nOOD RIVER GLACIER, TriTRSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1021 SPECIALS Following specials take effect Thursday the 28th Good for two weeks: Picnic Shoulders, lb. 25c Bulk Cocoa, - lb. 15c Quaker Corn Flakes, m 10c Peaches, can 20c, doz. $2.25 Ghirardellis Ground Chocolate I lb. 37c Brooms, 47c crioi 5 BULK GOODS A new barrel of bulk Corn Oil, same as Mazola. it gives fine satisfaction and much cheaper than in cans. Quart, 40c; Half Gal., 75c; Gal., $1.36. Bulk Peanut Butter, lb. 10c Bulk Salted Peanuts, lb. 15c Bulk Corn Starch, 3 lbs., 25c n IOC Consolidated Mercantile Co. HOOD RIVER ODELL WAVERLY OILS Going stronger than ever. Are you saving yourself a dirty, disagreeable job by availing yourself of our free crankcase service. Come in and see how pleasant it is. ML HOOD MOTOR CO. NAME SOCIAL" FRIDAY, AUGUR 12th, is the date Now please don't be too late. At eight o'clock sharp, we will assemble all. In the M. E. ( IU RCM. just above the Library Hall. For admission we warn that we'll sue, For each letter in your name pennies two. Then will be a program sedate. Following which we will eat ICE CREAM AND CAKE. HEIGHTS JITNEY Fare 15c each way Uart Hrht at Harl Hold Lmf dwi 0i at Elrrhic Kilcim Other drive at reasonable price Office: Electric Kitchen. Phone 1191 S. E. BARTME55 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's firsl class of Embal me n. Phone 1381, 3821 HOOD RIVER, OREGON DAVENPORT ORDERS BUFFALO CARCASS Hood River folk will have an oppor tunity of serving genuine North Amer iean bison for the 1921 Christmas din ner. A. H. Leonard, n;iles manairer for the "Seotty" Philip BtttTalo Herd, of Fort, Pierre, S. D , Thursday sold to A. F. Davenport a buffalo to be de livered the week before Christmas. Mr. Leonard, a son-in-law of the late Mr. Philip, who developed the herd from 70 selected animals, says that it has become necessary to sell off a part of the bulls anually, in order to make room for the increase. The Philip bi sion herd now numbers 1,000, and'is declared the largest in the world. Mr. Leonard states that the big ranch, with a range of over 20.000 acres, has supplied animals for Yellowstone and Glacier National parks and for the zoos of various cities. "The study of the buffalo," Mr. Leonard declares, "is an extremely interesting one. In these days of con tinually grinding divorce courts, soci ety might well pause and consider the fidelity of the American bison. Male or female, the buffalo mates but once. The buffalo is strictly monogamous. Our herds are reared under wild, nat ural conditions, and we never make an effort to domesticate our animals. "The buffalo." he declared, "is the king of the storm. He faces the fierc est Dakota blizzard without flinching and survives, while less hardy animals of his kind perish. " Sweet Corn Harvested The first sweet corn of the season here was harvested last week by Geo. (',. Gladden, from his backyard garden. Sweet corn from truck garden patches is not yet on the market. Mr. Glad- den's corn was of the Gill's Extra Early variety. Church Vacation Begins The services of Riverside Community church Sunday were the last until after the August vacation Bession. Ihe pas tor. Rev. W. H. Roddy, will leave this week for Ocean Park with his familv. The choir, under direction of Mrs. C. II. Bletton.'tod with Miss Sara Howes organist, arranged the following pro gram for Sunday morning: Organ prelude, "Evensong, Dudley Buck ; solo, "My Redeemer and My Lord," Dudley Buck, Mrs. Sletton; offertory, "The Swan," St. Saens ; anthem, the short Te Deum, Dudley Buck ; postlude, "Marche Romaine, Gounoud. Trucks Carry Fruits and Melons Fruits and melons are leaving and arriving over the Highway in Mid-Co lumbia districts at the present time in arge tonnage. Last week a motor truck, loaded with California water melons, was sent here from Portland by the Pacific Fruit & Produce Co. anil the product distributed to grocers. Daily trucks, loaded with The Dalles apricots, pass through here over the Highway en route to Portland. CMM of Appendicitis When the bowels are constipated, the lower bowels or large intestines iccome packed with refuse matter, that is made up largely of germs. These germs enter the vermiform ap pendix and set up inflammation, which s commonly known as appendicitis. fake Chamberlain's Tablets when needed and Jkeep your bowels regular and you have little to fear from appendicitis. Abandoned ( amp Fire Brings Fine W.G. Skidmore, Rochester, Wash., man, was assessed a fine of $5 Friday by Justice of the Peace Onthank on a charge of leaving a camp fire burning near the Highway, just west of Cas cade Locks. Mr. Skidmore and a son had camped on a small stream. As they were breaking camp Forest Ranger Albert Weisendanger happened by, noting the burning camp fire. The men aided in extinguishing the fire, built near rotten logs, which, it was stated, might have been ignited and caused a forest fire. Searches of records and reliable ab stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 305 Oak" Street. Phone 1521. jy'20-tf STATEMENT of the First National Bank, of Hock! River, County of Hood River, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depotitor July 1, 1!I2I, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit (commercial deMsits), princi pal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postofficc address of such depositor, and the fact of his death, if known. L Hammond, Hood River $3.07 C. E. Hall, Hoot! River 11.08 Jas. Hart, Hood River $3.00 T. Hirasawa, Hood River $l.Nr State of Oregon, County of Hood River, ss. I, S. J. Moore, lieing first duly sworn, and sav upon oath, that 1 am the Cashier. of the First NationsI Bank of Hood River, County of Hood River, State of Oregon; that the fore- going'atali mcnt is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or post office. address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as required by the provisions of Sections 10160-10163, inclusive. Ore gon Laws. S. J. Moore. Sultseribed and sworn to before'me this l.Mh day of July. A. D. 1921. C C. Crew, Notary Public for Oregon. Mv commission expires January 22nd. lt23. jy21all J. D. McLUCAS CONTRA! TOR Prar-x al worker ia HsM, Con crete. Hnck and Piavr Exraiatuig. trading. Ktc. Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon fur Hihki River County. In the Matter of JM Estate of Mary Judsor Sidney, Deceased. To H. M. Sidney : In the name of the State of Oregon vou are hereby commanded to appear in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Hood River County at the Court Hcue in the City of Hood River . n the k nd dav of September. 12L at the Issur of 1.30 p. m., then and 1 therv to shoar cause, if any exist, why the said H. M. Sidney should not t removed as executor of the above en titled estate. Witness the signature of the Honor able H. I . Hasbrourk. Judge of the above ent iled court, this lith day of , July, 1521. and the seal of said court hereto amxad. Kent Sfxaemaker. Seal County Clerk. j)21sl Mt. HmM Camp 319. R. N. A. meet PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) STANDARD OIL COMPANY I (CALIFORNIA) Doctor, Lawyer, Banker After an automobile accident you may need a doctor, lawyer and a banker. A doctor to patch up the victim. A lawyer to attend to bis claims. A banker to furnish you the money to pay the damages. All these demand money much more than we ask for a Travelers Automobile Policy, which pays these expenses for you. J. W. CRITES Phone 1331 HELPFUL HINTS Let us make some sugges tions in behalf of the house wives of Valley homes. During these days of lei sure, when compared with the rush of harvest days just ahead, plan some do mestic improvements that will lift the burden from your wife, Mr. Orchardist. Let us install a Fairbanks Morse engine to put running water in your house and kitchen. How handy would electric lights be, thus eliminating the drudgery of cleaning lamps. We have an electric system that is just the thing for you. SLUTZ BROS. TV .'U73 Ask your dealer for Havoline Oil It makes a difference I.. :. U l l is J. W. sum BALDWIN & SWOPE CONSTRUCTION CO. Plans and Sketches for all Classes 0 I'mildingg Furnished. Construction Work and Alterations. No Job Too Rig or Too Small. Our Work is Our Recommendation. BROSI1 s Bl 11 DIM. HOOD RIM K. OKI GON . Phone MM THE FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Loaves Hood River dailv at 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday I. Kvery Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. Funeral Director 1 will furnish funerals complete for adult (or fion. This in cludes neat ami attractive caskets and all the courtesies and services ef a first class funeral director. Where desirable the finest and highest priced obtainable is always M band. S. K. BARTMESS r, Mrs. r. U. nilTtf .id to see I I you and your fnends at I I any time at I THE APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE STAR BRAND SHOES are made of solid leather because in all the history of shoemaking there has not been devised an adequate sub stitute for solid leather. THERE'S QUALITY AND WEAR IN EVERY PAIR. In Workmanship, Style and Finish, "Star Brand" shoes set the standard of distinction, and the prices they speak for themselves. "Star Brand" shoes are made in all grades and styles for every member of the family. CZIOEZD Star Brand Shoes Are Better Come in and see for yourself the values we have for you. We guarantee to reduce your shoe bills. cnorzz) ALL LEATHER SHOES SOLD BY J. C. J0HNSEN HOOD RIVER, OREGON We appreciate your business You'll Save Money By Remodeling Now You who have been waiting for lower prices before you laid that hardwood floor, renewed those old walls and ceilings, re-roofed the house or barn, or built the garage this message Is directed to you. Do you know that lumber and building mate rial prices are down forty per cent ? Do you know that you can repair or remodel cheaper than at any time In the past five years ? Do you realize that every day you wait not only inconv eniences you but costs you real money? Building material prices may come down more we think not but every day you delay in getting the new garage deprives you of the use of It, and causes you to pay out money for garage rent. Every day you delay roofing the barn and the home, makes your property more liable to damage from storm. Every day you put off inside repairs the trouble increases and the total expense be comes greater. Come in today and let us figure your job. Begin gelling the benefit now. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. Bocoimon to BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING CO. Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY BUILDERS HARDWARE DISHES GLASSWARE ALUMINUM WARE GRANITE WARE FISHING TACKLE LAUN-DRY-ETTE WASHING MACHINES UNIVERSAL WASHING MACHINES PEARSON CEMENT BOX NAILS Everything carried by a General Hardware Store W luive at a Substantial Reduction KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. HEIGHTS GARAGE General Repairs OAKLAND CARS MITCHELLS JORDANS FEDERAL TRUCKS . L DAVENPORT Grower and shipper Apples. Pota l.tev f ni..n. Seed Potatoes (rue variety" I he Best that's Crown" in ii THA01 ASK All kinds of Produce solicited. 117 Front St. PORTLAND. ORE. ANOTHER REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES 30x3 32 x 3 32x4 33 x4 . $11.50 13.75 16.75 21.75 24.00 WM. WEBER.