nooi) RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1021 AKIIUk U. MOH. Publisher Subscription, 82.00 Per Year. We regret the loss of the fair this year. The decision of the, board, how ever, in postponing the event, until it could be lifted from h makeshift basis, is correct. Hali' HurroiiK' : iiwil .! i lillh'. HoimI Hlver. Adding Macblna, IIM Inquire K. W. Clitud-JnSOtf IT. met Iti ADVER USING R A I I S. DIhiiIrv HdvcrtlsiiiK, ver Inch, transient rait 15 OMta utbi Unn ami ji oenti tor anain; conlracl rate, Brtt time 20 0 cent lor Mine aciv. aHin. Local reaitlns uolleet.. Scents per line. Clasislned Ada. -26 cents for one inserllon, 6 lines or less; 10 cent n foreacli additional I user, lion of same ad. When subscribers desire ft change In address this office Rhould be untitled promptly, und week before if possible. Always five old ad drews as well us the new. Also, Hood Klver aubscribers should notify Ihisotllce at once when changing their address rrom one rural route to another, or from city delivery to country delivery, or vice versa. If yon do not get your paper promptly, notify us by mall or telephone and the matter will be Investigated Dead 'Ian Found at Mosier While hunt the younj et found the dea years old. 1 and a small a cated that he a cow near Mosier, jf Dr. W. S. Nichol ody of a man about til) ences of a camp fire munt of p lied while rovisions camping. indi BEND Over in central Oregon is F'end, one of the moft metropolitan-like small cities in the Northwest. The Oregon State Editorial Association held its an nual convention at liend last week, and representatives of The Glacier along with newspaper men from vari ous parts of the state were present, and they all returned to their respect ive .homes impressed with the progres eiveness, em rgy, optimism, vision and hospitality of this comparatively new center of Oregon industry, liend is the center of a district of much natura resources. The last of the world's irreat forests of white pine lie off to tho south, southeast and v est of the city. Great irrigation projects are being developed. Bend citizens have already attempted big things and put them through. They are attempting big things, and they will not cease their efforts until their tasks are ac complished. Bend is going to grow. The visitor who goes to the central Oregon me tropolis and sees the resources and is touched by the Bend spirit makes such a prophesy without reservation. Bend has two newspaper men, R. W. Sawyer, publisher of the Bend Bulle tin, and A. Whisnant, publisher of the Bend Press, (they call them Bob and Whizz over there), who are making a large contribution toward the work of carrying forward Bend progress. These two editors, with apparently unlimited cooperation of their fellow citizens, greeted their fellows of the craft with a hospitality that will not soon be for gotten. If any of the newspaper men at the convention failed to get the story of Bend progress and her oppor tunities for development, it was not the fault of the two Bend newspaper men. GROCERS WIN HON ORS AT BONNEVILLE Hood Kiv men who joi grocers' pici day of la t richer. Tha having pitta Oregon City tion declare occasion of A large era and Hm Portland th nual buyer (l i muc i cers and meat shop it: r,()00 attending the Bonneville Wednes i returned home $50 n the tug of war, fst them the strong The local delega- Bonneville picnic, an of Hood River groc of all lines are in ; attending the an-activities. For Ha Oregon, has toj spotlight, spet tfrea, good pail A in golnu rd Hug. The classiest one In .windshield, fende' s.bum pers, lometer, clock, sbocki, new t. Tnis car la as good u new. in n -t sel 1, can be seen by ap pointment. Write Hox 177., Mosier, Ore. IgS. For MM My pigs, !f7 lei. I'arkdale 8 weeks each. For Hale - 6 ho springs, mattresses, ciiblnet, fruit Jurs. 1 bed POOH) set, gurtlei gal. gas tank , 15 gal. erson. Old purebred Duroc Jer l.nva Hud Orchard Co. t JnZllf e range, heating stove, eleotna heater kitchen itther rocker, dress box, cultivator and hails. Ml ill lank etc. W. li. Ilck-Juli'.tf For Hsle Cash Fordson TaCtOf-OU V' low, Internal i ma! ' Inch Disc addres HIHstrom, Wlllamlna, Ore. Kor Hftte 1 Km pounds heal of horses, if taken ttt wet lit i. T( r no. 7 John about I. 4K79. 121 tf Man Burned in Brush Fire For Htile or Trade acre IhO apple trees, 29 pear trees, acres strawberries MOO, 8e -louthwest from ball ground on A valon Way : cherry trees, 'V;t owner VA mi lea jaitr For Sale M. I'. Projector with take-up at tachment. Four framed oil pftlntings, Hub Jects, Ijiadscape'a. For prices call A. J. Oil-h-sple. Phone f7"i8 . Jlltf F Sent r sale n ml house In. wood XH mile K7.!)0 per cord R North Harr U. Noel. a4. COMEDY AND POTENTIAL TRAGEDY The proposed penetration of the In visible Empire, into 'the Northwest, on first glance presents comic aspects. The requests of the Klu Klux Klan officials, in Portland the first of the week, that authorities of the city join them at the Multnomah hotel and there receive, through the discourse of masked leaders, the tenets of the or der, smacked of opera bouffe. The Portland authorities went, they saw and they laughed. Up in the North west people are, not taking the Invis ible Empire as seriously as apparently they are in some parts of the country. It is reported that the Klan is signing up members in numbers in various points, but it is likely that many of these join for the novelty of the ex perience, in the way of a frolic. The Klu Klux Klan is likely to be laughed out of existence in the Northwest. And yet this comedy is liable any time to be turnetl into tragedy. Tragic events have followed the organization of the Klu Klux Klan in the South. The Klu Klux Klan makes an appeal to racial and religious prejudice. It is cashing in here on tho Pacific ('oast on prejudices arising from our Japanese problem. Its mystery and secretness carry a threat of violence in the en forcement of its basic principles. On their face these principles are just, such as all good Americans should Hans Olten, aged about 40, was brought to thj Cottage hospital yester dav from Mo ier suffering from tern ble burns sustained in a brush fire lie was not expected to recover. Mr Olsen was rUahed here by James Car roll in an automobile He had Peen en gaged fighting the fire and probably became trapped. Just, how he receiv the burns had not been ascertained The fire was raging yesterday after noon about two miles up Mosier creek south of the town. A body of timber and surrounding orchards were men aced. and the entire male popualtion of Mosier was cj.lled out to fight the 'fire which was brought under control about 2 o'clock Notice of Street Completion 5th Street Improvement District Notice is hereby given that the Transfer & Livery Company, contract or. has -filed written notice this 3rd day of August, 1921, of the completion of the improvement of Seventh Street between Oak Street and Columbia Street, and Eighth Street between Cascade Avenue and Columbia Street all in accordance with his contract hitherto made and entered into a specified in Ordinance No. tiOO, tnd that the amount due said Contractors upon its acceptance is hereby stated t( be $2,!2.6r.. And notice is further given that any objections to the acceptance of said work under the contract with the said contractor on the part of said City may be filed in the office of the under signed City Recorder by any interested party at any time within lf days from the date of first publication of salt notice, towit, within 15 days from the 1th dav of August, 1921. This notice is published in the Hood Kiver Glacier for two consecutive is sues thereof, the date of the first nub lication thereof being the 4th dav of August, 1921. H. L HOWE, alall City Recorder, adopt, but if we Klan method of e America is dnn I must resort to the g them, then FOR SALE Five-ton Mtandard track, equipped wit! dump body ami hoist, A I tires nti all mm wheels, mechanically perfect, by installing sideboards, this can he mnde into a very iikiIIIhi.1i' wheal h ii ii li in: I ruck. t.MYMMO 'i'.j-ton Wit-Hi x, lots of speed, lots of power will pay lor Itself In it short time. (775 00 21011 IMC. new tires on nil four wheels F.very part of this machine Is in the very best of condition, has run exclusively on pave ment and we consider It lo be one of the beat buys In our shop. We ure hacking II with tin same liberal guarantee that applies to our new trucks, f IU50.U0 i ton Federal, thoroughly overhauled ftcm stall lo llnlsh, all standard nulls, such as Con tinental motor, Mrown l.lpe I'ansmlsslou and Tlmkeii rear axle. (L.MIOO. I'.ton (IMC, on pneumatic tires. We are overhauling tills truck at the present time. Toll la an excellent machine lor wotk lu soft lllelds where Iraellon Is Impossible for solid I Ires. IlllO.nO 1',, ton Nash, overhauled self starter, elec tric I Ik li lis and cab. t. , on I'.j-tou four-wheel drive Wlnl her, entirely overhauled. This truck has decided advan luge due to the fact that any one wheel whlcii can secure Iraellon has power enough to move the truck. tUhOM. I ton UMf , carelully overhauled from s'em toaleru. All the tires are lu Hist class eondl lion unit then are years of hard truck fllMMK). 1-ton Moreland, Irom start to finish bargain at 1(775 01). I ton Hepubllc on so, Id tires, first ela expreM body, cab and windshield, mechanical condition. JmOOO. , lou (IMC, ll'ixfi pneumatic tires, a I will be dittlcitlt to duplicate any when thb in solid Urea, overhauled all standard units and a ipen rood 1 1, i-1 i. 00. tion the hordes of the South bv served a us keeping i ntwly frei orking on in i lluick, t QQlpped with R6x ptieuiiifttlc The entire machine has been carefully n led and we believe under priced eon- llulck iiiallty and prestige. t75 00. 11 11 r ,11 to these we have a number t neks ranging In llH from Fords to thc niide. We will be glad to send you plete list of used curs upon mipllea ' will also gram very liberal terms lo taking advi I he next IhlrC Utility ol tier Hut the time has gone when t I rt-r ' . for Mi.'h an , rgnrnzi d terb'us Ixaly in Ariel. .-an bock is superfluous and potentially flu liei ause of tnc possible ':i and class strife it may efMta WENT WORTH .v IKWIN.lnr. iMCftnd Pofttie hislrtbutors tor Orefl ' i ol Ht , ( 'or. Taylor, Portland, m, FOR SALE For Sale---is tons. New cutting of timothy and clover hay with a few tons alfalfa. John Dock wall, 1'lione Odell 2(9, intr Kor Hiile A u Ideal orchard team, low and block, 7 years old, weight abouiusoo pounds. Also new Mitchell witgou, 'A loch axel, with basket ruck. I'hone odell 145. jlltl For Hale -A good two-seated hack, nearly new, bolh tongue and shafts. Also wimiii. Call me for light motor trucking, ouemsey- .leisev nun iwi mrm, WJ1MW1I i'uvih. no. 01 moiiciici muuoii, lei. uur 1 1 J u nil 'll For Hale-1 or Sale Flume lumber, building material, tree props. Saw mill near Hummlt. I'hotie Udell 108. W. I. Kirby, Hiaid Klver, K. F. D, 2. J naif I f In market for home near town, 5, 10 or lf acres, good Improvements, It will pay you to see II. 1'. Allen, phone 5129. jBttf Kor Hale Kir and pine lfi-ln. and -I - ft. wood, delivered anywhere within two miles of Hood Klver. K. Ueauregard., tel. Odell 808. nillilt l or Hale-Kord best engine in the Valley, cylinders rewound 'new pistons-complete new ii in .ml. valves etc. last year. A buy at 1200. K. W. Arena. K. D. iultnf Kor Hale Dry at summer priC ton iruck. I-1 Ti body UVln. fir wood dsllve s We do hauling wflh our ii ed Halt.uiau Bros. ju'Jtl le At a llHrgaln a modern residence, two blocks from center of business district, 12 rooms, Including four large bedrooms, large double sitting room, kitchen pantry, targe closets, bathroom and enclosed porch. BQQlp- ped Willi lurnaceaud has convenient garage. Call W. J, Maker. mill! K or Hale - .Stephens Salient Hlx. The Oar of Heauty. I am ottering this car at a greatly reduced price. Wm. Weber. miUlf Kor Hale Four-room house ami large pftnlry. house plastered, a large wtaid house. Three lots, sidewalk find newer connections In. Price SIKOO I'hone 1184, in 1 1 Kor Hale HO acres land!', miles from Clfy of Hood River, part bottom land with free water, balance good pasture land not bonded for water. 1200 cords fir atid oak wisal stum- isge, county road thru land, fair btti. dings, 'rice 8;i7.60 per acre. J. K. l'hllllps. I'hone 1)54 Jti24lf For Sale- 'JO acres all level brush lund, some timber, M-H mile south of Karkdale on east side f road at K el ley's mill. Write or I null I re of H. F. J. Hleverkropp. Hood Klver. Ore. phone 7Hti. nstf Kor Hale Oood Iota for aale In all parts of he city, prices right. A. W. Ontnank a Co. iHtf FOR RENT Kor Kent Kooms and board, reasonable, me block lo high school suitable for teacher and sludenls Also cottage for light house keeping. I'hone :I0I4. ait! Kor Kent A 6-ro near high school. mi furnished house right For Information, call MM, at For mini. Kent- Furnished room with dressing t ic 1 1 1 leu ut ii preferred. Tel. 84M all ! cut rin Kor Kent furnished. Two lurnlshf tie 1411. A beautiful i 'all 4881. .Stall al untry botni t i4i r For Kent Nice, large, ally room, private iinlly, close In, modern In every respect, ti si I, tfM Front HI. Jy'tl For Kent 2 furnished rooms in one of the est locations In Mood Kiver; modern con enlenees, at reasonable price. Call N21 Oak L . or tel. 8448, dStf WANTED Wanted Married man with small famll lororclianl work. Must lie experienced am sd b ums!. ir, wile to board help dnrlng bar si I'hone or write . I. K- Clark, tel. 474(1. all Wanted Sedan or Touring car, modern II rst class i'iiiiiI it ion, as part payment for a 1 large house and lot lieur city high schoo Write full particulars nd I will examine oar in or belore August loth. Ira K. W illiams inionds, Washlulon. in Wanted To bftle hay lor parties. Kver h i ug furnsshed but tags, dinner and horse- Iced. .1. O. Cameron. Tel. Iti7 Odell. Iy7tl Wanted -'l o buy voung hogs lor feeders; - ly maiket price al any time. V. T. Iteaure gard. I'hone 1878. iiiMf Wanted To tiny your used tin nlture, stoves tnd rugs. Cash or new good In exchange a. rraai ro. tmi W iinteil Ti ii! small house In city. 1,. st if hud MISCELLANEOUS A lurge Airedale, answering to liami Under please plume :i.'.' atll laist I M'li' - liar I'ln. set with sapphires ml pearls w Ith diamond center Keward on turn to r. I", linker, Hotel Oregon, II Iver nut si Aug. 1st. on street istcket book con. tinning silver Hint nickels One bill of goods mis name insme r inner please nave hi tin ftlce, reeetv e n-ward. al Fstray nolle d black ami h Kintlei dell 112. tluv lie . a 8wkl y from aughev . a4 TIIK THINMMi KANh. Thi try in lhl-0i Armv ccnteoiplate men w ho Pe: the tlnn'iin ieir eoefl eek t Can by trail, BVil , out Wet i o of the Toet hav k' : 't i roemlrs n. The n bodv & i - tie Or trad draught colt. ' I " I. Wash l or Sale -A gd all-round work liorat . fhl about l.,'tixi iMiiiuds. Also gonl inlleh l a I Higaln If taken at once. Tel. 5nT9, I W.C. Sumnera a4 i-oi ,, ' used ear bargains 1KIS Mitchell paaw tiger, perfecl mrclianleal condition, a at ftaV.M). ISIS Chevrolet 5 pa-wnger, en II baeJM l)-ii overhauled. MH 111 . real t nluiubla Seiv Ice Siallou. a4 ii s-..le Avery Scyllnder tractor in first adltlun, alMi gang plow. lei. 4' U' J.'Mf F.r sale-Three Bne Jersey euwe. Can be " I All milking. Two freeh In slept . la, Hiisuio. Wash. al Kof sale - Kreeh .leraey Cow. Ralph Blawl in. Kid. 4. Tei.tao;. attf I . A Otiernae) cow, years old. Joat I M a i n heifer calf Call . t ilings. i;s.'. a4tf ForSHi- At a bargain by owner. IP acre - and barn, cow. boriM- chickens itnd Will exchange Oeneral store, buildings welling, clear except small street assess cut, h bout 810,008, la well located Willamette alley town, for desirable small place with sd MlMlaga. Addreaa C.K. Olacier all For general innsonry work, or tirick ta Ing, plastering, ca li l .', or addreaa aus'sj K Klver. Ore. csmcrete. i 1 Fred Mi llis.t i2iir $5 Paid by the Comfort Foot Powder Co. fur any CMtJ of pt ispiratinti Off rvaiilest feet that it fails' t ( W1IM KS VND HIKi Rs ATTENTION We trwrir will , pruts Kane by the j n mi tomeye v aa daeaM to District Att rne Clerk Shoemaker tvl preparing the ft rt a lion. IMP ('handier. 7 pasm-ngrr car. ion Was taken in on debt and Tond hand Ideal if lfix "Mill tl a load . idler 1 1 , tbrre a4tf TREE PROPS Sp ul pru ck on roui;h Inm Iht. N r Mill furnish jnlhinK in dimentkinns on imnu iluii no tice. Where tt sin ,1 e w ill deliver to any pari of tin Valley STANDARD Ll MBKR CO. HORN IWOS . I'ropa. Tel. MM C) 0 X h z 0 a HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN We are prepared to do your Hemstitching, Ruffling, Fluting and Buttonholing. Mrs. J. W. Forbes in charge. See those NEW VESTEE SETS we have just opened up. They are beauties. The very newest. SPECIAL Men's Low Cut Shoes in black and tan leathers, sizes 6 to 8. Exceptional values. Your choice, $2.50 New Fall Wash Goods Now is a good time to do your sewing for school wear. Our new Fall Ginghams, Devonshires and Crepes an; beginning to arrive and they include some very attractive patterns in checks, plaids, stripes and plain colors, and our prices are most attractive. Come in and see them. SpeciaIMen's Hats New Fall Styles and Colors. All sizes from 6J to 11. These are exceptional values as you will admit when you see them. Your choice while dl AO they last Jbl.a70 SPECIAL Men's Elastic Ribbed Union Suits With long or short sleeves, ankle length -summer weight. All sizes in this lot. They are real nr bargains at the suit 5DC Bathing Suits For Men, Women and Children. A good assort ment in fancy, colors and styles, in cotton, wool and cotton mixed and all wool material, at prices the lowest. SPECIAL Ladies' Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers Broken lots that we are closing out. d1 OA Extra big values in this lot at the pair, only piaOaf SPECIAL Misses' and Children's Muslin Pants Good grade of muslin, embroidery trimmed, f the pair ItC DYES For wool, cotton or silk, standard brands, O the package OC Retailers of Everything To Wear THE SAFEST PLACE TO TRADE IS AT 5fte PARIS FAIR Hood River's Largest and Best Store NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS lr APPLE GROWERS have many details to attend to at harvest time, some of which can be taken care of now. Among these are RUBBER STAMPS Look over your supply. You will find some of them lost or worn out. Perhaps you have a new variety coming into bearing or need a name stamp. Place your order NOW and have them ready when needed. We also carry Stamping Ink and Pads HOOD RIVER GLACIER H z I I H C 2 I 0 r CD z D z ' aod rader, 1 le ifltt penuity will dence of bit aci .Itk, n. I'll. .11,