The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1921, Image 9

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hood River glacier, Thursday, august i, 1921
Lazy People are always anxious to be
up and doing tilings. Manser Bigm,
Phoue 5497. jliltl
H. L. Haslirouck, Optometrilt.
Careful attention Mid to repairing ;iu-
totnobilea. Howell Brot., Tel. 2561. a-itf
J. R. Watkins I'roilucts, sold bv .
Wilde, 1812 13th Street. Tel. 1923. ilStf
Forties does painting, sign work and
calcimining. Tel. 3014. mfltl
For KpirellaCoreets Mrs. Fred Howe,
613 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 1783. j-Jltf
G. A. MeCurdy and family motored
to Portland last Friday.
J. K. Edtrar was down from Dee the
first of the week on business.
Mrs. J. EL Hilton and daughter.
Helen, were down from Dee Monday.
See Howell Bros., Fourth and Colum
bia Streets, when you want a good job
of repairing on your automobile. a4tf
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 lleil-
bronner bidg., tele. lH.'i.'l, Hood River.
Eyes scientifically examined by II.
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, Heilbronner
Kldg. 1H-U
Highest cash price paid for your used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. tiOtl
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n26tf
Carl F. Galligan, of Dufur, was in
the city the latter part of last week
visiting friends and relatives.
G. A. Clough, of Arlington, was here
the latter part of last week calling on
friends aud attending to business.
Miss Dorothy Longman, of New
York City, has arrived for a visit with
valley friends.
Mrs. M. A. Mohr is recovering at
the Cottage hospital from an operation
for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. James ModafTari, of
the Upper Valley, where business vis
itors in town Sunday.
Truman Rutler and family have re
turned from Roekaway Reach, where
they spent two weeks on an outing.
Mrs. A. H. Staats, of Maupin, is
here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
N. Clarke, and family.
Mrs. Robley 1). Hurst is ill at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Kaesser.
Mrs. Eric Klossner, of Pullman,
Wash., is visiting relatives and friends
of the Rarrett section.
There will be no meeting of the
Auxiliary of the American Region Sat
urday owing to the summer vacation.
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
We have secured the services of an ex
perienced mechanic and can now take
care of all vour automobile needs. How
ell Pros , Tel. 2551. a4tf
Wood for the range or furnace. Dry,
sound slabs, Hi-in. body fir orcordwood.
Emry Lumber it Fuel Co. Successor to
Hood River Fuel Co. a21tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Croft motored up
from Portland last week to see the
valley. They contemplate locating
Mr. and Mrs. Estee Brosius were
called here from Portland last week to
attend the funeral of the former's
grandfather, Dr. .). Williams.
Dr. H. D. W. Pineo and family and
Dr. C. H. Jenkins and family have
left for Cannon Reach for a vacation
during August. ,
H. H. Rushnell, editor of the Ore
gon Farmer, was here last week at
tending the convention of plant spe
cialists. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Morgan and baby
daughter returned last week from a
visit in Portland with Mr Moragn's
brother, W. A. Morgan, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culbertson and
little daughter left the latter part of
the week for Cannon Reach for an
Mr. and Mrs. P, M. Winshin, of San
Diego, Calif., are here visiting their
nephews, Geo. C. and Van W. Glad
den, and families.
Van W. Gladden has returned from
two weeks spent at San Diego, Calif.,
where he visited his mother, Mrs. Ab
bie H. Gladden.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vadnais, of Port
land, were here over the week end vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Rrett. Mrs.
Vadnais and Mrs. Rrett are sisters.
John Schatfner, of Fresno, Calif.,
arrived Sunday by automobile for a
visit with his daughter, Mrs. J. B.
Kimrough, of the Upper Valley.
W. M. Yates, formerly local post
master who now resides at Corvallis,
was here last week visiting relatives
and attending to business.
H. C. Long, president of the Wau
keena Manufacturing Co., of Portland,
was a business visitor in the city over
the week end.
Mrs. Minnie J. Vonder Ahe and fam
ily left Saturday for Cannon Beach for
an-outing. They were accompanied by
Miss Ila Nichols.
Mr. and Mm. Conde Davidson and
daughter, Miss Anna, arrived last
week for a vist with Mr. Davidson's
brothers, Charles and Jesse Davidson,
and other relatives.
Bids Wanted To transfer at once
from 40 to 80 tons baled timothy bay
from Camas Prairie, Wash., to a Ware
house in Hood River, Oregon. Phone
4633. C. T. Roberts. a4tf
Take one of the Fashion Motor Buses
to Portland. Cars make four round
trips dailv, leaving Hood River as fol
lows: 9.30 and 11 a. m. and 2 10 and
4.30 rrr m. apntf
If vou have any kind of auto electri
cal trouble, 8. D. Cameron can Bad
where it is and rix it for you or it will
cost you nothing if he fails at Cssced
Oarage. j 21 1 f
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Kresse, of Mer
rill, where Dr. Kresse is now practic
ing, are here thia week visiting Mr.
Kresse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
kresse, friends and other relatives.
Ernest S. Colby has. the past week,
been exhibiting paintings of Edward
Hill, formerly located here. Alth. u.'i
78 years old,, Mr. Hill is still active in
painting Oregon landscapes.
Misa Bernice Moas. who haa been at
tending the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, haa arrived to spend her summer
vacation at home in the Dukes Valley
The regular meeting of the Asbury
Ladies' Aid will be held at the church
at 2.30 Friday afternoon. Aa this will
be toe regular election of officers all
members are asked to be present.
Miaaea Helen and Florence, small
daughter of James Stranahan, are re
covering from operations for removal
of their tonsils at the Cottage hospital
About 30 of the members of the
Cascade Locks Rehekah Ixidge motored
here Monday night for an initiator?
cefemonv of the local lodge. A dele
gation of Odell Rebekaha waa also
present. Refreshments were served
at toe meeting.
Local Union No. 17516," American
Federation of Labor, will hold a cau
cus for the nomination of new officers
August 9.
Fred Lockley, special writer for the
Portland Journal, v. as in Hood River
the latter part of last week. Mr.
Lockley called at the Glacier office
while here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rlancbar, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Nye,
left the first of the week on a motor
tour through western Washington and
Puget Sound country.
C. C. Newhouse was called to Port
land yesterday because of the death of
his father-in-law, Walter Cover. The
Boys' Recreational ("amp activities
will be discontinued for the rest of the
Miss Gertrude McKifresh and party,
from Corvallis, en route to Cloud Cap
Inn, stopped Saturday for a visit with
Mrs. J. VV. Ingalls. Miss McKifresh
is an instructor in English at the Ore
gon Agricultural College.
Dr. Waldo Coe, of Portland, was in
the city the first of the week. "I
came up," said Dr. Coe, "to see your
new Columbia Gorge hotel. Ihe at
mosphere so agreed with me that 1 de
cided to stay over a day.
2o()U men wanted to go to Charlie
Clarke's drugstore anil buy a trial box
of Hunter's Wonderful Salve. Full di
rections with every box. Remedy espe
cially good fur lung and kidney trout les
and a sure cure for blood poisoning. a4
Every grower should see the "Small
Growers Model," Cutler grader now be
ing displayed atthe.Mt. Hood Motor Co.
show room. Require! email amount of
space to operate and small amount of
cash to buy. ti30tf
A. P. Davis and F. E. Weymouth
were here last week and in company
with Geo. R. Wilbur inspected irriga
tion projects, They extolled Hood
River for the efficiency of water sys
tems. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Weber, accom
panied by their son, Earl and grand
son, Harry Weber, motored to Port
land. The latter will remain through
August with his father, William Web
er, in Portland.
After a six weeks' visit here with E.
B. Moss and family, Mrs. Julius Ran
dolph and grandson, Glenn E. Moss, of
Kansas City, left Sunday for Portland
and Seattle, where they will visit be
fore returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. E N. Blythe and chil
dren and Mrs. David Marlor and ;son,
George Finley, have arrived from
Portland for a visit at Twin ftOaks
Farm, the home of Mr. Blythe'a and
Mrs. Marlor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. P. Blythe.
Miss Frances Moe left Sunday for
Portland for a visit with her friend,
Miss Mildred Cantield. Yesterday Mr.
and Mrs. Moe motored to Portland,
where the young folk joined them, the
iarty proceeding to Cannon Beach for
an outing.
W. L. Chandler, president of the Na
tional Association of Purchasing
Agents, and S. F. Woodbury, purchas
ing agent of the Willamette Iron &
Steel Co., arrived in the valley yester
day. They will climb Mount Hood
I have made arrangements to have mv
graders built in Portland ami will have
a machine in Hood River for your in
spection in the near future. Don't order
your grader until you have seen this
up-to-date machine. One feature alone
w ill save you from 11.00 to $3.00 every
day you uee it accoring to size machine
used. Timothy Newell. m26tf
The following large party has just
returned from Seaside where they
spent last week on a vacation: Mrs.
M. P. Isenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
lsenberg and two children, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Arnold and family, Miss
Bess Isenberg. Barney Taylor, Floyd
Merrill and Miss Gladys Mutrie. The
elder Mrs. Isenberg celebrated her
birthday while on the outing.
George W. Baker and 0. L. Craton.
Barrett orchardists have purchased the
cdd buildings at Green Point, former
site of the Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
The men are now engaged in demolish
ing the residences and office buldings.
Mr. Baker will utilize a portion of the
salvaged lumber in the construction of
chicken houses. He is now running one
of the largest flocks of White Leghorns
in the county.
Truck operators of this county de
clare that they will watch with inter
est the performances of a new Mack
2J ton motor truck just delivered by
the Mt. Hood Motor Co. to Filz &
Hickey, Mt. Hood orchardists. The
big freight vehicle is the first, operated
by chain drive, to be put into commer
cial service in the county. Geo. C.
Gladden, accompanied by Cecil Hickey,
drove the truck over the Highway from
Leon LeFrancq has just received a
letter from his son, Julius, who has
been in the merchant marine since
1918. The latter was at Rotterdam,
where his boat was unloading a cargo
of wheat shipped from Portland, hav
ing joat returned from a visit to Ber
lin. "We will take on a cargo here
for Buenos Aires," the young man
wrote, "and then we take on wheat
again and Bail back to European
Shay Starts Service Shop
Walter W. Shay, who recently re
turned from California, where for the
past two years he had been encaged in
automobile work at Woodland and
Marysville, has opened a service shop
at the Fashion Stables. Mr. Shay is
specializing on Buick and Studebaker
u- n r L'
distance of the new grade, however, it
is said, will be completed this tail ana
automobiles may be able to reach the
water's edge of the lake before snows
close the district to traffic.
Japanese Hold Picnic
Members of the Japanese Farmers'
&ntfruttahi,n Suirwluv rt-1, tif.i ! e. 1 the end
of the small fruits harvest season with
a picnic on the Highway on the Button
place east ot tne city, r.nieriainmem
f..t tho tfc'An emriullv feat
ured, and about 50 tots, each wearing
a giant rea cap. were present parm -patinjf
in games. The picnickers
feasted on ice cream and w atern.elons.
Mb Bros. Expand
Kelly Bros, announce an expansion
this season. Formerly the shippers
have received only at their warehouse
in Hood River.
"We have just arranged." says R.
W. Kelly, "with H K. DaaiajU.
has completed a large two st rj
packing plant and storage warehouse,
to handle our business in the Odell dis
trict. We anticipate a fairly heavy
tonnge from thia section."
Mclnras and Son Bin creajK
J. I. McLucas and son. J. D. Mc
Lucae, Jr., have earn purchased an
acre auburban tract of the D. C fla
ra brant place just west of the city.
The younger man- has already begun
the erection of a new home. His
fattier statea that he will begin build
ing aoon.
The County Fair Board, composed of
P. L. Manser, A. W. Peters and E. F.
Batten, has recommended to the county
court that the annual county fair,
scheduled for September be abandoned
until next year, when, according to
proposals of the board permanent
grounds be secured and buildings
erected. The court supplied an appro
priation of $1,000 for purchase of prop
erty this year, but no fund was made
available lor contruction of building.
The board estimates that $5,000 will be
needed for this purpose, and a vote of
the electorate will be necessary for ac
quiring the fund.
Preparation for temporary quarters,
the board cites, is too expensive and
requires too great a physical effort for
the. two days of fair. Exhibtis, too, it
is declared, are subjected to possible
damage. It is shown that a wind
storm caused a tent to collapse last
year, damaging displays of merchants.
The annual iudu.-trial school fair will
be held in mid-September as usual.
County School Superintendent L. B.
Gibson, in charge of preparation for
the exhibits of students, 6ays that his
event bids fair to eclipse that of any
former season.
Frankness of criticism on the part
of Homer A. Rogers directed at Hood
River folk for alleged lack of support
of his Mount Hood hostelries and an
equally frank reply from Hugh G. Ball
characterized the weekly meeting of
the Tuesday Lunch club. Mr. Rogers
cited as evidence of alleged apathy on
the part of local folk that the Ameri
can Legion passed up his facilities to
camp at another location, using, as he
termed it. a wildcat guide. He also
charged that Mark Weygandt, whom
the legion employed as head guide, had
not been loyal during the war.
In his reply Mr. Rail declared that
the Mount Hood hostelries would get
local support if they merited it. He
suggested that Mr. Rogers furnish his
patrons food at reasonable prices. He
declared that he had heard numerous
recent complaints because of poor and
insufficient food and extreme charges.
The high toll charged for trips over
the road leading to the Inn, it was also
declared, tended to keep visitors away.
E. E. Brett was chairman of the
Tuesday meeting. R. B. Perigo will
preside uext week. Guests of P. K.
Clark at the Tuesday meal were R. R.
Lewis, apple man of New York City,
and D. M. Botsford, Portland and Se
attle advertising man. J. L Winship,
of San Diego, Calif., was present as
the guest of his nephew, Geo. C. Glad
den. Secretary Cannon reported that the
club had a membership of 53.
Dr. V. RT Abraham, speaking in be
half of the Region, pointed out how
publicity from the body's activity, ap
pearing in newspapers and in Legion
publications, would do much toward
stimulating travel into the district.
Thus, he declared, Mr. Rogers would
benefit directly from the Legion's
F'uneral services were held at the
Anderson chapel Tuesday for Mis. M.
J. Lundy. aged 90. who died Sunday
evening at Homewood, the homo of
her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Gould, in the
Odell district. Mrs. C. O. Huelat,
reader of the Christian Science church,
officiated. The body of Mrs. Lundy, a
native of Niagara Falls, Ont., accom
panied by Mr. Gould, was taken to
Gault, Ont.. for interment beside her
husband. Mrs. Lundy had resided here
since 1909. She is survived by another
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Toron
to, and a son, Dr. O. B. Lundy, ot Lob
At the age of 20 years she graduated
from the Burlington Academy, Hamil
ton, Ont. Two years later she was
united in marriage to Silas Lundy. In
the year 1881 Mr. and Mrs. Rundy
moved to Inkster, N. D., where they
resided until Mr. Lundy's death in
1887. Mrs. Lundy's life was a bene
diction to those around her. To know
her was to love her.
Report of W. C. T. T. U. Lecture
God could not have selected a better
channel than Mrs. Mary Harris Ar
mour, national lecturer of the W. ( .
T. U., who appeared at the M. E.
church Sunday evening, July 24.
Nothing could have been more inter
esting, instructive, suggestive and full
of warning and admonition than the
lecture which appealed to every intelli
gent person present.
Her spontaneous delivery, doing so
much violence and destruction to the
liquor question, was very suggestive to
her well adapted and descriptive name,
"The Georgian Cyclone."
The number of subjects so skillfully
displayed, indicated that the speaker
had a world-wide vision of the de
ceived mankind regarding the liquor
habit of the world.
Mrs. Armour stated that during her
travels on the continent she had ob
served how much more extensive the
liquor evil was in Europe and England
than America.
She was successful in adding the
following new membera: Mesdames
Jones, Somerville, Gibson, Rigby and
Bartmess. The following honorary
members w ere added : Messrs. Peter
son, Sherrill, Bartmess, Fagaly and
A very good collection waa also
taken for this cause.
Mrs. W. L Fagaly,
Press Superintendent.
Pomona Grange to Meet at Parkdale
The Hood River County Pomona
Grange will meet next Wednesday at
Parkdale for an all-day session. Fifth
degree work will be conducted for all
who have not taken the degree.
It is urged that all Pomona members
be present as well aa all other county
grangers who wish to join. Ice cream
and coffee will be served by Parkdale
Grange. Each member ia aaked to
g a basket luncheon. The sessions
will begin at 10 a. m.
lajW k Mohr Bu Thresher
E. E. Lage and Mohr,
while in Portland last week attending
a Fotdaon demonstration purchased a
Wood laroaadnir machiAe. It will be
operated with a tractor. The men will
begin threshing at onee and operate
in all parts of the valley. While the
grain acreage here ia not large the
yield, it ia said, will be comparatively
Filaaa, Camera. Photo Supplier
Slocom & Donnerberg Co. mV f
Tom Sawyer Washwear Suits, Shirts and Blouses for Boys
The cloth of which the Tom Sawyer Wash Suits are made, is made especially for Tom Sawyer Suits, and is
absolutely WASHPKOOK, and practically WEARPROOF. Even the buttons are Tom Sawyer made and put on
to stay. All Tom Sawyer Suits are Ku:"anteed to be fast color and to wear.
$3.00 Tom Sawyer One-Piece Suits, in white, with blue trinvand blue with white trim, on sale
$7,00 Tom Sawyer Two-Piece Suits, in blue or tan, sailor jacket and knickerbockers, 3 to 8 years
Tom Sawyer Soft Collar Shirts for Boys, 12i to 14 neck 98 French Cuff Dress Shirts
Mothers you can positively depend on Tom Sawyer Washwear, and the prices are about half now.
New Suede Strap Pumps, Brown and Black, Also In Kid.
We know you have been waiting a long time for these, and we are glad to be able to tell you the good news that they are
here at last, and they measure up to our High Quality Standard.
Now that these good things are here, please don't wait until your size is gone, come now.
Ladies' White Shoes
Selling to $6.00, now
the pair
John A. Wilson, a pioneer citizen of
Hood River and well-known Grand
Army man, passed quietly away at his
residence, Seventh and Eugene streets.
Hood River, August 1, 1921, aged 80
years. A man of commanding figure,
soldierly bearing and genial disposi
tion, he will he missed from the thin
ning ranks of the Grand Army and by
his neighbors throughout the valley in
which he made his home for nearly
half a century.
Mr. Wilson was born in Fayette
county, Indiana, May 21, 1841. His
father. Samuel Wilson, member of iin
old and prominent family in South Car
olina, was a pioneer of Indiana. At
the outbreak of the Civil war young
Wilson was one of the first to answer
the call of President Lincoldn when he
asked for 75,000 volunteers to suppress
insurrection and maintain order in the
seceding states. April 23 18(1. ten
days after the firing upon Fort Sump
ter, he was enrolled upon the roster of
Co. H., 8th Indiana infantry, and took
his stand as a defender of the Union
in a war that was to last four long
years. His first enlistment was for
90 days. Later he reenlisted in the
46th Indiana infantry and was muttered
out at the close 'of the war, having
served four years and one month. His
first battle was at Rich Mountain, W.
Va., in the summer of 11861, during his
first enlistment. In his second enlist
ment he fought in the battles of New
Madrid, Riddles Point, Fort Pember
ton. Fort Gibson, Champion Hills,
Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson anil at
Grand ("baton and Mansfield, I. a. At
the latter place he was taken prisoner
and spent four months at Camp Ford,
Texas, and four months at Camp
Gross, Texas. December 8, 1804, he
was exchanged and continued in the
service until September 4, 1865, when
he was discharged at Louisville.
In. politics Mr. Wilson was a Repub
lican of the Abraham Lincoln type.
He was a friend of education an I gave
much of his time looking after the
liarrett school he helped to establish
and ol which district he was a director
for many years. He was a pioneer of
Hood River valley, coming here with
his family in 1875. He located on a
farm in the Rarrett district where he
continued to reside until 14 years ago,
when he sold his farm, purchased de
sirable residence property in the city
of Hood River and spent a happy and
retired life, honored and respected by
his fellow-citizens. He was a charter
member of Canby Post, G. A. R., a
Past Commander and for the past 14
years its quarternia-ter. He was fan
active member of the Department En
campment and will be missed at the
annual meetings. He was foremost in
relief work among hia needy or dis
abled comrades.
The marriage of Mr. Wilson occurred
February 4, 1889, at Ancona, HI.
Nancy Chamberlain, who survives
him. became his bride. " Two years ago
last February the couple celebrated
their golden wedding in their comfort
able home, surrounded by their chil
dren and grandchildren and visited by
a host of friends.
Besides his widow, Mr. Wilson is
survived by seven children and four
grandchildren. His children are: Aus
tin and Iee, of Six Prong, Wash. ;
George, of San Gatinel, Calif. ; Laura,
of Portland, Flora and Grace at home
and Mrs. George D. Hinish, of Port
land. The first-born child, Ltna, died
at the age of five eara.
F'uneral service for Mr. Wilson
were held from the residence at 2
o'clock yesterdsv afternoon, interment
following at Idlew lie. Rev. W. A.
Wood officiated. S. E. Bartmesa di
rected the funeral.
Naval Veteran Buried Here
Funeral services for C. A. Barnes,
aged 34 and Hn of the late Geo
Harms Prinevilie pioneer, were held
at the Anderson hnel Sunday, Rev.
W. H. Boddy officiating. Interment
occurred at the K. of P. cemetery.
Mr. Barnes was alto a member of the
Odd Fellows Lodge.
Mr. Barnes, whose illness was con
tracted while in the Navy, died at St.
Vincent's Hospital. Portland, follow
ing an operation. While in service he
was stationed at" ard the transport
Huron. He had made 15 round trips
acorn the Atlantic Mr. Barnes is sur
vived by the fl! ing sisters and
brothers : Mrs. C. l Nickelsen, of
Hood River; Mrs. T. H. Coon, of Cor
vallis . Pert Barnes, of Mitchell and
VYid Barnes, of Mora.
Insist on fennine Ford parts when
having roar ear repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tf
Full Fashioned Heavy
Yes, Ladies, We Really Have Them In Stock Now Black, White, Brown
You all know how hard it has been to get Rood silk hose. In fact, full fashioned silk hose have heen off
the market entirely because the workers have been on a strike for months and most of them an nut now, how
ever a few are going back to work and we hope soon to see the Silk Hosiery situation greatly improved.
We are just in receipt of Ihe first lot of FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE we have ben able to get in
months, and they are a good heavy ingrain silk, in black, white and brown, selling at $3.00 the pair, plus 10c
luxury tax. ' We could only get a limited quantity, even at this price. An early call is advisable.
New Embroidered Crepe Dresses
in iii i im i mi i
"I have been handling apples in New
York City for 16 years," said John
McGarrick, representative of Smith &
Holden, while here last week, "and of
all the varieties I have evre come in
contact with I have the greatest re
spect for the Newtown. This, in my
estimation, is the king of apples, and
the Oregon Newtown is a little bit
more the production of royalty than
any of the others. "
Mr. McGarrick is on his first tour of
the Northwest. He declares that he
thinks better of the Northwestern
boxed apples after viewing the orch
ards. "These apples that corhe to us in
boxes," he declared, "couldn't be
anything else than the real thing,
handled and raised as they are."
Mr. McGarrick expressed gratifica
tion at the hospitality with which he
was received by men with whom he
has had relations in New York City.
He was the guest of Willis Van Horn,
former New York apple man, and var
ious shipping representatives who had
met him in New York.
Robert (J. McNary, adjutant of the
Hood River Post, American Legion,
states that the Post has received blanks
for ex-service men who wish to atmly
for bonus loans on real estate. Three
appraisers and an attorney for the
local organization will be appointed at
once, he says.
The large new swimming pool, con
structed at the Boys' Recreational Club
camp is proving a magnet for boys of
the city and rural sections these warm
days. The camp is open to all boys of
the community. During the absence
of boys of the city, who returned re
cently from a trip to Wabtum Lake,
Campfire girls of the city, chaperoned
by Miss Frances K. Baker, Miss Metz
gus and Miss May Davidai n, have oc
cupied the camp several nights.
While Director Newhouse states that
a large number of boys has visited the
camp this week, it is expected that at
tendance next week will set a record,
as it will be the last week of the year
in which the camp will be maintained.
All meetings of troops of Boy Scouts
have been discontinued until Septem
ber 5.
Vincent & Shank to Move
A crew of men has been busily en
gaged remodeling the old Pheasant
building at the corner of Oak and Sec
ond streets, making it ready for open
ing of the Vincent & Shank groceiy
there next Monday. The stock of
goods will be removed from the Bell
building Saturday night, and Sunday
will be spent in arranging it. The
store will hold an opening in the new
place next Monday.
An entrance, level with the sidewalk
of Second street has been cut in the
structure, thus adding to its conven
ience as a shopping place.
Old Odell School to Be Razed
Work is being rushed on a new two
story grade school building in the
Odell district. The structure will be
of concrete and tile. It will be com
plete by September 1, according to
The school board has called for bids
on the razing of the old frame build
ing. These bids, according to an
nouncement of John C. Duck wall, clerk
of the district, should be in his hands
by next Monday.
(iross Grocery Concern Opens Auspiciously
IL Gross declares that his Cash and j
Tarry Grocery opened very auspicious
ly Monday, when, he states, his re
ceipts reached $810.10. The store has
heen busy since. K. E. Hunt, experi
enced Portland groceryman, is man
ager of the new store.
"I am operating," says Mr. Grosr.
"not to compete with any local mer
chant but to eliminate the shopping of I
local people in Portland.
kodak finishing Slocom-Donnerberg
Co. One up-to-date dark room, an up-to-date
expert finisher, a real 24 hour
service - thata us. ly 22t(
New Scotch Zephyr
u i iii 1 1 ii i
Members of the Knigl'ts of Pythias,
who with their band returned Sunday
night from Marshfield, North Bend,
Coquille anil Bandon, where they at
tended Pythian and Pythian Sister cel
ebrations, have unstinted praise for
the hospitality of Coos Bay folk.
"I have never seen townsfolk so
generous in their treatment of guests,
says C. ('. t'uddeford. "Nothing was
left undone for our comfort and pleas
ure." The Pythian band participated with
musical concerts in various programs
at the coast cities.
(iuignard Finds Apples Fine
August Guigiiard has just returned
from a motor tour of the big apple sec
tions of Washington in the interest of
the Ideal grader. He visited Yakima.
VV t n.-i tehee and the Okanogan taction.
He declares that the fruit crops of all
! sections are in excellent condition and
that prospects point to a bumper yield.
"I was especially interested in (lif
erent methods of packing in the Wash
ington orchard districts," said Mr.
Guignard. "In Yakima the commun
ity packing hou.-e has been developed
to a high degree. In Wenatehee. up
to date, growers have packed their
fruit in individual units, but 1 find that
the trend there, as mechanical sizing
devices are coming into more extensive
use, is toward community packing."
Dodfte Brothers Used Cars
rjaed Dodge Brothers cars which are
szcellent tnechanioallj and in appear
ance are now on our Moor. We say to
you that here you will obtain more used
car value for vonr moDAJf more motor
car per dollar'. Model of 1918 and 1919
now priced at from $700 to $7J0. I'm n
nett Brothers. jn2.'It(
presents a
F.verything the man had wor
shiped turned to clay !
lien in a place like this the
girl whose liist kiss was his
dragged dowa I'V the woman who
bad wrecked his life !
Come Slid thrill through the ret '
And don't no-- Mae Minn, s
"Chiffon Danc e" !
A lieauty-romance of southern
seas and the gay night life of 1ai
don. Also
a 2-round Comedy Knockout
Aug. 8-9
Usual Prices
Silk Hose
Misses' & Children's
White Shoes
the pair.
A new parsonage of the First Chris
tian church will be dedicated next Sun
day. 0. F. Swander, state secretary
of Churches of Christ in Oregon, will
be master of ceremonies. The day's
program is scheduled as follows: Bible
school at 9.46 a. m. ; communion and
preaching at 11 a. m., Elder Swander
delivering the sermon; basket luncheon
at noon ; dedication service, with fel
lowship meeting following, at 2.M) p.
m. ; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m., and
consecration service, with sermon on
"The Glorious Gospel," by the pastor,
Bev. .1. E. Ilanna, at 8 p. m.
Special musical programs will be
rendered at every service. Delega
tions of members of the valley, Mosier
and The Dalles Christian churches are
expected here for the event. Rev.
II anna, who recently came here from
Aberdeen, Wash .to take charge of the
church, is a graduate of franklin and
Drake Colleges.
Wanted Bids
For Ho cords of first growth hody'tir,
16 cords nood sound oak wood, to be
delivered at the grade school in Odell.
Address bids to John ('. Duck wall.
Wauled Oilers
For the old urade school house at
Odell. Building to be removed by
September 1. A II offers to be in dis
trict clerk's offlee on or before Monday
ev ening. August S.
John C. Duckwall, Clerk.
The Baptist Church
Pina St rcot, near 181 h
Dr. K. Herbert Hoyden, Pastor,
Residence, 1107 Pine Street, Phono 52723
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
PublicWorahip at 1 1 a.m. and 7.110 p.m.
Kpworth League at 0 30 p.m.
1 royor Service Wednesday at 7.30p.m.
1 IrtfiV
Whether it be
It is
"Foremost in the Field"
and we recommend
and sell them all
The Star Grocery
"Good Thinss to Eat"