The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 30, 1922, Image 9

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W-H '! I ! 1 I 1 I I 1 4 I 1 I I I I 1 h-m.
H-H I I 11 I 1 1 1 1 I M I MMMUfcjJ
H. L. Hasbrouck, optometrist.
One-horse cultivators at Bennett Bros.
Forbes does painting, sign work and
calci mining. Tel. 3014. u,9tf
John Deere farm implements all
quality goods at Bennett Brothers. m30
For Spirel la Corsets Mm. Fred Howe,
613 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2104. J21tf
A John Deere plow turns a cover crop
under, not on edge. Ben net Bros. m23
Miss Beryl Clarke is home from U.
of 0. for the spring vacation.
J E. 0. Blanchar was a Portland busi
ness visitor yesterday.
Miss Laura Folts is home from U.
of O. for the spring vacation.
Virgil Cameron, U. of 0. student, is
spending the spring vacation here.
Miss Lenore Cram is home from U.
of O. for the spring vacation.
Dr. L. L. Murphy is having an addi
tion built to his Cascade avenue home.
Watkins Products for sale by V. A.
Bower, 25E. Eugene St., Tel. 3384. f'Jtf
Finest quality Harvey singletrees and
doubletrees at Bennett Brothers. m30
Watkins Products for sale by V. A.
Bower, 25 E. Eugene St. , Tel. 3384. f'Jtf
All-steel cultivators; can't wear 'em
out. Bennett Brothers. m30
R. B. Rodgers was a business visitor
in Portland over the week end.
Mrs. J. W. Ingalls is convalescing
from a serious attack of influenza.
Fred Reed and Miss Jessie Pomerov
motored to The Dalles Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Franz motored to
Portland for a week end visit.
Plow doubletrees extra heavy at
Bennett Brothers. m30
Hpecial prices on Utah King Coal di
rect from the ear. Phone 2181. Entry
Lumber ana tuel Uo. sltf
Anvone wishing sewing call Mrs. Can
non, 810 Columbia or phone 3473 after
6 P. M. o27tf
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River.
H. S. Braakman does painting, paper
ing and decorating. Smith Bldg. Phone
2404. m2tl
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
A plow for any purpose. A dozen
styles may be seen at Bennett Brothers.
All are John Deere goods. m.'iO
Flexibility and durability proven
qualities of the John Deere tractor diec
harrow. Bennett Brothers. m.'iO
Highest quality coil is c heapest. Utah
King Coal is clean, hard and highest in
heat. Emry Lumber ft Fuel Co. tf
Rev. J. C. Hanna is spending the
week in Portland on a visit with
friends and relatives.
Frank D, Needham, of The Dalles,
has arrived here to succeed R. P. Rob
inson at the local Penney store.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kimball, fol
lowing a honeymoon trip in Florida,
have arrivedhere to make their home.
Dance at Rockford hall Saturday for
relief of famished Russia. Supper
will be served.
Ray Slavens is here from 0. A. C,
spending the spring vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Slavens.
Miss Gladys Wright is spending the
week here on a vacation. She is a
student at the state university.
leather toe caps and copper toes for
boys at Smith's Champion Shoe Repair
Shop, 1st and Oak. n24tf
16-in. and 4 ft. wood, gravel and gen
eral hauling. Phone McRae Transfer,
2314, evenings. nStf
Easy on the team easy on the driver
the John D.'ere steel plow. Bennett
Brothers. "'30
We have a special, side draft, one
horee orchard plow that will clean up
around the trees. Bennet Brothers. HUH
Wood for the range or furnace. Dry,
Bound slabs, Ki-in. body fir or cord wood.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. a2ltf
Clarence L. Miller was home last
week from O. A. C. visiting his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Miller.
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koot
at the Storksnest. Sunday, March 19.
a 6J-pound daughter.
Mrs. Louise Boyden returned this
week from California, where she spent
the winter.
St. Mark's Guild and Auxiliary will
meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
with Mrs. F. C. Wittenberg.
Mr. Orchardist: We can show you
many points of superiority in the John
Deere tractor disc harrow. ISenuet liros-
The new Chevrolets are here. See
the 22 different improvements. Noth
ing to buy but the license. Hood Riv
er Garage.
The Cameron Motor Co. has just sold
a Light Six Studebaker to C. M. Shep-pard.
Walter Shay has begun construction
of a bungalow home on Cascade avenue
between Tenth and Ninth streets.
Earl M. Noble, who has been pain
fully ill with influenza, is again at his
post at the Vincent & Shank store.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Compton, who
have been residing at Hiio, T. H.,
have returned to Portland.
Prof. H. C. Seymour, of O. A. C,
was here the first of the week visiting
the high school.
Mrs. J. W. Crites, who has recovered
a iimti serious operation at a
Portland. hospital, has returned home.
Special for next Saturday, sale of
wallpaper, 5c per roll and un. HrHl.
man, Smith Bldg.. Phone 2404.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sletton were in
Portland the latter part of last week
for grand opera.
A plow for any purpose, any soil. We
have a dozen kinds in stock to show vou.
Bennet Brothers. mkl
Ready to saw your wood at any place
in city. Bather lln ft Moore, tel. 8783 or
Best half soles put on while you wait
at Smith's Champion Shoe Shop, 1st.
and Oak. u24tf
Highest cash price naid tor vour used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. s20tf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
Eyes scientifically examined by H. L.
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, Heilbronner
Bldg. fs-tf
The new Chevrolets are here. See
the iL different improvements. Noth
ing to buy but the license. Hood
River Garage.
Mrs. M. H. Nickelsen. who was re
cently stricken with heart trouble, re
mains seriou.-dy ill at her home on
Twelfth street.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Henry H.
Hettinger, of Parkdale, at the Storks
nest, Sunday, March 2G, an 8-pound
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shannon and
Mr. and Mrs. McCammon, of Dee,
were in Portland last week for grand
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Tompkins, of Dukes Valley, at the
Storksnest, Friday, March 24, an 8j
pound daughter.
Mrs. Carl Buelow. according to word
received by Mr. Buelow, sailed Tues
day on her way home from a visit with
relatves in Germany.
Mrs. W. A. Cass and son are in Po
mona, Calif., visiting two brothers of
Mrs. Cass who are professors at Po
mona College.
Miss Frances Mne. after a wwli'a
I visit with Portland friends, returned
Monday from Corvallis, where she has
been attending O. A. C.
Hides! Hides! Highest prices paid.
Will call at any place in Valley. Why
give them to the junk man? Just tele
phone 6639, and H. Brenw will call. f'Jtf
The new Chevrolets are here. See
the 22 different improvements. Noth
ing to buy but the license. Hood
River Garage.
Anthony H. Euwer has arrived from
New York City for a visit, at the Up
per Valley ranch of his brother, Eu
gene C. Euwer.
The Altruistic club of the Pythian
Sisters will have an all day meeting at
the home of Mrs. Hugh Garrabrant
The new Chevrolets are here. See
the 22 different improvements. Noth
ing to buy but the license. Hood Riv
er Garage.
Hides! Hides! Highest price paid
Will call at any place in Valley Why
give them to the junk man? Just tele
phone 5639, and II. liresaw will rail, faff
To all whom it may concern: Any
body holding an account against Mrs.
Ann E. Hays will address her daughter
Mrs. W. J. Pritchard, Administrator,
Sherwood, Ore. Box 113. jly27
Miss Alice McCurdy is home from
the University of Oregon spending the
spring vacation with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. McCurdy, of Oak
Attorneys John Baker, Ernest C.
Smith and Ueo. K. Wilbur were in
Portland last week to attend a meet
ing of the Oregon State Bar Associa
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Eberly, on
the way from Bend to Portland, stop
ped here last week for a visit with
Mrs. Eberly's father. Thomas Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Eberly operate a variety
store at Bend.
Mrs. Emma B. Carroll was up Mon
day looking after her Oak Grove orch
ard place. Her, son Major Philip H.
Larroll, who is engaged in work of the
American Relief Association in Eu
rope, with Mrs. Carroll and daughter,
Patsie, are now residing at Hamburg.
The Auxiliary of the American Le
gion will hold their regular meeting at
Library hall Saturday at 2.30 p. m. A
full attendance is desired as important
matters will be discussed.
Wednesday evening, April 6, a Par-
ent-leacher meeting will be held at
Barrett school. Prot. Gibson will de
liver an address. Music and a general
discussion will follow.
Pioneer services Sunday evening,
April i), at Asbury Methodist church.
Mrs. Alma Howe will give reminis
cences of early life in Oiegon. Other
pioneers will be present and speak.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Hill returned
from a motor trip to California laet
Saturday evening. They report the
journey north one of exceeding pleas
ure. Mr. and Mrs. H C. Deitz, who spent
the winter with their daughter, Mrs.
Leon Stoner, and family at Long
Beacb, Calif., returned home by auto
mobile Sunday night.
Harry Connaway and children mo
tored down to Portland Sunday to meet
Mrs. Connaway, who has been at Al
bany to see her mother, who was seri
ously ill last week.
V. H. Dent, representative of the
Trojan Powder Co., was here the first
of the week visiting Sherman J.
Frank, local distributor for the popu
lar explosive.
S. J. Moore motored to Portland Sat
urday afternoon, taking his father-in-law,
W. J. Furnish, who stopped here
while en route from eastern Oregon,
A note in the Yucaipa (Calif.) News
states that B. E. Heifer, owner of a
local orchard place, is erecting a hand
Borne 6-room bungalow on his orchard
property there.
Mrs. H. L. Dnmble was in Portland
last week to attend grand opera and
visit relatives. Dr. Dumble drove
down over the Highway Sunday to ac
company Mrs. Dumble home.
Mrs. Herman Dethman, who submit
ted to a serious operation at the Cot
tage hosital Tuesday, was reported
yesterday to be making a nice recov
ery. Members of the local Labor Union
attended services in a body at the
First Baptist church Sunday evening,
when the pastor, Rev. Delepine, gave
a special sermon.
Ciive your car an appearance of which
you will be proud. Have new celluloids
put in now before the Spring touring be
gins. F. T. Muliikin, the top repair
mail, at Weber's Harness Shop. f!tf
l-iost Agate brooch, Monday, Feb. 27
on Cascade Ave. or at Rialto Theatre.
Valued as keepsake. Reward. Mrs. Su
sie Lynn, Glacier otlice. Phone 1321 or
2471. m30
If vou have any kind of auto electri
cal trouble, S. D. Cameron can find
where it is and fix it for you or it will
cost you nothing if he fails at Cascade
Garage. jy21tf
Donald Bennett arrived home from
the University of Oregon Tuesday for
a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Bennett. lie was accompained
by George Gardeniere and William
Miss Hannah Fairfowl, who has ful
ly recovered from her remarkable ex
perience of being lost for three days
and nights In the brush land back of
Dee, was able to leave for home Tues
day. She accompanied Mrs. W. F
Shannon to Dee.
Accompanied by a delegation of 30
local men, headed by J. H. Fredney,
presiaent or tne Hood Kiver Elks
club, two candidates, J. R. Nuna
maker and Tel. W. Blount went to The
Dalles last Thursday night for initia
tion into the B. P. O. E. lodge there.
Miss Eugenia E. Page is home from
the University of Oregon for the
spring vacation and will have as her
guests Friday, Misses Ann and Jane
O'Reilley and Norma Wilson, of Port
land, who are members of the Univers
ity Symphony Orchestra, which is to
play here that evening.
Friday evening. March 17, Rev. and
Mrs. Hanna entertained 20 members of
the Men's Loyal Bible class of the
First Christian church at a St. Patrick
dinner. The home was tastefully dec
orated in emblems of the Irish Saint,
and many were the quaint Irish stories
told during the evening.
R. P. Robinson, who has been assist
ant manager of the local J. C. Penney
store, has been promoted to the assist
ant managership of the company's
store at Bend. The latter store is
much larger than the local institution.
Mr. Robinson and family left yester
day for the central Oregon town.
The following delegation of members
of the Commercial club motored to
Portland Tuesday to attend the ban
quet to be tendered in honor of Sir
Auckland Geddes, British Ambassador
to the United States : A. W. Stone, P.
F. Clark, K. W. Sinclair. Dr. J. D.
Guttery, Ray Lee, Frank Davenport
and C. C. Crew.
When your feet begin to hurt
Our new Arch Support Shoes will be a comfort
La Vogue Coats New Spring Shoes Easier Suits
None better made, including Oxfords, Strap Sandals, brown A11 silk lined up to date in
Sport Styles, Cape Effects and Calf, Patents, brown and black Kid. style and each one different. In
Tailored Models made of the new far rrv far QA fan QA troducing new ideas in collars,
Tweeds, Dovets, Bolivias, Chin- O.DU, 0.U 10 ).7U sieeVes, cuffs and pockets,
chillas and other new fabrics. Every pair fitted by an expert Trimmings in Braid, Embroidery and Jet.
shoe fitter. Don't suffer with your
Priced 14.40 to 27.90 eet. We can help you. ! Priced $28.95 now !
Easter Neckwear IPDAWKA fPAM SMSff
in endless variety I ft 1 I II ! J I fl IU 91.25 to 95 00
A. (). Adams was up from Cascade
Locks Monday on business.
Myron S. Smith, of Underwood, was
a business visitor here Monday.
Mrs. Fordham B. Kimball is recov
ering at a Portland hospital from a re
cent serious operation.
H. B. Leonard, who has been seri
ously ill from effects of influenza, is
recovering at his Ninth street home.
Mrs. Ella G. Wortman, of Medford,
Grand Chief of Oregon Pythian Sis
ters, will pay an official visit to Wauna
Temple, of this city, tonight.
Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred called
a meeting of the mid-Columbia
alumni of Pacific University here last,
night, when an alumni organization
was effected for functioning in the
campaign now being waged ior runas
for the institution.
H. F. Davidson, who is now dividing
his time between canning interests and
apple growing and sales, is giving a
series of weekly dinners to local grow
ers, in order that me men may sii
around the table and participate in
frank discussion of the various disease
and insect pests that trouble the val
ley. The third of the dinners was
given at the Hotel Oregon Tuesday
Lee Spaulding and Ross Collie, re
turning to the University of Washing
ton from the spring vacation at home.
were in an automobile accident near
Tacoma. Mr. Spaulding sustained bad
bruises and sprains, ihe ear went in
to a ditch. The vounsr men met Uni
versity of Oregon fraternity brothers,
on the wmv home for the vacation, in
Portland Sunday and were accompany
ing them north.
The Tri-C club members of the Riv
erside church enjoyed a very unique
evening of entertainment last Wednes
day. The party took the form of pro
gressive stunts which were carried out
at the homes of various members
When the last stunt whs finished auto
mobiles conveyed the girls to the home
of Mrs. J. W. Sifton where refresh
ments were served to the tired but
happy group.
Ijocal friends have just received
news of the announcement by Mr. and
Mrs. John Henry Sutthotf, of Seattle,
of the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Helen Katherine, and Herbert
Conner Talbott, of Loomis, Wash., sun
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Talbott, of
Seattle. The wedding will occur April
26. Miss Sutthotf, an alumna of the
University of Washington, attended
the Hood River high school. The fam
ily formerly resided on an Oak Grove
orchard place.
Miss 11a Nichols, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Nichols, who is chair
man of the executive committee of the
Woman's League at the University of
Oregon, last week presented changes
in rules for women at the university to
the student affairs committee. "I
heartily favor the spirit of the pro
posed changes," announced Dean Fox.
"I have suggested only minor techni
cal changes in the wording of some of
the motions to come up. 1 consider
that the propaganda carried on by Miss
I la Nichols in interesting the various
organizations in the changes has been
an excellent piece of work."
W bile Kddie Montague, who has been putting on some unique human interest
amateur ihowi here in connection vviih the Thar (day evening pro
grams f The RisltO, appears in comedy makeups on the
stage, this is the way he looks in private life.
Unger & Lenz, whose sprayer de
partment is managed by Lee Slutz,
state that orchardists are evincing the
keenest interest in history in the pow
erful spray machines. Mr. Slutz for
the past several weeks has been busy
answering inquiries and making dem
onstrations. Sales of the Hayes out
fits, handled by the company, have
been made to the following growers:
Dr. J. F. Watt, J. R. Colvin, W. H.
Barney, J. A. Walter, Albert Meier,
A. C. Staten, J. A. Thurman and T.
The company, too, it is stated, is
finding a keen demand for Z-Type Fairbanks-Morse
engines. They have just
received a dealer's service cabinet,
which it is declared will expedite mak
ing repairs on the machines.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness during the illness
and death of our little boy.
Marjorie 1.. Jones
and Family.
If plans which Manager Stone of the
Apple Growers Association launched
yesterday at conference with other
northwestern cooperative apple ship
ping interests, in Portland, reach ma
terialization, observers of horticultural
interests predict that the beginning of
a close brenef ic ia I organization of all
fruit producing sections will be affect
ed. Mr. Store, who in his recent an
nual report to members of his associa
tion briefly outlined his plans, says:
"I have been seriously considering
for some time the advisability of a
conference of representative fruit men
in the northwest with a vie of seeing
if it were not possible to save some
thing for the growers through cooper
ative buying of on-hard supplies, I
believe, too. there is another propoai
ton which should be given more atten
tion than has ever been given by the
fruit interests, namely, the question of
supplying cold storage at coast cities,
plants owned and controlled by the
municipalities in whiih they are locat
ed, with a view to furnshing cold stor
age at a minmum of cost.
Pelican Molasses
That good old Louisi
ana kind is again here.
has been off the market
for more than a year
but we now have plenty
of stock.
It's just the Best Mo
lasses made for cooking
purposes and we believe
you will welcome
The Star Grocery
" Good Things to Eat "
For Easter
For The Ladies
Silk Blouses
in the new positive colors
Silk Waists
in white an light shades
Silk Camisoles
in white and colors
Silk Envelope Chemise
Gowns and Bloomers
Silk Gloves
Short, medium znA long
Silk Hose
Black, white and colors
Kid Gloves
Short and etrap wriet
Dress Materials
Organdies, New Colors, Per
manent Finish. Printed Organ
die in the new floral designs.
Mercerized Batiste
in plain and figured effects
Easter Comes On April
All Pure Virgin
For Ladies and
Young Men
16th - Seletf Your Suit Now
Wool Suits and Coats Made to Measure
$25.00 to $65.00
Misses, Men and
Hundreds of Choice Woolens, comprising the best of the new
weaves and colors and only the better grades of pure virgin wools.
You have the choice of the best styles of the new season's models.
So you can select the style that suits your individual taste and the
material that pleases you and have it Hand Tailored to your own
individual measure for as low a price as a ready made garment.
You know there is no comparison between made-to-measure
clothes and the ready made that are made by the dozen from the
same cloth and the same measurements, in style, in the fit or finish.
Hand Tailored Made-To-Measure Suits and Coats have Character
and Style Individuality that the ready made garments cannot at
tain. Come in Today for your selection and measurements. Do it now
and you will know what clothes satisfaction means when you try them on.
Ladies Dress Shoes
Oxfords - Pumps
brown, black, white
Children's Shoes
and Strap Pumps
brown, black, white
For Easter
For The Men
Dress Hats
New thajes, new colors
Dress Shirts
With or without collars
New Collars
New shapes, soft or stiff
New Neckwear
Silk kuit or wide end
Dress Socks
Silk or Mercerized Lisle
Dress Gloves
in Silk, Kid or Suede
Men's Leather Belts
with or without buckles
Dress Suspenders
Silk or Lisle Finish
Linen and Finish
Cuff Links
Kum-a-part or Sift Links
Dress Shoes
Brown or Black, Kid or Calf
"1 further believe that the fruit in
terests have grossly neglected any co
ordinate action toward securing dock
age at the Atlantic seaboard cities, so
that we can deliver our fruit to com
mon points there and make water and
rail transportation twtWMH the Atlan
tic and Pacific coast countries really
I also feel that there are many
other matters of vital importance to
our common interests winch should re
ceive our serious cooperative consider
Mr. Stone addressed a letter to As
sociation members urging their attend
ance at the conference. He stated
that he advised the dale for the reason
that the advertising committee of
northwest fruit interests would hold a
meeting in Portland Tuesday, tho obj
ect being to gain attendance of the
representative fruit men of different
sections at both gatherings.
Local folk express general approval
of the appointment of Mrs. J. D.
Spencer as hostess of Mount Hood
Lodge and Cloud Cap Inn. Mrs. Spen
cer, who has resided the past two
years on an Oak Grove orchard place,
will go at once to the lodge, which will
open for the season April 29.
because of htr former successful
management of the tea room at Olds,
Wortman & King's department store
in Portland, where she was engaged
for eijjht years, Mrs. Spencer, it is de
clared by local friends, will be a valu
able acquisition by the resort hostel
ries. Homer A. Rogers, manager of
the two mountain lodges, will begin
soon, it is announceu, making various
At the request of Secretary Kedheld,
at that time Secretary of Con.merce,
Mrs. Spencer accepted a position as
fish cookery expert for the U. S. Bu
reau of Fisheries and her efforts re
sulted in the additional consumption of
80,000,000 pounds of fish in the middle
west She is the author of a book en
titled "Fish Cookery," quite recently
published by Little, Brown & Co., of
Boston, which is having a very wide
Local Carpenters' Union No. 2157 is
to make a cut in wages. On April 1st
the scale will be cut from S7.20 to
16.80 per day, a reduction of 40 cents
per day.
By C A. Frey.
Recording Secretary.
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Redman and
family wish to thank kind friends and
neighbors, who so sincerely helped in
their recent bereavement
l g I