The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 10, 1921, Image 8

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of Mrs. H.
Sunday Bchool 10 a. m.
ontiiimr service in chare1.
C. Johnbon. Subject, "The Spokane
Deaconess Hosiutal." 11 o'clock murri-
inc seimm by Rev. W. S. Gleini r.
o'clock Euworth Leairue. Subject,
"Bible Examples of Personal Evanel
inm ." Leader. Jack Cameron. Epworth
Leatrue contest points : Hlue, G80,Red,
6'JO. Ewniflg service, 7.45.
Or. Rhoda C. Mirks, of Astoria, was
iniPBt over Sundav and Monday of
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hawthorne.
The Father's and Son's Banquet will
he held nder the auspices of the Ladies
Aid Sodetv Friday, November 18, at
fi '!0 n. m. in the basement of the
church. All fathers are ur?ed to at
taitd and re.-erve nlaces for this event.
An appropriate program is in charge of
James Heteher anO Moni nawmurne
Sunday school board meeting and
election of officers will be held Novem
ber 15 at the church at 8 0 clock
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Kirbv and.1 sons
niul Mrs. Otto Larson expect to leave
Odell this week bound for Middletown,
111., for an ix tended visit. Mr. Kirby
will combine business with pleasure
and sell a carload of apples he ships to
that, point.
Glenn Cunningham in in Portland this
week attending the stock show.
Verna Cunningham spent the week
end la Portland.
The following numbers have been
promised for the Parent-Teacher Asso
elation meeting in the high school aud
itorium Friday evening, beginning at 8
o'clock: Address, Mrs. C. H. Castner;
vocal solo, Call Young; reading, Mrs.
J. F. Ferguson; vocal solo. Spencer
Smith; piano solo, Vienna Annala
A total of boxes of apples In the lo
cal warehouse of the Apple Growers
Association showed above 85,000 boxes
in the house. Up to date about 100
cars had been shipped from this hous
this season. Local warehouses of other
selling agencies are proportionately
rilled and have shipped out correspond
lag numbers of cars.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jakku expect to
go to The Dalles for Armistice day
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Howard and
Miss Miriam ( lark are planning to go
to Portland Friday for the week end.
The Ladies Aid Society will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Job Shep-
pard Wednesday afternoon, November
1G, at ii.H0 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills and son,
Junior, attended the stock show u
Portland Saturday.
Odell High School Notes
Virginia DttttO
Monday, the boys'who were interest
ed In basketball went over to the gram
mar school gymnasium to start practic
ing for the winter games, the first to
be played with Hood River December
16. The girls have the material to put
out an excellent team and Miss Rogers,
the instructor, is trying to ached u
Some games. It has been arranged that
the girls use the gvm Tuesdays and
Thursdays and the boys will practice
Monday, Wednesday and rridy.
Prof. Gibson visited the school Mon
Fred Fggert, Irene Dakin and Gladys
Roberts have resumed their studies in
the junior class.
A special assembly was held Friday
afternoon and Mrs. J. E. rerguson
teacher of the Ferguson Bible 'lass at
the Odell M. E. church, talked to us on
the subject of Bible study, lhis course
is put out by Supt Churchill, and over
half of the students registered for this
helpful course.
The contest, for the student body dues
closed Friday with the junior and senior roll(j
classes ion per ceni. i ne sophomores
and nesnrnen will entertain them at a
party to be given soon. Although tin
freshman class was the last to "gi.
over," they should be complimented on
their spirit, as they had mure pupils to
collect from.
At the weekly assembly lastWednes
day the students held a rollicking
sing. At this time thev decided to
el el a yell leader and put in some of
the time at assemblies practicing yells.
We are all out and bound to win this
Portland a few days. They rnfturned
bringing with them a handsome Mar
mun car.
Barney Cummintrs is in eastern Ore
gon looking atfer his wheat ranches.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison aud daughter
have taken up their residence on the
ranch they lately purchased from Frank
Corwin on Methodist Lane.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs. E.
E. Doane is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Allen were down
from The Dalles a'few hours Thursday.
Mr. Allen has given up his lease of
the Will Davis ranch and they win
make The Dalles their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gulp, Sr., who have
been living on the Norder ranch, have
moved to the ranch of Miss O'Neil.
Van Norder.and wife will make their
home on the ranch.
Miss Virginia Wcntz is'out of school,
having a heavy cold. Several other
pnpils are out from the same cause.
C. R. Kitchel has moved his family
to the Schmidt house.
C. W. Clark has purchased an Over
land touring car. J. M. Clark, a
brother, brought it up from Portland
Friday. He was accompanied by a
friend and they returned to Portland
H. C. Wvatt was a Portland visitor
Tnesday and Wednesday.
George Ertle and family, of Hood
River, aie visiting at the George Barr
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. (ximba were up
from Portland over the week end and
looking alter ranch interests.
C. W. Clark ran a nail in his foot
and has been laid up for a few days.
Mrs. Ida F. Everson entertained the
following Sundav dinner guests : Mrs
S. L. Keezel. Mrs. Nellie Hatlield,
Miss Viola Jordan. A. C. Jordan and
H. C. Wyatt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dimmick enter
tained company Sunday.
Miss Ruth Fee was a Hood River
business visitor Saturday.
There was a basket Lull game at the
Mount Hood hall Saturday evening be
tween the Parkdale high school boys
and the Mount riooo itougn inocks
Phe score was to 40 in favor of the
Mount Hood team. I hose playing from
Parkdale were Beaufort Doggett, Os
car and i larence magnuson, anu i.
and Rudolph Purpose; from Mount
Hood. Albert Hanna, Tony Boettcher,
Paul Aubert, Kenneth Dimmick end
Clarence Ringer. Tony Boettcher was
the star player for Mount Hood.
Miss Ruth Fee is making her home
with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Monroe.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilts and children,
Barbara and Buddie, came from Hood
River Wednesday and took possession
of the II. C. Wvatt residence which
they purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barr are home
from the Lower Valley, where they
have been working in the apples.
Miss Merle Resting and James
Johnston, of Spokane, were married at
Hood River last Wednesday. Thursday
night a crowd from Middle Valley gave
them a charivari and Friday another
crowd from Odell chanvaned them
he Willis family have moved to
Hood River and are working in th
cannery there.
Miss Myrtle Hillstrom and Miss Mil
dred Montnomcry were shopping in
Hood River Saturday.
L. E. Powell has moved his family
down to the Odell camp of the Loop
The Aloha club will meet on next
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Geo.
Axttlle. As this will lie the drat meet
ing after apple season a good attend
ance is desired.
A little son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Vannier at the Storksnest
Thursday, November 'X
Mrs. Fred Tooley and children, of
Rowena are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. I. Mason.
J. G. Jarvis and son, Willard, at
tended the stock show in Portland.
The Ladies Aid Society will serve
dinner at the church December 2.
There Will be a bazaar for which each
member has been requested toaolicit
tive articles.
Mrs. Alice Ham will aing at ihe
morning services next Sunday.
Rev. F. R. jRi-ksn and family have
WVad to their Eaat Side ranch for the
Cuming year.
Man, Mark Thomaa, of British C
lumbiii, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
F. R. Jackson.
Mrs. E. H. Stewart and daughter.
Marian Frances, of Powell Butte, have
visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Q
Davidson, F. E. Jackson, father of
Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Jackson, have
also been at the Davidson home. Mrs.
Stewart left Tuesday night for her
new home at Darlington, Ida.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Lara ay were
at the stock show last week.
nir. ana mis. j. r. llir.istn sre
FortlsnJ this week for the stock sh
Mi Harriett and Clara Then
left last right for Portland to ,
the remainder of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Kike
Portland for the stock show .
Mrs. A. F. Bickford entertained
party of young people at dinner M
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Acree, of Tuck
ers Bridge, called on the Montgomery
family Saturday.
Loyd Bird took a party of contract
ors over the Loop road the last of the
week, through the reserve.
I'here will be no school Friday of
this week.
I'here will be no Christian Endeavor
next Sunday, as we are ail expected to
attend the services at Mt. Hood given
by Mr. Van Waters.
Leo Read visited friends in Parkdale
Mrs. Cooper, of Mosicr, visited Mrs.
and Mrs. I rail last week.
L. Macklin moved into the Warden
house Monday.
are in
Mr. at
son, l.'rtii
Hullowe'en pranka and festivities
lasted three dHys.
There was a dance "in Parker hall
Saturday night. Music by an orches
tra from Hood River.
!Ci ti tens are hoping that the crooked
bridge near the mouth of the east fork
will be either repaired or rebuilt. Its
condemned condition kci ps dozens of
people from visiting the Punch Bowl
A. Ogden Hall, a retired Portland
capitalist, who with his wife has been
in camp for a week here, returned
home Monday.
Charles G. Roberts has;' leased his
Tanglewood farm, and will soon leave
for the outside. Mr. Roberta has
reached the age of HO years.
The following persons enjoyed an at the home ol Mr. ami Mrs.
M. R. I'atherwood in recognition of
Hallowe'en: Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
Caiherwood, Miss Virginia Cather-
wihuI, Mr. anil Mrs. V E. Ntlson, Mr.
sod Mrs. A. Ogden Hall, Mrs. Edith
i i Vteathcrred, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. McCammon, Master v m.
K. M i iiiimDii, John Elder, James T.
Wirfi s. Mart C. Arvidsoii, and Albert
Tutier. The masks, costumes and dec
oration? were in keeping with the
occasion. Mica Virginia Caiherwood
acted the part of a little queen, Mra.
Weatheired dressed aa a ghost. Mr.
and Mrs. Hall aa witches ami Allien
- appeared aa Father Time. Mr.
Caiherwood waa a whole orchestra
unto bimatdf. He operated the Victor,
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Wigren and Will
Lange were guests Saturday and Sun
day of friends near Parkdale.
Mrs. Strode, of Portland, spent last
week with Mrs. H. A. Crane.
Mrs. Jess Allen is taking in the stock
show in Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pregge and
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dunn, of Hood
River, spent Sunday here.
Tom Coyle, of San Francisco, was
the guest Saturday and Sunday of J. b.
Hand rick u,Rl :,mily-
Mrs. W. M. Lane was a Rortland vis
itor Friday.
Mrs. A. O. Adams has gone to Un
derwood, where she is visiting her son
and family.
Wallace Glover, of Portland, has been
here several days looking after some
C." G. Stoltz and wife were Portland
visitors Wednesday.
E. A. Race was a business visitor in
Portland Tuesday.
D. E. Powell, vice president of the
Farmers Bank at Moro, was a visitor
at the home of his friend, E. A. Race
Mrs. lorn Moe is visiting with rei a
tives in Portland this week.
Game Warden Hadley, of The Dalles,
was a business visitor in Mosier last
A. Buckley, general superintendent
of the O. -W. R. & N. Co., was a visitor
in Mosier Saturday. Mr. Buckley was
presented with a box of Mosier apples
by. the Fruit Growers Association and
expressed himself as highly pleased
with the gift.
Mrs. L. E. Howe was a business vis
itor in Portland Saturday.
Ed Hammen, of Chicago, arrived in
Mosier to assist in the packing of the
apple crop for the Association. Mr.
Hammen has visited other parts of the
northwest this fall but says that Ore
gon fruit is of a better quality than the
average Washington crop this season.
Miss Ruth Shafer, who has been
packing apples for the Association, left
Saturday for her home at Lindsay, Cal.
Friends of Stark Akers will regret to
know that he has been seriously ill
with typhoid fever. Mr. Akers is at
tending the University of Oregon and
jg confined to the university infirmary.
His mother, Mrs. William N. Akers,
has been with the young man during
hig severe illness.
George Mathews was a business vis
itor in Hood River Monday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herr,
a baby girl, November 3.
Ralph Gruman, popular Portland
glove artist, spent the week end at
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Minton,
a girl, November 0.
Mrs. William Soesby, sister of Mrs.
E. M. Strauss, is visiting with the
Strauss family. Mrs. Soesby's home
is in Lob Angeles. Henry Danielsen
and family will arrive in Mosier Sat
urday for a short visit with E. M.
SUauss and family.
November 11, Armistice day, will be
unserved as a legal nouuay oy me
stores in Mosier. The post office will
observe holiday hours for distribution
of mail. Members of the American
Legion and other ex-service men will
take part in the joint celebration to be
held in The Dalles Friday.
Friday and Saturday, November 11
and UL a Cosmopolitan production,
Ihe Wild Goose," from the story by
Govemeur Morris. Through storm and
old and danger, even unto death, the
wild goose clings to its mate. So did
this man. But the wife and mother,
ured by a new love, flew away. The
story that follows will till your heart
as only life s ; greatest struggles and
triumphs can do. Also Oregon News
and International News, direct from
Liberty Theatre, Portland.
Sunday, one day only, November IS,
Elaine llammerstein, one of screen-
doms' newest and most fascinating
stars in "The Miracle of New York,
the story of hii unusual compact which
ed to startling results. A thrilling
tale enacted beneath the spires and
minarets of "Bagdad on the Subway."
Also a one reel comedy. Also Vera
Kolstad in concert on The Mighty
Voieed Wurlitzer, playing:
"Poet and Peasant" Overture Suppe
"Oh Promise Me"
Solo from "Robin Hood" DeKoven
" Wyoming" Waltz Lullaby
3:30 and 8:110 p. m.
Sunday, Nov. 13
Mrs. Marsh laenberg arx
Jean, left Tbusrday to visit
scveial days tn Portland.
V'S Goodman Falkener I
topping at
tght r.
ids for
Ste will also visit her new grand
Bishop Paddock waa host to the min
later of The Dalles and Hood River
Monday. Dinner was served to hi
gveta at Mra. Alma Howe'.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones will en
tertain GO of the Hood River high
arnor.l l unils Friday night at the Lotus
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Aiken visited in.
and Mrs. McCammon and Mr.
did well their part aa waiters.
Sunday. October 30. Rev. B. I
per. of Milt M, held services
morning at the school house,
the evening in the hotel.
ing three and feur ( undm. No irriga
tion. The Apple Growers Association
a rehouse m crowded to it full ca
Miss Elizabeth Hendrick was a week
end Vint or in Portland.
A. O. Ada me spent part of lat week
miih his un, but. at L :
Monday and Tuesday, November 14
and 15, we present ane Grey s great
est novel, "The U. P. Trail," in pic
tures. No need of description, you all
know it's his greatest novel and it is
sure some picture. Also the second of
the Sunset-Burrud scenics taken in
GUcior National Park. If you haven't
already seen one of these gems of
tieauty. don't miss this one. There's
also Topics of the Day, and all at us
ual prices.
Wednesday and Thursday, Novemlier
l'i and IT, a Sir Gilbert Parker novel in
picture form, "A Wise Fool," enacted
by an all star cast under the direction
of Geo. Mclfurdanil the author himself.
Taken from the wonder story of Sir
Gilliert Parker. "The Money Master."
Also a Christie comedy, "Nobody's
mirg Friday and Saturday, Pauline
Frederick in "Salvage."
Monday and Tuesday, November 21
and 22, "Mother of Mine."
N. B. Notice the Rialto's programs
; lately. We have ceased to buy "stars,'
we are buying real pictures. A "star"
'don't mean a thing unless they have a
story and a picture. Our programs are
all hand-picked and if you see an at
traction billed here you will know it's
good, no matter if there ii-n't a stsr in
It, as hereafter all we buy is the pic
I ture. The name of some star doesn't
j put it over.
Vera Kolstad Mai The Mighty Voiced
Wurlitzer daily. Concert every Sundav
irdav and
and I
Friday and Saturday. November 11 !
nd 12, Elsie Ferguson in "CounterJ
lit." Also Paramount Magazine. j
J. F. Brumbaugh, professor of psy
chology at O. A. C, delivered a lecture
Sunday night under auspices of the
Sunday Evening club of Riverside
Community church, on "Has Nature
Blundered" Dr. Brumbaugh cited
that man, probably by failing to fol
low the true course of nature and sat
isfying his pleasure rather than neces
sity, has brought about a kind of per
version of natural senses. Dr. Brum
baugh made an appeal for eugenics,
urging that parents rear families of
better children by self control rather
than by birth control.
The recently organized men's chorus
of the church gave a highly appreci
ated program of music at the meeting.
Indicatioi 8 point a day of extreme
?uiet in Hood River Armistice Day.
-egionnaires and their families, who
will be accompanied by many local cit
izens, will motor to The Dalles for
participation in a joint celebration by
the Hood River and The Dalles Legion
Posts. All local places of business
will be closed. The legislature at the
last session specified by statute that
Armistice Day hereafter will be a le
gal holiday, and no proclamation is
necessary by the governor this year.
All schools will be closed tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden, deputies of the
United Artisans, are in the city, start
ing a campaign for the interest of the
local Assembly.
Ihe United Artisans is a home prod
uct, as it was organized in this state 27
years ago. It has a large membership
in Oregon, owns its own office building
on Broadway and Oak streets, in Port
land, has 20.000,000 insurance in force
and has paid to Oregon beneficiaries
$3,000,000. It includes in its member
ship in Hood River many of its leading
Notice of Change of Schedule
Effective Tuesday, November 15,
and during the winter months and un
til further notice the Heights Jitney
will maintain the following schedule:
first car leaving Heights at 'J.20 a.
m. first car leaving down town at
0.35 a. m. 8.20 p. m., 8.35 p. m., 8.50
p. m. and 0 05 p. m. cars omitted ex
cept Saturday. Sunday and holiday
service discontinued until further
Christian Church
Regular services next Sunday. Bible
school at 0.45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a.
m., topic, "The New Testament Church
ind Stewardship. This is the last
sermon in the 'special series. Christian
Endeavor at 0.30 p. m. Preaching at
7.30 p. m., topic, "The Broken Alabas
ter box. lhis church is nlanninir an
evangelistic meeting for January.
J. G. Hanna, Pastor, i
Newest Arrivals
Cretonne Tea Aprons Outing Flannel
T . , , , . . - , . , A special purchase enables us to sell
Latest fad in this sort of dainty gar- hege eavy standard grade
ment neat, attractive and very prac- Outings in plain and fancy colors
tical. at the low price of
98c each i5c Yard
Dainty White Tea Aprons DreSS Goods
Lace trimmed, 49c each Y(m nQw be abJe to fil?d hfr&
r . what you have been wanting in
Bungalow Aprons Serges, Tricotines, Worsteds and
Plain and those new popular check Coating material. Come in
Ginghams, 98c to $1.19 and see them.
New Jersey Smocks Pepsodent Tooth Paste
v i .j j i , Quantity buying enables us to sell
Yarn embroidered, warm, neat and most popular and satisfying den
very becoming. Swell array of colors. trifice for only
$4 QQ 39 Cents
v Plus Stamp Tax
Flannel and Jersey Middies Ladies' Dressing Combs
This lot consists of red and green Hard rubber combs, that stand rough
flannel and Jersey Middies, wear. Coarse and fine
trimmed sailor style, teeth,
Flannel, $4.98 Jersey, $6.90 25c to 89C
miu mmm incorporated
Hood River, Oregon
For your horses get wheat hay at Tum-A-Lum
Lbr. Co. n!7
Films, Cameras, Photo Supplies,
siocom A Donncrherg Co. rti.s-tf
(let the habit of ordering BlenuYiI
j Purity Flour made at home. o27tf
American and Chinese Dishes
Merchants' Lunch, 35c
Cfjop utp
Oriental Cafe
Oak Street, between First and Second
Dance Every Wednesday Night Music by
American Legion Orchestra
When ordering FLOUR
insist on getting
Made at home and guaranteed.
Mill Phone 1751
Store Phone 3881
Mt. Hood Motor Co.
We are here to assist you in pettinp;
the maximum service from GOODYEAR
TIRES. Let's talk it over. We may be
able to help you.
Mt Hood Motor Co.
our car
dot Co.
ie Kord
parte hen
- - '
while in the Car
This week we will sell PURE LARD as
follows: No. 5. 75c: No. 10. $1.50; No. 50,
This is open kettle-rendered hop fat with nothing added.
The best bargain yet
Phone 4141.
O. C. Hughes. Prop.
4th and Oak Streets.