ROOD RIVE It GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1021 Wien you to reason , discount tires come right down what is there to THE next time a friend comes to you all excited about some wonderful tire bargain ask him how much value he ought to get for each dollar of tire money. It's astonishing that any car owner today should not know all the tire service he is entitled to. Nor how to check up between the economy of par quality on one hand and big discounts, surplus stocks, discontinued lines and retreads on the other. For two years U. S. Tire makers have been telling the American people all about tires. They have laid open the tire business from every angle. They have always led the fight for better tires. They have consist ently maintained quality first standards with certain economy for the tire buyer. They have established 92 Factory Branches all over the country. Perfecting U. S. distri bution so that you get a fresh, Jive tire every time you buy a U. S. Tire. So when a man once decides on U. S. Tires he knows what he is getting in quality service economy. In support of his own judg ment he gets the pledged word and reputation of the largest and most successful tire concern in the world. A sound reason for the fact that you see more U. S. Tires on more cars than ever this year. I Vf, JW A The U. S. CHAIN TREAD One of the few tires of which it may be said that they deliver economy year in and year out and tire after tire. "you it m , liva tin ovmry timm you buy U..S..Tuo." United States Tires United States C Rubber Company DICKSON MOTOR CO., Inc. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Notice of Election In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. In the Matter of a Proposed IrrigH tion District to be known aa Middle Fork Irrigation District. Notice is hereby 'given of an elec tion to be held on the 17th day of Sep tember, A. L. 1921, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, in the aaid proposed Middle Fork Irriga tion District, the boundaries of which are hereinafter described, for the pur pose of determining whether or not the same shall be organized under the provisions of Chapter XIV of Olson's Oregon Laws, and the amendments thereof, and electing, officers of said irrigation district, to - wit : Three directors, all as required by said Act and the order of said court. Said elec tion shall commence and the polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the fore noon of said day, and the said polls shall be kept open and the said elec tion shall continue until live o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when said p" 'Us will If closed. Further notice is given, as follows : That all lands within said proposed Middle Fork irrigation District are within Hood Kiver, County, OtMOO, and the boundaries of said nroposeii ir rigation district are described as fol lows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southwest iiuarter of the South east uuarter of Section Eijibt (H), Township one ( 1 ) South, Range Ten (10) East, Willamette Meridian; thence East to a point approximately two hundred and forty (24V) feet East of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section eiht (H) Township One (1) South. Kange Ten (M) Fast ; thence in a Northerly dirci lion following the channel of a certain creek to where aaid creek intersects the oiith line of the Northeast quarter of Section t- ight (8), Township One (1) South. Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence East to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section Eight(X), Township One (1) South, Kate Ten Il0) Fast; thence in a Northerly dirvclu n, laM a meander line, followntr the crest of the bench on the West side, of the F.ast Fork of liiid nwr. to I approximately IPO feet East of the Southeast corner of the BMtlNNSl quarter of the Northeast quarter f Section Five (6). Townahip One (1) South. Kange Ten H East; thence continuing in a Northerly dir. along a meande line, following the crest of the bench on the West aide of the East Pork of Hood river, to a point approximately three hundred tweaty-seven 27) feet East of the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirt, ! Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) East; thence continuing m a Nor therly direction, along a meander line, following the ereat of the bench on the Wee aide of the Eaat Fork of Hood river to a point approximately feet East of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Suthw.M quarter of Section Twenty-eight ('. Townahip One (1) North, Kange Ten 00) fcast; thence continuing in a Northeriv direction along a meander line foil wing the rent of the bench on the Weat side of the Fast Fork of Hood river to a point approximately four hundred twenty arte (429) feet Eaat of the North n art corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twe r.ty-one (21). Townahip One (1) North. Kange Ten (f) Fust intersects with the West line (10) Fast; thence in a Northerly direc tion to the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20), Town ship One (1) North. Kange Ten (10) Fact; thence in a Northwesterly di rection to the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of section Twenty (20), Town ship One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence in a Northwesterly direc tion to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence West to the South west corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Eighteen (IK), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence North to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Fighteen (18), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence West six hundred and- sixty (0801 feet; thence in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western sloie of the bench on a uniform grado to a point seven hundred sixty-two (7ii2) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section Fighteen (IK), Township One (1) North. Kange Ten (10) Eaat; thence continuing in a Southerly direction aloii a meander line, following the Western sloe of the bench on a uniform grade to a point eleven hundred Biid one (1101) le t West of the Southwest corner of the Southeast qusrter of the South west quarter of Section Fight (IS). Township One (1) North. Kange Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western sloe of the bench on a uniform grade to a mint six hundred sixty '"') feet West of the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19), Township One (1) North. Kange Ten (10) Fast; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point one hundred twenty (120) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section Nineteen ('.;, Township One (1) North. Kange Ten (101 East ; thence continuing in a n utherly direction along a meander line following the crest M the bench on the Eaat side of the Middle Fork of Hood river, to h iiiit approximately even hundred fifty (75" feet Wesf of the Northeast corner of the N .nhi st .uarter of Section Thirty one II , Townahip One 1 1 1 North, Kange Ten (10) Fast, thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a mcamier nne following the crest of the tench on the East side of the Middle Fork of Hood river and Koeers creek, to a noint appproximately four hundred thirtv-five 435i feet West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section One (1. Township One (1) South. Kange Nine 9 Kb-'. hence continuing in a Southerly direc tion along a meander line following the creet of the Itench. on the Fast continuing in a .vwinern oirecnon along a meander line follow in the foot off the Eaat sale of the lava bed to a point where the foot of the Fast side of the lava ed intersects with the Suth line of Section 13 , - -r. , One OX South. Kange Nine v East; thence East to a point wnere tae South line of Section Thirteen 13 . Township One '1 South. Km: Nine of the right of way for the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the West side lateral ; thence in a Southwesterly direction, (follow ing the said West side lateral) to a point where the said West side lateral intersects with the West line of the Fast half of the West half of Section Twenty-four (24), Township One (1) South. Kange Nine CJ) Fast; thence South to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-four 124), Township One (1) South, Kange Nine OJ) East; thence East to a point where the South line of Section Twenty-four (14) intersects with Evans creek; thence in a Northeasterly direction along a meander line following the West bank of Fvans creek to a point where Evans creek intersects with the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the Fast Side Lat eral, at a point approximately Six Hundred Sixty (6801 feet North of the South line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Fighteen (IK), Township One (1) South, Kange Ten (10) Fast ; thence Hast to the Fast line of the right of way for the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the Fast Side Lateral ; thence in a North easterly direction along a meander line following the aaid Fast line of said right of way for said lateral to a point where the said Fast Side Lateral inter sects with the Fast line of Section Fighteen (1H), Township One (ll South, Kange Ten (10) Fast, which isiint is approximately twenty-five (2!) feet South of the Southeast corner of the Northeaat quarter of the Northeast ITUaftef of the Northeast quarter of Section Fighteen (18), Township One (1) South. Kange Ten (10) Fast, thence continuing in a Northeasterly direction along a meander line follow ing the said line of said right of way i for the Fast Side lateral to a point j where the said Fast Side Lateral inter sects with the Fast line of the North-; west quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township One (1 South. Kange Ten (in) Fast; thence North to the South line of Sec- 1 tion Fight (8), Township One (1) South. Range Ten 1 10) Fast; thence Fast to the place of beginning. The name of said proposed irrigation' district is Middle Fork Irrigation District That the whole of said proposed irri gation district is and will be one elec tion precinct for said election, and the voting and polling place of and for aaid election shall be Mclsaac's Hall in the town of i'arkdale, Oregon, within said proposed irrigation district. That the electors in said election shall cast ballots which shall contain the words "Irrigation District Yes" and "Irrigation District No," or words equivalent thereto, and also the names of the persons to be voted for to fill the said elective offices in and for said district. Said election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to elections, accord ing to aaid act and amendments thereof. Th.s notice is given for and as the notice of said court and will be pub lished once each week for at least four consecutive weeks prior to such election, in the Hood Kiver Glacier, a newspaper published within Hood Kiver I'ount), Oregon, pursuant to the order of said court duly made and entered herein on August 3rd. A. D. l;21. This notice is first published on August 11. A. D. 1!J1. Kent SSeemaker. County Clerk of Hood Kiver County, Oregon. allsS APPLE GROWERS A REO SPEEDWAGON AT A SAVING OF $600.00 BPEKD Up to -If) miles nn hour and a motor and chassis that will tend it. ECONOMY and the ability to transport a ton or two ton load a nils at less cost than any other vehi cle that travels the roads. I50DY Covered expreal general utility. Can be removed to make wsv for Hat fruit bed, TlKBS you have to have pneu maticsthose are all cords. For full particulars about this REAL TEUOK BARGAIN, address E. K. JAGER 121 West Park St.. Portland. Ore. Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Judson Sidney, Deceased. To H. M. Sidney : In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby commanded to appear in the (bounty Court of the State of Ore gon for "Hood River County at the Court House in the City of Hood River on the second day of September, 1421. at the hour of 1.30 p. m., then and there tohow cause, if any exist, why the said H. M. Sidney should not be removed as executor of the above en titled estate. Witness the signature of the Honor able H. L. Hasbrouck, Judge of the above entitled court, this lath day of July, 1921, and the seal of said court hereto affixed. Kent Shoemaker. Seal County Clerk. j21al Notice or Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. In the Matter of the Estate of Cyrus C. Sparks, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator has filed with said court his final aceoun and report, and has asked for a final settlement of said estate, and a decree directing how unit to whom distribution shall l-e made and for his discharge as adminis trator of said estate, and said court, i has. by order, fixed September 30th, j 1921, at ten o'clock a. m., as the time, j .n the Court room, in the Court house, hi the City of Hood Kiver. Hood Kier; County. Oregon, as the place for hear- i ing objections to said final account and report, and to such further order as. the court may make in the premises, j and all persons having objections thereto are hereby notiffied to file same on or before said time and date. In accordance with said order, this notice is published for four weeks. Ieginning with Septemter 1st, 1921. ls22 R. W. Sparks. Administrator of said estate. AUGUST PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT General Fund Pensions: Addie M. Matheny, $40.00; Mary Abbott, $10.00; Martha A. Curtis, $17.oO; Lr.esina E. Hoag land. $32.50; Selma S. Annala, $20.00; Lillie B. Forsberg. $20.00; Violet Cros by, $25.00; Bertha M. McCuistion, $10.00; Ida Flint, $17.50. F. H. Blackman. commissioner, $20. 50; H. C. Wyatt, bridge supplies. $19. 88; Mrs. W. F. Tucker, supplies for bridge crew, $1.75; 0. EL Rhoades, bridge foreman, $99.51 ; Aalto Annala, supplies for bridge crew, $27.95; L. A. Chapman, supplies, $23.50; Harold Hagen. working on bridge, $10.00; L. Freygang, $6.98; Orvle Hatch, $3.49; L. M. Bentley, work on new garage, $62.93; W. W. Morgan, $40.00 ; Clyde Rand, $32. (X); W. A. Lockman, $45.26; E. J. Slutz, $7.00; Geo. Kosson, $20.91 ; V. Winchell, $27.96; Krussow Bros., $20.97; W. J. Cady, $27.96; M. L. Lockman, $20.94; Roy Oldham, $28.00; E. J. Slutz, $49.83; Joe Dobson, $31.45; James Hawthorn. $49.76; W. L. Nichols, road master, $199.70; Ernest De Julious, $45.35. Mrs. Marie Hanneman, allowance, $10.00; Mrs. C. C. Walton, care Mrs. Wishart, $20.00; Mrs. Ixiuise E. Hoag land, care indigent, $75.00; Boys &. Girls Aid, allowance, $15.00; Mrs. Marshall Hill, care indigent, $30.00; A. W. Onthank, fees. $7.70; Robert Leasure, justice fees, $6.30; Jane Lenz, justice court, $6.30; Leo Kan, $3.00; J. H. Gerdes, indigent account, $8.00; Multnomah County, care Mahlon Hall. $30.00; Wasco County Poor Farm patient, $29.39; Frasier Grocery Co., groceries, $12.74; Blowers Hardware Co., bridge supplies, $50.35; Pacific Power & Light Co., light, $1.50; Ser vice Drug Store, indigent account, $1.00; Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., for bridge, $.60; Hood River Water Dept., $4.50; City, jail rent, $15.00; E. A. Franz Co., bridge supplies, $55.55; Geo. Sheppard, commissioner, $31.60 ; R. N. Young, on bridge contract, $253.25; Kent Shoemaker, office ex pense, $10.85 ; A. R. Cruikshank, sur veyor, $25.90; R. A. Petler, scalp bounty, $3.00; Walter Walters, car hire, $15.00; Hood River News, print ing, $110.30; Perigo & Son, groceries, $6.00; Highway Auto Co., supplies speed cop, $26.02: N. H. MacMillan, indigent account, $10.00; James Hen derson, registrar of vital statistics, $1.25; Slocom-Donnerberg, supplies, $5.05; L. B. Gibson, traveling and of fice expense, $25.35; Thos. F. Johnson, office expense, $27.96; J. E. Glazier, care Thad Glazier, $20.00; Vernon Murray, speed cop, $150.00; E. S. Olin ger, fees, $20.62; Hood Kiver Glacier, printing. $1.10; A. W. Onthank, fees, $4.00; Harry V. Wood, speed cop, $150.00. John W. Sifton, cornoner, Fagan caBe, $15.00; Anderson Undertaking Co., $30.00; E. S. dinger. $4.25; Mrs. Irma Bentley, stenographer, $10.00; E. I). Kanaga, physician, $5.00; Thos. F. Johnson, witness, $1.70; W. E. Hart, $1.70; Walter Walters, $1.70; Mary Miller, $2.30; L. N. Blowers, juror, $2.20; Wm. M. Stewart, $2.20; W. J. Baker, $2.20. Oregon-Washington Telephone Co., $1.55; J. C. Penney Co., $.98; F. D. Antrim, district sealer, $8.20; Glass & Prudhomme Co., supplies, $14.20; Emry Lumber & Fuel Co., indigent ac count, $6.75; Fir. Lumber Co., for bridge, $177.31 ; Oregon Lumber Co., for bridge, $4.08; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. culvert, $100.66; Lou S. Is enberg, $74.70; Kelly Bros., bridge account. $55.00 ; Elliott-Overland Co., speed cops' account, $15.00; R. O. Cooper, spraying for fruit inspector, $31.10; Glass & Prudhomme Co., tax roll and other supplies, $160.00; R. B. Bennett, juror, $3.00 ; Jessie M. Bish op, office expense, $.51 ; R. J. Mc Isaac, indigent account, $14.27 ; Ore gon Lumber Co., for bridge, $4.65; Ward IfcCowan, bridge work, $7.98; Henry Week, $9.97; K. J. Mclsaac, $6.00 ;W. L Nichols, freight, $2.15; K. N. Young, on bridge contract, $451.31 ; Fields and Welsh, for cattle slaughtered, $211.24. Road Fund Work' and Supplies W. E. Jones, $31.50; J. B. Doggett, $3.49; B. Doggett, $27.92; C. W. Kit chel, $31.45; C. Ringer. $31.45 ; J. B. Doggett. $131.73; G. F. Daugherty, $3.49; Guy J. Parker, $10.48; Wm. Jones, $3.49; W. W. Morgan, $19.88; Clyde Rand, $90.00; W. A. lockman. $21.00; E. J. Slutz, $6.93; If, J. Foley. $125.82; Roy Oldham, $57.58; O. L Creighton, $10.98; Geo. Kosson, $10.50; F. Webster, $14,116; Roy Oldham, $13. 88; E.J. Slutz, $20.00; James Hath horn, $28.00; Frank Purdy, $13.10; Mt. Hood Milling Co., $53.50; Highway Auto Co., $89.04; W. A. Langille, $192.97; Cameron Motor Co.. $4.55; Blowers Hardware Co., $.30; W. I. Kirby, $27.50; H. C. Wyatt, $12.37 ; Oregon Lumber Co., $2.25; Hood River Water Dept., $1.00; Oregon State Highway Commission, two new trucks, $91.14; Fast Fork Irrigation District, $7.40; Mount Hood Motor Co., $42 64 ; Sherman J. Frank, $156.00; Pacific Power & Light Co.. $30.70; Huckahay & Barger, $.50; Hood River Garage, $7.65; J. F. Volstorff, $27.96; Dickson Marsh Motor Co., $25.00; W.;J. Under wood, $6.70; E. A. Franz Co., $49.87; C. L. Trout, $10.50; Reuben Elder, $17.50; Howell Bros., $43.50; J. E. Andrews, $5.60; R. M. Blackman, $15.00; H. L. Hasbrouck. Jr., $15.00; .It McFlroy. $88.50; R. J. Mclsaac Co., $18.60; H. L. Furrow, $10.50; Ray Gibson.$14.00; O. H. Hill, $15.75; F. M. Edwards. 113.87; A. Manner, $3.50; R. R. Uwis, $7.00. Market Road Fund E. A. Franz Co., $20.80; and $23.80: A. R. Cruikshank. $70.40: Clifford Green. $7.00; Glen Green, $5.25 ; Wal ter Manville, $1.75; C. M. Hurlburt, $10.80; and $22.40; R. N. Young, $3. 75; A. R. Cruikshank, $134.10; Clifford Greene, $5.25; Glen Greene, $5.25; United Contracting Company, for Pine Grove, $2 1,230. in;, for Odell, $14,586.93. Special Road Dist, No. 2 Fund Geo. Stanton, $9.47. Medford Reed IVnation Fund W. A. Ixx-kman. $17.50; E. J. Slutx. ; $i;... Other Proceedings A petition was filed by M. O. Boe and others of Parkdale asking the Court to call an election to vote on the question of forming an irrigation dist-1 ("has. Steinhauser and J. F. Thomp son were appointed judges ami C. J. Magnuson, John Cooper and W. S. I lVwd. clerks of the election board. A. C. Staten was appointed w ater ' master at a salary of $150. 00 per month. Clerk ordered to advertise $150,000.00 Loop Highway bonds for sale. Kent Shoemaker County Clerk. N. if IL A Cheering Cup of Tea everybody appreciates and we know you will find our Lipton's tea a brand you will not will ingly part with once you have tried it. It has a most delicate flavor and aroma, full body and is very refreshing. Our Golden Gate tea is also quite popular. H. MacMILLAN On the Heights See us before buying Arsenate of Lead We handle "CORONA DRY" The Universal Insecticide Orchard Supplies and International Harvester Supplies The Hood River Fruit Co. Apple Harvest IS NEAR! Are you prepared to take proper care of your crop? Let us help you with the IDEAL GRADER TTw C il Our grader lias stood the test of six years of actual usage by growers. Constant improvements have been made each year. They have grown more popular each year, and not only in our own Northwestern districts but apple growing communities of foreign countries have ordered them. It will pay you to investigate the 1921 IDEAL GRADER. It has numerous attractive new features. It can be adjusted while actual sizing is in operation. Two little screws do the work. Our new sorting table is worth your observation. The harvest is near, and growers should place their orders at once. We can also supply you with Bryant Clamp Trucks and Standard Roller Conveyors. Ideal Fruit and Nursery Co. Tel. 5832 II. i ' as University of Oregon The Course of literature V The SrKrJ i AL... iv.wtcviuic and Allied Arts. The ScknnJ ..1 P.. Administration. TV School of Edacauon. Die Extension Diviskot CONTAINS: The Graduate School. The School of Journalism The School of Law. The School of Medicine. The School of Music. The School of PfcrsKeJ Education. The School ot Sooolof j lilacier L'ilice luaaec rubber etmpa. i Kodak finihirtf Slocorn-Innerlwrg o. t)ne np-t -dte dark modi, an iip-i-date etpr rt tinisber, a real 24 boar Fall Term Opens September 26 T1 Jrrw Or