nOOD RIVER (3 LACIER, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 UQ) mffemer yweuo The energy of a storage battery is gener ated by the action of the solution on the "paste" of the plates. By a special formula a superior "paste" of greater energy value and cohesive qualities has been compounded (or Columbia plates. Standard size Columbia Storage Batteries easily generate 10 greater power and likewise give 10 more service. The type for Dodge cars cost9 only $3 8. 00, exchange price. The size which fits 80 of all cars costs only $24.65, exchange price. (,A11 prioem f. o. b. San Francisco, Calif.) n O 1 v' I m lattenes Circle-Overland Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, San Francisco Also maker of the famoua Columbia Drjf Cell Batieriea FOR SALE 1C0 acre Stock or Dairy Ranch, one of the best in the Valley. Fine soil, 10 acres under ditch, balance free water, 5-room bung-alow. On County road also on Loop Highway. Price, $20,000, $5000 down, terms on balance. Name: "Meadow Lake Farm" "Diamond Spring Farm" 44 acres, 11-room house with modern improvements, lovely spring, Steam Train and Rail Auto stops at gate. Ideal place for summer hotel, on Loop Highway. Price $15,000, $5,000 down, terms. 120 acre Timber Tract. Will sell all or in 40 acre tracts. $500 for each 40. On County Road. . Also a 14 acre Timber Tract. $350. On County Road. 6 acres on paved road, lovely building spot, good soil, 10 minute walk to town of Odell. Land cleared - no buildings. Price $2,000, $500 down. Terms. No incumbrance on any of the above places. If in terested see owners. Mr. and Mrs.0. H. Rhoades Rd. 1, Box 130, tel. 42 Odell Hood River, Ore. OIL EDITOR RESORTS TO TECHNICAL EXCUSE C. C Crew, secretary of the Com mercial Club, declares that Phil S. Patchin. assistant to the president of the Standard Oil Company, of Califor nia, is a prizewinner at making ex cuses. Recently the oil company print ed a blossom number of the bulletin it issues as a house organ. A panoramic view of the Hood River valley was shown. But the caption under the cut read: "Panoramic view of Hood River valley orchards. Salem, Oregon, where blossomtime festivals are held annaal ly, is about seventy miles, over a paved hichwav. irom rortlana. Mr. Crew thought the caption a little misleading, and so wrote the oil pubu cation. He has just received this re ply: "We beg to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of April 18, concern iner the letrend under a panoramic view of Hood River valley, which appeared in the Standard Oil bulletin for March "As you say, we do, indeed, know that Hood River is distinct in itself and some 120 miles from Salem: We do not wish a contorversy to ensue from our effort to inform our readers about Ore gon, hut if you will examine the title carefully, yon will observe that it is not as inaccurate as one would believe from a hasty readine. You will see period after the word 'orchards, and you will observe that the word, 'Salem,' opens a new sentence which deals with that town. "It might have been clearer, but it is not inaccurate. G LET row yo You will be pleased with the service we give you and with our goods and prices. We take as great care in filling orders as you would yourself if you were to come to our store in person. Give us a chance to serve you. HOC Consolidated Mercantile Co. HOOD RIVER ODELL Phone 1124 Wc Call and Deliver pring Suits We have a wonderful line of New Tweeds, Cassimeres and Worsteds. Made to your in dividual measure by tailors who know how. Cleaning Pressing Dyeing U?e City Tailors BKAZEATJ & NICKELSEN In Basement under Coolidgo Jewelry Store. MRS. NEFF'S FUNERAL HERE LAST FRIDAY News was received here Wednesday of last week of the death at Reedville of Mrs. Elizabeth Kenny Neff, wife of W. E. Neff. Mrs. Neff was a sister ol W. Ross Winans. She was the young est of nine children of E. W. Winans, local pioneer aered 97 years, who now resides at Reedville. All her brothers and sisters survive. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from As bury Methodist church, Rev. Gabriel Sykes officiating. Interment followed at the Knights of Pythias cemetery. Elizabeth Kenney Neff was born on May 28. 1864. She was married to William E. Neff in Portland June 15, 1887. coming to Hood River the same day and establishing their home until 1907. when they moved to Cornelius, thence to Reedville. Ore. Mrs. Neff became a Christian in 1888, uniting with the United Brethren church at Cornelius in 1912. The following poem, as a tribute to his sister and entitled. "Farewell Flowers." was written by W. Ross Winans : We bring for thee, dear Sister ours, 'Ere thou art laid to rest. With loving hearts sweet farewell flowers To lay upon thy breast ; Wild roses and forget-me-nots Now thou art called to die, Shall grow upon thy burial lots To say our last goodbye. Thou art not dead but sleeping, More beautiful to rise, In Heaven there's no more weeping Nor sorrowful goodbyes ; Then meet us on that mystic strand, On Jordan's distant shore As each membnr of our band Crosses to return no more. Refrain Sister, thy life was like thy mother's, Patient, loving, kind and true, Husband, father, sisters, brothers Lovingly remember you ; In the twilight shadows falling, While we miss thee from our home, Sister, thou art calling, calling, Calling, calling us to come. Gill Wasco Manager F. M. Gill, of Dufur, has been ap pointed field manager of the Oregon Growers' Cooperative Association at The Dalles, succeeding J.H. Frazier, who is no longer connected with the co operative concern. Mr. dill will not only act in a sales capacity but will advise growers as to spray applica tions and cultural method. The as sociation this year will place a sales man on the road in northwestern states, securing orders for less than carlota of fruits and produce. GOOD 100 PURE Bread FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS N J; D. HcLUCAS CONTRACTOR Practical worker in Ptoni. Concrete, I'.rick ani Plaster. J.xcatatiix, Orading, Etc. li'xxl Kirer, Oregon. LEXORE GREGORY TEACHER OF VIOLIN Kurn rrf-sn Training an J Kaferi$nY Ca'.l Sa!nr!ayi at Oren Hotel, or aivir Mj. iirf c ry, 808 Hanrexk et, I'ortUnd, Oregon. We will be glad to see you and your friends at any time at THE APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE GUN CLUB NEWS Tho ohru-ifintr rnntrh hfA at Pnrtalnii last Sunday, and participated in by the Hood River, Portland and McMinnville teams, was an easy victory for the Hood River team, they annihilating 446 of the little tar aaucers while Port land could claim onlv 419 and McMinn ville 412 out of the 500. The individ ual scores of the Portland team are not availabla, but the scores of the Hood River and McMinnville teams follow, each man shooting at 50 tar gets. Unmt Rivo Marshall. 48: Foreman. 47; Ingram, 46, Button, 46; Frank. 45; r rea Kand, 44; uavenpori, ; vum bolton. 43: Voet. 42: Loughery, 4L Total, 446. McMinnville Christensen, 47; hi lars. 46; W. Martin, Sr.. 45; Hibbs, 45; Fink, 45; Jacobson, 43; Thompson, 40:Houck. 36; McCann, 33; Cocker- han, 32. Total, 412. W. L. Marshall and A. Lhristensen were the winners of the high gun trop hies in their respective teams, while the Hood River team as winning team was presented with a fine silver trophy cup. Next Sunday is the regular prize shoot at the local traps and the club would like to see a large number pres ent. Rhoades Gets $7,000 Check The county last week paid to O. II. Rhoades $7,000, the sum awarded by a jury in Wasco county circuit court as damages accruing from construction of the Mount Hood Lood Highway across his place in the Odell district. Watkir Products (or Mle hr V. A. Bower. 25 E. Engene t . Tel. 33M. fi'tf Notice of Stockholders' Meeting of Grange Co-operative Store The first meeting of the stock sub scribers and holders of the Gr anpe Co operative Store will be held at Library hall in lb Citv and County of Hood River. State of Oregnn. on the 3rd dsy of June. 1922. at 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the purpo of electing di rectors, adopting by-laws and for the transaction of such other buine.s as mav be brought before said meeting. We, the undtrigned, being all the incorporator of said corporation, here by call the aforesaid meeting. Dated May 4th, 1922. W rru Monroe, J as. R. Forden. O John C Phickwalt, Frank C Dethman, m4jl W. FarrelL LOCAL FOLK ARE EATING MUSHROOMS Hood River folk with a bent toward the epicure are now feasting on mush rooms. Several edible varieties of the fungi are found here in the spring months. The sponge mushroom, found in abundance in orchards, where the spores thrive on old rotten apples, is a favorite here. Other varieties are found in lowland fertile spots. Num erous boys of the town are adding to their savings accounts by the harvest of the fungi. During the fall of the year, follow inar the early rains, mushrooms are more plentiful over the mid-Columbia than in the spring months, in some sections fungi, varieties of which reach a very large size, are harvested in commercial quantities by Japanese. Utilizing strawberrv crates for con tainers, the Orientals ship considerable quantities of the mushrooms to Califor nia metropolitan points. LAUNDRY MEN TO BE TENDERED LUNCHEON Members of the Oregon Laundry Own ers Association, expected here to the number of 200 today from WUlam ette valley and southern Oregon points and Portland, will be greeted by the Commercial Club and A. F. Adams and W. A. Schaffner who will tender them a luncheon at the Columbia Gorge Hotel. The junketing laundry men will come here by automobile over the Columbia River Highway. Following the luncheon and a tour of blooming areas of the valley orchards, they will proceed ;to The Dalles for- a two-day convention of the organization there. A feature of the luncheon will be the presentation to the visitors of New town apples of last season's crop. To all whom it may concern : Any body holding an accouut against Mrs. Ann E. Hays will address her daughter Mrs. W. J. Pritchard, Administrator, Sherwood, Ore. Box 113. jly27 You can average higher prices for your fruits by selling them at public a n ln "y 0,he' wa And cw wu lower. In -uou.on, you getyourmoney with, in twenty-four hours after sale. Writ, for full Information today. STANDARD LUMBER CO. NOW OPERATING Anything can be had in the way of dimension timbers, etc., on short notice. Deliv eries will be made on orders of 2000 feet or more without ex tra charge. Call us for any thing in the lumber line. HORN BROTHERS Phone 5581 15 Acres Four miles from Lyle, on good graveled road, all fenced, 7 acres under cultivation, balance good land, not heavy clearing. Well, three-room- house, barn' and out buildings. Price $800; $400 cash, bal. 5 years at 67c. 80 Acres Five miles from Lyle on grav eled road, 10 acres fenced, 5 in bearing orchard, 8 more tilla ble, balance pasture and tim ber. Small house and barn. Price $500. $350 cash, balance one year. Ceo. A. Snider, Lyle, Wn. For County Assessor To the Republican voters of Hood River County: In seeking your support as nominee for county asses sor, it behooves me to ac quaint you with some of my life story with its relation to a residence in Hood River county. I have lived for twenty year in the Upper Valley. Have always stood for the best in schools and roads. I was one of the organizers of the Upper Valley Fed eral Farm Loan Association. Have passed on applications for practically all the loans now outstanding. They ag gregate $05,000. My knowledge of condi tions render me fjjjlly com petent for th office. E. C MILLER FMon 41222 (fan inch when cold Iflfifl of an Mi tinder fire An automobile angina having a 4" bora will hav when cold a clearance between Its pistons nd cyUnders of approximately 41000 of an Inch. When the same engine has been heated to operating temperature, this clearance will have decreased 7S, or to 11000 of an Inch. Likewise, a main crankshaft Bearing having a clearance of about 1J41000 of an inch when cold, will show a decrease in this clearance at operating temperature to less than J41000 of an Inch. All oils loae viscosity, that Is, they become lighter la body when subjected to the beat of engine operation. An analysia of Zerolene shows that the differ ences in its body at the various engine temper atures, from cold to operating temperature, follow in close relation the decrease in bearing ' clearances. The right body at all operating temperatures For this reason Zerolene oils have at all engine temperatures exactly the required body to splash ard flow freely into the fast-moving, ta;alUKarance bearings to provide an ad equate film of lubricant. Because of their "oiliness," Zerolene oils cling to bearing surfaces, and at the Same time offer in themselves a minimum of resistance to the engine power going to the driving wheels. For this reason they give perfect lubrication and permit the development of the maximum power, speed ana gasoune mueage ui wie car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY iCaltfornUi) more powerfispeed less faction and wear thru Cnmt lubrication Springs For All Gars Do not be discouraged if you have broken a spring on your automobile. We now carry a full line of springes for all makes of auto mobiles. If you are in trouble, give us a call. We can give you instant service. HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel. 2551 . " THE BUSY DAYS These are the busiest days that orchardists experience the early Spring, when Spraying and Cultivation de mand all the time of the man who grows Apples. Weath er circumstances have made the orchardist especially busy this year. If your time for shopping has been cut to the mini mum, let us help you with your meat ordering. A tele phone message to us will result in the preparation of the roast, the steak, lard, fish, etc., that you want. We are here to serve our rural patrons as well as those in town. WE WANT TO SATISFY The Hood River Market A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 HEIGHTS JITNEY Fare 15c each way Leave Heights at Hart Hold. Leare down loin at Dcctric Kitchen. Other drive at reasonable prices Office: Electric Kitchen. Phone 1191 GEO. F PTRANAHAN Tel. a; 16 F. M. SLAVES Stranalian & Slaven General Contractors and Builders HOOO RIVER. OREGON. Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate Abstracting of Land Title. ARTISTIC MEMORIALS of Original Design Li Granite and Marble WrIK tor Iliaktrattd Book id Otto Schumann Granite and Marble Works East Third and Pine Street PORTLAND, ORE Oideet Mocameot MinnfaitQrere A. J. DERBY . Lawyer HOOD RIVER. OREGON. D 3