The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 01, 1921, Image 10

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At the budget meeting held Monday
evenin? at the high school the proposed
budget was pruned to some extent and
wMitional $1500. thus making a tax of
$8,000 sufficient.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krumenacher
were Odell residents who were passe n
gers on a snowbound train between
Portland and Hood River. They were
returning from National Orange.
H. S. Ga!ligan, who was one of
tmrtv v. ho went ffOOM hunting, was
snowbound in eastern Oregon. He re
turned home leaving nis automobile at
Supt. Gibson was out Monday looking
over the school fcituat.ion and giving as
sistance in th? solution of the perplex
inor nnMtni now before the board of
directors of the grade school. Plana
ate now being perfected whereby school
wi" be held in temporary quarters.
Butter-Nut bread was delivered to
local dealers Saturday evening by
sleigh from Hood River, the first team
through from Hool River to (Well, and
the last outside conveyance to deliver
here before the roads were closed.
Pretty good service.
Odell postofhce has hee.i a live office
through the blockade. First class mail
was delivered to Hood River and from
Hood River to Odell Wednesday of last
week by L. A. E. Clark, who made the
round trip on foot.
Friday 0. H. Ehrck walked out from
Hood River carrying the firnt class
mail and Fred Howard, Oal Martz and
S. M. Dick carried lirst class mail into
Hood River and papers out. Saturday
H U. Lafferty brought out first class
mail and L. A. E. Clark and Pete Mohr
delivered first class mail to Hood Riv
er. Monday the Mount Hood R. R.
brought all mail accumulated, papers,
parcels, etc., a load, too, and a regular
daily schedule was again.eiitablished.
The small Davidson wurehouse, the
oldest warehouse In (Well, collapsed
last Wednesday and is an unreconizable
mass of debris.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichol motored
to Eugene just ahead of the storm. By
driving in water one and one-half feet
in depth they reached Portland, ship
ped their car and arrived in Hood
River then walked to (Well and were
ready to report for duty Monday morn
ing at the high Bchool.
The annual bazaar will be held De
cember 9 The sale opens at 6 p. m.
Dinner will be served at 6 p. m. This
will be a good place to secure Christ
mas gifts.
The following executive committee
will be in charge of Christmas enter
tainment: Mrs. J. fc. Ferguson, Mrs.
W. H. Sheirbon and Rev. W. S. Olei
ser. Allison Fletcher, Sunday school
superintendent, has announced these
members of committee and other com
mittees will be appointed.
Sunday school 10 a. m. At 11 a. m.,
first of a seriea of sermons leading up
to and to be concluded with the Christ
mas sermon. Epworth League 7 p. m.
Evening service 7.45 p. m.
Three of those who re implicated
in the Liberty theatre hold up in Port
land were apple pickers this season for
A. E. Jakku. They gave evidence
while here as having tendencies to
ward taking possession of property not
tegtlly theirs and mailed several boxes
of the tinest hand picked and carefully
selected Delicious apples without ob
serving the formality of asking per
mission from the grower.
blockade fears that it may be late in
arriving for.Thanksgiving day are felt.
November 28, 1921.
The most welcome visitor to this lo
cality in seven days was was Tony
Flint with bis snow plow gang which
reached Dee at 8 p. ni. Sunday, No
vember 27. Everybody had more than
their usual greeting for the Mt. Hood
Railroad conductor. Hens cackled,
roostres crowed, dogs barked, whistles
blew, people yelled as the snow plow
backed by a double header approached
and passed through the snow bound
city. The railroad is now open to
Hood River.
The first mail since the 18th arrived
Monday, November 28.
A cheerful sign of open weather is
the number of chipmunks out. They
are heard everywhere. Something un
usual. The wrecked railroad trestle, debris
from the broken dam and ten carloads
,1pthi-r with !he thousands of
"ft" - r- -----
tons nf n.uw ami water succicoou in
fatMflria one leLr onlv from under the
condemn, d bridge near Winans station.
The crooked bridge is still there.
Otto G. Helfricht superintended
clearing aw:iv the wreck of the cover
to the bridgf that spans the river at
this point. The snowfall broke in the
roof from end to end. Nails sufficient
ly large had not been used in its con
struction. It was necessary to clear
away the entire roof.
Supt. J. W. West il home from Ij-
gan, l) tan. ne was in mmi mm m
received word or me navoc wrougnt io
the nronertv of the Oregon Lumber
Mr. Shannon, while clearing the
roof to the planing mill the 2Mrd, fell
through to the floor below, receiving a
sprained back that confines him to his
fweek with crews of men at the various
school buildings, removing snow from
the roofs. It was estimated that there
were 100 tons of snow and ice on th
roof of Park Street school alone. Th
immense weight caused but little dam
age, except the cracking of plaster
The roof of the old junior high annex
went in with an awful crash early
Monday morning and finished the ruin
of the Pleasant View building. In the
old part of the high school some brace
gave way letting the roof settle fa
enough to crack the paper covering on
it, causing numerous leaks, which did
considerable damage to walls of the
ceiling. Carpenters put in temporary
braces Thanksgiving morning. A new
svstem of bracing will be installed as
soon as the weather permits.
With material from the old junior
high, a temporary storm door entrance
will be built on the east side porch o
the high school through which the
junior high students enter.
Odell High School Notes
Virginia Dutio
School opened Monday morning with
about two-thirds of the pupils attend
ing. A branch of the Hood River county
library has been established in the
high school. This ia open to the pub
lic between certain hours which will
be announced later. Miss Gladys Hull
will have charge of the books.
Supt. Gibson visited school Monday
Miss Lillian Coperude entered Bchool
as a senior this week.
Wednesday of last week Hayes and
Claire Bickford, Roger Hlackman and
Alfred Dethman walked in over the
snowcrust to Hood River, returning
supplies to the Pine Grove store by
hands leds.
The meeting of the Aloha club with
Mrs. James Clark, scheduled for this
week, has been mstoned until next
Samuel Hall, of Grand View, Wash.,
is here visiting he family of bis
nephew, A. F. Bickford.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells
Sunday, November 27, a son.
The church dinner and bazaar have
been postponed until Friday, Decem
ber 9. A dinner wlil be Berved at S.M
p. m., following this the bazaar will
be held.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paasch have re
turned from a visit with relatives at
Sokane. They report no snow there
but a temperature below zero.
Miss Lulu Hunt has returned from
participation in 'he apple harvest and
she and htr mother, Mrs. Julia A.
Hunt, are now kl heme in their own
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Bafts, of
the Schenck place, Tuesday, November
24, a daughter.
Mrs. M. Thrane. who wis on one of
the O.-W. trains mar.oned at Multi -rTtfl
Falls, the passengers, having been
returned to Portland by boat, arrived
home Sumi.iy evening.
Peter Mohr is transporting the chil
dren to school by means of a big bob
sled Craw i bv four horses.
Frederick Page returned last week
from a business trip to northern Cana
da. Mr. Page harvested 7,000 bushels
of potatoes from his ranch at Ochre
River, Manitoba, which will be used uh
seed in Manitoba. He declared that
farmers in Canada were facing bank
ruptcy, through crop failures and low
prices of farm commodities. Many
farmers will be fortunate to have
enough to eat this winter, unless the
Canadian government is able to assist
these big producers, said Mr. Page.
The Association resumedjpacking op
erations Monday morning, after a
week's forced idleness, due to the
storm. At least a week's run will be
required to finish the packing. Fruit
is being hauled to the warehouse by
sleds from the various ranches.
The heavy storm which visited the
Columbia gorge last week resulted in
no serious damage to the orchards in
the Mosier district. A few orchardists
report that young trees in some in
stances were ruined by the heavy
sleet. The ranch home of Kenneth
Cooper was completely wrecked. The
house was unoccupied. Mr. Cooper re
sides in Portland.
J. (). Belilin was a Portland visitor
last week and was marooned on train
number 12, coming from Portalnd last
Saturday night. Mr. Beldin reported
that the train crews did everything
possible for the comfort of the pas
sengers, who were returned to Port
land by boat Monday.
E. Jacobsen, who has been staying
at his ranch south of Mosier for sev
eral weeks, returned to Portland Mon
day. Jess Huskey was taken to The
Dalles hospital Tuesday for treatment.
He is suffering from a very Bevere at
tack of tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Morden left Mo
sier Tuesday for Jtheir home in Hood
River, where they will remain for the
A. II. Graves, nf Portland, was a
business visitor in Mosier Tuesday.
Ten cars belonging to tourists, en
route to Portland, were caught in the
Twin Tunnels, between Mosier and
Hood Kiver during the storm. Several
of the tourists remained with their cars
until4the storm abated.
MisB R. Rose, who has been visiting
at the home of her brother, Howard
Rose, left Tuesday for her homo at
Mark A. Mayer spent Thanksgiving
in Portland.
The Kern Construction Company has
closed operations at their plant here
and all employes have been transfcrreil
to other locations. As loon as the
weather will permit the machinery
from the Mosier plant will be removed
to Portland.
Nov. 21, I 1 .
Just aa the dam in the east fork
went out a light was seen to approach
t end of the bridge over the
sappear then start bars. Some
te individual. The dam went
i.'JQ Sunday r ight. The heavy
snow hail c;.used a backing up
water where the boom floated.
gave way, pushing out tne
the wi
dam. d
out at i
fall of
of the
then it
No school this week. Mrs. lVn J.
Yeck and Mrs. G. A. Terry, the teach
ers, will endeavor to get outside to at
tend toe teachers' institute. Then
Thuraday will be a legal holiday. In
addition to this it the whitish covering
that measures hrac feet onja level.
John R. Edgar finished taking the
last it .ho of hia apples to the ware
h'tuae of the Apple Growers Asaoeia
tion just before the snow began falling
Friday mglit at 10 o'clock.
Supt, E. H. Green and Milton Bing
aman have bean on duty 24 hours a day
eince trie -now blockade. Chief En
gineer Walker atill occapiea his sleen
ing porch, and a flash of light or the
whistle fiiraji him at the milL
Mine Host J. il. Van Mick ten, at the
H, :. : IWt- rliml an nrrter f r 1
bound of dreawe4,turkey for each per- , friends
on at the hotel, but owing to the snow Supt.
( By Dorothy l-'rey 1
The junior class received their rings
and pins last Monday and are well
pleased with the design. The class is
grateful to W. F. Laraway forthe ser
vice given to them.
'lbe juniors ar- making plans for the
Christmas party to be given December
9. The task of giving a party on $26
is licing squarely met by the different
In public speaking recently Mr.
Coukla stated that be was not certain
whl il. cr Hood River high school would
try out for the state championship or
not, but if it were impossible to enter
.i team, and a team was not entered
from The Dalles, there would be a de
bate tetween the two schools.
The second of a series of talks given
concerning banking waa given at the
last assembly. S. J. Moore, of the
First National Hank. -oke on "Bank
I mm and Discounts." Wctioell Keck
gave a piano solo. Several aonga
were sung by the Boys' Glee Club, ac
companied by Miss Howes.
By writing the high school newa, we
try to stimulate interest in school ae
s on fhe part of the people in our
community. By putting our school
news in the local papers we are giving
I to the people first band information as
to what a large part of their taxes are
used for, and create interest in
i activities in the school besides athlet
ics, thereby gaining their backing to a
,-n. tet extent than we now Lave.
In spite of snow and disagreeable
weather, all schools registered a good
per cent of attendance Monday morn
ing. (Vie primary had To per cent,
hign school 80 Mt cent. I'ark Street
and junior high schools 90 per cent.
The attendance was slightly increased
Tuesday. Early dismissals were made
in all schools to accommodate the pu
pil from outlying territory.
Many of the teachers were marooned
because of the storm. E. E. Fleisch
man and Miss Frances Baker attended
the home coming at Eugene, Saturday,
November 19. They returned to Port
land next day. Mr. Fleischman ar
rived home by trajn Friday night. E.
A. Forsythe spent the storm week in
Salem, and attended te Marion county
teachers' institute. Most of the teach
ers spent their Thanksgiving with
it Hood Kiver.
Cannon was busy most of the
Better Americans
(Kditorial by Prudence Spight '23)
When people speak they either con
sciously or unconsciously express their
habits and ideals of life. So it is with
us citizens of the United States as
well as with other peoples across the
It is a known fact that in different
countries and even in different com
munities or localities the same ideas
are expressed in different wording or
nhrasing. These different modes of
expression have been named idioms.
Besides idioms different peoples,
more within the common class which
after all is the foundation and setting
of a nation, have favorite barbarisms
or vulgarisms. A good many of our
barbarisms add interest or what might
be called personality to our speaking
but as great a number and possibly a
good many more should be classed with
the vulgarisms such as the common
Blang known very well to most of us.
It is this slang or barbarous part of
our language that a large number of
foreigners who came to the United
States with the purpose of becoming
citizens adopt first and most easily. It
is no wonder since the slang is usually
snoken with a vehement spirit and a
more pronounced accent that it is eas
ilv remembered if not easily under
And if we wish to have the future
Americans keep the same true ideals
of our Pilgrim ancestors we must
guard our speech so that true blut
thoughts may be expressed in a per
fect and American language.
The wedding of Miss Annamae Chip
ping and Archibald Kingsley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kingslev, of Port
land, was uuietly solemnized at 3.30
Sunday afternoon at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Chipping, Rev. W. H. Boddy officiat
ing. Original plans called for an elab
orate church wedding, with a large
guest list of Portland folk present.
The snowstorm interf'erred, and it was
feared for a time that Mr. Kingsley,
who left Portland Saturday before last
for a week end visit and who was
stranded en route, would not be here
Saturday night and that the nuptial
affair would have to be postponed.
Mr. Kingsley arrived by boat last
night. Miss Ellen Gantenbein was
bridesmaid. Henry Good was best man.
The storm upset the plans of Miss
Opal Callison, of this city, and Elmer
Moore, whose wedding was to have oc
curred at Pendleton Wednesday of last
Miller Illinois
After an 18-mile hike through the
deep snows of the valley, failures to
make train connections and disappoint
ments to a patiently waiting wedding
party that had assembled in Portland
Thanksgiving evening, Glenn E. Mil
ler, a young orchardist who lives near
Mount Hood, and Miss Harbara Allen
lliggins, pf Parkdale, were married
Friday evening by Rev. W. L Van
Nuys in the North Pacific Evangelistic
All preparations had been made for
the wedding for 4.30 o'clock Thanks
giving afternoon. Miss lliggins an 1
Mr. Miller had been unable to com
municate with their relatives and
friend's in Portland to cause a cancella
tion of the wedding arrngements due
to the fact that the wires were down
and that there were no train connec
tions with Hood Kiver.
"We cannot disappoint our friends"
cautioned Miss lliggins Thanksgiving
morning, when the snow bad piled four
feet deep in the valley. "'B walk
to Hood River and catch a train to
From the family chest the silk wed
ding gown of her grandmother, Mrs.
George W. Allen, and the bri fal veil
of her mother, Mrs. George F. llig
gins, of Boston, were taken by Miss
lliggins. These were wrapped care
fully and placed on a sled, and tin
young couple, accompanied by Lester
Miller, a brother of the groom-to-be,
set out from their homes at 9 o'clock
Thanksgiving morning.
The first few miles of the hike Mrftri
made on the crust of the snow, but the
last end of the journey found the snow
very soft and at times the hikers sank
down waist deep. Mr. Miller and his
brother helped the brave girl along
and they arrived in Hood Kiver at 4.30
o clock, just when the wedding party
was assembling in Portland.
Although tired from her journey
Miss lliggins did not give up. She tel
egraphed her aunt, Mary H. Allen,
who had arranged the wedding, and
asked that the ceremony be ostponed
until 19.80 p. m., so they that might
reach Portland.
The trio then crossed the Columbia
river from Hood River to White Salm
on, where they caught a North Bar.k
train. This train was late. The wot
ding guests were waiting when 10
o'clock came. They moved up the
marriage hour until 1 a. m. ami
waited. The couple arrived in Port
land at ULM a. m., Friday, but con
cluded that the wedding had been post
poned. Thev went to a hotel for the
wedding party
entered for the cere-
llemierson-De Cillis
news of
friends have juat received
the wedding, at Oakland.
Calif., Thanksgiving day, of Robert L.
Henderson, former local boy. and Miss
Carmel Do illis. daughter of Mrs. A.
Mareau, of ( lakland.
The groom, son of John Leland Hen
derson, of Tillamook, and brother of
L. A. Henderson, of Oregon City, was
an athletic star of the Hood River high
school. During the great war he
served with the Marine Corps.
Mt .
but could not U
pointed guests
Mks Marx
honor. R
Miss Allen and the
id searched the city ho
e ftir the young people,
cate them. The disap
rernained at the evan
ute until 2.3o a. ro. and
hand. Key. an rsu
reremonv in the pres
ersons. Miss Florence
ft were bridesmaids,
H. Allen was the mad
Whitney lliggins. a
te bride away and Ijes
sd as best man for his
Catherine Taylor was
In order that
ere experienced I
in finally rcarhiat
might be Iprotperi
quartet sang an irr
he hardships that
y the young couple
: the marriage altar
described, a male
;ro vised song as the
C. H. Vaiighan, president of the
Hood River Health Association, has
appointed Vra. A. G. Lewis county
chairman df the Christmas seal sale
which is to be held during the month
of December. Sub-chairmen of the
different districts have been named as
follows: Hood River, Mrs. J. W.
Ingalls; Pine Grove and Rose Hill,
Mrs. P. B. I-araway; Wyeth, Mrs.
FredVogei; (Well and Central Vale,
Mrs. Geo. Sbeppard : Parkdale and
Valley Cre.-.t, Mrs. R. J. Mclsaac ;
Dee, Mrs. J. H. Crenshaw; Barrett,
Mrs. II. I). Steele; Oak Grove, Mrs.
G. !A. Mc urdy; Frunkton, Mrs. M. J.
Foley ; Cascade Locks, Mrs. Mallorv;
Mt. Hood and Middle Valley, Mrs. J.
B. Doggetl. These seals are issued by
the Anti-Tuberculosis Association of
Oregon and the proceeds are used to
ward fight ing ttte great white plague
and winning the state for good health.
Seals will be on sale at all public
places including the schools, where
pupils are urged to assist in the dis
tribution. Seals are 8old for a penny
apiece and the quota for Hood River
county is $100, one-fourth of which is
to be used by the association for local
work. Please use stamps generously ;
stamp every business and personal let
ter with a -eal and use one or more on
every Ohristmas package, thereby as
sisting in maintainingfor our citizens
Nature greatest blessing, good health.
While the accumulation of ice and
snow covering the vicinity has not per
mitted a definite estimate of the dam
age caused at the Dee plant of the
Oregon Lumber Co. last week when
the trestle of a logging railroad was
torn awav by flood waters of the east
fork of Hood river, the resultant de-
jns shearing off the false work of a
lam and destroying a bridge. J. W.
West, who returned Tuesday from an
investigation, places the damage at a
figure somewhere between .$6,000 and
$10,000. About 10 carloads of logs, or
60 000 feet, were rushed away in the
The mill has closed for the season,
as a result or the storm, and repairs
f the damage will not be undertaken
until the snow and sleet have melted.
Friday and Saturday, December 2
and 3, Sir James Barrie's "Senti
mental Tommy" with Gareth Hughes,
Mabel Taliaferro, and May McAvov.
Also brand new International News di
rect from Liberty theatre, Portland,
and Screen Snap Shots showing 45 of
the biggest atars in the industry at
home ami in private life. No raise in
Sunday, one day only, December 4,
Gareth Hughes in a Pictorial Review
stury, "Garments of Truth," a one
red comedy, "The Straight Crook,"
and a beautiful scenic, "Pigs and
K;ih." Also concert on the Mighty
Voiced Wurlitzer at 3.30 and B.80 p. m.
Monday and Tuesday. December 5
oi l 6. a screen adaption of the best
kVd book. "Black Beauty," the story
y Anna Sewell that has been read
ami enioyed by practieailv everyone.
Enacted by an all star cast headed by
Jean Paige. Also Brownie, the won
der dog and Baby Jean in a comedv.
'Brownie's Little Vends. " An ideal
rogram for young and old. No raiBe
n prices.
Wei lesday and Thursday, December
and 8, Conway Tearle, leading man
or iSnrma laimadge, i lara rvimuan
oung and other female stars in his
lirst own starring vehicle, "After Mid
night. " a regular show full of every
thing that goes to make ideal enter
tainment. Also Sennett comedy,
Astiay From the Steerage.
Friday and Saurday. December !) and
10, a screen version of .Stewart Ed
wsrd White's famous story,"The Kill-
r." Action, suspense and climaxes
galore in one of the biggest dramatic
offering! of the season. Also News
if! Vod-a-vil Movies.
Vera Kolstad and the Kialto Wurlitz-
r daily. In concert every Sunday.
Fri.lav and Saturday. December 2
and 3, "Ixve's Penalty." with all star
ad Paramount Magazine.
Sunday, December 4. David Butler,
the ;-ipular juvenile star, in "Smiling
All (he Way," and International Neus.
Notice of Final Account and Settlement
Net ice is hereby given that the un
ed l-ovilla Buchanan, Executrix
of the estate of William Buchanan,
-eil. has tiled in the County Court
I State of Oregon, for Hood River
1 . ty. her final ac-ount of such Ex
t -utnx and said Court has named and
. Fridav. !ecemher .to. 1H21. at the
boat f 1 o'clock p. m. at the County
room in Ho"d Kiver, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing ohjec
to said account and the settle
ment thereof.
All persons intereted in said estate
sre hereby notified to appear at said
time and place and make objection,
if any they have, to said arcount and
-t tt iement.
Dated November 29. A. D. ti2L
Lovilla Buchanan.
Executria of the Estate of William
Buchanan, Deceased. d22
While Salmon Mai Minmo
Aucust l.auterl a h. a butcher of
y ears.
' nf Mi
Brook, Wah .
of October and di
known be was in
yond that 'pf a
on his books whit
;. He was h
wife is heart brok
ance. Foal pb
eaaid not col
married and hit
rr hie disappear-
Jolly Old Kris Kringle has left us a
Toys For The Children
Magic Lanterns, Moving Pic
ture Machines, Climbing Monkeys,
Stoves, Sets of Dishes, Wooly
Dogs, Trains, Machine Guns, Pop
Guns, Rubber Balls, Brooms.
Circus Wagons, Doll Beds,
Tiddledy Winks, Mail Carts, Fire
Engines, Racing Charriots, Hand
Bags, Shooting Galleries, Ten Pins,
Ping Pong, Tops, Etc.
Many useful and practical Rifts for the older folks. Come in and see them.
. saaa?
r ii.'mji'.a
Hood River, Oregon
A Famqus Story made into a Master Picture.
All the elements that ro into a combination to make life invigorating, enjoyable and
entertaining have been interwoven into this simple story of life in 1870. The rainy day in
which the bridge across the river was swept away and "BLACK BEAUTY" saved his
master's life; the rescue of the horses from the burning stable; the hunt; the race between
horse and locomotive are some of the big spectacular scenes in this film" that cost
It is as sweet and clean a story as ever was filmed. For years the book has been
read and re-read by children and adults and ranks in popularity with the first half dozen
The Film is Greater than the Book.
The one film you cannot afford to miss.
It will be remembered as the masterpiece of 1 92 1 .
also BROWNIE, the Wonder Dog and Baby Jean Perry in
"Brownie's Little Venus"
A swift moving comedy with the cleverest animals in the world.
The Day
NOTICE - We have had numerous requests for
this class of programs from all over the Valley.
Here is one that every member of the family
can see and enjoy. All we ask is your sup
port on programs of this magnitude.
Doors open 2 and 7 P. M.
Uhe Rialto
at &fe Rialto
Dec. 5 and 6
The snowstorm has eliminated the
congestion of apples at the plant of
the Hood River Apple Vinegar Co.
Before the anow fell the fod weather
had nremitted jrrowera to haul in their
culls to such extent that the company
was compelled to limit deliveries.
The point had been reached where only
K roers w ho were stockholder in the
concern were permitted to haul in
In an arrouncement yesterday, how
ever, the vinegar company states that
the storm period has enabled them to
grind all surplus stocks and storage
space is now available tor unlimited
quantities of cull apples at the con
cern's city plant.
lining tbr abaukHgiuutg
Phone 4HI.
O. C. Hughes. Prop.
4th and Oak Streets.
Mrs. Edith Knight Hill, prominent
Portland newspaper woman, will be
honor guest of the Hood Rivr Wom
an's club at a regular meeting at Lib
rary bail nest Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Hill will addrwes the club women
on "Interestint Sidelights of Press
Hill, society editor of the 0
has long been well known be
is expected that her eotniruz
t one of the largest meeting
mans club recently held.
Motorists the firs
k.'n v. - of digging
and t.h am ' h m lowva
hind tractors. Scores of i
however, because of the
slides and drifts, w i.t have
I -auterbach is about SS y
Insist no genuine Ford parts wheat
having voor car rep. red. likon-
in a snow drift on the Highway just
west of the Columbia Gorge hotel.
Tk.. vn r44w-linwl iimmnmnLj H t T i" f 1 1 r
OV R 0V to I'"" them in. Mr. Sullivan took the O.'VM whee, Monday afternoon and beaded
towards town. Two men, one on each
side of the road, armed with shovels,
preceded the staunch little car. Every
time an insurmountable bit of drift
waa encountered they wielded their
shovels and slowly but sorely the ma
chine made its way the two miles to
town. The distance waa negotiated
in 90 minutes.
le week" he
anded cars
ie city be
nt n'fWIes,
inter v Ring
to .emsin
until cress hav
on the Highway
cleared the road.
The most remarkable recovery re
ported so far was made by W. -E. Sul
livan and Sumner P. Cameron, owners
of the t iavle Overland Co.. one of
was stuck
We have
a full stork
honse trucks.
: - . '
sen Co.
of California
Call and see