o HOOD RIVER GLACIER TIM USD A Y. AUGUST 1, 1021 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Parts prices have been reduced 25 . Genu parts are the best. We carry a complete line. cnoczjl Dickson -Marsh Motor Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1111 BAKERS' FLOUR $1.50 per 49 lb sack ALL GRAIN SCRATCH FEED $2.75 per 100 lbs HIGHLAND MILLING CO. Mill Phone 1751 Store Phone 3881 YES SIR, WE STAND BEHIND IT If this Willard auto bat tery fails to give you com plete satisfaction and good long service, bring it back and we'll give you another tliat will make good or we'll make good by re funding your money. The threaded rubber in-sulation. MOORE ELECTRIC COMPANY PHONE 1782 Early Apples Wanted The demand is fairly good for such early varieties as Astrachans, Karly Harvest, Transparent. Ship to us for prompt returns. We will want peaches, early pears and later varieties of apples as they become available. Sheridan-Beckley Co. 211 Washington St. Portland, Ore- ReftTciu-i' Itibcrnia Hank Get address stamp from Glacier Office Why Get Hot Cooking? With our butler, pure and wholesome, super buttermilk and fresh pasteurized cream you have the 'basis of a fine meal these warm days of August. Add to these Items that staff of life, bread, and you will have fxxls that are refreshing, satisfy ing and body-buildin. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY That you are getting full value for your money w hen you use this class of tobacco. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often nor do you need so big a chew as you did with the ordi nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ufi in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco You may be Sure" says the Good Judge , WOMAN TAKES BILL HART FOR HUSBAND City Marshal William Hart experi enced a few minutes of keen embarr assment last Friday when a ItfMlga woman approached him on the street and started to embrace him. The woman, Mrs. Edward Hruner, who whs touring from Iowa through to Portland by automobile, declared that she thought Mr. Hart her husband who disappeared from his Iowa home It! years ajro. Mrs. Hruner and her children, a son and daughter, had just arrived on a business street, and the former bad left the car to do some shopping when she espied the officer. She made for him at once aud placing her hands on Mr. Hart's shoulder, she uttered, ap parently with great amotion, "1 have found you at last." Mr. Hart was nonplussed. He de clares that he thought the woman suf ering from mental aberration, but as she explained it became apparent that she was serious and really took him for the lost husband. "Why I've been in Hood Kiver for IK years," said the embarrassed officer. "Can you find any one here who has known you that long?" cried the woman. Mr. Hart afterward declared that for the life of him he couldn't have named a man who had known him that long. "I'll tell vou," he said, "that was certainly a time to take a fellow's breath. To be met up like that by a strange woman, who tries to kiss and embrace you and calls you her long lost husband, well its a trying situa tion." Mrs. Hruner was finally persuaded by citizens, who had known Mr. Hart for many years and who told of his grandchildren, that the officer was not her husband. She and her children left immediately for the west over the Highway. Mr. Hart, familiarly known as Bill Hart, since the primary election last year has been experiencing confusion in problems of identity. At that time some of his Democratic friends wrote his name in as their choice for Demo cratic candidate for sheriff. When the flood kiver county returns reached Salem and were being canvassed in the office of Secretary of State Kozer, someone jumped at the conclusion that it was the movy actor, and news stor ies were sent broadcast with the story. The motion picture hero even went so far as to accept the nomination. The storv reached Parisian newspaper, and since then Mr. Hart has been re ceiving love letters from French widows. "I didn't mind the perfumed letters from Gay Paree so much," said Mr. Hart, "but when somebody tries to claim me for a husband, well, that's taking things a little too far." ASSOCIATION LETS BUILDING CONTRACT The be Its The Apple Growers Association has awarded to the Baldwin & Swope Con struction Co., a contract for construc tion of storage and receiving ware houses at Odell and Dee. The cooper ative agency already has a warehouse at Odell. The new structure, to be one storv hitih and 180x60 feet, will be built of tile at a cost of $11, (KM). Dee plant will be of wood, it wi 120x50 feet and a single story. cost will approximate $8,ooo. Common storage will be provided at both new plants, but no refrigeration machinery will be installed. Work has begun on the buildings. Dr. Stone Killed In Rockies Dr. W. K. Stone, noted mountaineer and president of i'urdue University, was killed last week on Mount Eanon, peak of the Canadian Rockies near lianfT. Dr. Stone, who has visited Hood River, having climbed both Mount Adams, was attempting to res cue his wife, when he slipped, falling a great distance into a crevasse. Mrs. Stone, who bad slipped Into a crevasse, lies terribly injured in a Hand hos pital. She remained for eight days, exKsed to the rigors of the high alti tude, before search parties found them. Dr. Stone's reputation as a moun taineer waa even greater than his prestige as an educator, among whom he was one of the leaders in the United States. He has climbed in the mountains of Oregon many times, with Mrs. Stone as his constant companion. He was a member of the Mazamas, and with that organization participated in num erous outings. He has ascended Mt. Hood numerous times, and with Mrs. Stone, in 1117, made an exceptionlly hazardous climb of Mt. Jefferson over a route which no mountaineer had ever attempted before. Huckleberries Are Fine F'amilies of the Oak Grove district who have visited the Green Point huck leberry fields the past week declare that the fruit is better than in any former season. A'party, picking over the area, where the berries have reached the size of Black Republican cherries, returned after two days with B0 gallons of the fine fruit. Huckle berries are selling here for LM per gallon. Rev. Benthin Called Rev. W. Oi Benthin, who for the nast two years haa lieen temiranly in I charge of the I'nited Church of the Upper Valley at rarkdale, has re ceived a formal call to take permanent charge of the congregation. Mr. Ben thin is a Presbyterian. At the meet ing at which official action waa taken. Rev. Boddy, moderator of the Eastern Oregon Presbytery, presided. The vote for permanent retention of Rev. Benthin stood 82 to 20. Ted Kile Rnrned Tod Kile, small Upper Valley boy, recently lost the skin from his nose and narrowly escaiied being blinded when he exploded with a lighted match the pMMKf extracted from three shot gun shells. The burnt are not serious but will probably mar the boy's face with powder marks. Mot rather MMM Disorders of the Ixjwels are extreme ! tmi gerous, particularly during the hot weather of the summer months, and in order to protect yourself and family against a sudden attack, get a I bottle of ( hamlMTlair, s one ana in- arrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testified to it ex cellence Our kodak finishing is in charg of Mr. IWmnerfierg - a finisher of experi ence If von are having k"dak troubles ak D'ti about it. His experience it at voor service - with a smile. Sloon A bonnerberg Co. iy22tf The Ideal Grader HBMHHHHHflHK ' We have been marketing Ideal Graders for the past six years. They have grown more popular each year. Our machines are a favorite in all North western fruit sections. We have shipped them in numbers to foreign apple districts, The 1921 model of Ideal Grader is ready for distribution. It will carry a number of improvements. We mention at random some of them: The machine can be adjusted for sizing while in operation. Two adjusting screws do the work. Our new sorting table is a feature that will be noticed at once. We hope to place as many as possible of the machines we manufacture in Hood River and for this reason would urge that local grow ers give us their order at once, in order that we may include them before we are booked to the limit of our capacity. IDEAL FRUIT & NURSERY CO. Tel. 5832 The Pheasant AND Hotel Oregon Dining Room NOW OPKRATKI) UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Our Soda Grill and Tea Room, operated in connection, make an ideal arrangment for handling luncheons, dinner parties, etc. We invite inspection of our new (juarters. Ufye PHEASANT OREGON HOTEL BUILDING SECOND STREET Clean, Friendly Place Clean, Friendly Came COOL The Blue Diamond Bowling Alleys is the coolest place in town in the summer months. And our new electric ventilation absolutely does away with the smoke nuisance. Have you yet won one of our prizes? Four standing prizes for men. four for women. V I fW further wotic ttm wM Jdf oaar $6 bowling oi LLJAL . books for s f. so, Hood Rizer Alleys for Hood River People E. E. HOUSE, Sole Manager The Housewife's Ready Storehouse You wouldn't expect one order to do it, now honest would you? There is always something for any meal or f -r any sudden occasion if you keep your pantry stocked with groceries from Kaesser's. EL EL IIAESSEK "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" We carry a complete line of GARDEN TOOLS as well as Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Tools Ranges, Etc. We have recently added to our stock a line of PAINTS and FRUIT JARS. Prices and quality always right. BLOWERS' HARDWARE CO. Don't Pass The Buck, Pass The Bonus Bill QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. -Yours for prompt service. W OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OREGON lfar.ii li . - 1 and ffimPM mw)tr mwJBM l buWtym Wfctw vu'Wito miq mint? 'let1 1f Ma U'llllUlll J . NtUIKHH ityy?yJt4riuerfM'-ry'rrruMr riin.y. nf'tnh ttuuttilfy Mrrt&rvJafustfnfrJ'' ' C J-JL. ML , Cold Lunches for Picnickers Deviled Ham, Deviled Meats, Vienna Sausage, Veal Loaf and Elkhorn Cheeses for Sandwiches. We have all of these and a host of other foods suitable for the outing. L. H. HUGGINS Telephone 3141 Other Proportionate Grocery Bargains. WHEN YOl CHOOSE ONE 0E OUR CIGARS you ar sure of a mild, mellow, soothing smoke. They are cigars that you can smoke all day with out ill effects. Thoy are made of the finest tobacco, erfectly cured and exertly rolled. Try one to-day and your search for a real i' j smoke will have successfully THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN H. S. GEORGE, Prop.