1 VOL. XXXIII HOOD RIVER, OKEUON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922 No. I m ,1, CONDENSED REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 10th. 1922 Resources : Loans and Discounts $566,301.19 United States Bonds and Other Securities 24l()03. 12 Bank Building and Fixtures 49,146.53 Other Real Estate 8 500 00 Cash and Exchange 'Ill 269,592! 14 $1,134,542.98 Liabilities: Capital Stock , $100,000.00 Earned Surplus and Profits an mo 4 National Currency gg 800.00 Rediscounts ' n ' Borrowed Money nnr,a DcPosits 905,670.14 $1,134,542.98 I T'S a satisfaction to know that when you purchase clothes at Voet's vou are paying the lowest price at which good clothes can be bought. SPRING SUITS $35 to $45 This label means quality from every angle Kuppenheimer J. G. VOGT Ladies' Glove Silk Hosiery, $3.50 See the Windows IS YOUR CAR A WAIF? A car deserves a good home. Keeping it in a public garage is as inconvenient as it is expensive. You never know how it is being used - or abused. GIVE IT A HOME With your own garage your car is safe and the ex pense is less. It is there when you want it, without de lays and disappointments. It costs so little to own a gar age that it will quickly pay for itself in storage saved. Step in for plans and specifications. We are ready with ideas, plans and materials and suggestions. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade Victor Records Reduced in List Price 10-inch Black Label, Double Faced Re cords now listed at 85c. Reduced to 75c 12-inch Black Label, Double Faced Re cords now listed at $1.35. Reduced to $1.25 KRESSE DRUG CO 77t4f Q&KoJUL Store Come in and hear the latest March Victor Records r - Statement of the Condition of the Butler Banking Company, of Hood River, Ore. at the close of business, March 10, 1922 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $638,538.42 Bonds and Warrants 135,319.32 Savings Department Loans 227,569.76 furniture and Fixtures 9,255.00 Real Estate 23,768.97 Cash on Hand and in Other Banks 196,' 763.' 49 $1,231,214.96 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 45,932.27 Deposits 1,085,282.69 $1,231,214.96 Member Federal Reserve System. Doing Our Best To Save You Money We have brought the prices of Hay and mill feeds aown to a small margin, and we can save you money on seeds and fertilizer, if you will let us know what you need, bet your orders in early, we will take care of mem wnether its by the pound or carload. We have on hand a full line of POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS BEST PATENT FLOUR WITH A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE GAS AND OILS BODY FIR WOOD 4 foot, per cord, $9.00 16-inch, per cord, $10.50 See Us For Prices on Hay and Feed McRAE & WOODYARD Transfer, Feed and Fuel Cor. 4th and State St Phone 2861 ! I I II; " 11 1 I PLAY GOLF SAYS STONE season shows : Stores. $500.01)0: strawbetrie 4o. 16 ; chei ies. $00. 7; runes and FOSTERS COOPERATION, HE SAYS lei qui $1.1' $220. plums ; oral ,000 D Coif Statement Made by Association Man ager in Annual Report Agency Declared in Fine Condition ipti TO I i DDRESS CLUU TELEGRAM MAN COMING MONDAY whilt tl, BUSINESS IS GOOD The Hood River Machine Works Good weather has returned and with it good business. Now is the time to prepare for your sum mer's travel. I an doing good work at Fair Prices. I am content Are you ? "Satisfactory Service Always" Shay'8 SERVICE Shop AT THE. FASHION STABLES Shop 121 Res. 2772 offers you its service for Welding, Gear Cutting, and all kinds of machine work. Starters, Generators, Carburetors and Ignition troubles. On all overhauling and cars rebuilt by us we will give 90 days free service. A trial will convince anyone that we will do the right thing. UNGER & LENZ Successor to Slutz Bros. Tel. 3173 Fairbanks-Morse Engines and Hayes Sprayers The sensation of Saturday's annual primarv meeting at mikIuh ,,r u. Apple Growers Association, called for nominating: candidates for the direc torate, was the statement mad, in un- parent earnestness, hv C,eneui m-.,,,. ager A. W. Stone that he consider..,! one of the sales organization's greatest asset his numhwihln th Br....-i.. - i' m ' nn nnnny Golf club, of Portland. "Flavin? milf in j-I.M , t r ... " .1.. - r w viviuuii, UC clared Mr Stone. diiD.a vine a climan- tic ardor in his talk to tliu MM assembled from all parts of the valley. ii inculcates honor and honestv in a man. It br intra nr in i,.::,-i- tmtH ...... tains of business affiars. It fosters the cooperatvie spirit. "A recent Monday morning Oregon ian carried lhi - V..V UfCM III f ortland playing golf. A grower crit icised me for beinu- ahwent f work. I called to his attention that my game was on Sunday. Sunday sports have not been made my habit of inc. uui l piav fin hat ilav nm f... me reason that I cannot get awav at any other time. If occasion arises, uowever, ana I consider that it will b w yuui uenent, l will play golf on ween aays. I'll play a good game, if win benefit the Association. If orca sion requires a poor game for the or ganization, men 1 11 niay a poor one Mr. Stone told growers that plans were now under way for a meeting of growers' associations of all northwest ern uistricts to consider a wholesale system or cooperative buying. Th ocooiun, uio, ne staieu, win consider a northwestwide advertising campaign. directorate candidates were named as ioiiowb : K. W. Birge. C. K. Ben ton, n,. u Brown lee, J. C. Porter. G. n. Marsh. J; H. Jeffrey. K. J. Me Isaac. Dr. J. I). Gnl.terv .1 H M..h. J. K. Nunamsker and A C. Siatun -it - -. ... ... . v.. .11 .V U, fill members of the old board. Frank C. uetnman. its. ii oiB w a ' - ' ' v. ... v , fl 1 H , Koy u. Smith. lalks on various orchard problems were given hv I.erov CMi,a un.i nn. aon tj. nrown. Mr. Stone stated that tlm Hon now had not a worry in the world unless it be trom the fact that the fed erai government has not. ruled on whether the organization must pay in come tax. An exemption has hpn claimed on the grounds that it is a co operative organization. Koy U. Smith introduced a resolution oi me Yveuate Association, composed of West Side growers, calling for a cut of ZU per cent in all wages and 111 aries of employei drawing in excess of iuu per month. It was defeated by a strong vi.tu. An outstanding feature of the annual i - , ., . icijuh oi vjeuerai manager stone was his citation of the extreme coat of transportation and the charges mad uy miuuiernen in the part they play in getting apples to the ultimate c. t aumer. M r. Stone said : ine oi low ins is a lummirv of th trend of cjsts in shipping fruit to Iht Atlantic seaboard and to Europe. This table is given so that we can more fully appreciate the ejttent of the pro ceeds of our fruit paid to transporta tion, we nave taKen the Atlantic sea Doaru and fcuropean ports from the fact that a very large percentage ot our fruit is handled in this way. Th cost per box by rail and water to New York and to Europe is as follows: "Prom Hood River to New York to F.uropi Uption No. 1 $.75 $1.2u Upturn No. ' 79 .24 itetngeration 88 Llfl Where ventilated steamer is used across the Atlantic the charge is onlv I.J.i. We ship to Lurope by water at Jji.uy per box. It ii thus readily seen that a big percentage or the proceeds of our fruit in paiu out in transportation. On Jan uary L 1922, a reduction was made from 83 cents to 75 cents per box. This reduction only extends until June .KJ, 1922, at which time the rate will automatically return to 83 centi per box unlets the preient reduction is made iiermanent. "In the marketing of fruit hu traniportation companies get nearly as much as the grower do for producing and marketing it. and h,, . i r..,.,i k. tween the jobber and the retailer is nearly ai much as the transportation charges. This condition applies large ly to horticultural products throuihout the country and is all wriino ll works a ireat iniuiticn to i. sumer and grower." Mr. Stone cited th plaints were heard about the cost of labor and in the handling of the fruit than any other item. II,- ii.-, I.-. r. ,i however, that these iUmi charged off entirely and the grower would not notice any great difference in the return. "We must," he concluded hii re marka on this phase of his report, "de vote more of our time and energy to reoutir.K cueia oeiween me delivery to traniportation companies and the de livery to the consumer. Take for ex ample the cost of handling a box of apple on the Erie Pier at New York city, practieally 16 centa per box. The actual coat and expense of handling this fruit is practically nil, as there is no pnyf icai nandiinir or the fruit, yet for I he imall service of the brokers they get more for limply making a aale. without inveatirg any money or being to practieally any expense or loss of time, than we get for receiv ing. inapecting, handling, shi cold storing and marketing our truit! Thia ia ail wrong and we are and are going to continue to devote a goodly portion of our time and energy toward righting Uee wrongs, which must 1 righted if our industry ia to prosper Tim doe not apply alone to the fruit industry, but applies in general to all agricultural activities." Mr. Stooe'a report shows that the1 total grow business of the agency for . , ' Tr-"1' Umatel being mde from March I to May 31 of this year, will reach $1,893,216 "1, the largest amount in Ue eight tVra it whirl) the i.riimm.n. L... i rr it tl liu lied nth an I ; the Auociat at $3uj,ooo, placid at $4u 000. Mr. ytone slaieii tl of fruit ha i idled In eacli season since it was orj not varied greatly, altliou show a variation of toiw, crop yield. The total nurn ages lor the current sea. 1,437,778, with apples It 1,0)0,0X4 boxes. the ye; ceeded this with a total of which l,322.2Mi were unoks Average pi ices on apple as loiiows : Gravensteins, $2.08; Kings, $1.45; Winter bananas, $1.62; Jotiutnans, $1.36; Delicious, $2.02; Spitzenburga, $1.62; Arkansas Blacks, $1.71; Ort leys, 1.52; Red Cheeks, $1.47; Oregon Rods, $1.63. and Newtowns. Si. 61. In making returns to growers 10 cents per box is deducted for handling cnarges, two cents lor advertising one cent for purchasing fund, four cents for building lund and a maximum of six cents tor storage. Returns up to March 1 have been received on 1S per cent of the crop. total of $1,421,146.84, in settlement oi h,IU.9i3 boxes. Ibis ffivm an tvM age per box of $1.59, as against a lik average of $1.00 at the same tirnt year ago, when but 57 per cent of tht crop had been paid lor. Aveiage prices on other lruit is uiven as fol lows: Strawberries, $2.85 per crate peats, $2.32 per box. and cherries. Ill cents per pound the report shows that the apples of growers or the past season were of lightly better quality and larger m Size than the Vi! ,r hfnr tlim; fall short of the seasons 191H and IB19. an! Mr. Stone urtres that irmturi Imnrmla graues una sizes, a condition that wi enable the Bales department to return better averages. V l th 32 per cent of the cron vet. tn oe paid tor, says the general manag er, we cannot, make nv i i hmlv ixti mate as to the amfjiint which will hn received for the fruit yet unpaid for. Market conditions, however, warrant the conclusion that the final returns will show an advance in nriaaa anlasa serious break in the market occurs." Mr. Stone's report showed Lhat the warehousing cost of the sales ation had decreased 34 per cent in the past year. The decrease in wages and salaries the past year was 32 per cent. ine organization I inspection depart ment, now operating under direct su pervision of the management, Mr. Stone stated, had been more active, with the result that fewer rejections on cars of apples were noted. The de partment, he Stated no on v operator to eliminate the nackitiL' ol low ura" n apples, but to aid rowers in th pro duction of clean crops. Mr. Stone complimented the Hood River Experiment Stat ... aad jw.i growers to avail themselves til id iri lormalion. Mr. Stone's reDOl t . ihows a total in- tommcrcial Club to Uisci opmei t Mount Hood ted tit I is elaboration of plans for the de nent of scenic assets of the for- area around the base of Mount will be featured at the Manh : the Commercial club next i Vi "ip1- I-1 K- Wheeler, of the and lelegram, will be chief ker at the session. Mr. Wheeler member of the Mount Hood fn committee, composed of prominent 1 ortland citizens and men from other sections, who since last July, follow ing a tour around the mountain, have engaged in various activities tending to stimulate interest in a development of the scenic asset. p- C- Crew, secretary of the club, who Monday night arranged with Mr Wheeler by telephone for his participa tion in the meetmir. Mil!---- that mmL dents of all parts of tka vail u, pected here for the ments will be served following the addresses. STONE EXPLAINS DIS MISSAL SALES FORCE The season's senaii,m in f-.,,f .- cles is the axniaaai Manager Stone of the Annie Growers Association of the summary dismissal year aizo bv the directomtu .-.f u.i. anager C. W. McCullagh and Dwieht I.. Woodruff, in eha York City oflice of the organization. Mr. Stone stated that the Uvniun.n -" vAiniiaituil was due growers because of the circu lation of proiiHiand in i ..... i i.- iui the discharge of the men. Th rno al manager said : While 1 do not care at this limo t enter into a full and complete discus sion of this proposition and all the matters which caused the change in o,.r sales department at Hood River and New York. I feel that I am war- ranted in giving to our membeis sufli- lent iniormation so that thu urili oo. that the I'our.-e pur ued bv the As-oci- ation in this matter was wholly justi lied. Mt. Stone then uuoted the fol lowing wires between Mr. McCullagh following tei- Uld Mr. Woodruff. Th gram was dated March 7. 1921 : "Dwight L, Woodruff, 204 Franklin Street, New York. N. Y.. "Tonight Board after tlotied KeiJ.V'Taub deal pear deal and taliforn.a Newtuwn in which we foitied. met in immi aion, theo reipn. stone men d Chle ,. ieti inyafier .onai'ie H I Dl fl ov r ted my contisi t itau vested been rai chMing i 1 1 1 u ' I 1 1 f.-r-Cv Ul end Ultl id b of $404. 73, whiih ml Hi .year. OEKHV API'OiM'ED TO UIG WATER EA.jE uver, On it ormnt io ruff, U i Judge Darby has been i attorney for the North l a irrgation interests, that h plans for development of i general Co. and launched central Ore gon. Judge Ii ill.. It is stated uvill take immeditae charge of an adjudica tion of water rights of the entire De schutes river watershed. A petition has already been forwarded to tht State Water Board, asking this body to proceed formally with such an ad judication. Ihe adjudication, it is stated, will be facilitated bv dat a alroaili rn , available by the Deschutes Cooperative act, whereby the state, coopeartng on an equal basis of expense with the federal government, conducted an ex haustive survey of the water? bed. Power rights included with " af rrigatiunists. the ad indication will ha a record for magnitude. The North Canal Co., which controls for development 2ti,iHKl acres of valu able Carev act land, is backed hv n , influence of Samuel Hill. Ex-Governor West is a moving ipirit in the irriga tion activities, the scope of which in ude a general development nt th hiu central Oregon landeil area. The pro- posedjfiiieratuins are attracting north westwide attention. The pIhiim HTM being launched auspiciously, in that no burden of initial debt will hamper progress. One of thj features of the development call for the colonization of the land, following the contruction of adquate irrigation systems, by picked settlers from Europe. Tniv in up EAST SIDE DITCH Frank A. McDonald, superintendent of the East Fork Irrigation District, savs that the ueeo drifts of snow und foil ,v. ana a se- f or Mr UOUii laun New Yo'k, N. Y.. "Dcir Mr. Taub: I did not ur Uggestion to loll for tuo, half cents per box on the 32 cars 1 I .. i; ii cureu irom rveuy, as each car was shipped, for the reason that I knew this would be an annoyance for you to send a check for ea. h car ,-parately, so thought best to wait until the close of the seastm. "Inasmuch as all cars have been shipped, I presume, and undoubtedly of 756 boxes each, you may at your convenience send me a draft for the amount. 1 preler draft for some the clerks at our banks talk more less about deposits made whe re . Ii.,' If a are from fruit dealers. 1 figure the 32 cars at 756 boxes each amounts to 24 -192 boxs Oi 24 cents amounts to $604. 80, but you send whatever is right. "Sincerely trust the deal proved a successful one. "Yours very truly, (Signed) C. W. McCullagh." "Before the contracts with those parties were cancelled." Mr. Stnn stated, "each appeared in person fore the board of directors and unanimous and final conclusion of Board on passing upon the conduct of these two parties was as follows, 'That lioth Dwight L. Woodruff and C. W. McCullagh, by reason of their unfaitfhul service and their failure to discharge the outies they owed to the Apple Growers Association while em ployed by it, be forever barred from any further or future employment by the Association, and also from receiv i i"g anv recommendation of any kind or nature commending their services.' "We have given ou only a small part of the transaction which led up to the cancelling of these contractu for service and have been careful onlv to quotations trom eorrestxindeiice be- the the ia il ve sleet in ravines and filling the ditobe? I 90 tnat thtre could b" 00 Paibility of of the system may prove inconvenient De"!K unfair to our former employes . L. j i . : , . . . : T.itl will ,in, rl iaj mtiiirmniB in apply ing tneir nrst prays this season. The water is turned into the ditch early, in order to provide water for spray mixtures. "The Snow ! now nine feet Hen ! nluce. in tl... A t.h " u,-a M il ... 'VetV i f ...w ... . , caj a ..... mi evil I , ! aid. "and it will take some time to get 9m on'y one it cleared ur, Th.. ',l,ltrn,ti,,n u'ill ... hinder irrigation, as water will not 'ou take 'nt be needed for this pur pi se for some Motto. You will understand, however, this only a small part of the transactions which led to the discontinuance of the services of these parties with the As sociation, but it is sufficient, so that mend er will realize lhat there ' sued under the circumstances, when of tl TAX LEAGUE TO MEET SATURDAY that both ; to furnish a state I tiy the Associat .questionable activi Mr. Woodruff is ager of a Cooiier- now general live growers f he ir man-rgan- of wri Talk on Paper rr ; a I a . ; tbia H g at n.sted isga. A o