The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1921, Image 10

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After having spent the past month
in Innna Mrs. L. D. Boved has re
turned home. She was accompanied
hv Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Folts and their
baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Folti
expect to spend a mflntli here.
Friends here express Bincere sympa
thy for Bcmice Hansen Shrum and her
husband, whose five weeks old baby
passed away in Portland where a spe
cialist, special nurse and the family
did all that could be done to save the
little one's life.
Rimer V.evert. of Portland, who is
pending his vacation here, Floyd Mc
Coy, also of Portland, and Fred Eir
irprt and Wilbur Holma:?. of Odell, re
turned home Tuesday morning after
having been camping at Lost Lake,
where thev were drafted to fight a
forest fire near bull Run.
W. J. Holmnn's cow, a valuable one,
died Monday.
W. J. Holman suffers from a very
painful Injury which he received Tues
day when the top of a large stove fell,
crushing a finger.
After ; having spent the past year in
Kansas City and at other points in
Missouri and Kentucky, Roy Holman
has returned to the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holman.
F.lma Purdy returned home Monday.
She has spent the past month visiting
relatives near Washougal. Her uncle,
Henry Teague, accompanied her home.
A committee from the church inter
viewed Rev. Wm. A. Sunday last Sun
day afternoon and he will preach in
the high school auditorium Sunday
morning, August 21.
Sunday school 10 a. m. next Sunday.
Service 11 a. m., subject, "The Price
of Free Salvation." Epworth League
7.30 p. m., subject, "My Favorite Say
ings of Christ and Why." Evening
sermon 8 o'clock.
The birthday social was a genuine
success. Much credit is due those who
arranged and decorated the 12 tables,
for much originailty and ingenuity was
displayed. The program of the even
ing proved both interesting and enter
taining. The proceeds amounted to
about $38. Two auto loads from As
bury church, Hood River, spent the
latter part of the evening with those
of Odell who attended this pleasant
a H air.
The lay delegate who will represent
Odell church at the annual conference
which opens August 81 in Spokane,
will be elected next Sunday morning.
Miss Flodine, of Portland Y. W. C.
A., was a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson within the
past week.
Mrs. Lucy Post passed away Friday
night at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. BL T. Young. Mrs. Post had
been an invalid and passed quietly on
while sleeping. Mrs. Young accom
panied the body to the family resting
place at 1'ost, Ore.
Under the supervision of the Hoard
of Directors of Odell high school much
has been dote this summer towards
permanently beautifying the grounds
about the school building.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Cutler, of Port
land, and children spent the week end
at their Odell orchard home.
Odell grange announces a dance to
morrow night in the local hall.
Watch for announcement of a social
next week.
A pleasant social hour followed. Re
freshments were served by the hostess,
assisted bv Miss Louise Bryan. The
next meeting will be held at Mrs. For
den's home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bryan are en
tertaining several friends from Iowa
and Illinois who are touring the west.
Miss Carol Hurlburt. who has been
visiting relatives in Portland for sev
eral weeks, returned home .Saturday.
She was accompanied by Mr. Hurl
burt. Sr., who spent the week end
visiting his son and family.
Mrs. Ralph .larvis and children, Mrs.
Thurza Red fie Id and Mrs. Sarah Davis
were guests Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Homerville and
The sympathies of their Belmont
friends and old time neighbors are ex
tended to Mrs. John A. Wilson and
family in the great loss that has come
to them bv the death ot husband ana
Mrs. Maie Chubb has left for a
week's visit with friends in The
Wm. Farrell has been under the
weather during the oast week.
S. G. Oxborrow and family and Mrs.
Frick left Friday to spend a few days
at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cummings and
son. Carl, went huckleberrying Friday.
D. Perry, an old resident of Bel
mont, is very low at his home in Bar
rett. Mr. Hailey and family have moved
from Belmont to the home of Mrs. Ed
na Ellen Wright In Barrett.
Mr. arid Mrs. Zera Snow, of Port
land, parents of Berkeley Snow, are
spending a few weeks at Mrs. Alma
Howe's summer resort.
Miss Ida Turney, of U. of O. , is
visiting her sister, Mrs. P. B. Lara
way. On account of the services at the M.
E. church in Hood River, conducted by
Rev. Sunday next Sunday morning,
there will be no service at Pine Grove.
Sunday school will begin at 0.30.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennison left for Se
attle Monday accompanied by Mrs. H.
R. Ferrin and Mrs. J. E. AndrewB.
Serle Dougherty, of Brownsville,
spent the week end with Roger Black
man. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. hlackman, Howard Black
man and Mrs. P. B, Laraway are at
Cannon Beach for a few days.
The Amicus club will meet with Mrs.
E. F. Batten this afternoon.
Mrs. Vera Sackctt and son expect to
leave for their home in Buffalo this
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Vannier were
Portland visitors last week. Nellie
Sonneman returned with them.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Slade, who have
been in California since leaving their
ranch, have been calling on friends
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jarvis went to
Portland Tuesday.
E. L. McClain, of Los Angeles, has
been a recent visitor at. his ranch.
Mrs. J. W. Speidel. of Washington.
Ia., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. R.
A. McCully.
Miss Florence Clark leaves for her
school in Berkeley this week.
Dr. Van Valerah, an-nmpanied by his
wife and children and Mrs. Valerah'1
mother, Mrs. Brousp, after a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hawkes,
have returned to their home in Port
land. While Mr. Emmrich, who with
his wife and children has been a e,uept
at the Hawkes home has returned to
Portland, Mrs. Emmrich and children
remain this week.
Miss Lottie Stephens and Miss I .est a
Hoel, Whitman Gillege studi-r Is, win
here last week guests of MfaMI Helen
and Mary Hawkes.
Aug. 4, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiiilev, of The Dalles,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Craft.
B. Jensen, who was very sick last
week, is out again.
Nina Montgomery, who has been
visitinif in the Lower Valley, returned
home Saturday. ,
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. John Klobas,
Thursday. July 28. a 10J pound girl.
The Ladies' club was royally enter
tained last week by Mrs. Hex and
daughter, Iouise, at their home.
Stanley Walters ,and family spent
Sunday at Lost Lake.
Mr. Austin and family and Mrs.
Calkins snent last Thursday in Hood
J. W. Ransom Bpent Sunday at the
Warden home.
Rev. Harper, of Milton, who with
his wife has been here visiting at the
home of W. O. Henthin the past week,
attended our Sunday school and in the
evening he and Mr. Iienthin attended
our Christian Endeavor.
Miss Ethel Shull, of Odell, visited
Ethel Montgomery last week.
Mrs. C. H. Nottingham, of Portland,
is spending a week vimUr.g at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. For
den, and family.
Belmont Woman's Foreign Missioi -iry
Society held a meeting Wadoetdai
afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H.
Bryan on Multnomah Way. A very I
pleasing program was given, also a
talk on Japan by Mrs. E. J. Nicholson. . a bachelor, who is quite ford of ehil
The Sunbeam class of the
Hood Sunday school enjoyed a picnic
supper with their teacher, Mrs. Wini
fred Wyatt, Wednesday.
Burt Henderson, Will Wyatt and
Homar Wyatt climbed Mount Hood
Miss Beryl Blagg, of Hood River,
spent several days with her cousin,
Miss Bernice Everson, last week.
O. M. DeWitt has been given the
position of janitor at the Mount Hood
school building.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose are spend
ing the week at Salem with relatives.
Will Gardner and family returned
from their vacation trip Friday.
Mrs. Ida F. Everson and F. L. Blagg
went to Hood River Thursday evening
to visit at the F. H. Blagg home.
They returned to Mount Hood Monday.
A. J. Sawver is visiting friends and
relatives in the Willamette valley.
Roy Fiscus and family spent Sunday
with the C. W. Kitchel family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kitchel and son,
Vernon, spent Sunday here with rela
tives. Mrs. Marie B. Shirley spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. D. Smullin.
The usual preaching services were
held Sunday evening.
Mrs. Grant Corby is here from Salem
visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Wyatt.
Paul Aubert has been baling hay the
past week.
Gilford Odell spent the week end
here with John Cosgrove.
Fire broke out Monday morning on
the place of Andres Hansen. During
the day (10 men were busy keeping it
under control. A quantity of wood be
longing to A I. Leasure was burned.
Several times the house and barn
caught tire and at one lime the home
of L. E. Porter was on fire. The tire
is supposed to have been started from
cigarette stubs left by camers. J. B.
I logged saw the fire Sunday evening
hut thought it a brush fire. I. T. Pes I
saw it at 1 o'clock and came over to
Hansen's but they decided to wait un
til morning before lighting it.
The Ladies' Aid of the Upper Valley
church will give a program hrida
evening at I'arkdale.
Sherman Hill, of New York City,
siient S.iturday and Sunday here. Mr.
Mill at one time was publicity man for
the late E. H. Harriman. It was Mr.
Hill who went to Australia and
brought Melba to the United States.
- he who managed l'aderewski at
!! tail and is responsible for the
nianiit wearing long hair, it being so
stipulated in the contract. It was Mr.
Hill's father who brought the first
pe.ligreed Jerse and Guerii-e cattle
to the United Statet.
Here is a good one from the home
town. In the store here last I-aturdiu
Making Promise No. 1 Good
I am uslnf? ood 2 SlMffi exclusively
oil Government inspected shipped In refrigera
tor car. Cut only the beat rade of lamb. Other
lines of same rade.
Phone 4141. 4th and Oak Streets.
dren, pointing to a little baby, re
marked to Howard Nelson, 4-year old
son of Yard Foreman Nelson, "How
Brd, that is a mighty fine baby."
Howard replied, "That's ours. Would
you like to have one?" He was in
formed that it would be considered a
great blessing and he added that he
was going to get word to Santa Claus
concerning the matter. Little Howard
at once spoke up, "Santa Claus doesn't
bring thern, the stork does, but you'll
have to stay in bed a long time. "
MacDonald Potts and wife, of Port
land, spent day in Dee.
N. W. Nelson and family were in
Portland several days last week, Miss
Pauline returning from a two week's
visit in Salem.
Claude Walker. Don J. Yeck and
John Eister brought in a fine lot of
huckleberries from Cedar Springs.
Samuel Schmidt, wife of an Astoria
cannervman, motored up tor an over
Sunday at Sunshine Shanty
San Francisco, has
the Hendricks home
Tom Coyle, of
been a guest at
the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cates and Merle
Yettick, of St. Helens, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Nels -Olson. The
Cates are former residents of Cacsade
Last Friday night a number of the
voung folks gave a surprise party for
Howard Hagabloom at the home of
Miss Rosie Woodward.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ramey and Mr.
and Mrs. Rav Meyers, of Mosier, were
visitors at the Frehoell home over the
week end.
B. A. Beck left Monday evening for
Chatcolet, Idaho.
J. F. Hendricks was in The Dalles
last Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Wigren and Mrs.
Charles Lang were up at Mud Lake
last Sunday and Monday picking huck
leberries. Eric Ericson and family moved into
one of the government houses last Sat
urday. Mrs. Otto Smith and son. Gerald, re
turned Sunday evening after spending
a few days in Portland.
Miss Elizabeth Hendricks has been
in town for several days.
Mrs. V. W. Tompkins was in Port
land one day last week.
Delbert Bradburn is here visiting his
sister, Mrs. Dominic Casciato.
Roberto Lane was in Hood River
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Herbert Day, of White Salmon,
has been here visiting friends for the
last several days.
John Holt, of the Campbell Hotel,
Portland, is spending his vacation at
the Sickafoose Resort.
The hotels and resorts here are filled
up this warm weather.
Cards have been received here an
nouncing the marriage of E. V. D.
Paul, a former resident of this valley,
to a Miss Sadie Groshong, of Albany,
R. L. Scott and wife, of Astoria, Or
egon, visited a few days at the Cutting
home. While here they climbed Mt.
O. L. Wilson and C. W. Moore have
commenced baling hay.
Three auto loads from here went to
Glenwood Saturday to hear Rev. Frank
Oster, a returned Adventist mission
ary from Persia. Sunday evening
Rev. Oster gave a very interesting
talk on his experiences across the seas
before a good audience in the church
Christian Church
"Indeed it was a great High Day in
the history of our church," says Rev.
J. C. Hanna, the pastor, in telling of
the dedicatory services of the new par
sonage of the First Christian church
last Sunday.
A sum of 11,500, toward paying the
expenses of the new building, was ac
tually subscribed and the balance pro
vided by pledge. Services were held
morning, afternoon and evening. A
basket dinner was served. The morn
ing sermon was given by Rev. C. F.
Swander. The Christian church Bible
school will be held as usual next Sun
day morning, but no preaching ser
vices will be given, the congregation
being excused for the Union service at
the Methodist church, where Rev. W.
A. Sunday will preach. Sunday even
ing at 7.90 Christian Endeavor, Ber
mon at S o'clock.
The Christian Endeavor held a busi
ness meeting Monday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Blagg.
First Church of Christ. Scientist
Services will tie held in Church
Building, Otli ami Eugene, Sunday, 1 1 :00
a. in. reinject : Nail.
Sunday School at II a. in.
Wednesday service, H p. m.
The reading room is open daily from
to 6 p. m.. in the church.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Cor. 1 ltl. and Eugene
Sunday school at 1 o'clock. Here
after evening prayer service will be
conducted at X p. m. each Sunday.
Rev. C. (i. Hoisholt, Rector.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday School at I ::t0 every Sunday
morning. Kegiilur Services at 11 o'clock. Sunday wiiiu it-met. Spe
cial musical programs. All cordially
invited. Rev. D, II, Careiter, '
jnlTtf. Pastor
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Corner loth and C streets
Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m.
Preaching service P. U a. m. Prayer
meeting. Wednesday 7.1.'. n. m. All
are welcome.
Minister F. F. Oster. Residence M0
Columbia St. Phone 3473.
The Baptist Church
Pine Street, near 12th
Dr. E. Herbert Hay den, factor.
Residence, 1197 Pine Street. PIHMS7SI
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
PubhcWnrsliipat 11 a.m. and 7
Kpworth league t ; m
Praver s-r ice VS . j .. 7. ..
St Mary's Catholic Church
Services Sumlav morning are a lol
lows: Low Mass. s Yick -'High Mass.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
D.lorf. Pastor
Men's Fall Suits
New Patterns New Styles New Prices
The buying power of a 312 store organization coupled
with a willingness to operate on a small margin of profit
enables us to give you the season's best, at the lowest
possible price.
Suits for Father, Son and Brother.
Suits for School, Business or Dress.
Boys' School Suits
Boys' Two Pants Knickerbocker Suits in a
wide assortment of patterns. A good,
serviceable all wool Suit and a real value at
Men's and Boys' Fall Caps
New Pleated Models
69 to $1.98
Get Yours Now
Odd Lot of Children's
Sandals, $1.49
m m 9 m m
A nTi-iM.i"inr
. f ? . ,
1 t j e'S
A special purchase of
Men's Dress Sox
2 pair for 25
Black, Brown, Navy, Grey
The Story of
Our States
THE kinship
of Ken
tucky and
Virginia 1 s
thut of par
ent and child.
From Virginia
came most of
the settlers of the western state,
and with them these pioneers
brought Virginia institutions
and idonl.s. It was not until
1750 thut the first authentic
Journey wus made by a white
man into central parts of the
region afterwards called Ken
tucky. Further explorations showed
that tills territory held two Im
portant attractions for settlers.
The first was the great fertility
of what was called the niue
OrtM region. The so-called
blue crass, from which this
state is nicknamed the "Blue
(Jrass State" Is in no wise pe
culiar to Kentucky.
The second Inducement for
settlers was the fact that there
were no Indians living in this
region. It was later found that
many roving bands of savages
crossed the Ohio from the north
and sorely harassed the early
colonists until Clark's expedi
tions Into Ohio and Indiana
cheeked their Invasions. In fact,
the mime Kentucky is probably
derived from the Iroquois word
kentka-ke, meaning "hunting
lond." Another interpretation
Is "dark and bloody ground,"
but this Is doubtless Incorrect.
The main highways of travel
at that time wers Pnnlel
Re. .no's "Wilderness Koad"
through Cumberland Otp and
down the Ohio. Hardy pioneers
poured Into this new territory
In such numbers that In 1702,
with the permission of Virginia,
Kentucky was admitted to the
Onion as the fifteenth state with
an urea of 40,518 square miles.
Kentucky has thirteen electoral
N.'tes for president The re
markable physical condition of
It population Is shown in a re
port of the volunteers In the
Civil war. This gave their av
erage height as nearly an Inch
taller than the New England
troflpi and with a correspond
ingly greater girth of chest.
(j) by McClar. Nwppr Syndic-it. )
Lake Celebration Off
Tentative plans for holding a picnic
at Ix)st Lake Labor Day in celebration
of completion of the highway being
constructed by the National Forestry
Service have been cancelled. Those
who have traveled the county road
leading from Dee to the forestry high
way the past week declare the heavy
traffic of automobiles that have visited
the district this summer have left the
road almost impassable. The opening
of the Lake road will be celebrated
next summer.
Buckwheat Thrives Here
F. Lynn, who this year has ex-
peri enceTwTthsTiyTean
wheat, says he has found the beans
unsuited to local soil and climate. He
declares he will make no further tests
with them.
"Hut I was surprised at the luxuri
ant growth of the buckwheat," says
Mr. Lynn. "1 am going to plant
more extensively of this crop next
lam xears age, before prohibition
was In force, I was traveling, making
great many small towns. As a rule
there was only one hotel In a town,
and Invariably a saloon in the same
building. I disliked this exceedingly,
and determined to axold stopping at
uch u place where ioMihle. One eve
ulng, alighting from a train in a small
lou-,, 1 was accosted b two Until hotel
hack drivers.
"Hotel, lady:1
I tin ught to no self, surely both of
these hotels do not run saloons.
So I said to the nearest driver, "Iies
your hotel have a saloon In connection
with It?"
He replied. "No. lady, but we will
send out and get anything yon want."
O.s-i en Tribute
r. ii
Sunday 8erv
nndays Kng
Snnday S l
Will saw TOI
l at 9:46 4. If
I am authorized by the owner, Mr. L. E. Ireland, to offer for sale his
splendid property on the main Eastside highway, at a price which I consider
one of the best bargains that has ever been offered in Hood River Valley.
It is $8000 below the most conservative estimate that could be made
of the property. If I were to be asked to make an official appraisement I
would readily put a figure of $30,000 on it, putting in the dwelling at exactly
what it cost to build nine years ago.
My selling price is $17,000, including all equipment.
The man who buys this can safely consider he has made $8000 the
minute he tenders the first payment to bind the deal. This i3 no gamble.
Ask anyone who knows the property.
The property consists of one of the finest homes in Hood River Valley
and 27i acres of land. It is ideally located one and a half miles out on the
eastside highway, commanding a view of the entire valley, Mount Hood,
Mount Adams and the Columbia Gorge.
The orchard is in strictly first class condition, escaping all freeze in
jury of two years ago. It has always had the best of care and the trees are
as vigorous and thrifty as anything that will be found in the entire district.
The varieties are Spitzonbergs, Newtowns, Ortleys. Gravensteins,
Delicious, Bananas and D'Anjou pears. This orchard produced $14,000 in
l'Jl'J. It has always been a heavy producer, is in a protected district free
from frost injury and is under the East Fork Irrigation Ditch.
The owner's residence is a two and a half story shingled dwelling of
fourteen rooms. The lower floor contains a large living room 16 x 24. off
from which is a sun parlor 10 x 18. The south, east and west exposures of
this room are all windows. Adjoining the living room there is also an office
or den, 12 I 12, with a French door into the garden. The reception hall is
12 x 12 with a wide stairway in the rear to the second floor. On the left of
the reception hall is the dining room, 16 x 16. These rooms all have hard
wood floors in excellent condition.
On either side of the main entrance are large coat closets with out
side windows, and full-length plate-glass mirrors in the doors. To the rear
of the stairway in the reception hall is a lavatory and toilet convenient to a
rear entrance. In the living room is a large fireplace, with French doors on
either side leading into the sun parlor. There is a good sized kitchen, and
butler's pantry and a screened porch off the kitchen.
The second floor consists of six bedrooms and bath, and there are
three plastered rooms in the attic with a lavatory in one. One of the bed
rooms is arranged as an all year sleeping porch, with windows and screens
constituting three sides of the room.
There is a concrete basement 24 x 30 in which is a large furnace and
frost-proof fruit room. Across the entire front of the dwelling is a wide
concrete terrace porch.
The other buildings con-ist of a good five-room tenant house with
running water and electricity: a laundry; two barns and chicken houses.
The buildings alone would cost more than the price asked. The
dwelling could not be built today for $15,000.
The price is $17,000; half cash, balance at 7.
Exclusive Agent
Ii 2hU