nOOD RIVER GLACIER THHRSDAV. SEPTEMBER 20, 1021 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Dickson Motor Company Announcing Latest Price Reduction Touring car $587.11 Runabout Coupe Sedan Truck Tractor f. 555.87 738.09 805.77 With Starter and demountable rims MOUNTAINS WHITE WITH NEW SNOW Both Mount Hood and Mount AdaniH have emerged from the periods of re cent stormy weather with fresh coata of snow. While a rainfall of two inches wan nrevailintf last week on lower lev ell the new snow hlanket on the high mountains, it ia estimated, reached two feet. In the sunshine, following the showers the mountains, in their new enow garments, are fairly dazz ling. The rainfall haa left roads of the Hood River and those of Skamania and Klickitat counties leading hack to re sorts around the hase of Mount Hood in much better condition. Dust has been laid, and where road crews have been busy with drags, chuckholes are smoothed out. With the hillsides glor ious with the coloring of autumn foli age and the apple trees laden with red and golden apples, the mid-Columbia districts have an appeal for motorists that can only be equalled during the time of blossoms. WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT REPORTED fosse Woman only Weighed Posada Mew Weighs over loo And Is Reining Every Day $572.30 725.35 O. B. Hood River To conform with above reductions of Ford products, we have reduced by 25'" all labor charges in our repair department. LOOP ROAD STEEL RR1DGE GIRDERS HERE A bridge crew will soon begin work erecting three steel spans across the east fork of Hood river on the Mount Hood Loop Highway. The huge steel girders have alreadv arrived at I'urk- dale. The new bridge will span the I scenic steam near the foot of band Canyon, one of the ravines that ex tends back up to the glacier snouts of Mount Hood. "Hefore I beean taking Tanlac I only weighed 76 pounds, 1 now weigh over one hundred and am gaining ev ery day, " said Miss l.aKue Davis, of C hatanooga, Tenn. '1 bought my first. Uittle of lanlac at Gas City, Ind., and it helped me so much that I continued using It. I have always been very delicate and suffered a great deal from stomach trouble and rheumatism, i rarely ever had any apppetite and simply could not relish anything. I fell off until I only weighed 7t pounds and was so thin I looked perfectly awful. This is the condition I was in when I began tak ing Tanlac. "Oh, 1 feel so different now. Even my complexion ia improved. My ap petite is good and I can hardly get enough to eat. Tanlac is simply grand and 1 can truthfully say it is the only medicine that has ever done me any good. Tanlac is sold in Hixid River by Kresse Drug Co.- Adv. the flT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking effect. Wednesday ..October 29th,' 1919. O - Hon ii hound NOHTIIHOUNI) No. i Motor Daily P. M. 4.00 4.03 4.12 4.2(i 4.20 4.S5 4.40 4.4.H 4.47 4.50 4.57 5.02 5.12 5.17 . M. No. 3 Motor Dally A. M. 10.45 10.48 10.57 11.10 11.18 ills 1 1 . 2a 11. 26 ll 30 11.33 11.88 11.4.1 11.88 12. (X) M. No. I Dells KieepU N'lKl v A. M. 8.00 8.05 8.15 8.25 8.30 8.40 8.45 8.50 0.(H) 9. on 0.80 11.25 8.88 10. 00 A. M. Stations Li . Hood River . Power dale Switchback .Van Horn ... Mohr. . ... Odell. . . . Summit . . . Bloaohar . . .Holitein . . . WinaiiH . . . . . Dee Trout Creek Ar. Parkdale No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 No. 8 Dully t Dully u ... M i Bxoepl Except r Maturely Munilay Sunday Dally Only t, M. A. M. Pi M. P. M. 3.00 0.25 2.15 6.45 2.57 0.22 2.11 6.41 2.50 0.15 2.04 6.34 2.40 0.02 1.52 6.22 2.85 8.58 1.48 6.18 2.30 8.53 1.43 6.13 2.25 8.46 1.36 6.06 2 20 8.42 1.32 6.02 2.10 8.37 1.27 5.57 2.05 8.34 1.24 5.51 8.00 8.30 1.20 5.50 11.15 8.25 1.15 5.45 11.05 8.15 1.06 5.85 11.00 8.10 1.00 6.30 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. "Steam. tMotor. OwiaR to limited space on Motor Cars all trunks and heavy baggage will be handled on the Hteamtrains, either in advance of or following the passengers. When you think of a Drug Store think of CHAS. N. CLARKE "Your Druggist" Phone your orders . IPl AaV 4saiw..' -aw. Tunnel Work Progresses Crews, aggregating 60 men, are now engaged in cleaning up the debris of rock scaled from the O.-W. H. & N. tunnel, a bore of 600 feet, by a fire on Saturday, September 10. 1 he tunnel was lined with huge, pitch-laden tim hers, and the intense heat produced cracked off vast masses of the rock. A steam shovel crew is aiding in the clean-up work. While no definite announcement has been made, it is expected by the local office that the tunnel will be refaced with concrete instead of timbers. With a detour track built around the rocky promontory, a part of it resting on trestlework over the Columbia river, train servce is impeded but slightly by the repair work. Apples Move hy Motor Truck The Hood River apple crop has be gun to move to Portland over the Co lumbia Kiver Highway by motor truck. Daily big trucks, fullv loaded with boxes are seen moving down over the Highway. Keen competition is being manifested by operators of truck lines. loruanu, iree lance motor tiua con cerns are here soliciting apple tonnage ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT of Eastman Cameras and Supplies have arrived and we can now show you all the new designs. Eastman Cameras and Films Can be had from us in all styles goods are all new (just in) and stock, is fresh. We carry the latest devices in SELF-TIMER (take a picture of yourself), PORTRAIT ATTACHMENT, SKY FILTERS, COLOR FILTERS, and NEW STYLE TRIPODS. Let us do your DEVELOPING you "Sandy Service with a Smile." AND PRINTING. We give Yours to Serve KEIR Reliable Druggist Notice of Sheriffs Sale E. New Association at Underwood J. Cummins, orchardist of the Underwood district, who was here last week, reported that a new shippini; association, known as the Underwood Crowers' Association, had been organ ized there. A new warehouse has been erected on the line of the S. F. & S. Co. Other members of the new asso iation are: J. W. Shipley, Ray Moore, H. A. Hussey, H. C. Lowden, Alfred lledrick, Avery Steinmetz and Andre AuBplund. Parkdale Landmark Demolished Crews have demolished an old Upper valley lanrimark, a blacksmith shop formerly operated by Chet Clark at 'arkdale. The old building standing at the roadside had become an evesore. If yon have any kind of auto electri- al trouble, S. D. Cameron can find where it is and fix it for you or it will ost you nothing if be fails at Cascade darage. j 2 1 1 1 The Meal Parfatlrs As a purgative, Chabmerlain's Tab lets are the exact thing required. Strong enough for the most robust. mild enough for children. Thev cause an agreeable movement of the bowels without any of (hat terrible griping. 1 hey are easy anil pleasant to take ind agreeable in effect. No. :2(i Notice of f inal Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver. In the Matter of the Estate of Eve (". Schall, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Kve C. Schall, deceased, has filed with the county court of Hood Kiver County, Oregon, her first and final ac In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Kiver County. Margaret G. Mooney, Plaintiff, vs. Hood Kiver Base Hall Club, a Corpora tion, Defendant. Pursuant to an execution and order of sale dated the 20th day of Septem ber, 1921, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, in a suit wherein the above named plaintiff. Margaret G. Mooney, recovered judgment against the above named defendant. Hood Kiv er Uase Kail Club, a Cornoratinn. for the sum of $600, with interest thereon since the drd dav of Januarv. 1020. at the rate of eight per cent per annum, the further sum of Seventy-five Dol lars attorney's fees, and $10 costs of suit, which judgment was dated the )th Hay ot September. 1021. and en rolled and docketed in the above en titled court on the 20th day of Septem ber, 1921, and wherein and whereby 1 was ordered to sell at public auction the real property in said execution and order of sale described, and hereinafter particularly set forth, to satisfv said judgment, with costs and attorney's fees ; I will on Saturday, the 22nd dav of October, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said dav. at the front door of the Courthouse in the Citv of Hood Kiver, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand to satisfy said judgment, all the right, title and interest which the defendant Hood Kiver Base Ball Club, a Corpora tion, had in and to said real nrottertv on the 21th day of December, 1914, or has since acquired. Said real property is particularly de scribed as follows : Part of Lot 2. in Section SR. Town ship 8 North. Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, more particular ly described as follows : Commencing at the quarter section corner of Sec tions 35 and 30. Township 3 North Range 10 hast of the Willamette Mer idian, where is what is known as o0i- lal monument No. 16; thence South Hong the center line of the Countv Road 250 feet, to the intersection of the center line of the Tucker Countv Road with Belmont Countv Road'- thence North 87 degrees 57 minutes west up the center of the Belmont County Road 377 1-10 feet; thence South parallel to the section line be tween Sections S5 and 96, said town ship and range, 376 53-100 feet to a take; thence South 87 degrees 57 minutes east 377 1-10 feet; thence North along said section line 370 63-100 feet to the place of beginning, con taining three acres of land, more or less, and being in Hood Kiver Countv. Staft- of ( IresMsjb Said sale will be made subiect tn C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery ICZIOEZ3I TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor Office, Smith Block, Room 2. Tel. 3044 IlooD RIVER, ORE. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER. OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY BUBGEON ll prepared to do any work In the veterln. ary line Phone 1262 Twenty per cent on all wall paper; adds and ends. 80c and up per room; house paint, $2 90 per gallon and up; contracts small and large. H. S. Braakman Smith Bik, cor. Ph one 2104 ;ount and final report and asks for a confirmation by the Court. S. E. BAH1 MESS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, 3821 , HOOD RIVER, OREGON Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDKRSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Mnal settlement of said estate and said court, by an order dated and entered on the 12th day of September, ltd, lias appointed and fixed Saturday, the l;th day of October. 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the court room in the court house In the city of Hood Kiver, Hood River County, Oregon, as the time and place of the hearing of any and all ob it cl ions to said firBt and tinal account and first and final report, and all per sons having any objections thereto are hereby notified to file the same with the clerk of said court on or before said date. That this notice is pub liabad in accordance with the order of said court for four consecutive weeks, U'Kinning with the issue of Seoember 1."., ML Rose M. I Vitz, Administratrix. John Raker, Attorney for Estate. sl5ol3 Notice of final Settlement In the Countv Court of the Slate of Oregon, for lliod River County. In the Matter of the Kstate of Dee Tomlinson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account a. administratrix of the above entitled estate, and that the Court haa fixed Friday, the SOU day of SeptemU r. I'.'Jl. at the countv court room in the City of Hood River, Oregon, at the hour of 19 o'clock a. ni. as the time and place for hearing and settling the same, and passing on any objections to the Same. Dated and first published this 1st day of September, 11121. l.illa Tomlinson, sl2S Administratrix. this 22d dav of September, Dated l'.t'Jl. Thos. F. Johnson, Sheriff f Hood River County. Ore gon. s22o20 Notice ot Sheriff's Sale Ry virtue of an Execution in Fore- osur .It, I y issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Hcod River County, Oregon, dated on the 22nd day of Aug ust, 1921, in a certain suit In said Cir cuit Court wherein T. D. Tweedy. Ad ministrator of the Estate of James M. Chitty, Deceaaed. was plaintiff, and Elisha L. Welsh, et al. were defend ants, d wherein on the lhth day of ugust. 192L said plaintiff as adminis- r recovafad judgment against de fendants Klisha L. Welsh and Ada L Welsh for the sum of One Thousand Dollars with interest thereon at the rati of iter cent tr annum from the fith .ia of August, 1H20. until paid ami for tha aum of I10Q.00, attorney's ft i . 1 for the further sum of Ml costs and disbursements taxed in said I .it ; and judgment and decree against defendants. Elisha L Welsh, Ada I.. V olsh, E. C. Eaughlin, Jane W. Laughlfe E. E. Vallier, Elizabeth Vallier. K. U. Gate and W. F. Har- trami f. of that Complai uintn e thr i Notice for Publication. IVpnrinient of the Interior. I saignee. for the foreclosure i rtain mortgage set out in the int in aaid auit and the sale as lit ion of the real property described. Notice is hereby I I will on Saturday, the 24th ptemU-r. I'.'Jl, at the East 1"or of the Court house in the Hood River, Hood River Coun . gatJj at ld.uo o'clock in the of aaid. day. sell at public ' to the highest bidder for cash, wing deacribed real estate ao : -"Id aa aforesaid, to-wit: Lots and Thirteen (IS) of Shep- ubdiviaion of Hlork One (1), t View Addition to the City of ver, Oregon, or ao much there may benercssary to satisfy said - t. interest and costs due there favor f said plaintiff and said defendant, together with ia and expenses which have or H can be fonnil tiv oatlllna hi tir pr"nlnsr to thf hah Ion stahiPH. L. L. MURPHY, D. D. M General Dentistry Rooms 11-15 Broalui Blig. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic and Electric Treatments. Rooms 23, 24 und2" Heilbronner l!llg. Phono 1833. Hood River, Ore. R. C. GLANVILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Hank Building Hood River. Oregon H. L. DUMBLE, PHYHICI AN AND HURGEON. rails promptly n8wer?d In Uiwn or country Day or Night. Telephone: Residence, KM: Office, M1, Office In the Briwln.8 Bnlldtn? B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and sneet Metal Work ,H0 Cascade Avenue HOOD RIVER, OREGON 8. A. DOCKSTADER PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING flayer pianos a specialty Ltava orders at Slncum'e Book Store DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON PHYSICIANS and BURORON8 Kooms L, 1!, 20 Hrosius Ruildinw i i.i - n . . . "i nes. i-nones: nr. Aitraiiain Dr. Sifton 3613. Office 4151. DR E. O. DUTRO PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office: Hall Btdff., phone loTl Hours, I to 5 p. m. Resilience: Odell. Phone, Odell Hours: 9 to 11 a. m. E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Pin nes . office mi Kes. 1M1 Office in Elio Building DaU J th: Tht t. 1121. H. D. W Telephone PINEO. D.D.S. DENTIST T BtrtUMM HOOD RIVER Kiver I our 415 OAK STRl I I PHONE n4 DR. W. F. JONES ("hiropraclic and Electrotherapy huckabay & barger tiooii m Motor Car Co. Plumbing and Tin Work Repairing Storage Gas and Oil nrSLHB FURNACES la phone 1M1 1 .I.N KRAI. SKK ICR BTA I ION I homIi anJ Suit Struts n I ai MtNrlT t itM PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. lways at Your Nervier Tt : 4321 Kiret M Rk. Bldg If if. 1 n! R: treet ood River, Oregon r bona Ml mt-Ut L. SCOBEE, D.D.S. KMBOl I1TLDING ffice Houra: 8 a. m. to i p. ni. For Sale Apple Tree wood, 16-in. $8.00 per cord delivered in Hood River. Leave orders now for your Apple Hauling. We have a 2-ton Denby Truck ready to take orders from any one on East Side. Our warehouse is fully equipped to handle up to 6,000 or 8,000 additional boxes of Apples for some grower in Van Horn vicinity. See us and solve your packing problem. A. F. BICKFORD & SONS Phone 4688 WE WANT Gravensteins, Wealthys, Wolf Rivers and all early fall apples. Extra Fancy and Fancy, also Faced and Filled packs. Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co. Successort to SHKRIDAN-HKCKLEY CO. JOHN SHERIDAN, President 211 Washington St. Portland, Ore. FRENCH & GIBBON, General Plumbing and Heating: RUDY PIPELESS FURNACE Phone 3924. WORK GUARANTEED 908 12th Street, HOOD RIVER, ORE. ARE YOU PREPARED for the cominjr cold months? If you have ever experienced the incon v e n i e n ce of beintf caught without a sufficient sup ply of coal to keep your home well heated, we do not have to remind you of ordering early. We can make deliveries today of the highest grades of coal. Taft Transfer Co. Furnaces Repaired Agent for Vacuum Pipeless Furnaces ALL MAKES Ask for Don. Phone 5676 or 1871 The Foundation of this business is a host of satisfied customers. Itisour aim to supply better coal than the ordinary without any extra charge. That we succeed is proven by the many satisfied customers who obtain their coal here right along. We believe you "would join them if you once grave our coal a trial. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Tcleph one 4111 all -oil H. nULHK wool in , iMtiatu t Ma 3161 Retidencr Tel. 3412