Co HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANT7ARY 10, 1022 New Shoes and New Prices Men's "Stronger than the Law" Work Shoes - - - $4.25 Absolutely All Leather Boys' Army Shoes, sizes 2 to 5! $3.60 Girls Brown Oxfords, 2 to 7 $3.25 Ladies' Arch Support Shoes $7.50 cnOEZD "Star Hrand Shoes are Better" CZ30EZD J. C. Johnsen We Have Moved Our shop is now located in the basement by Brad ley's Printing .Shop on 3rd. and Oak Si. ALSO We have added Mr. Dixon of Portland to our force. He has had 19 years experience. Altering, rellnlng, cleaning and pressing of ladies' and ftents' clothes. We call for and deliver. cnoczD The City Tailors Phone 1124 ROYAL COAL We have been handling ROYAI COAL for some time, and find It has the tree burning and c lean qualities of Rock Spring, and also the hard ness and lasting qualities of the Utah Coal. Give US an order and he prepared for the next storm. A stove poker FREE with etX h order while they last. TAFT TRANSFER CO. HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking t llct t . ilm-siUy, October i'Mh, 1919. I ornihorni to. S j lb. 1 N. I Motor Mft,er ' 1 UBj -MV' Station. 9. M. M. A. M. 4.00 10.45 M OO ... L. iMdttvcr Ar. . 4. OS 10 4 8.05 Power.lale 4 12 10.67 8.15 Swit.dl.ark 4. 11.10 8.25 Van IKrrn . 4 .29 11.11 I I 30 Mohr. . 4 .V. 11.18 I 8.40 0.1,. 4.40 11.23 .4 Summit 4.4' i 11.26 I M BkMcbar! 4.47 11.30 j 9.i ii, btoia . 4.60 11.33 9 OA Winani. 4.57 11.38 9.20 I.... P t.CX I 11.43 9.25 Trout t r.-.-k IS. I? II 53 . i W.KU..r!h 6 17 12 00 10 Oil Ar. rrUl li. . . . . v. , M. I A. M. ! V'KTH BOUND No. : ' 'l.l.llx pi tlaartaj : p M. .t .?.: ; I.N 2.40 i 2. 35 i 2.26 i n 2.1.. tM ! 11.15 II M ; ii oo No. 4 No. 6 Ho. 8 COULD NOT WALK FOR TWO BLOCKS Well anil Strong Again Since Taklnir Tanlac, lleclaren Lm -' 'lea tVomii "At the time I got Tanlac my health was ho bad I couldn't walk two blocks, but now I'm fio well and strong it IB hard to realize 1 ever was sick a day in my life," said Mr. J. A. Keagy, 808 W. 85th St.. Los Angeles, Calif. "Two and a half years ago I had a complete nervous breakdown, and was 10 bad off I juat seemed to have no strength at all. I couldn't do a bit of my housework, and felt exhausted at the time. 1 had no appetite, couldn' sleep and just seeined to get worse right on. 1 tried this, that and the other medicine, but nothing helped me "Finally I got Tanlac, and even be fore I opened my second bottle there was ajwouderful difference in the way I felt. I began to eat and sleep bet ter ; id from then on 1 improved stead lly and rapidly. Alter finishing my fourth bottle I found I had gained eleven pounds in weight and my health seemed just perfect. I've been doing all my housework without a bit of trouble ever since then and have not hud a sick day. I have told dozens of rnv friends about Tanlac, and only last week my husband started taking it. 1 just know Tanlac iB the best medicine in the world for people who want something to give them btrenxth and make them feel right. Tanlac is sold in Hood Itiver by the Kresse Drug Co. - Adv. MR. SINNOTT SENDS SEEDS TO GLACIER Although when they reached here the garden tracts of city and valley were covered with heavy snow and a chill east wind was sending the tem perature toward 20 degrees above zero mail I.hl's filled with allotments of government vegetable and flower seeds arrived last week from Representative N. J.Sinnott. The seeds were sent to the Glacier for distribution to orchard ists and ranchers. liecause children in former yearH have wasted the feeds, small boys hav ing been apprehended using them as ammunition for bean shooters, young sters will not be granted any of the government allotment without written request from parents. ( ape Horn Sends Greetings The Hlue Diamond basketball team will probably play a return game in the near future with the team of Cape Horn. Wash., which Buffered defeat at the hands of the locals two Weeks airo. Manager LafTerty has just received the following letter from Eugene Shield, manager of the Cape Horn team : "We, the members of the ("ape Horn team, wish to express our gratitude for the splendid treatment given our team while in your citv, the real sportsmanship of you fellows and the squareness of the referee. Should you ever desire to play us a return game, we will try and treat you likewise." First National Holds Annual Meeting No changes were made in the per sonnel of officials and directors of the First National Hank at the annual st. n k holders' meeting last week. Di rectors remain : E. 0. Hlanchar, pres ident ; C. Dethman, vice president; A. I). Moe, chairman of the board; (). H. Uhoades and C. E. Copple. S. J. Moore is cashier of the bank. Others of the bank 's official family are: I.. M. lialdwin, assistant cashier ; C. C. (Tew, teller; Percy Itui-klin and Miss Kuth ('online, bookkeepers, and Miss Ellen Dolliver, stenographer. PORTLAND AUTO SHOW NEXT WEEK P's thirteenth annual automo bile show takes place at the Municipal Auditorium January 23 to 28. An nouncement of the show states that this is to be an exhibition of values. Most makes are now down to .re-war prices levels, but the present automo bile going under the old name can hardly be compared to the vehicle of those days. The automobile show will be easily the most lavish display ever attempt ed. For this show was imported to Portland a decorator who has made a national Jname for staging lavish ex hibits. With him is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. The decorator is John L. Stark while the artist is Benjamin D. Larsen. The display will be set in a pagan symphony of color and light with each car set in an indi vidual set piece, in keeping with the general scheme. Each afternoon and night there will be concerts by the Stoudenmayer Ex position Band. In connection with the Automobile show is to be an unusually comprehen sive display of equipment, tools and accessorial of all sorts, things that aid either in making a car more service able or more economical. All railroads have granted special rates to Portland for this event. Moonshiners Will Work Five moonshiners and bootleggers now nerving out fines ami sentences in the Klickitat County jail who have been toasting their shins over n warm fire at the expense of the taxpayers and receiv ing two good meals a day carried to them from a nearby hotel, will have to go out into the cold and wield e ledge hammers n an old-fashioned sock pile. This is the order made today by the county commissioners upon tl.e request of Prosecuting Attorney Karri BMV of Gol lemiale. A work camp wrjl be established at once in a county rock quarry on 'he stale road to Maryliill. four miles south if ioldeodale. Extreme w inter weather now prevailing in the Klickitat valley will not permit of the operation of a rock crusher, but t'.ols will be provided so that lug locks can be made into little one- l.y the old laslimned method. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy extended at the time of the death of our son'and brother. L. M. Karstetter and Family. Seasonable Remedies LAXATIVE COLD BREAKERS. K-C COUGH SYRUP. (The old reliable remedy. I NYAL'S LAXACOLD. (The ideal Cold Tablet.) K-C HEADACHE POWDERS. (A positive Headache remedy.) NYAL'S CHILBLAIN LOTION. NYAL'S TONIC. (Aids digestion.) NYAL'S HUSKIES. (Stops that tickling in the throat. ) CROUP REMEDY. RED CROSS PLASTERS. (For colds or lame back.) K-C LEMON WITCH-HAZEL CREAM. (Makes a rough skin soft and velvety.) NYAL CHARCOAL TABLETS. 0 t We have a large assortment of opCClal ! Edison Cylinder Records at Special Price Yours to Serve K E I R Reliable Druggist ONVINCING TESTIMONY t I.Mily Bieept H u ii.Ib y A. M . i !' "5 I H II n 8W 8 .53 I I M H 41' I I 8.30 j I.1S 8 10 a. . Motor Dally P. M . 2 II -Ml J 04 1 .33 1 4 i a ! .if. I .IS 1 -ii I M I M 1. II i m 1 00 r. . fctotof MatarCy only r. M. ti 1.41 1. .14 6 . 18 . II li I Hi 01 ft 57 I 4 ft 50 5 45 5.S5 ft 30 r. Looking Backward (From The Dalles Chronicle, Janu ary II, 1X1)7) The public will regret exceedingly to earn that I ruman Hutler hTts resigned his position Us purser on the Kegula tor. llis genial disposition, affable manner and care in looking after the comfort anil welfare or the passengers have made him a universal favorite li. I'. Miowucn lias accepted the xjsi tion as riurserjon the Regulator iti'the place of Mr. Hutler, resigned. We un der stand that Mr. Hutler resigned to accept a position in French & C om pany's bank. Pilgrim Address Delivered In the absence of Dr. F. T. Allen, member cif the faculty at Whitman College, who were unable to fill an engagement here. Kev. spoke Sunday night before the Sunday Even ing clul giving his address on the Pil grims, as prepared and delivered at the Portland auditorium last year in celebration of the tercentenary pro gram. The men's chorus of the club rendered special music. Stuara. Motor. Owing to limited apace on Motor Cars all IitndM wn the eteamtraint, i-rer in advance . trunk and heavy .lowing the baggage will tie passenger!". Everything the Season May Suggest WE HAVE rr Groceries, Nuts, Candies and Fruits Don't Forget Bradley's Real Bread Hot from the oven ivory day 7c loav . Iiotifrhnuts. I'arker house Rolls. Cookies, and all kiYds of dainties fresh every day. L. H. HUGGINS Phone 2134 Hood River Against Newberry The vote of Oregon's senators in seating Senator Newberry of Michigan was over the protest of Htrod Kiver sentiment. A message, carrying the resolution of a large number of local business and professional men, was sent to Senators McNarv and Stanfield. Practically all signers of the local telegram were Republicans. Worth onsblerlng The question is not so much how vou contract a cold, but how to get rid of it with the least loss of time and in- .Mnvenicn. e. lr you will consider the exTience of others under similar cir cumstances, who have teen most suc cessful in checking colds, in their be gmning. you will secure a bottle of Chamlwrlain's Cough Remedy without dlay, and use it faithfully. There are many families who have used this preparation successfully for years and mm it in high esteem. It is excellent, j NOTICE This is to certify that Joplin & Kldon 1 will not ba rcapomble for anv debt 1 contracted for the lltll Highway unless accompanied by order signed by them. ,n 1 Fl.fon, f2 Contractors. Given by many Hood River people. Experiences, told by Hood River peu- ThoM who have bad weak kidneys Who used Doan's Kidney I'ills Who found the remedy effective Such statements prove merit. You might doubt an otter stranger. Vou must believe Hood River people. lime's Hood River proof. Verify it. Read. Investigate. He convinced. Yc it'll find why Hood River folkB be- leve in Moan s. Franklin Miller, retired, 810 June St.. Hood River, savs : "I have userl ! Doan's Kidney I'ilh and can recom mend them from experience. My kid- neys were weak and l han a dull pain in the small of my back that made it hard for me to stoop or bend. My kidneys did not act right. I used j Dunn's Kidney I'ills for this trouble and they helped me by strengthening my kidneys and back." rrict 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Miller had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. In the matter of the Fstate of Louis Ploff, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Louis Plog, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Hood River County, his first and final account and final report, and that the County Court for Hood River County by an order made and entered on the 20th day of December, 1921, has appointed Saturday the 21st day of January, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the court room in the Court House in the City of Hood River, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of any and all objec tions thereto. All persons having any objections thereto are hereby required to tile the same with the County Clerk of said Curt on or before said date. That this notice is published for four consecutive weeks in the Hood River Glacier by order of said County Court, made and entered on the 2()th day of December, 1921. Dated this 20th day of December. 1921. John K. Plog, d22jl9 Administrator. C. A. RICHARDS 1 1 1 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT Hood River Box Co. For Your Boxes Waucoma Lumber Co. General lumber Business Telephone No. 1212 H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor OHice, Smith Block, Room 2. Tel. 3U44 HOOD RIVFR, ORB. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER. OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SITUJKON In prpparert to do any work xry Hue. He chu lie roiinil In by el' -ill. to II..' KhkIiIdii SIhI.Iom. the veterln. calling at or LENORE GREGORY TKACHFR OK VIOLIN European Training and Kxerience Cull Saturdays at Oregon Hotel, or ddresi Mis Gregory, S.i8 Hancock st., Portland, Oregon. Our OustonitTs will And us endeavoring to make oar rvg ukir prices in line w ith the new market levels. PINE GROVE STORE BjCKFORP, Prop Constipation Constipation of the bowels is a stop page of the sewerage system that re moves waste matter from the body. It is as necessary that your bowels move regularly once each day, to carrv off this waste, a it that "the waste pije8 of your home be kept ten and carry oft the waste from the house. If len needed. Forbes Paint Shop lo FOURTH STRUT Painting in all its bnnrhes. lei .0U yet the l.ahrt of ordering Blended f'uritj 1 Mir ma le at h..nie ..2:tf J. D. McLUCAS ( ON I K ( I OK I'r.t. al worker in Munn, Concrete. Brick and Plaster. Kxcaxatini;, (irading. Ktc. H xl Ri i . r. 'rec n RUTH HOWES Teacher of Piano Accn iiited Phone 3353 C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D PKNrisr Telephones: OrticelilSl; residency 33$l Otbor over Butler Bank L. L. MURPHY, D. D M General Dentistry Rooms n-15 Broaini P.ldg. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic and Electric Treatments. Rooms 2;t, 24 and 25 Heilbronner Bid. Phone IMS, Hood River, Ore. R. C. GLANVILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Bank Building Hood River. Oregon H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I'm I la proruplly nruiwer 1 In town or oountr luy or N Ik ii t . Telephones: Kem.lenrc. Ul: office, 1211. OHloe lu me HroKlui Unlldlii? B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work .ill) t ascaue Avenue HOOD RJVI K. OR1 (.ON DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON PHYSICIANS and SCRGKOKfl Rooms 17, It', 20 Brosins Building Res. Phones: Hr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 36B1. Otlice till. H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. DENTIST El.IOT Bl Il.DING Telephone IMS HOOP RIVER E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. BROSll S BCILDINti OMn Hours: 8 a. ni. to t p. m. ( ! Tel. Mil Residence Tel. 3412 MISS B. GRIFFIN Ttacher of Violin. Piano. Mando lin, (iuitar. Etc. At Ol.l lsjhf Residence Tel. SMI opposite T.-Iei I ne Building. Dr. Carolyn Underhill DENTIST Smith Building Telephone Mil UBO r. STKANAH AN F. M. fl.AVKN Tei ITM -Tet. Jtm Stranahan & Slaven General Contractors and Builder HOOD RIVIR. OREGON. Renew Your Motor's Vitality That old expression of workmen, whose occomplish ments on your wares or your machines make them like new again, to use their own expression, is much overworked. But it is a fact that the reboring of cylinders of auto mobile motors restores them to their normal power. The little increase in the size of the rebored motors does not increase the power, but the fact that the motors are put in the condition in which, presumably, they left the factory, often accounts for what owners justly claim to be a noticeable increase in power. We have the most up-to-date facilities for reboring your cylinders. HOWELL BROS, FOURTH STREET Tel. 2551 i iim mu a -Mw-imwwmwmm When you think of a Drug Store think of CHAS. N. CLARKE "Your Druggist" Phone vour orders Phone 1262 Meats, Fish, Oysters The Winter months will coon be over. Enjoy Oysters now during these cold days. We have them. Our stock of fresh and cured meats, of all kinds, is always full. We now have an assort ment of smoked fish. Nothing better for breakfast these cold days. CZ3QE3l The Hood River Market A F DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 Eat Well And Keep Well Then you can smile at the weather, whatever Boreas may send. We will furnish the eats. Our shelves and bins ever contain condiments tor the richest sauce r.s '.veil as those foods of the middle courses am lid, -ubstantial staples. We supply you with our own deliver'. . EL IIAZSSEI "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" Hood River Abstract Co. Real Etau and Insurance Accurate abstracting of land thlrs. Furniture and Hardware FOR SALE Higl t prior pi'I far wront articles and junk. H. .ROSS :-i anJ Oak. T 12U