The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 17, 1921, Image 1

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' mt lis oft jute? ' (Steie
vol. xxxin
No. 2r,
lr .1 i. - r
A Guardian's Duty
Contrary to a too general opinion, banks cannot loan
an unending stream of money.
The bank is really the guardian of the liquid wealth
of any community. The bank must see that this money
is available at the call of its depositors.
If the average business firm "would vatch its collec
tions and credits as closely as the banks have to, financial
disasters would be of infrequent occurrence.
The well-managed bank today is in the nature of an
educational institution, furnishing its experience and ad
vice free of charge to its individual depusitors and indus
trial and agricultural customers.
A great factor in establishing in this nation credit and
financial responsibility is the popular home banking house.
Use ALL of Our Service
"An investment in
good appearance. "
Not too early to think of
the Thanksgiving suit.
$35 to $50
Nationally Knozvn Merchandise.
Wait and Watch
For the Great
Rexall Ic Sale
Next Week
November 23-24-25-26
Come in ami hear the November Victor Records.
M ' W.7U
i 'I
90 M
t i
a Profit in
But You Don't
Get It
Ten years rent won't get you anywhere you just pay
rent, then you pay some more rent. Of course, you have
a place to live between times but the house isn't yours, it
never will be and it's not exactly as you would like to have
it anyway. Sad but true, so there's no use arguing.
A little extra work is required to get a home. But if home
owning didn't require some individual effort the saying,
"There's No Place Like Home," would be all bunk.
Let's get busy and select your new home from our col
lection of over 500 modern designs.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co.
Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade
Exclusive Representative of the National Builder Bureau
Jnm,l.,: 11111)111
Arthur Brisbane, in an editorial recently,
said that the taxable real estate of New York
City was valued at ten thousand million dol
lars. "And," continued Mr. Brisbane, "the
whole of Manhattan Island was sold by the
Indians for stuff worth less than $100.00."
"Foolish Indians? Do not say so. If
they had put out $100 at 6 per cent compound
interest when they made the sale they would
have now more cash than New York is
This sounds like a strong statement but it
comes to us on jjood authority and if you have
any doubt about it, Ret a gross of pencils and
a ream of paper and figure it. out for yourself
BUT BEFORE YOU BEGIN, open a saving
account with us and pet your money started
on this certain road to success.
Member Federal Reserve System
Oriental Cafe will serve a
Special Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, Nov. 24
Plates $1.25
Special Music American Legion Orchestra
Dance from 5:30 to 8:30
Oriental Cafe
Oak Street, between First and Second
Dance Every Wednesday Night 8 to 12
Does a moment's happiness over cheap price
outweigh the lasting satisfaction of a good job?
I am turning out oootl jobs at a fair price
day after day.
Bring in your troubles and let me help you
in any way I can.
Satisfactory Service
is what you need; why not get it at
Shay's SERVICE Shop
Shop 121 Re,. 2T32
Both rifle and shotgun marksmen will have in oppor
tunity to display their skill, and perhaps, as a n- ilt. pro
vide the family table with a national bird, by parti -ipatine
in THE BIG SHOOT to be staged
Sunday, Nov. 20
on their Range on Columbia Lowlands, jut east
of the City, by
The Hood River Gun Club.
Shoot starts at 10 o'clock.
A Free Lunch wiH be given at noon.
Hood River Apple Vinegar Plant Is Now
One of Largest on Pacific Coast
Pomace is Salvaged
No feature of the orchard industry
ot the Hood Kiver valley is more inter
esting than the development of CMC
and vinegar manufacture here and the
expansion of the plant of the Hood
Kiver Apple Vinegar Co.. now one of
the largest concerns in its class west
of the Mississippi river. Indeed, the
Hood Kiver plant is only eclipsed by
vinegar manufactories in the New
York apple district, where the tonnage
ot low grade truit is greater severa
hundred times than that available in
Hood Kiver.
in Km, me local factory, with an
authorized capital stock of $150,000
oegan nusiness here in a one-room
shack and lean-to. Today, its author
ized capital stock increased to $250,000,
its factory covering more than a city
block, the main building rising from
the O.-W. K. & N. tracks to four and
a half stories, the Hood Kiver Applt
Vinegar Co. takes its place in the lead
of ranks of apple by-products concerns.
Lxcept last yeHr, when the business of
fanners and by-products manufacturers
received one of the worst blows in th
msiory or the business, the company
has paid a dividend annually on its
stock and in addition has built up a re
serve for expanding its plant. Thi
buildings and equipment of the local
plant were recently appraised at $1(0,
000. TtM growth of the concern has
been steady. In 1910 capitalization
was increased to 160.000: in 1916 bj
$75,000; in 1919 to $100,000, and this
year the directorate was authorized to
increase the stock to $250,000.
i. j. uaiKins, founder of the vinegar
plant and continously its manager. is
largely instrumental in the success of
the venture. Mr. Calkins has ever
based his business on a quality product.
Time after time Hood Kiver vinoirar
has taken first awards, and the gold
medal was awarded the local product
at the San rrancisco world's fair.
I'lans of the management of the
vinegar concern call for as great, or a
greater expansion of the plant and
scope of business of the company, dur-
ng the next 10 years as have charact
erized the decade closed. The reading
public long since has been told the
story of the great American packing
Industry utilizes all of the pig except
the squeal. The system contemplated
by cider and vinegar manufacturers
will ultimatelv turn to profit every
ast atom of the cull apple brought
fiom the orchards here.
Formerly, presses were so inefficient
that not even all of the cider was
squeezed from the pulp. Today such
is the force of the big hydraulic press
es that the pomace leaves the plan!
remarkably free from moisture. U
until recently this pomace was has
ened to a lowland dump. In the fu
ture properties from trie pulp will M
.xtracted to add profits to the coders
f the concern that will come near
equaling those from the juice itself.
Apple pomace is largely peel and
core, isexl to the skin ot the apple
lies that peculiar propeity, pectin, or
jelly base that every houusewife is
amiliar with. If she has pome ber
iea or other fruit lucking in jellying
qualities she is accustomed to add an
apple or two. The local vinegar plant
has set about to salvage all of the
pectin from the pomace, formerly
year or more. Vinegar is produced in
modern factories on scientific princi
ples. The alcohol of hard cider, con
verted into ascetic acid, is what makes
the vinegar. The conversion takes
place, fast or slow, proportionate to
the surface of the mass of liquid ex
posed to the air. Therefore, in order
to hasten vinegar making factories are
equipped with generators, huge tanks
tilled with beech shavings. The cider
trickles through these, a thin film cov
ering each shaving. In this manner
sweet cider can be turned into hard
and then into vinegar in remarkably
snort time, fhe vinegar is then filtered
and aged in wooden tanks. It is ship
ped out from the Hood Kiver valley in
carlots, the aggregate of which would
make many trains. Forty big genera
tors are constantly at work, making
vinegar for the nation.
In 1908 the HoodjKiver Apple Vine
gar Co.had but one press, with a ca
pacity of 500 gallons per 10-hour dav.
Today the capacity is 20,000 gallons
per day. ft has tank storage capacity
tor (.00,000 gallons and sufficient bins
for 1( carloads of apples. The main
nuiiuing OI today occupies 210 feet
frontage on Kailroad street. Thi
building extends back to the O.-W. K
& N. tracks.
During the past five years the com
pany has purchased 18,935 tons of ap
pies for cider and vinegar purposes,
bales in 1915 aggregated $55,9:52. These
were increased to 1384.449 for 1920.
i ne average annual sales of the past
nve years business has been 1281.000.
TL.. I ' m , . '
i ne ioihi saies oi cider and vinetrar
ior me rive year period have reached
.i,.22,489. the avergage per annum be
ing 094,000,
It is the plan of the concern to work
into a business that will emu ov its
steady and expert help permanent Iv
throughout the year, and for this rea
son bottling and canning departments
have been added. 1 he concern has se-
ured the services of W. A. Kooner.
who had an extensive training in the
laboratories of a big food products
company in the east. A laboratory
nas been equipped at the p ant with
ii latest scientific euuipii.ent. Mr.
Kooper is constantly engaged in re-
i-earch work on cider and vinegar, by
products of cull apples and other food
Affair, to be Held at Pythian Hall, Will
Be One of Most Elaborate
Ever Staged
9 n
s re De
Kl ball
waste. A hutre six-ton cylinder, filled
with steam pipes and so constructed
that it can be revolved, has been in
stalled at the plant. The pomace will
enter this in mo normal state at one
end. At the other it will come forth
as dry as the prepared breakfast oar I
after it has been placed in the oven for
one's breakfast. Later on a process
of steeping, almost exactly as tea is
prepared, is called for. The resultant
infusion is drawn from the pomace
dregs. It will go through a process of
filtering and clarification, and tin n by
means of a vacuum plan it will be
standardized, .leiiy base lias lormorlv
been marketed, but never until th
local factory devised a process, has it
been without a characteristic flavor.
The Hood Kiver jelly base will be odor
less and tasteless. It will be in great
demand for the manufacturers of fine
jellies, who utilize delicately fla
vored berries that often do not carry of
themselves sufficient jellying proiier
ties. The greatest market, however,
will come from the manufacture of jel
ly compound utilized by the hundreds
of barrelsful by baker in their psMtrisj
and confections. This jelly bare, added
to flavored sugar and water, will pro
duce tillers for the bakers.
The vacuum fan, which was origin
ally installed to reduce cider for ship
ment, is an interesting apparatus. Hot
cider in introduced into the great cyl
inder at the rate of l.Ooo gallons an
hour. It cornea forth a syrup. Bv
adding water to this product, which
will keep fresh and sweet indefinitly, a
beverage that cannot lie told from cider
fresh from the presses is produced.
Hut the cider business, partly as a re
suit of the strict prohibition regula
tions and partly as a result of the
financial condition of the country, which
dealers declare, has made heavy inroads
on sales of soft drinks, has decreased
until the demand is negligible. Where
formerly 60 per cent of the cull apples
. M m ....
were presM-o i.r iresn ciaer, but v
little of the fruit now is utilized for
beverage purposes.
The extreme shortage of the apple
crop in the middle west and east, re
suiting from the freezes of last spring,
however, will develop a shortage of
vinegar the coming season, and it is
expected that a heavy demand will be
made from Pacific roast factories.
Expecting this broadening of markets,
the cider plant will utilize its vacuum
fan, not only in the manufacture of
its jtny base dui in reducing sweet ci
der, which will later be returned by
the addition of water to the normal
state and turned in to vinegar. Hut for
the process of reduction, the company I
would be unable to realize on the east
ern demand, as its tankage capacity
Every rural lad knows how the fam
ily each year made a barrel of eider,
dren therefrom as long as it was
sweet and even until it had become
materially fortified with alcohol ; how
the barrel was left in the cellar to
turn gradually into vinegar. The pro
cess was a long one, often requiring a
Contractor Powell, who is now en
gaged In grading the 5-mile Booth Hill
unit of the valley trunk of the Mt.
od Loop Highway in this countv.
has made considerable showing on the
hevy cuts Hnd fills that will charac-
erize this stretch of new road, which
will eliminate the old Kooth Hill
grade, one of the bugaboos of winter
ravel beween the Upper and Lower
Valleys. Mr. Powell's time limit on
the grading work will expire Mav 81
next year. It is expected that be will
add to his crews early next sprint? and
hasten completinn of the gradinur. In
rder that the work of surfacing the
new grkde with giai I oi . ished-rork
my be hastened. Local officials arc
urging that the new road be made
available for apple hauling by nex
Sep tern ber.
The State Highway Commission has
definitely announced that a cohtrac
for grading the valley trunk from
Kooth Hill south to the border of the
Oregon National forest will be let at
the next meeting of the body. Hen
Saturday, J, K. I eon, member of the
commission, stated that the next meet
ng of the Highway Commission wil
oe held in rorlland December 15
'A!. no official announcement luis
been made, county officials here have
oeen given lo understand that the com
mission will also I. t a contract for the
north end of (he valley trunk at the
lieceniber meeting. While thi? latter
unit is the shortest of the three, it
will be the most expensive, as the
grading will be largely through almost
solid rock along the Hood river gorge
-ij feature
ot, how
$i to the
Jits date
j&l social
Omong its
i-ess men
The Hood Kiver Volunteer
pertinent will hold its 17th at
at the Pythian hall Thi
night. The firemen's ball h,
annual Thanksgiving nigr
here for years. The departr
ever, wnieh rurnished 12
service during the great ws
having enlisted in the an
corps and navy, relinquishe
during war days to the Ked
The firemen's ball is an a
event. The department ha,
members renresentntivo In
oi tne city, ihe large atterruance at
the hups is an evidence that the organ
ization is one of the most popular in
the community. The big hall will be
elaborately decorated for the occasion.
The committee in charge of arrange
ments for the ball includes Vernon
Horn, Earl Weber and K. G. McNary.
The American Legion will furnish
music for the dance, which will begin
at 9 o'clock.
The fire department, which has
made material advancement during the
past year, having secured a motor
driven tire engine and a new home in
the city hall, is now rated as one of
the best volunteer organizations in the
The proceeds of the Thanksgiving
dance will go to a benefit fund for
members of the organization who may
fall ill or be injured.
The HHUSer (instruction Co. has
ompleted paving the Columbia Kiver
Highway from The Dalles to their
plant at Kowena. Equipment was
moved Monday to the Marsh gravel
pit. just east of the Mosier orchard
Wat of Mark A. Mayer, and paving
.iterations have been resumed, the
rews working east from the point to
which the Kern Construction Co. re
cently paved.
A stretch of 5J miles is now left be
tween The Dalles and Mosier. The
Hauser Co. plans on working on this
as long as weather will permit, in or
der that the road work mav be com-
eted before the heavy motor traffic
begins next spring.
After a long session the members of
the city council, receiving the counsel
of a budget committee, were unable
last week to devise means of lessening
itv taxes for the coming year. The
members of the advisory board, how
ever, urged that hereafter the city in-
ur no deficits. W ith the beirinninL' of
year the city had a deficit of
KM. This has lecn reduced to an
roximate $1,000 at the present
When the estimated 3.000 delegates
to the National Grange convention con
vened in Portland Friday, thev were
greeted by a comprehensive display of
the fruits and vegetables as raised in
the Hood Kiver valley. At the insti
gation of George A. Palmiter. master
of Pomona Grange, a committee com
posed of Howard L. Shoemaker, John
Duckwall and II. G. Kail was ap
pointed to raise funds for the exhibit.
ercy L. Manser was secured to take
charge of assembling and displaying
the product. Citizens who contributed
to the Grange fund were: Hood Kiver
County, First National Kank, Butler
Hanking Co., Highway Auto Co., Con
solidated Mercantile Co.. Mt. Hood
Meat Co., J. C. Penney Co., Perigo &
Son, Frank A. Cram, Hood Kiver Fruit
Co., Frasier Grocery Co., E. S. Colby,
Kresse Drug Co., Twentieth Century
Orfleerjf Co., Yasui Pros., Fashion
Stables, Blowers Hardware Co., Mt.
Hood Motor Co., Tum-A-Lum Lumber
Co., Vincent & Shank, C. C. Cudde
ford, Apple Growers Association. Cam
eron Motor Co., Moore Electric Co., J.
C. Johnsen, Fred Donnerberg, Hood
Uivor Glacier, Hood Kiver News, B.
B. Powell, Hood Kiver Bakery, Hub
bard Taylor, W. E. Sullivan, N. H.
MarMillan,, L. H. Huggins, J. F. Vol
fitorfF, Holman & Samuel, Hood Kiver
Abstract Co., Hood Kiver Plumbing
Co., C. A. Kichards, Dickson Motor
Co., Emry Lumber Co., H. F. David
son, Hood Kiver Canning Co., High
land Mill, Kelly Bros., Duckwall Bros.,
Paris Fair, Hood Kiver Creamery. C.
C Anderson, II. Gross, The Toggery
C. N. Clarke. A. S. Keir, Apple Blos
som Cafe, Molden, Huelat-Satner Co.,
I. G. Vogt, Pacific Power fe Light Co.,
C N. Kavlin. J. H. Fredricv and
Transfer & Livery Co.
.John Koberg, owner of the Twen
tieth Century Truck Farm will exhibit
a Horn of rienty, showing the ef
fects of intensified farming. The
Highway Autu Co. has aided in assem
bling the displa". giving the Grangers
free space at their garage.
Additional contributions have been
reported from Hood Kiver Market,
Bennett Bros., Hood Kiver Cafe and
Hood Kiver Garage.
The budget
cil makes nc
of 1100 feet o
the Columbia
west edge of
ture means is
of this work,
stretch of roai
another year.
is pro;-'sed by the coun
pro vision for the paving
the city extension of
Kiver Highway at the
town. Unless some fu-
. is likely thet the little
will remain bumpy for
Hood Kiver civic and commercial or
ganizations Monday night allied them
selves for conducting a community
chest campaign here. Simultaneously
funds will be raised for the Ked Cross,
Salvation Army. Y. M. C. A.. Near
East Kelief and local charities. Ieslie
Butler was made permanent chairman
of the organization. J. W. Crftes was
leased temiiorary secretary. A com
mittee, composed of W. H. Boddv. J.
H. Fredriey, and E. (). Blanchar was
appointed to select a permanent exec
utive secretary.
Ihe general executive committee,
each member representing some de
partment of city and valley life, was
named as follows: Mrs. William Mun
roe, Mrs. Kowland Wiley, J. W. Crites,
Harry Connawav. C. O. Huelat, A. W.
Peters. C. H. Vaughan, Dr. L. L.
Murphy and Fordham B. KimbalL
Chairmen of valley district commit
tees will be appointed.
protests were advanced Monday
against the budeet of School
rt No. 3. and the members of the
si board at their eomins: meeting wilL
proceed to outline the expenditure for i
the coming year in detali. The budget
will come within the six per cent Mm
nation and will be about $10,000 lea
than last var, when it was necesaarv
to raie $2n.uiu by social tax for aid
in constructing a new grade school
building. The total school tax of the
city last year was $47,000.
Miss Holmes Guest of B. & P. W. t
Miss Florence Holmes, landscape
gardener for the Portland Park Bu
reau, has been here conferring with
the Business and Professional Women's
club and aiding them in plans for beau
tifying a triangular plot at the west
of the city where Oak street and
avenue city extensions of the
iver Highwav intersect.
b protested against the utilize
the plot for signboards and the
incil gave them the privilege of
it into a park.
Holmes was the guest of honor
st a dinner of the club women at the
Hotel Oregon last Thursday evening.
Snow Falls at Lodge
Accompanying light thrwers on the
lower levels, snow fell yesterday in
the higher altitudes of the Upper Vel
ley. Mt. Hood Iodge renorta about an
inch. Keporta from the camp of con
struction crews on the Mt. Hood Loop
Highway within the Oregon National
Forest ere that five inchee of snow
prevail. The blanket will end work
for the