The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1922, Image 7

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You Can
Ask us how to renew the beauty of
the chair or table that's in the attic
PAINTING home things is easy
and fascinating. You can do it
as well as anyone with a few
simple directions which we will give
You may have furniture in the attic
which is old only on the outside. It
will be as good as new when re
finished. Or perhaps there are floors, wood
work and other things about the homo
that need beautifying. It's fun to do
it and a big saving, too.
Our "Home Service Paint Depart
ment" was organized especially to
help you make a success of the work.
Write us today, telling what you want
to refinkh and what effects you want
to get.
Our experts will answer promptly,
giving you explicit directions cover
ing every phase of the work. Just
follow these simple directions and
you'll get excellent results.
We make special paints, varnishes,
enamels, wall finishes and stains for
you to use. They are the finest mater,
ials of their kind that we know. We
have been making these products for
73 years.
Take advantage of Fuller's Free
Advice and Fuller's Products and
you'll be surprised and delighted with
the wonderful transformations you caa
make in your home.
Silk en white Enamel
Silken whin Eaataal
produce rick, beauti
ful naiah on woodwork
rul faraitora. Flow,
out amoutalr and doe
But abow braab mark.
Froducaa a Biirror-enootb
auriaca. Staye white and
weare loaf. Claee white,
wiliee whit a&d
We elae auka Decotot
Varaiab Staiaa, All Pur.
poae Varniahea, Rubber
r . . .. r i t-.
Waabable Wall Finiab. Filu-a lo rioora Var.
niab, lullerwear Varniah, Floor Wax, A arte
Eaaoal, FuUer'a Hot Water Wall Finiah (kal
aoauae). Porch and Step PeiBt, aad PlUNtrJt
Home CcrviceTaints
Vtornlsho iiwntli -Stains
Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co., Dept. 40, San Francisco
Branches la 19 Cities in the West
Fuller's "Home Service" Paints are sold by the following in your dty.
EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO., Hood River, Or.
R. J. McISAAC & CO., Parkdale, Oregon,
Pure Prepared Paint Agents
Associated Gasoline
United States Tires, Tubes and Accessories
Special prices in gallon lots. Have your
crank case filled with your favorite oil.
Day and Night Service.
BOYD SUMMERS. Proprietor
On the Columbia River Highway. Telephone 5924.
Berry Growers
It is none too soon for you to make preparations for
your approaching harvest.
Crates and Harvest Supplies
will be supplied to independent growers by us.
We will participate fully in this season's market deal,
and expect to handle our product from a broader scope
than usual because of the increase in independent ton
nage. Come in and talk over your prospects with us.
Hood River Produce Exchange
Phone 1934
The fact that Hood River county ia
the home of several of the leading
Grange organizations of Oregon was
vividly brought to light at the regular
quarterly meeting of Pomona Grange,
at Ode 11, on Wednesday of week before
last. There are only lour granges in
the county, aud of these. Park Grange.
embracing the Barrett. Frankton and
Oak Grove districts, has the largest
membership in the state, the number
being 275, with quite large member
ship applications under consideration
fine drove Orange with approximate
ly 200 members, leads the state in the
volume of fire insurance that its mem
bers have in force with the insurance
department of the Oregon State
Grange, the amount of insurance in
forco being nearly $300,000. Odell
Grange has in excess of 200 members
and is crowding Pine Grove for the
honor of having its members carry the
largest amount of grange insurance,
Parkdale grange, the youngest and
smallest grange in the conuty, is a
vigorous, fast-growing organization,
which bids fair to forge to the front
rank ere long.
for one of the smallest counties of
the state to have within its borders
several of its leading granges is a
matter of much satisfaction and a bit
of pardonable pride to all Hood River
county grangers. These facts formed
the basis of some discussion at tbe
meeting of week before last of tbe
local Pomnoa Grange relative to the
matter of inviting the grangers of the
state to hold their annual state con
vention at Hood River in 1923. These
annual gatherings are growing in size
to upwards of 1,000 delegates, and the
principal stumbling block in the plan
to bring this convention to Hood River
is the lack of a meeting place of suit
able size and conveniences for such a
gathering. For the want of a ball,
the proposition was held in abeyance.
This year's convention will be held at
McMinnvilJe, on June b-y, inclusive,
Kobert trey, or Park Orange, was
elected to represent Hood Kiver
County Pomona Grange at that gath
The forenoon session of tbe recent
meeting was devoted to various busi
ness matters and to the hearing or re
ports from the four local granges of
the county. The feature of the after
noon session was an hour's address by
State Senator I. L. Patterson, one of
Oregon's many candidates for gov
ernor. He discussed various state
issues and outlined his program of pro
posed activities and remedies for the
political and economic ills of the com
Of even greater interest to most of
the assembled grangers was an address
by Mr. Golf, of Seattle, manager of
the wholesale house that is maintained
and operated by the 96 grange stores
in the state of Washington. He dwelt
at length on the need of cooperative
rtorta by all tillers or the soil, in all
of their business affairs, and he re
hearsed the many benefits that will
accrue to the producers of rood prod
ucts mrougn cooperative activities,
Mr. Golf was preceded by N. II. Mac
Millan, manager of the recently
launched Hood Kiver Orange l-o-Uper
ative store, who told of the excellent
support that this new store has bad in
the few weeks of its existence. It
was with prde and much satisfaction
that the assembled grangers beard
that this store did a business from its
first day of opening equaling in volume
the business of any of tbe long estab
lished stores. Reference was made to
the prospect that it will soon take its
place alongside of the Apple Growers
Association and the Hood River
Creamery as one of the county big,
successful cooperative business ven
The formation and launching of the
grange store was the reason for the
consideration and adoption by the
meeting of a resolution, reciting that
lbe grocers of Hood Kiver have sig'
nified their intention to refuse further
business dealings with Lang & Co.,
wholesale grocers, of Portland," be
cause of the business dealings that this
Arm has had and is having with tbe
grange store. The resolution expressed
to Lang & Co.. the hearty appreciation
and support of Hood Kiver county
grangers. It was adopted by a unani
mous vote and with some show of en
Three other resolutions were consid
ered and adopted. By a unanimous
vote, the gathering opposed the levy
ing of a sales tax as a means of nnanc
ing the proposed national Soldiers'
Compensation Act. All but one of the
grangers present voted to oppose the
proposed repeal of the higher educa-
The following citizens have been ap
pointed to serve on the county's re
spective election boards at tbe primar
ies of tomorrow :
Baldwin J. D. Smullin, Rep., chair
man : Robt. Leasure. Dem., judge : J.
B. Doggett, Dem. ; Maud Jordan,
Ren. : H. A. Hilts. Kep.
Barrett O. B. Nye, Rep., chairman ;
David Pylfts. Dem., Judge; r. 11. Mil
ler, Rep. ; Mrs. W. W. Rodwell. I
Scott Aitken. Dem.
Center, 1st Board Glenn B. Marsh,
Dem.. chairman ; Anna flagler, Kep,
judge: Lulu R. Corey, Rep; Mrs. L. S.
Ainsworth, Kep.; Blanche K. linger,
Center. 2nd Board S. B. Carnine.
Ken., chairman : A. u. Kamsey, Dem
judge; Nina Isenberg, Rep.; Monta V.
Glaze, Rep. ; Ernest B. Samuel, Dem,
Dee K. A. coiling, uem., chairman;
Edna I. Parcber. Kep., judge; Zinta A,
Shannon, Dem ; L. t .Parker, Kep.
Luhr Jensen, uera.
Falls A. W. Meyer, Kep., chair
man; r. W. tsaauer, uem., juage;
Elizabeth Lane, Dem.; frank Hall,
Heights J. L. Hershner, Rep.,
chairman: A. M. Cannon, Dem.,
judge ; Eva S. Clark, Rep. ; Iva Sco-
bee. Kep. : Clara u Wilbur. Dem.
Worth. 1st Boara a. u. Lewis.
Rep., chairman; Maud D. Chipping,
uem., juage; tinei ieir, Kep.
Phoebe Morse, Rep. : Harry W. Far-
rell. Dem.
North. 2nd Board 1 herese Caitner.
Dem., chairamn; A. E. Woolpert Rep.,
judge; Edith A. Oladdcn, Kep.; K. D.
Hurst. Rep. : C. C. crew. Dem.
Oak Grove U. IN. Kavlin, Kep..
chairman ; Alfred Cox, Dem., judge ;
Herman Pregge, Dem. ; r . 11. bkinner,
Kep. : Mabel H. Francis, Kep.
Odell. 1st Board Ji w. Dunbar.
Kep., chairman; i. A. Boles, Dem,
judge ; Lenora Masse e, Rea ; Bertha
Dutro. Rep ; J. O. Cameron, Dem.
Odell, 2nd Board J. J. Krumenach
er, Kep., chairman; u A. lu. Clark,
Dem., judge; Almira h. Ferguson,
Rep. ; Mary L. Gould, Prog. ; Lydia
bumner, Kep,
Park Josephine tfuckiin, Rep,
chairman : Nellie McKennon. Dem,
judge ; Florence E. Simonton, Dem. ;
ljouise D. voistorrr, Kep. ; Daisy &
Parkdale A. M. Kelly, Rep., chair
man; A. U Boe, Dem., judge; K. is.
O'Reilly, Dem.; Etta B. Demmon,
Kep. ; uertruae MCisaac, Kep.
Pine Grove W. C. Keck, Rep.,
chairman; M. M. Hill, Dem., judge;
Mabel Dage, Kep., ; Laura E. Page.
Kep. ; Ethel E. Miller, Dem.
Waucoma, 1st Board J. H. Ferg
uson, Kep., chairman; frank Daven
port, Dem., judge; Flora C. Cuddeford,
Dem. : Maud Connaway, Rep. : Arline
t;. Moore, Dem.
Waucoma, 2nd Board Jesse W.
Crites, Rep., chairman; F. C. Sher-
rieb, Dem., judge ; Ruth N. C. How
ard, Dem. ; Ethel L. Jenkins, Rep. ;
steiia waiters, Kep.
West M. R. Noble, Dem., chairman ;
Minnie fsickelsen, Kep., judge; Mary
Foley, Rep. ; Ernest C. Rand, Dem. ;
fJtnei M. Miller, Kep.
No War Tax
Effective May 8th, 1922,. the Excise Tax on United States Tires for
passenger cars, both casings and tubes is absorbed by the makers and is
not added to the selling price. United States Rubber Company.
lb tlie Pairclias eirs j
a 3ox3
Use oir$ll(Q.W
HEN the "Usco" Tire announced
its new price of $10.90 it carried
this understood contract with the
J buyer
A price reduction made in good faith
using all the U. S. advanced art of tire mak
ing not only to get the price down, but to
keep the quality up,
Today $10.90 is not the uncommon
price it was last November.
But the "Usco" Tire is still the
uncommon tire value it always
has been.
Because in carrying out
the"Usco" price reduction
in good faith, we learned
something about rais
ing the quality, too
United StatesTlrw
ant Cood, Tires
1 2$
l , Y" i i
kit .
United States Tires
United States Rubber Company
Tkt mint and Lanttt
Subbtr Orpuaiaattu (A. World
Twa hundred and
thirty-Jim Bratuhn
Where You
Can Buy
U. S. Tires:
Dickson Motor Co.,
Hood River,
An initiatiou in the desert 1
Well, not exactly that, perhaps, but
the poor neophyte who joins La Societe
Des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux. the fun
branch of the American Legion, when
the Oregon voiture meets in its
annual promenade July 26 will think he
ia being- led across some real honest-to-
goodness burning sands.
Across tbe Columbia river frnm
The Dalles, the winds, tearing down
through the gorges east and west
nave, in the ages, neaped up huge
dunes of fine Sahara sand. The only
inhabitants thereof are B'rer Wood-
chuck, who forecasts weather on Feb
ruary Z and the festive rattlesnake.
Members of Voiture No. 105, newly
organized in The Dalles, have just
about decided to lead the 40 or 50 prls-
onnaires who will enter the society on
that date across the river and into tbe
sands from whence their wails of ang
uish may echo hollowly against tbe sol
emn Klickitat hills, flans for the
big initiation are now being busilly
arranged by Dr. Thomas Griffith, of
Dufur. chef de gare of the local Le
gion funsters.
We have secured the services of an ex
perienced mechanic and can now take
Our bakery is equipped with the latest electrical appar
atus, sanitary and so constructed as to make possible the
making of
Better Bread
at a minimum of cost.
We really want to please the people of Hood River. First,
last and always it will be our effort to sell you product of
We invite the closest inspection. Call and see us in the
Bartmess Building on Oak Street.. Our location is as conve
nient as could be secured in the city. Take home for lunch
some of our breads, pies, cakes or pastries. Buns and rolls a
repeal of the
tional millage tax OI the State. tOn- lplr nt all vniir ntnmohil nwa line
siaeraoie aiscussion cenierea arounaipii Rrn, ivi 2,r5i 4tf
anomer resolution recommending an
increase of tbe tuition fee that is paid
by all non-resident students attending
our state educational institutions. It
is stated that at present Oregon is
charging non-resident students only
about one-balf tbe sum that neigboring
and other states are charging their
non-resident students, with tbe result
that our state schools are overtaxed by
the influx of students from otber
states. An increase of the tuition
fees, equitable with other states, was
recommend and urged, only three votes
being recorded against such an increase.
Mr. Axtelle. principal of the Pine
Grove school, outlined a plan providing
for a series of six debates to be given
by 12 teachers of the county at each of
tbe lour grange halls next fall and
winter, the series of six debatea to be
given at each ball in orderly rotation.
The plan was approved and he was
asked to arrange for these debates
next season.
Tbe meeting was attended by over
200 grangers. The ladies of the Odell
grange served a substantial dinner to
this number in the dining room of tbe
Odell Methodist church at the noon
hour. Parkdale Grange will be host at
the next Pomona Grange meeting,
which will be held tbe first Wednesday
in August.
Press Committer, Hood River County
Pomona Grange. Submitted by G. A.
Coming to
The Dalles
Dr. Mellenthin
Specialist in Internal Medicine
for the past eleven years.
Doe not operate
Will be at
The Dalles Hotel
Wednesday, May 31st
Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p,
No Charge for Consultation
If l!!Mr I . ,J A
0UP IXATHIR ttt aV" Jl
Mil UaTHiaxxi. j
- W. L Clark at Vonalla
W. L. Clark has left for Yoncalla
where he will take charge for tbe state
of construction of a 10-mile unit of
psving on the Pacific Highway. Mr.
Clark was in charge here last year of
paving between Hood Kiver and
Sidney V. Smith
Sidney V., 5-year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Smith, died Thursday.
Funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon at the Bartmess chapel,
interment following at Idlewilde cem
etery. Rev. C. R. Delepine. pastorjof ,
tbe first Baptist church, othciatea.
Are you proud of your town. Then
clesn op and paint cp your own pro
perty and thus bell to uphold the high
tUnJarJ. II it is paint material, e
hare it. Emry LuoU-r 4 Fuel Co. Tel.
21S1. aiTti
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon, for Hood River County.
Clarke County Bank or Waahougal.
a corporation, naintitr, vs. c. Guy
wakeneld and Maude J. Wakefield,
bushand and wife, and Cremona Phon
ograph Co.. a corporation. Defendants.
Notice ia hereby given tnat by virtue
of an execution issued lout of the cir
cuit court of the State of Oregon for
Hood River County on the 3rd day of
May. ivi. to me directed and odod a
judgment and decree made and entered
in said court and cause on toe Kith day
of April. 1922. in favor of Clarke
County Bank of Washougal, plaintiff.
and against C Guy Wakefield and
Maude E. Wakefield, husband and
wife, and Cremona Phonograph Co., a
corporation, defendants, for the sum
of 1175.00 with interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from
November 13, 1919, tbe further sum of
$50.00 attorney's fee, and costs and dis
bursements of suit taxed at $17.25. in
cluding costs upon this writ, command
ing me to make sale of the following
described real property in Hood River
County, Oregon, to-wit: The East
half of the South half of tbe Northeast
quarter of Section 4, in Township 2
North. Kange 11 fcast ol the Willam
ette Meridian, containing forty acres
more or less :
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, judgment order, decree and
order of aale, and in compliance with
the commands of said writ, J will on
Monday the 12th day of June, 1922. at
10. -00 o'clock A. M.. at the front door
of the county court bouse in Hood
River, Hood River County, Oregon.
sell at public auction (subject to
redemption) to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all the right, title and
interest which tbe above named de
fendants and each of them had in
said above described real property
on tne J3tn day or November. 1918.
the date of the mortgage herein fore
closed, or since that date bad in or
to the; above described real property
or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex
ecution, judgment, order and decree, in
terest, attorney's fees, costs and ac
cruing costs.
Dated the 11th day or May, 1922.
First publication May 11th, 1922.
Last publication June 6th. 1922.
T. r. Johnson.
SheriJ of Hood PJver County, Ore-
Dr Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and is licensed
by the state of Oregon. He vinits pro
fessionally the more important towns
and cities and offers to all who call on
this trip free consultation, except the
expense of treatment when desired.
According to his method of treatment
he does not operate for chronic appendi
citis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton
sils or adenoids.
He lias to hie credit wonderful results
in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowel",
blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad
der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs.
rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcere, aud
rectal ailments.
If you have been ailing for any length
of time and do not get any better, do
not fail to call, as improper measures
rather than disease are very often the
cause of your long standing trouble.
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this trip will be free and that
his treatment is different.
Married women must be accompanied
by their husbands.
AdJ r6 fi i 336 Boston Block. .Minne
apolis, Minn.
The Higher Standards of
Modern Slioemaking .
have been molded into "Star Brand." It
is no mere ideal, but the every day work
ing rule of a great industry of human
service. "Star Brand", means that the
controlling principles of quality and value
in every stage from the selection of the
leather to the finished product, produce
shoes of greater worth and greater wear.
J. C.Johnsen
We can supply yoa with a
booklet issued by the makers
of PACIFIC Plumbing Fix
ture which shows these fix
tures arranged in many differ
ent stylet of bathrooms.
If yon will call at oar store,
write, or phoce, we will be (14
to (-! ro copy of this booklet,
90S 12th Street.
At Your Service
A Cleaning and Tailoring Establishment
that is modern and up-to-date
in every respect.
Webber s
Phone 1212 Opposite Electric Kitchen
goo. mlljS