The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 15, 1921, Image 7

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You'll enjoy the
sport of rolling
'em with P. A.!
Prince Albert fa sold
. in toppy red bags,
tidy red tins, hand'
some pound and halt
pound tin humidors
and tn the pound
crystal glass humi
dor with sponge
moistener top.
FIRST thing you do next
go get some makin's
papers and some Prince
Albert tobacco and puff away
on a home made cigarette
that will hit on all your
smoke cylinders!
No use sitting-by and say
ing maybe you'll cash this
hunch tomorrow. Do it while
the going's good, for man-o-man,
you can't figure out
whatyou'repassingby! Such
flavor, such coolness, such
more-ish-ness well, the only
way to get the words em
phatic enough is to go to it
and know yourself !
And, besides Prince
Albert's delightful flavor,
there's its freedom from bite
and parch which is cut out by
our exclusive patented proc
ess! Certainly you smoke
P. A. from sun up till you
slip between the sheets with
out a comeback.
Prince Albert is the tobac
co that revolutionized pipe
smoking. If you never could
smoke a pipe forget it!
if you use Prince Albert
for packing! It's a smoke
revelation in a jimmy pipe
or a cigarette!
Copyright 1021
by K. J. Keynolda
Tob.icco Co.
V. I,
N. C.
the nationA joy smoke
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co,
5 1 0 Cascade Avenue
PHONE 4121
c IOC )
CI AD 1a A Afk We have some coming: and
jLAD WUUU it is real wood. Good large
slabs, no edgings. Call us.
PADn unnn Cut from ,arge trees and
lAf KU WUUU best wood money can buy.
Utah Lump, Egg and Nut
Sizes. Let us deliver your
Winter supply.
Everything in the Building Line
Miss Kathryn Allison, daughter of
the president of the Allison Lumber
Co., of Bellamy, Alu., incidents of
whose unusual wedding to Allen Grub
Thursday were carried in press dis
patches, is a niece of Judge Derby.
The bride, her mother and fiance were
here during the month of July on a
The minister, Rev. Henry M. Ed
monds, of Birmingham, was en route
by airplane to officiate at the wedding
when the machine was wrecked by
crashing into a tree. Frank Willis
Barnett, of the staff of a Birmingham
newspaper, who is an ordained minis
ter, substituted. A blast from a siren
at the lumber ulant notilir-d quests of
the arrival of the wedding pHrty at a
frame church erected specially for the
occasion. The table on which the
wedding dinner was spread was so
long that those at one end could not
hear the speakers at the other. The
guests were entertained by dancing
and a moving picture show.
Murray Woman Here Again
Mrs. A. Murray, midd'e a'ed woman,
who recently came here claiming to be
the mother of Luther Pa gin, paroled
convict who was recently killed
after he bad kidnapped Mrs. T. J.
Miller and daughter and was holding a
posse at bay, appeared again in the
Oak Grove district last week where
she frightened families bj her weird
stories. The woman, it is believed,
sleeps in the brush in the Oak Grove
district, near where the recent tragedy
occurred. The sheriff's office was no
tified, and citizens of the district have
asked that the woman be apprehended
and committed to an asylum, as the
belief is expressed that she is insane.
Mrs. Murray was taken into custody
by officers Friday night, following ac
tions in the down town district denot
ing mental aberration. Following an
investigation by County Judge llas
brouck and Sheriff Johnson, Mrs. Mur
ray was permitted to proceed Saturday
to Spokane. She K)S8essod a ticket to
the point. Constable OUncer accom
panied her over the state line and
Washington authorities were notified
to keep her under survelliance. Satur
day's examination, it is said, showed
that the woman was harmless. Appar
ently she is obsessed by the idea that
Pagan was a close relative. Letters
from the dead man s close relatives in
Oklahoma disprove her stories. Sev
eral weeks ago Mrs. Murray firstJap-
peared here claiming to be the mother
of Pagan.
I l I
Cash Grocery Starts This Week
Two new stores will open in Hood
Kiver this month. This week the 18th
Oregon grocery store of the Twentieth
Century Grocery Co. will be opened in
the Bell building in the quarter! for
merly occupied by the Vincent &
Shank grocery. The store will be
managed by A. I). Cannon, who with
his wife arrived here lust week. Geo.
M, Alexander, a member of the com
pany, accompanied jwr. tannon nere
and is aiding him in getting the new
business under way. Mr. Cannon says
that the new place of business will be
strictly cash and carry. He will make
a specialty of staple foods, he says,
but will not attempt to deal extensive
ly in fancy articles.
The other place of business, a gent's
furnishing store, will be opened by
Harry Ortemel, of Portland, in the
Bartmess building in the quarters for
merly occupied by Miss A. Kay.
James Fcnemore Gets Medals
James Fenemore, veteran of Mons,
Ypres, the Somme and other notable
battles of the great war, having served
with the Canadian forces, last week
received two medals. The decorations
were accompanied by a note from King
George, expressing appreciation of his
majesty for the valiant service ren
dered the empire. Mr. Fenemore had
formerly received two war medals.
Mr. Fenemore, who came here at the
close of the war for a visit with his
aunts, Mrs. A. C. Lofts, and Mrs. A.
S. Keir, and who has remained to en
gage in business, is now associated
with the Dickson Motor Co.
Old Man's Trunk Offered
Unable to locate any surviving rela
tives, county authorities are offering
for sale a suitcase and trunk left by
Pdwatd NeDon, aged man, who met
tragic death near Dee four years ago.
The case of the old man still remains
a mystery. His body, which apparent
ly had lain for several weeks near his
camp in the Dee district, was discov
ered by fishermen. It was never
determined whether he had been mur
dered or had died from injuries sus
tained in a fall on the rocky bluff,
where the body was discovered.
Clothing of the old man was distri
buted to county charity. patients.
Underwood Harvest Is Near
A new packing house being made
ready for this season's harvest of ap
ples in the Urderwood district will
handle about 4i,""i boxes, according
to Andre Ausplur,(
district, who was
ing market data
supplies. Apples
by J. W. Shipley,
M. Cummins, G.
Hedrick and Mr.
handled through tl
Mr. Ausplund st
wood harvest WO
tember 20.
.Jr., grower of the
here last week seek
nd laying in harvest
From orchards owned
A. EL Steinmetz, K.
A. Lowden, H. A.
Ausplund will be
e new concern.
Hted that the Under
i i begin about Sep-
ringineer Seek Visits City
Rubber Stamps for Apple Boxes
at the GLACIER
i i
1 V
Have ou ever thought of the
work the Telephone eliminates
during apple harvest
Telephone Co.
The Studebaker Line
Cameron Motor Co
Tel. 2431
C. C. Seeley,
ed resident engir
Highway Departri
pervise constructs
of the Mount H
Saturday from Pa
established headui
now has two assist
Joplin & Flo
awarded the con I
Hill unit of the rn
about five miles, I
Thursday, accordn
ho has been appoint
or for the State
eat and who will su-
N if the vallev trunk
K.d Loop, wa's here
rkdale, where he has
carters. Mr. Seeley
ants in his staff.
m, wbo have been
.ract tor the Booth
ad, a grading job of
. ill begin their crews
lg to Mr. Seeley.
If it isn't you'd better get it in right away
because the contest closes September 24th.
On that date two local judges and a repre
sentative of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company will examine all entries and make
the awards.
The three tires scoring the nighest number of
points will receive the following prizes:
One 30x3 Goodyear
AWT Fabric Casing.
One Goodyear Heavy
Tourist Tube
One Goodyear Regular
Remember, this contest is for 30 x 3 Good
year All-Weather Tread and Single Cure Non
Skid Fabric Casings.
Some of the mileage records already received
will surprise you.
Better stop in today and get an entry blank,
or fill out the coupon below and we'll mail
you one.
Goodyear Tires, Tubes and Accessories
Please mail me an entry blank for the Tire Contest.
P. F. Clark reports that the demand
for early apples, Gravensteins and
KinR varieties, iB in excess of supply.
Crops of these varieties from the val
ley, he says, while he is not at liberty
at present to rive out prices, will re
turn growers handsome profits. If ap
ples of the late varieties brin propor.
tionate prices the season, it is said,
will be one of the best the valley has
ever experienced. The Association up
to Saturday had shipped live carloads
of (Iravensteins and Kings.
Mr. Clark, too, reports that the pear
market is rallying. Bartletts, which
are rolling from here, have been sold
at good figures. The movement of
Bartletts, a total of 522 cars handled by
the Association, will be well over this
week. d'Anjous will be rolling soon.
The Association will have nearly 75
cars of the latter variety.
While inquiries on the valley's later
varieties of apples, raised in large
commercial quantities are being re
ceived in irreater number, Mr. Clark
reports that no material sales have yet
been made.
Thieves Active in Upper Valley
Russell Q, Bond, Upper Valley or
ehardist, returning late from getting
his milk at a neighbor's, encountered a
man standing near his chicken house.
Thinking it was his hired man, he
spoke. The greeting frightened the
visitor who ran. Soon Mr. Bond saw
a party of men board an automobile,
parked a short distance down the road.
The machine moved ofr at high speed.
An investigation the next day proved
that designs had been made on Mr.
Bond's poultry and bee hives. The
thieves, when apprehended hud lifted
the "supers" from two hives.
Studebaker Films, Appeal
The motion picture show presented
at the Liberty Saturday afternoon by
the Cameron Motor Co., which depict
ed graphically the big $20,(Kio,(M))
plant, where the popular automobile is
manufactured, appealed strongly to
scores of local motor owners. The
pictures showed the process of making
a Studebaker. First were shown raw
materials, a great number of which
are assembled from all parts of the
country. The pictures finally showed
the finished pioducts, the Studebakers
of different models as the man on the
street knows them.
Airplane Here Sunday
I'ilot Graham, here Sunday with an
Oriole airplane, did not do the rushing
business characterizing the visit of
other aviators, who operated a plane
in passenger service the Sunday be
fore. The Oriole carritd but few passengers.
. a f rl OUf VfrHVl IB I
-a. . ..m r m W wT i " r ua i
J! if .I
uvj.-iiltw''!- SV ' . .
r v
f'-VlsfS1 f Mm
iam Jl
,i,,yiurit'tH is rtyui'n nrlr ,.)y, tifni' tfjrnp if vArrrJttHffftuey
if hj fcAtif itfrftf tt rrtjtfttfit i iniwtrrrrf'sy Arsttyf' rt't cHtrrtyirrirm
For people who think for themselves, are the
groceries of quality. You will want the best at
the right prices. Come in and we will see that
you are satisfied.
Bids are hereby
transportation of
the residence of
schoolbonse door :
covering the peril
The Board reserv
any or all bids,
All bids to be si
Green, Clerk, boh
Dee, Oregon. Bid
for 20 days from df
tion, September -,
815 H. W. V
If von have any 1
cal trouble, S. Ub
where it is and fix l
coat you nothing if
requested for the
MKM children frm
Mien Macrum to the
I ee, and return,
d of trie school year.
' the right to reject
One vehicle will be
r.t by mail to K. H.
col District No. 14,
will be received
:e of first publica-
hitely Chairman.
nd of auto electri
("ameron can lind
for yos or it w ,11
f (ails at Cascade
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric arid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
University of Oregon
The College of Literature, The Graduate School.
Science and the Arts.
The School of Architecture
and Allied Arts.
The School of Business
The School of Education.
1 lie Extension Division.
The School of Journalism.
The School of Law.
The School of Medicine.
The School of Music.
The School of Physical
The School of Sociology.
Fall Term Opens September 26
l high standard of cultural and profcsatonal acholarahip kaa brcome
ne of the outatandma maraa it th State Unhreraity. For ratalofue.
foidrra on th varioua hoola. or for any information, write
Tha world's standard remedy for theta
disorders, will often ward off these dia
cases and strengthen the body against
her attacks. Three sizes, all drufegista.
Ion for tke name Cold Medal oa aary baut
a-d accept no iraitation
MalboeufKimbalI Co.
will have their Offices in the
Over Franz Store.
Hood River Box Co.
For Your Boxes
Waucoma Lumber Co.
General Lumber Business
I etc phone No. 1212
Licensed with Uregon s First class ol tmaaimers. wone sda, mi i
1 Garage.