The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1922, Image 11

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n n m m n n 1 1 m 1 1 n 1 1 it
II. S. Braakman does Tin '-Tit 1 Tl y 1 o r xti
iiiR and decorating.
Smith Bldg.
When you need Expert Lathe work
remember the Hood River Garage. m25
F of SpirellaCorBeta Mrs.Fred Howe,
613 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2464. j21tf
We make a specialty of expert lathe
work. Hood River Garage. ru25
u n i
u. vjiooo is me proua owner or a new j
touring car.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clo Jackson,
of Wyeth. on Saturday, May 6, a son.
Mrs. J. L. Stewart is convalescing
from a recent erioua illness.
J. H. Reed, of Parkdale, waa a busi
ness visitor here Tuesday.
Before you buy. an automobile you
eheuld see the new Studebaker at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
Highest cash price paid lor your used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. bL'OU
InBist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Motor Co. n25tf
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833. Hood River.
Nursery Mrs. L. G. Morgan will care
for children during day or evening. Call
at house next to library, tel. 3874. mil
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Motor Co. n25tf
R. W. Simpson, of Mosier, en route
borne from Portland, was here Tuesday
mgm visiting inenas.
J. E. Parsons, of Dee, has purchased
a Dodge touring car from Bennett
W. J. Holman, of Odell, has just
purcnasea a new btuaebnaker from the
Cameron Motor Co.
The Hood River Market is now at
tractive, its front having been given a
near, coat oi paint.
R. J. Mc Isaac was here from Park
dale Monday evening for the Apple
Blossom panquet.
Notice I will not be responsible for
any bills contracted by Frances Leon a
Blutz. Forrest D. Slutz. m25
We do all kinds of lathe work for gas
engine and saw mill equipment. Hood
River Garage. m25
Hood River Box Co., box manufact
tiring, Hood River. Oregon. Phone
1342. m4tf
Before you buy an automobile you
should see the new Istudebakers at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
Mrs. George Ertle has returned from
a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Barr, at Mt. Hood.
Ice cream and cake and coffee, Riv
erside church, Friday night, while
considering election returns, patronize
the Missionary Union.
H. B. Leonard is improving his home
on Ninth street, giving it a new coat
of paint. The home is being painted a
fawn color, trimmed in white.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Filz were down
from their Mt. Hood ranch spending
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
George Mellon.
One candidate is sure of nomination
tomorrow. That is E. S. Olinger, dean
of Oregon constables, who is now serv
ing his 36th consecutive year.
Ice cream and cake and coffee, Riv
erside church, Friday night. While
considering election returns, patronize
the Missionary Union.
Special prices on Utah King Coal di
rect from the car. Phone 21&1. Emry
Lumber and fuel Co. eltf
Let me plow for you or clear your
land, have a strong tractor. Call B95H.
J. J. Peterson, Belmont Dist. a27tf
Wood for the range or furnace. Dry,
sound slabs, 16-in. body fir or cord wood.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. a21tf
No matter how simple or how difficult
we pride ourselves on our lathe work.
Hood River Garage. m25
Hides! Hides! Highest price paid
Will call at any place in Valley Why
give them to the junk man? Just tele
phone 5039, and 11. Bresaw will call, futf
Special sale on rose bushes, 50 and
75 cents per bush. Early tomato, cab
bage, egg plant and peppers, 25 cents
per doz. All kinds of flowering plants
lor porch boxes, call on Heights Green
bouse. Tel. 3393. jl
Hood River
$2.00 Hood River Hi Belts, 1.00
with a pair of Pants at $5.85
Belts alone, $1.50 each
These belts are made from the very best
prade of leather and the words. Hood Ri ver
Hi" are stamped in the bronze buckle. They
sure are winners.
Friday Mr 19th only
Shoo Polish 6c
choice of any 15c polish
limit 2
C. A. Elliott, former local automo
bile man who is now engaged as Ford
representative at Independence, was
here Monday on business.
W. A. Hackett, an experienced fur
niture man, has joined the sales force
of the Kelly Bros, store, where he will
look after the furniture interests.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson left
Tuesday for The Dalles for a visit with
their son, John A. Davidson, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Meacham. who
spent the winter in southern Califor
nia. have returned and resumed their
residence on bherman avenue.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Packer, at the home of Mrs. Packer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Stevens,
Monaay, May 15, a 10-pound son.
Hal Wittenbersr. the 15-vear old lad
of the Hood River Gun Club, broke 17
birds out of 25 Sunday at the local
if r -
mra. ousie i. Lynn, after 10 days tn
the Cottage hospital, returned home
Saturday. She is convalescing from
painrul operations.
Ice cream and cake and coffee. Riv
erside church, Friday night While
considering election returns, patronize
me missionary union.
For Sale Choice Gladioli bulbs
Hood River grown extra fine standard
varieties $1 per dozen and up. F. M
Edwards. Phone Odell 9x3. jnel
Music, Music, Music Come and see
Hear and sing. Player Rolls, every one
a good one. Dreske Music store of
sheet music, 905 Twelfth st. jnl
in. Irene Burpee, knifeless surgery
anu Deiter Health culture. Tel. Auto
matic 52(510. Address 201-216 Panama
Bldg., Portland. myl8
Hides! Hides! Highest prices paid.
Will call at any place in Valley. Why
give tnein to the lunk manf Just tele
phone 5039, and H. Bresaw will call. fl)tf
Ice cream and cake and coffee, Riv
erside church, Friday night. While
considering election returns, patronize
the Missionary Union.
Hood River the cleanest town in the
state. It can be if you will help by
cleaning up your own place. After that
a little fresh paint will do wonders.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. a27tf
Mr. and Mrs. Miles C. Carter have
returned from Portland, where they
were called to see Mr. Carter a mother,
Mrs. J. Li. carter, whose health Is In a
critical condition.
E. O. Blanchar, C. Dethman and C,
H. Sproat motored to Trout Lake
Tuesday on a business trip. They re
port residents there jubilant over the
final arrival of spring weather.
B. J. Montgomery, who was down
from the Middle Valley Monday on
business, says the apple blossoms are
making rapid progress following the
beginning of warm weather.
J. T. Rolls, of the East Side, is re
covering from bruises and a broken
collar bone, sustained last week when
be tell irom an apple tree be was
Auto Owners When in want oi a
tube or a tire either Fabric or Cords,
call at 109 4th st. just north of Con
solidated store Hood River to see them
you will buy them. aJOU
Men's work shoes made to order nd
all kinds of shoe repairing, backed by 47
years experience, batielaction guaran
teed, prices right, bmith s Champion
Shoe Shop, First and Oak, Hood River.
Just received New line of real leather
suit cases and hand bags. These bag?,
sold extensively last year, are of a su
per-quality and yet reasonably priced.
W. G. Weber. j8
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Clark, returning
by automobile from Portland Sunday
afternoon, counted 112 westbound auto
mobiles between Cascade Locks and
Hood River.
Mrs. C. C. Lemmon and little daugh
ter, Barbara, have arrived from Med
ford for a viist with Mrs. Lemmon's
parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Hersh-
Edgar Franz, with his stock of cars
all gone, was diligently seeking deliv
ery, from the rortiana house Monday,
of Buicks of different types. The de
mand for the popular car exceeds the
J. D. Smullin motored down Monday
evening irom Mt. flood with his
brother-in-law. Chaplain C. C. Merrill.
of the Fourth Infantry Regiment, who
was a speaker at the Commercial Club
Hi Belts
We have just re
ceived direct from
the factory of Sweet
Orr & Co. a good as
sortment of woolen
and worsted trousers
especially cut and
designed for High
School students.
You'll admit they
are different when
you see the nifty
patterns and the
natty cut of them.
Dark, medium and
light and Palm
Beach, your choice
of these new qual
ity trousers
We are
Jl 1
i If H
The Loyal Woman's Class of the
First, will hold a sil
ver tea and social hour at the parson
age, 502 Ninth street, tomorrow after
noon, beginning at 2 o'clock. All
women are invited.
The local track men won for their
school the silver trophy awarded by
Hood Kiver high school student body.
The cup will become the permanent
possession of the school winning it
three times in succession.
A debate occurred at the Pine Grove
Grange hall last night between Fred
A. Williams, public service commis
sioner, target of the recall election,
and R. G. Duncan, one of the recall
Mark A. Mayer, while here Tuesday
from his Mayerdale ranch, stimulated
interest in the proposed plans of the
joint entertainment by Mosier and
Hood River of delegates' to the Inter
national Apple Shippers Association,
who will visit these sections.
Bids For Wood Sealed bids for forty
(40) cords of body fir wood will be re
ceived by School Dist. No. 4. The wood
is to be delivered at the Barrett School
by Sept. 1st. All bids must be in not
later than June 10th. A. G. Wing, Clerk
Dist. No. 4. jl
Miss Marjorie Caldwell is ill at the
Cottage hospital. R. W. Caldwell, her
father, is just out of the hospital fol
lowing the removal of a piece of the
cap of his right elbow. The injury was
suffered in a land clearing accident.
Alva Sherrill took his Hood River
Pippins to Mosier Sunday, when the
Mosier baseball team administered a
defeat of 8 to 6. Laphand and Byer
pitched for the locals. Hale was
catcher. Proctor and Bailey formed
the Mosier battery.
Eldon R. Bradley, in charge of the
fire station here during the night
shifts, has been appointed city fire
marsh all, succeeding L. d. Morgan.
Mr. Bradley is also secretary of the
Volunteer Fire Department The
amalgamation of positions, it is stated,
resulted from a move to economize.
Mark Cameron was in Portland the
first of the week, seeking Studebakers.
The company had sold the last car on
display here, and had customers await
ing delivery of others. Warm weather.
declared Leon Foust Monday, is the
best stimulant the automobile mer
chant has.
E. N. Blythe was up Sunday to spend
the day with his mother, Mrs. S. F.
Blythe, at Twin Oaks Farm. Mrs.
Blythe, who has been ill, is recovering.
On his return to Portland Mr. Blythe
waa accompanied by his father, who on
Monday participated in the reception
to the national Grand Army com
Earl Franz returned the first of the
week from an extensive trip through
California. While at San Jose, where
he inspected the plant of the Bean
Spray Co., he called on W. B. Dicker-
son ana j. c. Butcher, former local
men. They are now engaged at San
Jose in the manufacture of spray ma
terials. Mr. Franz says they did a
gratifying business this season.
Mrs. Homer Hallock, sister of Mrs.
G. A. Molden, accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. James Welch, and the
latter a husband and little son, Homer
James, of Pendleton, where Mr. Welch
is owner of the Domestic Laundry,
spent the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Molden. lhey baa been at
The Dalles for the laundrymen's con
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, ac
companied by A. H. Johnson, owner of
the Coffee Cup restaurants, of Port
land, motored to The Dalles last week
to join Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson for
a series of social affairs. The Shrine
party on Friday night kidnaped Mr.
Castner and the Portland Mr. Johnson,
taking them on to Baker. On their
return the Castners and their guests
motored here for Sunday.
Major Chas. Steinhauser and Frank
L. Keating motored down from Park-
dale Monday night for the Apple Blos
som banquet Mr. Steinhauser re
ported that he viewed his orchard at
5 o'clock on Monday morning, and the
buds were not open. At 5 o'clock he
inspected them again, and the entire
orchard was pink, so fast bad been the
Election night. Friday, May 19, the
Men's Brotherhood of Riverside church,
will have a social and business meet
ing at the church parlors. All men
who are members or friends of the
church are urged to come out and en-
Ladies' and Growing Girls'
Dress Shoes, Oxfords, Straps & Pumps
Selling from f 6.50 to
$12.50, the pair
Fieldmouse, Grey, Brown and Black Kid Cloth Top Dress
Shoes, Black Patent Oxfords, Plain Pumps and Strap Pumps,
Black Kid and Calf Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Pumps, Brown
Kid or Calf Strap Pumps, Oxfords and Pumps, White Nubuck
and Fabric Oxfords, Strap Pumps and Dress Pumps.
All the new styles embraced in this lot and any kind of
heel, low, medium, Baby Louis and full Louis.
A wonderful line of shoes at a remarkable price. Buy yours now
while your size and kind is here. .
The New Waists are here
authorized agents for this
m MOOD RjvlR- OftaOJ
Why Not Be Comfortable ?
Warm weather Is here and light weight underwear is the first essential to comfort
Mens and Boys' Athletic, $1.15, $1.25 and $1.45 Ladies' Athena CHILDREN'S UNIONS 1
WithKnitSeats- and Royal Court , 7q
Cooper Knitted Summer Unions Union Suits 4gc 10
2 Long Sleeve, Ankle, Short Sleeve, Oxford, White or Ecru,- A Style for Every Fancy Sh1i6 VcStS 2I1Q P3flt5
They fit like your skin. $ 1 .55 tO $ 1 .85 ni a Price f r Pu"e ' 5 ' "
New Stock New Prices Perfect Goods 48c,68c,79cto$1.20 actoflc-
SiTTw Knitted Waists.
Bodice Vests Half Socks, Sandals,
yjZK 9Q Ia fifin and everything for
J'y C 10 00C the hot weather
-, AI1 1922 p"ce8 comfort
':fsjy Men's Harrison Tweed Suits . . . 35.00 I
joy a social chat wnue eating ice
cream and cake to be served by the
Woman's Union. Arrangements are
being made to receive election returns.
Ten per cent discount will be given
on all Hats, uats, capes, ureases,
Blouses, and imported Swiss Handker
chiefs for three days only. May 18, 19
and 20. The coats, capes and dresses
are a BDecial consignment irom trie
wholesale house which will be on dis
play this week only. They will be
sold at almost actual wholesale
Shop early ! Monner's.
Music store on the Heights. Three
happy buyers this week. People seem
to know where to buy because we have
from five to seven pianos on the floor
at once. Records, bheet Music, bun
plies, Flayer Rolls, every one a good
one. Pianos Steger, Thompson,
Schroder, Singer, Keed & Sons, (new).
Used pianos, some as good as new
Steinway, Steck, Smith & Barnes,
Knell. Delivered at your door. Long
time payment, with the payments
right. Ureske Music More.
Saturday was the first "shirt
sleeves" day of the year, the maxi
mum temperature reaching 80. John
Koberg brought a wagonload of tomato
plants to town, and Saturday night at
least 100 vacant lot gardeners were
engaged in setting them.
The warm weather was greeted with
joy by ranchers and fruit growers,
Fruit buds responded and opened as if
by magic. By next Sunday the entire
section will be at its best for blossom
festival. The warm weather is stimu
lating Columbia River Highway traffic,
and the local auto park, which up to
last Friday night had had but 70 visit
ors registered for the season, was well
filled with cars Saturday night
Mr. Andrews' Car Recovered
Sheriff Johnson received a message
from Sacramento, Cailf., announcing
recovery by authorities there of an
automobile stolen on the night of May
5 from W. F. Andrews, who with his
wife had just returned in the car from
San Diego, Calif., where they spent
the winter.
The machine still bore a California
license. Mr. Johnson was not in
formed whether the officers bad appre
hended the thief.
Mr. Andrews left Saturday to return
the car, which was found with a broken
wheel. The thieves were not appre
Watkins Products for sale by V. A.
Bower. 25E. Eugene St., Tel. 3384. f'Jlf
and at the old, old prices
Wellworth $2.00
Wirthmor 1.00
Even prettier and better
than they used to be.
See them now.
line in Hood River.
Sat. Mar 20tH onlr
Men's Ties 25c
choice of 50c to $1.00 ties
limit 2
I: at
12 Rolls Crepe
1 Large Carryall Bag
This is a real bargain that we
picked up and are passing it on
to you.
ORDER NOW while the stock
lasts, at .
The Star Grocery
"Good ThintsloEat"
While Commodore O. C. Dean, form
erly owner of the Hood River-White
Salmon ferry system, says that the
heavy mows that remained piled on
the headwaters of the Columbia and in
the Blue mountains are indicatory of
Columbia floods this summer, he de
clares that any definite prediction of
how the run-off of the watershed will
be, is futile.
I predicted erroneously river con
ditions two years," says Commodore
Dean, "and then I ceased to be a
weather prophet. And 1 will complete
my predictions this year by saying
that I would not be aurprised at high
water. I recently had a letter from
Sam Kershaw, of eastern Oregon, who
has a mine in the Austin district. He
tells me that the snow over sections of
the hieb country there is still 110 in
ches deep. They tell me that the
Okanogan country carries an awful
burden of snow. If the weather con
ditions happen to be such that protrac
ted warm periods prevail on all of the
headwaters, we may look out for a
booming freshet. It is a considerable
'if that one has to take into consider
ation." "
James H. Price, manager of the
Boys' Club, an organization of the Pil
grim Congregational cnurcn in tori
land, was here Tuesday making ar
rangements for an outing of the boys
here soon. Tentative plans call for a
concert of the boys, the chorus of
which numbers 100. at the Kialto
theatre. The Woman Union of Riv
erside Community church may take
charge of the concert.
The boys may come cere to partur
iate in the strawberry harvest, estab
lbhing s camp on Dee Flat.
Arm Broken ia Auto Accident
B. L. Cibbson sustained a broken
automobile Monday night when his
dan car went over the grade of the
Columbia River Highway near Viento.
He was arrompanied bv m brother, w bo
was slightly bruised. Vernon Murray,
traffic officer, was called to aid the
Mr. Murray made the following ar-
reats Monday: Stillman L. Kelly, of
Corvaliis. for driving without a tail
light, and Robert McGuiftss, local
man, for speeding on the Highway.
Babj Hart in Fall
The 10-mor.ths old boy of Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Carman, who fell last
Thursday 20 feet from a high porch,
bead foremost, his skull strikirg the
runde1 top of a rock, which iert a
great dent, is apparent!
.ly recovering,
of r.hysicians.
although in the oi mion c
the injur? would have retulted fatally
to an adult. The child was rushed to
tire Cottage rKwp-.tal but was later
Ulen hf-'Tre. Physiciars are obwrv
irg the little fellow, who has remained
rtriscKui ana brigr.t, to fee it an otr-
ion will be rsecesfary. The accident
occurred at the home of Ue rarenta on
the Serpentine road.
he Heights Feed Store
Has been opened at
The Handy Corner
Give us a trial
We have a full supply of
at downtown prices
E. C.
T h a
One of the finest examples of the
motion pidure art
A pidure with a message to
young and old alike
Way 17, 1922.
Mr. A. S. Kolstad,
Hood River, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Kolstad:
Thank you for inviting me to the pre
view of the film, "That Something." I enjoyed
every minute of it. The acting is artistic, the
story is entertaining and the theme is inspiring.
I wish that all our young people might
see it.
Very sincerely,
A picture that has been endorsed by
the press, the pulpit and all the leading
educational institutions.
2 Days Only 2
Kyet wientifically eiaminM by II. L.
Hnebroutk, Optometrist, He rrniner
Bldg. fs-tf
Prep !! to a" wood in t! a r-
mf in if ri'v. Siithfriar. 1
Mre. Tel. 5T -3 and 1713. .