C33 O- -Or nCXWRIYER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1021 111! l!ll!IBaf!lll!iilfflTfii!iii!raniniiii!' mi J 1 k N WHEl&H . I I I I I Mm ' Camels are made for Men who Think lor Themselves Such folks know real quality and DEMAND it. ( They prefer Camels because Camels give them the smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy because they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended and because Camels leave NO CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. Like every man who does his own thinking," you warn nne tooacco in your cigarettes. You'll find it in Camels. And, mind you, no flashy package just for show. No extra wrappers! No costly frills! These things don't improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. But QUALITY! Listen? That's CAMELS ! TURKISH IDUUESUc Wf W BLEND VA W f IQAHKTTr s Sr'S amel R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co, Wmitun-Sulvm, N. C. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co, 5 1 0 Cascade Avenue PHONE 4121 hoc SLAB WOOD CORD WOOD COAL We have some coming: and it is real wood. Good large slabs, no edgings. Call us. Cut from large trees and best wood money can buy. Utah Lump, Egg and Nut Sizes. Let us deliver your Winter supply. CZZ3Q1ZZZ51 Everything in the Building: Line I mi . WE ARE ALWAYS "AT YOUR SERVICE" GOOD 100 PURE American-Maid Bread FRESH DAILY AT YOl'R GROCERS J. R. W ATKINS CO. Reprewn'ed by GEO. WILDE. 1312 13th Street. Hood River, Ore. Telephone 1023 Have you ever thought of the work the Telephone eliminates during apple harvest ? Oregon -Washin gton Telephone Co. The Stldebaker Line Cameron Motor Co. ' Tel. 2431 RECORD NUMBER AT APPLE PACK SCHOOL The response to a call of the Apple Growers Association for apple packers has been answered by members of families of growers, and the organiza tion's annual packing school, in session last week and which will continue as long- this week as the new registration of students will justify, was attended last week by 110 men, women, boys and girls, a record number of students. "We have never had anore success ful packing school." said W. J. A Maker, memher 01 tne Association in spector's stalF, who has had charge of the school, last Friday. "Last year we issued permits to only 00 packers, ihe number this year win probably go beyond 140. It is interesting to watch the students learning the intricacies of packing apples. Some learn after very short time and soon are awarded their 'diplomas', in our case a permit and an oflicial packer's number. Kach packer who remains to work for the Association is issued a rubber stamp, carying this official number. An mi pression oi tne stamp is placed on every box of apples prepared for market." The packing school this year, too, has been attended by many out of town orchardists, some of them from as far away as Koseburg and Gold Hill. Newberg, Gresham and Clack amas have been represented. Growers have attended from White Salmon, Underwood, Kelso and Lyle, Wash. One Indian matron, member of a local colony, was an assiduous student and won the coveted permit. Students are first taught to place cull fruit, unwrapped, in the boxes. iater they advance to tne use 01 var ious sized sheets of wrapping paper In the way of an examination each student is required to pack a erfect box of fruit, ready for lidding and nailing, a standard package ready for shipment. A total of 749 boxes, almost a car load, of apples were utilized by stu dents in their practice work. The ap pies, culls and windfalls, as soon as the school is over, will be hauled to the cider null. Toward the week end, with the floor covered with discarded wrappers, the big warehouse room re sembled the editorial rooms of a met ropolitan newspaper about the time for the last edition to go to press. The Association's inspection staff each afternoon delivered lectures on methods of grading and packing. These lectures were attended by many growers. Present indications point to a plenti ful supply of labor. Indeed, harvest help is already flocking here by the scores. Ihe Association last rrniay opened a free employment agency. with Mrs. J. W. Ingalls in charge. She had registered over 7f applicants for harvest help before night, and many who visited her office did not register. A telegram was received from an employment agency offering to place 1,000 pickers, recruits from hop fields, herejat once. While apple picking will be under wav here on a considerable scale the coming week, no outside help will be needed, it is said, before the last week in the month. TAPP'S BERRY HAR VEST WILL NET $305 John Tanp, over 60 years old, has al ready picked and sold $2.r).r worth of huckleberries from the prolific patches around Green Point. Mr. Tanp. who for 26 years has participated in the Hood Kiver strawberrv harvest and who is known as "Merry I'icker Tapp, because of his speed in the ber ry fields, has broken all of his previous records in the huckleberry harvest this fall. "I have never seen the huckleberries finer than this vear, " says Mr. Tapp. 1 am not through picking yet. I ex pect to continue my harvest of the fine fruit for 10 days more, for the bushes n certain places are still loaded. 1 expect to add another $i0 to my profits from this season s harvest. Mr. Tapp is an out-of-doors man. He declares that nothing delights him more than to watch the birds and am mals as he picks huckleberries in thi wilds. While he has tilled his buckets on one side of a berry clump, he says, big bear has approached on the op posite side and greedily gorged himself on the luscious fruit. "I have never laughed out loud at an d bear." says Mr. Tapp. "for that might offend him or frighten him away, hut 1 have smiled and laughed inwardly to see him act the glutton, the red juice dripping from his champ- ng jaws. Mr. Tapp, despite his age is wiry as a youthful athlete. He declares that a man needs no medicine when he fol lows the huckleberry trails in the au tumn atmosphere. What Women Cm Do with can of paint and "a little work that's fun," . rtftT . w 'E want to be of aid to women who wish to keep the home always spick and span, so we maintain a "paint and var nish service" that makes it easy work and fun to do many little painting jobs yourself. We make a special line of paints, varnishes, etc., for "home work" after 72 years' experi ence with paints and painting practice. They are paints that spread easily, dry perfectly and give the best lasting results. Master painters and interior decorators use them for the scienticlic paints and varnishes are the easiest to apply. They cost no more, and sometimes less than others. What pleasure to have home things always looking bright and new ! What fun ! to view your own work neatly done! Sur prise yourself. See what you can do with "just a can of paint or varnish" in your home. Use Fuller's products. Fol low Fuller's simple specifiennons for the work you want to do, and you'll make transformations that will be a real delight. Remember don't let surfaces rot it costs less to paint them. fete Fuller's V SPECIFICATION "Home Service'Vaiitts Varnishes - Enamels MTd by W. P. Fuller & Co. WHERE TO BUY : Impor tant that you f,c the rilit ma terial so be sure to go to the right store for Fuller products. Cut out t lie coujion to the right as a memo to direct you. Renicn'.hcr don't allow sur faces to rot. It costs less to pamt than. Write us now a postcard for booklet of Fuller's Specifi cation "Home Service" Paint Products which tells just what to buy for the work you have in mind. Send full description of and pet our free advice on any kind of painting job you want to do. For all exterior jobs of paintln? it is advisable to obtain the services of a Master I'aiuter Decoret Varnish Stains Stain and Varni h w.th one applica tion. Decoret refimslns with color and loss the worn and scarred surfaces of fur niture, floors and in terior woodwork. The eclor of any nat ural wood can be matched. Made in 8 colors. The Decoret Line It composed of White Enamel. Ivory Enamel, Stove Enamel, Screen Enamel and Bronze finishes. For Furniture DECORET is. "Ful ler's Specification" for n finishing in color any wood surface. It stains and varnishes in one application, furniture, floors, chairs, wiikerware, etc. Also for radi. it irs, lamps, chan leliers, pic ture Irames, iron bedsteads, etc. Also makers of Rubber-C' ment Floor Paint, All-pcrpose Varnishes. Silken white Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Var nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Porch and Step Pamt. W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. 15, S n Francisco Pioneer Paint Manufacturers for Yean Established 1849 Branches in 16 cities in the West Dealers Everywhere SAVE THIS Cut this out and put it in your pocket book or handbag as a cemo) Fuller's "Home Service" Paints are sold by the following in your city: EMRY LBR. & FUEL CO. Hood River, Ore. R. J. McISAAC & CO. Hood River,, Ore. A i. mi iwmy-n, jprftT- arr J nw-.-aara WOMEN URGED TO BE MORE THOUGHTFTL FOOT BALL PROS PECTS LOOK GOOD Coach Fleigchman, of the high achool, states that new material avail able gives promise of a winning foot ball team this season. Thirty-five men have turned out f'r practice. While most of them are inexperienced. Mr. Fleischman, who developed one of the crack teams of eastern Oregon last year, says he has never witnessed a more spirited bunch of men. "We lost eight letter men last spring, when the cla.s of 1521 gradu ated," says Coach h leischman. "and that is a pretty heavy blow. Five let ter men, however, remain, and John Carson, a former Staf athlete, has re turned. In Clifford y.nd Glenn Green, i'aul Sletton, Jimmy Johnson and Francis Slavens we have a nucleus for a fine team. I was a little afraid we would not have sufiVient weight, but from indications Um team of this year will be but little lighter than that of last season. We m expecting to play our first game Saturday, September 24, with some Portland high school team." Just What hi Want Cherry trees proof against gumosis can be obtained lrom J. B. Lister at $5o the 100. The Rainier applt has been tried out for nine years topping the market everv year and r by government expert test to be the beat apple known. Get Rainier apple treea from J. B. Lister at $65 per 100. Thoughtlessness of women, rather than any intentional annoyances, cause them to make trouble for clerks and others who serve the public. At least such was the opinion expressed on Wednesday night of last week by members of the Hood River Business and Professional Women's Club at their monthly dinner at the Hotel Ore gon. Husiness and professional women expressed the belief that their fellow women, by persevering in thoughtful ness, might be able to lift from them selves much of the stitrma that has attached to women in general as na trons of public places. lalka were delivered by the follow ng: Miss May Davidson, Mrs. Geo. H. McMullin, Mrs. C. G. Cornelius, Mrs. 0. H. Lynn. Miss Clara Hans. Mrs. Rowland Wiley. Mrs. Harriet Blashfield, Mrs. Bert Kent. Miss Lvtlia Johnson and Dr. Carolyn Underbill. All speakers represented different pro fessions. Miss Opal Callison was hostess. At the next session of the club, to be held October 12, when the monthly dinner will be given at the Mt. Hood Hotel, Miss Marvin, stHte librarian, of Salem, will address the club. CUP POSSESSION TO BE DECIDED SUNDAY Saturday Specials Our Very Best Bacon, per lb. 40c " Lard, 6 lb. 95c " Lard, 10 lb. $1.90 " Compound, 5 lb. 65c 10 lb. $1.25 Pot Roast Beef : ; 15c Boiling Beef : : 10c Special prices quoted on Beef by the quarter. The Hood River Market A F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 ; At a practice shoot Sunday by the Hood River Gun Club, R. V. Foreman led with a score of 4K out of a possible BO pigeons. Other scores were : Karl Franz. Wayne Poland, A. F. Ilaven- port,"45; S. J. Frank, 4.1; E. R. Pool- ey, iZ, and V. Ifishop, 3'J. It is expected that the semi-monthly merchants' tournament of next Sun day, when R. V. Foreman anil W. L. Marshall, now tied for the average high scrore for the season, will contest for a silver cup to be awarded the sea son s high man. A Pronounced Success The uniform succes-i that has attend ed the use of Chamberlain s ( olic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure of bowel complaints, both fur children and adults, has brought it into almost universal use, so that it is practically without a rival anil us ev eryone who has used it knows, it is without an equal. PORTLAND- THE DALLES Str. J. N. Teal Lv. for Portland Tues., Thurs., Sat. at 8:00 P . M. Lv. for The Dalles Tues., Thurs., Sat. at 9:00 A. M. Carrying freight and PASSENGERS. Leaves Taylor St. Dock, Portland Passenger Fare $1.00 & tax- Meals 50c- Berths 75c & $1.00 Notice of School Election to Increase Tax More Than Six Per Cent Over That of Previous Year Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 5 of Hood River County, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at the grade school building on the loth day of October, 1921, at I o'clock in the evening to vote on the question of ncreasing the amount of the tax levy n said District for the year 1922 by more than six per cent over the amount of such levy for the year im mediately preceding. It is necessary to raise this addition al amount by special levy fur the fol low ing reasons : To cover items in budget, including warrant indebtedness and interest. Dated this 12th day of September, 1921. H. S. Galligan, Chairman of Directors. Attest: John C. Dm k wall, s22 District Clerk. Twenty per cent on all wall paper; odds and ends, 80c and up per room; house paint, $2.90 per gallon and up; contracts small and large. H. S. Braakman Smith Blk, cor. 3rd and Oak Phone 2404 Tobarro Plant drown Here Th. d River (')gar Co., has been experimenting with tobarro plants grown from seed im;orted from Cuba. The plants have l-een transplanted from the open ground to pots and are being matured ir d t igar w ill be made from the leaf. One of the plants was displayed in the window at C. N. Clarke's Glacier : Pharmacy. j VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they Rive that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL GROCERIES For people who think for themselves, are the groceries of quality. You will want the best at the right prices. Come in and we will see that you are satisfied. EL -EL HAESSEK "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" Malboeuf-Kimball Co. will have their Offices in the IfLIOT BUILDING Over Franz Store. Phone 1071 y i Th world's standard remedy for thesa disorders, will often ward off theae dia sssm and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three sizes, all druggist the ssm Gold BUsWl o every be S. E. BARTME.5S FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER LiccDsed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381. 3821 ItUUU RIVIlH.. OREGON