The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1922, Image 4

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A Tractor
for the price of
A Team
that's what people say when they talk about
F. O. B. Hood River
Fordson Tractors have no competition. Low
price. Amazing performance. Limitless Service
The Home of Ford Service
Kicking the Daylights Out of
the High Price of
20 (v off on Hardware
10 off on Paint and Wallpaper
Smith Bldg., fed St. Phone 2404
A Few Questions For Thinking People
Is there anything wrong with your eyes, ears, nose or lliroat?
liuveyoii Htoimu h, liver, kidney or bowl Ironlde?
Have JOB piiiiH or luriilmo, wini-time calleil "stitch in the hack'.'"
Have yon rheumatism or any MOrslfic pains of any nature?
Have you stiff joints or limhs, whieh you cannot use naturally?
Have you female disease, or any disease which relates to sex?
Have you any disease that physicians have told von is incurable?
Hare you any sickness, dislocation, or pain for which you have
everything without permanent relief'.'
Have you asthma or partial paiah-i- '
If you answer yes to any of these aUMtloDI. you cannot afford to
investigating anil trying my new method. They will relieve you of
pain and MKMM of any kind and make you well. (aVMtigtM,
Chiropractic, Electric and Stretching Treatments
Rooms 23-24-25 Pythian Bid?. Hood River, Oregon
Telephone IHiJ
7 a. m. to
lip. m.
We solicit yuur storage.
W. J. Baker & Co.
Pt 'filers in
Fruit and Farm
Mt. Hood Motor Co.
Funeral Director
I will furnish funerals complete
for adnlta for $100. Tliia in
rln itt net and attractive caskets
and all the conitesies and scrvnes
of tirtt class funeral director.
Where desirable the finest and
highest priced obtainable is always
on hand.
Summons by Publication in Application
to Foreclose Tax Liens
No. 1173.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood River County.
Hood River County, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff, vs. Jacob Altman
et al, Defendants.
Jacob Altman, American League,
W. A. Anderson, J. W. Boston,
- Hlaok Hand & Gold Recovery Co.,
Darwin Jiradley, Broadway Inv.
Co., C. L. Barton, E. A. Orveh,
Jas. N. Davl, F. E. DeBord, H. T.
DeWitt, R. G. Drake, J. L. Drum
niond. Carrie Kntriean, R. R. Er
win, N. C. Evans, Jr., N. C. Evans,
Anna Fish, W. H. Fitzgerald, ('.
L. Forsburg, Culver Gordon, Mad
ison E. Goose, Green & MOrtH
Walter Gren, Oo. W. Griffeth,
Kate Groff, Hartford Orchard Co.
K. V. Barker, M. I. Henderson
Florence Hudson, J. E. Hunt, J
A. Johnson, A. B. Jones, V. Kel
ley, Koch man & Hartrnan, Alma
Damlert, A. C. IOft, L. E. Ixxjk
M. H. Iy, Marian Mcltae, Ida
Barker, Nancy P. Thomas, A. Bat
Geo. Quiggley, C. Roden
E. L. Rood, E. G. Shev-
P, Snyder, Br. Sturdivent
L. Taft, J. W. Watson, B
nU, J.
Be ante
Parkdalc Auto Stage
. Phone 1201
Leaves Hood River daily at
4.30 p. m.
Leaves Pcrkdale Daily at 8
a. m. (except Sunday).
Every Saturday Leaves
Parkdale at 6 p. m.
Fare 15c each way
-ave Hetihis at Hart Hotel,
le-w down town at Electric kitchen.
(Mm r drive at reasonable prices
Office : Electric Kitchen.
Phone 1191
I - ! Mirth Street. Hxl River, Ore
Tom Kiaber, Prop.
f'uoM- lr KeideDC fbonr ITS
J Whitney. W. A. Willison, Edith
Winans, Ethel Wirians, Fair Win
ans, Mary Wlnans, W. R. Wlnans,
Yasalmro Sato, Chlho Tomlta, E.
G. Jones, and also all unknown
owners of the following described
real property or any part thereof;
and also persons unknown claim
i iik to have any interest in and
to the real property herein de
scribed, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you, and each of you, and all persons
claiming by, through or under you are.
hereby requried to appear and answer
the application to foreclose tax liena
filed against you, and each of you, in
the above entitled court and cause bv
Howl River County, Oregon, on or be
fore the expiration of Sixty (0) days
from and after January 31st, 1922, and
if you fail so to appear and answer and
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to the court for judgment against you
and each of you for the several
amounts of the taxes, penalty and in
terest assessed against you, and each
of vou. and for which certificates of
delinquency have been issued to plain
tilf in the several sums hereinafter
specifically set forth, together with 12
per cent interest thereon until paid,
and increased costs.
Also for a decree of foreclosure and
sale of the several tracts of land here
inafter desrrbed to satisfy the several
judgments so rendered. That the sev
eral delinquent tax certificates herein
after mentioned be foreclosed and the
several tracts of land therein described
be sold as provided by law to satisfy
the several judgments including inter
est and costs and increased costs.
That the several certificates of de
linquent taxes, together with descrip
tion of the re;tl estate covered by each,
the name of the owner, or reputed
owner, the taxes, penalties and inter
est due are as follows, viz:
Certificate Number 626 Issued Jan
uarv 5, 122, for the 1915 taxes on lots
5, 6", 7, 8, 9, 10, block 6, Erwin & Wat
son 2nd addition to Citv of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. .' N., R. 10 E.,
W. M. Owned by Jacob Altman. Tax,
penalty and interest, ft, 80,
Certificate Number 627 Issued Jan
uary !, 11)22, for the l'.15 taxes on
lots 25, 26, 27, 28. 29, block 6, Erwin
& Watson 2nd addition to City of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E. ,
W. M. Owned by American League.
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 628- Issued Jan
uary f, 1922, for the 1915 taxea on lots
13. 14. block 6, Erwin Xi Watson 2n 1
addition to City of Hood River, in Sec.
27, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E., W. M. Owned
by W. A. Anderson. Tax, penalty and
,n terest, SI 12.
Certificate Number 629 -Issued Jan
uary !, 1MCK, lor tne ivio taxes on iois
L 2, 3, 4, Sec. 26, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E..
W. M. Owned by lilack Sand &. Gold
Recovery' Co. 'lax, penalty and inter
est, $30. 08.
Certificate Number 630 Issued Jan
uary D, llflQL for the ivio taxes on lot.
86. block 6, Erwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to City of Hood River, in Sec. 27,
Tp. 3 N.. R. 10 E., W. M. Owned by
J. W. Boston. Tax, penalty and inter
est, $ 84.
Certificate Number 631 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
S. blOCK 2 and lot 8. block 5, Town of
Winans. Owned by Darwin Bradley
Tax, penalty and interest, $1.07.
Certificate Number 688 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for 1915 taxes on 7J acres
in SVV1 Sc.-. 29, Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E.. W
M , as per deed Vol. 9, page 223, Hood
River County Deed Records. Owned
by Broadway Inv. Co. Tax, penalty
and interest, $3.99.
Certificate Number 633 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for 1915 taxea on SW i
M I Sec. 33. Tp. 2 N R. 9 E., W.
M., (40 acres.) Owned by C. L Bar
ton. Tax, (renalty and interest, $16.77.
Certificate Number 634 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for 1915 taxes on SWi
NWi SWi Se"- Tp. 2 N.. R. 9 E ,
W. M. (10 acres.) Owned by E. A.
CoVolL Tax, ienalty and interest,
Certificate Number 635 Issued Jan
uary 5 1922, for 1915 taxea on SWi
NWi Sec. 29. Tp. 2 N.. R. 10 E.. W.
M , (40 acres.) Owned by Jas. N. Da
vis. Tax, penalty and interest, $94.44.
Certificate Number 636 Issued Jan
uary ", 1922, for the 1915taxea on lota
3, 4. 31, 32, 33. 34, 35, Sec. 27, Tp. 3
N.. R. 10 E. , W. M.. Erwin & Wataon
2nd addition to City of Hood River.
Owned by F. E. DeBord. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $2.74.
Certificate .Number 637 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxea on lots
2 and 23, block 7, Idlewilde addition
to City of Hood River. Owned by H.
T. DeWitt. Tax. penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 6;iS Issued Jan-
juary 5. 1922, for 1915 taxes on lot 48.
block 6, Erwin & Wataon 2nd addition
to Citv of Hood Kiver, in Sec. 27,
1 Tp 3 N., R. 10 E , W. M. Owned by
R. G. Drake. Tax, penalty and inter
I eat, $.84.
Certificate Number 639 Issued Jan -,
uary 5, 1922, for 1916 taxes on BKJ
NKi Sec. 1, Tp. I N.. R. E.. W. M .
j (40 arret. 1 Owned by J. L. Drum-
mond. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 640 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on
NWi SEi Sec. 23. Tp. 2 N.. K. 9 E..
W. M.. (40 acrea.) Owned by Carrie
Entrican. Tax, penalty and interest.
Certificate Number 641 laaued Jan
uary 5, 1922. for the 1915 taxes on lots
4. 6, 6. 43. 44. 45, block 9. Erwin A.
Watson 2nd addition to City of Hood
River, in Sec. 27, Tp. 3 V. R. M I
W. M Owned by R. R. Ervun. Tax,
penalty and interest, $2.74.
Certificate Numler 642 laaued Jan-
alty and interest, $14.40.
Certificate Number 643 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
12, block 25 and lots 8 and 13, block 32,
Hood Riv.r Proper. Owned by N. C.
Evans. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 644 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N., R.
10 E.. W. M., Erwin & Watson 2nd ad
dition to City of Hood River. Owned
by Anna Fish. Tax, penalty and in
terest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 645 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
121 Hood River' Land Piatt, Sec. 32.
Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E.. W. M. Owned by
W. H. Fitzgerald. Tax, penalty and
interest, $3.66.
Certificate Number 616 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on SWi
SWI Sec. 21, To. 1 N., R. 9 E , W.
M., (20 acres.) Owned by C. L. Fors
burir. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 647 Issued Jan
uary 5. 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, block 6, Erwin &
Watson 1st addition to City of Hood
River. Owned by Culver Gordon.
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.11.
Certificate Number 648 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, fortthe 1915 taxes on NEi
iSec. 28, Tp. 1 N., K. II E., W. M.,
(160 acres.) Owned by Madison E.
Goose. Tux, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 649 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
57 and 58, 1 st addition, Riverside Park
in Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 9 E., W. M.,
(20J acres.) Owned by Green & Hor-
belt. lax, penalty and interst, $12.33
Certificate Number 650 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
3, Sec. 36, Tp. 2., R. 9, E. W. M., (40
acres.) Owned by Walter Green.
lax, penalty and interest, $16.77.
Certificate Number 651 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
3, block 7, Winans addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by Geo. W. Grif
fith. Tax, penalty and interest, $5.14.
Certificate Number 652 Issued Jan
uary o. ivzz, ror me rjit taxes on
NWi NEi Sec 8 and Ei SEi SWi SEi
Sec 5, Tp. 2 N., R. 9 E.. W. M., (160
acres.) Owned by Kate GrofL Tax,
penalty and interest, $56.64.
Certificate Number 653 Issue I Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
109, 110, 111, 112. 115, 116, 117, 118,
122, 131, 132 of the SEi Sec. 32, Tp. 3
N.. R 10 EL, W. M., Hood River Land
Piatt. Owned by Hartford Orchard
Co. Tax, penalty and interest, $28.83.
Certificate Number 654 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lots
10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. Hood River Prop
er. Owned by M. I. Henderson. Tax,
penalty and interest, $38.72.
Certificate Number 655 -Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on lot
45, block 5, Erwin & Watson 2nd addi
tion to City of Hood River, in Sec. 27.
Tp. 3 N., R. 10 E.. W. M. Owned by
b. V. Barker, lax, penalty and in
terest, $.84.
Certificate Number 656 Issued Jan-
nary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on SWi
SEi N. of River, 1 acre NE Cor. BWi
SEi Sec. 15, Tp. 2-N., R. 10 E., W"
M . (10 acres.) Owned by Florence
Hudson. Tax, penalty and interest.
Certificate Number 657 Issued Jan
uary 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes on 16
acres, SEi Vol. 7 130, Sec. 8, Tp. 2 N..
M. Owned by J. E.
penalty and interest,
Tax, penalty and Interest, $1.44.
Certificate Number 674 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on NW'14 SWV4 Sec. 16, Tp. 1 N.
R. 10 E. W. M. (40 a ). Owned by
E. G. Shevnell. Tax, penalty and
Certificate Number 675 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on N VJ , SW'4 NW'4 SE4 SW14 N
EVi Sec. 4, Tp. 1 N. R. 11 E. W. M.
(120 acres). Owned by J. P. Sny
der. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Numher 676 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 5, Block 1, Town of Winans.
Owned by Dr. Sturdivent. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80tf.
Certificate Num'ber 677 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxoi
on one acre SE cor. Lot 123 Sec. 32,
Tp 3 N. R. 10 E. W. M., Hood River
Land Plat. Owned by Bessie L.
Taft. Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 678 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 41.
42, 43, 44 Inch, Sec. 27, Tp. 3 N. R.
10 E. W. M., Erwin & Watson 2nd
Block 5. Owned by J. W
Tax, penalty and interest,
Certificate Number 679 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 123 Ex 1 acre SE cor Ixjts
124, 125, 126, 107, 108 BM 129, 130.
Hood River Land Plat, Sec. 32, Tp.
3 N. R. 10 E. W. M. (31 acres).
Owned by P. J. Whitney. Tax, pen
alty and interest, $20.34.
Certificate Num'ber 680 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Uloek
6, Erwin & Watson 2nd Addition to !
City of Hood River. Owned by W.
A. Willison. Tax, penalty and inter-1
est, $2.39.
Certificate Number 681 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes j
on Lots 3, Block 8, Town of Winans.
Owned by Edith Winans. Tax, pen-'
alty and interest, 80.
Certificate Number 682 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 .ax.
on Ijot 5, Block 7, Town of Winan?
Owned by Ethel Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, 80tf.
CertitMeate Number 683 Issued 1
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
011 A)t 4, Block 8, Town of Winans :
Owned by Fair Winans. Tax, pen
alty and interest, BOf,
Oortificate Num'ber 684 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 t:ix
on UOt o, Block 7, Town of Winans
Tax, pen-
1915 taxes
1; Lots 1,
I, 2, 3, 4,
Block 5 ;
Block 7; Ixits
; All in Town
E., W.
R. 11
Certificate Number 658 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1916 taxes
on Lot 30, Block 6, Sec. 27, Tp. 3
N. Ft, 10 E. W. M., Erwin & Watson
2nd Addition to City of Hood River.
Ouned by J. A. Johnson. Tax, pen
ally and interest, 84.
Certificate Number 168 - Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on lA)t 6, Block 1, Town of Winans.
Owned by A. Il Jones. Tax, penal
ty and interest, 81tf.
Certificate NuiiiIkt 660 Issued
January 5, 1922. for the 1915 taxes
on its 37 and :t8, Block 2, Erwin
ti Watson 1st Addition 10 Citv of
Hood River. Owned by V. Kelley.
fax. irenalty and interest, $1.25.
certificate Num'ber 661 uBMMd
January &. WCZ, for the 191a taxes
on Ix)t8 29 and 30, Block 6, B2rwln
A Watson 1st Addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by Kochman &
HarUUB. Tax, penally and interest,
certificate Numiber 662 Issued
January 5, 1922, for too bus taxes
on I Ait 3, Block 4, Town of Winans.
Owned by Alma Uimbert. Tax, pen
alty and interest. 84C
Certificate Number 663 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 3S,
V.i. 40, 41, 47, 48, Block 9, Sec. 27,
Tp, I N. R. 10 E. W. M.. Erwin a.
W ,tson 2nd Addition to City at
Hood River. Owned by A. C. Ixift.
Tax, penalty and interest, $2.70.
Certificate NumlxT 665 Issueil
January 5, 1922, fOr the 1915 taxes
on Lots 1 and 2, Block 6. Winans
Addition to City of Hood River.
Owned by M. H. Lay. Tax, penalty
ami interest, $11.63.
Certificate Number 666 Issued
January 6. 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on acres. Klj N':, .M-.'4
Bee 7. Tp. 2 N R 10 E W. M. (8
.nr. -1. Owned by .Marion McRae.
rax, penalty and interest, $2.41.
Certificate Numher 667 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on lot U, Bloc.K li. liarreit ssipma
Vddition to City of Hood Kiver.
Own.ri by Ida Barker. lax, penal
tv and interest, $9 31.
1 ; lficate Number t6S issued
January 6. 1922, for the imr, taxs
A sec. 14. 1 p 1 . it hi
W V (160 a). Owned by Nancy P
hmiias. Tax, penalty and interest.
$49 43.
Certificate Number 669 Issued
rf 6. 1922. for the lf15 taxes
on Si. IaU 14. Sm K. Tp. 1
Owned by Mary Winans.
alty and interest, 80(r.
Certificate Numher 685
January 5, 1922, for the
on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block
2, 3, 4, 7, Block 2; Lots
Block 4; I Aits 5 and 6,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
1, 2, 5, C, 7, 8, Block
of Winans. Owned by W. R. Win-
ins. Tax, penalty and interest, $4.00.
Certificate Numher 686 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on K'A SW'i NKli V. KW'i SW'.4
NE4 Sec. 18, Tp. 1 N. R. 10 E. W.
M. (25 acres). Owned by W. R.
Winans. Tax, ponaliy and interest,
Certificate Numiber 687 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Lot 26, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 N. R. 9 E.
W. M. (8 acres) Eorsythe Sub. Own
ed by Yasahuro Sato. Tax, penalty
and interest, $5.15.
Certificate Number 688 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
on Ixit 3. See. 36, Tp. 2 N. R. 9 E.
W. M. (5 a.) Forsythe SUb. Owned
by Chilio Tomita. Tax, penalty and
interest, $6.98.
Certificate Nunilber 689 Issued
January 5, 1922, for the 1915 taxes
(.11 NWVi SE4 NW14-NW-4
NE4 Sec. 9, Tp. 15, R. 8, E. W. M.
(160 acres). Owned by E. G. Jones,
Tax, penalty and interest, $63.29.
That this summons is published
under and by direction of an order
of court made and entered on the
7th day of Eobruary, 1922, and as
authorized by Section 3698 of Lord's
Oregon liws, as amended by Chap
ter 408 of the General Laws of Ore
gon, 1919.
Dated this 7th day
Sheriff of Hood River
District Attorney,
Hood River, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
of February,
County, Ore.
N 10 E W M 1 acres) and
oeraonaL Owned by A. Patereau.
Tax. .Hsnalty and intereat
ficate Number 670
:y 6, 1922. for the
1915 taxes
Bli NE'
K W M.
Owned by
and inter-
671 Issued
the I'.'l.'i taxes
NE'4. Sec. SJ.
M. Owned by
penalty and
'4 See 88 and
88, Tp. 1 N. R 10
ervs). ami personal
. reau. Tax. penalty
' . :fioate Number
January 6. 1832. for
on N 28 acrea. SE4
Tp : X. R. 9 E. W.
Oaigffley. Tax.
-. $10 03.
funic Number 672 laaued
January 5. 1922. for the 1915 taxes
on Lota 13 and 14. Block 1. Erwin
A. W.:tson 1st Addition to City of
Hood River. Owned by C. Roden
Tax penalty and interest
I icate Number 673 Issued
January 6. 1988, tor the 1916 taxes
. 46. 4 7. 48. Block 5. Erwin 4t
2nd Addition to City o
!;tver in Sec. 2.. Tp 3
On the occasion of its recent appear
ance at the Asbury M. E. church the
glee club of the W illamette University
proved a great attraction and a fairly
large audience was delighted with a
program of fine music, interspersed
with bits of rich comedy.
After this Saturday evening pro
gram, these 18 young men were guests
of the church over Sunday, January
29 and enriched the church services of
the day, not only furnishing the music
of the evening service, but also the
addresses on Christian education by
Mr. MeGrew and Mr. Blenkinsop.
On the Mondav morning before tak
ing the train for The Dalies they visit
ed the high school at the request of
the principal and met with enth6sias
tic appreciation by the young people.
BoN they speni about 45 minutes.
r. 'W.led with well rendered selections. !
Tbey enjoyed a very pleasant banquet
on the Saturday evening before the
program. This was prepared and
served bv the young people of the
church, and proved a very happy social
occasion. As guests, singers and Chris
tian workers, these young men were
an excellent advertisement of their
college, and they will receive an en
thusiastic welcome if they should find
it possible to return in the future.
Masonic Dance Tonight
Another of a'series of dances of the
Masonic lodge will be held this evening
at the Columbia Gorge hotel. It will
be a su 1 i i dance. The fraternal so
cial affairs have been among the sea
son's most pleasant events. Attend
ance has been large. Masons, their
wives, mothers and sweethearts from
all parts of the valley attending.
Members of the committee in charge
of the dances include: Kent Shoemak
er, Harold Hershner,' Dr. H. D. W. j
Pineo, J. M. Culbertson and A. S.
( hamherlain'i
Remedy Aid
Medicines that aid nature are always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy arts on thia plan. It allavs
the cough, relieves the lungs, aids ex
pectoration, opens the secretions and
aids nature in restoring the system to
a healthy condition. Thousands have
test;nl to its good qualities. Try it
Owned by N. C. Evans, Jr. Tax, pen- M I W. M Owned by E L Rood ( when you have a cough or cold
NOTICE Boys and Girls
We will give to each boy or girl who sells
A Pair of Tite-Lok Adjustable Stilts.
(See our window display for further information)
Phone 1811
Samuel's White Leghorns
After two years of adequate preparation, I am now
equipped to supply Hood River folk, desiring to enter the
chicken business or who wish to re-place pens of inferior
stock with birds of a known reputation for laying, with a
limited number of day-old chicks.
My White Leghorns originated from the Hanson strain
of CorvaHis. The hens have sufficient weight to make
them adniirabie meat fowls and coupled with this is a
genera average egg production that is second to none.
You are invited to call and see my flock by appoint
ment. Now booking orders. March and April chicks 174
cents each; later delivery, 15 cents each. Do not delay
placing orders, as my limit will soon be reached.
Ernest Samuel
Avalon Way; Tel. 5407
Former Lathe Machinist of -the Hood River Garage
has opened a shop for all kinds of
Lathe Work and General Repairing
Cor. Oak and 5th Streets
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 4331.
It's time to let go of those Potatoes and Onions you
have been holding. Demand is good. Always sell while
the other fellow wants to buy.
Better ship us those Veal or Hogs while the market is
good. We have a good demand now for Eggs and Poultry.
Every day is Apple Day with us because we have
a constant demand.
Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co.
211 Washington St.,
We are in the market for Bond irr.ide. Koil size, fjee anil fill, or jumble pack applet,
any variety or mtantity. Write ua what you have to offer.
Downtown Retail
Bradley's Bread is second to none.
The Cakes. Pastries. Pies. Rolls and
Cookies, all are of a quality that results
in repeat orders.
Call by and see our window displays.
Why bake at home, when you can
get bakery goods of such purity and so
I'M) I