HOOD R1V10H GLACIER THURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1921 PARTICIPATE IN HYDRO - ELECTRIC DIVIDENDS The Northwestern Electric Company serves 14,356 customers in Portland, Vancouver, Camas and Was hougal. These people represent an ever increasing demand for our product. The increase in the number of these customers is shown by the following table: Year 1918 1919 1920 1921 No. of Customers . 11,487 12,107 . 13,328 14,356 An increase of 25 per cent in number of customers in four years. The increase in power consumption during the same period is 37 per cent. This business is profitable, and has just paid the twenty-fifth consecutive preferred dividend to Northwestern Electric sec urity holders. If you are self-supporting you can afford to buy a part own ership in Northwestern Electric Company business and prof its, through investment in Northwestern Electric Cumulative First Preferred Stock, paying you ,7.37 per cent on your in vestment. This issue is limited to 10,000 shares. Our special Savings Plan, with interest-bearing partial payments will interest you. If you now receive less than 7 on your money, let us send you our free booklet, "Hydro-Electric Dividends and How To (iet Them." A telephone call, or the coupon below filled out with your name and address will bring it to you. Address : Northwestern Electric Company J. G. TAVARES, Stock Sales Manager 10th and Washington Streets Telephones: Broadway 580 Portland, Oregon Automatic 567-47 Mail This Coupon For Full Information J. ;. TAVARES, Stock Sales Manager, Norlli western Electric Company, I0( h and Washington Sts., Cortland, Oregon. Please Mod DM your free booklet, ' 'Hydro-Electric Dividends and How To Gel Them." Name A ddrvss APPLE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN PLANNED (From the Oregon Grower) A new movement has now been launched, and that is to advertise Northwest apples, regardless of brand. LtUdtOT in the horticultural field have been in favor of this for a number ot yearH, but the time did not seem op portune to launch the campaign. With a Hunt crop in the east it would seem that the apple poWM of the Pacific Northwest have an unusual opportun ity tojplaee their apples in new mar kets, to get many people who hereto fore have'nevrr eaten Northwest boxed apples to become customers. A committee consisting of J. W. Warman, general manager of the Skookum Packers, Dwight L Wood ruff, manager of the Wcnatchee Dist rict Cooperative Association, C. H. Swigert, manager of the Yakima Val ley fruit growers, A. W. Stone, man ager of the Hood River Apple Growers Association, and C 1. Lewis, assistant general manager of the Oregon Grow ers Association, has lieen apint d to work up this proposition. it is hoped that enough organiza tions and sales agencies in the North west will get together and appropriate lc a box this year for advertising so a substantial fund can be raised. The apples will be advertised as Northwest DOXod apples, emphasizing their super ior (qualities. Not only should we advertise the Northwest boxed apnle, but we should get out publicity, educate the Ameri can public to the fact that fruit is not a mere luxury, that fruit is a food. That there are very few foods that can be bought as cheaply as fruit. That In addition to its real food value, it has a health value, is rich in acids, vitaniines, and certain extracts essen tial to the upbuilding of healthy bodies. We have an opportunity which we have long neglected. Concrete Paving Complete Crews last week began uncovering the 3,900 feet of concrete paving laid in the Van Horn section by the United Contract Co. under the market road law. The company has also just com pleted laying 2,6(K) feet of paving in the Ode 1 1 district, where a hall'-niilc of concrete road was constructed last year. The total cost of the two pieces of concrete surfacing laid this year reach approximately $40,000. Both stretches of pavement will be available for use during the season of apple harvest which will begin next month. HARVEST MOON FES TIVAL APPROACHES A Harvest Moon festival will be held on the grounds of the Pine Grove school and church Thursday, August 1H. The festivity will begin at one o'clock and last until midnight. Ath letic events will be featured, among them swimming contests in the pool of K. K. I .age A baseball game in scheduled, with Kev. W. A. Sunday as umpire. Hooths for the sale of homemade candies, ice cream, fresh fruits and vegetables will be provided. A cafeteria dinner will be served. ( has. Hall Still Plays Tennis ("has. Hall, who is now a leading hanker of Klamath Kalis, continues to wield h winning tennis racquet. Mr. Hall in bygone days was accustomed to win a season's championship or push somebody else in reaching cham pionship place. He recently won an Klk's tennis tournament at Klamath. Krnest C. Smith, an old tillicum of Mr. Hall, has just received a Klamath Kails paper which tells of the latter's victory. He was awarded a li racquet for his prowess. MR. APPLE GROWER If you are thinking of buying a GRADER, let us put before you the following facts : 1. The CUTLER GRADER was developed in Hood River by Hood River orchardist and has long ago passed the experimental stage. 2. The CUTLER GRADER has been tested by eight years use in the hands of growers all over the world. 3. There are more CUTLER GRADERS in use than all other makes put together. 4. The Sorting Table on any grader is the most important part. The 1921 "Two-Method" Sorting Table is the most efficient device for sorting fruit yet devised. It will nable you to grade your fruit to the best advantage, no matter how your grades run. 5. The CUTLER MANUFACTURING CO. are in the business to stay and will give you repairs and service whenever you need them. Don't invest your money in machines which have not been thoroughly tested and proved and backed by a firm in the business to stay. See or phone C. M. SHEPPARD, Odell 16X OK WHITE I'S CUTLER MFG. CO., 353 E. TENTH STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON C. H. SPROAT BUYS RALPH ROOT PLACE C. N. Kavlin has sold to C. H. Sproat the lt',0-acre orchard place of Ralph Root at a consideration of $18, 000. The big tract is just coming into bearing. It is well located in the Mid dle Valley near the survey of the Mount Hooil Loop Highway. Mr. Sproat, former manager of the old Hood River Apple Growers' Union and later manager of the National Apple Co., states that he will develop the property on an investment basis. When it reaches bearing, the place is ex pected to produce as heavy a tonnage as any individual unit of the valley. Mr. Ravlin has also sold to J, H. Wheeler, of Chicago, a 20 acre tract at Summit formerly owned by A. W Moller, a New York man. Local Folk Camped Near Hold-Up The fol lowing party has just re turned from an automobile tour down through the Willamette valley and re turning bv way of Crater Lake and Rend : Sheriff and Mrs. T. F. John son. Mr. and Mrs. u ri. Muggins, Mr and Mrs. Jasper Wickham antj Mr. and Mrs. Irl Blagg. The motorists were camped between Crescent and La l ine, only a few miles trorn tne scene of the hold-up the night that two men one of whom was suspected to have been Dr. Hrumfield. robbed a motor partv of Mazamas. The entire party anticipated attend ing the I'ythian convention on ixos Hay. Because of trouble to Mr. Wick ham's car.Jhowever, only Mr. and Mrs Muggins journeyed on to Marsnneiu lhey made the trip by train. Party Off for Year's Tour Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Perry and Joe Hengst, just back from a two months fishing excursion in central Oregon, left Monday for I rout Lake, where they will camp for several weeks. Mr. I'errv. who recently retired from orch arding, has equipped a truck as a bed room. He states that he will spend the next year touring. Oil the return from 1 rout Lake tne the partv will leave for the coast. They will participate in deer hunting in southern Oregon this tall and then proceed to southern California. They will travel as far east as Oklahoma next spring, returning by way of Yel lowstone National Park. Market Road Open Carroll M. Hurlburt, engineer in charge of the work for the county, states that a stretch of concrete pave ment just laid on a country road in the Pine Grove district from the crossing on the Mount Hood v.. k. line 10 me Pick ford, store will be open for traffic Monday. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Julius I. Moreland, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Stanford and Jane Doe Stanford, his wife; B. Kauffman and Jane Doe Kauffman, his wife; W. E. Barnes and Jane Doe Barnes, his wife; Sidney Smith and Jane Doe Smith, his wife; Charles I). Kults and Jane Doe Fults, his wife; Mathias Rasmussen and Jane Doe Rasmussen, his wife; J. R. White and Jane Doe White, his wife; M. Em strum and Jane Doe Emstrum. his wife; Frederick W. Cars tens and Jane Doe Carstens, his wife; and L. B. Johnson and Jane Doe Johnson, his wife, Defendants. To J. H. Stanford and Jane Doe Stanford, his wife ; B. Kauffman and Jane Doe Kauffman, his wife; W. E. Barnes and Jane Doe Barnes, his wife Sidney Smith and Jane Doe Smith, his wife; Frederick W. Carstens and Jane Doe Carstens, his wife; J. R. White and Jane Doe White, his wife; M. Em strum and Jane Doe Emstrum, his wife; Charles D. Fults and Jane Doe Fults, his wife ; and Mathias Rasmus gen and Jane Doe Rasmussen, his wife, of .-aid Defendants : In the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 8th day of September, 11121 that being the last day of the publication of this sum mons, and answer the complaint filed herein against you, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against the defendant. J. H. Stanford, for the sum of $200.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from March 'Jth, 1919; also the sum of $400.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from March Oth, P.MS : also the sum of $400.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from March 0th. 1918; also the sum of $400.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from March 0th, 1918 ; for the sum of $250.00 at attorney's fees herein, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements ; and for a decree against all of the de fendants, foreclosing plaintiff's mort gage executed by said defendant, J. H. Stanford, on the 9th day of March. 191S, and upon the following portions of said mortgaged premises, to-wit: The N. ft of the N. ifof the NW. i of Section IS, Township 2 North, Range B East of the Willamette Meridian ; the S I of the NW. i of the NW. i of Sec tion 13, Township 2 North, Range B East of the Willamette Meridian, and the BK. i of the NE. i of the NW. i of Section IS, Township 2 North, Ranged East of the Willamette Meridian, all situate in Hood River County, State of Oregon ; which mortgage was given to secure said sums and interest thereon, attorn ey 's fees and coats and disbursements of this suit; that the whole of the iforoaaM portions of land in said mort-i-age ia scribed be sold by the Sheriff of Hood River County. Oregon, accord ing to the law and the practice of the titled Court, and that the pro such sale be applied to the paymc t of the amounts adjudged herein to be due plainttil on said mort gage : that said defendants and each of them, and all pert-ons claiming under them subsequent to the execution of aid mortgage, be barred and fore closed of all right or claim in or to said premises; that the Sheriff of said j Count v execute a I Veil to ;he purchas er of 'said premises, and that he be let ion thereof upon the the Sheriff's Certificate! 30x3& STAN DARD NON-SKID The Fastest Selling Tire In America The increasing popular demand for the Firestone Standard 36x3M Inch tire over a period of years has given us big volume. Our Plant No. 2 devoted wholly to this size tire with a capacity of 16.000 tires and 20.000 tubes per daycutscostson every operation. On May 2, we dropped our price to $13.95 passing on to the car owner the full benefits of this big sales volume and this labor-saving plant. This tire has been our standard for years four plies long staple fabric extra gum oetween plies- heavy non-skid tread. The greatest value ever offered car owners. Insist on Firestone. Our Cord Tire Values Firestone Cord tires are made exclusively in Plant No. 1. Our process of double gum-dipping each ply of cord gives thicker insulation. The massive non-skid tread, with extra thickness where wear la most severe, gives real effectiveness in holding the car against slipping and adds nvam extra miles of service. Firestone Cord tires are sold at che lowest prices In cord tire history: 30x3' . $24.50: 32x4, $46.30; 34x4, $54.90. There are Firestone Dealers Everywhere to Serve You 1 ELH THE HIGHWAY AUTO CO., HOOD RIVER, OREGON a bo t into tht product of Sale. This summons is served upon yon by publication thereof in the Hood Kiver Glacier, a weekly newspaper of gen eral eirculstion, in Hotd Kiver, Oregon, which pul to an i rder duly m the 12th day of Ju oration is pursuant ide in said cause on v, 1921, bv the Hon- d W. Wilson, Judge of said ch requires said publication c aix successive weeks, ig & Harvev. ,ttoTrey for Plaintiff. Building, Portland. Oregon. jy28e Notice of Election In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. In the Matter of a Proposed Irriga tion District to be known as Middle Fork Irrigation District. Notice is hereby given of an elec tion to be held on the 17th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1921, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, in the said proposed Middle Fork Irriga tion District, the boundaries of which are hereinafter described, for the pur pose of determining whether or not the same shall be organized under the provisions of Chapter XIV of Olson's Oregon Laws, and the amendments thereof, and electing officers of said irrigation district, to-wit: Three directors, all as required by said Act and the order of said court. Said elec tion shall commence and the polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the fore noon of said day, and the said polls shall be kept open and the said elec tion shall continue until five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when said polls will be closed. Further notice is given, as follows: That all lands within said proposed Middle Fork Irrigation District are within Hood River, County, Oregon, and the boundaries of said proposed ir rigation district are described as fol lows : lieginning at. the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the South east quarter of Section Eight (S), Township one (1) South, Range Ten (10) Fast. Willamette Meridian; thence East to a point approximately two hundred and forty (240) feet East of the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section eight (8) Township One (1) South, Range Ten (10) East ; thence in a Northerly direction following the channel of a certain creek to where said creek intersects the bouth line of the Northeast quarter of Section Eight (8), Township One (1) South, Range Ten (10) East; thence East to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section Eight (8), Township One (1) South. Range Ten (10) East; thence in a Northerly direction, along a meander line, following the crest of the bench on the West side, of the East Fork of Hood river, to a point approximately 150 feet East of the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Five (6), Township One (1) South. Range Ten (10) East ; thence continuing in a Northerly direction, along a meander line, following the crest of the tench on the West side of the East Fork of Hood river, to a point approximately three hundred twenty-seven (327) feet East of the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-three (33) Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Nor therly direction, along a meander line, following the crest of the bench on the West side of the East Fork of Hood river to a point approximately 100 feet East of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty -eight (2). Township One (1) North, Range Ten 10) East; thence continuing in a Northerly direction alopg a meander line following the crest of the bench on the West side of the East Fork of Hood river to a point approximately four hundred twenty-nine (429) feet East of the Northwest corner of the ! Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twe:.ty-one (21). Township One (1) North. Kange Ten j (10) East: thence in a Northerly direc tion to the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20), Town- j ship One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence in a Northwesterly di-1 rection to the Northwest corner of the J Northwest quarter of the Northeast i quarter of section Twenty (20), Town ship One (1) North. Range Ten (10) East; thence in a Northwesterly direc tion to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quartet of the Southwest quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence West to the South west corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence North to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (1) North, Kange Ten (10) East; thence West six hundred and sixty (660) feet ; thence in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point seven hundred sixty-two (762) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point eleven hundred and one (1101) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section Eight (18), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Southerly direction, along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point six hundred sixty (660) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19), Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line, following the Western slope of the bench on a uniform grade to a point one hundred twenty (120) feet West of the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19), Township One (It North, Range Ten (10) East ; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meandtr line following the crest of the bench on the East side of the Middle Fork of Hood river, to a point approximately seven nunoreo nuv (;si) xeei west oi the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-one (31 ), Township One 1 1 1 North, Kange Ten (10) East; thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line following the crest of the bench on the East side of the Middle Fork of Hood river and Rogers creek, to a point appproximately four hundred thirty-five (435) feet West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section One ftj, Township One (1) South. Range Nine 9 1 East ; thence continuing in a Southerly direc tion along a meander line following the crest of the bench, on the East side of Rogers creek, to a point where the said bench intersects, with the foot of the East side of the lava bed ;thence continuing in a Southerly direction along a meander line following the foot of the East side of the lava bed to a point where the foot of the East side of the lava bed intersects with the South line of Section 13 , Township One 1 . South. Range Nine (9) East; thence East to a Miint where the South line of Section Thirteen II , Township One 1 S 'Uth. Kange Nine ,9 Eat intersects ith the West line of the right of way for the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as th-. PFest side lateral: thence in a Southwesterly direction, follow ing the sail VAtst side lateral1 to a point where the said West side lateral intersects with ti e West line of the East half of tne M est half of Section Twenty-four M , Township Oae (1) South. Range Nine 9 East; thence South to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest, quarter of Section Twentv-four .24), ' Township One 1 Sooth, Range Nine 9 East ; thence East to a point where . the South line of Section Twenty-four, (24) intersects with Evans creek ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along a meander line following the West bank of Evans creek to a point where Evans creek intersects with the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the East Side Lat eral, at a point approximately Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet North of the South line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (1) South, Range Ten (10) East; thence East to the East line of the right of way for the ditch of the Middle Fork Irrigating Company, known as the East Side Lateral ; thence in a North easterly direction along a meander line following the said East line of said right of way for said lateral to a point where the said East Side Lateral inter sects with the East line of Section Eighteen (18), Township One (1) South, Kange Ten (10) East, which point is approximately twenty-five (25) feet South of the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Eighteen 1 18), Township One (1) South. Range Ten (lOi East; thence continuing in a Northeasterly direction along a meander line follow ing the said line of said right of way for the East Side lateral to a point where the said East Side Lateral inter sects with the East line of the North west quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township One (1) South, Range Ten (10) East; thence North to the South line of Sec tion Eight (8),Township One (1) South, Range Ten 110) East; thence East to the place of beginning. The name of said proposed irrigation district is Middle Fork Irrigation Dis trict. That the whole of said proposed irri gation district is and will be one elec tion precinct for said election, and the voting and polling place of and for slid election shall be Mclsaac's Hall in the town of I'arkdale, Oregon, within said proxsed irrigation district. That the electors in said election shall cast ballots which shall contain the words "Irrigation District Yes" and Irrigation District - No," or words equivalent thereto, and also the names of the persons to be voted for to fill the said elective offices in and for said district. Said election shall be conducted aa nearly as practicable in accordance with the general laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to elections, accord ing to said act and amendments thereof. This notice is given for and as the notice of said court and will be pub lished once each week for at least four consecutive weeks prior to such election, in the Hood River Glacier, a newspaier published within Hood River County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of said court dulv made and entered herein on August 3rd, A. D. 1921. This notice is first published on August 11, A. D. 1921. Kent Shoemaker, County Clerk of Hood River County, Oregon. .Uga Auto Drivers. Attention! Editor Glacier: A good many near accidents hapoen every day from road hogs hogging nearly all the road. Thia is especially true of truck drivers. The speed cops are doing good work, but they cannot follow every car and every trunk. With your 'assistance Mr. Road Hog can be taught to have some respect for the laws if not for common decency. W hen you meet one of these fellows get his number. If necessary turn around and speed until you get his number, then report to me. n tth your assistance we will open a relentless warfare on these fellows. I here and now declare this an open sea son on all road hogs. Take a shot at them. John Baker, District Attorney.