HOOD taVER ULACIEB, THUKSDAT, SEPTEMBER 15 1n2l ftuoi Shirr (Slarirr CENTRAL OREGON COMMERCIAL CLUB LUNCHEON THURSDAY HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN ENTHUSES MOTORISTS .kimip 0. MOE. Publisher. Subscription, S2.00 Par War. AD KRTISINC; RATES. Display ad vertlHltiK, per Inch, SB OHM first time and 21) cent for anine adv. aaln. Local reading DOtlOSS, Hi cents per line flrHt Insertion, I cents per line same reader attain. Cliiaiilfled Ads. -IS eeula lor one Insertion, 5 lines or less; 10 cents for eaeli additional Inser. Hon ol same ad. THE DAWN The dawn of better days broke here last Saturday. It came like Kipling's thunder"Out of China Cross the Kay." Kut the Orient for us was the Fort land bond house, Illyth, Witter & Co., who stirred our calm a little by offer ing the big premium of $1,5(50 for our $150,000. road bonds. The Loop road program, as far as Hood River county is concerned, is working out far better than the most hopeful of us who promoted the big bond'issue last June had anticipated. It appears that we are the victims of exceedingly fortunate circumstances. After all we are going to have some money left for other county road work. Old Mother Nature is busy with her paint brush. No human artist can conceive or execute the colorings that, she can trace overnight on vast land scapes. The copses of the Upper Val ley p.re now a vivid wonderland. The orchards are no less appealing. These early frots, while they spoil our late gardens, are going to result in the most highly colored apples we have ever had. If you want a motor trip that you will not long forget just jour ney to the Upper Valley next Sunday. No local party has ever returned from a central Oregon motor trip ex pressing a greater enthusiasm than .1. C. Johnsen, William Maniaon, and E. J. Copper, who are just back from a jaunt through the scenic points of the hinterland. ' Every man that has 10 days of lei sure and can get the transportation should visit the wooded region of many lakes back of Bend," says Mr. John sen. "I have never seen anything like it. It is wonderful. "We motored first to the ranch of J. Ii. Anderson son in law of Mr. Copper, who lives half way between ilend and Redmond. Mr. Anderson is an adept hsherman, and he escorted us to some of the best streams and lakes of the district. Mr. Anderson has a reputa tion as a lly CMStei that has reached beyond the bounds of central Oregon. We watched him work. The way he whipped his fly long distances across the stream was something fascinating and he certainly interested the trout for he soon had a basketful of huge ones. "We traveled up by Lost and Devil' Lakes to Elk Lake over a new road mat. lessens me uisiance gu miles or more. The scenery of this road magnificent. One on this route looks over on a gorgeside and gets a view of Devil s Den. It is a "monster hole in the ground, a debris of rocks tumbled around the entrance. A man can look there at that hole and 1 do not believe he would be surprised to see the gentleman of horns and hoofs emerge ana starj at him. WITH FETE PLANS Saturday will be pioneers' day. Let every one in town do honor to the members of those families who hewed the first trail into the bonniest valley in the world. We greet you pioneers and honor and admire you for your early hardships in wresting your homes from a virgin forest. We join you in memorial tribute to those of your fellow men and women who have gone on. We rejoice with you in the enjoyment of the bountiful fruits of your early endeavors. Judge Wilson last week, in sentenc ing to jail a young father who had acted in utter contempt of court in failing to observe a court decision in supporting infant children, sounded a solemn warning to the young men and young women, of insincere matrimo nial intentions. He will make it hard for them. It should be made hard for them. It should not be necessary to apply the law to make a man care for his young children. W. R. Winans, who for several weeks has been promoting a potlatch festival, scheduled for Lost Lake next Saturday, returned Tuesday from Port land, where he declared he had inter viewed Mayor Haker and had found that official an enthusiastic booster for the proposed festival in celebration of the completion of the Lost Lake High way. While Mayor Haker, who has bee called east on a labor conference, will be unable to attend, Mr. Winans says he has delegated Acting Mayor Bige low to represent him. The current number of the I'acili Hotel News, an issue devoted to tribute to Simon Benson and Henri 'Ihiele and the exploitation of the Co lumbia (iorge Hotel, carries an an nouncement of the Saturday picnic, The Commercial Club will hold a banquet at the Iotps Crille next Thursday evening, when residents of the Upper Valley section will be guests of honor. President Fredricy and C. A. Bell offered to pay tijp expense of entertaining the visitors. Other mem bers, however, declare that thev will divide this expense and each member will entertain Upper Valley guests. A program is being prepared. The luncheon will be served at 50 cents per plate. It is expected that one of the largest crowds ever present will be out. Wives and sweethearts of mem bers will be invited to participate. The club has initiated a unique plan for collection of its membership dues. In order to facilitate collections and save officers and members from detail work, statements of dues from the ac counts of those members who agree to the procedure will be nassed through the banks like checks. It is expected that moat of the members will support me new movement. The club plans the immediate reissue of a profusely illuustrated booklet, the originul edition of which, printed two years ago to the number of 10,000 cop ies, has been entirely exhausted. A committee has been appointed to work out details of financing the booklet. The club's booklets have been distrib uted in every state of the union and hundreds have been sent to foreign countries. MERCHANTS WILL KEEP OPEN HOUSE WHITE SALMON MAN HURT IN WRECK Help Fercy Manser get together a creditable collection of Hood River county products for the state fair. Hood River has always won when she showed a real determination. Latt'l do it again. Help the kiddies in their preparation for their school fair, which will be an event of Saturday, September 24. The adult fair is off, but the kiddies can put up a big Bhow of their own. I he apple grower who is not busy preparing for the harvest may be like- ened to the grasshoppers. In a few weeks Hood River will be as busy a place aa one may find any where, any time. Come on down next Thursday, all of you folk of the Uper Valley. The town will be yours. NEW APPLE OF GREAT MERIT United States Department of Agri culture, Bulletin No. 6H7, savs : "The keeping qualities of the Rainier apples are unsurpassed by any other variety of the Pacific Northwest that has yet come to the attention of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Its ability to retain its firmness, bright ness and quality with almost no decay or skin blemish places it above even the Arkansas Black, Winesap and Yellow Newtown." The Encyclopedia of Practical Horti culture says: "The Rainier apple tree ia a vigorous grower, inclined to be spreading, hence capable of bearing a heavy crop. Its fruit much resembles the Delicious, but a much better cold storage apple. Fruit picked during October 1912 was placed on a table at a banquet of the International R. It erator Congress, Chicago, in Se; t. in ber 1413 in perfect condition." The Government Pomologista eay, "It is the one apple that doea not show some defect from cold storage. Scald is unknown; decay practically ao ; eat ing quality seems to improve rather than deteriorate. ' The Yakima Horticultural Union UO1.0 ' I I . I'uijim me enure nine years we have handled the Rainier apple we have obtained a higher nrtce for them than for any other apple. " Much more such testimony WaM le given for the Kainier. Hood Kiver growers want the beat and deserve the (est prices. This is the second year the trees have been offered from the nursery. The (.rice is just a tnilc above the common varieties. Come in aome day at 214J Cascade Ave.. I 'a d aon Bldg., and let us talk it over. J B. Liater. Ministers Form Bottling Team Announcement of no athletic event here has ever created greater inter, -t than that of a bowling match ached uled for last night between Rev. W H. Boddy and Dr. E. I House, form ing one team, and C H. Vaug'han and Al J. Graff forming another The i-l 1 , , tM j ri . . wmuHnaj nowiing aneva were well crowded with spectators. Dr. Houae ia here spending the aummei vacation on hia East Side ranch. Dr. Warner, White Salmon physician sustained broken ribs, a crushed lung ana painful cuts and bruises about the bead anil body Sunday when his auto rnolule went over a steep grade on the Canyon road leading from Whit .Salmon to the Burdoin Mountain dis met. Ln route lo spend the day with friends and motoring alone, he hm made an early start. White Salmon men, en route to the hills on a hunting expedition, lound the wreck a short tune after the accident. Unable talk, Dr. Warner attracted their atten lion py waving an arm. I he cause of the accident bad not been determined according to (.. I. Dewey, who hurried the physician to the Cottage hospital nere. I he physician showed a great im provement yesterday. Officer Koutcd by Yellow Jackets Acting City Marshal Sloat was put to rout Tuesday when he attempted to destroy a large vellow jacket s nest under a wooden sidewalk on Sixth street. Armed with a flaming torch and a swatting paddle, Mr. Sloat was making gotal headway when the horn ets grew irate and began to buzz so furiously that he backed off. Progres sing a short distance, Mr Sloat stop ped and "froze hoping the nests would leave him alone. The ruse fail to work, and with yellow jackets making a Roman holiday on Various parts of bis anatomy, the officer fled He returned later and with belter pro tection against the winged warriors completed the work of destroying the nest. Mr. Sloat is BOW displaying badlv swollen hands and puffs resulting from oody stings. ("all to Heirs of Service Men The American Legion has just re ceived from the State Bonus t'ommis sion a letter asking that all local Im mediate relatives of Oregon service men who were killed or died in the service, write immediately to the V. i eran's State Aid Bureau, at Bales, for blanks to be used by them in ap plying for the bonuses that accrue un der the law to the deceased. Sidney B. ("amine, aiding with bonus matters here, states that prospective applicants may confer with him and 'hat he will stcure the plans, said to be available only in limited number. SCHOOL NEWS The actual registration by schools at Hie end of the second vveek was as fi. lows: Coe. 190; Park, US; junior high. Ill; high schail, M; total, 879, The percentage of attendance of all schools to dates 97.8, the junior high having the best with 98.7. Four cases of tardiness were reported, but 754 pu pits were neither tardy nor absent dur ing this time. J. D. Mc Lucas & Son are busy re pairing the tire wall at Coe school this week and liuckabay & Burger are in stalling the new furnace parts at jun ior high. At the regular meeting of the Hoard of Directors last week a resolution was i i if that teach. r be available in their rooms for at least 20 minutes after diamiasal. where they ma I. Hood River merchants will hold onen house for the residents of the Untier valley next ihursday when, at a 7 o clock dinner families of that neigh borhood will be guests of honor at a luncheon to be given by the Comrner- lal Club at the Lotus Grille. "We hope that the Upper Valley ulk will make it a noint to iret down uid spend the full afternoon in mttinff acquainted with ua, " says Harry Con naway, president, of the Business Men's Association. "All of our members are going to do their level best toward making the visit a pleasant one. W welcome the Upper Valley folk and hope that they will all come down and get better acquainted." WHITE SWAN ASKS NEW ROAO SUPPORT u i I 0 on 0 0 X CtO h P a '2 W APPLE PICKING TIME is upon us and this calls for garments most suit able for this work. Coveralls for ladies, with long or short sleeves, with belted waist or with out belts, with gathered knee or ankle length; riding breeches, khaki jackets, leggins, high top shoes, gloves, etc. New Fall Waists See our new fall line of Ladies Waists in Crepe de Chine, Georgette Hand Made, Tailored waists, with white or colored collars, or plain lawn. A big assortment for you to select from. You'll be pleased with the new design. Blankets-Blankets x'e are prepared to take care of your every need in this line and at a good saving to you. The largest assortment in the city to choose from. Blankets in cotton, cotton and wool mixed, and all wool in plain colors and fancy plaids. These cold nights suggest more cover ing and we are prepared to supply you at the lowest prices. We also have a splendid line of comforters at any price you wish to pay. Come in and see the big assortment we now have on display. Our Woolen Blankets are made by the Ore gon City Woolen Mills a guarantee of quality. Fluting and Ruffling Ask to see the samples of fluting and ruf fling that is being turned out in our hem stitch ing department. There is no need in sending any of your work in this line away. See Our Window Display THE SAFEST PLACE TO TRADE IS AT &e PARIS FAIR The Store of Biggest Values Ihe White Swan, Wash., Commercial (dub has written to the local Commer cial Club, asking support for the nro posed link of highway to be built fron White Mimon by way of Glen wood an; White hwan to Yakima. The lette points out that the proposed route will form a magnificent circuit from Fori land to the Inland Empire, the return trip to be made over the Snoqualmie l ass by way of Seattle. 1 he letter states that the surveying oi uie new route is practically com piste. Hood Itiver is expected to Ik interested in the new road, as it will probably result in many ears crossim the ( olumbia by ferry here, in rd to make a portion of the way int Portland over the Columbia Hive Highway. DAN WUILLE TO SHIP BY WATER Dan Wuille A: Co. have contracted for space for l.r,(MHI boxes of apples tc snipped to Kngland from I'ortland aboard the S. S. Moliere. of the Itoval Mail Steam I'acket Co.. October 2li I hey expect to ship a large minntitv direct liy water in November. Kxcept possibly for a few small Spitzenburgs. all of our export shit ments will be Newtowns, " says Wal ter Woolpert. "With the English fruit rop negligible because of a drouth. we expect good returns from the ex port. " Mr. Woolpert savs Ihe reduction of freights from $1.25 to .$1 per box on S poles, by way of the I'anarna canal. will result in heavy applications for space. He declares it not only cheap- r man rail shipments across the con tinent and then exporting from ensteri ports but results in the apple arrivini in oener condition because ol tewer handlings. Where the apples are under onstant refrigeration, the combined rail and trans-Atlantic freight reached JM.4JS. AGED MAN IS POUND ON CAR John Nugent, aired man, found un- onscioiis on a flat car last Fridav night by an O.-W. K. & N. freight rew. remains in a serious condition at the Cottage hospital, where he was brought by Sheriff Johnson. While papers in the old man s pocket initi ated Spokane as hia home, authorities there say they can find no trace of him. Mr. Nuirent laissesed $! in bills nd silver. Oil stock shares indicated that he had recently sxnt considerable lunda in the purchase of securities. He was apparently stealing a ride hen stricken with a paralytic stroke. The aged man, whose condition seemeu critical ior several days, was reported much lieltcr estenlav. NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS 0 73 H m 73 set c3 2 ax H c 2 D m 73 73 0 pi 2 MEMBERS ASKED TO ATTEND PACK SCHOOL . . The Apple Growers Association has urged that each of its approximate 800 members be present at the annual packing school, which began Monday, and willjlast throughout the week, for at least one day. Members of grow ers' families are asked to learn pack ing, in order to avoid the possibility of a Hackers' famine. While otter har vest help will be more plentiful in sup ply than for any year since 1914. the number of skilled packers is declared to be relatively small. The Association will charire a tuition fee of $2.50 for residents of the valley. Non-residents will be charged $5. The tuition, however, will be refunded to all who work throughout the Mason for members of the Association. The organization announces that it handles 76 per cent of the apples of the valley. OrchardistH' families have responded to the appeal of the Apple Growers Association and registrations the first day of the organization's annual pack ing school Monday reached 76, three times as large as any first day regis tration of any former year. It is ex pected that the registration will ex ceed 100 before the week is over. More than 20 packing students are here from neighboring points to learn methods of placing the apples in con tainers. LUNCH CLUB MEN GIVE BIOGRAPHY FRANKTON KIDDIES GUESTS AT HOTEL "He's All Right! Who's All Right? Henry I" Such was the shout that attracted motorists passing the big Columbia Gorge Hotel Tuesday just before 1 D. rn. The shouters were the 68 pupils of the Frankton school, who were dinner guests of Manager Henri Thiele at the big hostelry. The four teach ers were veil leaders And m tl... youngsters formed in line to march back to their books somebody started nine "rahs" for the popular boniface, and it ended with a "tiger" full of pep. The youngsters, who were fed to the point of satiety on good foods that children like, were seated in the fall sunshine on the big south porch of the hotel. All of them declared that they were exceedingly glad that their school was located close to Mr. Thiele's hotel. Two children of Mr. Thiele, Henri, Jr.. and Margaret, are children of the school. rorSHlp-iTeiiin, weight :MX lbn., lmrueKs kwv wagons aaa doo aisa. rnoas 4181. For Sale- Fine team of bloeky bortM, 7 vrs yld, umtie and absolutely dependable in ev. ery way, artlgnt SDOUI SSW lbs. Odell Hfi. slStf Kor.Hule- A fresh pure bred cow. TeUNM ror owe a 0 room luiise, bulb, barn nod Karaite, i-il unci a half. Cheat if taken at sr; once. B. H. Bolman, Tel. lsn. For Sale Two box alleys and complete net ot balls all in Ilrsl Huhs condition, cheap tor cash chii afternoon or evening at sbootlng nailery back of Franz store or address J. K Croyle, Mi. Hood Hotel. sstf AT THE THEATRES THE LIBERTY rorBSie SIX DSSa of work horses, Welsh I from UiiOio 1 400, from I lo ii years old, broke gentle, sound and (rue to work, also tares aata num. names and one . In. w.itron. rice on horses. Ironi if 17.. h si.nn no sIH r Shelley Fred Yard. rot Bala a cutler 1911 model, large size ;rad- Ing machine. Phone 4787, H-i For Sale-Box Wood hi :i a load. Also saw dust lor Hale. I. A Hrhindler, Tel. .Illl'. n.str Kor Sale - After harvest, gentle team,., years old, with out harness, spot cash, weight !:, 1400. !S. A. Andernon, Box l.u, near Mohr fcita- ft SKJ For Sale Lot. nil x inn uii,.i.,i.. - u . uu eii ioieiiy, i.. view, Mime re- taming wall, down out of the wind ?!) cash or terms. Address S S. Medaris, Vancouver Wash. m FOR RENT For Kent- Pool hall; fixtures for sale. Also my Jitney business with ears and equipment for sale. Will rent or sell buildings No competition in Underwood. Call ami see me at 1 nderwood hotel. Mrs. Mary V Olsen ett For Item Two small cabins, one fnrnlshert Suitable lor one or two umnir. iii- sl Hall street. For Rent 2 furnished rooms In one of the best locations in Hood Itiver; modern con veniences, al reasonable price, t all K21 Oak st.. or tel. 24 i;i. ,j;itf For Kent -Furnished rooms, apartments have just been thoroughly renovated. Mrs. ti. .1. hrederlek. Il'I:, Huraim i,- ii, alllf l-or Itent a furnished nvun. a ve. prjone. 'Xn. MM. :I17 dherman all WANTED Wanted 'I o bn v ji i..l. ,u.iuu .,.o, - 0.r.fi'i "J11' J. J", lops, from JO to 35 ft. long. Tel. J. K. Wilcox. Mosler. Jr. Wanted Man to cm nMi dale. I'hone MS I'ark-Mir Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17, Sydney Chaplin in "King, Quaea and Joker." Also Screenland News. With H. C. Smith, chairman of the lay, the Tuesday Lunch Club members I'ucidav devoted an hour to levity, all of the f.i members present being re- niired to rise and give their place of tiirth ami name other points at which they hail resided before coming to km! Kiver. Members were privi leged to give whatever other biograph ical data they wished, and many of them came near confessing some little risque incidents of the pa t. When it came the turn of Kev. W. II. Hoddv, next to the last man called in, he announced, after a brief bio- grapical sketch, that he was going to es urn his pastorate. "After hearing the speeches of vou other men," said Mr. lloddy, "I be lieve I m . an opportunity. 1 am going to start selling asbestos." di'ii. II. McMulhn announced that a aomsn s club meeting would be held at the Oregon Wednesday night. He -u '. I that Mr. Isniith initiate the same stunt among the ladies. Vice I'resident Murnhv announced that chairmen had been appointed for fatal meetings as follows: Septem ber 20. I. K. Acheson ; September 27. Itr. Abraham; October I, II. C. Hall: jVtnher II. A. B. Bennett: October IK, Truman Butler; Octbocr 25. A. M. annon. lav will Hotel. Sunday, one day only, September 18, Ceo. Larkin arid Josephine Hill in "The Man Trackers," a stirring and virile tale of the Northland; also Uni versal News and one reel comedy. Monday and Tuesday, September 19 ana zo. tiioria s,wanson in Elinor lilyn s great story, "The Creat Mo ment, " a picture so big that the Co lumhia m I'ortland ranks it as one of the Kig hour. Direct from Portland at prices below its I'ortland showing. Also Topics of the Hay, and two reel picture showing the manufacture of stock foods. Wednesday and Thursday, Septem ber 21 and 22. Wm. DeMille presents, "What Kvery Woman Knows." Also two reel Christie comedv, "Dining Room, Kitchen, and Sink. "" Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ. OBITUARY Merton Kmery Dakin Merton Kmerv. the 2-vear old son of ir. ami ftlra. Merton Dakin, was bur led at ldlewilde cemetery Sunday af ternoon following funeral services at the Anderson chapel, Kev. Herahner officiating. The little boy was a vic tim of en litis, an pin'Hmir- of uho'..k The meeting of next Tues- has prevailed here. He is survived in tie at me v oiumoia i.orge addition to his narenfu hv tu.. ao,n sisters. For Trade - For piano and s. me cash, , Dttiek in L'ond condition AHHr,u u-ii. dale. P. (1. Box 35. ' ' Jit For Halo or Trade Light team. hn unH harness, one 3-year old nure good woik ani mal, one Jersey cow, giving good llowofmllk & acres of land near liee, ur. , one CliHlmers , -passenger car. J hous.,s and Iota in Hood Itiver. Ore , 870 acres bJ and grain land near Welser. Id a no, will (rude lor Hood Kiver pro perty, House and lots in Portland. ore What have you got t trade? Come and tell me. h. V. ( aleal Hart Hotel. Hood Kiver, Ore. sift rpr fssle Wnaon and appls rack with gxid springs, or win trade tor a good cow Mrs A r. Sonnlksen, Tel. ,'iuuj. K. F. I). 3, astf ' For SaK WHgon with basket rack, chenp Also a tow, fresh aoou. Fhone SOU, sltf pursue- l iloiible-barrel Spencer shotgun line shooter. Priced. Avalon Farm. S j' l-rank I'h. .Mns sltf W anted - Place in nrlvai i, h u,.i..mi girl, fall at Ml. Hood hotel for K. his Wanted- To buy second hand orchard wa gon capacity about 40 to M boxes, (leo. W. rriday. Tel. MM. M,5- Wnnted- A man about 45 years old to take change, also man and woman Ui aid In bar vest of apple. Tel. .V72. s WantPd7sipnce for auto near Hth and State. 1 h -lit '.JX)2. am W anted-Woman in cook during apple bar vest from Oct. 1st. to Dae. 1st. No washing, all modern IroproTenenta, t ail GMacter oaea or eddreaa O, P Mordso, Moatar, Ore. sstr Wanted 1'hone 5iiftl. To buy second hand apple trucS Mrs. K. .1. Nicholson. hI5 i,. f"i i"'1 "lllk "'. and small second band cider press. C. M. Cutting, Trout l.ake. ,r"nln!, 'lot ".v a few warehouse platform trucks. H. K. Davenport, Odell PJ7 SJMI Kor Sale Wagon -inltli. I'hone ITV.i and apple rack. u. u sstr lor sale -Chevrolet touring car, PUS model nrlsaO, Machine in good mechanical condi Hon. Call at Columbia Service Station' or phone ITIl. gju For Sale Ifi ln. dry wood and 4 ft. green oak On Methodist Lane, '. mile north of hnrreit school bouse. K 1.. Noel, Koute 4. BH For Sale -A f. 8. cream separator, almost good as new. tor halt price. Geo. T Prattler PtaOM odell 1JC. Hls Wanted To bay young hogs tor feeders' will Pay lino ki t price at anv Hi.. V t u. gard. I'hone 4S7tf. n s r Wanted To buy your used fni nlture, stoves andriigs. ( ash or new goods In exchange, r. A. p ranx Co. h'Jdi? For Hale White l.eghorh cockerels, bred troni ;Kegg struu. With an I to pick hum Wish to distribute birds through Valley to improve egg production. t-. each Oregon Hotel Barber stoop. Hart aaulai. his WEDDINGS Ijnr-lllsrn l.. ral friends leat the bride isite.l he i t Stevenson July 12 en and William Mr Amos r i V day, when of the wedd:' f Mrs. Man V. at e. They will 1 iderwond, where I the On H.r fin retired aei RECORD LOW TEM PERATURE SUNDAY Tiiim temperature of H de lowest recorded for early r. was report. -d Sunday night ntendent Child of the Kxper atton. Sipiash and tomato the Lower Valley gardens iged. In the I'pper Valley, temperature was two de- r, all tender vegetation was ihe district's large imtato i ever, it is said, was far atured to prevent damage. apple growers declare, will rial in that it will result in ring on the ap; h - Notice or School Election to Increase Tax More Than Six Per Cent Over That of Previous Year Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 6 of Hood Kiver County, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at the grade school building on the 10th day of October. 1921. at 8 o'clock in the evening to vote on the question of increasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the vear 1922 bv er cent over the levy tor the vear in. more than amount of mediatelv It is nec s; such recedi fOt Sale A lUKl Cadillac anlo In g.aid con 1l!lon. Cord tires. Would nmko a ,.,..i .nur one I 1 1 It I lots hailllllH. lie! .1 an. i it rm- ii I . I S'ev. i k r..pp, 1I,n1 uvcr. Oregon, rv r . 1 1. 1 . Plume 471. a'idf rornaic nr and pine p'.dn. and i n. wood. ............ a,.. nerc wnu in iwo milt s of Mood r.icr. r.. n-aurtgiir.l., tel. Odell (. mlWtf MISCELLANEOUS Furs of ah descriptions cleaned and remod ''d work guaranteed. 721 Onk.SI., I BOM MsWa Lost onyx ring set with gold Inter S there on ,reward. Kinder please leave at Ol.cler "m0e- sli Land ( tearing- Contract wanted forclear ng land r cutting wood by machinery. Kox I' 4 Bone Itiver. , r,iJ.Z ... .. . -"oineiio Ave. Kinder 'tti. at i.iurary ior reward. alli Kor Sale- Flesh cow . For Sale Kirs' i ,,at Oerdes, 171.4. Odell .-. hay. alllf I'hone J, H alltf For Male A team of hill Baa, weight about MOD pounds, (.'heap if tageu at once. Tel. 47W J2ltf Kor Sale-Orchard r single buggy and barn 41 (SI. II hard griel. t . . Howard, lei. ai'nl Kor s.tit Heeostd uand Ideal grader, three belts. $.ti. I'hone Hi Odell. 4tf Kor : Sale Or trade on fruit alter, good year. Ilngdraiightc.lt. lico W Colllna and Sona. altf I nderwiHHl. Wa-h or i"rr. "v f"'r,' ""4,M"lr' work, concrete, rock or bricklaying. Mastering, call Fred M.a.re Rlver.'.7re:r '"" F"rt" Mt NO 33. REPORT Of the condition of the MOSIKU VALLEY HANK At Mosier. in the Stat. nf - business, Sept. 6th, at the 1921. close of al ummer prices ion iruca Tel. 4717. V llr w,- do w.sotl deiiv. red our The high o I matters. school student taady will Corrfrtion of Realm? Ad The proof reader was evaientlv thinkitif of "Ihe End of a Perfect Day" when reading the Blue Diamond Bowling Alley adtrtietent this weak. The word "perfect" appearing he advertiaement should be night, l arents are mvi In the interrlass ront body memt-crshipa the first go over the top wit will he given t party Friday so tb first r ng H The k y c! hit t night preceeti was an carlv f rryman here. Mr-Toiman noon. September the isast s ces was reported by Mr. t'hilds. warrant ind Dated th ran. to raise this addition- tal lew for the fol- ; in budget, including ess and interest. l day of September, Couple Gypsy Across Continent minus a K45 and 4.1& achool I sard will contract with ioudrtch to transport the -at pile tm aasl from school. The itreet school will be the ter it which he will arrive about which he will leave at George Miss Josef ctsro, wei of the Fin tor. Kev. Mr. and their (.rooailti-Mrtiri r tir-nmald. of Seattle, at J. t. Hanna. Mrs. (trona ski ir Sesttie. is it, fed out. ' f N't -.. .. Vr. Attest: s-J K..r Sale K linger. H. & Galligan. Chairman of Directors. John C Duckwall, tMaUlU Clerk. FOR SALE - irs-es. i'hone !Vi?2, sat Suthwet from baU li..iiii.I. leaple. fh Kor Sle tree piops (Well 1 i A a Ion Way icrry t reea. .' 1 ner I , n, . jvtltf RESOURCES DOLLARS OTS Ixians and diitrttunta ajc . Overdraft,., secured and unaecured . U. S. Government accuritiea c MS as Other bond, warrants and -inHi.. ten mm Banking Hnuac , ' " . Fi.rniturr and fixtures ,,, Other rami estate owned i rum appmvtxl rnm Chah on hand in vault LIABILITIES Cn 3.12S 24 ToTL tSl.SSS C4 DOLLARS CTS t l.iagi.no 2. 500.00 Jl.49s.S8 id 7S7.24 of Oregon, and or cities and It. W I 731 14 1Z7S3 05 5e.i. 15 SS tr.t eontinert. ve are looking little solmrhan home sme erv. When are tSnd it we'll pat the in tht garage and settle down." N. u . o- Milc .1 In axle, ii per sere. J. K. K. J Hieverkropp. H..sl Kner. or. : to check ink dcpoalta. subject ree JTn.fflS S2 tificatea of d-poait outstanding i for taxes, interest or dep recta Total tLJU.S4 "ATE OF OREGON. )UNTT OF WASCO. ,. . 1- L i. MaaaiLU Cashier L Of. s.lemr.1, i e"em is trot to the IQlre of as ne r,-;f during ball and ml I- J- MnBiu. Cawhser. SaaWrihed and rmorn to me this 13th day of Nvteir her. 1911. aVaBrr J. ScaaaSKSL I CTBT1 "pires Notary PubJic. CORRECT -Attamt- i P. Carroll. J.