The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1921, Image 5

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have many details to attend
to at harvest time, some of
which can be taken care of
now. Among these are
Look over your supply. You will
find some of them lost or worn
out. Perhaps you have a new
variety coming into bearing or need
a name stamp. Place your order
NOW and have them ready when
A Convenience to Workers
At the request of citizens whose work keeps them em
ployed daily until six o'clock, we have agreed to keep our
store open for two hours after supper on each Monday and
Come in and look over our shelves, where you will
find, posted prominently riyht beside the goods themselves,
special prices on all articles.
We will take all your eggs or country produce and pay
you CASH, or trade if you wish.
We will furnish to any church or fraternal organiza
tion, giving a luncheon or dinner, free coffee, provided our
name and the brand name of the coffee are mentioned. On
certification from county officials of the want of any fami
lies, we will sell our goods to such families at cost.
It is the consensus of expert opinion that sugar and
canned goods are due for an increase in price. It will pay
you to visit our store and buy your supplies of these arti
cles at our reduced prices.
H. GROSS, Prop.
E. E. HUNT, Mgr.
(From the Kuterprlse)
I.. .1. Pttebae, orcbwdifet of the Hastm
district, is building a lare apple shed
on liia place to help harvest (juickly the
71HMI box crop of apples.
During t lie peel two weeks, hundreds
of gallons of blackberries have been
picked bjr parties ramped at tbn Uov
ernment Mineral springs Camp groandl
and other camping pi MM in this vicinity
(Columbia Nat "iisl Forest. Blaek
berries are now aboat gone.
Koad crews under the superviCon of
Supervisor Chas. Thornton, are con
structing 3500 eel of new road grade on
the Trout Lake road survey near the
Weingartner ranch on the White Salmon
river. The work is heavy but when oom
plated will be a great improvement. A
few weeks aso a bridge was burnt out
and a detour had to 1m- built. This de
tour is not bad but the new road now
under construction will be on the imm
anent grade, a few hundred feet west of
the present road and where tbe bridge
was destroyed.
Fred Kakrand Karl Coe will com
mence construction next week of an ap
ple warehouse an I loading plattorm at
Hingen and will l ave it complete! in
time to handle tin - year's crop.
They will not n ly load apple I tit
have made connections with such relia
ble marketing agein ies that no matter
bow a deal turns i it they will le able
to give the grower" the btst that is
available. With the increases! tonnage
that is expected tin year and from now
on from this distt i.-t. there appears to
be a need for a
ities at the static
MM loading MB
handle tbe cro
Fire Boys Prevent Loss
Fire originating in a workshop in the
rear of the Hood River Plumbing Co. 'a
hop at noon Monday threatened ad
;oining business structures. Children
playing with matches are thought to
be responsible. A quantiity of oakum
waa ignited, and the cssements of win-
1 dowa of the Mour t Hood Motor Co..
filled with automobile, were flaming
when the Volunteer Fire Department
directed streams of water on the okl
frame etroeture.
The quick work of tbe fire depart
ment limited the damage to a few
hundred do.lara.
How North Star Brings Up Vision of
Happy Childhood to th
Mind of Writer.
One of my own most perfect ehlld
hoou "Memories concerns my visits to
my grandmother, when she invited ine
to stay for Mtpper, and my grandfa
ther walked home with me after dark.
All along the way, he used to point
out our two shadows on the pavement,
as we passed the street lights one by
We watched the way the shndowa
were very short directly below the
lamp, and how they lengthened until
they were lust our height Ills more
than twice as tall as mine and how
they finally grew so long that their
topa were almost out of sight. ThQ
object was to find the point where
the shadows were exactly as till I us
ourselves. When we came to the
darkest part of the street, where our
shadows, were lost In the hedges, we
used to stop and find the North star
over a pointed tree near my own
That was always the way we made
the Journey from his home to mine,
until he thought that I was too old
to care to have him show me stars
and shadows any more. But for me,
as long us I live, the North star will
shine over that particular tree. And
I shall always keep the memory of
that funny little shadow that used
to be mine, clear cut with the light
behind It and beside It, hand In bund
with It, that dear characteristic shad
ow that never fulls on any road In
the world. Frames Lester Warner In
the Atlantic Monthly.
Apple Harvest
Are you prepared to take proper care
of your crop ?
Let us help you with the
Invention of the Telephone Evidently
Waa Not by Any Means a
Quiet Affair.
The landlady couldn't stand It any
longer, and the lodgers threatened to
leave unless the racket stopped.
Alexander Graham Bell was the
cause of the trouble. He had rigged
up a contraption In his bedroom and
a duplicate In the room of his accom
plice, Thomas A. Watson. A wire went
out of the window and connected the
two machines.
These two machines, according to
young Bell, were first models of a
revolutionary invention, tlie telephone.
"I don't care what It Is," said the
landlady, "but If you two boys don't
stop yelling your heads off, Into those
boxes, you'll have to pack your trunks
uud get out."
This episode of the angry landlady
happened years ago In a cheap lodging
house In Boston.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany offered Bell $100,000 for all his
patents. Bell, with vision, realized
that he had a fortune within grasp
and rejected the offer. He and Wat
son went around the country, deliver
ing lectures, and with the proceeds
financed themselves.
Today there Is a telephone to every
nine Americans and more than 24,-
000,000 miles of wire In the Bell tele
phone lines.
Our grader has stood the test of six years of actual
usajA't' by growers. Constant; improvements have heen
made each year. They have grown more popular each
year, and not only in our own Northwestern districts hut
apple growing
ordered them.
communities of foreign countries have
Old Estates In America.
The commonest reul estate phe
nomenon In Knglnnd Is the rarest ana
In Anierlcn; niimely, long handed-
down holdings still belonging to de
scendants of the ancient owners.
A certain William Douglas, born
(where else than) In Scotland, came
to this country In MBS and Battled
near New London, Connecticut, where
he built a house. The homestead has
been In the hands of his offspring
ever since. What Is believed to be
the fir.t Kngllsh settlement within the
present boundaries of New York
state, Gardiner's Island, at the east
ern end of Long Island Round, Is still
owned by descendants of the original
owner of the Island, I.lon Cardlner,
who purchased It In 1(VW from the
Indians. The present home of
Gardiner was built In 1774 and
been exteriorly little altered sinci
It will pay you to investigate the 1921 IDEAL
GRADER. It has numerous attractive new features. It
can be adjusted while actual sizing is in operation. Two
little screws do the work. Our new sorting table is worth
your observation.
The harvest is
orders at once.
We can also supply you with Bryant Clamp Trucks
and Standard Roller Conveyors.
near, and growers should place their
Ideal Fruit and Nursery Co.
Tel. 5832
1' nine,
locom A
L! C
ii i Elver i lotninanderv No.
Meals 'very firm. Ytiesdey
each Month. C O, niHuchur,
Win. Irwin, Iterordei
M. First mid third Wednesday n
ssob month, a, f. Howes, w. M.,
Hernhiier, Hec'y.
iu tits
Toughest American Woid.
The toughest American wood Is that
of the Osage orange, which Is not an
orange at all. hut belongs to the nettle
family. This has been proved by a
Serb's of tests made by the United
Slates Forest Service, hut the Indians
knew It before the coming of the white
man, and It was known to them as tin
how free, because they used It for
making their finest hows. Some Idea
of Its strength may be had from tbe
report made not long ago by the
forest service, which shows that a
block thirty Inches long and two
Inches in cross-section when bent
breaks under a of Kf.'Jon pounds,
Its nearest rival being a variety of
tbe hickory called monkey-nut. When
bent by the Impact of a 100-pound
hammer, It stands a stre s of 1AJQ0,
Hood uiver, ore. c. !) N lekelsen, Pres.
Mrs. Alma Hows. Use, La-she Butler, Tress.
l ull pbaa l-Ml.
K It MP LO DOE, No. 1st, l. O. o. P. Meats 1 1 .
0611 odd reljews' hail even Hetai
day ii Ik in . Visitors eordlall v weteonssa.
Kie.l i, Howard, N. ii.
w iii. MsuiBsb, v. a.
ii. s. Oauahsy, 9ecrstsry,
tleo. ('lark, I leamirer.
MeetN the llrnl mid Ih ml Tin m!h even ml In
t'ftcli inonl h 1 n I In- i iilil Yv I.
inllis south of II. it
Mm. Psallne I
otto Shrek, Bee.
Meets the k nd and fourth
each month tit K. of I' hall.
Mis Flora Cuddeford. EC.
Mrs. Klorem e Kimd, M, ol it
Wm Hall, seveli
It. II.
d, N. ii.
MX. HOOD ( III .M il, :
111 Masonic Hull ev
each month.
ry third Tuesday i
K. I.iirawiiy, 1. I. M.
1 1)1.
1(17, I.
u'trnul hull
e. A. Prey
inson, rieeretttry .
O. o. K.
N. ii.
ir tii
Our Dearest Friends.
We spend a greut deal of o
In learning what literature is good,
and a great deal more In attuning our
minds to Its reception, rightly eon
vliiccd that, by the training of our In
tellectual faculties, we are unlocking
one of tbe doors through which Vjreet
nesa and light may enter. We are
fond of reading, too. and have always
maintained with Mmnulay that we
would rather be a poor man with
hooks than a great king without,
though luckily for our resolution, and
perhaps for his, such a choice has
never yet been offered. Books, we
say, are our dearest friends, and so.
with true friendly acnteness. we are
prompt to discover their faults, and
take great credit In our logi-uulty.
Heat fatees Mao Mental Lapse
A man, normal in sll respects except
that he had forgotten his name, ap- '
plied Sunday to City Marshal Hart forj
aid. The stranger was taken ti the '
sick ward of the city hall, where after i
a few hours' rest he rime to himself. 1
He proved to tie John Lester, who is
employed by an O.-W. R. & N. bridge
crew at Meaner. Apparently he alight
ed from a passing train. The heat, it
is thought, caused the mental lapse.
Although Mr. lister when be left
was seemingly all right, he was never
able to remember for what reason he
had begun his journef .
real. OiuHnaii liSsios . Mo. 3S, Masts sdSp.
in. Nt Hulurdsj ot sash month at Library
Hull. Mrs. Harold HitmIiiiit, I'm.; Mrs
Haz.d sii... maker. See.
II.KTA asskm BLY MO.Us, UNITED AltT-iiuiih.-Met
1 1 1 n- iirt mid third Waateas
dRy, work; second and fourth Wi'diifsdaj
Arllstins' Iml i. i , D. HUtatlOMa, M. A.
J. H. Koiikko Sei reUAry.
EDEN KNi'AMPMK.NT,N0.48, 1. O. O. K.
KeKUlar in. .'Hag SSOoadaed r.urlli Monday
if each mont h. A L. Dsy, 0L P.
Ueo. w. Tbonsaoa teHhs,
Mwtv in K .it I', hull every 1x1 and :trd Wed
of earh month. JJ. K. Mower, K C
W. T. KrHHlcr. i.'lerk.
Notice of Sale of $150,000 Hood River
County Bonds
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty court of Mood Uiver County has
received an opinion from Mesaerl Teal,
Minor and H'inlree, Bond Attorneys,
Spaulding Building, roriland, approv
ing tin. legality of the S90,000.00 Coun
ty Koad llonil proceedings, and that
sealed, uni oiKlitional bids will be receiv
ed by the County (Joint of Hood Kiver
County, Btato of Oregon, at the Court
House, at Hood River, Hood kiver
County, Oregon, on Thursday, the first
dsy of September, 11121, at the hour of
two o'clock 1'. It, for the sale of
1160,009.00 bonds of said County,
In denominations o( IM.OO, or multiples
thereof up to $1000.00, at the option of
bidder, interest payable semi-annually
at the ottos of the Ooanty Treasurer of
aid County. Said bonds to run for
twenty years.
Kadi bid must be accompanietl bv a
cheek in favor of Hood Kiver County,
certified to by a reputable solvent bank,
in an amount eipial to live per cent of
thel nt of bonds included in bid.
This check to be returned upon pay
ment and deli very of bonds. If bid is
accepted and amount of bid is not paid
w i'Iiiii thirty days, then check will be
come the property of Hood Kiver Coun
ty. Bills will be received for any am
ount of bonds.
The right is n -served bv the County
Court to reject, any or all bids, or to ac
cept part ami reject olheas.
Address all bids as follows: Kent
Shoemaker, County Clerk, Hood Kiver,
Oregon, and endorse on envelope, "Bid
for Hood Kiver Conntv Bonds "
County Clerk of Hood Ki-er County
a'J5 State of Oregon
I.. M.
NO. 30, K. OK
I every Tuesday r
M. M. KnsM-ll. I
K and M.
Meets Mix and third Moudays wli n
Klt Kretlerlok, N.
HOOli KIVKK i ll UTUt NO. 27. K.
Meet llrst and third Friday nights
month. W in. lrwu
C, '. Anderson, sieoretary.
A. M.
:anhy w. it. i
Mat unlays of .,.
Hlld till!. I
P. ball. V
Meets second snd
i in. .nth t K. ol P. I
I i Meyer, Presi
. stwreinry.
of Wnndri
Orst and 1
Mrs. r. It
Mt. Horn
2nd and 4tli
old K. of I'.
r rnlavs
ball. Sit
lie Ha via. O. N.
Hi at
r. Ke-
The Studebaker Line
Oakland '17, $400
Chandler '18, $1100
Ford Roadster, $300
Ford Roadster,
Ford Truck,
Oakland '19,
Grant Six,
Master 2-Ton $1750
(New Kelly fires)
Maxwell '18 $350
Ford '21 Coupe
Heights Garage