HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1021 ODELL The schools of Odell'cloed last week to open Tuesday, January 3, 1922. Mr. and Mrs Ed Nicholson and Miss Greta Teague. of Portland, spent Christmas day and Monday at the home of Mrs. Nicholson's and Miss Teague'a parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Teague.- Odell pr st office and the confectionery and stationery business in connection with the pohlofHce will be open from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. next Sunday, New Year'.- day Two hours only. i'ed Walter wai calling on relatives and friends i;i Odell Monday. He haa spent the summer at The Dalles and now plans o enter O. A. C. tor the enaiiiifr months. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Shelley and chil dvor were h-re from The Dalles for Christinas dinner t the .ome of Mrs. Shelley's r arents. Mr. and Mrs. L I). Boyed, J r. and lira Frank tin Folts, of E-ipene, having preceded them by a week. Edgar Harris, of Portland, arrived Friday night for a holiday visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. G. F. Purdv. Ed;a Plog, student at O. A. C., is spending the holidays at the home of her motr.er, Mrs. Louis Plog. Olga Plog, who has been teaching in the primary department of a school at MeMinnville, is also visiting at home for the holidays. Eunice Kroeger, who is a student at Monmouth Normal, is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. John Kroeger. Ina Chapman went to Portland Tues day for a visit with friends. She has been her father's capable and efficient assistant in the store and deserves a vacation. Miss Grace M. Chambers spent the days preceding Ohistmas and Christ mas day in the Cottage hospital, Hood Kiver, as a result of a fall and a brok en arm. While reports from her are satisfactory it is not known at this writing, Monday, when she may return home. Fifteen members of the family and relatives sat at the Christmas dinner table in the home of J. H. Eggert. Elmer Eggert, of Portland, spent Christmas day and Monday at the home of his father, J. H. Eggert. Ivy Robertson, of Portland, visited the Chevrons and Chapmans Sunday night and Monday, returning to Port land early Tuesday morning. Fern and Thornton Gleiser, students of Willamette University spent the Christmas holidays at the home of their brother, Rev. W. S. Gleiser. Martha Ferguson, also a student at Willamette University, is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson. Miriam ("lark went to Hermiston Monday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. L. lienehel. Mrs. 0. S. Cushman has gone to Troutdale and Portland for a visit with relatives. The local warehouse of Hood Kiver Fruit Co. closed Saturday after having shipped a total of 50 cars. Many boxes of fruit were transported by truck. C. J. Martz was warehouse manager. The local warehouse of the A. G. A., P. F. Parrett, manager, has more than a week's shipping at the present rate, which is an average of five ears daily. To date, December 2(1, this hoiiRe has shipped about 225 cars, then there were six days trucking during the time snow and washout put the Mt. Hood K. K. Co. out of commission. Hoy Holman went to Portland Mon day for a visit with friends. Helen M. Lawson, who has spent the past year here, left Odell Monday af ternoon for Portland and California points. J. W. Johnson, of Moro, has been here visiting at the home of his brother, 11. C. Johnson. Georgia Work, who has spent the past year and a half in Odell, leaves today for Kennewick, Wash. The Christmas program was interest ing and was much appreciated. The church was beautifully decorated and the offering very generous. The Missionary Society will meet at the church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. An interesting program has been prepared. The ladies are coming at this hour planning to remain for the banquet. The community banquet will be served by the men of the church Fri day evening, December 'Mt, in the church basement. The first table wll be served at 6. p. m. Everybody wel come. This is a New Year feed. If anyone is not able to pay the price, come anyway. S. S. 10 a. m. next Sunday. Mis sionary opening service in charge o Mrs. G. A. Weber. Morning service, 11 o'clock. New Year sermon by Kev. W. S. Gleiser. Epworth League 7 p Resolution service. Martha Fereu- were guests Sundav of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hurlbutt and family. A turkey dinner was enjoyed and a very pleas ant day spent. A large tree loaded with presents that came from far and near was an addtii enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Ean Ingram left Fri day to spend the holidays with rela tives ami friends in Silverton. George I. Sargent, left Saturday to spend the Holidays with Mrs. Sargent and other relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Oxborrow and children spent Sui lay at the home of Mrs. Barney Cuinniings. Horn- Christinas eve at the home of Mrs. Mary W.'hart, tu Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Acre, u son. Mrs. Pearl Broughton, of Portland, came Saturdav and spent the holidays with her two children at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wol hart. She returned to Portland Monday evening. MIDDLE VALLEY School closed Friday for the holidays with a program and Christmas tree. The children did their part surprising ly well.showinir they were well trained by their teacher, Miss Annala. Miss Alma Annala, of Oak Grove, attended the program given at the school house Friday. Chas. Mcllwraith is home from Reed College for the holidays. Mildred Montgomery is spending the week with her parents here. Roy Montgomery and Loyd Bird were Mood Kiver visitor ."laiuruay . B. J. Montgomery returned from Portland Friday. Next Sunday there will be an elec tion of officers and teachers of the Sunday school. Everyone is requested to come. 'Miss Frances Weller is spending her vacation at her home at' Mayerdale. Miss Weller is a student at St. Helen's Hall in Portland. H. M. Scearce returned last week from a business trip through the southwestern states. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Moore and fam ily are spending the holidays at the Vensel ranch. Mark A. Mayer has been confined to Lis home with a severe cold for the past week. W. E. Chown was a business visitor in Portland last week. C. J. Littlepage is spending the holi days at Los Gatos, Cal., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Herbert Roberts. Mrs. L. E. Howe and sister, Miss Daisy Biles, left last week for Seaside where they will remain for the winter. Miss L. B. Bets and Miss L. Krei kenbaum, who spent several months in Mosier, left for their homes in Chicago last week. J. M. Wilson is visiting with his brother, Robert Wilson, in Portland. Miss Emily lusbands, who is a do mestic science instructor at Bend, is visiting with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. W. A. Husbands. The Mosier school children enter tained their friends and parents at a Christmas entertainment last Thursday evening. A large Christmas tree, beautifully decorated and with gifts for each pupil was the biggest center of interest for the little folks. The State Highway Department is keeping a crew at work on the high way between Mosier and Hood River opening up the deep drifts along the road. The work is progressing very satisfactorily and travel over the route is uninterrupted at the present time. FREDRICY URGES CLOUD CAP ROAD CASCADE LOCKS MOUNT HOOD son leader. 7.45 oiening service. S-r-mon by the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Davis returned to their ranch last week after an ex tended visit with friends at Hoquiam, Wash., and Portland. TI.ey are re turning to Portland to spend the holi days with Mr. Davis' parents. We still have some storage space at Odell. If your apples are not protected, store with lis and we will sell tbea later. Duck wall Urns. Phone 22'. dl.ii: BELMONT Mr. ami Mrs. Stephen Mower and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mngsley enter tained Christmas day with a familv party. Their sons, V. A. Iluwei family, of Hood River, and Oreille Bower and family, sat down to a fine turkey dinner with all the good things that go with it A Christmas tr.e was an added enjoyment. Thia lieing the first time for two years the familv was all under the home roof made the day one of great pleasure. Mrs. Isenberg, Sr.. had her usual family dinner Christmas day, when all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, with the exception of one daughter and family, tM ent. Invited guest: were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Somtrvillc and two grand laugh tert, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenet Carnes, of Wyeth, and Barney Talor. tables were filled with all kinds of goodies and a pleasant day er joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and family are entertaining her sisters and their lamilies Imm lulamook. Mr. Ward waa unforturate Mc morning wnen nis barn caught tir the hay loft. The fire waa discovered in time to prevent the whole bam fium going. Mr. and Mta. S. F. A tken enter tained at dinner Saturday evening. Their gueata were Dr. and Mia. E. D. Kanaga, Mr. and Mrs. J. V . Qritaa Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hutchinson. Bishop Paddock. Mrs. Farnie Miller and Har old Aitken. The bouse was handsome ly decorated with Christmas greenery. A large Christmas tree waa greatly enjoyed. With music and ainging of Christmas car is tne evening pmiu happily. Mr. and Mia. Lawrence Air worth Miss Gladys Aubert arrived home Saturday from Dufur to spend the boll dav vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aubert. Tony Boettcher left Sunday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Boettcher, at Richland, Wash. Miss Frances Doggett came home from Albany Thursday. Her father, J. H. Doggett, met her at Hood River. Miss Marian Wyatt went to Salem Monday to spend the remainder of her vacation with her father, H. C. Wyatt. The Christmas program was very well attended and the committee in charge wishes to thank those who hoped in any way to make it a success. The Mount Hood Water Board mem bers were at Hood River last Tues day on business. Fred BOM and family were shoppers at Hood River last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lott and grand daughter, LaValle, Lott went to Hood River Thursday on their way to Ste venson to spend Christmas but could not cross the Columbia on account of me ice so gave up tne trip anu re turned home. Cecil Kitchel and family were Hood River visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rose returned to Salem Friday after spending the past several months here at the home of their son. Fred Rose and family. Will Gardner and son, Kenneth, and Kenneth Dimmick were Hood River visitors Thursday. Mrs. Harry Hilts went to Hood River Tuesday on a shopping tour and to visit friends. She returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Glenn Miller went to Parkdale Wednesday for a few days. John Cosgrove spent Sunday with his wife at Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Patereau have returned from Hood Kiver where they were taken after going over the bank at Hogan's in their truck. They were not very seriously hurt. William E. Barr has gone to Hood Kiver to work on the Highway. W. A. Langille has returned home from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hale and KM, Elvin, spent Christmas with Mrs. Anna Lena at Odell. W. J. Filz and family spent Christ mas at Hood River with relatives. J. D. Smullin has moved his family to the G. M. Uptegrove house acrotl the river. W. L. Van Nuya told the Christmas story illustrated by slides at the Mount Hood church Sunday evening. Mrs Or v le Thompson sang "Silent Night" and the orchestra, Florence Craven at the organ, Helen Van Nuya with her violin, Edward Van Nuys with hi trombone, and Ned Van Nuys and his saxophone rendered special music. The W. T. Wyatt and Will Gardner families had their Christmas dinner and tree at the W. T. Wyatt home. L. E. Porter and family spent Christ mas at Ross Ringer's. John Dimmick is here from Walla Walla to spent Christmas with his brother, J. B. Dimnnck and familv. Ernest Monroe is spending Christmas Mai with his father, ( . K. Monroe. Roy Fiscus and familv sent Christ mas with the C. W. Kitchel family. Russell Curtis came over from Park- dale Moiidav to visit relatives. Mrs. W. T. Wyatt entertained her Hu- Pee Sunday school class at her home Wednesday afternoon. Clarence Ringer, Kenneth Dimmick, Hazel Ringer, and Thelma Ia-iiz were Christmas dinner guests at Mrs. Ida I Kverson's. Ri v. and Mrs. W. L Van Nuvs and children, Helen, Edward and Howard, v. re dinner guests at the J. B. Dog gett home Monday. J. B. Doggett and family enter tained Jesse Davidson and Miss Viola Jordan at Christmas dinner Sunday. Miss Bernice Everson spent Mondav with the John Sheldrake family at Parkdale. n j m j. n. I'immicK ana ramuy enter tained company Christmas day. has. I x tt and family and (Veil Kitcht I and family were guests at the m Mr. and Mrs. Fred More are'guests of Mr. More's mother in The Dalles. Miss Roberta Lane is spending her vacation at home. Miss Alice Tornkins, of Salem, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Tornkins. Mrs. Ed Bates, of Cutlena, Alaska, arrived a few days ago and will spend the winter with her daughter MrB. J. W. Forrester. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Rainey came down from Mosier last week and are the guests of J. II. Fretwell and family-Mrs. W. M. Lane was in The Dalles bopping last Friday. Ed Crosley, of Portland, was a Christmas visitor at the home of J. F. Hendriek and family. Harold Crane spent last week Portland. Mrs. Jennie Madden was a holiday- visitor at the home of her brother in Portland. Mrs. Jess Allen was shopping in Portland last Thursday and Friday. Ray and Wayne Osborne; spent Christ mas in The Dalles. Lee Bates, of Pendleton, was a guest several days of J. W. Forrester and farnjly. Mrs. Myrtle S. Keiser and Miss Martha Randel, of Portland, were holi day guests of W. M. Lane and family. The Christmas entertainment at the church Sunday evening was quite a success due to the efforts of Mrs. Jess Allen and her assistants. Clarence and Charley Smith I pent Christmas in Portland with their par ents. Paul B let ton, of Hood River, was the guest this week of Byron Lane. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Scott, of Lloyd minister, Cunada, are the guests of Mrs. Scott's father, James Henderson. Edna Swanson sustained a fracture of clavicle, while playing basketball last Thursday night. T. H. Harrison and son, Carlysle, spent Friday in Ho id River. Mrs. Jessie Lynch was the guest Christmas of her sister, Mrs. Harriet Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Badder, of Wy eth, spent Christmas with Mr. Badder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Badder. Allie Adams, who has been in Port laud several weeks, has returned home. CHRISTMAS WAS ORSERVED QUIETLY Hood River folk celebrated Christ mas for the most part quietly at home. All business was at a standstill Mon day, and the Sunday before was one of the quietest Hood River has ever ex perienced. Family dinners and house parties characterized much of the en tertainment, although in instances family parties had dinner at downtown hotels or at the Columbia Gorge hotel. 1 he religious side of the Christmas celebration was never more predomin ant in Hood River than this year, per haps because Chrstmas day fell on Sunday. Special services were ob served bf all religious denominations. The Christmas celebrations, both for young and old. were very elaborate at Riverside Community church. Friday evening the children were given a Christmas tree, and a Yuletide cantata was presented. Don Metzgus was Santa Claus. Sunday evening, under auspices of the Sunday Evening club, a Christmas play. "The Star of Beth lehem," was presented. The rendition was impressive. At the St. Mark's Episcopal church a communion service was celebrated Christmas morning, w ith Bishop Pad dock officiating. Full choral NtapaMM were made. Asbury Methodist church presented a playlet Friday evening and granted the youngsters with a Christmas tree. a Christ ight and en f the J. H. Fredricy, chairman of the weekly session of the Tuesday Lunch club at the Hotel Oregon Tuesday, made an urgent appeal to members of the organization to join the Commer cial club and other civic organizations in securing a road of easier grade and making more accessible Cloud Cap Inn and Cooper's Spur. Mr. Fredricy stated that owners of the Inn, who op erate a toll road up through the Ore gon national forest, are willing to re linquish all their rights if state or county authorities will guarantee the construction of a new and better high way. The old road, he cited, was built as a wagon road in the KOs, and its grades are difficult of negotiation for motor cars. Mr. Fredricy stated that the forestry service had indicated a willingness to aid in financing such a spur road, to connect with the Mount Hood Loop Highway. Leslie Hutler seconded the recom mendations maiie by Mr. Fredricy, and cited that the mountain rtoad should be made available before next Julv, when scores of visitors will join the Hood River Post of the American Legion on an ascent of Mount Hood. On Mr. Butler's motion the Lunch club en dorsed plans of securing an early ac tion toward improvement of the moun tain highway. Mr. Fredricy also appealed to the Tuesday Lunch club members to foster a movement that would lead 10 me concentration of all other civic organ izations of the valley as subsidiary bodies of the Commercial club. He de clared that the Lunch club should have been launched as an adjunct of the Commercial club. The Lunch club members were asked by President Murphy to consider the suggestion and come prepared to take some definite action on an affiliation with the Commercial club at the meet ing of next week. S. J. Moore, treasurer of the Com merical club, also addressed the Lunch club briefly, approving of the appeals that Mr. Fredricy had made. Riverside Church The Sunday evening club of the Communtiy church will meet next Sun day evening at 7.80. Mr. and Mrs. E A. Mansfield are to give a sacred con cert. Mrs. Mansfield is an organist of wide experence and rare ablity, having held nriminent positions in musical cir cles throughout the United States Among her musical instructors were Rudolph Ganz, Mary Wood Chase, Har rison Wild and Charles Galloway. Con cerning a concert which she gave at MeMinnville, the MeMinnville Register said : "At the Presbyterian church Sunday evening Mr . Mansfield gave an organ recital which reflected her exceptional talent as a gifted musician. Seldom has the organ of the church responded so beautifully to the touch of an artist. " Mr. Mansfield is a soloist of ability, having had much experience in direct ing church choirs anil large choruses. i-unday morning at 11 o'clock Mr. Poddy will be in his pulpit as usual. Christian Church The Christmas program Saturdav night was an impressive one, "White tiifts for the King." The decorations were beautiful, the house well filled and the offering generous. Nearly $40 was tendered to be used in ministerial relief and Near JrMst Relief, also an offering of provisions for local relief. The meetings have been hindered by weather conditions and the season, but now are growing in attendance. The special musical numbers and junior chorus are pleasing all. Ros Guiley i-; making good. Meeting every night this week except Saturday night. All day service Sunday with basket dinner at noon in the basement and congrega tional meeting at 2 p. m. Regular service at night. J. C. Hanna, Pastor. Immanuel Lutheran Church 9th & State P. Hitgendorf, Pastor. New Year's services at 10.45 a. m. All morning services in Englih here- Sunday school at '.i h a. m. Aid Thursday, January 5, at 2 after Ladies p. m. Asbury M. E. (hurch Minister, (iabriel Sykes. are hereby cordially invited to at the Asbury M. E. church next Sunday at 11 a. m if not attend ing anywhere else. The Sacrament of the Loid's Supper will be observed in the service. ! You worship MOSIEK At the First Kaptitt chi mas tree was staged Friday i a pageant given. The child Sunday school gave a prograr Violin solos bv Sheridan K prominent music teacher of and son of the pastor. Rev. C epine, added much to the chucrh Christmas programs. A feature of the servic Mary's Catholic church that to many, drawing a large at was the midnight mass. I t waa crowded. The choir w direction of Mr. G P. Mrdt St Mark's Episcopal Church Cor. 1 lth and Eugene. Sunday School, 9:45, Evening Prayer at 7:90. Other services at announced. Kev. li. U. Hoisliolt, the Vicar, can be reached in The Dalles. Phone. Main 6661. r-29 tf First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will be held in Chorcl Building, 9th and Eugene, Sunday, 11 :00 a, m Subject : Cod. Sun lav School at 11a. m. Wednesday service, 8 p. rn. 1 he reading room is open daily from I to 5 p. m., in the I hurch. St. Mary's Catholic Church Ben :ces Bnnday morning are as fol-.v- Low Mass, S o'clock ; High Mass, 10: :'.tl o'clock. Instruction for the chil dren at 9o'cloik, each Saturdav morn- Portland K. Del Paptist : of St. appealed as unfit ing. tf Seventh Day Adventist Church Corner 15th and C streeta Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. Preaching service 11 15 a. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7.45 i. m. All are welcome. Minister F. F. Oster. Residence 414 M It telle Ave. Phone :1074. 0. -W. K.U.I o. Time Card WEST HOUND 1. Portland Express . 4:40 a. " Robert lav I "'gley, i ' ' a. oe Weller and RuO it O. A. C, art tma vacation at les. Harr V ilson . 10 a. tu. at the I niversity of Oregnn. Miss Iva Howry is spending her va cation in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J N. Mosier arrived from Walla Walla Monday and are vis iting at the J. E, Hurley home. Mr and the Christian liance. and rag were Lutheran M i ss ion- pikane-i .hi i t--t l-ouis. Kan. City, Denver, anaaenrgaf Pendleto.i-lVrt. local. .:.2p. in. Chi . Omaha, IVnxer, ) Kan City, s-ait I Jike f S fU p m t" PortUud, passeng'r J EAST ROUND 312 STORES EXTEND TO YOU Best Wishes for a Happy and Prooerous New Year We take this apportunity to thank you one and all for your increased patronage during the year just closing and hope that we will continue to be of greater service to you in the years to come. ZIOC A NATION-WIDE , ( 1 INSTITUTION" i i mum s-'. I m m !. i- Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES iw -z:imm : s.-tc:jwr&x -fi-iii--iiii n IM r i mT '-"-" SaffiHB Wmm mam HrMrsVrMraVrMHBrMHraraM PRE -INVENTORY SALE Prices Slashed NOTHING RESERVED ALL STAPLE GOODS Everything Will Be Sold At Approximately Wholesale SALE ALL DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 30 AND 31 Cash and Carry Grocery H. GROSS E. E. HUNT, Mgr. Tel. 1032 Spent $1,200,000 for Relief ot Famine Sufferers in China Last Year. The n rr.U rn of ti e Mt Rn. -M. !'"H --alt Lafc N.'. Putt -Pfii.IVton No. 18. !.. ,lt Uke Kan. City. Oneang pai , enaal2:M Ixaal !:C" . Den. I I. Ul. Oinilia, (Wiiirer 10 : -V a in ard ana mi 1 1 H. 1). W. A. S. Keir, H"nhnr. mrr..tte in llowing: krt I'ineo. J. M. L. L Murphv N Pa -:' a t j Purity th hattit i'f ordering RU-n lei Hnur iiK'lf at tioiu. 2rtf To help overcome conditions of aeiite distress in live famine stricken prov ln.es nf Northern China, where mil lions nf persons were affected hy an unprecedented shortage of food, the American Ked Cross during the Inst fiscal yenr spent more than $1.L,i'. HjMMOO of which was contributed dl recty hy National Headquarters ami t lie remainder hy various groups 'n terested In the welfare of China. Through the wide relief operations thus made possible it Is estimated that more than MOyMt famine sufferers were saved from starvation. To the end that similar prompt re lief measures hy the organization may always be possible the Ked Cross la asking continued support by the Amer ican people by universal renewal of membership at the Annual Ked Cross Koll Call. November U to 24. The method of relief employed b tl American Red Cross In Its opera tions In China was particularly effec tive, for in addition to saving hundreds of thousands of lives it provided China with more than 900 miles of permanent roads that are S'-rely needed to pre vent a recurrence of famine. At one time the Red Cross employed fMM "hinese workmen, paying them In fond for themselves and dejiendeiits. thia food being brought In from Manchuria and elsewhe.c. . H APPY NewYl EAR MT. HOOD MEAT CO. Phono 4141. I i:F. O. C Hughes. Prop. 4th and Oak -Streets. ESI is THK CHEAPEST." AT THK H.I. Hashronck. Optometrist. Glacier Office