The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1922, Image 4

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    fflf -tl- rf
- in i --
Motion Pictures
Afternoon Show intended for School
Children at 4 o'clock. Evening Show
for Adults at 8 o'clock. Get Free Tickets
at Power Company Office in advance.
An Electric Flatiron
will be given away
Liberty Theatre
Thursday, March 23
Afternoon and Evening
The Mysterious Key entitles the holder to the
the beautiful White Enameled
With Bonny Blue Enamel Ware
With every cash purchase of Bonny Blue
Enameled Ware at this store amounting to one
dollar, we will give the customer two keys.
One of these keys given away will be the
"Mysterious Key" that will unlock the Mysterious
Lock attached to the Kitchen Cabinet now on
display in our window.
Come Early. Seeing is Believing.
Studebaker Owners
Attention :
I am doing highclass Studebaker
repair work exclusively.
A trial will convince you.
Prices reasonable.
All work guaranteed.
810 Park Street
Phone 3482
Special on Cookies
Summons by Publication in Application
to Foreclose -Tax Liens
No. 1173.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood River County.
Hood Kiver County, a Municipal Cor
poration, 1'laintitf, vs. Jacob Altman
et al, Defendants,
Certificate Number 613-Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
12, block 25 and lots 8 and 13, block 32,
Hood River Proper. Owned by. N. C.
Evans. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 644 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
43, 44, 45, 46, 47. See. 27, TP, 8 N., h
10 E., W. M., Erwin & Watson 2nd ad
dition to City of Hood River. Owned
by Anna Fish. Tax, penalty and In
terest, J2.ll.
Certificate Number 645 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lot
121 Hood River Land Piatt, Sec. 32
To. 8 NT, R. 10 E., W. II. Owned by
W. H. Fitzgerald. Tax, penalty and
n terest, $3.60.
Certificate Number 656 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on SW
SWi Sec. 21, To. 1 N R. 9 E . W
M., (20 acres.) Owned by C. L. Fors
burg. Tax. penalty and interest
Certificate Number 647 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, block 6, Erwin &
Watson 1st addition to City of Hood
River. Owned by Culver Gordon
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 648 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on NE
Sec. 28, Tp. 1 N., R. 11 E. , W. M.,
(160 acres.) Owned by Madison E
lax, penalty and interest,
Jacob Altman, American League,
W. A. Anderson, J. W. Boston,
Mack Sand & (rold Recovery Co.,
Darwin Bradley, Broadway Inv.
Co., C. L. Barton, E. A. Oovel.,
Jas. N. Davis, F. E. DeBord, H. T.
I) Witt, R. G. Drake, J. L. Drum
mond, Carrie Entrican, R. R. Er
win, N. C. Evans, Jr., N. C. Evans,
Anna Fish, W. H. Fitzgerald, C.
L. Forsburg, Culver Gordon, Mad
ison E. Goose, Green & Horbelt,
Walter Green, Geo. W. Griffeth,
Kate Groff, Hartford Orchard Co.,
E. V. Barker, M. I. Henderson,
Florence Hudson, J. E. Hunt, J.
A. Johnson, A. B. Jones, V. Kel
ley, Kochman & Hartman, Alma
Lm!bert, A. C. Loft, M. H. Loy, Ma
rlon McRae, Ida Parker, Nancy P.
Thomas, Geo. Quiggley, C. Roden
orclior, E. L. Rood, E. G. Shev
nell, J. P. Snyder, Dr. Sturdivcnt,
Bessie L. Taft, J. W. Watson, 1
J. Whitney, W. A. Willison, Ediih
Winans. Ethel Winans, Fair Win- Goose
ww. W-v W . . . .,. HI
ans, Mary winans, w. it. winans, fw.uo
Yasaburo Sato, Chiho Tomita, E. Certificate Number 650 Issued Jan-
G. Jones, and also all unknown uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
ownen or the following described 3, Sec. 36, Tp. 2., R. 9, E. W. M., (40
real property or any part tnereor; acres.) Owned by Walter Green
and also persons unknown claim Tax. penalty and interest, $16.77
r.g 10 nave any interest in anu (Wiifieate Number 651 Issued Jan
to tne real property nerein ue- ,,. r, iq fnr th,. 1'iir, tn nn Int
scribed, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you, and each of you, and all persons
claiming by, through or under you are,
hereby requried to appear and answer
the application to foreclose tax liens
bled against you, and each ot you, in
the above entitled court and cause bv
Hood River County, Oregon, on or be
fore the expiration of Sixty (60) days
from and after January 31st, 1922, and
if you fail so to appear and answer and
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to the court for judgment against you
and each of you for the several
amounts of the taxes, penalty and in
terest assessed against you, and each
of you, and for which certificates of
delinquency have been issued to plain
tiff In the several sums hereinafter
specifically set forth, together with 12
per cent interest thereon until paid,
and increased costs
Also for a decree; of foreclosure and
sale of the several tracts of land here
in after descrbed to satisfy the several
ludgments so rendered. I hat the sev
oral delinquent tax certificates herein
after mentioned be foreclosed and the
several tracts of land therein described
be sold aB provided by law to satisfy
the several judgments including inter
est and costs and increased costs.
That the several certificates of de
linquent taxes, together with descrip
tion of the real estate covered by each,
the name of the owner, or reouted
owner, the taxes, penalties and inter
est due are as iollows. viz:
Certificate Number 626 Issued Jan
uarv 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, block 6, Erwin & Wat
son 2nd addition to Citv of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 EL,
W. M. Owned by Jacob Altman. Tax,
penalty and interest, $2.39.
Certificate Number 627 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on
lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, block 6, Erwin
& Watson 2nd addition to City of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E
W. M. Owned by American League.
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 628 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
13. 14, block 6, Erwin & Watson 2nd
. . . J j : : ... , r it j I : t'
in i ii mi v iiv i dwu ixivur, in .-ec
97 Tr, '( M If 111 P IV 11 III.,..:!
by W. A. Anderson. Tax, penalty and
interest, SI 12.
Certificate Number 629 - Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
1. 2, 3, 4, Sec. 20, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E
W. M. Owned by Hlaek Sand & Gold
Recovery Co. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $30.08.
Cert ilicate Number 630 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
36, block 6, Erwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to Citv of Hood River, in Sec. 27,
Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E., W. M. Owned by
J. W. Mutt ton. lax, penalty and inter
est, $.84.
Certificate Number 631 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
8, block 2 and lot 8, block 5, Town of
Winans. Owned by Darwin ilradley
Tax, penalty and interest, $1.07.
Certificate Number 632 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for 1915 taxes on 7J acres
in SVVJ Sec. 29, Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E., W
M., as per deed Vol. 9, page 223, Hood
River County Deed Records. Owned
by Hroadway Inv. Co. Tax, penalty
and interest, (MR
Certificate Number 633 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922. for 1915 taxes on SWi
.hj .sec. H, Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E. , W.
M., (40 acres.) Owned by C. L. Bar
ton. Tax, penalty and interest, $16.77
Certificate Number 634 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for 1915 taxes on SWi
.NWt .si M& Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E ,
W. M. (Id acres.) Owned by E. A.
Oovcll. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 035 issued Jan
i uary 5 1922, for 1915 taxes on SWi
! NW Sec. 29, Tp. 2 N.. R. 10 E., W.
M , (40 Hcres.) Owned by Jas. N. Da
vis. Tax, penalty and interest, $94.44.
Certificate Numlier 036 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the I'M.Vtaxes on lots
1 4. 31. 32. ;U. 34. 35, Sec. 27, Tp. 3
N , R. b" E.. W. M.. Erwin & Watson
2nd addition to City of Hood River.
Owned by F. E. DeRord. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $2.74.
Certificate Numlier 037 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes on Iota
2 and 23, block 7, Idlewilde addition
i. C 1 1 . f Hood River. Owned by II.
T. DeWitt. Tax. penalty and interest.
f; ;9
Certificate Number M Issued Jan
uary ft. 1922. for 1915 taxes on lot 48.
block 6, Erwin & Wataon 2nd addition
to Citv of Hood River, in See. 27.
Tp. 3 N.. R. 10 E.. W. M. Owned by
R. G. Drake. Tax. jienalty and inter
eat. $ 84.
Certificate Numler 639 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922. for 1915 taxes on SEJ
NKJ See. 1. Tp. 2 N.. R. 8. E., W. II..
(40 a. res. Owned by J. L. Drum
mond. Tax. penalty and interest,
Certificate Number &40 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1322. f.,r the 1915 taxes on
w, zi, Tp. 2 N.. R. 9 E..
W. M.. (40 acres.) Owned hv Carrie
Entrican. Tax. penalty and inier.nt
3, block 7, Winans addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by Geo. W. Grif
fith, lax, penalty and interest, $5.14.
Certificate Number 652 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on
NWi NEi Sec. 8 and EJ SEi SWi SE1
Sec 5, Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E., W. M., (160
acres.) Owned by Kate Groff. lax,
penalty and interest, $56.64.
Certificate Number 653 Issue ! Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
109, 110, 111, 112, 119 and 120,
122. 131, 132 of the SEI Sec. 32, Tp. 3
N., R 10 EL, W. M., Hood River Land
Piatt. Owned by Hartford Orchard
Co. Tax, penalty and interest, $28.83.
Certificate Number 654 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
10, 11, 12, 13. 14. 15, Hood River Prop
er. Owned by M. 1. Henderson, lax,
penalty and interest, $38.72.
Certificate Number 655 Issued Jan
uary b, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
45, block 5, Erwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to City of Hood River, in Sec. 27,
I'p. 3 N., R. 10 E., W. M. Owned by
E. V. Parker. Tax, penalty and in
terest, $.84.
Certificate Number 656 Issued Jan
uary !, TJ2Z, for the 1910 taxes on SWi
SEi N. of River, 1 acre NE Cor. SWi
SEJ Sec. 15. Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E., W.
M.. (10 acres.) Owned by Florence
Hudson. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 657 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on 16
acres. SEi Vol. 7 130, Sec. 8. Tp. 2 N..
R. 11 E., W. M. Owned by J. E.
Hunt. Tax, Density and interest,
Certificate Number 658 Issued
January 5, 1922, for tho 1915 taxes
on Lot 30. Block 6. Sec. 27. Td. 3
N. It. 10 E. W. M. Erwin & Watson
2nd Addition .to City of Hood River.
uwnod uy j.. A. Joiinson. Tax, pen-
tliy and interest, 84tf.
Certificate Number 659 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on ixn t. Block 1, Town of Winans.
Owned by A. B. Jones. Tax, penal
ty and interest, 81.
Certificate Number 660 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on ixits ,57 and 38, Block 2, Erwin
.t. Watson 1st Addition to Citv of
ood River. Owned by V. Kelley.
Tax, penalty and interest, $1.25.
Certificate Number 661 Issued
lanuary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on liOts 29 and 30, Block 6, Erwin
H Watson 1st Addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by Kochman &
Hartman. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Numiber 662 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on lAil J, Block 4, Town of Winans.
nuneci hv .;ma ljjimoert. Tax, P'li-
ilty and interest, 84.
Certificate Number 663 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 38,
39, 40, 41, 47, 48, Block 9, Sec. 27.
Tp. 3 N. R. 10 E. W. M., Erwin ft
Watson 2nd Addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by A. C. I)ft.
rax, penalty and interest, $2 70.
Certificate Number 605 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on IOts 1 and 2, Block 6, Winans
Addiiion to City of Hood River.
owned by M. EL Loy. Tax, penalty
and Interest, $11.63.
Cerlific-Uo Number 666 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on b acres. Ett Ntt. NKhi SEVi.
Sec. 7, Tp. 2 N. R. 10 E. W. M. (5 1
acres). Owned by Marion McRae.
Tax, penally and interest, $2.41.
Certifii-.iie Number 667 Issued
lanuary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on DM 11, Block B, Barrett Slpma
owned hy Ida Parker. Tax, penal
ty and interest, $9.31.
Certifieato Number 668 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on WW Bee. 14, Tp. 1 N. R 10 K
W M. (160 a). Owned by Nancy P.
Thomas. Tax, penalty and Interest.
Certificate Number 641 Issued Jan
uary 6. 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lota
4. ft. 6, 4.3. 44. 45. block 9. Krwin A
2nd addition to City of Hood
Tp. 3 N.. R. 10 H.
R. R. Erwin. Tax.
Certificate Number 670 Issued
January 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes
"ii S'a SK4 Sec. 23 and E, NEU
Sec. 26. Tn 1 N. R 10 E. W M.
(1M acre? i, and personal. Owned by
. . Tax. penalty and inter
est. $73 68.
Certificate Number 671 Issued
January 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
on N. 25 a. res. SEVi NEVi. Sec. 33.
Tp 2 N . 9 K W. M. Owned by
c.oo. o ; iMev. Tax. penalty and
Interest, $10.03.
Certificate Number 672 Issued
January 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
on lots U and 14. Block 1 Erwin
& Watson 1st Addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by C. Roden
hercher. Tax. oenaltv and interest
Certificate Number 673 Issued
j January 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
, on Lots H, 47. 48. Block 5. Erwin 4b
Watson 2nd Addition to City of
Hood River in Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N R.
lo K W M Owned by E L Rood.
Tax. penalty and Interest, $1.44
C rtit c Number 074 - Issued
January 5, 1922. for the 1915 tales
en ."V . SW. So- 16. Tn IN.
River, in Sec. 27.
W. M. Owned V
penalty and
(40 a Owned by
Tax. penalty and
t ertifirate Nurr.lier k42 Issued Jan
arr 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lota
and 13, Hood River Proper, block 24.
10 E. W. M
O Shrnell
erest. 8 SS
'ertificate Number 673 Issued
mary 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
N't. WV4 NV'4 SE; SWV, N
i See 4. Tp. 1 N. R. 11 E W. If.
0 acre.). Owned by J P. Rny-'
Tax, penalty and interest.
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 5, Block 1, Town of Winans.
Owned by Dr. Sturdivent. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80tf.
Certificate Number 677 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on one agre SE cor. Lot 123 Sec. 32,
Tp. 3 N. R. 10 E. W. M., Hood River
Land Plat. Owned by Bessie L.
Taft. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 678 Issued !
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 41,
42, 43, 44 Incl., Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N. R.
10 E. W. M., Erwin & Watson 2nd
Addition, Block 5. Owned by J. W.
Watson. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 679 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 123 Ex 1 acre SE cor Lots
124, 125, 126, 107, 108 E 129, 130,
Hood River Land Plat, Sec. 32, Tp.
3 N. R. 10 E. W. M. (31 acres).
Owned by P. J. Whitney. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $20.34.
Certificate Number 680 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Block
6, Erwin & Watson 2nd Addition to
City of Hood River. Owned by W.
A. Willison. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $2.39.
Certificate Number 681 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 3, Block 8, Town of Winans.
Owned by Edith Winans. Tax, pen
alty and Interest, 80.
Certificate Number 682 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 5, Block 7, Town of Winans.
Owned by Ethel Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80rf.
Certificate Number 683 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on ixjt 4, Block 8, Town of Winans.
Owned by Fair Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80.
Certificate Number 684 Issued
lanuary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 6, Block 7, Town of Winans.
Owned by Mary Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80tf.
Certificate Number 685 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 1: Lots 1.
I, 3, 4, 7, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
Hook 4; Lots 5 and 6, Block 5;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. 8. Block 7: Lots
2, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 8; All in Town
of Winans. Owned by W. R. Win
ans. Tax, penalty and interest, $4.06.
Certificate Number 686 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on EV6 SWVi NEVi S', SWVi SWVi
NEVi Sec. 18, Tp. 1 N. R. 10 E. W.
M. (25 acres). Owned by W. R.
Winans. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 687 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Ixit 26, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 N. R. 9 E.
W. M. (8 acres) Forsythe Sub. Own
ed by Yasaburo Sato. Tax, penalty
and interest, $5.15.
Certificate Number 688 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 3, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 N. R. 9 E.
W. M. (5 a.) Forsythe Sub. Owned
by Chiho Tomita. Tax, penalty and
interest, $6.98.
Certificate Number 689 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
NEVi Sec. 9, Tp. 15, R. 8, E. W. M.
(160 acres). Owned by E. G. Jones.
Tax, penalty and interest, $63.29.
That this summons Is published
under and by direction of an order
of court made and entered on the
7th day of February, 1922, and as
authorized by Section 3698 of Lord's
Oregon Laws, as amended by Chap
ter 408 of the General Laws of Ore
gon, 1919.
Dated this 7th day of February,
Sheriff of Hood River County, Ore.
District Attorney,
Hood River, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
A delegation of five local men, E.'O.
Blanchar and Truman Butler, Sheriff
Johnon, Judge Hasbrouck and Assessor
Wickham, back from The Dalles, where
they attended a hearing before the
state tax investigation committee, ex
press belief that some relief may be
gained by taxpayers in the elimination
of education extension work.
Horticultural experimental work
here was suggested as an item for the
pruning shears. Judge Hasbrouck cited,
however, that Hood River county is al
ready paying 50 per cent of the coet of
maintaining the station here. He
pointed out that the work of the sta
tion is conducted, not only for the in
terests of local orchardists but for all
the state.
Kilpack Seeks Chamber Members
J. G. Kilpack, formerly an official of
the Portland Boys' and Girls' Aid
home In Portland, has been here the
past week engaged as field member
ship solicitor for the Oregon State
Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kilpack
says he finds that local folk have been
apathetic in interest in the State
Chamber. The present, campaign,
however, he declares, is expected to
result in a large local membership.
Fare 15c each way
Leave Heights at Hart Hotel.
Leave down town at Electric Kitchen.
Other drives at reasonable prices
Office : Electric Kitchen.
Phone 1191
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Nothing So Goad for a Cough or Cold
"Everyone who has used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy speaks well of
it," writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts
town, Pa. People who onre use this
preparation are seldom satisfied with
any other. It is excellent to allay a
cough or break up a cold.
Expert work on Ladies' Shoe Heels at
Smiths' Champion Shop. jl9tf
Night Driver "Look at
those lights ! Those West
inghouse people sure did
fix my battery and it
wasn't a Westinghouse
either I"
308 Cnscade Ave., Hood River
To all whom it may concern: Any
body holding an account against Mrs.
Ann E. Hays will address her daughter
Mrs. W. J. Pritchard, Administrator,
Sherwood, Ore. Box 113. jlj27
We Want More Apples
The market remains quite firm in Portland
and we have been able to remit net to all shippers
of Newtown Cookers, $1:00 to $1.15. per box,
faced and fiiled.
We can handle for your account all kinds and
grades of apples, potatoes, poultry, hogs and
veal. Prompt returns.
Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co.
211 Washington St., PORTLAND, ORE.
Service For You
Great things are made up of little things.
We offer service in little things and con
sider them important.
Our stock is complete, of the best and at
most reasonable prices. We aim to please.
Phone 1811
HHdm HIM WM ill
Phone 1124
We Call and Deliver
How about that Suit that needs cleaning?
MR. JOE MEYER is now in charge of our cleaning plant.
All our work is done in Hood River by men who know
how. Our plant is equipt with modern machinery. You are
guaranteed good work and service. Call us up.
Ue City Tailors
In Basement under Coolidge Jewelry Store.
This store has earned that good name through giving satisfaction, day in
and day out to its many customers. Our watchword is "Reliability." Our
specialty is "dependabe merchandise" and you can tell by the prices we quote
in this advertisement t at this is the store that saves you money. These specials
take effect Thursday th 16th and continue for one week.
Broom 25c
Corn Meal, sack 27c
Solid Pack Tomatoes, 3 tor 50c
Hominy, 15c, 3 for 42c
Black Figs. lb. 15c. 3 for 42c
Penicks Syrup, golden, 5 lb 30c
white, 5 lb 53c
Kippered Herring, lbs., 2 27c
Dill Pickles, 1 gal. can 56c
Ripe Olives. 1 gal. can 1.56
Head Rice, 3 lbs 25c
Tree Tea, black only,
lb 40c, 2 for 75c
Sunkist Tiny Beets 22c, 3 63c
Soap Specials
Electric Spark, white, 7 for 25c White Lily 10 for 25c
Swift s White Soap, 7 for 25c Wool Scap.' 4 for. . 25C
Snap Soap, yellow, 10 for 25c
Consolidated Mercantile Co.
i anu inirini, i.o.
Number 6T6 Issued
iwned oy Pi. C r.vans. Jr. Tax. in