0 HOOD RTVER (J LACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1021 Prinea Albert it sold n toppy red bagt, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co Winaton-Salem. N.C. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 5 i 0 Cascade Avenue SLAB WOOD rAnn lAAAn Cut from lare trees and COAL Everything: in the Building Line lior51 WE ARE ALWAYS "AT YOUR American-Maid FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS ANOTHER REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES 30 x 3 30x3 32 x 3 32 x 4 33x4 $11.50 13.75 16.75 21.75 24.00 WM. WEBER. 121 - 31 and Get the joy that's due you! We print it right here that if you don't know the "feel" and the friendship of a joy'us jimmy pipe GO GET ONE! And get some Prince Albert and bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gong! For, Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness fragrance is in a class of its own ! You never tasted such tobacco! Why figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper when we tell you that Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! Prince Albert is a revelation in a makin's cigarette! My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent! And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped cut. And, say oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe ! Do it right now! Ninge Albert the national jcy smoke PHONE 4121 301 We have some coming and it is real wood. Good large slabs, no edgings. Call us. best wood money can buy. Utah Lump, Egg and Nut Sizes. Let us deliver your Winter supply. ic toe ) GOOD 100 PURE Bread G. L. DAVENPORT Grower and shipper Apple. Pota toes. Onion. Seed Potatoes true variety "The Best that Grown" n i 1 A TRADE All kinds of Produce solicited. 147 Front St. PORT I M. ORK Buy a pipe 1 S-k. some r.A. SERVICE" L- C. RM.nw IN l w s on BALDWIN & SWOPE CONSTRUCTION CO. Plan and Sketch for all Classes of Buildings Ktiraished. Construction Work and Alteration. So Job Too Biff or Too Small. Our Work i Onr kecommendsti .n. BROSIl S Bl II DING HOOD RIYF.R. ORLGON Phone MSI LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM SUCCESSFUL The Hood River high school football team, which will meet The Da 1 11 high school team at that city Armistice day, the event being a feature of the joint celebration to be staged by Hood River and The Dalles posts of the American legion, has been defeated in hut one game this year. Vancouver, Wash., defeated the locals 68 to 6. The Hood River team, however, was crippled, three star men having been laid olf as a disciplinary measure. Friday afternoon the local team de feated (Jreshsam high school on Gibson held by a score of 14 to 0. Friday's game was ragged on the part of both teams. Hood River was not up to standard, making numerous fumbles. When they did stick to the ball, how ever, they displayed better teamwork than the visitors. In the hrst live minutes of play Johnson bucked through the line for a long plunge and a touchdown. Sletton and Clifford Green made the second touchdown for the locals with a forward pass in the last quarter. Other Hood Kiver ffames have re sulted as follows: Franklin high school 12, Hood River 12; Hill Military Academy 7, Hood River 12; Goldendale 7, Hood River 30. Thhiiksgiving day the local teum will play lames John or Lincoln high school of Portland here. Friday, November 18, the local men will journey to Estucada to play the high school there The second team of Hood River was defeated by a score of 28 to 0 by the Stevenson, Wash, high school first team. In cue The Dalles defeats Hood River, the Stevenson school may demand a name with the first team here. APPLE PACKING CHAMP WILL BE DETERMINED The apple packing championship of the United States, perhaps of the world, will be decided at the Pacific North west Fruit exposition, to be held in Seattle, November 21 to 20. It is true that the exposition management can scarcely expect entries for this contest from any great distances; but since Pacific Northwest apple growers pay more attention to fast and careful pack ing than is paid anywhere else on earth t is Bafe to say that the champion packer of this region may claim na tional and international honors. The apple packing contest will be open to all who come and will be con ducted under rules that will permit any experienced packer to particiate. It is scheduled on the fruit exposition pro gram for 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 23, with a first prize of $75 ; second prize of EGO, and third prize of $26. Each contestant is to pack eight boxes. The apples will be in bins. Empty boxes will be placed to suit the convenience of the contest ants before the contest begins. Each contestant is to line the boxes, size, wrap and pack the apples, and remove the boxes from the bench to the rolls. The scoring will be as follows : Speed, 20 points; sizing, 20; bulge, 20; wrap, 20 ; tightness, 20. Should more contestants appear than can be accomodated at one time on the stage of the exposition auditorium, the contests will be continued until every entrant has nan a chance. Any contestant failing to pack the required eight boxes within 40 minutes will be disqualified. Oregon Homecoming Week Hundreds of alumni from all parts of the state are expected in Eugene No vember l'J to attend the annual Univer sity of Oregon Homecoming, of which the Oregon-O. A. C. football classic for the state championship will be th principal feature. Special rates to Eugene have been offered on all rai road lines leading to Eugene for that date, which is expected to prove ao additional inducement to graduates and former students to return to the school they once attended. The program which has been ar ranged for the Oregon Homecoming covers three days. Friday night is the big Homecoming rally, in which two thousand students, and hundreds of mechanical noise - makers take part. The rally is to wind up at the moonster Frosh bonfire to be erected on historic Kincaid field. Saturday morning the alumni will be shown over the campua by student committees, while informal parties will be given by several organizations. At noon, a big campus luncheon is to be given for all alumni, guests and stu dents, which will be followed by the Oregon O-. A. C. game. The annual cross-country meet between Oregon and O.A.C. will finish in front of the grand stand on Hayward field just before the start of the game. In the evening the big Homecoming dance will be held. Hue to the number of vsitors expected tins year, the dance will be divided, the alumni and upper classmen dancing in the new Women's building, while the I'.werclassmen and other guests dance in the Armory downtown. Sunday informal gather ings will be held at all living organiza tions and a special vesera service will be held in the afternoon. Benson Offers llomesites S. Kenaon, owner of the (Vjlumbia Gorge Hotel, in order to stimulate the construction of homes along the Co lumbia River Highuhy in the vicinity of the fine tourist hostelry, has an nounced that he w subdivide a ior- tion of the acreage acquired when he purehased the hotel site. Mr. Benson is offering his scenic property at $350 per acre. It will be required, how ever, that each plot'muat be utilized as the site for a modern home, lo tim- ulate interest in new home building along the gorge, Mr. Benson offer an acre free to the first man who will agree to erect a $10,000 residence thereon. One of the reasons for Mr. Benson's activity in aubdividing hi property for homeite has come, it is said, from the tendency of owners of adjoining property to place alleged exorbitant prices on their land. Lolo Pass Action Declared Premature W. R.Winan.who recently circulated I long Portland business men a petition , urging that the rtland Water Board withdraw its objections to construction , ' of the Lolo Pass road through the Ore jffon National Forest from Lost Lake to ! intersect the Mount Hood Loop High- j way, says that action of the water ! board, in adopting a resolution confirm- ing their original disinclination to sane- ; tu n the road, ta premature. "The Portland Water Board in it ha already been presented." say Mr. winana. "But this is not the case. When we actually present it, and the water hoard has opi- rtunitv to the strength of it, we relieve they will ait up and Uke notice." LONDON AFTER APPLE PHOTOGRAPHS i The popularity of the Hood River Yellow Newtown apple in England has r -Milled in the London GranhM seeking data and photographs for an article on the fruit. U.U. Lrew, secretary of the Commercial club, has received from the Graphic a request, for photographs depicting all phases of apple culture. The publication announces that it plans on carrying a comprehensive story of the Oregon apple industry. Mr. Crew says that he also has vari ous calls for pictures, descriptive of all phases of valley agricultural and horti cultural life. He asks that, any one with good, clear views, bring them in to him at once and thus help to adver tise the district. Change in Tax on Dances An important change has just been made by the Bureau of Internal Rev enue in the regulations concerning the tax on admission to dances. The regulations heretofore have held that where the admission for men was $1 and women were admitted free, $1 was the established price of admission and women who were admitted free were required to pay 10 cents tax the same as men. Where tne admission price for men was 50 cents and for women 25 cents, it was held that the tax on both men and women was 5 cents. By the ruling dated October 22, it is now held that women are not admitted to a dance under the same circum stances as men, and that, therefore, in the case of free admission of women to a dance where a charge is made for admission of men, such free admission shall not be taxable. Where men are charged 50 cents and women 25 cents admission, the tax on men will be 5 cents and on women 3 cents. . SLOW. DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL Ml bring quick rslisf and often ward off deadly diseases. Known aa the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three site. Look for Ike Bam Gold Medal on every box and accept bo imitation Join the American Legion at The Dalles Armistice Day Friday, Nov. lith We will close all day New Crop Walnuts Just In Yours for Service Vincent & Shank "The Home of Quality Groceries ' ' No Need for New Shoes on Thanksgiving. Why go to the expenie of a iif pair when your old shoes can be made as go I a new again by our modern shoe repairing machines. Bring u a pair you'd like to wear if they were presentable. We'll put them into shape so yon can wear them anywhere and the c..t will be far less than a hat even the cheapest new shoe would be THOS. C. SMITH. Prop. Cor. First and Oak Streets I rear of Model Rarher Shop i LENORE GREGORY TKAUIK.i: Of VIOLIN European Training and kxperienre Call Saturdays at Oregon Hotel, or address Mis On-gory, tJH Han x k at., Portland. Oregon. MM Star Brand Shoes ARE BETTER ammaaBaBaBasaBmaBBaBaamwBaamaBai Made Strongest Where the Wear is Greatest! Solid leather, and built for comfort with every needed re inforcement to prolong the shoe's life and usefulness. Easy on the feet hard to beat. No matter what your work, there's a Star Brand Shoe for you. All Leather Shoes J. C. J0HNSEN We have the most complete line of Roasters in Aluminum and Granite in all sizes. Get yours ea'ly and be ready for that Thanksgiving Turkey. Our line of Community Silverware is complete. S3 Get that new set of Dishes for your wife to serve her Thanksgiving Dinner on. Don't disappoint her! OliR PRICES ARE RIGHT KELLYBROS.CO.Jnc. FOR SALE The following tan be bought using Bonus Loan Money: HSSfSfl with tin I M I UK. Upper VHllrj, MM, ft'.a with tiiilldlnr near town, tSJtb 7 cleared aaaf OSsU, BOMlMtaga, tW. at In ilmn-il, . I' Nl ;t,u I I.I I ii;n, -minor clmnl, (Ink (Jrove, H,mu. ull H. orchard limine only, Odell, fT.Oft). IJ nil cleared, iirchnnt, no bill IdliiijH. Odell, f.,tUt. M - IS clotrcd, hiillduig-N, tree water, Udell, fMa, Hi i cleared, 110 I.iiiMImks, I'arkdale, 10 all In hearliiK orchard, buildings, Weal Hide, hVlnmnt. tMillU. 40 : ch ared. III In In arln applen. no bUlldlllKB. I pBat Valley, tH,.MJU. W-'IIHiinMit. (i orchard, buildings, creek, 3 acre;., oieu, th,)sM. 10 with :l cleared in llclinoiit, hiiaae and barn, IUM R. E. SCOTT HEIGHTS JITNEY Fare 15c each way Leave Heights at Hart Held. Leave down tow at Dectric Kitdtt n. Other dri vi- at reasonable prices Office : Electric Kitchen. Phone 1191 Old City Hall Plumbing Shop TOM FISHF.R. Proprietor Plumbing. Heating and Furnace Work HOOD RIVKR. ORK. Phone Ml CZJOIZDl W. S. M. Says: "I pass, when it comes to telling- car owners why batteries don't work. I'm here to show you a battery that does work the Willard Battery. The Threaded Rubber In sulation between its plates lasts as long as the plates. Threaded Rubber Insulation doesn't have to be re newed." Willard Service Man Our Willard Service Man is on the job (o Lake care of your battery and keep it in tip-top shape. Come in! Moore Electric Co. Phone 1782 HOOD RIVER, OREGON GET UNDER COVER Own Your Own dome in Hood River Kvcryone who has been around acknowledges that borne are ! ing offered al lower price in Hood Kiver tlian in any other ;iot town in the North west. $12011 down and very small monthly payment lor a good six rnom house and six lot on Cas eade avenue. Total price much less than worth of the house alone. Six room house and barn on the Height on corner lot for fllMX). 14(10 down and balance on easy payment. Handy buy in nine-room house in very tiest residence part of town. The place is in excellent co ndition ind can be boiiKbt for f'JTOO, half cash. A real bargain. The Von der Ahe residence on Colirtuhia. One of th nicest home in town. Price reasonable. Very comfortable home ou the Heights with half block of ground, (ireat variety of fruit, plenty of garden aee and chicken ran. Priced at about what the land alone should bring. Let me show you some of these. J. W. CRITES, Agent Apple Harvest Building Material Spei jI price on rough lum K i W r w ill furnih anything tice. Where desired we will deliver to any part of the Valley. STANDARD LI MBtR CO. HORN BROS., Propa. Tel. KM