ITOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1021 ODELL Mrs. Anton Pederson, of La Crosse, Wis., accompanied by her two chil dren, has been visiting at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Nels Hagen. Mrs. Ped erson and Mrs. Hagen were schoul mates, Before coming here for a visit Mrs. Ftderson visited relatives and friends in Portland and Tacoma. 0. M. Moll and family are at home in the Joe Tompkins property and Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Teague and children have come from their home near Washouga! o enjoy the opportunities afforded by Oriel, I excellent schools. They have leased the O. M. Mull prop erty. Dorothy Hull, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Hull, narrowly escaped ser ious injury Monday evening when her horse shied, throwing Doro'bv directly in front of an auto moving in the same direction. Fortunately W. A. Holland, who At.a driving the car, had slowed down to r et-1 at whch he could stop ver' easily which he did at about six inches distance from Dorothy. The home of Gordon Haskins caught fire Saturday. Prompt action prevent ed .nore than I light damage. Odell High School opened Monday morning with the following U mem bers of the faculty: W. E. Nichoi, Mrs. W. E. Nichoi, and Miss Mary A. Rogers. Fifty-two were In attendance the opening day with more to come. Instructors and students are full of en thusiasm and indications point to a very successful year. Odell grade school will open next Tuesday if present plans carry. Mrs. K. Kronberg, who hus been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Davis, for the past month, left for a few days' visit in Portland and Seattle before returning to her home in Min nesota. Mrs. mother as far Davis accompanied her in Portland. PINE GROVE The Ladies' Aid has arranged for a silver party at the home of Mrs. Ed Hawks tomorrow, Friday, night. Miss Marguerite Ferrin will have charge of the program. Mrs. A. I. Mason entertained a party of yuurn.' people Monday evening with a surprise party in celebration of the 21st birthday of her son, Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. 3, 0. Mark and Roger Blackmau left Sunday morning for u trip to Netart.s Pay. Miss Ethel Kick ford returned Satur day from Seattle. She had been at tending sumroei school at the Univer sity of W ::shitigton. Mr. am! Mrs. Daniel Rowan, who have beea visiting Mr. and Mrs. S R McDonald, left Tuesday with Mrs. Mc Donald for the coast. Mrs. McDonald accompanied them as far as Portland The Aloha club will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. W J. Cady. Miss Elizabeth Riddel I, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E Lage, returned Monday to her home at Long Beach, Calif- Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Vannier drove to Portland yesterday and then to Cor- vallis for a visit. Mian Nellie Sonne- man accompanied them as far as Port land. Mrs. Kellar, of Pend, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hans Lage. Mrs. Kellar exoects to return to Germany in Octo ber. Miss HeDn Brofli left Monday for her school in Oak Grove. The social gr.-.nge will be held next Saturday evening. A "od program is being arranged. ;io admission will be B. G. Davidson have motor trip to Trout charged. Mr. and Mrs returned from Lake. Mrs.' M. D. Armstrong is visiting friends'in Portland this week. Eighteen Pine Grove people were at the Columbia Gorge Hotel Friday evening. George Axtelle returned the latter part Of last week from Seattle, where he attended a summer session at the Universityjof Washington. BELMONT A Willow Flat SNAP I am offering this week the best Willow Flat snap in years. Willow Flat is one of the most highly productive sections of Hood River. Land there has always been very much sought after, and there is very little of it on the market. The property in question is one of the best known or chards in that district. This is the first time it has been placed on the market and I consider the price on a par with the other bijr snaps I have sold this year. This place fronts on the new Loop Road and consists of twenty acres of full bearing' fruit, divided as follows: Arkansas Blacks, 2 acres; Newtowns, 9 acres; Spitz. 4 acres; Ortleys, 2 acres; Johnathans, acre; Delicious, i acre; Anjou pears, I acre; Cherries, 1 acres. The estimated the place. crop is 5000 boxes, which goes with The improvements consist of a line packing house with law frost-proof concrete basement with a storage capacity of 8000 boxes. The main floor is 40x00, with .two 12x20 porches. There is also a second story for the Storage of boxes. This building would cost $7000 to reproduce. The full equipment is included, consisting ()f a large sized Cutler grader, metal conveyors, nailing presses, trucks, etc. One six room dwelling, with bath and basement, plas tered; electricity and running water. One six room dwelling with eight-foot porch, plastered; shingled exterior; running water and electricity. Five 12x14 cottages for harvest help, wit roofs; each furnished completely with stoves, mattresses, springs, etc. l shingled bedsteads, or four horses anil one COW One barn 21x24 with room and 2(5 tons of hay. Has one of the finest wells in Willow Flat, operated by electric pump and pressure tank. Irrigation water comes from the East Fork Ditch. Everything on the place goes with it. including 7M0 made-up boxes; one team of heavy draft horses, with apple wagon and two orchard wagons complete; power sprayer; full equipment of plows, harrow:--, l iller, disc; 27 orchard ladders; 15 picking buckets; 1000 feet flume lumber; 20 ton I alfalfa hay and 30 ricks fir and pine wood. I am authorized to offer this limited time lendid property for a at L'.r,KM). which can he handled cash and the proceeds of the crop and the balanc to suit at 17(. for ,XI) n terms The crop is practically made and the boxes are fur nished, so that only the ban , s1ing charges remain to be taken care of. When the proceeds of the crop and the bedrock value of the imprOVem mts are deducted from the price, the twenty ai res of orchard are being secured at a very low price. C N. RAVLIN Aent PYTHIAN BUILDING HOOD RIVER Making Promise No. 3 Good Mr. Kfenfeety, Mr. recognized as first Tou may prove Ihem by am own opinion of the DroCMlel c. e Sko&lund .uii Mr. Steele are class men in their profession. tost. Hi e onr his purpose is to best market in Oregon. MT. HOOD MEAT CO. l . M M muie in. O. I . liagtiev Prop. 4th and Oak Streets. THE. HRST IS THE CHEAPEST." George Gallaway, wife and three sons, Miss Lou Gallaway, Mr. and Mrs. L W. Bithop, Miss Imogen Bish op and Mr. and Mrs. Will Farrel were guests Sunday of Mrs. Anna Sawyer at her home in Willow Flat. Harold Forden returned Saturday from Portland where he spent two weeks visiting relatives. Mrs. G. P. Pemterton has returned from the Deaconess hospital in Spo kane, where she has been a patient for the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church, and Mrs. C. E. Miller and children have returned from a vacation spent at Can non Beach. Mrs. L. W. Bishop spent part of the past week visiting her parents and sis ter, who is quite ill at her home in Portland. Park Grange trustees have purchased an acre of ground from Mrs. Edna El- lt-n Wright, on which thev intend to build a Grange hall. Mrs. Maie Chubb left Saturday for Canby where she will visit relatives for Beveral days. 34 iwr. ana Mrs. U M. Jlurlburt entcr ? tained at dinner Friday evening Mr. " and Mrs. Fielding Kelly, Mrs. Bailey, mother of Mrs. Kelly, of IJood Kiver, and Miss Moller, of Portland Way. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Sargent, and Mrs. Red ic tor spent the week end visiting relatives in Portland. Mrs. Austin Osburn and children, after spending the summer on their ranch, left Sunday for their home in Astoria. Friends in Belmont have received announcements of the marriage Aug ust 23, of Misses Miriam Tufts, a for mer resident of Methodist Lane. W. H. Davis, of Portland, silent a few hours visiting his mother, Mrs. Sarah Davis, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Van Norder, of Con don, spent the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Louise Norder. Mr. Norder returned to Condon Sun day. His wife will spend a few weeks in Belmont. The Misses Avis and Elizabeth Sail ing and brothers, Randall and Herman, left Saturday for their home in Forest (irove. Avis and Elizabeth returned Sunday to attend high school in Hood River. They will make their home with their grandmother, Mrs. M. P. lsenberg. The Belmont W. F. M. S. will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. R. Forden. Frank Corwin, who has been work ing In the wheat harvest at Madras for some time, is expected home this week. George Gallaway has purchased an Ideal grader and expects to begin packing apples this week. C. E. Kitr-hell and family spent Sun day here with relatives. H. C. Wyatt, Miss Marian Wyatt, Mrs. Marie Shirley, Misses Phyllis and Frances Sailor, and J. D. Smuflen and family spent Sunday at the Punch Bowl. Mrs. I- rahcth earner and nieces, Mises. Phyllis and Frances Sailor, Miss llollenbeck. and Misses Waldron are guests at the J. D. Smullen home. I Mr. and Mrs. John Cosgrove came ilown from Long Prairie Sunday. J. H. Doggett was a Pendleton vis itor several day last week. W. E. i5arr was home from Hood River over the week end. W. T. Smith has rented his ranch to Mr. Lee. .John Cosgrove and Al Leasure have purchased the George Wishart ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Wishart have bought one 01 the 1'arker houses in Parkdale. I here will be a community social at Wyatt's hall Friday evening. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. Will Savage and son, and Mr. An thes and son, of Portland, were guests t H. C. Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt took them to Lost Lake 1 hursday. Bob Duncan, salesman for Allen & Lewis, was here Monday on business. MOSIER ANNUAL WAIST EVENT Our Waist events are being looked forward to with keen interest by the majority of the popu lation of Hood River and vicinity. In this assortment you will find hundreds of surprisingly good values. People ask us how we do it. 313 well organized Cash Stores is the secret. DEE A. Sherman Hill, of New York City, the man who made Paderewski's hair famous, was the guest of Miss Kather- ine Myers, M. D., of Portland, at Sun shine Shanty a couple of. days. A. J. Fanno and wife, of Portland, are spending a tew days at Sunshine Shanty. Mr. Fanno has the distinc tion of being the biggest grower of onions in the Pacihc coast section. Samuel B. Lawrence, wife and son, ot Raleigh, were guests of Mrs. Edith LOS Mr Ueatherred this week. 11 .. f I mra. rair nami ana CBIMFMI are home from a visit of two weeks to friends in Gresham. Although the zig zag bridge across the East Fork has a county court con demnation notice posted at both the east and west approaches, parties have broken the padlock and bars and ma chines use the bridge. The foundation for the new 60glM apple warehouse is completed and the (tame work is under way. The build ing will be ready for the fall crop. MIDDLE VALLEY B. ). Montgomery returned home from Pendleton Friday evening. John Hillstrotn is visiting friends in the alley I bis week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kasey have gone to Hood River to live so Mr. Kasev can be near his doctor. Roy, Mildred and Ethel Montgomery and Mary Keeling attended the ice ream social at Mount Mood Thiltsday evening. Mrs. Nellie Bur. h, is visiting Mrs. Harold The Ladies' club n Rhoades Friday. Mrx. sisted in serving. Mr. and Mrs. C I H.,d River, visited i j Mrs. B Warden Sunda- Stanley Walters has bOOfl overseeing I the work on the Lost Lake road the past week. The boys of the trail crew came down from the mountain Thursday and Friday they went uj to work n the Lost Lake road. Robert Wilson, of Portland, visited his brother, J. M. Wilson, Sunday and Monday. Mr. Wilson is associated with the Malcolm Tire Co., in Portland and expects to establish a branch store in The Dalles this fall. C. G. Nichoi and family left Monday for Yakima where they will spend a few days with the Rea family, former residents of Mosier. W. E. Chown is a Portland visitor this week. Wm. N. Akers, of Portland, is spending a few days on his ranch south of town. Frederick Page and family, motored to Portland Wednesday. Mr. Paire. who is a building contractor in New York City, experts to permanently lo cate in Oregon. Jack Lelliott recently purchased from Frederick 1'age a 20 acre orchard located southwest of Mosier. This property was formely known as the Leonard ranch. C. L. Ogle, state paving inspector, accompanied by Howard McElvain spent the week end in Portland. .Judge r-red W. Wilson is visiting wun niB family at the Wilson ram south of Mosier. E. C. Smith, of 'Hood River, was business visitor in Mosier recently. U J. Merrill and mother, Mrs. S. A Merrill, journeyed to Seaside last week. Mr. Merrill reported that the roads to Seaside were in excellent con dition, with the exception of a long ueiour irom Astoria to Seaside. Miss Lizzie Elder accompanied the Mathison family to Cottage Grove where she spent a few days visiting trienus. Motor car thieves attempted to steal a Kurd machine owned by Frank Mid- dleswart. from the Robinson ranch early Saturday morning. They were frightened away by the appearance of ttie owner and J, M. Wilson. lhe Mosier h ruit Growers Associa tion has completed shipments of Bart lett pears, prunes and Gravenstein ap .. 1 rni ... pies, i ne prune crop amounted to nor mally half a crop. Two cars of Grav enstein apnles were shipped and one car of Hnrtlett pears. R. I). Chatfiield states that the apple crop is maturing rapidly and expects the picking to be gin much earlier this year than last. of Washington, Kesling. let with Mrs. L. L. Macklin as- J. Calkins, of it the home of CASCADE LOCKS I. act Saturday night at a school meeting held in the school house the budget for the coming year was voted down. Plans are under way to pre pare a new budget. Mrs. Charles Lang has as her house guests, tier mother and i-ousins from Chicago. Mrs. Nell O'Neil, who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Harriet Waite, for several days, left Sunday morning foi Itend. Je.-s Allen has been sick in bed for several days. Mrs. Lloyd Boyle and son, Horace, have returned to Portland after visit ing Mrs. Hoyle's mother, Mrs. Osborn. J. F. Ilendrick was in Portland last week. Miss Hernice Smith, of Portland, is visiting Helen Olson. Last Friday night Misses Gene and Lillian M illory gave a surprise nartv for their brother. Dallas. A large number of young people was present. V Helen McKlvain, of Portland, has been spending a few days with Mrs. Tom Jenkins. Mr-. A. M. Lane returned Sunday from Hot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain have as their cue s for a few days Dr. and Mrs. Croihers, Mrs. Gleason and son, and Miss Jessie Foster, of Salem. Byron Lane left Sunday night to enter high school in Hood River. N Is Olson, who is working down at Linnton, spent the week end at home. I . ' n:...i a . . it. anil mrs. I'uieoranui are laKing a trip to Vancouver, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Adams returned Saturday evening from Underwood where they have been visiting their daughter. Thursday, Friday and Saturday these Waists will be on display. Come early and make your choice. Avoid the rush. $2.98 A Nice Silk Waist enhances beauty and charm. Husband. Father or Brother, why not surprise her with one of these so much appreciated economical gifts? Watch Our Dept. A NATION-widl- ( 1 i Institution - clncorhorated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES WHERE EVERYTHING YOU WEAR IS CHEAPER New Things Arriving Dail? Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hyde were recent week end visitors. Dr. Belsheim is taking passengers to Portland in the big Oldsmobile. Miss Margaret Bewley, who has been visiting her grandfather. R. L. Bew ley, for a couple of weeks, left Sunday of last week for her home in Portland. It is a busy place around the new box factory. There are prospects of the saw mill running until late this fall, owing to the demand for box and building lumber. Miss Francelia Drum, of Oregon City, who has been spending her vaca- i tion at the Cutting home, returned last week. WHITE SALMON (From the Knterprlse) Paul McKercher is in Montana look ing over the apple market and endeav oring to sell his large crop of apples. report from Mr. McKercher savs the market is not very active. ('apt. F. C. Lewis was the guest of his brother, A. G. Lewis, and family, of this city, last week. He recently returned from Germany and has been assigned to the University of Oregon as professor of military science. R. K. Patterson, of Chicago, who is spending his vacation on his ranch in ; the Bristol district, reported Monday that he had purchased an 80-acre tract of timber land from the McFarland es tate, misgives nun a loial acreage of 160 acres, 40 acres of which is under cultivation. G. L. Aggers drove out to Laurel with a truck load of peaches, one day last week and quickly sold the whole load at $1.25 per box. Mr. Aggers after the cold winter of two years ago. carefully trimmed his peach orchard with the result that he harvested a good crop this season. B. E. Smead, of Idaho, has been elected to take charge? of the manual training, athletic and science depart ments of the White Salmon high school by the board of directors at a meeting a few days ago, when word was re ceived that Prof. Northrup had not signed his contract but had taken the superintendency of a school in Idaho. Phil Willig and family, of Silverton, ?!?, newcorne to White Salmon, Mr. Willig coming here to take charge of the local station of the Columbia Dairv Products Co. H. A. Karlen, who has been in charge, has left for Vancouver, the company's headquar ters. He will be the company's Port land city salesman, a position which he occupied before coming to White aimon. Motorists Clean Up Litter When merchants of the east end of Oak street observed a partv of motor tourists tossing cantaloupe rinds and other refuse from a lunch on the street Monday, they called Marshal Hart. The latter caught the motorists, whose car bore a Seattle pennant, in the act of littering up the street. He ottered them the alternative of cleaning up their luncheon debris or submitting to arrest. They removed the litter. Insist iiavn Mars m genuine your car n Motor Co. Ford parti when paired. Dicksoo-Btf Buick 4's TKOUT LAhh still seek the MOUNT HOOD A. J. Sawyer returne ette Valley points M had Ken visiting relatn W. T. Wvatt and VV family siient aexeral da' last week. The young folks of were entertained Fridi n'i it rs and tourists ' eluded spots here. i umber of the local people have in the trip to the mountain. h great number to the huckleberry Gardner and it Lost lake Mrs rs. W. O. Whi ley. I llunsakerand son, Herbert, of talmon, spent a few days at the i tel showing Mis Hurlburt, of rsey, the (panties of this val- ( ommodor Clark atten River Thurw Mr. Mn venson to i batt They Ross Kini W. M. day evenir few davs. Brothers c asure hall attractive to iake the d River bv Hood '. Jisn Ste- Mfl . was Mr. V to left Mon- pend a D. F.. Witt, of Lylc, a former resi- dent, v .ta a late visitor here. It is reported that the number of milk c. s here will be increased in the' near futura. F. K. Jones ta buddm a new barn, and hv has a gang of men busv tearing : down the old aaw mill on the Schnnd ' Mace. Fartiea have len here lately tryinf to interest the farmers in building i id the loa fat, hav, It l" rK1 laninv, . w . hitchel etc., they aeasn slow to H H' ' ,hTh M'''1 the The neat meeting of er maraday. Pomona Grange will be lott and family, of Stevenson on on' September 13, a rame mio Ma v to visit Mr. ami Mrs. meet-with Mt View G Cha. Lao, They returned home Son- an important meeting ai day. u - f ,ii ero .i. r to t Mr. and Mra. W . H. Mirk and Several farmers h ry"!-. MPT. p.f Hf"'d R,w- ' h over feeding of green clover ere gSBaU of ft. M. Roach Sunday. . 1 and alfalfa. rkitat cow j Ute Fmblem of Saiisjurtw. We are now taking orders for 30-day delivery on the New Four's. Drop in and get the specifications and see our photos on the different models. Hood River Garage