The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 20, 1921, Image 4

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    nOOI) ItlVEIt GLACIgg, TnORPDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921
how you'll take to
a pipe and P. A.!
Before you're a day older
you want to let the idea slip
under your hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe -and some
Prince Albert!
Because, a pipe packed
wifch Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.'s
flavor and fragrance and
coolness and its freedom
from bite and parch (cut
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a reve
lation to the man who never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. has made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; we tell you it's a
Fringe Albert
Prints Albtrt im
told in toppy rod
bagt, tidy red tint,
handtome pound
and hall pound tin
humidor and in t ho
pound cryttal glatt
humidor with
tpongt moiitonor
Copyrisbt 1921
by R. J- Reynold
Tobacco Co.
the national joy smoke
We make our every day performance tell the
kind of service you get at this store. Our constant
aim is to get your order to you promptly and to fur
nish you the kind of goods and values that will bring
you back to this store for more. Our service pleases
a host of patrons who know what good service is.
If you are not buying your groceries of us, begin
now. Let us show what we can do for you.
Consolidated Mercantile Co.
We Want More Selling Apples
Extras, Fancy, Choice, Orchard Run, Faced and
Filled and Cooking Grades, of Jonathans, Spitz,
Ortleys and Delicious.
Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co.
JOHN MihHIDAV President
211 Washington St.. PORTLAND. ORE.
W. J. Baker & Co.
I alerH in
Fruit and Farm
The Hood River Gun Club team of 10
men waH defeated in a joint tourna
ment liy The Dalles club at the latter
city Sunday by only four points, Hood
River breaking 484 birds, percentage
HGH, while The Dalles men broke 438
with a percentage of 87.6. The local
men will shoot against The Dalles on
the Hood River range October 30
The Hood River team will visit The
Dalles again Armistice Day.
The scores .f Hood River men Sun
day were as follows : Foreman 48
Marshall 40, Frank 49, Poland 40,
Durnbolton 43. Vogt 40, I'ooley 4
Davenport 43, Alexander 37 and Bishop
37. The Dalles men scored as follows
Stoneman 48, Manning 40, Ingram 47,
Vogel 48, Schano 38, Fitzgerald 43, Co
berth 45, Dr. Thompson 39, Dawson 43
and E. B. Thompson 41.
Several of the Hood River men, who
recently have been making exceedingly
rood scores on the local range, fell
down at The Dalles, evidently as the
result of confusion caused by strange
surrounding. Following the main event
the high Hood River five shot the high
five of The Dalles. The local team lost
by a single point. William Marshall
broke 24 out of the possible 25 in the
second match.
Immediate reduction of freight rates
on agricultural products for a trial pe
nod of from On to 90 days, pending
runner wage reductions, was one of
the proposals of high railroad officials
at the conference of the Association of
Railway Executives in Chicago last
A general policy of wage and freight
rate reductions was the dominant topic
under discussion. Realization that the
legal steps necessary to lower waues
and transportation charges would delay
any benefit to the public indefinitely
was said to be responsible for a dehn
ite proposal to aid agricultural produc
according co ranroaa omciais, a
temporary reduction of rates on farm
iroducts was thought to be possible
with comparatively little delay. A
tentative reduction of 10 per cent was
suggested. Meanwhile the roads would
take up wage negotiations with their
Thomas W. Lawson Wires Daily
Mrs. Henry McCall, daughter of
Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, noted
for his Wall street forays, and five
children have arrived at Mrs. Alma I
Howe's Cottage Farm, where they will
remain for several weeks. Mr. Mc
i.aii, wnose lamer is prominent in
New England Republican political cir
cles, operates a large stock farm near
Mr. Lawson sends the McCall chil
dren a long telegram daily. He was
apparently was one of the most enthu
siastic fans at the recent world cham
ionship baseball series, and his grand
hildren received reports of the game
irect from him before results were
obtained through press bulletins by
other local folk.
Motor Truck in Mad Dash
The mad dash of A. R. Shank, driver
of a 2-ton truck, owned by the Taft
I ransfer Co., which became unman
ageable on the heavy grade of State
street early Thursday morning, created
i sensation, lhe propelling mechan
ism became disarranged and the brakes
failed to hold. Mr. Shank remained
with the vehicle and attempted to
steer it to a point where he could
check the speed. The truck reached a
speed estimated at 60 miles an hour.
Mr. Shank could not hold the wheel,
and it swerved to the street side.
truck a telephone pole a glancing
ilow and plunged into the Huekabay &
Harger plumbing shop.
Mr. Shank's injuries were limited to
a tew minor scratches.
Lyle Growers'Sell Apples
H. E. Morgan, orchardist of Lyle,
here last week, stated that he and
numbers of his neighbors had sold
their apples for the season to F. E.
Olleman, of Yakimaat the following
prices: Exta fancy $1.80; fancy, $1.55
and C-grade, $1.30. The Yakima buy
ers, Mr. Mrogan stated, will ship about
10 cars from the Lyle district.
"Our sale," says Mr. Morgan, "re
sulted from a press dispatch from
Hood River. The Yakima buyers de
clared that they had not known for
merly that Lyle produced apples on a
commercial basis."
A Satisfying Puff
and a satisfying smile makes
Batten satisfactory all round.
There's a particular reason for
this, in view of the fact that all
our cigars ;ire made of the thirst
grade of tobacco. You will not
hind a bad one- same on the
bottom as on the top.
IL S. QIOMI, Prop.
Fare 15c each way
Leave Heights at Hart HoteL
Leare down town at Electric Kitchen.
Oilier drives at reasonable prices
Office: Electric Kitchen.
Phone 1191
Parkdale Auto Stage
Phone 1201
Leaves Hood River daily at
4.30 p. m.
Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8
a. m. (except Sunday).
Every Saturday Leaves
Parkdale at 6 p. m.
Apple Harvest
Building Material
Sp ijl price-, on rough lum
ber. r will furnish anything
in dimension;, on immediate no
li, i Where desired c will
deliver to any part of the Valley.
Tel. SMI
t ON I K.( I OR
Practical worker in St. hip, Con
crete, lirirk and Plaster.
Kicavatint;. (trading. Etc.
Hooil Kiver. OmajQSJ
fVe will be glad to see
you and your friends at
any time at
Orelud Trailers aid fieaa Sowers
Hood River Garage
Tel. 4444
Highway Auto Company
Tel. 4331 for demonstration
Hood River Box Co.
For Your Boxes
Waucoma Lumber Co.
Ireneral Lumber Business
TetrHtoar No IJU
Legion Appraisers Appointed
The world war veterans' Btate aid
commission last week announced the
mimes of appraisers appointed under
the bonus law. The appointees will
receive $f for each appraisal under the
loan feature of the act. This fee will
he paid by the applicants for loans and
not by the state as announced at the
time the bonus act was enacted.
Following are the names of the
Hood Kiver county appraisers : Harold
llershner, M.i-tin M. Mill and William
Mcintosh, Smith Elected
At an nrgaj zation of the directorate
of the recently formed Middle Fork Ir
rigation district, which supplies the
ranches and orchards of the Upper
Valley, C. K Mcintosh was elected
president. hrnest C Smith was
named secretary.
t'pper Valley Philanthropic
Upper Valley civic organizations,
have begun a.aen.hling apples and po
tatoes to le distributed to Portland
charitable institutions. The fruit and
tubers will I. delivered by growers to
the store of It. J. Mclsaac, whence
they will be shipped. The work of
philanthropy is an annual custom with
Upper Valley growers.
Interesting Pictures Displayed
Fred W. Dm nerbtrg last week made
an interest!. - display of pictures at
his bookstore. The pictures included
some of ti more appealing executed
by Maxrielii 1'arrish. One of them
showed the mystery of Crater Lake,
one of Ore.'"' greatest scenic assets.
Card of Thanks
To all those in Hood Kiver who ren
dered assistance and courtesies during
the illness and after the death of i
Medric M. (ireer we extend our sincere
thanks. Georire H. (Jreer
and Family.
Cold weather over the eastern points
of heaviest distribution will result in
a stiffening of the apple market in the
opinion of C. W. McCullagh.
"Under the influence of all of the
talk of a crop failure of apples in the
eastern commercial points," says Mr.
McCullagh, ''growers are prone to
overlook the enormous production of
poor grade fruit in many districts.
While ultimately this low grade of
fruit is of no commercial consequence,
it must be considered until it is disposed
of. Right now the markets are glutted
with it, and we can expect no great
rally until about holiday time.
' The California markets offer an
outlet for a considerable quantity of
our apples, but there is an enormous
tonnage of fruit grown within an im
mediate radius of the southern metrop
olis that must be consumed before the
public will be attracted by our apples
at prices we must receive. I just had
a letter from a Los Angeles dealer
who told me that at least 1,000,000
boxes of apples are available in dis
tricts surrounding the city."
30,000 BOXES ARE
See the Champions
NOV. 5-12
$75,000 in Premium Beef and Dairy
Breedi Horses, Swine, Sheep and Goats
Immense Poultry and Rabbit Show Wes
tern Dairy Products Show Spectacular
and thrilling Night Horse Shows.
Largest exposition of its kind in America
1U acres under one ruori
.llPl.VJIJ J
Apple shippers here loaded an ap
proximate 30,000 boxes of fruit on the
S. S. Northumberland, which called
en route from Seattle to England via
the Panama Canal, at Portland early
this week. The Apple Growers Asso
ciation led in local shipments with 15,-
000 boxes. Dan Wuille & Co. loaded
12,000 boxes of Hood Kiver apples.
Phey assembled 8,000 boxes from other
districts where they have branches.
The Hood Kiver Fruit Co. shipped
3,000 boxes aboard the steamer.
Local shippers will also make heavy
loadings of apples for England aboard
the Moliere, due to sail from Portland
about October 23.
special prices oa Utah King Ci d
red ) ' at. Phone 2101. Fmr
Lumber and (aei Co. Uf
Coming to
A Successful Specialist for
the Past Fifteen Years
Will be at
Mt. Hood Hotel
When You Spray With Bordeaux
You will need a pair of our
You can also save time and trouble by using our
Freshly Prepared Bordeaux Paste
Phone 2421
Monday, Nov. 7th
Office Hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
No Charge for Examination
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
n medicine and surgery and is licensed
by the state of Oregon,. He visits pro
fessionally the more important towns
and cities and offers to all who call on
this trip consultation and examination
free, except the expense of treatment
when desired.
According to his method of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit many wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bedwetting,
catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sci
atica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments.
If you have been ailing for any
length of time and do not get any bet
ter, do not fail to call, as improper
measures rather than disease are very
often the cause of your long standing
Kemember above date, that examin
ation on this trip will be free and that
his treatment is different.
Address: 886 lioston Block, Minne
apolis, Minn. n3
The BEST All Season Food
Never let your children be without it. It makes for
healthy bodies and happiness.
The Hood River "Oregold" is the best.
We have a. full stock of California
clamp wan-house trucks. Call and see
tlicm or pbOM us for prices. Ideal
Fruit & Nursery Co., phone 5N32. Bltf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n2otf
Could This
Happen to You?
An automobilist injured a man
with bis car.
Tbe injured man demanded a
large cum in damages. The auto
mobilist consi lered his demands
unreasonable and refused to pay.
Tbe next dav tbe claimant tiled
suit against bin) for $2,(NM
attached bis bank account
property until it was rettled.
It cost the automobilist
and onrt costs to remove
attachment !
A $15,(100 Travelers Automobile
Policy would have saved this man"
all that worry and expense!
Phone ISM
Old City Hall
Plumbing Shop
TOM FISHER. Proprietor
Plumbing. Heating and
Furnace Work
rhone lt7.;
Furniture and Hardware
Highest price paid (or second-hand
article! and junk.
H ;ross
"r 1 and Oak.
Tel. 1213
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver.
I'ercival L. Adams, Plaintiff, vs.
W. B. Moore and Jane Doe Moore, his
wife, Defendants.
To W. B. Moore and Jane Doe
Moore, his wife :
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the 24th
day of November, 1921, that being the
last day of the publication of this sum
mons, and answer the complaint filed
herein against you, and if you fail to
so appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand-1
ed in the complaint, to-wit: For a
judgment against the defendant, W. B.
Moore for the sum of $200.00, with
interest thereon at 7 per sent per an
num from the 9th day of November,
191fi, until paid, also for the sum of
$1750.00 with interest thereon at 7
per cent per annum from the 9th day
of November, 1910, until paid ; also for
the sum of $402.04 paid by plaintilf as
taxes on the premises hereinafter de
scribed; aLo for the sum of $I?50.00 as
attorney's fees and the plaintiff's costs
and disbursements herein ; and for a
decree against both of the defendants
herein foreclosing plaintiff s mortgage
executed by Charles W. Edmunds and
Hessie Eathrop hdmunds, husband and
wife, on the 9th day of November.
1908, and assumed by W. B. Moore on
the 20th day of July, 1915, and upon
the following described mortgaged
premises :
bituated in the (.ounty of Hood Kiv
er and State of Oregon, to-wit : Be
ginning at the Northeast corner of the
Northwest quarter of Section 35 in
Township Three North of Kange Ten
Fast of the Willamete Meridian,
thence West along the North line of
said Section 35, 9.04J chains to the
Northeast corner of a 10 acre tract
owned by A. C. Lender, and wife.
thence South along the East line of
said Lender's 10 acres, 9.97J chains to
the Northwest corner of a certain 10
acres owned by Leon M. ltentley, and
wife, thence east along said Bentley's
North line 10.21 chains ; thence North
9.87J chains to the said North line of
Section 36, and thence West along said
North line of Section 35, 1.16J chains to
the place of beginning, containing 10
acres, more or less, all situated in the
William Jenkins Donation Land ClHim
No. 38, and being the same property
which we have this day acquired from
the grantee herein,
which said mortgsge was given to
- secure saiu sums and interest thereon,
attorneys' fees and costs and disburse
j menta of this suit that the whole of
the aforesaid premises in said mort
gage described be sold by the sheriff
of Hood River (ountv. Oregon in the
manner provided by law and the prac
tiee of the above entitled court and
! that the proceeds of such sale be ap
plied to the payment of the amounts
adjudged herein to be due plaintiff on
said mortgage, that said defendants
and each of them, and all persons!
claiming under them subsequent to the'
execution of said mortgage be barred j
and foreclosed of all right, title or
claim in or to said premises, and be
be let onto possession therecf upon tbe
production of the Sheriff's Certificate
or Sale.
This summons is served upon you by
publication hereof in the Hood River
tiiacier, a new spaper of gerx
tion in Hood Kiver Count
which publication is pursua
der duly made in saidcau
day of October, 1921, b the
H. L. Hasbrouck. Judge of
Court, Hood River Count
which requires -id publu
made for six successive wee
Date of first publication.
Let us make some sugges
tions in behalf of the house
wives of Valley homes.
During these days of lei
sure, when compared with
the rush of harvest days
just ahead, plan some do
mestic improvements that
will lift the burden from
your wife, Mr. Orchardist.
Let us install a Fairbanks
Morse engine to put running
water in your house and
How handy would electric
lights be, thus eliminating
the drudgery of cleaning
lamps. We have an electric
system that is just the thing
for you.
Tel. 3173
!ri gi r.
The Pheasant
Fountain and Tea Room
Oregon Hotel
Dining Room
All Under Same Management
Noon Day Lunch
Regular Dinner
5:30 to 8:30 p. m.
Open 6 JO a. m. to 11 p. m.
Ice Creams
ate of
67 Title
last publication, November
Joseph K. Canon, Jr.,
Trust Bkte.. Portland.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Funeral Director
I will furnish funerals complete
for adults for flOO. This in
cludes neat and attractive caskets
and all the courtesies and service
o( a first clam funeral director.
Where desirable the finest and
highest priced obtainable is always
on hand.