ROOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1022 in Orchard Supplies mmm Nitrate of Soda Fertilizer International Harvester Implements P. & O. Plows Kerosene Tractors Motor Trucks The Hood River Fruit Co. Brighten Up Your Home Inside and out with SHIRWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS. Our line is com plete. If you are going to calcimine your room, use MURE SCO. Don't be fooled and use something just as good, but insist upon having MURESCO we have all colors in stock. Don't forget to glance in our windows there are always some bargains there. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. mmi KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. The Bread Saving That we have put into effect for our customers is proving popular. We are increasing sales daily. We deliver daily, each afetrnoon, warm bread at 7 and 11 cents per loaf. We also have rolls and other bakery goods of the highest quality. We have each week specials on many lines of groceries. It will pay you to make our store a visit. L. H. HUGGINS Phone 2134 See the Master Incubator at APLIN'S STORE cznorzz) f? Heights 12th. St. Butter Is Healthful No statement was ever truer. Not only does this nat ural food contain body building elements in abundance, but the butter is a necessity to the system, because of the lu brication it furnishes the body. You may secure substitutes prehaps and pay less for them, but as a matter of health economy the wise housewife will ever see to it that her children are fed on the purest of butter. Use Hood River Oregold and you'll know you've done your duty to your family, your town and your Vallev. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY fl j ROSTER LIST OF LOCAL SCHOOL CLliBS I'Piv iiiin i ir si mirvn nPAiTinninuimn is the roster of the company of Oregon The following newly organized National Guard : . Captain Edward W. Van Horn, 1st Lieut. W. J. A. Baker, 2nd Lieut. R. 6. McNary, 1st Sgt. Walter P. Ford, Corbett Alexander, David P. Bailey, William M. Bailey, Robert J. Barr, Leon W. Bentley, Rotrer M. Black man, Loyd M. Blowers, Jack Byers. Otto Byers, John Oalandra, Russell O. Clarke, Boyd C. Campbell, John T. Hood River county had two (if the 376 boys' and girls' clubs which fin ished the work of the year 1120-21. meeting all the rCQUiremi i ts of a standard club according to II. C. Sey mour tate club leader. The requirements for a itai i ird club are to have five or more members working on the same project, officers elected from among the nicii L trs, an adult local club leader, definite pro gram of work tor the ciui car, re Carson, William J. Collier, Jr., Claude ports of the work prepared and tiled in 11 I Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON. Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 4I OAK STREF.T PHON'F UN S. E. BARTME55 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381. 3821 HOOD RIVER, OREGON Collins, Charles C. Crew, Kred Curtis, Franklin L. Davenport, Harold C. Dixon, Solon Dobfon, James J. Epper son, Rahles J. Epping, Harry W. Far rell, Robert L. Foust, Merton D. Eolts, Lee Frailer, Geo. R. Hillis, J. Vernon Home, Paul V. Huelat, Glen E. Hunt, James I. Johnson, Byron W. Lane, Charles N. Laroque, Orrie E. Lee, Ed ward P. LivinKston, Donald Q. Metz gus, Ross Mitchell, Roger W. Moe, Lowell M. Nickelien, Harold D, W. Pineo, Wayne L. Poland, Ashley W. Post, Fred C. Reed, Paul R. Reed, George A. Samuel, Ivan H. Schere, Kent Shoemaker, Russell Vernon Sco bee, Howard L. Shoemaker, Paul G. Sletton, Rufus J. Sumner, William Swick, Philip H. W. Von Lubkin. Earl Weber, Guy R. Wilbur, Robert Wilbur, Carl Wolgamott, Floyd L. Wright, Fred H. Hell, Ray C. Clevenger, Ed win b. Ooodnch, Koy h. Johnson, Kob- ert Earl Hinns, Allyn C. Button, Jos eph L. Horn, Donald A. McCloud, Os car W. Bartholemew, Gustaf Fosberg. Vinegar Company May Save Gas The Hood River Apple Vinegar Co., according to W. A. Rooker, is losing a source of large revenue from the pres ent inability to salvage carbonic acid gas generated in the manufacture of vinegar. The vinegar concern has 40 large generators, ana constantly a heavy volume of the gas, in demand for giving zest to soda fountain drinks, arises from each generator. Mr. Rooker says that some means should be provided for trapping this gas. Carbonic acid gas, derived from the fermentation process of fruit juices, it is said, is the best that can be ob tained. Japanese Contribute to Chest Japanese, according to solicitors for the Hood River County Community Chest, invariably make liberal contrib utions. In the Oak Grove district, where the percentage of Japaneses fruitgrowers is heavier than in any other district except Dee, the full quota has been oversubscribed. The Japanese, solicitors say, apparently are fully informed on the charity cam paign and make their contributions without any dallying. The total of the campaign fund is $7,500, of which $2,500 remains to be raised. the office of the state club loader, at least six regular club meetings, a local club exhibit, a demonstration in the community, a judging team chosen by competition among the member, at least 70 per cent of the members com pleting their work and filing reports, an achievement day program held at the close of the club year, and a mem bership in the farm bureau held by the club or its officers. The 6,487 club members in Oregon were organized into 724 clubs. Of this number 376 met the requirements of the standard clubs, while 2M of these reported 100 per cent of their members completing their work. The total value of all products produced this year by club members is $121,359 68. This was a total cost of 160,681.18. making a profit of $66,778.55. s profit surpasing that of the precc g year in spite of the fact that the value of the products dropped decidedly within the year. The Hood River canning olub, under the leadership of Elma M. Ammla. and the Hood River sewing club under Mrs. J. O Cameron are the two clubs in Hood River county which finished the year as standard organizations. Berry Growers Would Cut Wage Discussion among strawberry jrrow of the Oak Grove section, one of the heaviest berry producing sections of the valley, indicates that wages not only for picking but for cultivation of crops this spring will be materially de creased over last year. Strawberry growers say they anticipate pre-war prices for their product. They say they will demand a return to the wages of 1912 and 1913, when dayjabor was secured for 20 cents per hour. Doctor P. C Brosius, Phot.cs 18S1 anil I8S2, Hood Kiver, announces to bi patrons a canh discount of one-third off All accounts charged at ucual fees and object to collection after 30 days, tf The Pheasant Fountain and Tea Room and Oregon Hotel Dining Room All Under Same Management Breakfast Noon Day Lunch Regular Dinner 5:30 to 8:30 p. m. Open G:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. Ice Creams Beverages Confections HOOD RIVER'S FINEST EATING PLACE "C. G. L" Cartoon Explained The mystery of the initials, "C. G. L., Hood River," appended to the sig nature of Cartoonist 1'erry, of the Ore gonian, in the contribution of Tuesday, February 1. "The Corner Grocery Club Discusses Clearing the Highway." has been explained. C. G. tiwnmon, Oak Grove orchardist, says that the sug gestion came rrom actual discussions of the Oak Grove Store club, organized November 19, the memorable Saturday on which the mid-Columbia's most per sistent winter began. une oi our latest aiseus'ion , says Mr. Lemraon, touched on the best and cheapest methods of clearing the Highway. We requested Mr. Terry tf help ub out, and he did nobly. "You will notice the gentleman to the front, wearing the derby and smoking the pipe. That is about as good as could be done of me by telep athy. Mr. t.emmon is secretary treasurer of the corner store club. Oilier officers are: G, A. McCurdy, president, and rrank renwick, vice president. Water Case Creates Interest Litigation over the rights to water of a spring on the land of Kilmund Gehrig, whose neighbors, Philip, Al phonse and Frank Kollas, are reeking to enjoin from the use of the spring, is creating an interest among local irrij, gation attorneys. Kollas Brothers claim that the recent adjudication of the water rights of the Hood Kiver valley, just passed on by circuit court, following an investigation of the State Water Board covering a period of four years, grants them the waters of Yew Wood creek. They declare that the spring is a source of the cret-k The defendant, however, says that the spring in question is in marshy soil and that it never had anv definite channel until he cut one, developing the waters of the swamp in supplying his home with water and irrigating a small garden tract. His attorney, E. H. Hartwig, cites an Oregon statute, which he declares permits the owner oi lana tne use or waters rrom such a spring and prohibiting its appropation. Judge Wilson, who heard the case la-t week, has taken it under advisement. E. C. Smith represented the plaintiff. CLEAN PLA( I ' I I AN GAM I BOWL AND BE HEALTHY at the 410 OAK STREET Ladies' Night Wednesdays Open 12 to 12 Weekdays HEALTH i I N Struck Buys in Upper Valley J. R. Nunamaker last week sold to George Struck a 40 acre bearing orch ard in the Upper Valley for a consider ation of $17,000. The place is a mile northeast of i'arkdale along the route of the new valley trunk line of the Mount Hood Loop Highway, The tract is considered one of the be. t in th Upper Valley. Notice of Sheriff s Sale By virtue of an Execution in Fore closure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Hood Kiver County, Oregon, on the 19th day of January, 1922, in a certain suit in said Court wherein i'ercival L. Adams was plain tiff and W. B. Moore and Jane Doe Moore, his wife, were defendants, and wherein plaintiff recovered judgment against sa d defendants on the 9th day of January. 1922, for the sum of Nine teen Hundred Fifty Dollars with inter est thereon at n tier cent per annum until paid, and for tbe sum of $:;.',n .00 attorrey a tees, and for the sum of $t3.20 costs and disbursements taxed in said suit, and for the further sum of $402 64 paid by plaintiff as taxes; and mdgment and decree against defend ants. W. B. Moot and Jane Doe Moore, his wife, and each of them for the foreclosure of that certain mort gage set out on the Complaint in said suit and the sale as upon execution of the real property herein described. Notice is hereby given that 1 will, on Saturday, the 25th day of February, 1922. at the East door of the Court House in Hood Kiver. Hood Kiver County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock fore noon, sell at. public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed real property: Situated in Hood Kiver County, Ore g n, to-wit: Beginning at the N. E. comer of the N. W. ijof Section 35 in Township 3 North of Range 10 of Wil lamette Meridian, thence weat along north line of Section X. 9.04J chains to the N. E. corner of a 10 acre tract owned by A. C. Lender and wife, thence south along east line of said lyerder'a 10 acres, 9 -7$ '-hams to said north line of Section :'-". thence west slong said north line of Section 35, 1. 164) chains to place of beginning, con taining 10 acre more or leas, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, interert and costs thereon in favor of plaintiff and attaint defendants, together with all costs and expenses which have or may accrue. Dated this 26th day of January, 1922. Trios. F. Johnson, Sheriff of Hood Kiver County. Ore- gon. J26f23 CbaMherlaia's MMi fr lndlr.ti sad ( asllpatlea "Tbe nicest and plaaantest medi cine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Chamberlain's Tablets," writes lleiard f. Craig. Middle Grove. N. Y. They work like a charm and do not gripe or leave any on pleasant effect "tUencLr Mtkh Friend kMtii'u ' . (Ill Hftn l' "U i JruStn e7i A Flour of Superior Quality More loaves of bread per sack. Use it once and you will use no other. Ask for Fishers Blend Yours for Service Vincent & Shank "The Home of Quality Groceries ' ' CHINA WARE has now reached a price that is rea sonable, and we have, just received an import shipment of CUPS AND SAUCERS of very attractive pat terns and quality. See our show windows before buying. CZIOLZD BLOWERS HARDWARE CO. LEBffi Your bathroom and :your health Every fixture bearing the name"Maddock"is designed to do more in protecting your family's health than all the prophylactics that could be stored in your medicine cabinet. Maddoctc lavatories are provided with a patented cleansing feature which makes it easy to keep the overflow clean and sanitary. Maddock closets have extra large water surface, which insures the utmost in non-soiling sanitation. Maddock bathtubs are made in the latest designs and of a con struction whichis germ-proof and easy to clean. Let us give you estimates for a complete bathroom equipment of this character. Or, we will gladly give figures for any singla unit. A request for this information will not obligate yeu. M. P. GIBBON )08 12th Street. Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. Yours for prompt service. .v. W OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OHEGON PARADOXIZE I UK I OR Coddling Moth, Aphis, Curly Leaf, Fire Blight, San Jose Scale, Prune Borer, AH Diseases of the Tree. 50c per Lb. 2 Lbs. per Tree One application every three years does away with all spraying. Try this on three or four trees and pay for it when you aree that it does the work. McTaggart Tree Inoculation Co. MADRAS. OKI The Flowers of Spring Will Soon be Blooming Your appreciation of the coming of balmy da.ys and the glory of a benign sun, pouring its rays from blue skies will be all the more appreciated this year after your siege of wintry blasts. In the cold weeks your chief enjoyment came from reading perhaps. Now you will want to behold anew the outdoor wonders of nature. Your eyes, as the poet so beautifully says, are the windows of the soul. They let in sunlight and pictures that please. Certainly you are not dointf justice to yourself if you allow shutters of poor vision lo rob you of I heir proper functioning. We fit glasses for all purposes. Let us help make those windows of your inner self such that your sense of sight is one continual joy. W. F. LARAWAY RELIABLE JEWELER The Foundation of this business is a host of satisfied customers. Itisour aim to supply better coal than the ordinary without any extra charge. That we succeed is proven by the many satisfied customers who obtain their coal here right along. We believe you would join them if you once gave our coal a trial. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 G. L DAVENPORT (.rower and shipper Apples, Pota toes, Onions. Seed Potatoes - true variety " The Best that's Grown" nan All kinds of Produce solicited. 147 l-ront St. PORTLAND, OKE MidWinter Dinners Mid-winter is often a hard time for the housewife. S ,-iM.nahle Kreen foods and vegetables art' scarce. We suggest that you study the shelves of our store. There you will find CANNED GOODS Wholesome and Appetising Let us m lve your cookb problem. We are always ready to serve you. Just telephone us if you cannot come down. : m FRASIER & SON Reduction in Miller Tires loss Vtnti, 30 x 3 9.80 18.00 :x3i 12.50 25.50 ttx3J 19.15 29.40 31 x 4 21.75 32.40 32 x 4 25.35 33.40 33 x 4 26.50 34.25 34 x 4 27.25 Clteaner than lie fore. WM. WEBER A Place For Your Convenient Recreation Play a friendly game of billiards or pool. The best foods at all hours at our grille. Cigars, soft drinks and confections. And, if you wish, you may enjoy our bowling alleys, none better. THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN ft s (iKoRiiK, Prop. . ia.