03C HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922 ARTHUR D. MOB. Publisher. JOE D. THOMISON. Editor Subscription, 82.00 Per Tear. THE PAVING CELEBRATION When the Hauser Construction Co. pours the last truck load of hotstuff on the Rowena section of the Columbia River Highway east of Mosier, the residents of The Dalles propose to stage a celebration memorializing the completion of more than 200 miles of paved throughfare from the Pacific ocean to the vast expanses of eastern Oregon. That celebration ought to be a success, and we know that all good Hood River citizens will cooperate in whatever way they can to make.it so. We remember with a warming of the cockles of our hearts how The Dalles turned oat in 1920 to aid us in our Ben eon Day celebration here. We now rejoice with The Dalles over the paved highway to their fair city. But we of Hood Kiver should feel a little ashamed of ourselves in our apathy over some 1,000 feet of unpaved highway at the west edge of town. As long as this bit of city street re mains unsurfaced, it cannot be truth fully said that an unbroken paving ex tends from Astoria to The Dalles. Another unpaved stretch of several hundred feet intervenes on the foot of State street. While the condition of the streets may reflect somewhat on our civic pride, many of us think the paving should be done by the State Highway Commission. The streets are in lair condition, except for their un favorable comparison with the smooth ness of the highway paving. As for our municipal and county needs they are good enough in every respect. It is only when the cars of unsuspecting state highway tourists bump into the depressions and ride over the "thanky marma" of the city streets that we are made to appear remiss in our duties. Frankly, we believe the city stretch es should be considered, insofar as the paving goes, as state highways, and that state funds should be expended in the paving of them. It may hurt our pride somewhat to ask the state to step in and pave our city streets. If there were a financial possibility of our doing the work ourselves, it would be disgraceful for us to make such a request. The usual process of paying for such work by assessment of charges to abutting property, would result in confiscation of the property. The city is unable to raise funds from the gen era! fund. Indeed the situation pre sents an impasse. The state must pave the streets or they must go unpaved for some time to come. It is not a violation of any prece dents to ask state aid on such city streets. The state has paved city thoroughfares before. The Rowena paving plant will soon be closed. The city and county governments and the citizens of Hood River should lose no time in taking up the matter with the State Highway Commission in the way of an appeal. The argument may be advanced by other sections that Hood River cannot gracefully ask for such state aid in view of past benefactions. It is true that the valley has been peculiarly for tunate because of strategic position. But every time the state has expended huge sums in the development of gen eral state enterprises, the action has produced a call on us to put ourselves on dresa parade. It is true that the apparent help we have received has been magnificent But it haa placed ua in a position that is proving embar rassing from the taaxtion standpoint. It is something akin to a poor family maintaining a high social position. We do iiot mean to call 'ourselves pov erty stricken, but our demands fall on a community of extremely limited area. We believe our reasons for an appeal to the Stato Highway Commis sion are based on logic and are just. from the Lost Lake country fully de termined to go there again after the snow banks have disappeared and when the summer sun shimmers on the bo som of the placid lake, mirroring the snow fields of Mount Hood. He had already become such a Lost Lake en thusiast that he had donated $250 to the fund for building a link of the road without the bounds of the Oregon National Forest. His visit, he de clared, confirmed his enthusiasm. Amos S. Benson has become a lead ing booster for the Yakima-Glenwood highway. To this also he has donated 1250. He realizes the value of such route to the Hood River valley. Again, we say. we welcome him here. We are glad that be has deter mined to expend.'some of the endeavor of his lifetime in our midst, engaged in promoting one of j the greatest assets of the state, its scenic attraction. We trust that his aggressive energy will bear fruits for himself and all the countryside. TOE MOUNT HOOD CLIMB In the'metropolitanjpress of the past week we have noted with interest em phasis given to sporting events made possible at Mount Rainier. The item declaimed that here, und only here, it was possible to hold mid-summer ski ing. We beg to disagree. We can have mid-summer snowfield sports on the slopes of our own Mount Hood. The Hood River American Legion Post, in its annual Mount Hood Climb, ia en deavoring to make known such possi bilities to the American people. Down in southern Oregon the other day, the'fact that a radio receiving set was used for bringing metropolitan concerts'to a crowd assembled to cele brate the discovery of the famed Marble caves was the inspiration of widespread news stories. And again we wish to call attention to our American Legion Post. They announced several weeks ago that a radio set, . with Loyd Simson, himself an ex-gob and fa radio engineer of skill, in charge, would bring to the participants in the Climb campfire pro grams of the outside. world. The Hood River Legion Post'is not merely offering an opportunity for pleasant recreation to people of the'na tion. Their activity is going to bring new popularization of old Mount Hood. AT THE THEATRES THE RIALTO Friday and Saturday. June 81 and July 1, Rupert Hughes' great story "Dangerous Curve Ahead." Interna tional News, Topics of the Day, Aesop a I ableo. Sunday. July 2, Hoot Gibson in "Red Courage." Pathe Newa and Review, Monday and Tuesday, July 3 and 4 Thos. Meighan in "Our Leading Citi zen." Also Screen Magazine. Wednesday and Thursday, July 5 and 6, Geo. Fitzmaurice presents "Three Live Ghosts," a rip-roaring tale of the return of three buddies irom the war. Also Century comedy, "One-Horse Town." Continuous show Tuesday, July 4th, Vera Kolstad and the Wurlitzer daily Matinee every day, 2 p. m. THE LIBERTY Friday and Saturday. June 30 and July 1, J. P. McGowan in "Reckless Chances," a thrilling railroad story. Also ' Winners or tne west. Sunday. July 2, Will Rogers in "Cupid, the Cowpuncher." Also "Ho cus Pocus," a one-reel comedy. Dorothy Wissinger at the piano. Wanted Women for Btemming straw berries Cool, light and airy room. Ap ly Hood Kiver Canning (Jo. Ask lor Acheson. jezztl ply Mr, FOR SALE For Hale-A Universal and a Crescent rani Telephone 4662. u2t For Bale or Trade Five and 05-100 acres on Avalon Way, two acre strawberries, about 1U0 apple trees, about 30 pear trees, tbree cher ries. Want to sell on account ol being too old to do the work. Bee owner on the premises. C. Maslker. R.F.D. 4. ntl HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN C3 For Bale 4'4-ft. McCormlck mower also a mace jersey cow. t aoae uuen iiz. a. a. CauKbey. K. I). 4. Jy6 For Hale If yon are thinking of com Ing to Portland to bay a home 1 have as good listings as anyone, all properly appraised and sold at the right price, also good business chances, rents, etc. I can help you. Oltlce 1151 Belmont atliUlb. Residence 1507 East Pine. Pnone office Tabor 64U3, res. Tabor 270. H. P. Allen. Jttfyif For Bale Cow and small team, wagon and harness. M. u. Davit, Ht. 4, Uood tuver. jysu For Bale A youni Phone Odelle calf. fresh cow with or without I. Frank Wllden. Jemr OUTINO T0QS In this line we have everything you need to make you neat, cool, comfortable and happy when you take your vacation. Knickers, Ridingf Breeches, Skirts, Coats, Middies, Shirts, Hats and Leggins. Come in and let us supply your needs. NEW TWEED SUITS New Gingham and Voile Dresses We carry the largest assortment in the city, and our quality and prices are right. New Neckwear for Ladies ,;A new shipment of the latest styles and designs received this week. Make your selec tions early while the assortment is complete. Materials for the 4th Bunting and Flags and other decorations a good supply for you to choose from. Boys' Suits With one and two pairs Knickerbocker pants. A good line to choose from at lowest prices. A few extra special values CA QQ left at, the suit p tmfu Low Shoes, Slippers and Pumps For the Fourth All Styles All Colors All Leathers. Anything you may want in the footwear line, at prices you can afford to pay. We are offering some extra big values in white canvas pumps and slippers with tow, baby Louie and French heels, also a good assort ment of Kid Pumps with high heels. Values in this lot up to $10.00 a pair. To' close them out, your QOa choice, the pair wUU Collars Special A table full of special values, regular prices up to $1.00 and mighty good values at that. Don't miss this opportunity. Your Ca choice while they last Ml THE SAFEST PLACE Retailers of Ills' PARIS FAIR TO TRADE IS AT The Store of Biggest Values NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Kor Bale or Kent Barrett district, l acre, 8-room bonne, barn, outbDlldlDgs, never-falkig well, modern chicken bouse, accomodates 200,. electricity, teiepnone, irmt. rnoue i,oi. iv. C. JBarstow. Je29 For Bale 10 doe. 1 qt. Mason and Economy fruit Jars; 1 Palmer picking bucket; 1 picking bag; 1 one-horse cultivator, pick, mattock, crowbar; long pruning shears; small beating stove. Phone 3782. Jei TilE CHAUTAUQUA The annualchautauqua begins to morrow. It is not necessary here any longer to appeal to Hood River folk to patronize these annual programs of entertainment and education. We have the habit. We have before us the opportunity of relaxing a week and allowing ourselves to be entertained, of receiving from the outside world messages that we may apply to the benefit of our own communities. We may get a new angle on world affaire. We have an opportunity of getting bet ter acquainted with each other. The chautauqua helps to lift us out ot the rut. Have you your season ticket? THE GRANGE CELEBRATION Usually Fourth of July celebrations here are under auspices of some city organization. This year the residents of the rural districts of the West Side are In charge. I 1 1! m a 1 ... uur uuivnuoiio ui past, ceieDra- dr Bale or Trade-Four head irood work tions of the Fourth, when concessions lYJ,1."? ,!"), 6 re ?ld- Weight, one span, .... . . . . 1 1 ISO, one 1 300. Trade for sprayer, mower, cord wer provided Tor raising funds for or-I d or a Kord car. Ttmne Odell 293. Troy nutsuey rancu. rercy 1. eueuey. ya For Hale Team draft horses. 6 and 7 year old, weight 80U0 pounds. Cbd be seen at Ship ley's ranch, Underwood, Wash.,or Phone East hui, roruana. juzb For Bale A saddle horse and saddle. Ani mal Is gentle and good. $30 for the outfit Sol Walne, Odell 156. Ju29 For Hale 1 Silver Universal range, good as new. inquire at nomesoi cascade Ave. jy Kor Bale Reliable orchard team, 2SO0 fts wt. Price very reasonable. A. J. Hagen, Booth niu, rnone uaeu ox. je: For Bale or Trade Tractor wondsaw. Hulh. erland A Moore. Tel. 17iS and 3763. leuM For Hale A New Home sewing machine In first clans condition. J. K. Bailey, Phone 1581, nui uui en. jesai For Hale-fresh cow. 4 yrs. old alsol Bluebell Cream Hepamtor, 5 lbs capacity. Phone 3S, raraaaie. jkoss Kinger, Ml. Wood, ore. jeifl For Hale A Wei lor make piano of golden oak finish, eioellent condition. Price KTo. ill interested phone &2t. Je&lf Kor Hale 16 acres apple and pear orchard located four miles from Hood Kiver. Uood nix-room modern house, barn, apple house, chicken houses; creek through place; graded school adjoining place. Might consider Port land property, Phone 5787, Uood Ulvel, Kfd. 4, box 62. UU.Hmllb. Jel5 For Rale 10 head of cattle. 6 cows Just fresh, S hellers, 1 15-16 Guernsey Bull, g.year old. Lo cated miles southwest of Central Valley school house, Jj. E Roberts, ltd. 2. Phone Odell 16 at noon hour. Jelo Come and Bring: All Your Friends to the n 71 A ' r A - K I II I I II l y 0feF3nDT) ganizations of townsfolks, we have al ways found the country folk liberal in their patronage. We suggest to our fellow residents of the town that they reciprocate next Tuesday. If all of the city folk journey out to the Wright home and join their country cousins there under the oak trees, it will be a very pleasant Fourth of July. 1 - j For Hale Young White Leghorn roosters at iu cents eacn. ueo. Baser, pnone br. ja Kor Kent S-room apartment. Phone 81. Jel5lf Eraige ia TO BE HELD AT THREE MILES M lill WEST OF TIV mom Eiver Patriotic Program. Good Speaking. Dancing in the Afternoon and Evening. Music All Day by Hood River Band. Tug-of-War Between Rival Grange Teams. Chicken Dinner, Barbecue, Ice Cream, Lemonade, Peanuts, Popcorn. Baby Show Fine Prize to Winner. Moving Pictures in the Evening. Fortune Teller. Baby Doll Rack. Slow Horse Race. Catching Greased Pig. Swings for the Children. Shooting Gallery. Good Time. Adequate Parking for Automobiles. zfozkid s:n:D.2Nr o-itteist w.Asr A SON OF CIS FATHER Amos Benson has purchased the Co lumbia Gorge Hotel. He will give his personal attention to the development of the magnificent tourist hostelry. Hood Iiiver nnd the mid-Columbia wel come him here as one of our own citi zens. S. Benson, builder of the great tour ist resort and father of the Columbia River Highway, will continue to make his summer home in the valley. He will continue his kindly interest in our region, and will give us the benefit of bis advice on matters of good roads and civic problems. But Mr. Benson, the younger, will take active charge of the resort, and tourists from ail parts of the world and Oregonians who welcome them may rest assured that ice ixiumoia oorge Hotel is going tj play no small part in the development cf the scenic wonderland of the mid Columbia. Amos S. Benson is the son of his father. His absorbing interest is cen tered in the development of the great Oregon out of doors through the con struction of fcigbwsys. Last Saturday be accompanied a partyjof local people to Jtfce Lost Lake country. He dis plsyed at once a.'practical knowledge. While other rrembers of the party were in raptures over the woodland scenes, Mr. Benson was merely taking in such features out cf the corners of his .eyea, as it were. He was observ ing ruts in the hibwsy, Ciled with the trickle from melting snow banks. He f, red a volley of questions st W. A. LangiHe and made practical recom mendations for development of the great scenic L:gbsy. He took a good look at Let one tree, a white pine that was pointed oot ty Charles A. I!1. Vr. Benson found enthusiasm in j the great aceni, f-otd. He came away BE CAREFUL he careful. This is the season of firecrackers. Let's play safe and not have any burned homes, or mangled hands, vr burned faces or sightless eyes. Let parents imbue the kiddies with the necessity of wariness tin the handling of fireworks. Be careful. For Hale-Only l:iu eaub and I'JO per month huys a nice little home In Uood Kiver. Price sitXJU. Telephone ly.'t. J10U WK 8KLL OR TKADK USED CARS. WK 11AVK HHfl Podge Tonrlna lion 00 IMIil Ford Roadster (License) US.(I) KMH Ford Touring (License) 175.00 IMI9 Kord Koadsier (License) AO 00 IHIM Kord Touring (License) '.'75 OU lw-'l Ford TonrlDK (License) (Htarter) .... 0 ui Overland 4 louring SoO.OO IWi Dodge Touring KM. (If) 1MIH Chalmers Touring (Lloense) 40C no C1KCLK-U V t.KLANU CO.. iw Cascade Ave. For gale Modern p-mora honse on Htate Ht.. a real bargain, or will lease to responsible poj. Auquirv ui j. yi . irties. JeV ror Hale or Kent-Mv little bungalow In Barrett district. For Information nluina K7fj E ..,.!'LBPM'"!"i"'L.A . M I J""1'""""" '"-"T"--"- - ( ii iiriiifYii, 111.111 1 1 n-i t i 1 11 - minim n iii-nr -rfrnrw wmm r-rr 'sirmTT 'sa.lii . rrwni wiiiri ini t For Sale Trolan blasting powder. A safe powder to bandlnsnd absolutely no hesdachea or thawing, also naps and fuse. Avalon Farm. Hberman J. Krsnk, phone 5)08. VSilf 20 Stores Kor Hale Hhlugles and cedar posts. Phone 1"31, K. Davenport Jr.. Hood Kiver Abstract CO. mHOtf FOR RENT Kor Runt A small cottage, spring Water, on Alameda Way. Tel. 6703, Mrs. J, K. Hand. J6 Kor Rent B room bouse and outbuilding. 4 mile from lay lor corner on Avalon wsy. I'boneMW. Ernest B. Samuel. Je3 For Rent Three room apartment nlshed. Phone 3MI. nnfur. Jniitf Sunday The Dalles, with its Kiwanis Club in charge, will celebrate comple tion of the Columbia River Highway paving from the Pacific to the heart of Wasco county. Hood River folk are invited to till their baskets and partic ipate in the great community picnic. It offers us a rare opportunity for bet ter acquaintance with our Wasco county neighbors, an acquaintanceship thst will be for the mutusl good of the citixens of both counties. Take your cups and spoons, the boats will furnish coffee, cream and sugar. Come on, let's go 1 Kor Kale Oeslrsble 4-room house, hath, basa- meni, large lot A. . llowea, tel. 3:iM, Jcsil Kor Bale good cows, 5 and I years old, one irnu, ran coining irrma soon. I an or bank, able note for one year at 6 fr. mile south ol an. nuou ciore. u. M. ue lit, Mt. Uood, "". lye Kor Sale A tain of medium weight ranch norsea. nave purchased tractors aud wish to nine immediate sale. A bargain ortered. i .. r . eu m uer, pnone ooel 1 85, Jel U For Hale 20 acres In one of the best sectional of the Valley. Uood nrostx-cta fur a nron ti,i. I year. Resaonable price aud very liberal terms. I to t. M. Edwards. R. P. X. my2tf For Rent Fnrnlshed light housekeeping rooms. 711 Columbia Ht. Mrs. H. B. Euiinel. Jl tf Kurnlshed Room To Rent One of best lo cation with furnace heat, electric light and and bath. 821 Oak St., phone 2443. J19tf Kor Rent-S-room furnished apartment, Wa ter and sink In kitchen also sleeping porch' 12U5 Sherman Ave. Pnone 2751. Jltl WANTED Wanted- Energetic young stndeut or teacher 1 sen products 04 local concern In city during uju. Address LcaraUlcler. jyo ror naie concrete well curbing two feet In iu uiauirier. lei. mii, ueo. w . r rlday. na Wanted-To rent Remington typewriter for uiuiucr. lauuaeiiN. jeaa For Hale I ' Mandt Wagon. 1 top boggy, nearly new, 1 rutttx-r tired open lop bunny. " wriiw, n. 1. j. Bieveraropp. phima I hrH u 47(. inylltf W anted-Man to Work by month. General rancn work. Will ttav SW tier month sn u. Davis, K. 0. 4, Hood Kiver. Jy.N A cigarette stump last week almost resulted in a serious forest fire in the Upper Vailey. If you are a thought lees or indifferent individual, you should be made to placard yourself when you enter a northwestern forest, in order thst some one can watch your cis, a moment or carelessness may ruin thousands of acres of magnificent trees snd fill the summer plsyground with a discomforting smoke haze. For Sale One Edtscn generator 15 KW; on I . ti. cream separator, 1 Jrrarycow, I Puroe Jersey boar. 1 Puroe Jersey sow, 1 driving horse, 1 used Ford delivery. 1 Kord tonrtn car, I lilne Flier touring car, 1 Commerce track. 1 kt at Warrenton ore., 1 room house and lot. Hood River, 27Uacre ranch. Weler. ua ; to-acre airajta ranch, 1 M) acre. ranrn, at weiser, Ida; River with free water: tn. pomp and garage tools that rn with ti will trade. What Lave you K.U.Ote! Hood Kiver. y. Wanted A n Pnti.. ri1r In vorwl eon. "'" van uaeti u.'4. it. u. w heeler, jyju Wanted-To sell or rent a IVVacre ranch. miles above Pwon lli.miil In Inm l.k. M r rockelsen, phone Shw. Jexif alfalfa U , acre near Hood iiniorcyrie; 1 gas Wanted To trade am a II .Vrvaaaenrer starter, electric lights. In good shape for Ford " u ik 1100a Motor c. nu'i ForHae-A bargsln. 14 acre orchard In Oak (Jrovedotrlct. ttig block of Delicious. Kjuiy W anted-Tn bay yonr ased tninltnre, stove and ruga. Cash or new g.wds in exchange. illl vO. SJ'lt Wanted-To make your boxe. First eli wora gnarautoed. Prlcea reasonable. Phone vueii ista. , ,4, For Hale Mole, weight lbs. Land and It. tio. rack up toe car with a picnic luncb and join The Dalles folk Sunday, in a celebration of a pared Columbia Kiver Highway from the? Pacific to Wasco eoui.ty't capitaL Harbak ulitf MISCELLANEOUS Company tomorrow, come. C boys will Give them a arrive home rousing wel- Izzansd Lct&craB Church Hli A Mate Regular services at 10.43. Sundiy school at 9.40. Y. I". S. meeU Friday st 8 p. m. P. Hi'srendorf, Taftor. 1219 Columbia f-U Tel. K.I3 For Hale-At a Bargain a modern residence. iw,. DMrii iromcetnerof buatnew district 12 rooma. Including amr large bedrooms, la'rge double, anting room, kiichen pantry, large i.umxrn ani enchswo rafrb. Fxjuik pl witb rurnane and has Convenient garaice. Caa W.J. baker. L24U t"f Hale ao screa, land 4' m 1 in rron, nr. of Hood KUer, part botuim land with m wr, naianrv gooi ptor land Bo4 bonded : '". '' nr ing mt wnndstura- rr.mny roava tt.ro una. fa'r bui.ding. r-rxw t.v.M per acxa. J H. I'hinin. i .,... t jn.'U For Kale Fir and pine l-tn. snd 4 -ft. wood deiirere1 any where within two niHiof H.vxi t.iirr. a tteaoragaro, lei. Cxlell a. miKf ror e.e evj tots r aaie ta all twu-ta of Uiectty, prices rmbt A W. trnthan k A Co. ai4tf rnr wnoa air'nf rail FeitoB and RernoMa. 1 , r-M,.a rtt or neyooias w . our aim -To tsMisfy." JeRli Lost A rnrebred re1 Irish Hetter. Flnde pleax tel. ,v7. K. K. M oiler, for reward. JeJK Kor TradeOne Jeraev heifer IS montbsoid. freah In rkber for m in hen Cuw. Jill pay "ut uiurreuce. lei. jej I lM A mahogany walking cane, handle criw.aea ana roia plated, bearing Inscription 8, Hmlth. t inder please return to Otacier offlrworrall MrMniib. Pbooe S.44. Jnjv Loa From Aianteda ranch. bay home colt who a wen .ir oa bis firehead. Finder please notify AiameOa ranub. K F.lt. 4. Jnji W ell Prll ing prill at A. J Hageo sat pre ent. ton ot H'h Hill. If drilling wanted call pbooe si. P. L. K reiser. j,u ' e i" S C. R. 1. Red trap rwnted tbe year round. bn-i i,,r ea. s'se and c-l..r. t.irk- i.'i w oriifr. pri-ei sryHdirtg to 1 tbeir age. ka pa cords o ue'r mcMlter and 20 Stores Protect yourself by safeguarding your purse. Buy your foodstuffs the Cash and Carry way and know that bad debts and expensive deliveries are not included in their cost. Yi)ilPaR.counonhese,storescoastantIy- The slight profit they add to the cost makes them safe places to tie to. Saturday and Monday Prices Cocoa, pure, r r Mason Caps, Force- O r 2 lbs lOt lain lined, doz -DC Ivory Soap, 2 bars 15c Parowax, full pound 15c Folger's Golden Gate Coffee 2 lb. can 85c 5 lb ua $1.69 Proctor and Gam- 1 Cr bleSoap, 2 bars..Jt Campbell's Beans, can 11c Swift's White Laun-oo dry Soap, 5 bars...--C New Salted Pea nuts, pound.... 15c Lennox Soap, 3 bars 10c M-poJunBd..h!,f...27c I-Tbn.'s..T?.:.. 77c Crisco, 1 lb. 25c; a. lb. 37c; 3 lb. 73c; 6 lb. $1.37; 9 lb. $1.99 Church's Grape Juice, pints ... 28c Carnation Milk, 2 tall cans 1Q Federal Milk, iyL Tall Cans... 5JC Royal Baking Pow- A H der, 12-oz. can 4UC Golden West Pepper 5c hShoP gc ' Knight's Catsup, A 25c Carnation Vanilla, Dottle - Jl. .4il sssw v a Argo Corn Starch, 6 lo. Dktr. c 25c l-EABERRY COFFEE The choicest of the male berry Fresh roasted On daily m our own plant, pound . Or vueen unves, full o pint jar -Jul erred Stock, can..l0C Delta Fruit Jar Rubbers, doz.. 5c 20th CENTURY GROCERY 104 OAK STREET. Hnnn onrrn 7) H PI Z H C 2 D W 3 pi "J O r pi 2 pi K. Lewis. 1 none odell aug u w - - - wa-e mruv y