The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1921, Image 10

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Sunday school 10 a. m. next Sunday.
An interesting missionary program by
members of the urimary department in
charge of Mrs. G. A. Weber is prom
ised. Service 11 a. m. Sermon sub
ject, "Christ's Promise of Power."
Epworth League 7.30 p. m. Horace
Gilkerson, leader. Evening service 8
o'clock. The program last Sunday
evening was appreciated by a large
Have you cel?brated your birthday
this vear? Your birthday party will
be celebrated at the Methodist church
Friday evening at B o'clock. An ex
cellent urogram has been prepared
There w ill be 12 tables, one for each
month in the year, a hostess for each
Rirtfidav nennies will be given for the
Ladies' Aid Society. Among the num
bers on the program are the following:
Piano solo. Adah faraway; reading.
Lewis Davidson : violin solo, Marguer
its Ferrin; vocal solo. Rev. Kay; piano
solo, Mrs. Geo. Axtelle.
The Ladies Aid Society will be en
tertained at the home of Mrs. J. E.
Ferguson Tuesday afternoon, August
9, at 2.30 p. m., Mrs. A. H. Ferguson
and Miss Martha Ferguson assisting.
After having reached and passed the
89lh milestone along Life's way, Mrs.
Mary Jane Lundy slept peacefully
awav Sunday evening at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Gould. Fu
neral services were held at the AnoYr
son chapel in Hood River Tuesday
afternoon. Accompanied by E. E.
Gould. Mrs. Lundy was taken to Gault
Ontario, where she will rest beside her
The Dolores Laudert Co., talented
child artists in violin solos, songs and
dance, will appear Saturday evening
at the high school auditorium in Odell.
They played recenty in the Heilig, the
Portland Auditorium and Jefferson
high school in Portland and at the Lib
erty in Hood River, and Saturday from
6.30 to 7.30 p. m. at the Columbia
Gorge Hotel, coming from there here
for an entire evening's program begin
ning at 8.30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tompkins and
daughter, Dorothy, expect to go to Eu
gene to reside. Mr. Tompkins has a
position awaiting his arrival, which is
set for August IB.
Construction began Monday morning
on the new Apple Growers Association
warehouse at Odell. We understand
Davidson Fruit Co. will build a ware
house which will be readv for this
season's crop
The United Contracting Co. finished
paving on the market road in Odell
Tuesday afternoon in good time for the
road to be ready for trafhV by apple
harvest time.
Mrs. Cooper and daughter, of Tole
do, O., after a visit with Mr. and Mrs
G. A. Hoffmann, have left for San
Francisco, where they will remain a
time before returning home. They
were delighted with the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Niehans have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Sheppard. Mr. Niehans who, is now a
resident of Seattle, was formerly a
near neighbor of Mr. Sheppard.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Sunday have
arrived for the summer vacation on
their Odell place.
Rev. Troy Shelley will have a part
in next Sunday's missionary service.
He will talk on pioneer days in Hood
River valley.
After a several weeks' visit with
Odell friends and relatives, Mrs. A. Q,
Calking and son, Hilly, have left for
their home at Tacoma.
Mrs. H. E. Johnson left yesterday
for Winlock. Wash., for a visit with
home folks.
Mrs. H. T. Regnell has as her guest
Grandma Metcalf during the absence
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Metcalf.
We understand Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Allen and familv are planning on leav
ing Helmont and making their home at
Tne the near future.
Mrs. Oxborrow, Sr., sjient several
days during the oast week a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter For
ry and family in Hood River.
Mrs. J. R. Furden returned home
Tuesday after a week's visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nottingham, where she was called by
the death of her brother. Irvin Not
tingham. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lape and family
terminated their visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Lape and left Thurs
day over the Highway for Portland
and Seattle before returning to their
home at Prosser, Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Isenberg and
daughter, Jean, Mrs. M. P. Isenberg
and Miss Hess Isenberg have been on a
blaekberryii.'g trip. They enjoyed the
day and got a good supply of hurries.
Chas. Howard and daughters, of
Portland, art visiting at the home of
Mar.-h Isenberg and family.
A very large number attended the
social meeting of Park Grange Wed
nesday evening. There was a fine pro
gram well rendered, ice cream and
cake were served and dancing indulged
in by those . ho wished. Everybody
who attended enjoyed the evening.
Mrs. Hilton 'Purvey, sister of Mrs.
S. F. Aitken, came from Portland Sat
urday and will visit at the Aitken
Mrs. H. M. Holbrook and Mrs. C. N
Ravlin spent TLursdav afternoon at
the home of Mrs. C. M. Hurlburt.
Mr. and Mrs. O, A. nower were
shopping in Hood River Saturday af
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church andMr
and Mrs. C r,. Miller and children in
tend to leave this week for Cannon
Reach where they'will spend their va
H. L. Cummings has been busy cut
ting hay on the ranch of his brother-in-law,
Frank Corwin, who is-at present
in eastern Oregon.
The paving crews of the A. D. Kern
Co. have reached the Gateway tunnels
between here and Mosier. and have
discontinued paving on this end of the
link of the Columbia River Highway
for which they have the contract. They
will begin immediately on paving the
east end of the stretch just west of the
Marsh gravel pits.
The work of the Kern Co., as well as
that of the Hauser Co., which will be
gin laying hot stuff soon near Rowena,
will necessitate detouring over Seven
Mile hill between Mosier and The
Dalles during working hours. The
road will be opened before 8 a. m., be
tween 12.30 and 1.30 p. m. and after
tj p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Radford have
returned from a visit with friends and
relatives in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dennison and
son, Ralph, accompanied by Vinson
Kelly, of Seattle, have been guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ai
A Pine Grove party ci Imbed Mount
Hood Monday, ascending by the south
side. They returned home Tuesday
after a bike around the east side of
the peak by way of the Mount Hood
Loop survey. The climbers included
J. G. Jarvis, M. D. Armstrong, Roger
blackmail, Kev. James. Kaye and Rev
Horace Kaye, the latter of Fossil.
Mrs. M. V. Weaver, of Washington.
? r i i a i m
ii. v ., arrived yesterday lor an ex
tended visit with her daughter, Mrs.
V. Winchell, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Collier and
family, of Omaha, are expected to ar
rive by automobile this week to make
their home here. Mr. Colleir is associ
ated with Dr. J. D. Gutterv in the
ownership of East Side orchard prop
The ladies of the church will give a
Harvest Moon festival August 18.
Further announcements will be made
Mrs. L. E. Clark has returned from
Long Reach, Calif., where she was re
cently called by the fatal illness of her
mother, Mrs L. W. Herrian. Mrs.
Clark was accompanied south by her
daughter. Miss Florence, and a sister.
Mrs. Edward Hill, of Dufur.
Frances, Robert and Ralph McGilvra,
of Portland, have been guests of Mrs.
P. H. Laraway.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Welland. of lis
Angeles, Calif., called at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. lgc, Sunday.
Mrs. Eleanor Kaas, who has been at
the P. 15. Laraway home, has left for
Peck, Ida., to join her husband.
Mrs. Edwin Rice has left for Port
land to receive medical treatment.
Miss Catherine Miller, of Hillsdale,
is the guest of Miss Minan. Grow.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin, of Portland,
are spending the summer at the A. J.
Grow home.
Mrs. E. W. Hawkes ami
Mary, are at Mist visiting Mrs
Hawkes' brother, Will Sears, and fam
ily. Mrs. Sear n other. Mrs. I and
crast, is here visiting the Hawkes
Mrs. Reynolds and baby, Mary Eliz
abeth, returned to their home in Port
land Thursday after spending a few
days here visiting Mrs. Alice Hender
son. Ross Ringer and family and L. E.
Porter and family spent Sunday at the
Lava Red Pa k.
W. M. Rmefl and son, Harold, went
after huckleberries at Cedar Springs
last Wednesday.
J. H. Doggett and George Hanel
went to Red mountain for huckleber
ries Thursday.
C. H. Shaw and family spent Thurs
day at Cedar Springs gathering huck
Mrs. A. C. Jordan and daughters,
Viola and Vera, spent. Monday at Hood
lover on a shopping tour.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8, Hutchinson. Mr
and Mrs. Howard Hutchinson, Miss
Queen Hutchinson, Mr. Turner and Mr
Rohmson, of Portland, were Sunday
linner guests at the home of Mrs. Ida
V. Everson.
Mr. and Mrs. Goss have moved from
the Andres Hanson ranch. Mr. (Joss
is again employed by the railroad com
George Wishart was able to be at
the postomce Sunday.
W. J. Kilz is remodeling his house.
Mr. Corey, who is spending his vaca
tion here to regain bis health
preached at the Mount Hood church
Sunday evening.
Mr. Harvey took a party of 12 to
the huckleberry patch Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alfred, Mr. and
Mrs. ('has. Lott, Mr. and Mrs. CL R.
Kitchel, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hopptr,
(ieorge Hanel and Miss Rernice Fver
son left Tuesday noon for Cedar
Springs for huckleberries.
The usual services will be held Sun
day evening.
Mrs. Anna Spraguo left for Pendle
ton last Friday. She expects to spend
the rest of the summer there.
Mrs. K. M. Riley, of San Francisco.
who has been visiting the Ru'ords. has
left for Ilayton, Wash.
Misses Gene and Lillian Mallorv.
(-. A. Smith and A. W. Sundstein ac
companied the Hood River American
Legion un Mt. Hood last Saturday.
Miss Adeline Casciato is here visit
ing her brother.
Joe Wilton and Silver Parres have
returned from a fishing trin un the
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wiley and son,
lorn, of Portland, were visitors at the
llendrick home Friday.
Mr. ami Mrs. A. W. Mover were
Hood River visitor Saturday.
Miss Hav. of Linntnu. is visiting
Mrs. J. EL Horn.
Horace Boyle is here visiting his
grandmother, Mrs. Osborne.
Misses Zelda and Willa l.ahey have
returned to their home in. Portland
after visiting Helen Olson tor several
Phil I.shcv and Mrs. Nels Olson
were in Portland last Saturday.
Gerald Smith is SMOdinc a week in
Hi'l Regan and familv have moved
here to spend the rest of the summer.
Friday and Saturday, August 5 and
o, r-inoii iexier win ue snown in a
Paramount special product, "The
Witching Hour;" also an Urban Movie
Chat and International News.
Sunday, one day only, August 7,
Justine Johnstone in "A Heart To
Let." A one reel Rolin comedy.
Monday and I uesdav, August 8 and
9. Mae Murray and David Powell will
be shown in a wondterful Fitzmaurice
production, "Idols of Clay," a big,
massive production wun scenes laid in
London and the South Sea Isles. Miss
Murray in the picture does one of her
dances that made her famous. A pic
CUre that has everything, thrills and
climaxes galore, staged in a manner
that is incomparable. Also Huster
Keaton, the sad faced comedian in two
reels of hilarity, "The High Sign
This picture, "Idols of Clay" played in
Portland alone at 50c. We are show
ing it with Buster Keaton and Topics
ot the Hay at regular prices.
Wednesday and Thursday, August 10
and 11, Norma Talmudge, the interna
tional favorite will be shown in "The
Branded Woman." Also a Christie
Comedy, "Wedding Rlues. " All at prices.
Friday and Saturday, August 13 and
11. the big Cosmopolitan production,
the rsssionste riigrim.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ
(Coutinued from Pirst Page.)
gained ground in the past few years,
and the (Central Oregon Farmers'
Creamery Association is now doing a
thriving business, making butter and
ice cream. Companies have been
formed, one at Redmond and the other
at Rend for salvaging the juniper
trees, really a species of cedar, its
height dwarfed by the desert aridity,
for the manufacture of pencils. The
juniper much resembles the cedars of
Tennessee and other sections of the
Apaiachian mountain system, and it is
declared that it is just as desirable in
pencil making.
For a few weeks of summertimein
mountain camp, the motorist can seek
no pleasanter place in Oregon than the
great out of doors around Rend. The
central uregon town, although one can
easily travel it in a day and a half
from Portland, is considered fairly re
mote, but daily the great hinterland is
becoming nearer and nearer and its
wonders more accessible. The com
pletion of paving to The Dalles and
the grading and macadamizing of The
Dalles-California road will bring it
within easy and comfortable reach of
Portland. It mav be safely prophesied
that this gateway of a scenic wonder
land will become increasingly popular
with each succeeding year.
Women s Fine Plush Coats
'"PHESE handsome Silk Plush Coats are the
autumn's advance styles and are ready
here for your approval and choice. They are
made of the better quality standard Silk Seal
Plush with long heavy nap and feature the
newest designs in cuffs, long tie belts, rich
ornaments and plain or deep Fur Collars.
(Continued Prom first Page)
Christian Chronoloay Really Quite
Simple Matter, Though It Requires
a Little Explanation.
Using the birth of Our Lord as a
starling point for counting time did
not become general until the Chris
tian religion hail made considerable
progress. Some confusion arises from
overlooking the fact that the ancient
nations had their own systems and
their own starting points. Kor In
stance, the Romans counted from the
founding of their city, Rome, and
when tjtir Lord was born It was the
jeur TJVt according to Roman chronol
ogy. Having taken the year In which
Our Lord was born as the starting
point of the new or Christian chronol
ogy, the years preceding that starting
point could only be counted as yours
fcefOfe Christ and the farther you go
back Into the past the greater their
number, Just as the greater the n um
ber the farther you come down from
the starting point towards the pres
out. I here Is nothing confusing In
this, and the same principle Is ap
plied on any through railway time
table. A tninseonllnchtnl time-table
counts distances from u terminal
both ways, one way east and the
other way west. In our chronology
the year of the birth of Our Lord Is
tlie starting point, and the years an
Wonted DOtn ways -those that had
pnssed before that event and those
that have passed since that event.
This system Is, of course, In use only
In Christian countries. The Jews be
gin to count from the creation, and
thtfl Is no counting backwards bt
Cause It Is Impossible to go back of
that event.
I I H M 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1-1 I i I I I
Clipped Here and There i
Professor Refused to Allow Proper
Spelling to Weigh at All Heavily
Upon Him.
Mrs. Maie Chubb and daughters
Pearl and Irene, after a three Bred
visit at the home.' of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Waifs and Mr. and Mrs. Burr
Miller and families at Husum, returned
home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Isenberg and
daughters, Lois and June, Mrs. M. P.
Isenberg and Miss Bets I sen tier? stent
the past two weeks a' S. :,- i , .
also visited at rure.-t Grove, the
of their daughter and sister, Mrs
nan Sailing, and family. Th
t'irned Saturday, bringing with
Miss Elizabeth Sailing and hro
Randall, and Herman, who will
their relatives in Belmont end
Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Metra'f and Mr
snd Mrs. Will Metcalf and children.
Lawrence and Prise ilia, left Monday
over the Highway for Attoria.where
they will visit at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hackett and family.
Oregon ranks eighth among the
states of the Union as a simmer of
stawlK?rries in carload Iota. Hood
River county ships the great bulk of
the Oregon shipments. This show
what one tiny section can do to build
up a great business and a fine reputa
tion for a state Oregon Voter.
Three Arrests for Speetline
Of course "enough" spells "miff" and
yet "calf" Is not spelled "caugh."
Bchooj boys, seasoned business men.
Dot to mention school teachers, often
find the sKdllng of the Kngllsh lan
guage a bit troublesome. Hut here la
a one time university professor and
MS eminent scientist who not only
iidtnlt that spelling "gets him rattled."
but goes so far ns to Invent his own
form of .spelling, which exactly follows
out the sound of the word.
Hence we find such sentences as
these In n recently Issued volume by
the anthropological department of the
university museum :
"II Iz hulr waz stll black."
"The two rltlngs when they wer don,
ov course wer not alike."
"Some paragrafs ov htz own wer
"I say a nearly az possible be-
aur "
The author of the volume, which Is
the translation of a legend of the
Rerchl Indians of Guatemala. Is Rob
rt liurkltt, an P.ngltahiuan.
arreRts were made the pant
weei; by Traffic Officer Murray for at- j
leged Bpscding on the Highway. The
driwrs of automobiles apprehend,-. i
were: K (i MMIer and C. T. Younc.
of Portland, and James Martin, of Sa
lem. L. Koote, of Mosier, was charged
with jockeying in a tunnel and reck
Staten Is Water Master
Following a conference between Rhea
uper. of the State Water Hoard, and
e countv court. A. C. Staten has
een appointed first water master of
loud River countv. Mr. Staten, whtve
iities will include apwrtionment of
ater to various irrigation concerns,
a pioneer orchardist.
V. , 1 , ir wood any place in citv.
PlttM 1771 Sutherlin 4 Andrews. jy28tf
Complicated Prescription.
She a sorry now that she didn't spend
more lime studying and less time on
prom class day and similar commit
toes when ahe was in school and she's
tryU.S to mAke up for It by noting
down every new and unfamiliar word
she hears to be looked up later In the
dlcttouary. This habit caused her a
bit of embarrassment the other night.
A friend bad told her a uow remedy
for sore throat and had written down
Its long name on a slip of paper
Going to the busy prescription coun
ter slM handed a slip of paper to a
clerk He looked at it. He looked
hard at IL The other waiting custom
era were beginning to get impatient
before he Anally turned to the girt.
"I can't figure It out." he admitted.
"Why. it s simple." she tol.l him It's
for sorv tbri.:it. s.-e oh M .
started to read the "preaerii
aloud when she nottivd she had I
ed the wrong memorandum ts
clerk. On It were the words:
"Precarious. Imperceptible."
gus, K. 1'. backett, Kobert 1,. roust,
W. N. Weber, Oak M. Wood. Elmer
Gupton, H. V. Hopkins, and George
M. Roak, of Hood River; Harold L.
Sexton and J. Scheer, of The Dalles;
E. K. Oppenheitner, H. W. Hopkins,
of Portland: Oliver R. Houston, mem
ber of the State Legion Executive Com
mittee, and C. U Woodrum and Mrs.
Reatrice Craw ford Newcomb, of Salem.
Guides assisting Mr.Weygandt were:
J. P. Rice. W. L. Jones. Edward A.
Phili ps and C. E. Clymer. The full
kitchen crew included: Robert L.
Fount, first mess sergeant; Harry
Sines, first cook: Milo Frederick, sec
ond cook ; Bill Bailey, Don Metzgus
and Rill Cochran. Committee on ar
rangements included: Kent Shoemak
er. Kobert L. roust. rJdward Van
Horn. Geo. R. Wilbur and Harold
Hershner. Davidson Brothers had
charge of packing in camp supplies and
equipment, and H. L. Shoemaker oper
ated the provisions truck. The list of
those at camp who did not reach the
summit, many of them not participat
ing, was:
Hannah Hedin. Augusta Abraham,
A. M. Cannon, Cecil Cameron, M. P.
Rrentan, of Portland, Helen Hershner,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hershner, Mrs.
Kent Shoemaker, Hugh G. Ball, Clar
ence reterson. Leo hd wards, Mrs. I,.
A. Bennett, C. L. Parcher, Louise
Psrcber. Geo. Englehart, Geo. Scheer.
The of Dalles, Mrs. V. R. Abraham,
John Baker, Emery Andrews, Mrs.
George R. Wilbur, Mrs. Ella J. Wil
bur, Mrs. Emma L. Link. Col. and
Mrs. W. S. Dowd, Gretchen Hoerline,
( lara Haas, ( sell Lafferty, Thad Pe
terson, Leo Hammer, Truman Loving,
C. C. Crew, J. O. Hannum, Adjutant
General and Mrs. Geo. A. White, Be
atrice White.
Legion Offers Reward
I'he American legion Post has of
fered a reward of $f0 for information
leading to the apprehension of th
party who stole w spare tire Saturday
night from the autombile of C. L.
Woodrum, member of the Legion
Mount Howl climb. The padlock, fas
tening the tire to the car was filed off.
Legion members also say that evi
d bom were discovered Sunday of an
attempt to Hood the road, leading to
the camp, by blocking an irrigation
ditch ami turning the stream into the
highway. .
Peco Silk Plush Coat
A sable Coney fur collar
trims this Coat, which has
regulation cuffs, slashed
pockets and the new tie
over belt. ,
Lapinex Silk Plush Coat
This features the new
bell cuff, a smart collar
and the newest pockets.
Lined with fine twill.
Peco Silk Plush Coat
This Coat has a deep
collar of Coney fur. It is
smartly belted and has
the new cuffs and side
Wrap Coat $24.75
Wrap Coat of Silk Plush
This Coat is exactly as
illustrated here. It is full 45
inches in length with hand
some collar of brown Coney
fur and ornaments.
Hudson Seal Plu.-h Coat
Handsomely crocheted silk
buttons trim this youthful
Coat of fine silk plush, which
is lined with fancy silk.
Behring Silk Plush Coat
This Coat has a deep shawl
collar, button trimmed cuffs,
pockets and a trim belt. Lined
with fancy silk.
Paper Once Royal Gift.
There was a time when only the no
bility, the great personages of history,
could enjoy the use of paper, and then
In only the most meager Quantities.
Only 1,800 years ago Emperor Trajan
of Rome was the deligftted recipient of
a munificent gift consisting of I'd renins
of paper from the emperor of ObltM.
In that age and time, 20 renins of the
precious fabric was considered u royal
gift indeed, nnd only n potentate with
the vnst resources of China at his dis
posal could afford to give a present of
SUCh Millie.
One can Imagine the; elation enjoyed
by Trajan Upon receiving so great n
Quantity of paper, and thus know that
through such generosity he was to aug
ment the Dumber of volumes contained
In his library.
i The Story of
uur states
THE deriva-
1 t I o n of
the name Ver
mont comta
from the
French "verts
monts," or
green moun
tains, and It was likewise the
French who were probably the
llrst white men to aee those lofty
landmarks which ao appropri
ately ghe this state Its name.
This is In July, 160U, when
t'haiiipliiin made his memorable
voyage up the lake now culled
after him.
The first permanent settle
ment was made In 1724 at Knit
tleboro, where the Massachusetts
COleaj established a fort as a
buffer against Invasion from the
north. The territory used was
part of what was known as the
"Kguivalent Lands," which were
sold at public auction In Hart
ford for about a furthing an
acre, the proceeds Mag donated
to Yale college. Shortly after
thK settlers pushed eastward
from New York across l.ake
Ch.'implaln and westward from
New Hampshire. This led to dis
1 - ; . tween tlx e two colo
nies u to their boundaries, t'n
der the leadership of Kthan Al
len Now York's claims were re
acted by a local military force,
which proudly culled themselves
"the Or.n Mountain Itoys." It
whs these same men who played
such a hriUiant part during the
In 1777 a formal Constitution
for the state was adopted and
BtBBSBBtsn are proud of the fact
that theirs was the first of the
states to prohilit slavery by
constitutional provision. Pat a
number of years Vermont re
mained A4 b separate republic,
but In ITH It was admitted to
the Tnlon as the first addition to
the original thirteen state.
In - . Vermont has i.V.4
square mile, and Its eongros
aseaal delegation numbers four.
It thus casta fsssr vote for the
egSv MrClnrr Nnpapr SradHiaSQ
Highest ijiiality coal is cheapest. Utah
MiigLoai is ciean, hard ami highest in
beat. Kmrv Lumber A Fuel Co. Suc
cessor to Hood River Fuel Co. a2Hf
It's soft and pliable-expands quickly and is
much less liable to damage than when laid in
cold weather. Franz Store has become Linoleum
headquarters for the whole Mid-Columbia district
which enables us to carry a stock equal in size
and variety to most any on the coast; including
Hood ltlver ('oimiianclKry No. IS, K. T
Meets every rind I tiewla) evening
enen mi., r.. u. Hinnciiar, n.. u
Wm. irwin, Recorder,
M. Klrm and third We(lnenday nlghtM of
aaoo inonin. a. r . aowM, w. M., Harold
UerauMSi Hec y.
lloofl Klver, Ore. C. !). Nlckelseij, I'ren.
Mm. Almii Howe. Mec. Ignite Hutler, Treat,.
Call phone ISM.
K KM V I.OPUK, No. 181, I. O. O. K.-Meets In
Odell Odd Fellow hall every Matur
day ulght. Vlsltorx cordially welcomed.
Fred. I. Howard. N. il.
Win. Hannah. V. it.
II. w. Oaagney, Secretary,
lieo. ( lark, Treasurer.
Meei.s the tlrM and third Tuesday evening In
eaeh month In the Odil Kellows Hall, seven
mllea south of Hood Kiver. K. D, I
Mr. I'huIIuu Howard, N. U.
Otto Khrek, Mee.
Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of
MB. un I, at K. of P hall.
Mrs Flora Ciiddelonl, E. 01
Mrs. Horenee Kand, M. ol K. and ('..
M l HOOP COUNCIL No. H. K. t M. M. Meets
In Masonic Hall every third Tuesday In
each month.
w. k. laiaaaj. i. i. m.
A.Canrleld, Recorder.
DUBW1LDC IXDOS MO. Bar, 1. O. O. .
Meet lu Fraternal hall, every Thursday
night. c. a. Frey, N. U.
Ueo. W. Thomson, Secretary.
I'ost, American U'gloii, No. It!. Meets p.
m. 1st Saturday of each nioutli at l.llirarv
Hall. Mrs Harold Hershner, I'res ; Mrs
Hand StnaMiiaker, Sec.
the tlrat and third Wednes
days, work; second and fotmh Wednesdays
Artisans hall. c. IJ. Uinkichm, M. A.
.1. H. Kokekii Secretary.
Felt Base Pro-Lino, 65c yd
Printed Linoleum, 95c yd up
Inlaid Linoleum, $1.95 yd up
Battleship Linoleum and
Cork Carpet
Good Quality-Good Patterns
Clean Sanitary Durable
Regular meeting second and fourth Monday
of each month. A L !', U. I.
Ueo. ST. Thomson Serifs?.
HOOD KIVKK I AMI', NO. 7.702, M. W.
Meets in K of I, ball every 1st and 3rd Wed
of each month. J. K. Mower, t t
W. T. Frasler. I'lfrk.
WAl't-OMA LOIMiK NO. 30. K. OK f -Meet
in K. of P. ball everT Tnesdav night.
M. M Kusael'l, c. C.
I. M. lUldwin. K. of R and
Meet drat and third Mondays each TnonUi
Ktfa Frederick. N. U. i
Mav Mills. Sec.
HOOl fcU KK II AITKK NO. i7. R. A. M -Meets
first and third Friday nights or each
month. S m Irwin, H. P.
t . '. Anderson. Sec re nary.
i AMU W. R i' Meet second and fourth
Saturdays of each month st K.ol P hall.
Mrs J. U Meyer. I'reaident.
Mr, t, II. Hut ton. Secretary.
W. O. W. RcKiilar meetings are neld the first
and third Mondays ot each month at K ot
P. ball. Visitors cordially invited, h, c. '.
U. W. Hart on. t CL
I. I. Blagg. Clerk.
BKr KIVKK t'H APTKR NO ss, o F S -Meets
second and fourth Tuesday evening
of each mouth. Visitors cordially we ' tued
Mrs H. V. V. Pineo, W. M.
Lads f. Fuller, tfer'y.
of W.sslcran-Meetaat K of P ha lion toe
first and Third Thursday of emeu month.
Mrs r II Hlact. Clerk.
Mt. Home Camp :4fiM, K X. A. meete
2n.lan.lHh Krnlav of each month at
old k. oil, hall Mrs. Knima Jones. Re- !
curJer, Mrs. fclixabeth K.air, O. buI.U
Making Promise No. 1 Good
I am usin ood 2-yeor-oltl steers exclusively
.ill Government Inspected shipped In refrigera
tor car. Cut only the l)est rade of lamb. Other
lines of same rade.
i in
Phono 4141.
4th and Oak Streets.
thf: branded woman"
"Those Wedding Blues'
J-r l Cihritit- Comedy
Mon. and Tues,
Aug. H