a. 3 HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TIIUHSDAY, JUKE 22, 1922 ''""'ii'Till ,ir ',. u'TmmTmmmH""', , " '-iiMsay I il 1 1 .m ,,,, !, ,, , ' " TJ - - , , ffHAT pjEXT" FRIDAY SSSI2B7(j ; U U U U ,J..,J,J H Th K. of P. Band will present the J . 7S l foliu-kinj musical farce.'tWhat Next." f.;. rt XT 1 - 1 - L--sk , I'' n n n3 n 7 n .r c- si&pb is iJusYaluaKeBooIi P-'y - f C O Y I i Saturday. The advance sale of tickets h JI'Hii in ,m sA" l(l h n P W rTc h( ) ' P J--- jf iplEE ! 'in I C - ' Li I 1 ' V I -S-Ss I I The gates will open at 7.30 p. m. and ?1 .. , . ' '. f?'l t M fc"J fc..........-w-J L-J v-a w' -i ' the curtain will rie at S.30. -The show fi This valuable, interest-' . ' . V 5 . J runs two hoars and 15 minutes with compelling book will be i: . "r,.y-' . -' "NOTHING TO BUY' BUT THE LICENSE" . ffirScSi tffS'ift ! ZSsSt 1 ' - ff ""' ' other will be a demonstration of high l charge r obllKatlon n l . -"W . frequency presented by the A. F. O. 1 your part. I PW, .J" e pa .fl? - , L. of lood River, entitled, "At the ft It tells, in plain lan- 'xT - U' BS0S'W ; setting willdressrthe fl How fruit .d flJJ Esr If ,B ' v 1 production, with every detail correct fl vegetable growers can 1; to the studio of the Bohemian artist of jr? increase their prof- fij ,l - ; F. O. B. HOOD RIVER ? Paris Latin Quarter. The chorus p its. Tells how to J " I ; ( will be handsomely costumed, making p dUtwwa of md In X mi r , a different change in every one of th! i f'Ct s T , 1 ii fl n ' , rfo II musical numDers wnicn , garnish the il V H" f BM II ii ! ii fl ... Ii S .5r II comedy. Grotesaue and uniaue cos- fll sumes 8.445,200. 000 X. H : f III ii ' i i n n w r" . il i i i fyi u luuira win n ninniavea nurino' tn I a lha nT Tnrwi ttuffo St, , , , II iJ "tl H n (tf SI If M I . tl VI I liM H 1 tl M M fcJi 111.41, r-m " . I 1 - ' 11 II (in H 11 H Ii Ii 1 II V- - II . V I lll Inn tl t Itl mub scene, some Demg an its J - 111 Tamburica Melodies Will Charm Chautauqua Folks -y wrchMtr With Native Instruments Third Day CIa8$ical Numberi Will Play and Sinz in Uniauo Proirrun on and Native Melodies Featured 1 :r:. ?' . n Mill If you have never heard the delightfully fascinating music of the Tamburica, your musical education has not been completed by a Jong ways. The Tamburica Is the household Instrument of the Jugo-Slavs. It possesses an exquisite sweetness of tone and a volume In ensemble that Is most surprising. The Jugo-Slav Orchestra with their Tamburt cas In half a doxen different sizes will prove one of the most Interesting and enjoyable features of the coming Chautau qua assembly. The singing of their native melodies with Tamburlcan accompaniment Is a musical picture, you will not soon forget. The most difficult operatic overtures, as well as the light popular numbers of the day, will be given. Chautauqua third day. Jonn Deere Pain Mowers Bennett Brothers MR. AND MRS. CI1IND- LUND CELEBRATE Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chindlund Sun day celebrated their 17th wedding an niversary with a picnic for a number of friends. A long table was arranged beneath the trees of a grove m front of a new borne just completed by them west of the city on the Colombia River Highway. The piece de resistance of the anniversary dinner was strawberry shortcake. Cream from Mr. Chind- lund's own Jersey herd was served. Those present for the event were Mrs. A. R. Youngquest, of Goldendale, Wash., Mr. Chindlund a sister; Mrs. Fboebe Morse, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Beaudoin, O. Johnson ; little Misses Mabel Bloche and Becky Ann . and Siddie Thomison and Masters Joe D., Jr.. and Lucas Thomsion, all of Hood River, and Albert Speliman, brother of Mrs. Chindlund, and Miss May Cuddy back, of Portland. Mr. Chindlund was formerly proprietor of the Hotel Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Chindlund are develop ing a beautiful home. The place is surrounded by adequate grounds. In deed. Mr. Chindlund, who will land scape the front of his place, has a con- -r-i Li j . .1. rr i siaeraoie pioi 01 garden uuck. ine property extends back up to Sherman avenue, and further portions of it will be cleared. The new home, which has 10 rooms and two baths, is a model of conven ience. A spring on the plateau above the house has been tapped and fur- ishes water under pressure. The in' terior of the place, heated by hot water, has a beautiful finish of natural fir. The living room has a eoty fire place. A commodious sun. parlor is located on the east side of the house. Mr. ' and Mrs. Chindlund are now specializing on chickens. Their feath ered tribes are fortunate in having quarters sanitary and modern in every way. The chicks are given the beet of care, and are free from insect pests that usually worry poultry folk. Th K. of P. Band rollicking musical farce,'1 in the Open Air theatre at the Chau tauqua grounds tomorrow night and Saturday. The advance sale of tickets indicates an enormous crowd both nights. The gates will open at 7.30 p. m. and the curtain will rioe at 6.80.- 'The show runs two hoars and 15 minutes with two intermissions, one of which will be filled by selections from the band. The other will be a demonstration of high irequency presented by the A. F. O. L. of Hood River, entitled, "At the Undertaker's." A special Btage setting will dress'the production, with every detail correct to the studio of the Bohemian artist of the Pans Latin quarter. The chorus will be handsomely costumed, making a different change in every one of the musical numbers which , garnish the comedy. Grotesque and unique cos tumes will be displayed during the Masque JJail" scene, some being an owl, .monkey,-Prince Prog, Sheik of Araby, Lady Macbeth, Romeo, the Jes ter, "Bottom' from "Midsummer Night's Dream," and many others too numerous to mention. miss uoromy Kand win De seen as the spoiled daughter of an American pickle manufacturer; Glenn Hunt as the millionaire student of the French artist; Rodney Hulam as M. Futurist. a past master in the "Dobbing School," "Bill" Brazeaa as the ttickle manufac turer; Arline Loomis as "Loiette," the moaei. The plot binces about a duel betwpen M. futurist and his nunil. Fortune. which was precipitated when the artist caught fortune kissing his model sweetheart The duel is DostDoned while the futurist entertains his friends and pupils at the carnival for the un veiling of his masterpiece. "L'A vaunt de la Guerre del Passion," during wnicn young fortune becomes engaged to the American cirl. To test her love no preienas to nave Decome a poor man. ine duel turns out happily, thanks to poor marksmanship, and the lovers are re-united. The cast is as follows : M. Futurist, Rodney W. Hillam : Gas ton. Albert Caldwell: Mike. Frank Morse; Horatius Goodrich, F. L. Bra zeau; M. Dupoine, Boyd Campbell; Tom Fortune. Glenn Hunt: Varnev Gould, Boyd Campbell ; Jacque9, Alfred Neil: Jules. Tom Lethlen : Francois. Jack Bell; Antoine. Mavbtw Carson: Mrs. II. Goodrich. Geneva J. Stewart: uorotny uoourich. Uorothv Rand : Tt- ette, Arline Loomis; Madam Snob, Gertrude Horn ; Nanette, Helen Jones ; To To, Clarice Swick : Fru Fru. Flor ence Fewel; Lo Lo, Leon a Van Allen; margot, Doiothy Garrabrant; Julie, Eriitha Hartwig; Fanchet, Geneva Nickelsen; Babette, Lucile Fergueen; Yvonne. Irene Fewel : neasanta. ar- tists, models, masqueraders, etc. bpecialty dances will be introduced by Dorothy Garrabrant and Leona Van Allen in "The Death of Columbine": Narcisus" by Edetha Hartwig; Idol" dance, Irene Fewel; "Humor- erque Schottishe," Verlene Nickelsen and Henrietta Brazeau; "India Scle-i quia," Irene fewel ; novelty soft shoe, : Rodney Hil lam, Leona Van Allen and Dorothy GattabranU WEDDINGS LANCASTER CAMPS DUE FOR POPULARITY Mill increase their prof its. Tells how to dispose of goods in a market that con sumes 8.445,200, 000 lbs. of food stuffs -annually. Explains selling methods employed by most of the large shippers. Tells how some concerns increased sales '200jf or more. Points out how to receive the full market price for your fruits and vege tables. Explains how to get your money within twenty-four hours after sale. Tells how to eliminate rejected cars, etc. More Dollars for Fruit Growers IS the title of this interestim? book. encyclopedia on the subject of selling It is farm a veritable XT . 1, xno matter wnetner you are a grower, a snipper, a r receiver or a dealer, you will find this as Instructive as a text book. Our only reason 'for sending this book without charge is becanso it also tells why public i is the best method of disposing of your good This edition is limited. So write us at once if you wish a copy. Or simply mail the coupon. y El "ill rf'lniiurtltti f n iitinimiuttmimn")'' liaililil.iUJUUjUil4U)Uuii fl r l i .-Ml 7 '7AAW vfr V IE 1 usmnQt 'f I SSS-208 FRANKLIN STREET NEW YORK Hit ItiM "III i II II III t It is easier to live up to a reputation than to live it down. Therefore Ford Products will ; always be Quality Products Ford cars and trucks are better today than at any time during the history of the Ford Motor Co. AsK us why. (cznonzi DICKSON MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. 77i47 Home of Ford Service Canning Sea son is here Old Style Mason Ideal Glass Top Economy Fruit Jars Jar Lids, Jar Rubbers, and Glass Covers. Jelly Glasses, Parowax Yours for Service Vincent & Shank "Tne Home of Quality Groceries" With warm weather resulting in the entire removal of snowbanks in the Lost Lake country and the lure to the ! highland forests becoming more appeal ing eacn a ay. numerous local ioitc are planning a visit to the Lancaster Lost i Lake camp, which is being rushed to ; completion. The tents will occupy a bautiful wooded spot on the shores of , the lake, looking across at the snow I peak of Mount Hood. A crew of men . has been dispatched to make clearings ; in the virgin forest, and supplies and equipment win iouow at once. i Service at the Columbia Gorge camp , of Mr. Lancaster near Bonneville was ! initiated the past week end, when J. P. J aeger, of Portland, and a party of friends were entertained by Mr. Lan j caster. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell, who : are enthusiastic over Mr. Lancaster plans, visited the Columbia Gorge camp bunuay. Wilbur lioyt Visits Here , Wilbur Hoyt, whose parents formerly resided on an bast bide orchard place but who are now at Turkev Gap. Ya.. where Mr. Hoyt is manager of a large new commercial orchard, has been here from the University of Oregon, where he has just graduated, visiting the families of C. H. Sletton and W. H. McClain. Young Hoyt, who graduated ..;.! kAnAwa kaoiMra nnM.k. WkA L' ! I vrivu i J . v j 1 1 null uio ivv rail" ing-Beekman oratorical prize, is a grad uate of tne Hood Kiver high school. He will leave soon by way of California for Washington, D. C, where be will take a two-year course in foreign trade. V II . 1 4 I 1 iiniuK uujrt men wi iciti im mediately for South America to enter business. 0.-W. Station Being Dolled Up The O.-W. R. & N. Co. is now busy resariacuig the exterior of the passen- l ger station here with a pebble dash finish. The improvement is being i rushed, in order that the station may be at its best in late July, when the city expects to entertain several hun dred apple buyers, called west as dele- f ates to the Seattle convention of the Dternational Apple Shipper Associa tion. A crew oz men is also engaged in 1 scraping the interior of a huge water , tank, which was found rusting. The inner surface of the tank will be paiated. Star to Honor Grand Matron Hood Kiver Chapter of Eastern Star is making elaborate preparations for ; the entertainment of Mrs. C H. Cast i ner. elected Grand Worthy Matron at the Grand Chapter meeting in Portland last week, at a reception to te held at i Masonic hall next Tuesday evening. A i number of prominent guests from other parts of the state are expected here for i tb event, wbicn i in charge of Mrs U. U. W. rmeo. Millcr-Millcgan The wedding of Miss Fave Henrietta Milligan and J. Guy Miller, both of La Grande, was solemnized at & a ns on iuesday, June 13. at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. N. Lewis. Kev. James E. Milligan, Methodirt minister of Tscoma, Wash. and broth er ox tne Dride. omciatmir. lAttu Misses Virginia Marker and Genevieve Milligan, both aged eieht. Were flnwor gins. L,iuie lxiis Mulligan, aged three, was ringbearer. following a weddmir WnkfW served immediately after th .r. mony, Mr. and Mr. MiMr left for roruana on a nonevmoon. trin. Thu will make their horn at La Grande. The bride is a daughter of fin. H Milligan, of Idaho Falls, Ida. A sister of the bride, Mrs. Frsnces Marker, sang, Love You Truly." Miss Dorothy Smith, of Wall wn Wash., played Mendelssohn's march. Another eut of town gueat present for the wedding was Miss Amy Miller, of Portland. 3 The Lewis home was hpnntfrnlfo decorated with pink roses and sweet syringas. A bower was made of these Bowers. The dinincr table was d.-nrw atea with pink roses. NEW YORK CITY CO IT ffM I A pTr I COMING Ellison-White announces a special Chautauqua tour of the New York City Concert Quartet an all-star male or ganization. Each member is an artist of concert ability and was chosen for this quartet because of the wonder ful blending qualities of their" voices. The personnel: John Besse, Lyric Tenor; Albert LIufrio, Tenor; Artells Dickson, Baritone; Albert Erler, Basso. Six Wonder Dussong-Block The wedding of two nnnolar nnm Astoria people. Mi as Haiti u. uiaek and Marston C. Hussone. was solemn ized at 2 p. m. Sunday at the orphan! home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Moe. Odell. Mrs. Moe is a cousin of Mrs. Hussong. Kev. J. L. Hersh ner offipi- ated. Miss Frances Moe was brides maid and E. Merle Hussong, of Pendle ton, brother of the groom was best man. The ring service was used. The ceremony was witnessed by only a few friends and relatives. Mr. Hussonir is emniuved hv W. Sanborn & Sons, ef Astoria Th bride is a dauxbUr of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Block, of Lily, S. D. Mr. ani Mrs. Hussong. who left for Portland by automobile, acenmrtanviner Mr. mA sr. O. U. Stewart of that ritv. the latter cousin of tha bride, uiut a week's honeymoon, home in Astoria. will make their Call for Wood Bids Wanted tidi on 15 cords of body f r and 15 cords of sound oak. all four feet, delivered in basement of the Pine Gmve scboolbouse before Auirurt 15, 192. Bids will be opened Monday, July S, at 8 p. m. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the board of School Dis trict No 7. C H. Clyirer. j22j29 District Clerk. Before yon boy an automobile yLu thould see the new fetudebaker at the Cameron Motor Co. m4tf GUN CLUB NEWS (By HvS. Dumbolton uaai bUDUay was the first Sondav to open me fooley contest, and while it was a bna day for shooting there were dui a verv lew or the . r.rco,. and only, four of those that wer rrea- v a ., r en er.wrea lor toe contest. Fran. Haviland. Dumbolton and I tered for the contest, and shooting at 26 targets Frans, Ha vilsnd and Dum bolton each smashed 23 and Ingram followed a close second with 22. The prizes in this contest are all well worth shooting for and we would like to see more of the boys get interested. Make Chautauqua week your vacation week. You will never regret it. It will be six days filled with inter esting and inspiring lectures, splendid music and whole some entertainment. Lectures by "Private" Harold Peat, Arthur Walwyn, Dr. Lydia Allen DeVilbissand Chancellor George H. Bradford. Eight Concerts during the week by Steelman-Marriner-Taylor Trio, Juga-Slav Tamburicans, Batting-Mahler Duo and the New York City Concert Quar tet. Glenn L. Morris & Company on the second day, and on the fourth night a big play production, "Turn to the Kight." HOOD RIVER une CHAUTAUQUA 30 to July 5 Call for Zlii oa Transportation The board of directors of School Dis trict No. 7, Pine Grove, will at 8 p. m., Monday, July 3, open bids for tne transportation of a maximum of 40 studenta from district to Hood River High SchooL Right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. For particulars of itinerary apply to clerk of district. I By order ef the board. C. H. Clymer, J22j29 District Clerk. When We Sell OLD FASHION CEREAL MILL'S PRODUCTS we know our customers are getting the best there fs. We carry a complete line of them. Wheat Granules, Scottish Oat Meal, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Meal, Corn Meal, Natural Brown Rice, and other products. A breakfast of Wheat Granules is sure to plf ase. HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET AND GROCERY Phone 1811 Hides! Hides! Highest price Will call at any place in Valley give them to the junk manT Juft phone 539, and H. Lreaw ri!!caJL paid Why tel- FOR SALE 'A 12 acres In the heart of the East Side opple district, all In 10 year standard variety apple trees; 5-room house In excellent condition: small barn, and other ?xxl outbuildings; all irrigated. Can be bought at a low price. R. E. SCOTT