33 o o HOOP RIVER Ci LACIER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 s mm in. i. 1 1 ' ' mmmmm mm- jwjumJWWWMMMMaM 0 Men's Work Shoes "STAR BRAND SHOES" All "Star Brand" Shoes are solid leather from heel to toe. A "Star" is stamped on the heel of every shoe, which insures the wearer that he is getting the most for his money. $3 to $6 SHOES MADE OF LEATHER . C. Johnsen EVERYTHING ELECTRIC Our bakery is equipped with the latest electrical appar atus, sanitary and bo constructed as to make possible the making of Better Bread at a minimum of cost. We really want to please the people of Hood River. First, last and always it will be our effort to sell you products of quality. We invite the closest inspection. Call and see us in the Bartmess Building on Oak Street. Our location is as conve nient as could be secured in the city. Take home for lunch some of our breads, pies, cakes or pastries. Buns and rolls a specialty. BRADLEY'S BAKERY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR OUR BREAD AND YOU'LL GET IT We Strive To Get The Best That Is why our plant has been equipped with a refrigeration system. It Insures a steadier low temperature for the protection of our Ore&old butter. We want to make It riht and keep it rlht, for then we will merit and et from the people of Hood River a spirit of ood will. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY flT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Tabic No. 33 Taking effect Wednesday, October 29th, 1919. i" t i 1 - -X'' -rt 5 . OCTHHomn NORTHBOUND No. S K. I NoJ tutor Motor .? Bi"7 H ntl r. U. A. M. A. M. 4.00 10.45 8.(i0 4.03 10 43 8.05 4.12 10.57 8.15 4.28 11.10 8.25 4. IS 11.13 8.30 4.S5 11. H 8.40 4.40 11.13 8.45 4.4S 11.10 8.f0 4.47 11.30 9.C0 4 60 11.33 P. 05 4.67 11.38 B.l'O 6.C2 11.4.1 9.25 6.1 ll.M 935 5.17 12. (X) 10 00 . . w. a. w. Stations .It. flood Rivff A:. . . . . Pawerdale . . . . .. Switchback .. ....Van Mora ... Mnl.r Odeil Summit .... HW'iidier.... H!ttein ... . YV inane . . . . ....... I 'e i . . . Trout ("re k . . . . ..Wtx t'wo'lli . . ,.kr. firkdalc It. So. 2 No. 4 No. No. 8 "Mmlly tlmliy uolor Motor Hnnclny Hunly Baiiy only r. tt. p. m. 3.00 9.25 2.15 6.45 2 57 9.22 2.11 6.41 2.60 9.15 2.04 6.34 2 40 9 02 1.52 6.22 2 35 8.58 1.48 6.18 2 30 8.63 1.4... 6.13 2 25 8.4i 1.36 6.06 2 2il 8.42 1.32 6.02 2 10 8 87 1.27 5 57 2 05 8.34 1.24 6.54 2 I iO 8.30 1.20 6.60 11 15 8.25 1.15 5.45 II 05 8.15 1.05 5.S5 11.00 8.10 1.00 6.30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Steam, t Motor. 0insr to limited ipaee on Motor Cart all trnnki and heavy baegape mill I bandied on the team trains, eitl.er in aJvan e of or following the paseenfrera. V.J.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Oi. F.PTSOAHAN T. M. VI .'L 11. fe; it TtL Stranalian & Slavcn General Contractors and Builders . HCCO RIVIR, CRtCON. THE FASHION STABLE'S ParKdale Auto Stage Fhone 1201 leaves Hood River daily at 130 p. m. Leaves Farkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every' Saturday Leaves Farkdale at 6 p. m. H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor OiT,t 5-m;th l'.Uk, m 2. Tel. 3- 44 11WD RIVEP., ORE. GRANGE PRAISES MERCHANT SUPPORT The' members of Park Grange de clare that the support of the merchants of Hood River in preparation for the Fourth of July celebration went iar to wnrd mHkiniT the event successful The Grange gives the following list of contributors : Dickson Motor Co.. B. B. Powell, Bennett Bros., Erary Lumber & Fuel Co., C. C. Anderson, Highway Auto Co.. Circle Overland Co., Blue Dia mond Electric Co., F. Fenwick, Hood River Machine Works, Orange btore, H. D. Steele, First National Bank, Butler Banking Co.. Perigo & Son, Hood River Plumbing Co., Cameron Motor Co., Transfer & Livery Co., Taft Transfer Co., Hood River Gar-ao-e. Hood River Fruit Co.. H. L. Has- brouck, W. F. Laraway, F. H. Cool idge, Deitz Studio, Max Moore, Fred Donnerberg, A. S. Kolstad, Apple Blossom Cafe, Monner's Millinery, A. S. Kier, H. Webber. Meyer & Brazeau, Chas. N. Clarke, M. H. S. Co., Fash ion Livery Co., Al Whitehead, C. C. Cuddeford, Twentieth Century Store, Wm. Weber, Pete Barger, Kelly Bros., E. A. Franz Co., Wm. Fraizer, J. G. Vogt, F. A. Cram, S. Tostevin, Paris Fair, Kresee Drug Co., J. C. Penney Co., Dr. Scobee, Dra. Abraham & Sir ton, Consolidated Mercantile Co., B. E. Cobb Co., Bradley's Bakery, Hood River Bakerv. Laurnell Market & Del icatessen, J. C. Johnsen, C. A. Rich ards, H. O. Ferguson, Hood River Meat Co., Tire Shop, Standard Oil Co., Tucker & Payton, Hood River News, Hood River Glacier, Morse & Sparks, llolman & Samuel, B. Sanger, C. D. Havens. Hi Gross, The Pheasant Cafe, Carr's Grocery, Swift & Co., Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.,'( Ferguson Estate, Ryan Fruit Co., Pacific Fruit & Pro duce Co., O.-W. Telephone Co., Marshall-Wells Co., J. B. Lister, John Baker, Hood River Abstract Co., T. A. Reavis, Dr. Edgington, Yasui Bros., Hood River Laundry, Wm. Isen berg. The prizes were used in races, con tests and athletic sports which were managed by E. M. Lape, assisted;by F. Dinsmoor. The soliciting committee was Mrs. H. D. Steele and Fay Dins moor, who awarded the prizes. 0. L. Craton, who had.the parade in charge, reports first prize for best float won by Geo. W. Thomson ; second, Holman & Samuel. First prize for comic float, Arne Hukari ; second, John Guignard. For the bet decorated touring car, first, Mrs. H. D. Steele ; second, Mrs. P. L. Tompkins. The judges were J. G. Vogt, Judge Hasbrouck and C. M. Hurlburt. John Osborne, age 11 years, son of A. Osborne, of Astoria, won the Ford sedan. Robt. Clarke won the 72-piece set of Community silver. Helia Hukari won Bradley's prize cake. The K. of P. band furnished music throughout the day and evening which was greatly enjoyed by the large audi ence. Hugh Wylie had charge of the bar becue and lunch counter. Mrs. Mc Clain looked after the ice cream and refreshment booth. Mrs. Merrillhad charge of the dining room at Rockford hall, where a fine chicken dinner was served to hundreds of people. Mrs. C. M. Hurlburt and a bevy of pretty little gypsy girls managed the fortune - telling booth. Mis. H. D. Steele, who had charge of the baby show, says the contest proved to be of great interest to a large number of people and many babies were entered. Class A Nine months and under, first prize, Harold Pyles, silver cup; second, Lester Ader and Erroll Brown tied and were each given a large kew pia doll. Class B Nine to 18 months, first prize, Kenneth Kirby, gold ring ; second, Chas. Sherrill, toy dog. Class C 18 to 24 months, first prize, Doro thy Bronson, order on Deitz's Studio for pictures; second, Roberta Lewis, toy dog. Judges, Mies Elizabeth Camp bell, Mrs. Geo. W. Thomson and W. F. Andrew. Lila Reed, 13 months old, of Hood River, won the large doll given by M. H. S. Co. Grangers from other parts of the county aided in every possible way to make the picnic a success. Geo. Palm iter, master of Park Grange, reports the net profits to be about $1,000 and the building committee will now pro ceed to complete the fine, large Grange community hall for the West Side. Shares of stock in the new building are being sold at $10 per share, and anyone wishing to help towards the completion of SMme, by purchasing stock, may consult with any Park Granger as to same. Park Grange extends to one and all who attended or helpeJ in their cele bration a hearty vote Of appreciation and thanks. A Splendid Medicine for the Stomach and Liver "Chamberlain's Tablets for the stomach and liver are splendid. I nev er tire of telling my friends and neigh bors of their qualities," writes Mrs. William Vollmer, Eastwood, N. Y. When bilious, constipatedor troubled with indigestion, give them a trial. They will do you good. Record Auto Run It is believed that G. A. Morrison of Peotone, 111., who has just arrived with his family for a visit with the family of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Fletch er, has just completed a record trip here from the midddle west. Mr. Morrison mad 3,000 miles in 15 days. His average day's run was more than 200 miles. He toured through Yellow stone park en route here. His only trouble was a blowout. A WOMAN'S BACK The Adtiie of Thl Hood River Woman is of Certain Value Many a woman's back has many aches and pains. Ofttimea tis the kidneys' fault. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. Many Hood River women know this. Read what one has to sav about it. Mrs. V. C. Wheeler. 1216 Eugene St.. says: "1 am glad to ssy a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills fur 1 know one ran dtfend on them. My kidneys were weak and I had attacks of backache. If 1 overworked or took cold, 1 felt dull and larguii and had no energy and my irk was often re flected. Dizzy, nervous headaches were frequent and try kidneys did not act ngr,t. 1 read of iK-an's anl ud them. They soon pave me relief from thefe ailments and tnefited me in every way." Price Vk at all dealers. lKn't simply ack for a kidney remedy pet I Man's Kidney Pills the tame that Mrs. Wheeler had. Foster Mil! urn Co., Mfrs.. l ufTalo. N. Y. 7 Prepared to aw nood in tlif cniitry a eil a in tb "y. tl.-r and Moore. Tel. ST 3 and 171 J. a-l C.M.K0PP CO. FORMS PERMANENT BRANCH F. E. Olleman, branch manager of the C. M. Kopp Co., cash apple buy ers, whose headquarters are in Yakima and who have various connections over the country, has announced that the lo cal connection will be made perma nent. The concern initiated its busi ness here last year, when over 100 car loads of apples were handled. Mr. Olleman, who says he has signed up more than 200 cars for the coming season, states that warehouse lacilities here and at Odell have been contracted for this year. The company proposes to harvest and pack the fruit for those patrons who so desire. Mr. Olleman is spending this week in Seattle at the shippers' convention. Bids for Transporting High School Students The board of directors of Barrett School District will entertain bids for the transportation of high school stu dents from Barrett to Hood River high school. All bids must be in by August 1st. Information as to route and num ber of students may be had of the clerk. School District No. 4. jyl3-27 By A. G. Wing, Clerk. One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dol lars Earned The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case he can not be too care ful about unnecessary expenses. Very often a few cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house saves a doctor's bill of sev eral dollars. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. A. E. Hansen, FlaintifT, vs. Lillian Hansen, Defendant. To above named defendant, Lillian Hansen : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint herein filed against you in the above entitled Court, on or before the 31st day of July, 1922, that -being the date and time fixed by the Court for you to ap pear and answer herein, and being more than six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this Summons, and that if you fail to so appear or answer, in default thereof, plamtitr will apply to the uourt ior the relief prayed for in the Complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant herein, and for such other relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This Summons is being published once a week for six successive weeks by Order of Honorable v red V. Wil son, Judge of the above entitled Court: The first publication being June 15, 1922, and the l ist publication being July 27, 1922. J. Silvestone, Attorney for Plaintiff, Who is a duly admitted and practic ing attorney in and for the State of Oregon, and whose residence and post (dlice address is at 522-623 Lumber men's Building, Portland, Oregon. jel5jy27 legal Guaraatee Given No need of Knifjf pain continue work. Able to ace Gle-o-ois file Treatment. KRESSE DRUG COMPANY HOOD RIVER, ORE. 12 year's experience with auto mobiles in Hood River. Cylinders rebored anil general repair slio;) for motorists. Located at corner 7th and Co lumbia Streets in old Hunt Paint Shop. My work guaranteed. Give me a call. FRED HOWE Tel. 21U BBS SZ1 SHINGLES CEDAR POSTS IN STOCK F. DAVENPORT, JR. Thonc 1331. Agent. Hood River Abstract Co. We will be glad to see you and your friends at any time at THE APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE W. : .MMHMmmir. ilium II ' "i Forbes Paint Shop 100 FOURTH STREET Taint'ins in all its branches. Tel. 3014 J. D. BIcLUCAS CONTRACTOR. Practical worker in Ston Concrete, P.rirk and Planter. Ex.-avatint:, trading, Etc. !l,,.l River, Oregon. Mr Ruildrr- If ou src Tcmd ling your house set me fK tour I'iun bir. I ixlure ind Sup p!ii . Small piofit. qukk rt um. Pipe cut lo order. All repair work strictly fird clasv OLD CITY HALL PLL'V.BIXG SHOP '.2 . ; t!i M" t, H.! River, Ore. Tom lifhtT. Pr.-" riior. 1' M Krul- nw l l orif 2:3 Hood River Abstract Co. Real Eslate and Insurance Accurate Abstracting of Land Titles. Attention! Amateur Photographers Let us do your developing and printing. We will give you the best and quickest service in the city. Films in before 4:00 P. ML today are ready at 4:00 P. M. tomorrow We carry a full line of Eastman Cameras and Films. Always new and fresh and always at your service. Yours for Service A. S. KEIR Reliable Druggist "Try The Drug Store First " as C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery ICUOEZDl TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT G. L. DAVENPORT Grower and shipper Apples, Pota toes, Onions. Seed Potatoes true variety "The Best that's Grown" 5 MARK All kinds of Produce solicited. 147 Front St. PORTLAND, ORE. L. L. MURPHY,D.D.M. General Dentistry Rooms 11-15 Urosiua DUg. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic anil Klectric Treatments. Rooiiih23, 24 and 25 lleilhronner lil.lg. Phone 1833. Hood Itiver, Ore. R. C. GLANVILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Bank Building Hood River, Orison H. L. DUMBLE, PHYKICIAN AND SURGKON. Calls promptly nswcr?d In town or oouulry Day or Night. Telephone: KMidf lire, MMI: OfTloe, 1241. ortlee In the Hrveln. Bnlldin Gas Engine Surgeons Machinery, as well as men, grow old and wear out. Man, when he feels himself slipping, seeks aid of his doctor or surgeon. The automobile owner goes to his machinest. The gland specialist renews the youth of men. We will give new youth to your motor by reboring its cylinders. And why stop with your automobile engine. The cylinders of your spray engine, indeed, of any kind of a gasoline engine, will respond with renewed vigor if you will have the cylinders attended to. General Blacksmithing, Springs and Piston Rings HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel. 2551 w GOIiD OrKArt When you think of a Drug Store think of CHAS. N. CLARKE 4 'Your Druggist" Phone your orders Phone 1262 DRS. ABRAHAM AND S1FT0N PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Rooms 17, 19, '-'0 Brosius Building Res. Phones: br. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3013. Oilice 4151. H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. DENTIST ELIOT BUILDING Telephone 3812 HOOD RIVER Service! Service! Service! We are here to serve the fruit growers who are now busy with the rush of Spring work. Just call us for your grocery needs and let fix up your week's supplies. The smallest item, however will be prepared for you with a courtesy which we hope to make a characteristic of our store. We are ready to do our part in hastening along the spraying and Spring cultivation. ;f mi FRASIER & SON E. L. SCOBEE, D.D.S.. BROSIUS BUILDING Oilice Hours: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Oilue Tel. 3161 Residence Tel. 3112 , C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Otlice 10S1; residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank Try Octeopathy for Acute and Chronic Disease?. Dr. 11. S. McVICKER Osteopathic Physician Rooms 7, 8 and 9 Hall P.ld. Tel. 2d2 For Wood Sawing PHONE FELTON & REYNOLDS 4664 4679 Our Aim "To Satisfy" Notice To Builders We ae now working our gravel pit and can furnsih you building material on short no tice. With our dump trucks and hoppers we are in a position to deliver gravel, crushed rock and sand at a minimum of expense. Our gravel, containing 30 o sand is ideal for concrete work. Hauling of all kinds. Dealers in coal. Let us lay in a supply of Nut Coal for summer fuel for your range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 B. B. POWELL ! Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work j 3U Cascade Avenue j HOOD RIVER, OREGON i M. E. WELCH, 1 LICESEI VETERINARY MKIiE0 It pr-prel lo do ny work In tb tr1r ry lm. lif nn ! (nnn.1 by r4killcg mi or piub i D to tbc Fhfttiiou Stable. Caljus Fruit Punch It is refreshing and wholesome. It is made of the pure fru'.t juices of California. Caljus hits the right spot when you are thirsty on a warm day. ' THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN R. 8. GEORGE