, in Township Two North, Range Ten East of the Willamette Meridian, containing twenty acres, more or less; bIho all your right, title and interest in that certain private roadway from the tract above de scribed across the south half of the northweet quarter of said Section 4 to the County Road, which roadway is more particularly described in two cer tain deeds from John I -eland Hender son and wife to Fred N. Bornbecker, one of said deeds being recorded in Book 37 at page 505 and the other of said deeds being recorded in Book 39 at page 183, of the Records of Deeds of W asco County, State of Oregon; al so all cf your right, title and interest in that certain roadway acros the east end of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 4. above described, to the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 4, and which road rieht of way is described in a deed from Samuel C. Elliott and wife to B. E. Van Voorhis recorded in Rec ords of Deeds of Hood River County. Oregon, in Book 3, pace 256; there is also excepted from this mortgage a five foot right of way heretofore con veyed to the Hood River Irrigation Dii-trict. This summons is published in the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspa per cf general circulation, printed arid published at Hood River. Oregon, for six successive weeks, in accordance with the order of the Honorable 11. L. Hafbrouck, County Ju1?e of County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, dated the 12th day of Julv. 1922. re quiring you to appear and answer the complaint herein on or before the 6th day of Aueut, l'.2i Date of firft publication of this sum mons is July 13. 1922. A. J. Derby. Attorney for Plaintiff, jyl3a24 Hood P.iver, Oregon. : District Attorney Baker, charged by a. u. tiershey, paroled thursday from a 5-day jail sentence for traffic law vi olation, with profane and abusive lan guage, was fined $5 Saturday by Mu nicipal Judge Howe. A hat was passed among county and city officers and newspaper men and the fine raised be fore Mr. Baker could write out a check. Mr. Baker pleaded guilty and made the following statement to the court before sentence was passed : "1 presume I am guitly. This man Hershey has been a constant violator ofithe law. When arrested he defies the officers. He thinks the law is made for everybody but himself. We had him under a 10-day suspended sen tence, and here the other day he was re-arrested and sentenced to five days in jail. Serving his sentence, he seemed to get to thinking the thing over. It appeared that he would lose everything on some hauling contracts and he stated that he was heavily in debt on his trucks. He broke down and cried like a baby. The jail officers came to me and to Justice of the Peace Onthank. We were called to the lat ter's office. They took pity on his family and offered to befriend him as they have done before. He was paroled again, then this man began to abuse the officers of the law, these men who time and again have kept him out of jail. It was at this noint that I start ed in to tell a few things. ' On his con stant interruption I lost my temper. and I used lancruacre that is not in the dictionary. But in expressing my con' tempt, I think I was mild when I con' sider what I should have said. I made mv remarks in the court of Justice of the Peace Onthank, and I was not fined for contempt of court Everybody here has helped this man. i pity him. He is wrong in the head. If he were at my office now 1 would tell him some things, but 1 do not think it would do any good. Under these circumstances, 1 plead gulty. It is the first time in my life that I have ever been notified even of suspicion of law violation. "I am goiwr to instruct the officers. however, to watch this man hereafter. and to bring him into court immediate ly in case of law violation." Judge Howe in nagsinir sentence. admitted that the circumstances offered provocation for anger, but he declared that he did not think them a justifica tion of.a breach of the ordinance. He addressed Hershey, telling him he was n tne wrong. 1 know and evervbodv knows, said Judge Howe, "that you have violated city ordinances and state laws, and you may expect no more mercy from the courts." Mr. Hershey left the court room de claring that he was being persecuted and that he would appeal to the grand jury. Hershey Released A. O. Hershey, after serving a day and right of a 5-day jail sentence im posed last week for transferrins the icense plates on motor trucks, was re leased. Mr. Hershey. who operates a string of trucks locally and in Portland! mid-lolumbia service, in earlier hours his incarceration walked continuous ly up and down the corridors of the jail. His nerves seemed to go to pieces, as the time of hii imprison ment increased and be began running from one end of the loom to the other. ail attendants expressed fears of a nervous break down on his part. Mr. Hershey. according to traffic fiicials. has been giving them constant trouble because of a repeated minor nfractions of the law. Last year a jhiI sentence was imposed on him but waa suspended on his promise to mend is ways. Iloerlein Boosts Skiing Hans Hoerlein, after a tour of the snow fields of Mount Hood, declares that skiing aa a summer sport can be brought to prominent development on what is known as Coleman Chute on the north Bide of the mountain. At this point, Mr. Hoerlein declares, a natural declivity is available .every rummer. Ski enthusiasts, he says, may enjoy every feature of the recre ation, including a jump at the bottom of the chute. While an hia highland tour Mr. Hoerlein found a pocket flashlight lost by him on a similar excursion five years ago.. Hunger the Best Sauce Sauce is used to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way is to look to your digestion. When you have good digestion you are certain to relish your food. Chamber lain'a Tablets improve the digestion, create a healthy appetite and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Hood River the cleanest town in the state. It can be if you will help by cleaning np your own place. After that a little tresh paint will do wonders. Eouy Lumber & Fuel Co. a'.'Ttf Lawn Hose E3 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Best Brand Cut to any length Is! MT. HOOD M0T0RC0. FARES EAST mm Lower than Ever This Summer Round-trip tickets routed over the Union Pacific System returning same or any direct line Yellowstone Park !?8.05 St. Louis $ 81.50 Salt Lake City 4S.K2 Cincinnati 100.30 Denver 4.00 Philadelphia 144.95 Kansas City 72.00 New York 147.40 Omaha 72 00 Boston 158.35 Chicago 80.00 To other cities in proportion. Ticket Rales DAILY until August 31st Return limit October 81st The Union Pacific operates the only THROUGH SOLID TRAIN between Portland and Chicago, "Oregon-Washington Limited" Leaves Hood River 10:55 A. M. Arrives Chicago 1 1:00 A. M. (third day) Through service also on "Continental Limited." Every foot of the track is protected by AUTOM KT1C SAFETY SIG NALS. . Equipment is the best in the transportation world. Dining car service the very maximum of human skill and art. The service as a whole represents the supreme effort of the management to please and satisfy patrons. Call on our Agent w hen you are ready to go and he will do the rest J. H. Fredricy, Agent Hood River, Oregon Win. McMurray, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 1014. WE CALL AND DELIVER WE WILL MOVE MONDAY, AUGUST 7th TO One Eleven Second Street SOUTH OF OREGON HOTEL Meyer & Brazeau The City Tailors CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. Yours for prompt service. X OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OREGON General Blacksmithing WELDING Machine Work, Wagon Work, and especial attention paid to work on Orchard and Farm Implements. Automobile Work and the Repair or Springs a Specialty. I will be glad to greet my old Hood River friends again. W. L. UPSON Phone 2723 Twelfth Street BERRY GROWERS - FRUIT MEN -RANCHERS A light used truck will pay lor itself this summer. We have several, complete and ready to run, for a. small price. 1 tin lotrrnattonsl, good condition, good tires, body, windshield and l""? llWDM .'. 1-tou MorelaDd worm Drive, license 0(l) !,.Uid OldtmutiilK, 1WJU. electric lights sodsuuer, looks and runs like new... 400.00 1-ton Bepuhllr, overhauled at a cost of ftTS.OO, nearly new tires 4.V Du 1 ton Repoblle, overhauled, body alone worlb S.juO.00. will compare la vorably with a oew ooe 10ui i tm nve-laod Iellvery, good condition, floe body, electflo light end imru-r lkuw I ton Packarl. floe condition, cab and wtndableld .VOTO Stun Packard, wotk done cost about law 00. Our price now 400 M 1 ton Cnevrolet, overhauled, good body and tires C 0ft 1-ton Federal, overhauled at a cost ot 1IW1.CM, all new tlrea, good body and V'i Itcrnne kViW Matnjr others All sizes THE WHITE COMPANY 390 Flint St.. Portland Ore.