The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1922, Image 7

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Secure a clear
conception of it
'"THAT is the thing to
do when uncertain
whether or not to buy an
insurance policy against
It costs no more
to be sure you are insured
as you wish to be protected
than to pay for a policy you
do not understand.
You place yourself under
no obligation to buy insurance
here if you bring in all your
problems and your questions
for a full discussion in this
agency of the Hartford Fire
Insurance Company.
lUl2 3rd Street
First Nat'l Bank Building
HOOD RIVER, ORE. Tel. 2804
We will be glad to see
vou and vour friends at
any time at
The Bradley Bakery Co. has ordered
a new Bender electric oven, a product
of Portland. The new baking machine
will be installed at the Hartmess build
ing quarters of tre baking company in
the next 30 days. It will enable the
company to discontinue the Heights
The Bender oven, glass enclosed and
enabling the baker to watch progress
of the cooking, is a rotary affair. It
is declared highly successful, and Mr.
Bradley anticipates that it will enable
him to turn out quality breads and
pastries in a greater assortment.
If you have any kind of auto electri
cal trouble, D. Cameron can find
where it is and fix it for you or it will
cost you nothing if he fails at Cascade
Uarage. jy21tf
of Original Design
in Granite and Marble
Write for Illubtrated Booklet
Otto Schumann
Granite and Marble
East Third and Pine Street
Oldest Monument Manufacturers
in the suite
Piano Tuner
Leave Orders at
Easter Novelties
For the children and adults. Come early, in order that
you may select from a complete stock.
we haven 't got it we 'II get it for you.
Former Lathe Machinist of the Hood River Garage
has opened a shop for all kinds of
Lathe Work and General Repairing
Cor. Oak and 5th Streets
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 4331.
Are lower than ever. They
are one of the greatest values
in the American market today.
We have also the following
good second hand values for sale
2 Dodge Touring Cars
1 Dodge Commercial
1 Overland Four
I Willys Knight
Circle-Overland Co.
(By A. D. Moe.)
Holtville. Calif.. March 10, 1922.
California has three distinct sec
tions : Northern California, Southern
California and the Imperial Valley.
Of the latter I have been wonderfully
impressed with its possibilities, and
believe it has a great future. It is
but 20 years old and has made wonder
ful progress, but all of its industries
have no more than started. Some
have passed the experimental stage,
others just beginning.
We have been very pleasantly enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kelsay
at Holtville, and to Mr. Kelsay I am
indebted for trips around this section
of the valley and for information that
could hardly be secured were 1 among
strangers. He has been here 12 years
and has a 90-acre ranch in a fine state
of cultivation and is just setting out
half of it to grapes. He has 25 acres
of lettuce this year that will be mar
ked d early in April, and he expects
to ship 25 to 30 carloads. We visited
the Harold Bell Wright ranch, where
the "Winning of Barbara Worth" was
written, and also many places men
tioned in the book. The engineer
Rockwood, called the seer in the book,
died last week in Los Angeles. Most
of the scenes of the book were laid
around Holtville, the darn that was
blown up being close to the city, and
the great cavern caused by the waters
is still unfilled.
Most of the California districts are
adapted to but one or two things. The
Imperial valley can raise them all.
There is more diversity of agriculture
and horticulture here than anywhere
else in the west. The first crops
raised by the pioneers were hay and
grain, followed by dairying and sheep
raising. These industries stlil are im
portant and comprise the bulk of the
crops. However, experiments with
more intensified farming have proved
that the land and climate will produce
a larger return per acre in fruits and
vegetables, and these are attracting
"How about the draw-backs to the
ccuntry?" I asked Mr. Kelsay.
"They say that it is often 120 in the
shade in summer."
"Well," said he, "you don't have to
stay in the shade. That reminds me,
when 1 first came down here a man
from Saskatchewan was talking with
an old resident of the valley when I
happened along. 'They tell me it gets
to be tK) below in your country,' said
the southerner. 'Oh, it is a dry cold,
we are fixed lor it and don't mind it.
But 1 hear it is very hot here in sum
mer.' 'Yes,' said the southerner, 'but
it is a dry heat and we don't mind it.
Now here ia a man from Oregon,
where it rains all the time in winter.
1 wouldn't like that.' 1 simply told
him. 'Oh, it is a ary rain, you can be
out in it all day and not get wet. We
don't mind it.'
Every country has its draw-backs.
However, it is not my purpose to
either unduly boost or knock the
country. 1 believe it has a wonderful
tuture. The first crops raised were
principally alfalfa and barley, there
being nearly 200,000 acres last year,
and these predominate. Livestock
naturally kept pace with hay and
grain and are still an important indus
try. Six million pounds of butter and
dairy products were produced last year.
The warm, continual sunshine gives
the Imperial valley a last growing
climate that makes the crops mature
ahead of any other section. Attention
was early turned to canteloupes, and
fortunes were made early in the game,
but has not been so profitable late
vears. One operator on a large scale
has eleanediup a million dollars in can
teloupes and lives in one of the show
places of El Centro. He Btill grows
irom 1,000 to 2,000 acres of cante
loupes. Cotton was one of the big
crops and made lots of money during
the war, but was a disaster last year.
However, there will be a good deal ot
cotton planted this spring. Over 40,000
acres were in cotton last year. Table
grapes have proven a very profitable
crop. Notwithstanding the many thou
sands of acres of grapes in all parts of
the state the Imperial crop matures
about a month ahead of other sections,
being ready to ship in June. This
early maturing of crops gives them an
advantage in all lines, as the early
market brings the best returns.
Lettuce is a big crop, about 12,000
carloads being shipped last year. The
cold winter this year has both helper
and harmed lettuce growers. In other
parts of the state the rains and frost
about ruined tne crop, anu wime wuum
damage was done in Imperial valley,
yet they were able to market most ot
their crop at a very profitable figure,
some of it bringing $1,000 a car. A
good stand of lettuce will produce over
a car per acre. The crop is planted in
October, November and December, be
ing ready for market three months
later. The December planting has
held back bv the cold winter, but
is now doing well and will be ready to
ship early in April. The last of the
November planting is being shipped
The possibilities of grape fruit is
attracting a good deal ot attention.
Imperial valley grows a grape Iruit
that has no competitor, except r lorida,
and is sweeter than even the Honda
fruit. While visiting a grape Iruit
nove we picked the fruit Irom the
trees and ate it like an orange, and it
was just as sweet as the Valencia.
Served on the table, it needs little or
no sugar. The demand is so great
where it is known that it sells for
double that of the grape fruit raised in
other sections of the state. Less than
I 500 acres have been stt out, Ml) part
The case of J. W. Morton, who with
his children has sued the State High
way Commission for an aggregate
$14,000. claimed to be due to damage
to real estate and a water system of
their Riverside Ranch by construction
of the Ruthton Hill grade of the Co
lumbia River Highway, has been set
for April 3 by Circuit Judge Wilson.
The A. D. Kern Construction Co., and
their bondsmen at the time of the
highway construction, the National
Surety Co., have also been named as
defendants in the suit. Mr. Morton
alleges that the construction company
ruined a large block of land, spoiling
it for fruit raising and truck garden
ing for a season and necessitat ing the
clearing of enormous boulders from it.
The suit was transferred here from
Multnomah county on petition of the
State Highway Commission.
The Highway Commission, subse
quent to Mr. Morton's action, filed suit
to condemn eight acres of gorgeside
property of the Morton farm. Accord
ing to papers in this suit, the commis
sion offered Mr. Morton $50 for the
land, vhich it is said, is needed for the
dumping of debris. The defense has
asked for a verdict on the pleadings in
the case, maintaining that the High
way Commission was a party to the
original condemnation to secure the
right of way for the Highway, and
that it is barred from bringing a sec
ond suit of this character. Attorneys
for the state, however, claim that the
original action was participated in
solely by the Hood River county. The
condemnation suit, in case Judge
Wilson overrules the motion of the de
fense and provided the State Highway
Commission will stipulate that no part
of the expenses are to be borne by the
county in the action, will bo tried here
immediately following conclusion of
the damage case. In case the High
way Commission fails to relieve Hood
River county of possible costs the case
will be taken to Wasco county, local
jurors being ineligible.
About 50 Cars of Apples Remain
Estimates place the remaining ap
ples in the valley at an approximate 50
carloads. The Apple Growers Associ
ation still has 40 cars of extra fancy
and fancy Newtowns, of which 30 care
remain unsold.
The total shipments of apples up to
Saturday, as reported by the O.-W. R.
&N. Co. reached 2,777 cars.
Insist on genuine Fori! parti when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsb Motor Co. n25tf
The Pneumonia Month
Murch in n tvnical month and usually
gives a high rate of mortality for the
disease. After a long and ruiro winter,
the svstem loses much of its resistance
and "people grow careleop. When ev
ery cold, no matter how slight, is given
prompt and intelligent attention, there
is much less danger of pneumonia. It
should be borne in mind that pneu
monia is a germ disease and breeds
in the throat. Chamberlain's Cough
RomnHu ia An xnectorant and cleans
out the germ ladened mucus and not
only cures a cold nut prevents us re
sulting in pneumonia, it is.'pleasant to
take. Children take it willingly.
TWELVE big acre lots at the west edge of
town. View of both mountains and the river
unsurpassed. Soil good and always easily
worked. City water and electricity available,
also Farmers Irrigation Company water.
Plenty of gravel three feet below the surface.
Water at 20 to 25 feet if you wish a well.
Three lots on May Street, frontage 192.5
feet, at $700. Six lots on extension of Tay
lor Street, at $600. Three lots reached by
lanes from Taylor Street, at $500. Also three
other acre lots just outside city limits.
Terms in reason.
I , I
Iv in bearing, and
(hipped last year.
but 23 cars were
There is but one
the valley, and that
i is located at the city of Imperial,
where most of the bearing grovea are
I located. There will be a heavy plant
i ing this year, limited largely by the
available nursery stock. The winter
freeie injured citrus fruit nurseries in
! all parts of the state, and there is now
: a scarcity of trees of all kinds. But a
few lemons and oranges have been
planted in Imperial valley, but they do
well. Navel oranges ripen in time for
the Christmas trade arid are tweet and
of fine flavor. So far the valley has
; been free of the citrua fruit pesta. It
I is claimed the hot cummer weather
! kills many of the pests that infect the
citrus trees.
Dates are being experimented with
and some varieties are apparently a
success, but the date section ia north
of the Sal ton sea, known aa the
Coachella valley, although Prt of
the great basin below tea level in Ue
Colorado river basin, generally known
an the Imperial valley.
Immanuei Lutheran Church
9th A State
Inten services at 10.45. Sunday
tcbool at 9.45. Choir rehearsal Friday
at 8.10 p. m. No social of Y. P. S.
daring Lent, Church sale at Krans
Hardware store. Saturday. April 1.
P. Hilfendorf, Partor.
1219 Columbia St Tel. Mai
Hayes-Fairbanks Morse Power Sprayers
300 Lb. Pressure Guarantee
Triplex Outfit $550.00
f. o. b. Hood River
DEMONSTRATION AT THE GARAGE, Corner of First and State Streets,
Saturday. This Will Be Of Interest To The Owner Of The Smallest Acreage
As Well As The Largest Come, whether you have made up your mind to buy a
sprayer or not. We'll be glad to show you just the same.
Successors to SLUTZ BROS.