The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 16, 1922, Image 9

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M i l I 1 1 I H-M-I 1"I"M"H-I-HI -W
H. L. Hasbrouck, optometrist.
John Deere, plows at Bennet Bros. in 23
H. S. Braakman does painting, paper-
ing ami decorating.
t, p:
Smith Bhig. rlione
Rev. Boddy was painfully sick with
influenza last week.
D. T. Marlor left yeterday for Port
land on a business trip.
City Acres: An acre for the price of
a down town lot. m23
Mounted Grind Stones, ball bearing,
$9 each. Blowers Hardware Co. mStf
Plain sewing done neatly and reason
ably. P. O. Box 11)4. n,9
Expert work on Ladies' Shoe Heels at 1
.Smiths Champion Shop. jlHtf
Careful attention paid to repairingau-
tomobiles. Howell Bros., Tel. 8661. a4tf
William Munroe is recovering from
a severe attack of influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taft motored to
Portland the first of the week.
Memorandum pads in assorted sizes
at the Glacier office.
Mrs. F. W. Chiridlund was in Port
land on a visit the first of the week.
For SpirellaCort-ets Mrs. Fred Howe,
013 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2164. J21tf
Build that new bouse on an acre lot,
in City Acres. ni23
Forbes does painting, sign work and
calcimining. Tel. 3014. mittf
Memorandum pads in assorted sizes
at the Glacer office.
H. L. Frick purchased an Overland
touring car from the Circle Overland
Co. the first of the week.
C. F. Randolph was a business visit
or in Portland the latter part of last
J. R. Edgar, R. A. Collins and W.
F. Shannon were here from Dee Satur
day for the Association meeting.
Eyes scientifically examined by II. L,
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, Heilbronner
Bldg. f8-lf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
leather toe caps and copper toes for
boys at Smith's Champion Sfioe Repair
Shop, 1st and Oak. n24tf
Anvone wishing sewing call Mrs. Can
non, 810 Columbia or phone 3473 after
6 P. M. o27tf
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith have re
turned to their West Side ranch from
PortlanJ, where they spent the winter
Jewelry back to normal. We have
alarm clocks, guaranteed, for $1.49.
Laraway 's.
Oscar Hukari has purchased a Stude
baker Six from the Cameron Motor
II. K. Davenport and family, who
spent the winter in Portland, have re
turned to their Odell home.
16-ln, and 4 ft. wood, gravel and gen
eral hauling. Phone McRae Transfer,
2314, evenings. n3tf
Special prices on Utah King Coal di
rect from the car. Phone 2181. Eniry
Lumber and fuel Co. sltf
Make your own green pigs and sham
rocks for the St. Pat's party. Cover
paper at Glacier office.
Ralph Davies was down from Park
dale Saturday to attend the Associa
tion meeting.
Large Stock Ivanhoe Steel Hoes, best
made, $1 each. Blowers Hardware Co.
We have a special, side draft, one
horse orchard plow that will clean up
around the trees. Bennet Brothers, nfi
Top soil fine for garden, gravel for
building put poses in your own basement,
buy an acre lot in City Acres. m28
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Thompkins, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Clarke, motored to Portland last week.
Come and See
"What Happened to Jones"
March 22- Odell Grange
Wood for the range or furnace. Dry,
Bound slabs, Ki-in. body fir orcordwood.
Emry Lumber a Fuel Co. a21tf
Everett Brown and wife, both of
whom have been ill with influenza are
10' may I added to your order for
nursery stock by paying cash with order.
Kee.l. B. Lister about this. nil
A plow for any purpose, any soil. We
have a dozen kinds in stock to show you.
Bennet Brothers. m23
Kellv Flint Edge Axes, just bought
from (J. S. Government, 1.40 each, a
real bargain. Blowers Hdw. Co. in!tf
Heady to saw your wood at any place
in citv. Su'herlin A Moore, tel. 37153 or
1713." e2!itf
Best half soles put on while you wait
at Smith's Champion (Shoe Shop, 1st.
and Oak. u24tf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n2Ttf
St. Mark's Guild and Auxiliary will
meet Friday afternoon at l o clock tor I other kinds on nana,
work at the home of Mrs. Thomas I cade St. Phone Ml
Flagler. Hood River, Oregon.
Highest cash price paid lor your used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Kranz Co. sl'Otf
Green cover paper, just the thing for
St. Patrick decorations, at Glacier
The Pythian Sisters will meet at old
Pythian hall Friday afternoon to do
altruistic work.
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-2.3 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River.
Poultry Fence, new stock just received.
We save you money. Blowers Hard
ware Co. tn9tf
InsiBt on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Miirsh Motor Co. n25tf
Mrs. Alice Stalnaker, who recently
returned from southern California, has
accepted a position with the Hood
River fruit Co.
After a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. L. S. Bennett, Mrs. E. A. Noyes
returned to her home in Portland last
Hides! Hides! Highest price paid
Will call at gjjy place in Valley Why
give them to the junk man? Just tele
phone 5ti39, and II. Bresaw will call, futf
We have secured the services of an ex
perienced mechanic and can now take
care of all vour automobile needs. How
ell Bros.. Tel. 2551. a4tf
Mr. Orchardist: We can show you
many point! of superiority in the John
Deere tractot disc harrow. Bennet Bros-
L. S. Ainsworth entertained mem
bers of his Riverside Sunday school
class at The Pheasant Monday after
noon at a luncheon.
For Sale Your choice of several
well located lots on the Heights at
$100. Easy terms. Inquire of A. K.
Stranahan, Tel. 1201, Fashion Stables.
The county health association will
hold its annual meeting at Library hall
Friday afternoon, March 24., begin
ning at 2 p. m.
"Early Rose and Early Ohio Seed pot
atoes wanted, we pay cash, only good
seed stock wanted, address box 408 The
Dalles, Oregon. nilti
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 305
Oak" Street. Phone 1521. jy'20-tf
Hides! Hides! Highest prices paid.
Will call at any place in Valley. Why
give them to the junk man? Just tele
phone 5030, and II. Bresaw will call, fotf
Miss Helen Pifer left Saturday for
Bellingham, Wash., where she will re
sume her work in the commercial de
patrment at the state normal.
Mrs. Forrest L. Moe left Sunday for
Webster, S. D.. where she will remain
until May 1 with her mother and two
brothers who are ill.
E. H. Hartwig addressed the Busi
ness and Professional Women's club at
a dinner at the Hotel Oregon last
Thursday evening, talking on "Duties
of a Juror. "
If you have any kind of auto electri
cal trouble, S. D. Cameron can find
where it is and fix it for you or it will
cost you nothing if he fails at Cascade
Garage. jy21tf
Give your car an appearance of w bich
you will be proud. Have new celluloids
put in now before the-Spring touring be
gins. F. T. Muliikin, the top repair
man, at Weber's Harness Shop. filtf
Get your floors cleaned the Universal
way. Makes old lloors look like new and
new floors look better. Let us figure
with you. F. B. Loving A F. W. Spen
cer. I'liones mil. ion
You ought to know
"What Happened to Jones"
8 p. m., March 22
Odell Grange
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lhrck returned
Tuesday from a four months' vacation
in La Mars, la., and points in Illinois.
"We enjoyed the trip very much,"
says Mr. Ehrck. "It was a fine win
ter with very little snow."
Lost Agate brooch, Monday, Feb. 27
on Cascade Ave. or at Rialto Theatre.
Valued as keepsake. Reward. Mrs. Su
sie Lynn. Glacier office. Phone 1321 or
2471. m30
Twenty growers of the valley met at
the Hotel Oregon at a dinner Tuesday
niRht, when H. F. Davidson was host,
to discuss the spray situation with
Gordon G. Brown and Leroy Childs.
If you want to
"What Happened to Jones"
Be on hand at 8 p. m.
March 22-Odell Grange
Doctor F. C Brosius, PboBM 1881
and 18S2, Hoik! River, announces to bis
patrons a cash discount of one-third off.
All accounts charged at usual fees and
subject to collection after 30 days, tf
Park Grange will serve a 35 cent
dinner on the evening of March 22 at
6.30 o'clock. This will he followed by
the usual program and social time.
Come and have a good time. Every
one welcome.
Berry I'lants For Pale Straw berry,
$4.00 per M ; Cutbbert Raspberry, $8.00
per M ; Ugan Tip", $5.00 per C. All
t all at z ij i as
or P. O. Box 142,
Ship your damaged radiators to The
Dalles Auto Radintor Works. We re
core, re-build and re-model all makes of
trucks, tractors and pleasure cars. ISnve
time and inonev. All our work, guaran
teed. F. L. McKinnon, 208 Court Street,
The Dalles, Ore. f2tf
Chris Johnson, of Salt Lake City,
creamery expert of the United States
Department of Agriculture, was here
Saturday discussing with the director
ate and Manager Black plans for a
new building for the Hood River
Ninety per cent of the factory made
watches, before they give satisfactory
service, need expert readjusting by a
good jeweler. When you buy avail
yourself of our expert service. You'll
pay no more for your watch by getting
it at home.
will know
"What Happened to Jones"
Something Good !
March 22, 8 p. m.
Odell Grange Hall
Commencement is fast approaching,
and no doubt you, who have sons or
daughters in the graduating class have
given thought to a present. Let a
visit to our store suggest some worth
while present- some article that will
be a source of pride to the recipient
through a long, useful life.
Mr. and Mr.-. W. E. Sherman have
returned from southern California,
where they spent the winter motoring.
Mr. Sherman is now engaged in recov
ering insurance on his new Studebaker
automobile. On arriving in Portland
from the south he placed it in a garage
there. That nieht the garage burned
T. W. Fletcher and family have ar
rived from Portland and are now at
home on their East Side orchard place,
purchased from E. O. Blanchar, trus
tee for the community hospital fund.
The place was donated by Miss Anna
M. Spring as a nucleus for the hospital.
Mr. Fletcher's son, "Bud," he states,
will be in charge of the orchard place.
A. J. Eastman and family have re
turned from southern California, where
they spent the winter. They made
the trip by motor. The journey, Mr.
Eastman says, was very pleasant.
The family arrived in Portland just in
time to make the first westbound trip
over the Highwav after the huge ice
drifts were cut through.
J. W. Ingalls is now driving a new
Willys-Knight touring car. He brought
the new machine up from Portland
Saturday. Mr. Ingalls, Hood River's
pioneer in motor livery service, says
he has never sat at the wheel of a car
that operates with greater ease and
more comfort for passengers than his
new Willys-Knight. The handsome car
was sold by the Circle Overland Co.
The American Legion of Mosier will
give a Hard Time3 party at Highway
hall, a mile east of Mosier, Saturday
night. Dancing from till 12 p. m.
The Y. W. C. A. girls will serve lunch
during the evening and sell home made
candies. Good music is assured. Hood
River folks are urged to come out for
a good time. Admission $1. Ladies
Harry L. Hall, of the Washington
State Highway Department, and a
party passed through here Tuesday
with two four-wheel-drive motor
trucks, being driven from Olympia.
The cars were allotted the neighboring
state by the federal government. The
trucks, of the dump type, will be
utlized, one at Lyle and the other at
Goldendale, on state highway work in
Klckitat county.
E. E. Hunt, manager of the Gross
Cash and Carry store, is interested in
the recent news of the shifting of ser
vice of the steamer Bearport, which
sails under the banner of the Columbia
Pacific Shipping Company. In Tues
day's Oregonian it was stated that the
Bearport will probably be sent to India
to load a cargo of sugar. Mr. Hunt's
son is radio operator aboard the Bear
port. Mrs. J. W. Lill was honored by
friends and neighbors with a birthday
party last Thursday afternoon. It was
in celebration of her 70th birthday.
The following matrons of the Avalon
Way community came to join her and
Mr. Lill and tender their congratula
tions: Mrs. F. C. House, Mrs. D. H.
McClain, Mrs. J. W. Sitton. Mrs. S. J.
Frank, Mrs. A. D. Ramsey, Mrs. W.
H. Corey, Mrs. L. S. Ainsworth, Mrs.
Walter Shay, Mrs. W. E. Shay, Mrs.
V. D. Lill.
Arch Support Shoes
They take the load off of
tired feet.
Big Reductions
on 1922 prices.
All widths and sizes.
A perfect fit always.
Bring your feet and we will do
the rest.
Just arrived direct
from New York.
No two alike.
Every Suit a gem.
And we are willing
to give you the
benefit of our
La Vogue Coats
America's Standard Hand
Tailored Line
$1 7.90 to $28.90
No Two Alike.
Every Coat perfect.
Come and look them over, it
costs nothing we are glad
to show you.
We are decorating and
the store will he fresh
and bright.
A little confusion this
week, but how good
to be clean.
While an approximate inch of rain
prevailed on lower levels Sunday
night, new snow piled up on surround
ing rancesides and in orchards of the
higher altitudes. The Upper Valley
reported three inches ot new snow.
making a blanket of about IS inches
deep there. The morning was clear
and partly sunny. Heavy rain pre
vailed Monday afternoon and night.
Oldtime residents and weather ob
servers in general, including members
of an Indian colony east ot the city,
are agreed that indications point to the
beginning of spring. Sidewalks Mon
day were covered with hundreds of
earth worms. The worms, observers
declare, have come from their protect
ed burrows deep in the earth to greet
warmer days, and the unfortunate
ones, forming a carpet for pedesrtians,
were washed out of their holes by Sun
day night's downpours.
Milk Prices Down
Soon your nose'll know its spring.
Lime-suplhur perfume will be floating
on the breezes.
An Announcement
The cleaning and tailoring business
of the Hood River Tailors has been
taken over by W. R. Webber, of The
Dalles, and will hereafter be known as
Tar i
We maintain and operate a plant that
is up-to-date in every respect.
Rhone 1212. Our wagon will call.
Winter arrived with an unprecedent
ed precipitation. He is leaving as he
came. Generally, however, residents
of the mid-Columbia are thankful that
the precpitation now is chiefly rain.
Miss Columbia takes a bath and
Mount Hood and Mount Adams put on
new shirts. ,
A. Sims, Wyeth merchant," was here
the other day in his Havnes roadster, a
brilliant red machine with classy wire
wheels. His car seemed a bright
spring bird of the roads, and local folk,
as they watched it here, were prepared
for the coming of the equinoctial per
iod. A few of the citizens of the city will
regret the arrival of warm days.
These few have tasted of special clarn
chowder brewed by Ira George. Warm
days will eliminate the chowder from
Mr. George's Friday rpenus. If those
who have recently partaken of this de
lectable food werepoets, Mr. George's
fame would be secure.
E. W. Dirge, who with Mrs. Hirge
has just returned from southern Cali
forna, brought back home Hood River
air in three of his tires. He and Mrs.
Hirge traveled a little over H, 000 milec
"A piece of glass penetrated my
fourth tire," Mr. Dirge says.
Mr. Hirge says the effects of the
heavy freeze in southern California
were comparatively disastrous for
citrus growers. Fifty per cent of the
fruit, he says, is a loss according to
estimates, and the wood is so frozen
back that the tonnage will be cut short
for the next t-vo years.
He sava he found Hood River Dia
mond brand apples popular in aouthern
California. Every fruit stand in the
section, he says, offers the Oregon
fruit for sale.
Born To Mr. anil Mrs. L B. Aplin
Tuesday, March 7, b 7-pound daughter.
The little girl has been named Kath
leen May.
Mrs. Julia G. Macdonald, who died
Saturday at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.
Hanks, in the Oak Grove district, was
the daughter of the firft governor of
Ohio, Thomas Worthington. Mrs.
Macdonald, who was born at Chilli
cothe, O., was 7'J years 'old.
Mrs. Macdonald was the widow of
Henry Macdonald, a pioneer stockman
of Montana, whose death occurred two
years ago. The body was taken to
I'ortland. where cremation followed
funeral services at the Portland Cre
matorium. Three grandchildren. Sam
uel, Julia Frances and Eleanor Hanks,
Mrs. M. Sue Henderson Friday re
ceived a telegram announcing the
death at St. Vincent's hospital, in
Portland, of her son, Percy L. Adams.
Death followed an operation. Mr.
Adams, who was reared here, is sur
vived by his widow and a daughter.
Mr. Adams was the son of Dr. W.
Adams, pioneer physician here.
Mr. Adams was horn at Hood River
May 20, JK84. After graduating from
the Oregon Agricultural College in
190(, he taught mathematics at his
alma mater for two years. In 1909 be
graduated from the Boston Technical
College and entered the en ploy of the
Western Electric Company at New
York City. He returned to Portland
in 11)12 to enter the employ of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company. In 1917 Mr. Adams joined
l lie ranks of the John Wood Iron Works
and was appointed manager of the firm
in 1920.
fc Yes - The - New - Goods - Are - Here - Now jp
Bf :' And you will he tflad you waited. Th.-y are so much prettier than we ' '''jl'S
i . thought they could be. New materials, new designs, colors and efioets. ' , x
W-k' Swiss Organdy Silk Tissue Tissue Ginghams Tissue Voiles Printed Organdy
fjjV' tffrnWi new color ef) prettjr Week eheekl stiiking patterns to qnaiat itstigM
j Shadow Batiste Lingerie Batiste Lingerie Crepes Polkadot Voiles Japanese Crepes
1 . i'V In .I. aJm the new light shades in Pastel shades in daik colors in the bright shades
y ,V " . . M 1 111 l I f ui i upc miwic . n
New Draperies, Tapestries, Cretonnes, Curtain Madras, Curtain Swisses and Filet Nets
You really must see these beautiful Lretones and ur a penes to appreciate the wonderful
new colors and combinations, as well as the new weaves and desings. Mere words cannot
begin to describe them.
Heavy tapestry in ricH deep colors and ttriKing effect for upholstering or for side drapes
45c, 68c and 95c the yard
Light Flowered and Figured Cretonnes for Dresses and Aprons
Here is nhere you will be delighted with the beauty ami novelty of these wonder
fully attractive and verv practical materials in their new field of House Dresses and Aprons
and in combination with thir goods. As these desirable fabrics are a yard wide they cut to
good advantage.
25c and 38c and 45c the yard
The New Collars for
Men and Boys
20c to 50c
New Neckwear for
Men and Boys
50c to $2.00
President J. H. Fredricy and Treas
urer A. R. Cruikshank, of the Hood
River County (iame Protective Associ
ation, were in Portland Monday to at
tend the organization of the Oregon
Sportsmen's Association.
The association was organized for
the purpose of aiding propagation and
preservation of wild animals and game
fish in the state. The meeting was at
tended by representatives of l(i coun
ties. Besides the regular delegates
the meeting was attended by four of
the five state game commissioners, the
state game warden and many Portlano
C. M. Thomas, of Jackson county,
was elected president ; H. J. Horton,
of Maker county, vice president, and
Wilford Allen, of Josephine county,
secretary-treasurer. The board of di
rectors is composed of R. W. Price, of
Multnomah county; E. C. Simmons and
Stewart McDonald, of Game District
No. 1, and D. C. Kowmari and W. Mc
Nealy, of Game District No. 2.
A paid executive secretary will be
chosen by the directors in the near fu
ture. The secretary will have his
main office in Portland and besides
keeping in close touch with the state
game warden's office will act as organ-
i izer ot sportsmen s organizations in
the counties.
He alto will have charge of the edu
cational campaign that the organiza
tion plans to undertake, of which the
main purpose will be to create sympa
thy and favor for the protection of
game fish and birds. The executive
secretary will hold the only pecuniary
i office of the organization.
W. R. Webber, of The Dalles, where
he has a 110,000 cleaning plant, has
purchased from the Hood River tailors
their place of business opposite the
Electric Kitchen. Mr. Webber, whose
Wasco county establishment is declared
one of the bent of its kind in the state,
is now operating three motor delivery
outfits mid is calling for clothes and
household ..furnishings anywhere in
Hood River, Wasco and Sherman
"Our process leaves the garments
perfectly clean and odorless," sayu
Mr. Webber. "In addition to general
tailoring and cleaning, dyeing and the
like, we clean rugs, tapestries and
such articles. "
J. 0. Gibs in is now in charge of the
local branch of the concern. Two per
sons will be employed constantlj here
it is said.
Friday evening of this week a pro
gram will he given in the Bood River
high school building in whn h repie
tentatives from seven different divi
sions in the countv will appear in reci- !
tations. Mrs. Henney will put on a
musical concert as the lir t part of the
program. In this pupils from Oak
(irove, Frankton, Pine Grove and
Hood River will appear.
The judges of the literary part of
the program will be Mrs. A. G. Lewis,
Mrs. 1,. 1,. Murpny, and C E. Giaves.
No admission charge will be made
for the event.
Justice of the Peaie Onthank last
week assessed a fine of $rll against Roy
Oorton, driver of a county road truck,
who was arrested by State Traffic
Officer Griffith for overloading. The
county will have to pay the fine. Jus
tice Onthank said.
"If young Gorton has to pay. " said
Justice Onthank, "I'll make the as
sessment lighter. 1 made the tine
heavy to call attention to this illegal
overloading. The county should set an
example. "
J. W. Hutson apprehended for a sim
ilar offense, was fined $15.
Hulk milk has been reduced by local
dairymen from 40 to 30 cents per gal
lon. The dairymen announce that bot
tled milk will be reduced from 12$ to
10 cents per quart April 1. Milk prices
are now lower than they have been
since pre-war days.
Jiffy Jel
The Quick Dessert
2 pkgs for 1 5c or
75c per dozen
Most people are familia -with
Jiffy-Jell and know hov.'
good it is.
Buy a dozen now and
have it ready when you
need it.
Store open until 9 p. m. Saturday
The Star Grocery
" Good Things to Eat "
General Trucking
and Wood
Hood River
Hun Id Hershner, who is acting sec
retary for the local board of appraisers
under the Soldier Konus bill, states,
that nine applications of Hood River
ex-service men, have been approved
and have been forwarded here for ap
praisal. Other members of the board
of appraisers are M. M. H 11 and
George Sheppard.
Mr. Hershner states that ex-service
men who contemplate bonus applica
tions, should get in their documents at
once. Saya Mr. Hershner:
"Capt. Brumbaugh, secretary of the
Bonus Commission, has called atten
tion to the fart that all initial applica
tions rr.uft bv filed with the commis
sion hefore May 25 of this year The
initial application establishes the eli
gibility of the applicant to receive
either the cash bonus or the loan. In
this application he states which option
. he prefers. If he wants the loan he
I states so, the amount and when the
I loan will be wanted. He mutt also
I show the class of property to be
i offered as security."
Studebaker Owners
Attention :
I am doing highclass Studebaker
repair work exclusively.
A trial will convince you.
Prices reasonable.
All work guaranteed.
810 Park Street Shop
Phone 3482
frrBntv I eruption of Non-Partisans
The county convention of the Non
! Partisan League will be held at the K.
iof P. hall Saturday, at 1.3U p. m.
H H. Sullard, of Orriron City, will be
the chief speaker. He it state man
, ager for Oregon.
The life and appearance of your
clothes depends upon the ability
of vour cleaner.
WW 1
Phone 1212 Opposite Electric Kitchen