is.'. 4i HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3. 1922 ODELL Msseg Virginia Dutro, Emily Fletch er, Dorothy Haskins and Lloyd Camer on, delegates from the local Epworth League chapter to the Epwortb League institute at Falls City, returned home Monday evening, making a full week aa Clayton Fletcher motored to Fall City with the delegates on the going trip a week ago Monday and William Gilkerson the return trip. Miss Lucile Sampson, of Washougal, Wash., was a guest of the family of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Boles at the hotel last week. Miss Sampson is employed in the woollen mills at Washougal and was enjoying her vacation. Blaine, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Marts, is recovering nicely from an operation for removal of tonsils and adenoids. Miss Hazel Wieden had as her guest for the week end Miss Jean Amesbury, of Portland, who was Miss Wieden's roommate at U. of W. All grangers are cordially invited to attend the open air dance given by Park Grange on their new hall floor Friday evening, August 4. Good music. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shank, of Ore gon City, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Waugh, of Chatham. Ont., were week end guests at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hawthorne. Rev. and Mrs, W. S. Gleiser and children, Charles and Margaret, left Monday for a motor trip to Dayton, Wash., where they will spend several days visiting Mrs. Gleiser'a mother and other relatives. The Columbia came terribly near ad ding several names to its list of fatal ities Sunday afternoon at Koberg's beacn when Chester Chevron in com pany with his uncle, Frank Chevron, who attempted to teach Chester to swim, went unexpectedly into deep water. M. L. Osgood went to the reg cue but Cheaters' grip about Mr. Os good's neck could not be loosened and but for L. A. Chapman's aid both would have been drowned. Another swimmer whose name we did not learn, went to Mr. Chapman's aid as Mr. Chapman was quite exhausted fol lowing the moist strenuous efforts to save the lives of those to whose assist ance he had gone. The Chevron and Chapman families were eyewitnesses to the incident, yet helpless as to ren der aid. Chester has been ill as a re sult of such an experience but ia re ported improving. The many friends of alirjconcerned are sincerely glad that all were rescued. Sunday school 10 a. m. Next Sun day at 11 a. m., sermon by Rev. W. S. Gleiser followed by Communion ser vice. Epworth League 7.15 p. m. Margaret Fletcher, leader. The even insr will be given over to the choir and returned delegates who will provide progiam and entertainment. Sunday evening, August 13, Mrs. J. E. Ferguson will present tbe story of "The Wayfarer" which she enjoyed the privilege of attending last week while in Seattle. Association Saturday evening, August 5, at the Oak Grove school auditorium. There will be living reproductions from the old family photograph album aa well as a thrilling "White Elephant Hunt" The purpose of this entertain ment is to raise funds with which to carry on the work of the County Health Association in the Oak Grove district. Admission, a "white ele phant," and 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children under 12. Candy will be on Bale. Dancing after the program is over. A very successful clinic for children under school age was held at the Oak Grove school July 11. thirty babies were weighed and measured and ex amined by Dr. Dutro and Dr. Sifton, who generously donated that afternoon to this work. Literature and diet lists were distributed and Miss Campbell gave careful instruction on the care and feeding of children in special cases, the Oak urovecommlttee de voted much time snd energy to the ad vertisingfof this clinic and felt amply rewarded by the enthusiastic response made by the mothers of the commun ity. The mothers were deeply inter ested in the examination and instruc tions regarding their childrenjand the latter will certainly reap much benefit from these clinics which are to be held from time to time. FREDRICY TELLS OF FISHIN' TRIPS MOUNT HOOD Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pollen, of Hood River, representatives of the Raleigh company, were here last week selling their goods. Mrs. Esther Carrick, of Portland, spent several days last week with her father, George M. Wishart. J. B. Doggett was a business visitor in Hood River Saturday. Henry Tomlinson, assisted by his son, Cecil, and W. E. Stocker, did some surveying for W. J. Davidson on his timber claim last week. Mr. and Mra. Ross Ringer and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ringer spent the week end in Portland. Miss Blanche Aubert came home from Monmouth on Saturday. She stopped .en route in Salem to visit H. C. Wyatt and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Boettcher and sons, Antone, Bernie and Marcus, of Richland, Wash., spent the week end here with Mrs. Ida F. Everson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hilts and chil dren, Barbara and Buddy, returned home Sunday from their vacation spent at Sheridan. Mrs. C. W. Kitchel is entertaining her sister from Freeport, HI. Members of the Christian Endeavor Society at Middle Valley visited the meeting of the society here Sunday evening. The following article, entitled "Out Fishin' " and written by J. H. Fred ricy, appeared in the July issue of the Union Pacific Magazine: A feller isn't thinkin' mean, Out fishin'; His thoughts are mostly good an' clean, Out flshm'. He doesn't knock his fellow men, Or harbor any grudges then ; A fellers' at his finest when Out fishin'. The rich are comrade to the poor, Out fishin: All brothers of a common lure. Out fishin.' Tbe urchin with the pin and string Can chum with millioniares an' king: Vain pride is a forgotten thing. Out fishin.' A feller's glad to be a friend. Out fishin' ; A helpin' hand he'll always lend. Out fishin'. The brotherhood of rod and line And sky an' stream is always fine; Men come real close to God's design, Out fishin.' A feller isn't plotting schemes, Out fishin': He's only busy with his dreams, uut nshiu . His livery is a coat of tan. His creedto do the best he can : . A feller's always mostly man, Out fishin'. call of the wild is answered. The per son who can look upon Nature in her primeval dress and receive no inspira tion, no sermon from the ancient wood, ia too obsessed with greed and gain to enjoy life in any form. What is more beautiful than the silent forest bathed in a golden flood of sunlight the hush of evening when twilight near and the last quivering shaft of sunlight is reflected on the summit of our wonder ful Mount Hood. The hush of the for est at eventide the lullaby of the night winds soothing one to sleep. Is it worth while. I'll say it is. Now, my friends, if you ever go out fishin' and get never a single bite just try to remember Edgar A. Guest's poem, "The Luckless Fisherman." NATURE LOVERS' DAY AT LUNCH CLUB FORD AGENCY BOUGHT BY NEW COMPANY has purchased the interest of the Dick son Motor Co., local distributing agency of the Ford line and Lincoln automobiles. R. L. Bartol, of Indian- apoila, Jnd., former manager of the Chicago branch of the Ford Motor Co., and Carroll Mansfield, are the owners of the new comDanv. Mr. Mansfield has been connected with the ai?encv here for the past two years. Mr. Dickson will return to his old home at Brush Prairie. Wash. PINE GROVE An open air dance will be given by Park Grange on the new floor of their Grange hall Friday evening. All grangers are invited and any friend wishing to attend will receive an invi tation on application. Good music will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Turney left Sun day for Eugene where they will spend some time with their daughter, Ida Turney. Mr. and Mrs. Mair Dano, who have been guests at P. B. Laraway's, re turned to Marshfield Sunday. All mothers who wish to enter their babies in the parade at the Harvest Moon festival on August 8 are re quested to consult Mrs. P. B. Laraway. Miss EfSe Starrett, of Pottstown, Penn., is a guest of Mrs. James Clark. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Bickford, of Seattle, have been guests of their brother, A. F. Bickford. They are nearing the end of a motor trip through Yellowstone Park and points of inter est in Montana and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrews and Rev. Kay returned from Seattle Tues day. Miss Andrews will remain in Portland a few days. Ben Lage, of Portland, has been vis iting his brother, E. E. Lage. Mrs. Homer Crews, of Portland, is with her sister, Mrs. Martin Dragseth. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brownlee and their guest, Mrs. Clark, have returned from a trip to Cannon Beach and Sea side. Mrs. Clark left for Chicago Monday. Charlotte, Helen and Osburn Ender- un, or Vancouver, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Hans Lage. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cady and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Scott left early in the week for Crater Lake. Mrs. Beatrice Collard left Wednes dsy for her home at San Diego, Calif. A. J. Graff and Mr. nnd M. f v Benton returned Monday from a motor trip to Seattle and Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewis, of Port land, have been guests at U. M. Van nicrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Macon enter tained Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence. Yesterday they attended Pomona Grange at Parkdale. E. E. Lage and Alphonse Mohr start ed yesterday on their round of thresh ing in the valley. They have the com munity's only outfit Mrs. Ed Dresser has arranged an in teresting proKram for the social grange Saturday nurht Robert Meyers, a un iversity student of Portland, will give an illustrated lecture on wild birda of Oregon. The pictures have been hand painted by It Bruce Horsfall, an artist in lortlar.d. There will 1 a violin ana piano Jjet by Mary and Helen Ha ken and vocal selection by V.m Alice Andrews. Good music for dancing. WHITE SALMON (From the Enterprise) Mr. and Mra. Personett, of Hood River valley, have moved to Husum to make their home with their son, Ar thur Personett. Miss Pearl Dallas, of Ashton, Idaho, and Arthur Personett of this citv. were married in Vancouver Tuesday of last week and are now at home at Husum where Mr. Personett is in th i7sri business. The bride came to White ftaimon several months ago to make her home with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas. The croom !i nn of White Salmon's most enterprising young men, and a few weeks ago leased the Bradely garage at Husum. SENIORlfTRIGIlfs ARE ABROGATED MIDDLE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. VV. Mcllwraith, Nina and Mrs. Montgomery went to the West Fork Saturday after blackber ries. , Terry and Howard Barms are Latch ing and thinning apples for B. J. Montgomery. Claude Arthur and W. Anderson went fishing in the Last Fork Sunday. Ted Harvey fame over from Husum, wfcfb... and i :.t Sunday. Chas. Mcllwraith spent Sundav with rarer.' a. ( r.arks is head electri eian kt the Lancaster camp at Bonneville. H. Alexander took the Christian En deavor Society up to Mount Hood Lnrieavor Sun-lay evening. The two societies are jlanring a community I "y n thenar future. J Karr, who kn been workirjr in '.hero Oregon, returned borne last u k. OAK GEOVE A "White Eieihant Party" will be riven under the of the 0k Grove branch of tbe Cocntj He&Iih The following letter from President Carl R. Gray, president of the Union Pacific System, to Vice President E. E. Galvin, is self-explanatory: VTor the informa'on of the general public from whom inquiries have reached me as well as for th ance of our shop employes and those who are entering1 our service every day and to the end that our former employes may thoroughly understand our position, I wish vou would mm. municate the contents of this letter to the public through the presa and to all of our officials so that the public end each former employe shall be person ally advised in regard thereto. Chair man Ben W. Ho.per, of the U. S R It. Labor Board. July 1, 21)22. issued the following statement: " 'Regardless of any question of the iiKuiuimo men to strike, the men who take the stiikera nlp. - , ly accepting the wages and working conditions prescribed by a government tribunal and are performing a public service. They are not accepting the wages and working conditions which an employer is trying to impose. For this teason public sentiment and full government power will protect the men who remain in their rioiti,,n. new men who may come in.' "Subsequently the labor hr.A declared that the rules and working conditions under which the mechanical forces were working before the strike are still in full force and effect They cannot be changed except by an agree ment between our employes and the management of this System, or in event of failure to reach mutual agree ment by our employes 'Not former em ployes' and or the management . parte or jointly referred the disagree ment to the If. S. It. K. Labor Board for decision, therefore, since our for. mer employes left our service of their own free will and accord thereby ceas- g to be employes ot this system, the public and thoe who remained loyal to our service and those who have entered the service since the strike aa well as those who are entering our employ daily, may rit aisured that the man agement of this system will use every resource at its command to keep faith wun teem, and unqualifiedly pledges itelf to make no settlement of the strike which will in any manner what soever deprive them nf their rights or jobs which they have gained in accord ance with our shop ciafu agreement and the declaration of the lator board. The only wsy that any one of our for mer employes may enter ourf service is as a new employe and the opportunity to even thus enter the service is grow irg less day by day owing to tbe fact mat our trc are rapidly increasing. The public will keep in mind that this strike is not.againet this railroad sys tem, but that it i the oWmnn of an of our government there fore, the strike timr iy resolve itself the question whether the orderly jr-e. f lw and order shall pre vail or itmry action of a very small rr.'.r;. nty. To that qneHion there can be but ore arer. Vt are a law abidtrr people, the rrdcrlv proceet tf the law hk! prevail. The marare- rreri f this tem religiously, at t!l time, kept faith with its employe i m as 10 in sr-.kfn and written word and it always ml" CA 5 T. I N S 1 1: K A I Eli r at k con-! iftinir j i- t;,e nehi amotit I r Tour 'I "' r tr.k U t:, r 2 0 gal., 2 Q g. vi ga.. i:iri Hirer r-j.ray Cotr j any. The Pacific Northwest as a whole is a fisherman's paradise, Hood River county being the most wonderful from the fact that all the streams head in Hood River county and empty into the Columbia in Hood River county. High mountains to the east and west with majestic Hood at the southern extrem ity, make us a community all to our selves with ingress over tbe Columbia River Highway bv auto, the Union Pa cific System by rail and the Columbia river by water. We have a very active game associa tion, incorporated as the Hood River County Game Protective Association, with a membership of 270. The asso ciation was organized in 1907 and since that time up to a few years ago their entire energy was devoted to stocking the streams with game fish, the fields with game birds and assisting the State GamelCommlssion in apprehend ing violators. Today our stream's are abundantly supplied with fish and our fields with birds. Quail and China pheasants are plentiful throughout the valley. In the hills we have the na tive pheasant and grouse, deer, bear and a few elk, some cougars and bob cats. The game association a few years ago decided to take an active part in the development of our natural resources, and began an agitation for roads to reach our scenic assets. Splendid results were obtained. We enjoyed the whole-hearted cooperation of our Commercial Club, the Game Commission, the local United States Forestry Department officials and our county officials and we flatter our selves that this cooperation exists to day just as srtong as on the day of its inception. Summer is now here, the snow on the lower mountains will soon disap pear, and the rhododendron and Mount Hood Mies will be in bloom all around the base of the majestic mountain, the shrubs and bushes will be in their fresh new attire. It is then that we will step on the button and "Dodge" out through the thousands of acres of orchards, in the wee ems' hours of the morn, when the dew is on the bushes and sparkle like millions of diamonds in the glare of our lightson through the logged off landthrough the rock ribbed canyon into the forest primeval, among the rugged hills, covered with towering trees, just as God built them. We hurry along because we want to reach a certain murmuring brook be fore sun-up and make camp. There is one of the most wonderful scenes in the world to be witnessed. We want to see it, and never tire watchintr the colorful panorama ; camp is made just as a deep purple glow appears in the far east heralding the dawn of another day and we hasten to the vantage point where Mount Hood looms in bold relief. The purple hue is gradually turning to pink, then shafts of goldtn ligh intermingle with the pink and we watch the crest of Mount Hood and soon there appears the globe of light on the uppermost pinnacle glistening like a great arc lamp, signaling the approach of day. We stand enthralled and watch the shadows as they silently recede to the canyons below. The birds begin to twitter and call, then we hear another song, "Y-o-o h-e-el vou guys c'mon, brekfust is ready." The cook is not a darned bit senti mental. He came out to fish. Break fast disposed of and a couple sand wiches apiece prepared for the noon meal, we get our rods, shoulder our creels, strap on the little black coffee pot and proceed to wend our way down the sides of the canyon discussing on the way down just what flies we will try out One fellow is going to strinn - - - L II - . 1 i i . , " on a grey naciue wun yeiiow Dooy, an other a coachman and still another professor, the other member is a bait man and be has an assortment of angl worms, canned salmon eggs, etc. W unaiiy reaco me noor oi the ranvon wheie the cellar, sparkling, cold wa ters tush by, and set up tbe rods, string on the flies, then select a su necked pool upon which the shadows dance to and fro, cast out a fly on the dancing surface and atand alert, tense, expectant 1 here is a flash, a strike and then tbe battle and finally speckled beauty is landed, and then '"What you get him on, Fred?" to which 1 reply, "Grey hackle with a yellow body.", and just about that time, Y hoop-e-e, got a peacb on the coachman." Then from the other di rection, "Gosh all Friday; they don't seem. to want a professor. Say Fred, loan me one of those grey hackles; I goi a coaenman myseii l and so we go irom pool lo pool until the ahadows be gin to creep into tbe canyon, then we start for the camp. Fire is built ere lorg the fragrant aroma of boiling is waned upon the cool breeze. then the appetinng fragrance of fry- 1 ft- . It -i ing oacon. men we an uown to a meal fit for the mut exalted coffee, bacon, trout fried in baron grease, and a nice pan of spaghetti with tomato sauce. I be ahadows are now crowing neep in tee woods, we hear the bird call"1 to their mates -we batten out to the point of vantage to watch the close of day to watch the shadows How l? creep up the inow robed nlopes of Mount Hood, and watch for that last gleam of light as the sun of today kisses the snow raiped summit of Mount Hood good.night and sinks into the far west with a slow of colden light We return to ramp and with our pipes aglow start on Use homeward journey. 1 w ifh I could induce all the people to get out into the pen. For once they know the outdoors tbev will be srxious to renew tbe acquaintance. The i IcaMht memories of tbe life in tbe woods will burn ty day and tri"g haar.lirf dreams ty'cigtt uctil tfcs J Clipped Here and There I W"M-H"M-H"M"I"M'-I"I"1"I"1"1"1"I-I-H- The soldier boys began heading for the Hood River encampment this morning. Company A of Wasco and Company G of Tbe Dalles left by the morning passenger. A large crowd was at the depot to see them leave. Other companies from eastern Oregon will be down tomorrow. From The Dalles Chronicleof June 28, 1897. The apple growers of California are advised by R. B. Peters, of Devore, Calif., not to atterrmt marketing nn- ples in the east this year, owing to the tremendous crops in prospect east of me KOCKy mountains. On a recent trip east, Mr. Peters learned, he says, that a crop of 40.000,000 barrels was in prospect, a total greatly in excess of the normal. New York Fruit Trade Journal. The Hood River Glacier devoted con siderable of its space last week to tell ing about our celebration over the com pletion of the Columbia River High way paving. This is the sort of co operation from outside that should be appreciated. The Glacier last year was given the O. A. C. prize for being the best weekly paper in the state, and the honor was justly deserved. Petty bickerings and local jealousies have no place in its columns, for its editor re alizes that unified effort in building up all of the state will react favorably to his own community. The Dalles Chronicle. It was Nature Lovers' Day Tuesday at the weekly session of the Lunch uut) at the Hotel Oregon. Addresess were delivered by P. Brady, of Reed College, who is associated with Samuel C. Lancaster in the development of the Columbia Gorge Camp at Boneville: C. E. Graves, secretary of the Oregon Nature Lovers. Club; J. H. Fredricy, president of the Hood River County uame rroiective Association, and W. P. Hardesty, ex-president of the Ma zamas, who is located here now in charge of construction of a link of market concrete paving. Mr. Graves, chairman of the meeting, who told of the plans of the Nature club to foster a sentiment for the conservation and exploitation of the points of scenic in terest and wild flowers and shrubs along the state's highways, declared that a study of nature in its many lornis, wouia give ousmess men a tine hobby. He declared that such a study was desirable in that it would rntiKM only a minimum interference with bus iness duties. Mr. Graves declared a Keen analytical study of natural phenomena and the observation of wild life and the pursuit of botannical in vestigations compatible with the male temperament as contrasted with the ''Oh My" cla&a of nature lovers typi fied by the old maid school teacher, who rusticates in some rural Fection during the summer months, pouring forth frothy ejaculations on the sight oj a room or a cnipmunk. Mr. Brady declared that the Colum bia Gorge Camp had resulted from plans formulated by Mr. Lancaster when the latter was engaged in con structing the Columbia River Highway in Multnomah county. He stated that the personnel of the Reed Colleea tii. dents and others now working at the camp numoerea aoout 40. The camp is now iuuy equipped to receive guests. The Lost Lake and Wahtum Lake camps have been abandoned for this summer. Mr. Fredricy told of the benefits to be derived from fishing excursions on the upper reaches of Hood river. He was emphatic in his descriptions of the beauties to be made available bv the Mount Hood Loop Highway on the East Fork of Hood river. Many apple buyers were present for the luncheon. it m A NATION-WIDF . J I V (Incorporated , 371 DEPARTMENT STORES MAYOR SCOBEE RE PLIES TO CORNELIUS "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, 'This is my own, my native land?' " . There is something lacking in the man who has no ambition to make something of himself. There is some thing lacking in the man who does not do his best to make his family honored, 1 1 . ... I icsjci;ieu, anu aumirea. there is something lacking in the man who does not rejoice and glory in the name, the ideals, the achievements of the coun try which he has chosen and adonted. the country of which his children at leat, must become a part. Without national pride, national interest, and an open demonstration of national pa triotism, all national life would cease, on the earth, and give place to the old tribal fear and force. The wild, barbarian instincts and sport which once dominated the human family are still strong in many of the delinquent members of the family, as shown by the numerous criminal viola tions of decency, law and Christian refinement, but those barbarous na tures in our midst must be educated up io an unucrsianaing, an appreciation, and the enjoyment of our national life and standards. The few who cannot or will not respond to the spirit and ideals of our country must be taken care of, lawfully, in some other way. All members of our national com munity, whether professed Christian or not,.should recognize their respons ibility to teach those nearest them, their moral and civil obligation to ful ly support the American national life, in spirit and sincerity, as well as by enforced taxation. Why should a man accept hospitality, freedom, personal prosperity and protection from our national life and then stand on the street like a dumb brute when our national Hag passes, or our national hymn is sung, or played? Why should a man appeal to the laws and courts of our national life for all the privileges, advantages and backing for his busi ness, his property, and for his family, which are given to any ex-service man, and then show no interest what ever in our national celebration, nor allow his children to? Why should it be considered a part of "free speech" for m man to publish belittling and contemptible cartoons of our executives after they have been chosen and installed by the will of the people for a short term of service? There ia an appreciable difference be tween "constructive," sincere criti cism, and destructive propaganda. Poking fun at our executives will not influence a strom? character, but it is oil to the anarchistic firea amonir the weak and daneeroua element in our midst Our glorious Flscr puaranteea'to the imnviduai members of our national family countless rights, privileges, in- dulgencies, and i-ersonal liberties which may differ as often as the num ber of our total population, but when t comes to the larger, and ceneral national issues and a united and patri otic front and voice, there must be no diversity, no separate opinion, no dis senting voice; it must be one united. unanimous, high one E I'luribus L'num." Salvation Armv War Crv. Editor Glacier: In your last issue was a letter written by Mr. Cornelius, who tried to explain something about the street improvements on Tenth street between Cascade and Columbia. He stated that the grading on Tenth street could have been done by two men and a team in a day with a good portion of the afternoon off. He also said that perhaps two loads of gravel were used and that the labor cost would not exceed $15. , In rebuttal of his letter let me give the public the exact figures from the city recorder a records: The excavation reached 126J yards, wnicn at 47 cents per yard, brought me tioiai cose to loa.bZ mute a lift n difference from what he states. Two men would have had some job moving 12G yards in a day with one team. The work included 100 feet of curb and gutter at 78 cents per foot. Drain age also had to be provided to take care of a stream of water rushing in front of Mr. Cornelius' property. Mr. Cornelius says the gravel was perhaps iwu iuaus. lninv-mree cume teet of gravel were required, at a cost of $1.34 cents per yard, making a total of $41 50. Engineering expenses, war rants and incidentals brought the total cost to $243.15. Now you can tee that it is a very simple thing for anyone to sit idly by and accuse others who have the inter ests of your city at heart and say they made a steal. However.the accusation IB not true. Since I have been mvor of your city I have always tried to do what I thought was best for the good of our town. It may not coincide with the ideas of all, but those are my sen timents exactly and the council has been accused of various things such as lightweights, etc., but I never worked with a lot of men more unbiased in their opinions and whenever I called upon them they were alwavs willinir to leave their work and go out in the interests of Hood River. I say this iranxiy anu there is no exception to the rule. I sometimes think while they are criticised severely by some, the people of the town as a whole apj predate their services. Never once is it ever mentioned that when our city hall bonds were created and we were offered 94 cents on the market, your council decided to huv them as an investment. We held them a little over a venr nnil an A h..m re cently for $1.05 and made the city nearly $5,000. Are sueh things as that ever mentioned. No, but a measly $10 or $15 some disgruntled taxpayer has to pay, when he thinks it too much, is at once taken up and aired through the press. There are other things that could be said, but this is enough for this time and 1 thank you,. Mr. Editor, for the space you have given me. E. L. Scobee, Mayor. TODAY'S NEWS Seethes With Interest The arrival of our advance displays of new merchandise for the Autumn season has transfarmed our store into a bazaar of unusual interest. The smart, new gopds provide a vivid demon stration'of the superior values to be found here, created by the extraordinary purchasing power which buying for our 371 busy department stores affords. A visit to our store at this time will be both interesting and profitable. Advance Fall Styles of Ladies' Ready-toWear are arriving jlaily. Stylish Silk Plush Coats, Coats of Velour and Tweed, Beautiful Dresses of Silk or Wool, a host of Children's Coats so reasonably priced, these and many other inter esting items are here, ready for your early selection. SCHOOL DAYS will soon be here. We are giving particular attention to the needs ot the school girls and boys. Our displays of Clothing, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shoes, and supplies of all kinds are particularly interesting to the children and of importance to the parents because of the savings afforded. We shall be pleased to accord you every assistance and will endeavor to make your visit both enjoyable and pro fitable. X List Your Crop With Us For Sale this Fall. We expect to handle a larger tonnage than last season and want to list all crops of independent shippers, for sale on cash basis. Our demand is for large sizes, which means heavy thinning now. As soon as possible we want your esti mates o varieties. When in need of supplies, call on us and we will fur nish against crop: Arsenate of Lead Box Shook and other spray supplies Paper r DUCKW ALL BROS. Phones: 4702; Odell 229 TheB est is The Cheapest You get the BEST AT MT. HOOD MEAT CO. O. C. Hughes, Prop. Phone 4141. FOURTH AT OAK " ' j Rubber Stamps at the Glacier oiliee. 1920 DODGE I Equipment includes Uassler shock absorbers and two brand new tires. This car runs fine snd looks almost like new. We offer it for $600 Let us demonstrate. BENNETT BROTHERS If you are looking for a high grade Tire, call at . CULP PLAN STORE 109 4th St. and see the goods. Fabric $ 7.50 30x3 S0x3J 32 x 3 30x3J 31 x 4 32x4 Fabric . Fabric Cords . Cords Cords 9.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 22.00 and a tube to correspond with I pai h tir f 1 ( Mr. Hanna Praxes Newport "Newport is a wonderful r lace to rest," mvs Kev. J. C Harna. rastor of the First Chri.-tian church. ho is list back from a three weeks vacation there. "My wife and enjayej every minute of it. We ha I a cottatre over looking the ocean, and the cool invig orating air and the torg fit tbe surf was soot hire. I had several dip in the surf, and wire the waves caught me and how led , me over. A ttav at New port duririr the w arm season is a fine tonic for any i one. i St. Mary 'i Catholic Ctsrch Independent Fruit Growers We are Sales Agents -the kind you have been looking for. No waiting for shipments to arrive in some Eastern market or anywhere else. No long anxious delays while waiting to see what returns will be. Your money ready for you, spot cash when loaded. Inspection and acceptance here, field service that is worth while. Don't say this can't be done WE ARE DOING IT. REMEMBER and see if we are able We want you to perform to talk all we We want to talk to our banker undertake. over our proposition We with you. LET US WORK FOR YOU have arranged for new warehouses at Hood River and Odell, and will do packing, warehousing and storing. Servi-e bandar mornine are a f .1- : I Atm Mi, x o'clock ; "Hieh Mi", :.H)oV'..k. n.rn, t,. n for U.e ehil ren at 9 o'clock, t Si !i turJsT mom- The C. M. Kopp Company F. E. OLLEMAN, Mgr. Phone Hood River 3242