The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1921, Image 9

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hi i mm r-i .m-m-h-i-m-
HMH I I l i M 4
Lazy People are always anxious to be
up and doing things. ' Manser Signs.
Phone 5497. j21tf
H. L Hashrouck, Optometrist.
Dance at Odell Grange hall Friday
night. Folts' Orchestra. All invited.
Will saw your wood anywhere in city.
Andrews A Sutherliu. Tel. 1771. alltf
Careful attention paid to repairing au
tomobiles. Howell Bros., Tel. 2551. a4tf
J. li. Watkins Products, sold by Geo.
Wilde. 1M12 Pith Street. Tel. 192:?. jl3tf
Forbes docs painting, sign work and
calcimining. Tel. 3014. ni9tf
tor SpirellaCoreets Mrs. Fred Howe,
013 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 1783. j21tf
W. L Nichols and wife motored to
Cannon Beach last week for an outing.
Geo. H. Baldone and family have re
turned from an outing at coast resorts.
C. Personett, of Parkdale, was a
business visitor in the city Tuesday.
W. B. North is back from a vacation
in the Lost Lake section.
Mrs. Gordon G. Brown and children
are at Forest Grove visiting relatives.
Mrs. H. G. Cooper has been at Can
non Beach for a vacation.
A. W. Folck and family have moved
irom the West bide to the Heights.
Walter W. Shay was a business vis
itor in Portland the fisrt of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tel W. Blount have re
turned from an outing at the coast.
Blackberry pickers wanted at once.
Joseph Frazier., Jr., tel. 5457.
Arthur C. Johnsen is spending the
week at coast resorts.
F. K. Carpenter was a business vis
itor in Portland the first of the week.
1. R. Acheson and family are in Se
attle visiting relatives.
See Howell Bros., Fourth and Colum
bia Streets, when you want a good job
of repairing on your automobile. a4tf
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Booms 23-24-25 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood Kiver.
Eyes scientifically examined by II. L.
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, Heilbronner
Bldg. f8-tl
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connaway and
children left Sunday for coast resorts
for a two weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Anderson and
son, Clifford, are at Cannon Beach on
an outing.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Tompkins left
last week for coast points by automo
bile. Mrs. W. G. Weber left last Thurs
day for a visit with relatives and
friends in Portland and Seattle.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. James Hru
baker at the Stork snest Thursday,
August 4, twin daughters.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wit
helm at. the Storksnest Thursday, Aug
ust 4, a 7 pound son.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dav
enport, Jr., Saturday, August ti, an 8J
pound daughter.
Highest cash price paid for your used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. s20tf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired, Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
Highest quality coal is cheapest. Utah
King Coal is clean, hard and highest in
heat. Ernry Lumber iV Fuel Co. Suc
cessor to Hood Kiver Fuel Co. " a21tf
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. On than k , Manager, 305
Oak Street. Phone 1521. jy20-tf
We have secured the services of an ex
perienced mechanic ami can now take
care of all vour automobile needs. How
ell Bros., Tel. 2551. :i4tf
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cameron and
son, Virgil, motored to coast resorts
for a week end visit.
Lewis Mason and family have left
for San Fernando, Calif., to make
their home.
Mrs. M. Mohr, who recently under
went an operation at the Cottage Hos
pital for appendicitis, is convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Franz has left
for Puget Sound and Vancouver, B. C,
points on a motor vacation.
R. E. Scott and family will leave
the latter part of the week by automo
bile or coast resorts.
Families of Geo. C. and Van W.
Oladden are camping at Herman creek
on a camping excursion.
Mrs. C. N. Clarke and daughter.
Charlotte, are at Cannon Beach on an
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Smith left
for Cannon Beach the first of the week
on a vacation.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Van Horn at the Cottage Hospital Fri
day evening, August 5, a fine son.
W. H. Galvani, chief engineer of the
Pacific Power & Light Co., was up
from Portland last week on business.
F. J. Buckley, in charge of stock
sales for the Northwestern Electric
Co., was here last week on business.
Belmont Circle of Riverside church
will meet tomorrow afternoon with
Mrs. D. H. McClain on Avalon Way.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. SchafTner and
Miss Lottie Kinnaird left last week on
a tour to Alaska.
Miss Mattie Pratt, of Enterprise, is
visiting at the West Side home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Lynn.
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohoon at
the Taeoma, Wash., general hospital
Wednesday, July 20. a 7-pound girl.
No services will be held at St.
Mark's Episcopal church until Sundaj,
August 21.
A. A. Schenck has arrived from New
England to spend a part of the summer
vacation on his East Side ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Castner and Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Sletton left last week
for Cannon Beach for an outing.
Mrs. R. G. McNary and son, Robert,
Jr., have left for a six weeks outing
at Seaview.
R. P. Robinson, on a vacation from
the J. C. Penney store is spending the
week in The Dalles with his family.
The Lutheran church congregation
will participate in an ice cream social
at the church Friday from 4 to 9 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Cram, left Sunday for Cannon Beach
and Twin Rocks for aweek's outing.
Mrs. J. 1). Guttery left last week
for Valparaiso, Nebr.. having been
called there by the serious illness of
their father.
Julius Jacobson, of Pendleton, where
he is now engaged in the automobile
business, was here last week visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jacobsen.
Wood for the range or furnace. Dry,
sound slabs, Ki-in. body fir or cord wood.
r-.mry Lumber A Htiel Co. Successor to
Hood River Fuel Co. a2ltf
All films left with us up to 4 o'clock
p.m. are out the following day at 4 p.m.
In at four out at four.--STocom-Donner-berg
Co. jy22tf
Kodak finishing - Sloconi-Donnerberg
Co. One up-to-date dark room, an up-to-date
expert finisher, a real 24 hour
service - Hints us. jy 22tf
W. R. Sherwood and family spent
Sunday in the Lost Lake country
where they harvested seven gallons of
fine huckleberries.
Bids Wanted - To transfer at once
from 40 to 80 tons baled timothy hay
from Camas Prairie, Wash., to a Ware
bouse in Hood Kiver, Oregon. Pbone
4033. 0. T. Kolerts. a4tf
Come On Boys- Its Time To Get Ready
School Opens Early This Fall -Our Fall Samples Are Here
Have Your School Suit Made To Your Measure
You get a perfect fit, and the Very Latest College Styles, made to your own indi
vidual measurements, and to suit your own personal taste and you get better value.
Guaranteed All Pure Wool Made-to-Measure Suits
29.SO - 31. SO - 33.SO - 35.00 - 37.SO
The Extra Trousers Offer Holds Good Until Aug. 15
All Wool Made-to-Measure Suits with Extra Trousers Free
35.O0 to 60.00
Come in
best woolens
now, hav
in the
measure taken and make your choice from over five hundred of the
Young Men's College Shoes
Black or brown, 4.95 to 7.45
The New Fall Hats
Are here for you, 3.00 up
New Dress and Negligee Shirts
Solid colors and stripes, 1 .00 and 1 ,95
And all the other fixings you Boys need to start you off on the right foot
Extra Pair of Trousers
Hand Tailoring
Ordc today this offer is
fur a limited time only.
Sweater Coats
Pleated and plain
$4.50 to $8.50
A msL JBSL. maP I i
New Luggage
Suit Cases and Bags
Straps and Name Tags
"Your Cursed
Pride Did That"
And the boy, soul-sick at
the wreck of his love, flung
out of his father's home and
sank to the depths.
But this sniux "foremost
citizen" what of him?
What of the girl who gave
up when she wasn't fit for
his son? What of his church
that was ruled by hypo
crites? What of the thou
sands of honest workers
whose lives these hypocrites
Was there any way up to
the light? Only one !
A story that turns the
dregs of life to the spark
ling wine of happiness.
of the
from the world-famous
novel by
Winston Churchill
Ringing Laughter!
Bawling Baby !
Busy Wire Business!
Lloyd's Latest and
Full of Fun !
Tele-fun Comedy !
Topics of
The Day
Liberty Organ
Mon. & Tues., August 15-16
The W. C. T. U. will meet at Li
brary hall Tuesday evening, August
16. All members, and especially offic
ers are urged to be present.
Miss Grace Edgington, of the Uni
versity of Oregon faculty, is at home
for a short visit with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. Jesse Edgington.
An exhibit of butter from the Hood
Kiver Creamery will be sent to the In
terstate Fair, which will begin at Spo
kane September 15,
Carl Kent, who has been engaged in
his profession as a painter at Fresno
and San Jose, Calif., has returned
here. He will resume work painting
in Hood Kiver and vicinity.
J. W. Holbert and family, former lo
cal residents, have returned to the val
ley from the San Joaquin Valley, Cali
fornia, where Mr. Holbert has been in
charge of a large orchard place.
Mrs. Verne Whitcomb and little
daughter, Marjorie, after a visit of six
weeks with Mrs. Whitcomb's mother,
Mrs. W. E. Shay, returned to their
home in Seattle the first of the week.
Mrs. Katherine M. Gill, who left
last year for Camp Lewis to make her
home, writes that they have purchased
lots at lacoma, where they are build
ing a new home.
S. J. Moore was in Portland Monday
to attend the luncheon given at the
Chamber of Commerce to John S.
Drum. Hankers from all sections of
the state attended the meeting.
Donald Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Bennett, who has been in Prine
ville the past several weeks on busi
ness, has returned here to spend the
remainder of his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. H. (J. Cooper have just
returned from h visit to Seattle, where
they witnessed the rendition of "The
Wayfarer," a pageant-like perform
ance, similar to the Passion Play.
Musical numbers at the dedicatory
services at the Christian church Sun
day were given by Mr. and Mrs. K. O.
Cnoper, Geo. Mitchell, of Aberdeen,
and the Odell quartet. The church
was decorated with native greens.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frazier, after a
visit here with Mr. Frazier's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frazier, Sr., and
other relatives and friends, have left
for their home in California. The trip
south will be made by automobile.
E. O. Blancbar and C. A. Bell were
iti Portland yesterday to attend a
Leslie Butler and Homer A. Kogers
were in Portland yesterday to attend a
meeting of a committee of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce which is
proposing a campaign for further pop
ularizing the scenic assets of Mount
Hood. Mr. Butler, with other mem
bes of the committee recenty toured
the base of the mountain.
meeting of a Portland Chamber of
Commerce committee, which is devis
ing ways and means of a fuller devel
opment of Mount Hood scenic assets.
Mrs. C. C. Iemmon. of Medford, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Hershner. Mr. Iemmon is sales
manatrer of the Oregon Growers Co
operative Association .for the Kogue
Kiver Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe and daugh
ter, Miss Frances, returned Monday
evening from an automobile trip to
Cannon Beach. Mrs. Genevieve Can
held and daughter, Mildred, of Port
land, accompanied them to the coast.
V. D. Lill ia expecting his brother,
Thomas Lill, nationally known munici
pal research expert, to arrive here this
week for a visit. Mr. Lill, whose
headquarters are in New York City,
has been engaged in gathering statis
tics on municipal activities in Chicago.
Mrs. Lillian Seton, of Eugene, who
has traveled around the globe, has
been here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Kand. Mrs. Seton declares that
she has never visited a region of such
scenic delight as the Hood Kiver val
ley. Judge Blowers and family returned
Sundav from an S-day camping trip on
their Upper Valley ranch. He declares
the experience a most beneficial one.
He returned home with bis face bear
ing a healthy tan and sunburn and the
possessor of a keen appetite.
Lost Between Columbia Gorge Ho
tel and Hood Kiver a large diamond,
valued at $3,500, fell out of setting of
ring. A reward of $500 will be paid
by owner. R. H. Sullivan, care of
Portland Vegetable Oil Mills Co., 805
Wilcox Bldg.. Portland.
Mrs. Conrad Jacobson and daughter,
Kuth Anne, who have been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Blowers, j after
left last week for La Grande where i Cloud
she will be the guest of Miss Mildred
Riddle before returning to her home
at Walla Walla.
The reservoir of the water power
plant owned by the Apple Growers As
sociation and located on the Heights
tempted many small boys the past few
hot days. The apple sales concern,
fearing that some youngster imay be
stuck in the heavy sediment of mud,
in the bottom of the reservoir, or be
drawn against the screen of the main
that carries the water to the lower
city, has posted signs warning youths
to keep away.
J. E. Bailey, whoge hobby is garden
ing, Saturday dispalyed the most
unique flower freak seen here this
year. It was a dahlia bloom with four
distinct centers and sets of petals
growing on one stem. From whatever
side one viewed the (lower, of a large
red variety, he beheld a perfect blos
som. Edward L. McClain, Jr., who has
been in southern California since the
first of the year, with Mrs. McClain
and their young son. has arrived here
and has taken apartments at the Co
lumbia Gorge Hotel. Dr. and Mrs.
Robert S. Young, of Cleveland. O. ,
are also members of the party. Mrs.
Young is a sister of Mr. McClain.
Charles Gumm will open his new
Hood Kiver cafe this week. The quar
ters of the popular restaurant in the
Richards building Second street have
neen remodeled entirely. The place is
now very handsome in appearance.
The cafe enjoys an excellent patron
age. It serves not only all kinds of
American dishes but specializes in the
preparation of Chinese foods.
Kev. W. B. Young, formerly pastor
of Asbury Methodist church, is making
preparations for the dedication of a
new MO.000 church structure at Ellens
burg, where he has been pastor of the
Methodist church for several years.
Kev. Benamin Young, of Kansas City,
has arrived to assist his brotherfwith
me formality OI dedicating the new
Mrs. Judson G. Kuggles and chil
dren, Dorothy and Judson, Jr., arrived
home Saturday night from a visit of
several weeks with relatives in Chi
cago. They enjoyed the middle west
ern visit very much, but the extreme
heat of summer days there were de
clared trying. Mrs. Ruggles declares
also that she is glad to get back to the
good water of Hood Kiver. Chicago
water, she says, is very disagreeable
after that of most western cities.
A. W. lsbell and family, who re
turned last week from a tour of Puget
Sound districts, declares the roads to
the Sound country now in excellent
condition. Mr. lsbell made the journey
from Hood Kiver to Seattle in a day.
"We made the long 265 mile drive
with ease," says Mr. lsbell. "We
started from our West Side ranch at
4.30 o"clock. We arrived in Seattle at
just 6.30."
Kev. J. Hilgendorf, accompanied by
his wife, left Monday for Omaha,
where he will attend a celebration of
the 50th anniversary of his entrance
into the ministry by a district synod
of the Evangelical Lutheran church
comprising all dates of the middle
west. Mr. Hilgendorf, who came here
last year to reside with hia son, Kev.
P. Hilgendorf, pastor of the Immanuel
Lutheran church, is 74 years old. He
was head of the middle western synod
for 30 years.
Mrs. G. L. Schetky, whose husband, !
Lieutenant Schetky, was recently
transferred from . station aboard the
II S SJ !'..., at an I- u , . , - . '
the Orient, has received word that ; ri"Hea
Lieutenant Schetk'. has len sent on a '-ster.
miasion to Vladivostok. Mrs. Schetky
and baby daughter, here visiting rela
tives, had planned on leaving in Sep
tember for the Orient to join Lieuten
ant Schetky.
D. I. Stone, owner of Bonnybrae
ranch on the West Fork of Hood river,
which he homestcaded nearly 20 years
ago, last week exhibited and gave to
friends radishes and lettuce of fine
quality grown on the place. The rad
ishes of the large white Chinese vari
ety, although no planted until June
2H, are now of exceedingly large size,
some of them weighing eight ounces.
They are firm, erisn and delicious.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wetmore, of
Connecticut, who have been touring
scenic parts of America for the past
two years and who have just returned
from a visit to the Hawaiian Islands.
visiting Mt, Hood lodge and
Cap Inn characterize Mount
Hood aa the most lieautiful mountain
they have seen in A merica. The visit
ors also had high praise for the ser
vice of the Mount Hood hostelries.
They have visited numerous national
park resorts, they stated, but declared
the fare of the local resorts better
than any park hosterly.
About 20 people participated in a
delightful week end party at the Up- I
Vallev ranch of A. J. Graff last
caches. The festivities closed with a
swimming party and trout supper on
the Columbia beach. Mr. and Mrs.
Van W. Gladden, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W.
Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stranahan,
Mrs. Alice Stalnaker, Misses Meiide,
Case, Streeper and Moss, and Messrs.
Sylvester, Jarrrett, GralL Marshall,
Butler, Carnine and Ward.
It is a case of love at first sight with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lauder and Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Feldwich, of Booneville,
Ind., who have just arrived. They are
accompanied by Miss Kuth Sharer, a
teacher, and she, too, is so delighted
with Oregon that she is ready to give
up teaching connections in Indiana.
Indeed, Miss Shafer has already ap
plied for a position at the Odell school.
The two married couples are looking
for homes. The Indiana party on ar
rival called on J. W. Perigo and son,
R. B. Perigo, old Booneville acquaintances.
"The Camp de Luxe." This is the
way motorists who have visited the
upper reaches of the West Fork of
Hood river the past week have refer
red to the temporary lodge established
there by Ralph George and wife. Mr.
and Mrs. George have removed the
furnishings of their apartment to a fir
canopied nook near the confluence of
the Lake Branch and West Fork. They
took the phonograph along and a danc
ing space has been arranged where
friends who may chance to call an par
ticipate in impromptu steps. H. S.
George, Mr. George s father, haH been
spending some time at the camp.
Exhibits of livestock and poultry will
be featured at a Harvest Moon festival
to be held by the citizens of Pine
Grove on the school and church lawns
Thursday, August 18. E. F. Batten,
known throughout the Northwest for
his prize winning Rhode Island Red
chickens, will judge the exhibits.
School Fund Is $1,650.38
The total of $3H4,J85.60 in interest
collected on school fund loans by the
state land board and distributed by the
state treasurer to the several counties
of the state represents a total school
population of 221, 2H8 in the state on
abasia of $1.71 tier capita.
This is the lowest per capita appor
tionment in four years, attributed to
lesser collections due to pinched finan
cial circumstances of the farmer bor
rowers, but it is believed this will be
made up within a year and that fore
closures will not be necessary. In
IMQ the per capita distribution of the
interest was $2.02, in 1919 it was $1.1)5
and in 1918 it was $1.83.
Hood River, with 2,673 pupils, will
receive $4,660.38.
Tramps Attack Restaurant
Tramps, angered when they failed to
get handouts of food, attacked the
Hazlewood restaurant at Multnomah
Falls Monday night shortly after mid
night, according to W. M. Johnson,
driver of a Portland bread truck. The
trumps threw stones at the glass-en-
building from the Highway.
when Multnomah traffic officers
rescinded to calls, the miscreants di
rected a fusilade of stones from the
side of the mountain. Mr. Johnson
says that one of the restaurant em
ployes was badly hurt when struck on
the head by a stone.
Gasoline Price Drops
Dropping from 32 to 28 cents per
gallon, gasoline sold here Saturday for
the lowest price in a year. The four
cent cut, however, some of the larger
garages declare, may be only tempor
ary. Motor fu.l costs the dealers 25
cents per gallon, and they declare they
cannot pay the wages of a pumper on
a three cent margin.
Box Handle Demonstrated
W. G. Lowrey, of Seattle, has been
here the past week introducing a new
orchard appliance, a box handle,
which, it is declared, will facilitate
not only the handling of field boxes
but in moving boxes of packed fruit.
The handles work on the principle of
the ice hook. Tbey are manufactured
at Seattle.
Florence Oil Stove
Pressure Cooker
No heat in the room. Done
in a few minutes where
hours are required by the
old process.
week. Dancing was enjoyed until a
late hour Saturdsy evening. Early in
the morning the fishermen of the party
out and brought in some nice
I am taking order' ,'r Wright V Mc
('arty for canning salmon for fall deliv-
ry atioat pt lOtti riace your order
I will deliver t von.
Friday ami Saturday, August 12 and
13, we present a Cosmopolitan produc
tion, "The Passionate Pilgrim," from i
the famous novel by Samuel Merwin
with Matt Moore and all star east.
TIM story of a young man who plunged
into politics, graft and intrigue and
fought the hggiest fight of his life for
a girl he did not know. Also a Movie
("hat and another filler.
Sunday, August 14, Wanda Hawley
will be seen in "Her Sturdy Oak."
supported by that Universal fat favor
ite. Walter Hiers. Also a one reel
Rolin Comedy and the Universal News
Monday and Tuesday, August 15 and
16. we present a screen version of
Winston Churchill's tremendous story.
The Inside of the Cup." This story
when it was published, create! a
furore among every one who read the
book. A story dealing with a big.
vital theme. Endorsed by the press
and pulpit. Also Harold Llovd in
Number, Please," a two reel comedy
as loylul as trie last one he showed.
"Hurh and Dizzy. " This is a show
that will appeal to the whole family.
Topics of the Day to complete the bill.
Wednesday and Thursday, August
17 and lh. Eva Novak will be shown
in a great picture ot the frozen north.
Wolves of the North," as big as anv
of the northern pictuies ever screened.
A stupendous drama of the great white
wilderness with Kazan, the wonder
dog. in a leading role. Also a Sennett
comedy, "labbling in Art.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ.
are getting better every day and
we have a fresh supply every
few days.
Guaranteed Ripe
They are fine these hot days.
The Dalles
are now ripe and are exception
ally fine. Those thick yellow
nieated kind. Fresh every day
Take one of the Fashion Motor Buses
to Portland. Cars make four round
trips ilail v, leaving H.l Kiver as fol
lows: V.3U sr.d 11 Is, m. and 2 At and
4.30 p. m. apr7U
The Star Grocery
" Good Things to Rat "