The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 22, 1922, Image 10

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Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Lehman, of
Portland, spent several days of the
week looking after their property neaf
, Summit. ' " '
Mr. and Mr. J. Fred McGrew, of
Salem, and Misa Mary Elizabeth Hunt,
of Spokane, were guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson from
Thursday until Sunday, when Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson took them via motor
over the Columbia River Highway to
Portland. Miss Martha Ferguson spent
the same time at home and accompan
ied her parents on the motor trip. She
has entered Willamette University for
the summer school, which is divided
into two semesters of six weeks each.
Mrs. Mont Hawthorne is visiting In
Oregon City at the home of her broth
, er.
The annual school meeting for School
District No, 5 was held Monday even
ing. II. S. Galligan was reelected di
rector and J. C. Duckwall, clerk.
Mrs. G. F. Purdy'a father passed
c away Wednesday, June 14, at Kuthven,
la., the home of his son. Funeral ser
vices were held Friday at Colfax, la.,"
the family home.
Miss Gladys Hull opens , the branch
library each Tuesday afternoon.a great
convenience for patrons. -
W H. McGuire'B home and garage
are spick and span with a new coat of
paint, a soft gray , with white , triaa-
Mrs. ffn. A. Sunday and ton, Paul,
arrived last week for a summer vaca
tion at the Sunday ranch. Rev. W. A.
Sunday could not acompany his wife
and son here but he is expected to ar
rive soon.
Miss Edna Flog will attend summer
school at O. A. C.
Those who attended the dramatic re
cital Friday evening state that the pro
gram was exceptionally good.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. next Sun
day. Preaching service at 11a. m.
Everyone is requested to bring a bas
ket and go immediately to Eggermont
grove for dinner. Asbury church of
Hood River, Pine Grove church and
Odell church will hold a rally. Dr.
Leach will be the principal speaker.
Odell choir will lead in singing. The
. Epworth League service will be in
charge of Wm. Gilkerson. All services
for the day are to be adjourned at 6. SO
p. m. No evening service at the
church. j
Strawberry harvest in Odell will be
practically finished this week. A short
but very busy season. '
J. A. Tompkins is the new barber at
Odell. His shop is located in a room in
the L. A. Chapman store building.
Although but few knew there was e
barber shop in Odell, he did very well
Saturday, which was his opening day.
He expects to be in his shop every day
in the week except Sunday and even
ings as late as there are patrons. Pos
itively no work will be done on Sunday.
He and his family are at home in the
0. F. Cunningham house.
Mrs. Tooley will remain a few days,
Miss Glenevra Gray, of Portland, has
been a guest of Mrs. Will cooper.
Paul Kopcho, who is in Portland in
the interest of -the Non-Partisan
League, visited his family over the
week end.
Mr., and Mrs. B. G. Davidson will
make their home at Dallas soon. . Mr.
Davidson. who left yesterday, 1 will
have the Ford agency there.
Mrs. Martin Dragseth entertained 14
guests in celebration of her birthday,
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Vannier drove
to Corvallis last week. Their, son,
Frank, returned home with them.
P. B. Larawav spent last Friday in
At the school rneetiner on Monday.
John Mohr, was elected - director for
three years, C. L. Clymer was named
clerk for the year.
Everyone, is invited to . the Sunday
school rally" at Eggermont next Sunday
afternoon. A basket lunch will be
served at 1 o'clock. At 3 o'clock Dr.
Leach, of Portland, will deliver an
address. This will be followed by a
social time, continuing until the Ep
worth League meeting at 7.30 o'clock.
Mrs. A. J. Miller will entertain the
Aloha Club next Wednesday at a picnic j
lunch at 1 o clock at her home. All
unable to go are .requested to notify
Miss Ida Turney, of the U. of 0. fac
ultv. arrived Tuesday night for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. P. B. Lara way,
and family.
The Ladies Aid will have a silver tea
at the home of Mru. J. E. Andrews
Friday afternoon.
played a rather indifferent game, al
though Mosier took a brace in the last
Inning and threatened to tie the score.
Clyde Bailey played .his last game this
season,' after ; receiving a painful blow
on the ngnt , lorerjnger. Carroll fin
ished the game when Bailey. was forced
out by the injury. About 50 fans ac
companied the team to Duf ur. The
Stevenson, Wash., team plays in Mosier
next sunaay.
Fred W. ' Donnerberg, back from, a
reconnoitering ascent of Mount Hood
Sunday in preparation for the Legion
annual climb, reports that the snow
banks of the high altitudes are melting
fast. Mr. Donnerberg, accompanied
by Orvle Thompson Upper Valley Ler
eionairre. was puided to the ton of the
Sunday was a big day here, when the peak by Mark Weygandt, official guide
first pier of The Bridge of the Gods
was dedicated. The. Klickitat. Indiana
were very conspicuous in the dedica
tion ceremonies, and ' the addresses
given by several enthusiasts, including
Governor Qlcptt .and Mayor Baker, were
greatly appreciated by, the crowd. A
very impressive part of the dedication
was Chief Spedis shooting the arrow
for the Legion post. The party camped
just below the location of the Legion's
base camp, where two xeet of snow
still cover the forest floor.
"We were up at sunrise." says Mr.
Don ner bore, "and at 7.45 had reached
Cloud Cito Ian. where Mr. Weveandt
iiaa pached ice axes and alpenstocks.
The enow is still deep on the slonea of
across the river at the(place,wbere the the mountain and very soft, although
bridge is to span it. " ' , the depth is far Jess than normal. For
Mr. and Mrs. A. E... Richards, of portion oi ine way we waiKea enrougn
Portland, have been the guests several , heaps up to our waists, and this,
-1 - M ".. If .. J .1 m ' I rr1-an. rfntntlAd no If fninmnl
Nina and Ethel Montgomery and Ma
bel Hillstrom returned from the Lower
Valley Saturday where they have been
working in the berries.
Mrs. Haverty and her daughter, Ed
na, of Seattle, are visiting the J, WiJ
kins family.
Robt. Walstrom motored down from
Seattle last week and spent a few min
utes looking over bis ranch Saturday.
At the school meeting Monday Mrs.
S. Walters was elected director and W.
Austin clerk.
Mrs. Claude Arthur was Hood River
visitor one day last week.
Bert Hillstrom came down from Lost
Lake Sunday and attended Christian
Mr. Willis and family are picking
oerries lor ugora again mis year,
Leo Read was up from the Lower
Valley Sunday.
II. Alexander is working in the
saw mill.
T. C. Coyle, of San Francisco, ia vis
Sting at the liendrick home.
Mrs. Jessie Lvnch has returned to
Portland after spending several weeks
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Waite.
Mrs. Jennie Madden has returned af
ter a lengthy visit with relatives in
Portland. -y
Tom Allen has moved his family back
to bugene ana tie has accepted a posi
tion witn trie Southern racific.
Mr. and Mrs. John Munger, of Port
land were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mrs. Madden.
Homer Mallory, of Portland, was the
guest over the week end of his par
ents,, wr. ana Mrs. u. r. Majiory.
Miss Roberto Lane is the truest of
friends in Portland. '
John Smith and wife, nf Portland.
spent isunday with their son, Clarence.
of course, delayed us. It required just
seven hours to make the summit.
While an unusual calm marked lower
altitudes Sunday, the top of Mount
Hood was, swept by a gale so fierce that
we were unable to stand un.
"Cloud Cap Inn, one of the winga'of
wojcq was Daaiy oenioiisnea oy storms
or the past winter, presents rather a
sorry spectacle. No steps have yet
I ..I . 1 - 4 L l f L
utcu latteu lu repair me in no iiiirn
The Apple Growers Association last
night shipped rive carloads of strawber
ries, bringing the total tonnage to date
to 87 cars. An approximate 20 more
cars are anticipated. Despite the near
Mrs. Jesse Allen is attending camp ness to the end of the season, the
Mrs. J. D. McCully and Miss Eula
McCully left Saturday for , Joseph,
where they will spend the summer.
Geo. Axtelle left Saturday for Seat
tle, where he will attend the Univer
sity of Washington summer school.
Orrin E. Andrus, of East Troy, Wis.,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. 11. J. Graff.
He is en route home from Stanford
Russell McCuHyhas accepted a posi
tion as principal and teacher of agri
culture at Melba, Ida., not year. Mr,
McCully, accompanied by McCully
ann uttie aaugnter, is at Moscow at
tending the University of Idaho.
Mrs. Geo. T. Prather is at Egger
mont visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank
Davidson, while Mr. Prather is absent
in California on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Horn last
week entertained the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sillman, of New
York City : J. R. Buford, of London,
Eng. ; Dr. Emily Balcora, of Portland ;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagner, of Wenat
chee, and Mrs. Dunbar, of Seattle.
Students home from 0. A. C. for the
vacation include Helen Hawkes, Flor
ence Cooper, Frank Vannier, Harry
T 1 . I a .
Adah Laraway has arrived from U.
of 0.
Mies Mary Hawkes was graduated
from Whitman College last week.
Robert Freeman and Gerald Jarvis
have arrived from Benson Polytechnic
Rosemary Maher is home from St
Mary's Academy at The Dalles.
Ernest Alston, accompanied by a
Benson Polytechnic Institute school
mate, has arrived to spend the summer
with the family of his aunt, Mrs. A.
J. Grow.
Jerome Wells, who has been at Echo
for some months, is visiting relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tooley spent the
week end at the home of Mrs. Tooley's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason.
Miss Marian Wyatt came from Walla
Walla Friday to visit relatives and
friends for a few days.
Miss Blanche Aubert returned to
Monmouth Monday, after spending a
few days at her home here, between
the terms of normal school.
D. R. Cooper, one of the early set-
tiers here, but later a resident of Park-
dale, died at Pendleton last Tuesday.
Mr. Cooper had been failing in health
for the past three years.
Mrs. L. E. Porter spent a week in
Portland with relatives. She returned
home Friday accompanied by her
daughter, Mary, who had been Attend
ing school in Portland.
Mr. ana Mrs. u. m. uewitt were
liood luver visitors Tuesday.
Several from here atten d !fc school
meeting at Parkdale Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Williams, of
Portland, spent Sunday here with the
li. A. Hilts family.
A meeting of the Parent-Teacher As
sociation will be held at the school
house Friday evening to talk over the
playsbed proposition.
meeting in Portland
Miss Martha Randall. Mrs. Mvrtle S.
Reiser, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McRae and
daughters, Ethel and Peggy, were gun
day visitors at the home of W. M,
Misses Jean and Lillian Mallory are
attending the Rose Show in Portland
this week.
Miss Elizabeth Hendrick will leave
the last of this week for an extended
visit in California, where she will be
the. guest of Air. and Mrs. Harold Al
len Crane.
Jesse Allen was in Portland on busi
ness part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Wieren and Mr.
and Mrs. David Chamberlain were
Hood River visitors Saturday.
At the annual school rneetiner held
Monday evening. Sam Hill was elected
director for three years, and Francis
Johnson was elected clerk for one year.
The budget was also voted.
picker shortage continued up to Mon
day, wnen4Mrs. J.W. Ingalls, In charge
of the tree employment ofhee of the
Association, had calls for about 100
harvest hands in the Upper Valley,
where the picking is now at its height.
f ickers have received nine cents per
carrier or six pint haJlocka for picking.
with a two-cent per carrier bonus
where thev remained throughout the
season with growers. Packing wages
ran to 17 cents per crate, with a three-
cent bonus. During the past few days,
pickers or Lower valley areas, com
pleting their tasks, have been leaving
lor the Wasco county cherry orchards.
where picking is now under way.
Glenn Wilcox, who has made his
home with , his brother, J. It. Wilcox,
ior me past year, has returned to Min
neapolis, his former residence.
Miss Iva Howey, accompanied by her
parents, has returned from a short
motor trip to Walla Walla, Wash.
miss iiowey win spena the summer
vacation at her home near Corvallis.
Mrs. C. J. Littlepage returned from
Los Gatos, Calif., last week and will
resume her residence here. She is re
covering from a severe illness.
B. E. Nichol and wife moved to Red
mond Thursday, where Mr. Nichol will
take charge of a grocery store and
bakery, which Mr. Nichol recently pur
chased. F. M. Hunter is visiting with rela
tives at Alsea, Ore.
M. A. Mayer and Joe Weller drove
to Portland Friday to see the Gorman-
Morrow bout at Milwaukie.
I The Mosier baseball team traveled to
Dufur Sunday to battle with the Dufur
-ants, final score, was 6 to 4, with
Dufur on tho long end. Both teams
The farmers will soon be cuttinsr
their alfalfa. We need rain for the
new seedlings.
J. E. Reynolds' new store building
is rearing completion.
r, ana Mrs. f. u. Ken voids and
Mrs. John Holt, of Portland, are acain
domiciled at the Sickafoose Ranch for
the summer.
A few of the old settlers attended
the Pioneer picnic at Glenwood.
Orin Pearson has commenced work
at the Forestry headquarters."
Mrs. J. E. Reynolds entertained Fri
day afternoon for Mrs. Martha Mapes,
Mrs. v. w. fcouhter and Mrs. llann
who are soon to leave the valley.
Mrs. Huskey has been quite ill with
pneumonia, nut is improving. Her sis
ter is with her.
John Yost is building a new barn.
Don t forget that Pomona Grange
meets at uienwood June ZU.
Trout Lake Grange will meet but
once a month through the summer, on
the fourth Wednesday evening of . each
Mrs. Carl Pearson has been visitinir
her mother in Stevenson for a short
Mrs. C. II. Pearson attended Grand
Chapter in Seattle as the delegate
irom trout Lake Chapter.
List Your Crop With Us
Yot Sale this Fall. We expect to handle a Larger tonnage
than last season and want to list all crops of independent
shippers, for sale on cash basis.
... .ur demand is for lare sizes, which means heavy
thinning now. As soon as possible we want your esti
mates of varieties.
When in need of supplies, call on us and we will fur
lush against crop:
Arsenate of Lead Box Shook
and other spray supplies Paper
Phones: 4702; Odell 229
(From the Knterprlne)
Mrs. Emma A. Fish, resident of the
Husum district for the Dast 16 vears
died on June 13 at the age of 48 vears.
v montna ana lo aays. ihe was born
in Keokuk, la., August 28, 1873.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P.. Mears. of the
t'leasant View district, were cuesU
Wednesday noon , for luncheon at the
Columbia Gorge Hotel of oldtimt
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mather
and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Armstrong.
of I asadena. Calif., who were on their
way to tour British Columbia. The
tourists made the trip front Pasadena
to I'ortalnd in four days and report the
roaas in spienaia condition.
U. U Hatfield, M. Tuerck and M. C
Martin this week purchased a large
spring of pure mountain water from
C. E. Larsen, of North White Salmon,
ana win pipe the water at once to
their orchard tracts in the Hood View
district. It is understood that thev
paid J1.G0O for the spring and that two
miles of one-inch pipe will cost another
Jl.tAA). 1 he abundance of water will.
however, prove, ten-fold benefit to
these progressive, orchardists.
Mt. Hood Meat Co.
O. C Hughes, Prop.
offers tho ( Complete Equipment
Advantage'of) Complete Stock
( Complete Service
"Famous for Quality"
Thone 4H1.
Uy a vote of 39 to 2 ranchers and
orchard owners of the Dee Fist district
Saturday voted to form a bonded irri
gation district which ill purchase the
plant now operated fy the lee Power
Si irrigation lo. Rl. M. Hill. Leroy
Child and H. Crwne were elected
directors of the new distiirt, the fourth
established in the rouctr.
It will te necenary, according to
rw. rt injur. b rv i a ry or ne new
distrct, for an iesue of approiimately
f75.lK) for the (urchae of the pri
vately owned system and to make improvements.
toosnis Comirj lo Help
R. P. Loomis, who operates a larpe
New York City fruit commission bui
nesa and owns the lava I'd Orchard.
an ant le trsct of considerable site in
the Upper Valley, bits written to C C
Crew, secretary tf the CommerciiJ
Club, that he ex;cU to arrive ber
about July 3. ben be will join milk
other growers cf tbe valley in prepara
tions for eritrtining visiting apple
buyer who will mil on mid-Colarrifcia
district, while out for the Sem e con
vention cf the Ir.terr.atioral Apple
Shipper Association.
Mr. Loom! write tfcit be antici
pate recrtser.UtivM frorn all the
prominent pwtroix.i:tiin froit concern
will visit the rr iJ Columbia section
while in the Northmet.
Only , eight of the estimated 1,200
patrons of School District No. 3, com
prised or the city and surrounding ru
ral territory, were present Monday for
the annual electtion. C. A. Keed, un
opposed, was named director to suc
ceed J. W. Crites. M. H. Nickelsen
was reappointed clerk.
At the election in the Barrett dis
trict, Hoy Hays was elected director
for three years, and A. G. Wing clerk,
The district voted the sale of the East
Side schoolhouae and grounds of an
acre, utliiizng the proceeds in equip
ping paygrounds and constructing ad
ditional rooms at the main West Bar
rett school. .
J. li. Mohr was elected three year
director oi the fine urove school dis
trict. "
The general betterment of conditions
in the lumber market and the rising
price or raw product may result in
an acute apple box shortage through
Northwestern apple box sections.
The condition has already resulted in
sending the price of boxes from 13 to
15 cents each here. Orchardists who
contracted for their snooks early and
who hauled out their supplies, in the
winter and early spring months have
been fortunate. these growers se
cured their supplies for 13 cents the
"Lumbermen." said W. C. Strong.
sales manager of the C. M. Post Box
& Lumber Co., here Tuesday calling on
shippers, "are finding a good market
for their product to be used for other
purposes than box making. The move
ment of such . lumber to the east has
been very heavy the past six weeks.
It is creating a severe shortage of box
J. C. Duckwall. apple buyer and
shipper of the Odell district, declares
that his observations of orchard
throughout the valley lea him to cut
the ettimate that haa been made by
other shirpers who have placed the
1922 crop at 2.500 carloads.
" J do not anticipate a crop in excess
of 2, 000 carload,' says Mr. Duckwall.
1 am placing the yield at only 7ft per
cent oi that of a year ago. We are
advising all of our affiliated growers to
thin their apples with care this season.
W here the trees are heavily loaded, the
pples ought to be thinned to 10 inches
apart. 1 he crop of the east is going
to be very heavy, and our salvation
ie in our production of large apples
or extra fancy quality.
Impressive FUg Day ceremonies
were held at The Dalles last week
nder iuint auspices of the Daughters
I the Kevolution and the Elk Lodge.
P. A. Cram read the Elks' Tribute to
the Flag. A feature cf the event waa
naturalization ceremony with Judee
Wilo presiding. Lt. CoL W. S. Gil
bert, chapliin of the Third Oregon
Retrimect, delivered a stirring address.
Other local folk present for the
celebration included John Baker and
urhter. Misse Kathryn I. and
Frances Eliiabetb, and Kent Shoe
JLOXff. Eacqact Held
At an arnual Joint meeting cf River
side Looge. Ancient Order of United ,
Workmen, cf this city, and Industry j
Lodtfe, i Portland. l't Saturday
nipht, the following candidate were
initiated: Kd;th L. MfGill. DeWitt
Holfircer. J. R. Philhr. Pearl L.
Merrill and George Haslirger. A
strawberry shortcake bamjuet followed
the mt:r(r. The nsitnr were taken
on motor tout cf the vailev. j
The two Irniires re already jlar.nirg ,
n elabonte affair cf thir annual!
runic at Lagle creek in August. i
jmm:imm - lncorhorated
For Our,
312 Stores
Young Men's Sport Suits
The Utmost in Style and Value
1 51
To the Young Men of this com
munity we say with just pride
we have for your choosing the
smartest styles in All-Wool Sport
Suits at the Lowest Prices you'll
find anywhere. Skilfully tailored
from carefully selected woolens,
these high grade Suits represent
the utmost in style and value.
They havs the dash -and -go a
young man wants in his clothes '
and sell at prices young men are
willing to pay.
Sport Styles are the most popular in Young Men's Suits this season. The styles
, we show are authentic and are those worn by the best dressed young men everywhere
Choice of materials in All-Wool Tweeds, Cassimeres and Unfinished Worsteds; single
.breasted models with three-quarter loose belt, patch pockets and backs with inverted
pleats and inverted pleat vent, Handsome new patterns and colors.
;. . Our large quantity buying for 312 stores assures you better values for less money.
Overalls Union Suits Men's Hose
for Men Men'8 AthIetic SlY A Real Value
Beet quality checked Nainsook ; Good weight Cotton IIobo. rein-
220 Blue Denim, Bib, Full full cut. specially constructed. forced heels and toes. Black,
'.'Cut a rpal valup to01' comfortable, light weight navy lrown and gray are .the
vui a.w. Ya.uc garments so popular for Men's colors.
$1.19 Hwdidi, 2 pr. for 25c
'Kerchiefs Khaki Pants Men's Hose
forMen m , ,F,?r Me? , rr"kHe.
Urge Size red or blue Handker- Made of Heavy Kliaki drill to good Weight. Reinforced heels
chiefs. A very good grade to Be- fBs''e long wear. Cuff bottoms, and toes, double soles and high
lectfrom button-dap lup pockets, belt loops. spliced heels. Exceptional values
A good value for at
3 for 25c $1.49 49c
et of
S .A fin n j
.anitary Toilet
Given with $10.00 worth of Merchandise and
$3.25- Cash-It is easily worth $8.00
n TiS setconsists of these desirable brushes-needed in every home-Bath
Clothes, Complexion, Hair and Shampoo, Manicure and Duster.
See How Easy It Is To Secure A Set.
. A tr rrchasin $10 00 Lworth from any or all departments of the store
we simply credit you with $4. o toward the payment for your set-you Dav S3 25
in Men nnn its vnnrs trip pntirp cnt nf c?- Km-ir-l, r- i J , , J V"-J
-j-., , , uiuawes. vjet a cam ana nave vi
daily purchases credited until they amount to $10.00. You don't have to t
it all at one time. Wl
E. A. Franz Co. AbAosukt