The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 27, 1922, Image 2

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fytrtb Hturr (Blartrr
AHTHUR D. MOE. Publitbsr.
Subscription, 82.00 Per Tear.
' Display advertising, per Inch, 85 cent first
line and 20 cent for Batne adv. ajrsin.
Local reading notices. 10 cent per line first
Insertion, & ceuis per line same reader aaln.
Classified Ads.-25 cent for one insertion, t
lines or Ions; 10 cents for each additional lnser.
tlon ot same ad.
When subscribers desire a cbsnire in address
this offloe should be notified promptly, and a
week before If possible. Always give old ad
arena as well as the new. Also, Hood River
nbficribers should notify thitoffloe atonoe
when changing their address from one rural
route to another, or lrom city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. If you do not
get your paper promptly, notify us by mall or
WlClfUUl MUM M WlBltv. . . " ' "
What is the greatest need todayf
the apple industry? Ask any north
western grower and his immediate re
ply will be: "We must get a larger
return 'for our product." How
this!return eoine to be increased? One
wav that is possible is through the
reduction of costs of growing and mar
keting the fruit Apples may retail at
fabulous sums, but such a system,
the grower produces them at a loss, or
onlv has a negligible margin of profit
left, is not conducive to any enthusi
asm in the producing end of the in'
dustry. The time has arrived when
cooperative organizations of growers
must not merely look for a wider dia
tribution but they must conduct con
atant investigation toward the reduc
tion of coat of preparing fruit for mar
ket. The northwestern apple grower,
in order to maintain his reputation in
the big markets for a product of the
first quality, must necessarily place
his product in as attractive a package
as possible. But a clos,e observation of
marketing customs leads us to the con
elusion that perhaps this expense in
eettinar ready the. package has been
applied a little too lavishly. We won
der if printed apple wrappers are
worth the extra expense.
Numerous Hood River growers the
past winter have observed the retail
apple markets of southern California.
So far none of them have reported
ever having seen a printed apple wrap
per on display. It is likely that the
same experience would follow an in
vestigation of eastern markets. The
printed wrapper seems to have no sig
nificance to the retail trade, and inso
far as the latter is concerned it appar
ently is a superfluous expenditure. It
may be that the printed wrap has a
value in getting the apples before the
jobber. Market men, however, will be
found who contend that the jobber
pays more attention to the label on the
outside of the box than to anything
that may be printed on the wrapper.
In comparison with the cost of ap
ples to the final consumer, tbe grower
is getting far too small a portion of
this cost. Too many interests are
tacking on profits as the fruit makes
its way from shipping point to fruit
stand or grocery store. The grower
has reached the point of wondering if
a radical departure from the old estab
lished trade customs should not be re
sorted to, in order that he may have a
fairer share of the proceeds from the
apple business. An inter-district coop
eration of northwestern fruit interests
was launched not so very long ago in
Portland. It has justified its birth to
date by taking up in a virile fashion
some of the evils that have beset the
industry. It may later find that it
comes within the scope of its activities
to take up this question of marketing.
Sincere determination of such an or
ganization to eliminate some of the
mistletoe intermediaries in the fruit
and produce business may result in
more money in tbe pockets of growers
and cheaper apples for the consumers.
Hood River citizens seem inoculated
with golfing enthusiasm to the extent
that a course is assured here. With
the healthy nucleus of players already
at hand. Hood River golfing is assured.
Indeed, with Portland folk taking an
intense interest in local golf affairs,
opportunities for the development of
the local course are unlimited.
Golfing, from a general observation
of the game, is something like the to
bacco habit. Youths start to smoking,
not because tbey have any keen relish
for a first indulgence in the solace of
"Milady Nicotine," but Realise they
See others wielding pipe, cigarette or
cigar. It seems a custom that marks
adult manhood. A few tastes of the
weed bring about a desire to smoke,
and thus the custom gains recruits
rapidly. Golfing seems a tame game
to the uninitiated. But men see others
enjoying it with keenest relish, and
the first impulse to wield a golf club from this observation of the er-
tbusiacm of others. It is not k"V,
however, until the veriest tjro be
comes an adept, or thinks he is, and s
new bug on golf is recorded. There is
this difference in tbe slave of the to
bacco habit ani tbe golf bug. Some
times a man's physician, to salvage his
began referring to this valley as the
hub of mid-Columbia scenic activity.
The completion of the Columbia River
Highway and the work now under way
on the Loop road is an evidence that
the district is, indeed, such a hub.
Hundreds, of course, would come to
Hood River if there were no golf
course. They would come once for the
scenery and to do the roads and the
trails that will be developed, but the
proposed golf course will attract a
more nermanent lot of tourists. The
scenery may prove the initial attract
tion. but the golf course will cause the
tourists to play returns. The golf
course, as was indicated by John C.
Ainsworth, Portland banker, here Sun
day, will be a magnet for Portland
families, who have a week or a week
end of leisure. Indeed, the golf course
is Drains- to he a decided new asset to
" o en
the Hood River valley.
The action of the Commercial Club
last week in adopting a resolution call
ing for definite progress of the Forest
Service in making available the snow
line by a iateral road to the Mount
Hood Loop Highway and the submerg
ing of individual retarding processes to
the scenic development, was inevit
able. The situation with regard to
Cloud Cap Inn, future developments
of the tourist hostelry and the provid
ing of accommodations for a heavy
tourist travel there seems to have
reached a regrettable point. The For
estry Service, with $25,000 available
for starting the lateral road, has asked
for an assurance that certain improve
ments will be made before trie roaa
will be started. Homer A. Rogers is
unable to meet these requirements
and yet he is unwilling to make a re
linquishment of his rights on a reason
able basis in order that others may
proceed to function in cooperation with
the forestry department
Ultimately Mr. Rogers will find his
Cloud Cap Inn permits revoked. It
will be to bis interest as well as to
that of all the state if he makes dis
position of his rights and privileges at
reasonable figure. Mr. Rogers has
been of service in his pioneering in the
resort business in the Mount Hood sec
tion, but there has developed between
him and Hood River folk an antagonism
that is not conducive to future cooper
ative effort The time has been reached
for a new deal all around. Mr. Rogers
will benefit himself by falling in with
the new plans.
In O. H. Fithian, for 22 years a
prominent shoe merchant of Portland,
Oregon Republicans have a man of
character as candidate for national
committeeman. Mr. Fithian, although
he has not sought to place himself in
the limelight, has ever been active in
progresssive movements of Portland.
His fine traits have'attached to him a
host of friends. He is an energetic
and successful business man, char
acterized by his absolute reliability.
His record as a Republican is above
reproach. If elected he will be a
credit to his party.
"Not honors for myself but service
to my party and Btate," is the slogan
of Mr. Fithian. To those who have
followed his career, the words carry
a genuine ring.
L .
The Woman's Club Clean Up week
has passed, fciid soma very excellent
results have been noted. Yet weather
conditions were such that tbe refur
bishing of lawns and backyards was
not as spontaneous and complete as it
should have been. Much work still re
mains to be done. It behooves every
householder to make his home prop
erty as presentable as possible. The
opportunities for beautifying homes
here with snnual flowers are unlim-
ted. A dollar or two applied to per
ennials or shrubs will be well spent
Tbe season is at hand, too, when the
paint, brush should be applied with
telling effect New paint works won
ders in giving a tidy appearance to a
home. Keep the clean up movement
active all the time.
The proposal that the city
county authorities get .together
arrange lor a use oi me city
assembly room for sessions of
trials of circuit court is a
sense move. It should have
the en-
dosement of all good citizens. Let us
hope that it is pushed along to a suc
cessful issue, and that the proposed
arrangements will be made before an
other jury session cf court
health, require! that be lay atiJe the
pipe or forego his daily cigars and cig
arettes. We have never heard of a
doctor ordering a man to qait golf.
Not lurg ago some of the one cf tbe
coast resorts, with great sounding cf
self praises announced tbe openir.fcj.f
a giaxt swimming pool. We have for
gotten what town it was. Indeed, if
we remembered, we wouldn't My, for
it might be embarrassing. Anyhow, it
was a comment on the swimmirg pocl
by a Willamette valley paper that cre
ated our real interest This ecrr.ner.t
was to the effect that the coast resort
fright better have served itaelf and
made itself more attractive to rr-etra-jjoliUn
tourist if it Lad laid out a
good golf course.
Hood River is fast t-ecorr.irg the
tourist center cf tbe mkl-Coiombia dis
trict About 10 years ago the Glacier
Again the Columbia River Highway
s closed by pavers between here and
Tbe Dalles. In a few short weeks.
however, all psvmg will have been
laid, and the route from tbe sands of
the Pacific to tbe sands of Wasco coun
ty will be free and inviting to the mo
torist, and for a like length of road
anywhere in the world we know of no
greater diversity of scenery.
Upper Valley potato growers should
crgar.ize to grow certificated seed po
tatoes. As it is, the growers of this
section get a premium of 25 cents
above the market for the tubers, in
keen demand by California for seed.
Certified seed stock mojld bring much
more money.
Sap is rising, and we will soon be
recounting the discomforts of some
wildflower seeker who has found poison
Real gardening weather has arrived.
Tbe worker can now get uo a healthful
perspiration at tbe end cf bis spade.
These are golfing days. Tbey should
stimulate actions cf the gnlf club
This week all households will be
asked to donate one or more books to
the Hood River County Library. In
how many homes are there books that
are never touched and that are abso
lutely unserviceable in their present
state? Why not go through your li
brary shelves, your cellars and garrets
and get out volumes that you do not
want and pass them on to the county
library? Do not give book a that are
usele&a and worthless to everyone.
Tbe library does not need an accumu
altion of congressional records or agri
cultural year books.
The book week, if citizens will enter
into it in the proper spirit should be
productive of tbe assembling of many
good volumes that are now lying dusty
and useless. Go now and find some
good volume or several and take them
down to tbe library.
The following is a little bit of truth
and poetry :
Hordes of autos now remind us
We should build our roads to stay
No black top or asphalt surface
Types that soon will pass away.
When our children pay the mortgage
Fathers made to haul their loads,
Tbey should not have to ask the ques
"Here's the bonds, but where's the
Asparagus is now in style.
All shippers working hard ;
Can you eat It with a smile
At ninety cents a yard?
The Packer.
A new means of advertising the
Hood River valley was launched at the
weekly meeting of the Tuesday Lunch
Club at the Columbia Gorge Hotel
Dr. J. W. Sifton, chairman of the
day's program, declared that the dis
trict had been liberally advertised
through newspaper and periodical pub
licity. Placards, the world over, he
cited, carry the story of Hood River
What we need to inaugurate now,
declared Dr. Sifton, "it, a personal
element, the human element in otlr
greeting to tourists. When our visit
ors come among us, we should greet
them with a courtesy that will cause
mem to reran iiooa mver wun pieaa
are. It is a program that we can fol
low without expense, and its returns
will be of inestimable value. Once we
launch ourselves into such a campaign
we will begin to hear from it Visit
ors will carry the story of Hood River
along the road and back home, and
others, who answer the call.of motor
ing will be advised not to miss our
I he sugestion was accorded a gen
eral approval. I. K. Acheson. who re
eently returned from , trip abroad, de
clared that the courteousftreatmcnt of
stanrers was pleasantly noticeable on
one's arrival in Scotland and other
overseas countries. Inquiries, he said,
in the old countries elicited a warm re
sponse, residents exerting themselves
in an effort to be kindly and helpful to
the traveler. The difference, he de
clared, in such courtesies and the
bludgeoning greetings accorded the
wayfarer in New York City were de
cidedly noticeable in contrast Mr.
Acheson told how the Hood River Can
ning Co. is now carrying into the
homes of American and British Isles
housewives a pictorial scene of the
Hood River valley on canned apple
The meeting was given over to half-
minute personal advertising talks. A
fair sized portion of the population.
apparently, is advertising the new golf
In the absence of President Murphy,
who was at Trout Lake to extract
some fifh. Vice President Castner pre'
aided. The next meeting will be at
the Pheasant with William Sylvester
as chairman.
Rubber stamps for berry crates at the
U lacier otlice.
KorHale Two ton Master truck: also seven
fiawu'ntter Cnandler touring car and Htude.
inker Hclnl Hi Kosdsler. Will sell any or
all. If In the market see me before buyinv.
It will be worth your while. Iniiulre r. w.
(hindlund, Just west of city limits on High
way. surtf
For Pale A stsndard plsyer piano at one of
oigitMii nsrcain pricwi ever oni-reo ana ancn
lilKh standard musical instrument. Kasy
terms to leaponslble pa'ty. Mee O. A. 'Hower
at Ueo. M. Ualloway place. mi
For Bale American wonder peed potatoes,
II. Ml per pu lbs. C J. Magnnsou, I'arkdala
Tel. i'arkdale 13. lull
Kor Kale New Fsgeol Tractors for sale at
Ires than manufacture eosl. We nave aev
ersl of tlieee tractors on hand, and will make
very low prices and litwral terms In order to
dlsnoseof them quickly. Isyou are Interested
In a high grale tractor at a reasonable price
write us. American Warehouse and Kales
Company, Kaxl ton and Ash Streets, fortland.
ore. ni
Kor Hale 1 O. A. C White Leghorn romrter,
1-year old. Tel. 60. a27tf
Kor Kale or will trade for good kodak ?3
fun, wood, or what have von. H'i ft. Hardie
i 111 valor, Hardie hpray Tank Killer with 15
fee hne, t.ycie urinuer good as new, r.nison
Klreslde t'honograpu and : records, i'bone
S704. A. M. blipbena. Alameda Way.
For Kale or Trade IS acres apples and pears,
modern room house, running waier'atar.e
apple noiiae. gona barn ana rniccen nouses
Creek broach fe. located el of Hsrrett
School. Kour miles from Hood Elver. Phone
6-H7. U. H. Hmllb, Kl 4, Boa hi mil)
For Sale At a bargain, a 7 room bunrakiw
on stale r)L Inquire of K. E. Kaeaeer. I'bone
C4. my 4
Kor Hale Two good lots V) t l fronting on
Cascade snd Columbia Hta, sidewalks and
street Improvements paid. Price llou, $J
cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. Ad
dress 1. Brown, Ml Liberty tit.. The lallea,
Ore. my4
Kor Sale l it le r'lyer tonrlng car. In A1
shape or will irsde for sm slier car and part
cm a. A. B. tser, phone M-1. a-tf
For Kale-lfjO Dodge In good eond it ton. ML
Hood Motor Co. a-7tf
Kor 1-le Fresh I'nrhsra cos
Iluriberi. I'bone V,ts.
Mrs. C M.
Kor Sale By owner, croer 131 b and B. mod
ern dwelling, sn large rooms. atb snd miiw
h.n. otn stairway and stairway to forge
gsrreC Kirepiace. fu l basement with fnrnaoe
equipped wliti coll. Two Iota, Ml I ID earn,
l.ard.n many ornamental and ft oil trees,
ben mi ful shriitjhery. burn, garage, cMcsen
park. Alley In rvar. Imcstion rilta go a Mb
profny. lull view bolu mountains, Cbeap
at tutu. e."U
Kor Kale Brand new tractor disc harrow.
1 loot cut, a snap tr only S at Brnnett hma.
For Ka e Pay old chicks from
trapreed pore bred rV C. Krtde
Is n1 Reo. Avsioo farm, ph'-ne
.Me, r-Let man J. frank. a J II
For Ka.e One team of hnwss. tn heavy
WMfons, between ani ft r es of hay. 1- n
qair at City bevorder s office. ajLi
New Summer Wearable
The hat frames the face and can so easily
affect one's entire appearance, that its selection
is a matter of importance. There is no reason
why anyone should wear an unbecoming style.
Our Millinery Department is prepared to care
for your every want; smart, new, distinctive
millinery that is sure to please you.
New Silk Sweaters for Ladies
A big assortment of the newest shades and
styles. You'll like this showing. Come in and
see them. 2nd Floor.
New Hand Made Waists.
New Worth more Waists.
New Coats, New Suits,
New Dresses.
for Ladies and
Patent, Russian Calf
and Kid.
In this collection will be found everything
from the dressiest dancing pumps to conservative
street Oxfords, with an individuality that is a
delight to well-dressed women".
Men's Hats, suitable for dress or everyday
wear. These are exceptional values and are
really worth many times more than we are sell
ing them for. All sizes, from 65a to CI QK
m. Your choice, only
Ladies' Silk and Kid and Chamoi
sette Gloves A table filled with these at
about half the price they should be marked.
This is a broken lot that we are closing out.
You can surely get a big bargain in this lot.
The Store
of Biggest
For Halk Carlord ot 1100 snd 1200 round
block y bunch of fiirm horses, especially se.
lecled for orchard work, from 4 to 7 years old.
These horses may be seen at ranch near Odell.
Prices reasonable. Jf you need a (jood horse
and want to save money, It will pay you to
look these over before buying. H. U. Osborne,
Phone Odell fcM.
For Hale-Light one-horse wagon, single har
ness and saddle. Call Bert Htruuaban at 1
a 27 If
Kor Sale Netted Gem seed potatoes grown
from bill selected seed which Increased yield
M per cent on first selection. $1.60 per cwU
1. Beal, Parkdate. I'bone 17. m
Kor Sale A good Jersey cow, fresh May "th,
John Mitchell, Methodist Lane. R. K. I). 4,
Hood Klver.or Inquire at J. C. Johnsen'sHhoe
stre. W
For Hale Two good yonng frsh milch cows
and calves for sale or trade for Ford touring
ca". C 11 fl Oortou , W yeth , Ore. BU7
For Bale-yPalr of hores. Weight about an)
ponnds, yotaw and sound, true to pull. Tel.
447, J. k. Malloy.
For Sale A Winchester rifle, aotomstio, 77
calibre. Tel. M. R. Catherwood, Tel. Odell 406.
Ifnr Hale Mammoth bron turkey eggs at
per setting. William Keuwlck, phone
roroaic i.. j, ouiim ' '
a t shspe. 3&I. Bee H. linger, Hood Ulver
mach. wks. 7
For Hale A2' h. p. sprayer. International
engine, one cylluder, double acting pump, 140
gallon barrel tank. J. A. Walter, Tel. fWMi.
Kor Bale flood, heavy horse, cheap. On
Humphrey Barton place, Pine Grove. ail
Kor Hale or Trade 160 acre dsiry farm. Lo
cated In Clark County, W ash., stocked with
cows, horses, machinery, chicken etc
Good spring water piped to house wltn hot
WHlt-r tank, bath Inside, toilet t ic. Telephone
and lot of wood. Will sell or trade for apple
orchard. Inquire to write John Taylor. Hood
Hlvtr, Ore., K. 8. ni4
Kor Hale A 1H'V Maxweil Touring car, Jnst
overhauled. Kalpb t'lark, K. V. 1. no 4,
mile south of Hoc k ford store. a27
For Hale An automobile trailer.
:&.' after 6 p.m.
For Bale Cedar posts and poles at popular
prices. Tel. ParkdaleS, P. J. Mohr. a27
Kor Hale or Trade for Hood Klver Rsnch
80 acres, 87 In cultivation, 10 surface cleared,
balance timber, 1H acres fall grain, ft room
house, garage, chicken houses, barn, etc
Flame, rural delivery on main road, opposite
school, 4 miles from ler Psrk, 25 miles from
Spokane. Address G. Ji. 8toup, KL . IXwr
Park. Wash. atf
Kor Sale Trojan blasting powder. A safe
powder to handle and absolutely no headaches
or thawing, also caps and fuse. Avaion h arm,
... r u- i- . . . Cu. ; 1 1
For Hale Hamson 1-ton truck, equipped with
batlery and electric lights, cab and stake body,
overslse cord tires on rear, one spare lire, rim
and tube; run less than IHOO miles; IWS2 license
Included. A bargain for someone. Might
consider light ear in trade, P. O. Box 216.
Hood Klver. "Ktf
For Hale Good lots for sale In all parts of
the city, price right. A. W.Ontiiank AOo. 14tf
For Hate Fir and pine 16-ln. snd 4-fU wood,
delivered anywhere within two miles of Hood
Klver. E. Beauregard., tel. Odell Sua. mltftf
For Hale Tbe leading rarletie of apple,
pesr tberry, peach, plum and prnne
and two year old. Phone Odell 146. F. A.
Massee. ; dJWf
ForHale Ata Bargain a modern residence,
two bl-ks frotu center of business district, 12
rooms, including foor large bedrooms, large
double slttlug room, kitchen pantry, large
rkse!s. bathroom and encWmed orch. Kqnip
ped with furnace and baa convenient garage.
Call W. J. Baker. ni24t!
For Halo Nil seres land 4' miles from Clfy
ofllnod River, part bottom land with free
water, balance good pasture iana o oonaeu
for water. 1AM cords fir ahd oak wood stum
rge, onnty road thru land, lair bnl.dtngs.
Prlc $n Jt per acre. J. K. Phillip. Phone
iHf4 jn4il
Kor 8ale-10 acres of unimproved apple land
2 miles south of M osier. Ore. will exchange
for Hood Klver city or Vslley property, M rs.
Klla Mulllns, Phone 3L'41. 27
Kor Hale- A Duroc Jersey sow and six ghosts
w. T. Hbaw, Cascade Locks, rsncb three
miles this side on Columbia li lgh way. s.7
For Bale Milch cows, registered and good
grade Jerseys. Phone 6192. ttSl
ForBale-82 acres unimproved land. Price
S1MJ0. thOO cash, terms on balance at H per cent
interest. A . 8. Koggensack. 613 South 14th hU
Cedar Kaplds, Iowa, mi
KorHsle Part of my fine bearing orchard,
two miles west of city. Address L. K. Hen
derson, owner, Hood Klver, Oregon. m30lf
Kor Hals Htrong Held grown pansy plants,
8ftc per dozen. White Leghorn baby chicks,
hatched May It, JI5.00 perhundred. Mrs. T. W.
Kerry, Phone 5Il'8. a'7
For Hale 2 Khode Island Red Cockerels.
Phone 6451. iu&ltf
For Bale Two secondhand sprayers. In good
condition, one Bean and one Meyers, at a very
reasonable figure. We also have several used
engines at good reduced prices. Howell Bros.
Tel. j61, Fourth and Columbia streets. m23tf
For Sale Chevrolet automobile, 1919 Model,
at fJ75 for cash. If taken st once. Ed Coprl
v .a. Address General Delivery, Hood Klver,
Oregon. 27tf
ForHale Bean sprayer redder, half price.
In good shape. May be seen at Circle-Overland
Co. Chevrolet, ll)l model, .J0. Ed Ca p
rlvHa. m23if
For Hale-A single bnggy and harness, one
horse, saddle blanket and bridle. Cheap If
takenatonce. Phone 4M2. U W. Tomllnson.
or Hale O. A. O. Single combed whit Leg
horn eggs for hatching, 7So per sotting. Mrs.
Geo. Chainberlia. K4 Hood River, Oregon.
For Bale-Good slry seasoned fir wood, J8, 18
Inch, 110; delivered in town or East Hide; also
near town on West aide. Phone 4717, Haltz.
man Bros. Call evenings. mltitf
Kor Hale White leghorn pullets bollywood
strain an opportunity to Kl some very fine
birds now laying at 11.00 each must make
room for baby chich the reason for selling.
Call 1774. , mlutf
Wanted-Posltlon as tractor man on orchard
place. Tel. 5583. mj'4
For Bnle Grade Jersey boll calP sired by
former blue ribbon Jersey bull of Watt and
Acree. Phone 5704. air?tf
DONT M1HH THIS Twelve acres, 10 bear
ing orchard, all under dIU h standard va
rieties apple and pear. Mile to school snd
church on main road. All for IIOUO. Jfo,
it Is not sold yet. because 1 can't take part in
trade but I will tskeiuu0 cash, balance 6 yrs.
at six percent. A. J. Grow, tel. 4073. inlOtf
ForHale Hlngle comb Khode Island Red
eggs for setting, from a heavy winter laying.
Stock which 1 have been years lu lrapuestli:g
and building up. W. H. Corey, phone M77,
evenings. mititf
KorHsle Used Hardie sprayer. 'Completely
overhauled. Priced low. Bennett Brothers.
Phone 1501. mititf
For Rent Nice 3-rooin unfurnished apart
ment for rent, adults only. I'uoue :il3. a27
For Rent House for rent on Heights. In
quire 130i! 13th Ht. Telephone 1W4. 27tf
For Kent Light Housekeeping rooms for a
couple' 713 Ninth St. Phone ai73, aiatf
Kor Rent Three furnished housekeeping
room, bath, hot and cold wsler and nice back
porch. 1205 Sherman Ave. Tel. 2751. at. If
For Kent 1 have 9 arres good strawberry
land In Lower Valley for caxh rent State in
first letter what you have for financing and
running a kerry patch. Write O. X. B care
of G'acler. fUtf
Furnished Room To Kent One of best lo
cation with furnace heat, electric light and
and bath. 821 Oak Ht., phone 2143. JlDlf
Wanted Small Bpteyer, second-hand.
Write snd give full particulars In first letter.
J. A. Katon. llUKum, Wash. atf
Wanted 2 furnished rooms lor light house
keeping for couple. As close In as possible.
J. M. Wtlsou, care of Hotel Oregon. a.'7
Wanted Man and wife want position on
Hood Klver Ranch. Experienced orchardlst,
capable ot taking charge, also understands
carpenter work snd general ranch work
Have one child. Address E, care Glacier a2uif
For Hale Hhlngles and cedar posts. Phone
1331, K . Davenport Jr.. Hood Klver Abstract
CO. maotf
Wanted Bids on clearing 35 acres brush
land, slashed and burned. Phone 275 Park,
dale. myH
Wanted Second hand baby bnggy. Call
3071. my4
Wanted To hire a horse,
dale. Paul Casey.
Phone 273 Park-my4
Wanted Home girl to share an apartment.
Tel. 2833 during business hour. aautf
Wanted Parties to sell our medical prepar
ations or will give agency to responsible man.
Good pay. P. U. remedies, P. H. Medicine Co.
1220 N. Wall Ht., Hpokane, Wash. a27
Wanted -To make your boxes. First clas
work guaranteed. Price reasonable. Phoua
Odell lMx. a6tf
Wanted Work on ranch by married man
who Is sn ex -soldier experienced in tractors,
gas engines and truck. Phone 5477 evenings.
Wanled-To sell part Interest In two patent
safety appliances. Every home a pnsipect.
Approved by all Klre wardens and Insurance
underwriters. For appointments, write J. M.
Wilson, owner and patentee, gen. del. Hood
Klver, Ore. m4
Wsnted Have orchard equipment. Want
to lease or buy on crop share well Improved
small orchard. Phone 595iix. ml6
Wsnted to buy your feeder hogs. V. T.
Beauregard, phone 479. d2tf
Wanled-To buy yonrused furniture, stove
and rugs. Cash or new good In exchange,
E. A. Kranx Co. 20tf
Lewis' S. C. R. I. Red trap nested tbe year
round. Bred for eggs, sice and color. Cock
erels raised to order, priced according to re
cords of their mother and their age. Kalpb
K. Lewis. Phone Odell W8. aug 31
Ixst Friday A. M. on Belmont road, a
ladles black purse, containing money etc.
Reward. Leave at Glacier office. a 20
For Hale Fresh cow, W. M. Woody, Oak
Grove. Tel. 556. a27
For Exchange-3 lot and 10 room bouse
built In 2 flats & rooms each, 2 Baths, 2 toilets.
Full basement, Gas. electric lights, fine place
University Park, Portland, rono. filMO mort
gage. My equity (MM). Want small Hood
River Orchard. E. 11. Hood Klver, Ore. K.t
Box 52'. in
For Hale Heed or eating potatoes. Netted
Gem or American Wonder, II U) per sack. C.
E. Monroe, 'i mile south of ML Hood store.
F, Hl nt Trade 5S; sere on Avaion Way
I'i mftrm strawberries. oro apple and pears.
tood 6 room house. $) cash or will trade,
be owner. C C. Masiker- al3U..
For Hale Golden Hehrvht bantam Trio !
eas all laying. Phone 364. aliif
Kor Sale A no. I black Jersey row. fresh in ,
iiiinrti Alaoone -conomy mng aeparav-
or, nearly new, alw SO head of sheep. Phone
Sx Parkdaic, Koy Kinger, avaarrs mi, io.
awMal Mtln. and 4 fL wood. Fir and Oak,
M t to " 50 pr cord on tbe place 1 mile west
Odell i mL smith of Uoweimana corner.
Ersrln A. Lipmao, K. 2
for le Hev-n year old horse, weigh a-
hnai Ifau Iba. (hkkI workers. Ad.irew n. I.
llsnson, !, Oregon near Trout Creek.
For Sale A rood Hon In Hood Klver. T
Rooms, bat a, liarage. 111 take soiuier man
Inpayment. W ill make a bargain. Wrlteto
Mr. 'U Collin. Hood Klver Glacier, Hood
klver. a--7
Fx r Hale S. C. While Leghorn regs for hat- I
rtiog. f I 50 per V w i per iron I ancrea
bens wan ecg records from Ei to H per year.
In't miss g'Minf some of lb rg pn-duoing
strain. Hee J. V. ,d. Iwe, Oreor Bert feenler,
irrrajon Hotel Barber feriop. C7 .
Tyr Hale Old Uns'y Inmbstor. 90 ergs and :
a brooder, bmh In condition, two mallard;
ef k and and a drake. Mann boneeuner. ;
Mr.Cba. lasel. N 1 Eaal Lug en fct TeL
-4, '
In Addition to the hundreds of regular low prices,
you will find the
Fancy Lemons, per
dozen 28, 6 for
AlaskVHerring, tall
cans, 2 for
Fountain String
Beans, 2 cans for
M. J. B. Coffee, 1 lb.
Del Monte prated pineapple,
large No. 2 J cans 20
Calif. Soft Shell QO
Walnuts, per lb OLVzC
Pink Beans, very best M A
grade, 3 lbs, 25c,51bs-4UC
Ivory Soap, 2 bars
Standard Corn, No. 2
cans ,
68c, 6 lbs. $1.30, 9 lb. can $1.95
Sterling Preserves, either Rasp
berry or Strawberry, 15 oz. jlasj..25
Sliced Pineapple, Hillsdale Brand,
No. 2i can 25
Bayou Beans, fancy Califor
nia stock, 3 lb 25c, 5 lbs. 40
Campbell's Beans with pork
and tomato sauce, canl 1
Beets, fancy canned whole.
No. 2 can for 15
Gold Leaf Royal -l o
Anne cherries, fcflcalV2C
Pvobles Peaches or Pears,
large No. 2i can. 20
Seashore Salmon, tall
Clip out this entire ad and present to any of our Stores and they
will sell you 5 bars of Creme Oil Soap for 25 cents. Limit one lot to
a customer. Good only Saturday and Monday.
Crystal White Soap
r lakes, perpkg.
Sea Foam Washing
Fresh Salted Spanish -i rf
Style Peanuts, lb ljC
i. pouiius
Really there are no better places to trade than at a 20th Century Store, so con
veniently located.
lnor; 1