The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 16, 1922, Image 4

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Kicking the Daylights Out of
the High Price of
20 ( off on Hardware
10 off on Paint and Wallpaper
Smith Bldff., 3rd St. Phone 2404
PortlandThe Dalles
Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7 a. m.
Leaves Hood River for The Dalles at 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 7 a. m.
Leaves Hood River for Portland at !) a. m.
Passenger Fare, $1.00 Main 8063
Former Lathe Machinist of the Hood River Garage
has opened a shop for all kinds of
Lathe Work and General Repairing
Cor. Oak and 5th Streets
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 4331.
Lot 8, Block 6, Winan's Addition $150
2nd Lot West of 9th on North side
State for $50 O
Every day is Apple Day with us. We have the de
mand that, pays the price and advise to let go of the sea
sonable offerings. The one who sells when the other
fellow wants to buy is the one who Rets the best market.
Jjet us know what you have to offer at once in the
line of apples. We will turn your apples into cash quickly.
You get your money quickly when you ship to Sheridan.
Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co.
211 Washington St.,
Wed., Thurs.
Fri. and Sat.
March 22, 23, 24, 25 ESS
W ednesday, March 21 MOW A V ANNA
M liar.tei,, Munt.ijr. BafclMOfl lOtmill. Mafia) Nleolay. IH-rrerr: MMR
'I hur.u. March 2.1-1 OlikNf. KIN i.n I nglish
K-i; - i .-1,1. m, 1 ! k ai..-it. niKi,. . l-ulrcre i iti.ii.!. ass,
Friday. March 24 ROM O AND J I LIFT
hdilb MmMin, Maiveii. ,ae. . Mur..:.,r . I 'nfranne, lefrcrr, t otreml. Mnilay,
'it1; Piilami. onndonlnc
Saturday Matinee, Mar.h I MAIS
ary (taidru. Iutrauue Ni.-,..m. Pakka. Maiwell. Hiram: I'olirfo, no
duet inc.
it. OMrpull. I jifnrl. ill tn 'ill. Ollvle n: ritiilnl. cm-
Head Carefully Renardintt Mail Orders
any I
Kl't-.l S f.,r !, i iiinU r i.t at iiimv Itr mu In at
',- ' Week
ask oC Hi tire rf.nntirrM will be tilled
rBatfcr lhrte perform a ore) will tie filled neit.
'Air'Hm0rf "" f"f I"" than three pert, rtn
dreaard to M 1 ri.lK m;l.i aT-
I si Ms H I si K I i
Ikaaa. BrM row, S3 a, aide m-lkMH,
Summons by Publication in Application
to Foreclose Tax Liens
No. 1173.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood Kiver County.
Hood Kiver County, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff, vs. Jacob Altman
t al, Defendants.
Jacob Altman, American League,
VV. A. Anderson, J. W. Boston,
Black Sand & (kild Recovery Co.,
Darwin Bradley, Broadway Inv
Co., C. 1j. Barton, K. A. Oovel,,
Jus. N. Davis, F. E. DeBord, H. T.
IXiWltt, It. G. Drake, J. L. Drum
niond, Carrie Kntrican, H. K. Er-
win, N. C. Evans, Jr., N. C. Evans,
Anna Pish, W. H, Fitzgerald, C.
L. Forsburg, Culver Cordon, Mad
ison E. Goose, Green & Horbelt,
Walter Green, Geo. W. Grlffeth,
Kate Groff, Hartford Orchard Co.,
E. V. Barker, M. I. Henderson,
Florence Hudson, J. E. Hunt, J.
A. Johnson, A. B. Jonos, V. Kel
ley, Koehman & Hartman, Alma
Lambert, A. C. Ijoft, L. E. Look,
M. H. ly, Marian Meltae, Ida
Parker, Nancy P. Thomas, A. Pat
eroau, Geo. Qulggley, C. Roden
ercher, E. L. Rood, E. G. Shev
nell, J. P. Snyder, Dr. Sturdivent,
Bessie L. Taft, J. W. Watson, P.
,1 Whitney, W. A. Wlllison, Edith
Winans, Ethel Wlnans, Fair Win-
ans, Mary Winans, w. K, Winans
Yasahuro Sato, Chiho Tomita, E
G. Jones, and also all unknown
owners of the following described
real property or any part thereof
and also persons unknown claim
ing to have any Interest in and
to the real property herein de
scribed, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you, and each ot you, and all persons
claiming by, through or under you are,
hereby requried to appear and answer
the application to foreclose tax liens
filed against you. and each of you, in
the above entitled court and cause by
Hood River County, Oregon, on or be
fore the expiration of Sixty (60) days
from and after January Hint, l'J22, and
if you fail so to appear and answer and
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to the court for judgment against you
and each of you for the several
amounts of the taxes, penalty and in
terest assessed against you, and each
of you. and for which certificates of
delinquency have been issued to plain
tiff in the several sums hereinafter
specifically set forth, together with 12
per cent interest thereon until paid,
and increased costs.
Also for a decree of foreclosure and
sale of the several tracts of land here
inafter descrbed to satisfy the several
judgments so rendered. That the sev
eral delinquent tax certificates herein
after mentioned be foreclosed and the
several tracts of land therein described
be sold as provided bv law to satisfv
the several judgments including inter
est and costs and increased costs.
That the several certificates of de
linquent taxes, together with descrip
tion of the real estate covered by each,
the name of the owner, or reputed
owner, the taxes, penalties and inter
est due are as follows, viz:
Certificate Number 626 Issued Jan
uarv r, 11122, for the 1916 taxes on lots
6. & 7, H. 9, 10, block (i, Krwin & Wat-
eon 2nd addition to Citv of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 8 N., R. 10 E
W. M. Owned by Jacob Altman. Tax,
penalty and interest, $2.:i'j.
Certificate Number 027 Issued Jan
uary ,r, 1922, for the Hir taxes on
lots 26. 2f. 27. 28. 29. block li. Erwin
& Watson 2nd addition to City of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 8 N., R. 10 E
W. M. Owned by American League
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 028 Issued Jan
nary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
18, 14. block 6. Erwin & Watson 2nd
addition to City of Hood River, in Sec
27, Tp. .'! N., EL 10 E.. W. M. Owned
by W. A. Anderson. Tax, penalty and
interest. $1 12.
Certificate Number 029 -Issued Jan
uary 6, 1922, for the 191.r taxes on lots
1. 2. 8. 4, Sec. 20, Tp. It N., EL 10 E.,
W. M. Owned by Black Sand & Gold
Recovery Co. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $:il).08.
Certificate Number 0:10 Issued Jan
uary f. 1922, for the 1916 taxes on lot
HO, block 6, Erwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to City of Hood River, in Sec. 27,
Tp. .'i N., EL 10 K., W. M. Owned by
J. W. Boston. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $.84.
Certificate Number OKI- Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1916 taxes on lot
8, block 2 and lot 8, block ,r. Town of
Winans. Owned by Darwin Bradley
Tax, penalty and interest, $1.07.
Certificate Number 0;t2 Issued Jan
- uary !", 1922, for 1916 taxes on 7J acres
in SW 1 Sec. 29, Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E.. W.
M , as per deed Vol. 9, page 22:i, Hood
River County Deed Records. Owned
; by Broadway Inv. Co. Tax, penalty
and interest, ES.90.
Certificate Number 0.'W Issued Jan
uary f. 1922. for 1916 taxes on SW,
NISI Sec. 88, Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E., W.
; M., (40 acres.) Owned by C. E Bar
i ton. Tax, penalty and interest, $10.77
Certificate Number 0.(4 Issued Jan
uary ,r. 1922, for 1915 taxes on SWi
NNJ SWi .Sec. 13, Tp. 2 N R. 9 E
VV. M. (10 acres.) Owned by K. A
Cove.IL 'fax, ienalty and interest
J $8.11.
Certificate Number iVt.'i Issued Jan
uary 5 1922, for 1915 taxes on SW
NW : .sec. Tp. 2 N.. R. 10 rJ., W.
M., (40 acres.) Owned by Jas. N. Da
vis. Tax, penalty and interest, $94.44.
Certificate Number CM Issued Jan
uary ... 1922, for the liM'.Jtaxes on lots
:. 4. 81, SI M. 34, 35, Bat, 27, Tp.
N., R. 10 E.. W. M.. Erwin & Watson
2m addition to Citv of Hood Kiw r
Owned by F. EL DeBord. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $2.74.
Certificate Number 03" Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lots
2 and 23, block 7, Idlew ilde addition
to City of Hood River. Owned by H.
T. leWitt, Tax. penalty and interest,
$ti. !9.
Certificate Number Issue! Jan
uary 5. IMS, for 1915 taxes on lot tt,
block 6, Erwin & Watson 2nd addition
to Citv of Hood River, in Sec. 27.
10 E.. W. M. Owned by
Tax, penalty and inter-
alty and interest, $14.40.
Certificate Number 043 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
12, block 25 and lots U and 13, block 32,
Hood Kiv r Proper. Owned by N. C.
Evans. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 644 -Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
43, 44, 45, 40, 47, Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N., R.
10 E.. W. M., Erwin & Watson 2nd ad
dition to City of Hood River. Owned
by Anna Fish. Tax, penalty and in
terest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 645 - Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1916 taxes on lot
121 Hood River Land Piatt, Sec. 32,
Tp. 3 N., EL 10 E., W. M. Owned by
W. H. Fitzgerald. Tax, penalty and
interest, $3.0b.
Certificate Number 640 -Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on SW
SWJ Sec. 21, To. IN., R. 9 E , W
M., (20 acres.) Owned by C. L Fors
burg. Tax, penalty and interest
Certificate Number 647 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lots
31, 32, 33, 34 , 35, block 0, Erwin &
Watson 1st addition to City of Hood
River. Owned by Culver Gordon
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 648- Issued Jan
uary D, 1922, fortths 1915 taxes on NE
Certificate Number 675 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes!
EV4 Sec. 4, Tp. 1 N. R. 11 E. W. M
(120 acres). Owned by J P. Sny
der. Tax, penalty
Certificate Number
January 5, 1922, for
on Lot
Owned by
N., EL 11 E., W. M.,
Owned by Madison E
penalty and interest,
Sec. 28, Tp. 1
(100 acres.)
Goose. Tax,
Certificate Number 649 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
57 and 58, 1st addition, River-iide Park
in Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 9 E., W. M.,
(20 J acres.) Owned by Green & Hor
belt. Tax, penalty and interst, $12.33.
Certificate Number 650 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
3, Sec. 36, Tp. 2., R. 9, E. W. M., (40
acres.) Owned by Walter Green
Tax, penalty and interest, $16.77.
Certificate Number 651 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
3, block 7, Winans addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by Geo. W. Grif
fith. Tax, penalty and interest, $5.14
Certificate Number 652 Issued Jan
uary i, IKSH, lor the 1915 taxes on
NWi NE1 Sec. 8 and EJ SEC SWJ SE
Sec 5, Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E., W. M., (160
acres.) Owned by Kate Groff. lax,
penalty and interest, $56.04.
Certificate Number 653--Issue) Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 110, 117, 118,
122, 131, 132 of the SEJ Sec. 32, Tp. 8
N., R 10 E., W. M., Hood River Land
Plait. Owned by Hartford Orchard
Co. Tax. penalty and interest. $28.83.
Certificate Number 654 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15. Hood River Prop
er. Owned by M. I. Henderson, lax.
penalty and interest, $38.72.
Certificate Number 655 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
15, block 5, Krwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to City of Hood River, in Sec. 27.
Tp. 8 N., R. 10 E., W. M. Owned by
m, V. Barker, lax. penalty and in
terest, $.84.
Certificate Number 656 - Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on SWi
SEi N. of River, I acre NE Cor. SWi
SEi Sec. 15, Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E., W.
M., (10 acres.) Owned by Florence
Hudson. Tax, penalty and interest.
Certificate Number 657 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on 10
acres. SEi Vol. 7 130, Sec. 8, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 11 E., W. M. Owned by J. E.
Bunt. Tax, penalty and interest,
January 5, 1!)
on Lot 30, Block 6, Sec.
N. R. 10 EL W. If.. Krwin & Watson
nd Addition to City of Hood River.
Owned by J. A. Johnson. Tax. uen
tlty and interest, 84.
Certificate Number 659 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Ia1 b, Block I, Town of V:nans.
Owned by A. B. Jones. Tax, penal
tj and interest, Mi.
Certificate Number 660 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Uits 37 and 38. Block 2. Krwin
6 Walson 1st Addition to Citv of
ood Itiver. Owned by V. Kelley.
ix, penalty and interest, $1.25.
' itificate Number 0(1 - Issued
la lary 5, 1922, for the 1916 taxes
on lots 29 and 30, Block 6, Erwin
A; Walson 1st Addition to City of
Hood Kiver. Owned by Koehman &
Hartman. Tax, penally and Interest,
Cert lit oate. Number 662 Issued
Ian uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on l't It, Block 4, Town of Winans
owned by Alma Uimbert. Tax. pen
a ti and interest, 84tf.
' n ifieate Number 663
lannary 5, 1922, for the
on Lots 1, 2. I. 7. 8. 9.
I", 41, 47. 48. Block
S N. R. 16 K. W. M
Addition to
Owned by A
and Interest,
676 Issued
the 1915 taxes
Block 1, Town of Winans.
Dr. Sturdivent. Tax, pen
alty and Interest, 80f.
Certificate Number 677 Issued 1
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on one acre SE cor. Lot 123 Sec. 32,
Tp. 3 N. R. Hi E. W. M.. Hood River
Band Plat. Owned by Bessie L.
Taft. Tax, penalty and Interest,
Certificate Number
January 5, 1922, for
on Ixits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
42, 43, 41 Inch, Sec.
678 Issued
the 1915 taxes
6, 7, 8, 9, 41,
27, Tp. 3 N. R.
M., Krwin & Watson 2nd
Block 5. Owned by J. W.
Tax, penalty and interest,
10 K W
Certificate Number 679 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on lAit 123 Ex 1 acre SE cor Lots
124, 125, 126, 107, 108 EV2 129, 130,
Hood River Land Plat, Sec. 32, Tp.
3 N. R. 10 E. W. M. (31 acres).
Owned by P. J. Whitney. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $20.34.
Certificate Number 680 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Block
6, Erwin & Watson 2nd Addition to
City of Hood River. Owned by VV.
A. Willison. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $2.39.
Certificate Number 681 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Ivots 3, Block 8, Town of Winans.
Owned by Edith Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80tf.
Certificate Number 682 Iseued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Iit 5, Block 7, Town of Winans.
Owned by Ethel Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80f.
Certificate Number 683 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on A)t 4, Block 8, Town of Winans.
Owned by Fair Winans. Tax, pen-
tlty and interest, 80c?.
Certificate Number 684 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on lot l, HHME 7, Town or Winans
Owned by Mary Winans. Tax, pen
alty and Interest, 80c4.
Certificate Number 685
January 5, 1922, for the
2, 3, 4, Block
Block 2; Ixtts
.ots 5 and 6,
3, 4, 7, 8, Block 7
8, Block 8; All in
1915 taxes
1; Lots 1,
1, 2, 3, 4,
Block 5;
Number 658 Issued
i, for the 1915 taxes
27, Tp. I
on Lots 1,
8, 4, 7,
Block 4;
Lots 1, 2,
1, 2, 5, 6, 'i
of Winans. Owned by W. R. Win
ans. Tax, penalty and interest, $4.06.
Certificate Number 686 Issued
January 6, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on KVfe SW"i H'2 SWi SW i
NE4 Sec. 18, Tp. 1 N. R. 10 E. VV.
If. (25 acres). Owned by W. R.
Winans. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 687 Issued
fanuary 6, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on LOt 2ti, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 ti. R. 9 K.
W. M. (8 acres) Korsythe Sub. Own-
d by Yasahuro Sato. Tax, penalty
mil interest, $5.15.
Certificate Number 688 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on LOt 3, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 N. R. 9 E.
VV. M. (5 a.) Forsythe Sub. Owned
by Chilio Tomita. Tax, penalty and
interest. $6.98.
Certificate Number 689 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
NEV4 Sec. 9, Tp. 15, EL 8, E. W. M.
(160 acres). Owned by E. G. Jones.
Tax, penalty and interest, $63.29.
That this summons Is published
under and by direction of an order
of court made and entered on the
7th day of February, 1922, and as
authorised by Section 3698 of Lord's
Oregon Lnws, as amended by Chap
ter 408 of the General Laws of Ore
eon, 1919.
Dated this 7ih day
THOS, r.
Sheriff of Hood River
District Attorney,
Hood River, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff
of February,
County, Ore.
Mrs. Gould is House Mother
Watson 2nd
Hood River.
fax, penally
Cei i ifieate
Fanuary 5
on Lots
Addil ion
1915 tSJD I
10. 11, 3N,
I, Sec. 27,
Krwin A;
City of
C. Loft
and interest, $2.70.
Number 665 Issued
1922, for the 1915 taxes
1 and 2, Block 6. Winans
to City of Hood River
Tax, penalty
Own. ,1 by M. 11 Boy
ami interest. $11.63.
Cert ifieate Number 666 Issued
January 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
on acres. KM, N',. NE1- SE'.
Sec 7, Tp. 2 N. It. 10 E VV fcL (6
aires i Owned bv Marion McRae
fax, penalty and interest, $2 41.
ficaie Number 667 Issued
fanuary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes
n Lol 11. Block B. Barrett Stoma
Vldition to City of Hood River
Owned by Ida Parker. Tax. penul
If and interest. $9 31.
ite .NiimtxT it8 Issue, 1
fanuary 6, 1922, for the I9M tares
on .s i. Sec 14. Tp 1 .V K 10 K
Y M ilti'i a). Owned by Nancy P
Tax. penalty and intereet.
f 4: 43.
r ttaRtt Number 670 Issued
uarv 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
S .., SE'4 Sec 23 and K'-. NK'4
26, Tp 1 N It M E. W M
teres), and personal. Owned by
Mrs. E. E. Gould has acceptedthe
invitation of Gamma Sigma Kapna
fraternity at O. A. C. to act as house
mother. But two houses on the
campus have the distinction of a house
mother, the other being Sigma Phi Ep-
Mrs. Gould, her eon, Curtis E., and
her daughter, Margaret, are all taking
regular work at the college. Mrs.
Gould previously attended the Univers
ity of Michigan and has since longed
to finish the course she then began.
"When a person has raised a family
to college age she deserves a vacation,
and 1 advise her to go to college if
she wishes real pleasure."
Reined) Aids
Tp. 3 N.. R.
R. G. Drake
est. $.M.
Certificate Numlier 6.19 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for 1916 taxes on SK
Nl I Bee. L Tp. I N.. R. 8. E.. W. M .
(40 acres.) Owned bv J. L. Prum-
rr.ond. Tax, penalty and interest.
Certificate Number 040 Issued Jan
uary '. 1922, for the 191.1 taxes on
W. M.. (4
uarv 5. IV,
4. 5, . 43,
Watson 2n
River, in
W. M. O
est. $.3.68.
Certificate Number
January 6. 1922, for
on N M acres. SKV4
Tp I X R 9 E VV
Geo Quifrjfley. Tax,
inter, tt, $1" 03.
Cert ifieate
Medicines that aid nature are always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy acts on this plan. It allays
the cough, relieves the lungs, aids ex-
liectoration, opens the secretions and
aids nature in restoring the system to
a healthy condition. Thousands have
testified to its good qualities. Try it
when jou have a cough or cold.
Apple Shipments Neanng Knd
Total shipments of apples from the
Hood River valley last week reached
2.634 cars. The Apple Growers Asso
ciation, the total receipts of w hich ran
to 1,295 015 boxes un to last Saturday,
had shipped 1,195,403 boxes. It is esti
mated that the total holdings left in
the valley at the present time v- ill not
reach 150,000 boxes.
All local shippers report a keener de
mand for sales, and the price on New- I
towns is showing a material stiffening.
Tax. penalty and inter-
671 Issued
the 1915 taxes
NBV4. Sec-. 3.1.
M. Owned by
penalty and
h-c. 23. Tp. I N.. R. 9 E..
acres.) Owned by Carrie
Tax, penalty and interest.
Hood River
hereher. Ta
$1 12
Number 672 Issued
lM for the 1915 taxes
ml 14. Block 1 Erwin
H Addition to City of
Owned by C Roden
penalty and Interest
1 -15 ;.i
k 9. Krwin &
City of Hood
3 V. R. in E..
. Erwin. Tax,
Issued Jan-
lo E
4ri. 4
Fare 15c each way
Lute Hrifits at Hart HeleL
Leave down towi at Bfrtric Krtckfa.
Other drive at reasonable prices
Office : Dectric Kitchen.
Phone 1191
in Sv 27. Tp I X K
Owned by K L Rood.
and interest, $144.
Number 674 Issaed
Mft tor the 1916 taxes
5W Sec 1. Tp 1 X
M 1 40 a i . Owned by
i.'ll. Tax penalty and
We will be glad to se
you and your friends ai
anv time at
Fordson Tractors
have been sold by us in
less than two weeks.
Low First Cost, $492.85 f. o. b. Hood River
Fordson Service World Famous
Long Life The Test of Quality
these are the reasons
The Home of Ford Service
Bradley's Better Bakery
Downtown Retail Store
3 0Z
Bradley's Bread is second to none.
The Cakes, Pastries, Pies, Rolls and Cookies, all are
of a quality tliat results in repeat orders.
Call by and see our window displays.
Why bake at home, when you can j?et bakery goods
of such purity and so appetizing. GIVE US A CALL.
WY are in the marks! for good (fade, Kod site, lacs unil fill, or jumhlo pack apples,
any variety or tuanti(y. Wrile us what you have fo offer.
The Bread Saving
That we have put into effect for our customers is proving
popular. We are increasing sales daily. We deliver daily,
each afetrnoon, warm bread at 7 and 11 cents per loaf.
We also have rolls and other bakery goods of the highest
quality. We have each week specials on many lines of
groceries. It will pay you to make our store a visit.
Phone 2134
bfh ' i- fr-i
e -fa
Jsasr fetffa ts. j.
23.000.000 People
3? Ready fo 'Buy Yowx Fruit !
The prrat markets of New York supnly nearly one
quarter of the entire population of the United States
with their fruits. Greater New York alone has a population
of over 6,000,000, and an average of 02,000 vi.-itors come to
New York daily.
Within a radius of SO miles from New York there are
lO.OHU.OOO people, while there ar- B, MM, 873 pMph within 2(10
miles of the City. New York n. ,t only MppHi this great army
of people with their fruits, but through these markets the
pe ple of the entire United States and Canada must get their
supplies of certain fruits. Great cjuantities of fruits are
also exported.
New Yorkers spend an average of $1,200.(100 in restaurants
for dinner every night. The people of this great city con
sumeevery day an average of cars of fruits and vegetables
In .me week in 1MB Hm were 11B carloads of California
fruits sold at auction. In addition, the auction sold cargoes
of bananas. Spanish onions. Porto Rica citrus fruits, Italian
lemons, Cuban fruits and Hcrida citrus fruits.
Think whit a great market this is for your fruit! And
think, too, what it would mean in better prices to have an
average of 1100 buyers a week bidding for your fruit, as is
dune wht n i: is ,j a aueti-in!
Through our auctions we can quickly dispose of vour entire
cr,.p at the !.est market prices And the cost of selling by this
meth -1 i; less thnn by other methods, leaving a bigger profit
for you Anoth. r thine, you can see that we return to you
every c or.t your fruit brings by comparing the check we send
t',-in s -. .
ii jrs ill. r can itri th .1-1 ...J k
.. t ' IIIC
I 'aily Fruit Reporter. No other method cives
New York
Our large Iwrial resourc es and twenty-six years' experi
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