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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1921)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921 "M i l 1 1 M l I I 1 l im..i..i, BRIEF LOCAL MENTION I I1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 M Mil M-i-H-H-H-l H. L EUsbfOttCk, Optometrist. Have you seen those dolls at Keir's Drug Store? (Jot them all licked. d22 Get the habit of ordering Blended Purity Floor made at home. 2 tf For NpirellaCoreets Mrs. Fred Howe, C1U CaBcadu Avenue. Tel. 17K3. jjJltf Stop that auto leak with Murphy Top Dressing. KraakmanV Paint Store, dstf The Kong Shop, 1204 12th. St. Hood Hi van only music store. (J29 Mrs. Louise lioydcn has left for Portland to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Craft left last week tor Aleea to spend the winter J. W. Crites was a business in Portland last week. Yale McCarty is here from the Uni versity of California for the holidays. Judge Derby was a business visitor in Portland the first of the week. for lies does painting, sign work and caldmining, Tel. 8014. mfltl Make it a real present by buying an r.asiman KoaaK trom Keir s. d22 Get the habit of ordering Blende Parity Flour made at home. o27tf H. S. Braakman does painting, paper nangmg and decorating. l el.240t o20ti Careful attention paid to repairing an tomooiles. now ell lsron., Tel. 2661. a4tf Surprise your family with a new Ldison from heir s. d22 W. O. Ash was in Portland last Fri day on business. A. D. Moe spent last Friday in Fort land on business. visitor E. A. Frai'Z was a Portland business visitor last week. Special prices on Jtah King Coal di rect from the car. Phone 2181, Emry Lumber and fuel Co. y 1 tf Leather toe caps and copper toes for ooys at BinilD s unampion blioe Kepair Shop, 1st aed Oak. ti21tf Anyone wishing sewing call Mrs. Can non, 810 Columbia or phone .'i)7: alter 0 P. M. o27tf Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 Heil bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood Kiver. See those closed tops for Fords and Cheviolets at Mullikin's Auto Top Shop in the VV. (i. Weber Harness Shop. dl5tf A new issue Highway Booklet at $1 makes a fine Xmas gift. Get one at Keir's. d22 F. K. Barker has been called to Los Angeles by the serious illness of his daughter, Mrs. James Parker. Oak Wood, Thomas Scott and Boss Collie are home from the University of Washington for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Grant left the first of the week for Portland for the remainder of the winter. S. A. Bordeaux, of the Upper Val ley, was a business visitor in the city the latter part of last week. Geo. B. Wilbur was in Pendleton last week, attending the annual conference of Oregon irrigationists. A. O. Adams was up from Cascade Locks on a Christmas shopping tour yesterday. Insist on genuine Ford parts when having your car repaired. Dickson Marsh Motor Co. D26U Our floor space is small but we carry Pianos, Player Pianos, Sheet Music, Bolls, Phonographs, Records, Needles and Jewelry. The Song Shop. d29 Mr. and Mrs. Med ford Beed were up from Portland a lew days last week visiting friends. - Chas. Boss is at the Cottage hospital recovering from an operation for an abdominal obstruction. F. H. Blagg is recovering at the Cottage hospital from a recent severe abdominal operation. Mrs. J. C. Porter, who is confined at the Cottage hospital, is reported to be much better. Tod A. Culbertson was here from the Upper Vallev last week on a shop ping trip. M. S. Miller left this week for Mills boro to spend the holidays with rela tives and friends. A. W. Peters will spend Christmas in Portland with his family residing there for the winter. 16-in. and 4 ft. wood, gravel and gen eral hauling. Phone McRae Transfer, 2:fl4, evenings, nStl We have secured the services of an ex perienced mechanic and can now take care of aH your automobile needs. How ell Bros.. Tel. 2561. a4tf j J. K.) Carton, phone 32Mf, will take your order for any publication. Save your telftba trouble of a letter or mak ing oui a post office money order by phoning her at once. d22 Mrs. David Marlor arrived last week from Portland to spend the Christmas holidays here with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. S. F. Blythe. Mr. and Mrs. Marlor have just sold the grocery store owred by them the past year in Port land. C. Siegenthaler, formerly of Mt. Hood, in renewing his subscription to the Glacier writes from San Francisco: "That whs a very dreadful storm you had so early and so unexpectedly. We Mnd all of our old friends greetings of the season. Judue Geo. B. Castner left Friday for Pentieton, B. C, to spend the hol idays with the family of his son, John B. Castner, employed there as horti culturist of the provincial government. Judge Castner is just out of the hos pital from a successful operation. Children of Biverside Community church will participate in a Christmas celebration tomorrow evening, begin ning at 7,d0 o clock. Mrs. J. K. Slade Uf. . i . .. ... It i' I'll I l:n- nil ii r.n.nir it... A I , '""K I L'uaraiiti-i-il ( i, i... Q..1.1 i. and Sianta t. laus will be in specialty. Bee us for nrin. pi,,,,,;, the higlChristmas tree. A program of 1012, prices. d2'.l Searches of records and reliable ab stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com pany, A. W. Onthank. Manager. ?M (ink Street. Phone 1521. IvSO-tl A. F. Howes, who has been in Port land serving on the federal grand jury, will be home the latter imrt of the week for the Christmas holidays. Stewart Turnhull. son of Mr. and Mis. S. S. Turn bull, has arrived horre for the Christmas hohdavs from Sa lem, wnere he is attending'school. J. E. Smithson was recently chosen a vice president of the Oregon Tele phone Association at its annual session in Portland. M. Ostereard. who fell from a lad der last summer while repairing his barn at Viento, is able to be about again. He is still forced to use crutches, however. J. M. Taylor, Odell orchardist, was a passenger aboard the steamer Iralda when she recently ran aground on a reef near Underwood. The boat was towed otf the spit by the steamer Teal. Kaesser's big show window, tire senting a cozy fireplace scene, has attracted Christmas shoppers the past week. William Hamann was designer of the window. W. D. Trotter, of Wveth, was here last week visitinur friends and attend ing to matters of business. Mr. Trot ter will leave for Portland this! week to Epend the winter months. At the recent annual meeting of the Humane Society all old officers were reelected. Anyone hearing or Know ing of maltreatment of a dumb brute is asked to report to James Stranahan, of the Fashion Stables. P. T. Shelley, who has sold his wood yard and feed yard busness to J. E. McNutt and I harles Oaither, will leave the first of the year for The Dalles to join his brother, A. B. Shel ley, in the automobile business. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freeman left last week for Portland to spend a few days with their daughter, Mre. Paul E. Sosey, and family. They will leave Sunday for southern California for the winter. What is more appropriate as a Christ mas present than some good magaiclne? Such a gift will bring pleasure through out the entire year. Mrs Sallie A. Mrs. charge of children and special exercises by the music is planned. G. M. Uptegrove left last week for Portland to join his family. From there the former Upper Valley resi denfs will proceed to New York City to make their home. General regrets are expressed at the departure of the Uptegroves who for 10 years have played an important roll in progressive affairs of the Upper Valley. Our watch rejair business has grown. Our work is good, prices ritiht. Always your friend, so come and see about tho-e Christmas orders. We only carry the best line in every thing. Terms can not lie bet'er, a good cash discount or small payment dow n and long time on bahuice in our music department. Song Shop and Jewelry Store. d29 The Boyal Neighbors of America have elected the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Elizabeth Bad ger, O. : Mrs. Pearl Parker, V. P. ; Mrs. Emma Jones, Bee. ; Mrs. Zanna Carnes, B. : Emma Wolgamot, Mar. ; Karuline Kreig, 1. S. : Ada McCully, j O. S. ; Adeline Atkinson, Man.; Lyda McKown, Mus. ; Dr. Sifton, P. Last Wednesday evening the Odd Fellows and Bebekahs and their friends enjoyed a delightful social evening and i entertainment in the 1. O. O. r. hall. I The .drill team of the the Odd Fellows put on eiime floor work and marches which greatly delighted the large crowd present. Lunch was served earlier in the evening. Dancing was also enjoyed by many present. B. E. Heifer, owner of an orchard in the Belmont district, has purchased a 10-acre apple orchard in the Yucaipa district of San Bernardino county, Calif., where a large acreage is being developed to commercial varieties such as are grown here. The altitude of I the southern California fruit district is 2, Nil) teet, and it is stated that grow eis have been very successful in their venture of growing apples on a com mercial bafis there. We will have Xmas (lowers in as plen tiful supply as on any former Christinas season. Plants and cut (lowers will be on sale at the office of the Waucoimi Lumber Co., just opposite First National Bank, and at Vincent A Shank's. Plenty of carnations, crysanthemums, roses, violets, cyclamen, primrose, holly and mistletoe. Heights (ireenhouse, Geo. Haslinger, proprietor. d22 LET THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT PREVAIL We All Have So Much To Be Thankful For. STORE OPEN EVENINGS FRIDAY & SATURDAY OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE WITH PRACTICAL GIFTS Silk Hosiery, House Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Wool Hosiery, Purses, Traveling: Bags, Umbrellas Cut Silk and Knitted Neckties, Bath Robes, Etc. Special Reduction on All Ladies' and Childrens' Coats Q ; fn $77 00 A wonderful line of Silk and Wool Dresses. f7,UJ lv Let Us Care For Your 11th Hour Gifts FRANK A. CRAM A MERRY XMAS TO YOU ALL Hev. C. G. Hoisholt, recently called to San Francifco because of the serious Illness of his parents, has written here tendering his resignaton as joint rector of the St. Mark's Episcopal church and St. Luke's church, of The Dalles. Rev. Hoisholt states that he has ac cepted a pastorate at Tonopab, Nev. His action came as a complete surprise to members of his congregations. Judge R. C. Glanville left Tuesday for Portland, where he will undergo an operation for removal of cataract from an eye. Mr?. Glanville accompanied him. Judge Glanvdle's sijzht has been failing him for some weeks. "It has been a source of great embarrassment to me," says Judge Glanville, "for I have seen so poorly that 1 have often failed to recognize friends on the street. The second annual bull of the local Masonic Lodge was held at the Ori ental cafe last Friday night. Last year a committee of the lodge launched the custom of an annuM ball in the earlv winter. Dances of a less elabor ate scale are given at intervale during the social season. Masons from the valley and neighboring mid-Columbia points were present last rriday night. We will have Xmas Bowers in as plan tifnl snonlv as on anv 101 mer ( ihristmas season. Plants and cut llowrs will bt on sale at the OtOCS 01 the k minima Lumber Co., just opposite First National Hank, and at inceiit & Muinks. I'leniy of carnations, chrysanthemums, ropes violets, cyclamen, primrose, holly and mistletoe. Heights Greenhouse, Geo Haslinger, proprietor. d22 Although he has H00 boxes of tine apples In storage on his orchard place in the Mosier district, G. P. Morden who resides here with his family in the winter months, has had to buy apples for pie-making and for the holidays. $jftM Hour Suctions! Just 3 More Days Counting Today! Do It Now! Our first suggestion is that you come here and let us help you. We can do this in many ways. Our hig lock of quality merchandise, which contains the hest and most practical Gifts, is so conveniently arranged that you can see at a glance just the right thing, and our SALE PRICES on all these good things make it very easy for you to buy what you like. Come early in the morning, you will have more time and better service Glove Silk Hose The finest of all, (he pair, tax In cluded $3.00 Pure Thread Silk Hose, lisle top and foot, the pair, in cluding tax $2.50 Pure Silk Hose, lisle top and foot the pair $1.38 No Tax a Dress Gloves Real French Kid Gloves, !)lacl, brown ;ind heaver $2.68 Strap wrist soft V cull' street gloves, J ti and beaver $2.89 Wash Kid Cape Gloves $1.98 Silk Gl's, all color ny " s i .yo 4 Silk Waists Exclusive models, in embroidered Silk. Blouses and Waists $12.45 Crepe de Chine Silk Waists and Blouses, $2.98 to $9.45 Wirthmor White Blouses & Waists, ' wT 1 "Dove" Silk and soft mull downs and Envelope Chemise hand sewed hand em- vol dared, $1.98 to $7.85 Handkerchiefs, each 5c to $1.50. A nice Handkerchief in an attractive envelope, By the box of 3, 34c to $2.68. These never fail to please. is sine to make a hit. and a box of them will be good for a home run sure. See Our Shoes Now On Sale at Half Price The finest of French Kid Dress Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps. $6.25 and $8.25. One Lot Brown and Black Calf Oxfords, low military heels. I $3.49 Child's White Top Tat. Shoes, 08c Child'ns School Shoes, 8! toll $1.89 Reel (ross iShoej i 4 f Comfy Slippers for Old and Young, We Have Them in Felt with Soft or Leather Soles and All Leather. Children's Felt Slippers, 78c to $1.45 the pair Ladies' Felt Slippers, 78c to $1.98 the pair Men's Felt Slippers, 85c to $1.95 the pair lee drifts still tie up 1,000 feet, of the Mosier creek road, connecting the Morden place with the Columbia Kiver Highway. A Wasco county road crew it is stated, will break open the road this week with charges of powder. Sumner I). Cameron, last week suf fered a peculiar accident, which, at first was thought serious. Mr. Cam eron was cranking an automobile, which backfired. The crankshaft, with heavy impact, struck Mr. Cameron in the forehead, knocking him to the floor. He wa unconscious for 15 minutes. After a short rest, however, the gar ageman resumed his work. Mrs. K. II. Waugh sustained a bad gash on her head and a sprained arm last Thursday when struck by an auto mobile driven by C. K. Hounsell, Oilell orchardist. Mrs. Waugh, it is stated, had just alighted from a truck and ap parently had started across the road when Mr. Hounsell approached. She did not note the approaching car and turning back walked directly in front of it. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crenshaw, ac companied by Mr. Crenshaw's brother, Herbert Crenshaw, of Garfield, Wash., were down from lee last week shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw, en route to the coast on a vacation, were caught In Portland during the Novem ber storm. 1 hey were worried over the fate of their home anil buildings and their young fruit trees. On re turning home they found that the Washington brother had arrived at. the Dee home the day before the storm. He had taken charge, shoveled off roofs and broken the crust around young apple trees. WEDDINGS Vannet-Sproat The wedding of Miss Edith M. Bproat and Edward A. Vannet, young Kant Side orrhardist, was solemnized on Wednesday of last week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sproat, in the Van Horn district. The wedding was witnessed only by close friends and members of the im mediate families. Rev. W. II. Hoddy, pastor of Riverside Community church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Vannet left immediately on a hoi eymoon trip to coast points. Ihe bride is a graduate of the Hood Kiver high school, Oregon Agricultural College and the Lot Angeles Normal school. Mr. Vannet is an overseas war veteran. Murray-Hart First news of the wedding of their daughter. Miss Ada Hart, and Allen Murray, of Mor, was received in a letter from the bride last week by City Marshal and Mrs. William Hart. The wedding occurred at Vancouver, Waah., December .'5. The bride is engaged as a teactier ai niiisnoro. Mie iormcti taught at Moro and in the Hood Kiver schools. She is a graduate of the Hood Kiver high school and the Oregon Nor mal School at Monmouth. Mr. Murray is a prominent rancher of Moro. He is an overseas war vet eran. Nunamaker-Herry The wedding of Miss Margaret Kerry, younge.-t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Petri, and Neil Nuna- maker. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Nunamaker, was solemnized Friday afternoon at the West Side orchard home of the family. Rev. W. II. Boddy, pastor of Riverside Community church, officiated. Mr. and Mr. Nunamaker left immediately for south ern points on a honeymoon tour. The bride is one of Mood Kiver s most popular young women. She is a graduate of the Hood River high school and was a student of the Uni versity of Oregon. Mr. Nunnamaker, associated with his father anil brother in one of the largest valley orcharding concerns, is a graduate of the Univer sity of California and is a member of the Beta Iheta I'i fraternity. DE LUXE BILL Harry Cary in "The Fox" The screen's first super-western. Thousands in the cast. Actually taken under the blistering sun in the great Mohave Desert. Beautiful scenes never before seen on the screen. also "Roman Romeos" A 2-Reel Comedy. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Miss Dorothy Rand ( of iij Hh,r ) Songs. Topics of The Day 2 DAYS -2 VERA KOLSTAD and the Wurlitzer MON. TUES. Dec. 26-27 Children 20c Adults 50c A Merry Christmas to All of You And we BUggdbt I hat if you are not gointf to take dinner at home, try some of the buffalo at the hotels and restau rants listed last week who will serve it. If you are Koinf; V dine at home and haven't made your final plans for the dinner, we are ready to nippy any meats that you may wish. czhoczdi The Hood River Market A F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 Infant's Quilted Silk Moccasins, dainty and warm Men's Kxtra Quality and Finish. Indian Moccasins Men's Genuine Mocha Dress Gloves, lijrht brown Men's Lined Silk Dress Gloves, steel prey, all sizes Men s Black Doeskin Gauntlet Auto Driving Gloves Men's Short Cuff Black Goat Auto Driving Gloves .. Men's Soft Cuff Olive Drab Auto Driving Gloves 89' $2.95 $2.98 $1.75 $4.45 $2.95 $1.95 Men's All Pure Oregon Wool Overcoats Men's Rainproof Oregon Wool Mackinaw Men's Heavy Wool Knit Ruff Neck Sweaters Men's Leather Vests, Glove or Suede Leather $14.95 9.85 4.95 7.45 Bos' All Wool Ov. Boys' Oregon Wool I'xi s' Heavy Wil rcoats Mackinaw Ruff Neck Sweaters Sheep or Corduroy Lined Leather Vests $4.95 8.45 3.95 9.45 Warm Blankets at Sale Prices Bath Robes at Sale Prices. Rner Sleamrs On Schedule The Hteamers Iritlda and J. N. Teal continue to do a heavy freight and iaM-t:n-r business on the run MtWMI Portland and Ihe Dallea. while re verely cold weather has prevailed here and on up-river point, no floating i"e hu yet appeared in the river, and Agent Coutard rtatee that the steam era will make their regular schedule. Preparations have been made to keep Cascade Larks constantly open. The Teal on each of its tri-wekly trips down the river carries the limit of automobiit-a, principally of motorist" from eastern Oregon, Washington and I laho point. Many of the MtoffMi are tourUts en route to California for the winter. So heavv is the demand for automobile space that local men have been waiting for 10 daya without t eing able to secure transportation. 10 in. Dressed Doll 49c Fancy Market Baskets 69c MemtxTS of landery of Kn Attention, Sir kmchh' the Hood Temii River Com ir will hold members will assembe Kreakfa't will be set quet room at 8 o'clock, of the jurisdiction have participate. FORD GARAGE PLANS TRACTOR COURSE An announcement of interest to every rancher throughout the valley is made by the Dickson Motor Co., local Kord and h'ordson dealers. Thev will hold a tractor short course on the ev- sninca of January 10, n, 12 and i:i, dealing principally with carburetion, ignition, lubrication, cooling system, pal toraaay, traction, soil conditions and implements, a course somewhat sin ilar to the one on tractors and power farming otTered by O. A. C. The company has r-ecured as in structors the following: C. Uarrell, specialist on carburetion, ignition and lubriraton; K. A. Allison, specialist on cooling system, jierformance and traction; C. A. Hewitt, specialist on soil conditions and implements. An .ntu.vtuniti' I ls! 1 1 1 n will !m irivon during each l dure. The Dickson Co. Mates that they will charge no fee. that owners of (radars and those con templating power farming in the fu ture are invited ti the coure and that reservations must be made on or be fore January K Canbv W. . C. Klects At the last meeting of the W. R. C, the election of officers for the coming years was as follows: President, Mrs. Orpha Wittenburg ; Mrs. Iva Scobee. senior vice pres. ; Mrs. Cora Stranahan, junior vice presi dent; Mrs. Anna Wood; guard ; Pro cene Johnson, chaplain ; Josephine Burklin. treasurer. Installation of officers will take place Januarv 14. Saturday-afternoon, at the laat meet ing of the yea r, the Corps will enter tain the veterans with a social after noon, program and refreshments. The OHM expresses regret over the low of another of the veterans, Jamea Gorton, wh ' has heea the fifth to leave the ranks this year. an tlmt All! For That Dinner: Table Raisins Preserved Ginger Mince Meat Cranberries Celery, Sweet Potatoes Fresh Eastern Ojters Nuts of All Kinds Candy, Bulk and Fancy Boxes Cigars in Christmas Packages Figs, Dates Candied Cherries Candied Pineapple Order early as possible to yet best service. WE WILL RK OLOSU) MONDAY DECEMBER 26th The Star Grocery " Good Things to Eat " PEKIGO & SON