The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1921, Image 5

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YouTl get somewhere
with a pipe and P. A.!
Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a
pipe! and forget every smoke experience you ever had
that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed
brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree or
smokejoy you ever registered! It's a revelation!
Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your
tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our
exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old
idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a
pipe! We tell you that you can and just have the time
of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert
for packing!
What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a
home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a lot of
fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch
because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put!
Fringe Albert
Prince Albert U
sold in1 toppy red
bags, tidy red ting
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors and in the
pound crystal glass
humidor with
sponge mointenjgr
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
Wins t o n - S a. 1 em,
f he national joy smoke
Now Rock Bottom
I Freight Advance
Since War
Present Lumber Prices
Now Same as
Pre-War Prices Freight Advance
Pre-War -f Frt. Advance Present Price
Buy Lumber now for any building need !
Prices on Lumber can't go lower !
No other commodity has fallen in price
more than Lumber!
Our Free Building Helps are valuable !
t mi
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Materials with Plans for Homes and Farm Buildings"
5 1 0 Cascade Avenue
PHONE 4121
GOOD 100' i PURE
We are buying Graven
stein Apples.
See us for prices.
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealan in
Fruit and Farm
"Canvfin Pine Chalet"
VnT vacation or-week end.
The scenic epot of lower Hood
Kivi-r Valley.
For vacationist lesiring a delight
ful country place.
Entrtain guests here- dinners,
luncheon, card parties, dancing
i miles via Oak roe road
Tt-1. ")779 f'r reservations
Plant specialists of Oregon. Wash
ington, Idaho and British Colombia,
closing an annual session, character
ized as the best since the custom was
inaugurated four years ago, here last
Thursday, accepted an invitation of
the State Board of Horticulture of
Washington and the Yak ima Chamber
of Commerce to hold the fifth meeting
in Yakima next year.
No definite oganization up to Thurs
day, when it was decided to formally
launch a hody to be known as the
Northwestern Association of Horticul
turists, Plant Pathologists and Ento
mologists, had ever been formed. A
president, vice president and secretary
treasurer will be elected annually, each
branch of the three sciences repre
sented having an officer.
While no revolutionary theories were
advanced, representatives of the three
branches engaged in the advancement
of horticultural interests of the Pacific
Northwest declared that the clearing
house of the convention demonstrated
that a steady progress was being made
in combatting diseases and insect pests
and in maintaining soil fertility and
securing- maximum yield results. An
appeal was made Thursday by Chas.
A. Park, of Salem, chairman of the
Western Plant Uunraiiti' e Hoard and
president of the Oregon Stat Board of
Horticulture, for a rigid enforcement
of plant quarantine law. . Mr. Park
said :
"The carefully considered and dili
gently enforced plant quarantine or
ders issued by the Pacific Coast states
up to date have, in a large measure.
resulted in keeping Iruit ana melon
flies out of our orchards and truck
farms ; in keeping the Gypsy and
Brown-tail moths out of our forests
and the Blister-rust away trom our
nine trees. The Oriental peach moth
now well established In other parts of
the United States, has been kept out
of the orchards of the Pacific Coast
states by the application of close quar
antine inspection, and the same may
be said of the Japanese beetle. The
ravages of the Chestnut bark disease,
the eastern filbert blight and the Euro
pean corn worm, together with the
restrictions they cause to be placed
uoon these crops are things we read
about In the official publications of
some of the eastern states, but, thanks
to the effects of plant quarantine, the
producers have no experience with
these virulent crop pests upon the Pa
cific Coast. The Mexican cotton boll
weevil and the pink boll worm, both
introduced insect pests, in addition to
greatly reducing the annual output of
this staple, are causing the issuance
of the most dratsic and far reaching
federal and Btate laws, rules and regu
lations directed against the cultivation
and movement of the cotton plant and
its various products. The cotton fields
of the Pacific Coast are free of both
these pests, and are also free of the
burden and loss that would most cer
tainly follow their establishment. The
sweet potato weevil has as yet not be
come estabaihed on the Pacific Coast,
vet the pest is a regular immigrant
and a common acquaintance of the
quarantine inspector. The potato
wart disease still remains, with one
exception, in its native hatiitat, and
finally our knowledge of the citrus
canker, is still confined to what w
read in official bulletins of the state of
"All of the foregoing crop pests, ex
cept the fruit flies, have become well
established in the United States east
of the Rocky mountains. They were
introduced into that territory before
the adoption and enforcement of plant
quarantine regulations by the several
states concerned. No one of the crop
pests has become established In the
Pacific Coast states. Yet since the in
auguration and enforcement of plant
quarantine regulations on this coast
each and every one of these crop pests,
with the exception of the European
corn worm, have been repeatedly in
tercepted in imports of plant products
and destroyed by the lotfal inspectors.
"The true value of plant quarantines
to the crop producers of the Pacific
Northwest can be summed up in the
following simple sentence : 'The pres
ent unchallenged entrance of our prod
ucts into the markets of the world
forms an enviable condition by no
means common to Ihe crop producers
of the world at large. In fact it con
stitutes a vary rare exception.'
"Consider the alternative. The mar
kets of the world promptly closed to
our fruit crops. The introduction and
establishment on the Pacific Coast of
the Mediterranean fruit fly would be
sufficient cauBe to create such a situa
tion. If this omnivorous pest should
gain an entrance either by accident or
laxity in enforcement of quarantine
regulations, every fruit growing state
in the Union and all other fruit coun
tries would promptly apply, in fact
would be compelled to apply, for their
own protection the ame prohibitive
regulations against the importation of
all of our fresh fruits as we now en
force against the territory of Hawaii
and other countries infested with this
"Any serious contemplation of the
possibilities of the evil or loss that
would promptly result from the esab
lishment of the insect pests and plant
diseases enumerated, on the farms and
field and in the forests of the Pacific
Coast, should be pw ded by a thor
ough acquaintance w ith the actual fi
nancial loss to the crop producers of
the countries in which the. same have
been permitted to gar an entrance and
establish a residence. The natural de
ductions from such a study, we believe,
would bring about a clearer, better
recognition of the value of efficient
quarantine work and a concerted de
termination to maintain, develop and
support the same."
The session was 1 y no means all
work. The college pr .feasors and sci
entific men relaxed Wednesday night
and forgot to talk sh ; at a banquet at
the Columbia Gorge Hotel. Ierov
Child was toast MStaf. and the fol
lowing men respond d: Senator E. L
French, of Olympia ; K. R. Bennett, of
Boise, Ida. ; O. M. V rris, of Pullman.
Wash. ; W. T. Hunter, of Victoria. B.
C; Chas. A. Park, of Salem; C. L.
Robinson, of Olympia ; J. S. Klober.
of Selah, Wash. : li. I'. Bans and Dr.
J. T. Jardine, of QarvaJtit,
Perhaps the prevention of scald of
apples held in storage by wrapping
them in a specialh prepared oiled
paper is the mojt ra'iicai discovery oi
plant pathologists
years. Results of
this oiled paper were
D. V. Fiaher, federal
tiored at Wenatchee
comparative effects
been wrapped and
Oiled paper will be
the past few
lerimenta with
lemonst rated by
pathologist cta
who showed the
I fruit that had
that not treated. ,
laced on the mar
ket this year in limited quantities.
Twenty of the plant specialist, fol
lowing a motor tour of the Upper Hood
: River Valley, remained Thursday at
Cloud Cap Inn and ascended Mount
I Hood Friday. Others spent Friday a
guests of h. R. Jackman, Wasco
county agent, on a tour of the fruit
areas of Wasco county.
M. O. Morris, of Pullman, Wash.,
was named president.
Two of the interesting points dis
cussed by the plant specialists touched
on spray poisoning of bees and the
handling of winter-injured apple trees.
A. L. Melander, of Pullman, led in the
bee discussion. While it was admitted
that bees carry such diseases as fire
blight by their activities, it was unan
imousy declared that the aid of bees in
pollenization more than otl'set the In
juries they might cause in disease
spreading. Much of the poisoning of
the insects, it was declared, results
from spray dripping from trees on
cover crops. Growers were advised to
cut their clover or alfalfa before ap
plying the poison calyx arsenate of
lead sprays.
W. S. Brown, chief of horticulture
at the Oregon Agricultural College,
headed the discussion on winter injury.
He stated that all trees that were ir
revocably killed by the heavy freeze of
1919 Bhould at once be pulled. Where
sufficient sound trrunk can be saved,
Mr. Brown said, this may be success
fully topgrafted. Mr. Brown advised
the treatment of wounds resulting
from the freeze with copper nails.
These, driven into the wood at a dis
tance of a half or three-fourths of an
inch apart will soon cause the wound
to become impregnated with copper.
The wounds, he said, should also be
painted each season with Bordeaux
Hunger, the Best Sauce
Sauce is used to create an appetite
or relish for the food. The right way
is to look to your digestion. When you
have good digestion you are certain to
relish your food. Chamberlain's Tab
lets improve the digestion, create a
healthy appetite and cause a gentle
movement of the bowels.
Special School Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a special
Bchool meeting of District No. 0 will
be held at the grade school building at
2 p. m., Saturday, August 18, to con
sider the purchase of a truck for trans
portation, and any other business that
may come before the meeting. Dated
this 1st day of August, 1921.
H. H. Hann, Clerk.
H. F. Good lander,
a-lall Chairman of Board.
Bids Wanted
For 40 ricks of 20 inch fir wood, to
be delivered in the basement of the
Mt. Hood school building, the bidder to
make good any damage done to the
building in delivering. The board re
serves the right to reject any or all
bids. Bids to be in the hands of the
clerk on or before August 13, 1921.
H. H. Hann, Clerk,
H. F. Goodlander,
a4all Chairman of Board.
Glacier office makes rubber stamps
lor bruit Boxes.
10 acres, 4 miles out, !! acres in
standard orchard, l 'i acres rasp
berries, 1 acre spuds, balance
open. B room bouse, small barn,
chicken boiiseand woodshed, team
ami cow. Farmers ditch water for
irrigation, well for domestic. All
for 18,900. Terms.
First National Bank Building
Save Feed - Protect Your Stock
Increase Your Milk Supply
A Hood Hirer Product
Af(INl;,li tut t il lv
Hood River Spray Co.
Phone 2421
Mattress Making and Renovating
Pads, $3.50.
Mattress, from $4.80 to $7.50
Upholstering and Furniture
Sleep and rest well on a Hood
River made mattress.
Wright's Mattress
417-418 May Street
PHONK 3341
Oregon s Higher Institution of
Eight Schools. Srvrnl) IVpirtmrntt
For infarmtlMMi write to fHt prtitrar
Oregon Agricultural College
QevdaBd Traders and Beta Sprayers
Hood River Garage
T.-l. 4444
Vsc Red Crown Gasoline
Jor Power and Mileag
tm j
the most
In the world
depends on its
source of power
The refining of Red Crown gasoline is
based on a thorough, scientific study and
knowledge of the fuel requirements of the
automobile engine.
Keep a record of your trip mileage, also
note the power and flexibility of your en
gine with Red Crown gasoline, and you
will be convinced that Red Crown, ' the
gasoline of quality, "is thegasoline for you.
Look for Standard Oil Service S.ations
and for the Red Crown sign at garages,
service stations, and other dealers. There
you will be able to get good service with
Red Crown gasoline.
Qhe Gasoline of Quality
A New Rim
How many times have you been
caught out on the road or some
place away from a garage when
you would have given anything
for a real demountable rim ?
We have the rim that will solve
your tire changing and repair
Invented by Fred Vogel, Wyeth, Oregon
will enable you to make a com
plete change in approximately 15
Come in and let us demonstrate
this rim and quote you prices for
converting your present rims.
Phone 4331
One month ago I opened an auto repair shop to
five "tis'tictort ncriict; without a patron in
Daring the month of July I vrave service to
iln-fif owners of motor ears and have no had
a sir.Lri' complaint as to charges or work.
My shoo is open from H a. m. to 6 p. m. and my
servict -s are available on 15 minutes notice out
side 'f regular hours.
Fiflij "i" new patrons mtfisfied the first month.
SH i ijlizing on HuiVk and Sludtbaktr Motor Cars
Shay's SERVICE Shop
Shop I2tl
R. 2"2