HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, 8EPTEMBEB 8, 1021 Your Paint Dollar How Big in 5 Years? THE best paint will be pood five or more years hence, if properly applied. Cheap paint, on the average, smarts cracking in twelve nr ntlis. It's what paint covers that you want to save not merely a few cents per gallon in first cost Cheap paint does not spread as easily or as far as pood paint. So when you figure labur and square yard's covered, cheap paint on the house costs as much as good paint. Cheap paint in practically every instance, is the most ex pensive you can buy. Don't allow surfaces to rot. It costs less to paint them. The paints specified by Ful ler are the result of 72 yean experience in the making of all kinds of paints, varnishes, etc., for western use. I Fill I FR N r.7.,-rC "Pur Prepared" and "Phoe nix" are Fuller's Specifications lor house painting. Get either and you have the best ' that anyone can make WHERE TO Notice of Election In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. In the Matter of a I'ropOMd Irriga tion District to be known as Middle Fork Irrigation District. Notice in hereby given of an elec tion to be held on the 17th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1981. between (tic houra of eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, in the aaid proponed Middle Pork Irriga tion District, the boundaries of which are hereinafter described, for the pur pose of determining whether or not the same shall be organized under the provisions of Chapter XIV of Olson's Oregon Laws, and the amendments thereof, and electing officers of said irrigation district, to -wit: Three directors, all as required by aaid Act and the order of said court. Said elec tion shall commence and the (tolls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the fore noon of said day, and the said polls shall be kept open and the said elec tion shall continue until live o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when said polls will be. cloud. Further notice is given, aa follows: That all lands within said proposed muMIe rork Irrigation District are within Hood Kiver, County, Oregon and the boundaries of said proposed ir rigation district are described as fol lows : Reginning at the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the South east quarter of Section Light (8) Township one (1) South, Range Ten (10) Last, Willamette Meridian; thence Last to a point approximately two hundred and forty (140) feet Last of the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section eight (8) Township One (1) South, Range Ten (10) Last ; thence in a Northerly direction following the channel of a certain creek to when said creek intersects the South line of the Northeast quarter of Section Light (8), township Dm (1) South, Rang Ten (10) Last; thence Last to th Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section Light (H), Towiishq One (1) South, Range Ten (10) Last thence in a Northerly directum, alone a meander line, following the crest of the bench on the West side, of the Last Fork of Hood river, to a point approximately 160 feet Last of III Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Five (fi), Township One (1) houin, Kange l en (MM l-.ast . thence continuing in a Northerly direction, along a meai.der line, following the crest of the bench on the V est side of the Last Fork of Hood rier, to a point approximately three hundred twenty-seven (,'127) fe ! La-t of the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirtv-t hree :;:;i Township One (1) North, Range I. i, (10) East; thence continuing in a Nor therly direction, along a meander lire, following thi crest of the bench on the West side of U:e Last Fork of Hood river to a point approximately 100 feet Last of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwe-t quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten tlO) Last; thence continuing in a Northerly direction along a meander line following the crest of the bench on the West side of the Last Fork of Hood river to a point appro niali Ij four hundred twenty-nine (42;i) feet Last of the Northwest conn r of t l.t Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-one (21), Township One (1) North, Kange I. (9 East intersects with the West line (10) Last; theive in a Northerly direc tion to the Southeast corner of th Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Tweot) (SOI, Town ship One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) East; thence in a NorthwcsterU li rection to the Northwest tntttU of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of se-tiini i i j . I,,i ship One (1) North, Kange Ton (10) East; thence in a Northwesterly dircc i tion to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southv quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) East; thence West to the South west comer of the Northeast quart-. I of the Southwest quarter of Section I Eighteen (18), Township One 1 North, Kange Ten (10) Last; thence North to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Ufca Southwest quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (It North. Kange Ten (10) East; thence West six hundred ana) sixty (o60) feet ; thence in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a I point seven hundred sixtv-two (762) I feet West of the South west corner of the Northeast quarter of the South west quarter of S'ection Eighteen (18), I We use the best materials, PURE PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc and color as others do, but we combine them with a 72 years' knowledge and long-time skill. Our white-lead base is finely ground pure white. It must pass through a silk screen with 40,000 meshes to the square inch. We use special machines for mixing the materials n sci entifically exact proportions. So Fuller colors are excep tionally clear-toned and Fuller House Paints are noted for cov ering capacity, ease of spread and great durability. If you want from five or more years' protection for your property investment, get Ful ler's western paint for western weather conditions a paint you know. Fullers SPECIFICATION House Paints Phoenix Pure Paint Pure Prepared Paint Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co. THEM. These are Im portant to you, so it's important to 0 to the riiht stores to get them. Agents' names and ad dresses are prists! in the memo, coupon to the right. Cut it out and put it in yo-r pocket now. BUY For All Exterior Jobs of Painting, it Is Advisable to Secure th- Services of a Master Painter Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Last; ther.ee continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point eleven hundred and one (1101) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section Light (18), Township ( hie (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Last; thence continuing in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a Point six hundred sixty (660) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) Last; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point one hundred twenty fllin) feel West of the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section Nineteen (1!)), Township One (I) North, Range Ten (10) Last; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meandv r line following the crest of the bench on the Last side of the Middle Fork of Hood river, to a point approximately seven hundred fifty (7o0) feet West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-one (81), Township One 1 1 ) North, Range Ten (10) Last; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line following the crest of the bench on the East side of the Middle Fork of Hood river and Rogers creek, to a point appproximately four . hundred thirty-live (486) feet West of the Northeast comer of the Northwest quarter of Section One (1), Township One (1) South, Range Nine (9) Last ; thence continuing in a Southerly direc tion along a meander line following the crest of the bench, on the Last side of Rogers creek, to a point where the said bench intersects 'with the foot of the Last side of the lava bed ;thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line following the foot of the Last side of the lava lied to a point where the foot of the Last side of the lava bed intersects with tin South line of Section (18), Township One (1). South, Range Nine (01 Last; thence Last to a Kint where the South line of Section Thirteen (18), Township One (ll South, Range Nine of (he right of way for the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the Wesi side lateral; thence in a Southwesterly direction, (follow ing the said West side lateral) to a point where the said West side lateral intersects with the West line of the Last half of the West half of Section twenty-four (lit. Township One III South, Range Nine (9) East; thence South to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-four i'24). township One 1 1 South, Range Nine 0.1) Last; thence Last to a Hint where i he South line of Section Twenty-four (2-1) intersects with Evans creek ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along a ui ander line following the M ' him. i I L,m!i creek to a point where Evans ere ! intersects with the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known al the Last Side Lot- ral, ;i! ; 'ippmximatelv Six Hundred Sixt ''im feet North of the South line of tin Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (D uth, Range ten 10) Last ; thence Last to the Last line of the right of f a for the diten of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the Last Side Lateral; thence in a North aster I dirt ction along a meander line following the s.nd Last line of said right of way for said lateral to a point where the said Last Side Lateral inter sects with the Bast line of Section LiL'hteen (18. Townshio One III i, Range Ten 1 10) East, which rter of :ge in Ten a Ni 10 .rthe Last uiterK ral to a ie I at ral poi intt (17, I en To 1 10). is Mi. Free Advice on Painting A SK our agent for our free ad- rard which shows 12 .shades of this desir able paint. We have a Fuller Specific ation Depart ment which will tell you all about the most desirable color schemes, color har mony and those other details you want to know. Take advantage of Fuller House Paints. Take steps to paint now. Don't let weather depreciate your investment. W. P. FULLER & CO. Dept. 13, San Francisco Pioneer Manufacturer of Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD (or 72 Years Established 1849. Branches in 16 Cities in the West Dealers everywhere. Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All Purpose Varnishes, Silken white Enamel, Filtcen-ior-Floor Var nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Karn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. SAVE THIS (Cut this out and paste it in your note book as a memo.) My house needs painting. Fuller's Specification House Paints are sold by the following Agents: EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO., Hood River, Oregon R. J. MclSAAC & CO., I'arkdale, Oregon aaid proposed irrigation district. That the electors in said election shall cast ballots which shall contain the words "Irrigation District Yes" and "Irrigation District No," or words equivalent thereto, and also the names of the persons to be voted for to fill the said elective offices in and for said district. Said election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to elections, accord ing to fluid act and amendments thereof. This notice is given for and as the notice of said court and will be pub lished once each week for at least four consecutive weeks prior to such election, in the Hood River Clacier, a newspaper published within Hood River County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of said court duly made and entered herein on August lird, A. 1). 1981. This notice is first published on August 11, A. D. 1881. Kent Shoemaker, County Clerk of Hood River County, Oregon. allaH Notice of Final Account In the Count v Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River In the Matter of the Estate of Cyrus (.. Sparks, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator has filed with said court his final account and report, and lias asked for a final settlement of aid estate, and a decree directing how and to whom distribution shall be made and for his discharge as adminis trator of said estate, and said court, lias, by order, fixed September :10th, 11121, at (en o'clock a. m., as the time, in the Court room, in the Court house, In the City of Hood River. Hood River County, Oregon, aa the place for hear ing object ions to said final account and report, and to such further order as the court may make in the premises, ami all persons having objections thereto are hereby notiflied to file HUM OH or before said time and date. in accordance with said order, this notice is published for four weeks, beginning with September 1st. 19(1, iUU R. W. Sparks, Administrator of said estate. BIG 1925 FAIR TO HE BOOSTED At the call of (iovernor ( era of the Liberty Loan tt lead campaigns iroin an t iregon counties will convene in I'ortland next Monday to consider w,us and means for the financinc of the lirjf. I'ortland World's Fair. Tru man Kutler, who will represent Hood River county, says: "The liiUa Exposition is the most im portant step ever takeivTiy the North west and exceeds in importance all previous efforts In this line for the reason that it includes a definite plan to bring to the attention of the whole world our home-making possibilities. A home isn't all that the name implies unless there is provision for N.th work and play. Here in the Northwest na ture has, with a lavish hand. provided . ver thing with which to work snil has then given to us the greatest pin ground in America." Leslie Kutler will attend the session as a representative of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce. RAILWA1 lh HAVE PRAISE FOR VALLEY route hi ' thev ha pa-- 1 it irallic ma agent, and lager of th nicely an the Glacier office neakee rubber stamp WATER DECISION TO STIMULATE CLEARING It is expected that the effects of a decision just rendered bv Circuit Judge Wilson in an adjudication of water rights on the Hood river watershed will result in an unprecedented devel opment of land, entitled under court findings to water, but subject to the loss of the rights in a period of five years if they are not made ready for irrigation. The large total of 12,090 acres of land are entitled to water but must be developed before January 1, V.)z:, if owners would not lose the val uable water rights. It has been proven that the lands are practically value less, in comparison with the valley's fruit acreage, some of which is held at a figure in excess of $1,000 an acre, without water. Owners of undeveloped land and tracts covered with atumps ami debris left from logging operations are already discussing clearing opera tions. The court's decision may result in the application by land owners for huge (luantities of picric acid, war sal vage, being offered by the government at reduced prices. The decision of Judge Wilson, who is expected in a short time to enter his formal decree in the water case, de clared by irrigation attorneys to be one of the most noted cases of its kind ever before an Oregon court, in the main follows findings of the State Water Hoard, whose members spent four years making & complete survey of the valley. In ascertaining the dutv of water for local irrigation pur poses the water board has ruled that each acre shall be entitled to an 80th of a second foot, or a half-inch for the irrigation season of 120 days. QwiMH of land, it is said, may se ure an extension of the time fixed by the water board for land development, if they show they have endeavored to apply diligent methods in their clear ing operations but have been retarded in their work by unforseen eircum stances. In all cases, however, a for mal application for extension must be made and a showing submitted that will merit favorable action of the board. I'he circuit court decision and Water Hoard findings give the Mt. Hood Water Co. a priority over all other laimants for water on Hood river fhil water concern, owned by ranchers of the section about the Mt. Hood postr Mice, where some of the district a arliest agricultural activities were en gaged and wlncn still remains largely general farming section rather than in orchard district, was the nrst es- iblished on the river. Its right of priority dates hack to October, 1895. It is entitled to sufficient water for the irrigation of 439 acres, the total on which water is now applied, but is given no rights of future development. Next in sequence is the Last fork Irrigation District, which is given rights of priority, dating from Novem ber 26, 1896, to 142 second feet of water, enough to irrigate 11,797 acres. of which 7,916 acres are now under water. I'he Middle Fork Irrigation Co. is given rights of priority on sufficient water to irrigate 2,4t0 acres, of which 1,800 acres are now developed. The right of this company s priority dates from November 19, 1808. the Oregon Lumber Co is given the right to use of 886 second feet of wa ter for the development of electrical nower, used in driving its sawmill at Dee. None of the water may be re moved from the stream. The right dates from Sept ember, 190.r. The Hood River Irrigation District, the valley's first irrigation concern to come under the state iaw for bonding, is awarded sufficient water to irrigate 4,160 acres, its right of priority dating from December I, 190.r. The Farmers' Irrigating Co., was awarded water for 5,000 acres, of which 15,252 are now under irrigation. The right of priority dates fom May 7, 1906. The Glacier Irrigation Co. ia award ed vsater for 3,166 acres, of which 509 are now irrigated. The company filed on itl water in March. 1966, The Dee Lower & Irrigating Co. is given water for 2,000 acres, of which 420 are now irrigated. The PnciAc Lower & Light Co., which claimed a total of 750 second feet, or the entire Mow of the stream at seasons of Lw water, under the de cision is awarded Mil second feet at its Powerdnle plant and C40 feet at its tdant at Tucker Bridge. The right of the former dates from 1000 and the lat ter from 1911. The power company's rights are based on riparian owner ship, but the court granted them only the maximum amount of water utilized in driving their electrical development machinery. AUTOS HERE SUNDAY NIGHT WORTH MILLION If an inventory had been taken of property in Hood River Sunday night, according to Larl Franz, manager of the Hood River Garage, it would have been found that the valuation would have been boosted for that evening by at least $1,000,000. Mr. Kranz esti mates that at least .1 million dollar's worth of automobiles were stored here in gsrages by out of town motorists. "We took an estimate of the ma chines that were stored in our garage alone." said Mr. Kranz. and Saturday evening they approached $200,000 in value. I have never seen Hood River so crowded by out of town visitors." The automobile park had a record big crowd Sunday night. The number of motor parties camped reached 132. and the thru' acres were overcrowded. Tents sto.nl in rows like a small city. COMPARATIVE TIRE VALUES ARE SHOWN The Mt. Hood Motor Co. grsphically demonstrates in a window display at their garage this week why the motor ist should buy a his home dealer : utable tire from at her than patronize sc. The buer who ing a bargain in the m the victim of a company exhibits a sing that cost $18. Iv completed T.xxi t iHr mile to the ail order 1 he is 1 satisfactcr The t tsl owner w as was fhown. .00(4. A It cost mail only 2,0O miles. .-r mile company, ical tite?" rge "Wl aKs i 1 pi 11 ;-i-i-i i 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 l i-i-i 1 1 Clipped Here and There 1 1 1 11 1 ; 1 1 : 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rr, t- , that are. s from lis ravirij I rv.-j CLEAN PLACE HEALTH LABOR SUNDAY OB SERVED AT CHURCH "The Gospel for the Working World" was the topic chosen by Rev. Roddy, for his sermon Sunday in observation of Labor Sunday. Although the re sponse, "impractical," is given the recommendations that the principles of Christian religion be applied to the so lution of industrial strife, said Mr. lioddy, he cited that the existing con ditions were exceedingly impermanent and declared that material rewards, the by-products of industry, would only be divided on a just basis when society placed a supreme valuation on human personality and applied the law of uni versal service as taught by the Car penter of Galilee. Mr. Boddy declared the human ac quisitive instinct natural and God- given and expressed a belief in private property, but he said that the instinct to accumulate was one that might have to be controlled just as the sexual instinct. Mr. Roddy declared that the church must take an active part in problems of social welfare and fight the vices that originate in the industrial rela tions of men just as it is now engaged in battling commercialized vice. "We may choose to look at the masses in the gross, as subjects for statistics and, of course, where possi ble, for profits. There is One above who knows every thirst, every ache and every temptation of these people. The day will come when He will re uuire an account of these neglects of ours not In the gross." This quotation from Charles Kings ley was made a part of the official an nouncement of the church. Mr. Roddy believes that the princi ples of Jesus Christ should be applied to solve the strife that now rends in dustrial relations between employers and employes. Soldiers, he declared may quell a strike, but there will never be real peace until the principles as laid down by the Carpenter of Gali lee are applied. Mr. Roddy says that a great many innuential elements of society declare that the church should limit itself to preaching the Bible and remain aloof from problems of social welfare. He declared that the Rible itself was tilled with voices calling out for just such activity on the part of the church. WOMAN SPEAKER CRITICIZES DRESS Miss Ldith Starbuck, of Portland, in address here Sunday evening was as critical of the modern garb of women as was Rev. Hilly Sunday in his local and Portland sermons. Miss Star buck, whoHe address was at Asbury Methodist church under joint auspices of the Hood River, Udell and Pine Grove organizations of the Bp Worth League, declared that cartoonists and newspaper writers were not furhtinir windmills when they depicted the scantiness of the modern woman's dress. "A girl today will pay $10 for a pair of silk stockings," said Miss Starbuck, "and then she will display 19.96 worth of them." The general tendency of women to gad about, according to Miss Star buck, has a great deal to do with the prevalence of social evils. Miss fallison Tells of ( limb People who make the hurried ascent of Mount Hood in a single day's time are very unwise, according to Miss Opal I allison, who is in charge of the books of the Hood River Garage and a member of the Hood River Rusiness and Professional Women's Club. Miss Callison bases her assertions on actual experience. Recently ac companied bv Miss Irene Lancaster, Miss Anne I.unde, of Largo, N. I)., and George Don to, of Fort Wayne, Ind., Miss Callison journeyed to Hood top, where the party spent the night. Mark Weygandt was guide for the party. "Lor one reason," says Miss Calli son, "one doesn't get all tired out by making a leisurely climb one day, re maining on the mountain for the night and climbing down the next day with out hurrying. Then, too. you get the inspiration of the wonderful sunset and the equally wonderful sunrise, not to mention the effects of the full moon on the world spread out on all sides at your feet. It was during the harvest moon when we made our ascent. I have never seen anything so weirdly thrilling as the expanses made silvery by that great moon. The coloring of early morning and eventide were ex-j tremelv beautiful." I Material Drop in Motor Cars A material drop this week by variou Ford machine has fteing reported automobiles. The lown a further re olet and Overland ncing a material A certain prejudice against bowling alleys formerly existed in the minds of careful people. That this was sometimes justified is true. It is equally true that the reputation of our business this past year has done much to prove that even a public amusement may be so con ducted as both to please the red blooded and to win the approval of the most particular. I shall maintain this standard the coming season. E. E HOUSE, Manager. "It was his Fault-" 1'robably it n M .but if be was hurt or his car was damaged and there are big bills to pay, he's going to make you prove it. Fighting a ease in court costs anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Lven then the verdict may be rendered against you. Bettor take out a Travelers Au tomobile Policy. Then if he is hurt or his car is damaged, The Travelers will settle and pay out of court if possible, In court if nec essary. J. W. CRITES Phone 1331 Oakland'17, $400 Chandler '18, $1100 Ford Roadster, $300 Ford Roadster, $350 Ford Truck, $375 Oakland '19, $750 Grant Six, $500 Master 2-Ton $1750 (New Kelly Tires) Maxwell '18 $350 Ford '21 Coupe Buich 4. m condition $450 Mitchell 1917, $600 Ford Touring Car $275 Heights Garage j. i VOLS I OR1 I Manager GROCERIES For people who think for themselves, are the groceries of quality. You will want the best at the right prices. Come in and we will see that you are satisfied. "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" We offer QUALITY, SERVICE and GOOD WILL Our meats and groceries are of the best Phone your orders to SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 es. CLEAN GAME FUN Order rubber stamps now boxes at the (i lacier ollice. for apple APPLE GROWERS A REO SPEEDWAGON AT A SAVING OF $600.00 SPEED Hp to 45 miles an hour anil a motor and chassis that will stand it. ECONOMY tod the ability to transport a ton or two ton load a mile at less cost than any other vehi cle that travels the roads. BODY covered express general utilitv. Can be removed to make way for flat fruit lied. TIRES you have to have pneu maticsthese are all cords. For full particulars about this REAL TUI CK BARGAIN, address E. F. JAGER 421 West Lark St., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE REGISTERED Jersey Bull Dropped October, 1920 This is the finest young animal in our herd. His Sire is a direct decendant through both sire ami dam of Cham pion Living Fox, admitted by breed ers to lie the reft teal producing and most celebrated hull ever brought to America from the Island. His Dana, Brilliant Jersey (jueerr, winner of Grand Champion at Cali fornia State Lair, 1919. Winner of 3rd place in her elas of more than thirty entries at Pacific International Live Shick Kxnosition at Pnrthtml Oregon, 1H20. PRICE $200 Write or call, WATT .V A CULL, Hood River, Ore. Tel. 5882. LENORE GREGORY TEACHER OF VIOLIN Kuropcan Training and Lxperience Call Saturdava at Oregon Hotel, or address Miss Gregory, 808 Hancock t., Portland, Oregon. J