nOOJ) RIVER GLACIER, TnCRgDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1021 Get More Profits by Clearing More Land! 4. Measure the Profit of Your Stump Land Cleared! PLAN right now to clear off more land before planting and after harvest, too. Use the "off-seasons" to provide for bigger profits on future crops. One crop usually pays the entire cost of clearing and leaves a profit besides. All following crops are clear profit. The great land -clearing movement that swept the country in 1920 is even stronger in 1921 farmers the country over are clearing more land this year than ever before. The modern way is to use dynamite for blasting out stumps and boulders, for this method is very rapid, reasonable in cost and leaves the land in good condition for cultivation. The majority of farmers use STUMPING POWDERS Du Pont and Repauno Brands (Pacific Northwest Product) rhich have done and are doing highly efficient and economi cal work in the clearing of hundreds of thousands of acres. See our dealer for Du Pont Stumping Powders. Write for free book, "Developing Logged-off Lands." HOOD RIVER SPRAY CO. Hood River, Ore. E. I. I)u Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Portland, Ore. - S-lfi GOOD GROCERY SERVICE. We make our every day performance tell the kind of service you get at this store. Our constant aim is to get your order to you promptly and to fur nish you the kind of goods and values that will bring you back to this store for more. Our service pleases a host of patrons who know what good service is. If you are not buying your groceries of us, begin now. Let us show what we can do for you. 3 on 3 Consolidated Mercantile Co. HOOD RIVER ODELL A Satisfying Puff and a Satisfying smile makes, matters satisfactory all around. There's a particular reason for this, iii iev of the fact that all! our eigari are mad of the finest grade of tobacco. You will not fund a had one same on the1 bottom as on the top. THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN H. s. GEORGE, Prop. HEIGHTS JITNEY Fare 15c each way Leave Heights at Hart Hotel. Leave down town at Electric Kitchen Other drives al reasonable pi u -s Office : Electric Kitchen. Phone 1191 THE FASHION STABLES Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 I-eaves Hood River dailv at 4.30 p. m. Leaes Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. Apple Harvest Building Material v , - prices on rou;h lum ber. We will furnish anything in tlinieriMuns on immediate no life. Where desired we will Mh er to any part of the Valley. STANDARD LIMBER CO. MORN HROS.. Props. Tel. IMl J. D. McLTJCAS CONTRACTOR Practical worker in MOM, Con crete. Ilrick and Planter. Kxcavatini;, lirading. Kir. ll'Htd Kiver, t r'i:i ti We will be plad to see you and your friends at anv tune at THE APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE BUiCKS and CHEVROLET'S OeTtjiacI Tractors and Bean Sprayers Hood River Garage "Tel. 4444 THE OLDSMOBILE LINE Highway Auto Company Tel. 4331 for demonstration Hood River Box Co. For Your lloc Waucoma LumberCo. C.eneral I umber Buinev I l.'ihon- No tit; WASCO FAIR TO INSPECTOR SOUNDS HAVE HOOD DAY I WARNING TO GROWERS Cash premiums of $3.r),000 will be distributed at the Was CO county fair to be held at The DalU'S this week. Indi cations are that the fair will be one of the biggest ever held in the c'tv. The fair grounds opened for the reception of displays Wednesday and no exhibits will be received after that day. Judg ing will be done Friday. Each morning during the fair there will be a parade featuring cowboys and cowgirlB, led by "Ted" Souden meyer. Prizes will be given for the most effective costumes. Seventeen riders and 20 backing horses have been obtained for the rodeo. Friday will be Hood Kiver county and Sherman county ilay. Most of the business houses in The Dalles will be closed during the day to give The Dalles men a chance to entertain the visitors. BOWLING NEWS Hood Kiver bowling fans were treated to two hair raising finishes by the Blue Diamond team Sunday after noon, when the Hood Kiver boys de feated the Portland City league lead ers, the longshoremen, two games to one, in the first oi five scheduled league matches to be rolled on the Hlue Diamond alleys. After the visitors had received a irift of the first game in a horrible contest, 82K to 775. and had started off with a lead in the first half of the next, the locals rame to life with a venireance andpiled up three doubles, two tur keys, and a seven in a row, winding up the game with magnificent 984 score, having rolled 585 in the last half of the game. I he third game was a see-saw affair. not settled till the last frame was rolled, the locals finally winning out by 16 pins, largely owing to Alva bherrell s "roodles. " and Green's tur key at the finish. House got high single game, 22f, and high three games, 07. Nordstrom s and 543 was high for the visitors. The Long shoremen highly praised the local al leys and their treatment from the boys. The highway trip wan new to most of them and the ideal weather gave them a wonderful lirst trip. Next week Monday at 8 o'clock the locals tangle with the Kelly Olympian bunch. Detailed scores for Sunday's games Longshoremen Eagen 179 183 14fi Eckerlein 138 165 171 Nordstrom 102 178 203 Hahn 171 179 101 Hlasich 178 180 154 508 474 543 511 512 828 885 835 2548 Hlue Diamonds Sherrell 132 170 203 505 Annala 108 180 166 514 Green 164 206 146 506 Poe 107 203 138 508 House 154 225 198 577 775 984 851 2610 The new handicap list for October is now posted. The ratings are handled liflerently from last year. Instead of the complicated figuring, dividing bowlers by five points, all men are divided into four classes. A. B. C. and Novice. Women are in three classes. B, and Novice. Moth A classes are scratch. For the men, (. lass 11 gets 12 handicap; Class 25, and Novice, 35 handicap per game, for tfie women, Class It gets 12 points, and Novices, 25 prints hand icap per game. These handicaps apply to the daily prizes, and form a basis for league membership. The prize list went into effect Sat urday, Zack Annnla winning the men's prize with a score of 248, and Mrs. DeWitt winning the women's silver spoon with the tine score of 107, which is, incidentally, the women's single game record to date for the season. To Mrs. F. H. Kingdon and Mrs. George Mellon goes the honor of breaking the first alley records of the season, when they hung up 297 for single game and 827 for three games, women's doubles. The former records, made by Mrs. heWitt and Mrs. Peters in the spring tournament, were 258 and 731. Women's Auxiliary Meeting Women's Auxiliary to the American Legion held its monthly meeting Satur day. Plans for the December bazaar were discussed. The relief committee plans to send Thanksgiving boxes to ex-service men in a Portland hospital. Mrs. Harold llershner, president of the 1 1 nit. goes to Kansas City the last of this month as one of six state dele gates to the national Legion conven tion. Hood Kiver people are invited to spend a pleasant evening at the Auxil iary card party Friday evening at the Lotus Grille. Tables can be reserved foe Hridge. Five Hundred or Whist. The committee i Tonuses good eats and a good time. The following letter has been sent growers by Fruit Inspector Armstrong: You doubtless realize how important the control of anthracnose is getting to be in the production of clean Jorch ards and apples in this valley. The control of this disease will never be obtained until orchard owners will pre vent new infection from getting start ed. To do this the Bordeaux spray must be on the trees before the spores, which are the seeds of the disease, have germinated and grown into the bark of the tree. These spores com mence to fly about as soon as a good rain has wet up the old cankers, and will germinate and grow into the bark of .the tree or through the skin of the apple when the weather continues moist for several days at a time. The August spray of Bordeaux prevents these early infections, but unless a spring spray has been put on, it should be followed by a fall spray of greater strength to withstand the winter rains. If your orchard has received neither of I these early sprays it is very Important that Bordeaux spray be put on just as soon as possible, and 1 wish to urge that you use every means to get it on as fast as the apples come off. Spray machines and material should be ready and every opportunity taken to spray such trees as have been picked. With large orchards a little extra help will be much worth while, it the spraying can be accomplished while the picking is being done. However, this work must not be left to inexperienced men. With the smaller orchards a little ex tra time will insure the same thing. The future welfare of your orchards is very important, as well as that of your immediate crop. Help to get a thorough control of the disease this fall by early after-harvest praying, and by urging and assisting your neighbors to do likewise. Plan to get it on and then get it on. Yellow varieties which received the August spray should be picked as soon as possible to avoid any possibility of red spotting in case of excessive rain. The Experiment Station reports that tne spring applications of Hordeaux and Bordeaux oil look very promising for the control of anthracnose, and if so will help to solve this problem. However, more will be determined as to this before it is time for this spray in the spring. Double Duty Stoves Combination Wood and Coal Heaters A growing demand for this style of stove has led us to put in various sizes. We've been particular to get those that will take regular lengths of wood, chunks, knots, etc. You'll appreciate their many good features when you see them-and prices are reasonable. CZ30EZD E. A. FRANZ CO. SPECIAL SALE ON ECONOMY FRUIT JARS Friday and Saturday Oct. 7th and 8th ONLY Pints, $1.28 Quarts, $1.49 Hal: Gallons, $ 1 .89 Yours for Service Vincent & Shank "The Home of Quality Groceries ' ' PORTLAND- THE DALLES Str. J. N. Teal Lv. for Portland Tues., Thurs., Sat. at 800 P. M. Lv. for The Dalles Tues., Thurs., Sat. at 9:00 A. M. Carrying freight and PASSENGERS. Leaves Taylor St. Dock, Portland Passenger Fare $1.00 & tax- Meals 50c- Berths 75c & $1.00 ANOTHER REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES 30x3 $11.50 30x34 13,75 32x3 16.75 32x4 21.75 33 x 4 24.00 WM. WEBER. G. L. DAVENPORT (irower and shipper Apples, Pota toes, Onions. Seed Potatoes true variety "The Best that's Grown" V Ji I A TRADE MARK All kinds of Produce solicited. M7 Front St. PORTLAND, ORE HELPFUL HINTS Let us make some sugges tions in behalf of the house wives of Valley homes. During these Says of lei sure, when compared with the rush of harvest days just ahead, plan some do mestic improvements that will lift the burden from your wife, Mr. Orchardist. Let us install a Fairbanks Morse engine to put running water in your house and kitchen. How handy would electric lights be, thus eliminating the drudgery of cleaning lamps. We have an electric system that is just the thing for you. SLUTZ BROS. Tel. 3173 Sinnott to Distribute Seeds Congressman Sinnott has notified the Qlaciei that he will make distribution Kl governrneu ISMS allotted to him his year through the naners in hia dis trict its this method has proved so suc cessful for several years in rotting same into tht hands of those who most desired them. There will be teveral thousand nior . eds allotted to each member of congress this year than there were last year. Congressman Sinnott will send a package of seeds to any constituent writing directly to him al V aahington. after they are ready for distribution j gome time after the lirst of the year. Prisoners' Families Stfk Aid The families i f Tamp Oshurn and Henry Morby, who were each recent- i t t cil I !as in jail and hs sessd a fine of 10Q on bootleg charges have appealed to the county court for aid. They declare they Isck support with the heads of tbe families incar cerated. The V rtiy family resided in Skamania county, Washington, until the husband w arrested and sen tenced. They n ,i ed here immediate ly. The local court has no power to re turn them, and the two families will probably become county charges. The men are serving out their time in the Wasco court v jail at The Palles, LAND BARGAINS Twenty acres, nine in orchard, pro ducing 1 200 boxes Ibis vear, line chance for next year. $2800- half cash. Forty acres in Upper Vallev, all cleared ami under irrigation-fci'a). Can propably be handled by eol lier bonus loan. 10! acres, !J orchard, apples and pears, some strawberries, unusu ally modern hOUSU, part free water, An extra good buy at $0000, on easy terms. Ten acre orchard place in Parkdale section, six acres in heavy bearing, two acres rwo year pears and tirst year strawberries, balance in clo ver. Kxeellcnt apple house. A regular place, in absolutely good conditiot. 16000, Fine three acre tract just outside city limits. $1400. J. VV. CRITES Phone l.UI THE HOERLEiN RANCH "Canyon Pines Chalet" For vacation or week end. The scenic spot of lower Hood Kiver Valley. For vacationists desiring t delight ful country place. Knt'Ttain guests here- dinners, luncheon, card parties, dancing i miles via Oak Grove road Tel. r779 for reservations. W. J. Baker k Co. I '! irn in RF:AL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands L M a new from thi Hood A Hill (ijvn Cafeteria lent ley is engaged in making I trance into the Lotus Grille tfainraj leading to tbe Mt. lex. The improvement will y to the appearatH-e of the dining room and will It an readily seen by patrons, es- ner grille will be turned into perstid by Chas. f of the lit. Hcoi Hotel. Highest cash price paid for sonr nsed irniri-. - ., i rnft. Call McClain K. A. Irani Co. slVtf l C. B XI l IN i nr. s on BALDWIN & SU'OPE CONSTRUCTION CO. Plans and Sketches for all Classes o Bnildlngs Furnished. C. iitniction Work and Alterations. No Job Too Big or Small. Our Work is Our Recommendation. RROSIl II DING HOOD RIM R. OR I (.ON Phone ASH Apple Picking Time is Here We have supplies and ma terials of all kinds to sup ply your needs. Full line of Camping Utensils New stock of MECHANICS' AND CARPENTERS TOOLS Household and Kitchen Supplies Electric Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Guns and Ammunition Fishing Tackle of all kinds OIR PRICES ARE RIGHT KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. The Pheasant Fountain and Tea Room and Oregon Hotel Dining Room All Under Same Management Breakfast Noon Day Lunch Regular Dinner 5::$0 to 8::iO p. in. Open 6:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. Ice Creams Beverages Confections HOOD RIVER S FINEST EATING PLACE Funeral Director I will fnrnish funeral complete for adult for firm. This in cludes neat and attractive caskets and all tbe and services of s first clsss funeral director. Where de-irahle the finest ami fciRhest price,! obtainable is always on hand. S. E. BARTMESS