The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1921, Image 2

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    t .
fyiiri $tmr (ilartfr
ARTHUR D. HOB . I'ubll.her.
8aberiptioa, 12.00 ivr fear.
Plaplay advertising, P Inch, transient rate
2R cents first time and 20 ceuta for name adv.
again; contract rule, first time 20 cents and Hi
eenta fir Rime ads-. again.
I.ocai readliiK BOl ices, 6ftftiU per line.
Classified Ads -2fi cents lor one Insert Ion, S
lines or less; lOeents for each additional laser,
tlon of same ad.
When sn hscrlhers desire achangein nddreaH
thlsoftlct should be notified promptly, and a
week before If possible. Always give old ad
dress as well as the new. Also, Hood l.iv.-r
Mibscrl Iters should notify tlilsoftlce at once
when changing their address from one rural
route to another, or from city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. If you do not
get your paier promptly, notify us hy mall or
telephone and tin; matter will be Investigated
All residents of Oregon and especi
ally those whose homes are contiguous
to such heavy arteries of traffic as the
Columbia River Highway will display
an interest in the discussion of citizens
in Portland Monday over the applica
tion of speed and other traffic rules.
It seems that a happy medium should
be struck between the demands of
officers, who would have those of their
number hew to the strict line of the
law, and those citizens who would per
mit unlimited warning of violators of
the law suffice.
We believe that traffic officers
should, as much as possible, work
under a system that will bring about
an education of the public for needs of
safety. Too often officers operate for
the main and only purpose of making
as many arrests as possible. They are
out for a record. The general public
thus reaches a point of holding such
authority in contempt.
Officers of such position as are traffic'
officers should seek to secure the full
cooperation of the public. The public
should be made to feel that this arm
of the law is established, not merely
to bring about punishment just because
it has such arbitrary powers, but rather
to aid in the maintenance of safe con
ditions on the highways; that they are
conscientiously at work for the public
good. If such an attitude were taken
toward those who violated traffic rules
without display of recklessness or
wrong intent, the traffic officer would
take the place of a teacher, and we be
lieve that the public would learn to
nlace the utmost respect in the official.
Law abiding drivers would do more
than at present in aiding in bringing
to task the inveterate speeder and
reckless driver.
There should be a greater coopera
tion between this new branch of the
law and the general public than now
actually exists. The motoring public
should not be considered as prospect
ively criminal by the officer, and the
officer should not be viewed by the
public as a relentless "cop."
The Portland meeting, if it will
bring about a standardization of rules
on all public highways in the state,
will be of much good. The present
conflict of laws of counties and munici
palities is confusing to the motorist.
(Hy M. L). Armstrong)
The preparation and application of
the Bordeaux spray is one of the disa
greeable sprays that the growers have
and to save time and patience, mater
ials and methods for its preparation
should be aB convenient as possibl
For the large orchards perhaps the
most convenient plan is to have two
elevated tanks at such height that
their contents can be run into the
spray tanks through pipes which
should be larL'e to fill quickly. This
arrangement necessitates a platform
level with the top of the tanks where
the lime can be slacked and the vitriol
dissolved in other tanks or barrels and
then easily run into the tanks for the
diluted solutions. Where two machines
are at work, one man can he employed
constantly, mixing and making ready
the solutions, so that all the sprayers
have to do is to drive under the pipe
and run an equal amount of the lime
and vitriol water into the tanks with
the agitators running.
For the Hmali orchard the equipment
need not be so extensive, and as the
most trouble comes in the proper prep
aration of the lime this operation
should have careful attention. Much
time can be saved if a large mortar
box is provided in which a considerable
amount of lime can be slacked at once
The amount will depend on the size o
tho orchard and will he from one to
four or more barrels according to the
amount used a day. The box will have
to be built to suit, the amount of lime
needed and should be large enough so
that the mortar will not be over 8 or
10 inches deep. Plenty of water should
be used and care taken that the lime is
not burned. If two or more barrels
are to be slacked all should not be
started to slack at once as a smaller
amount can be stirred better. The box
must be set level and the number of
pounds of lime used should be known
Then after the lime is thoroughly
slacked which will not be in less time
than a week, the surplus water can be
drained off and the mortar checked off
in squares so that each block Will rep
resent the number of pounds of lime
required to make a tank of spray. The
beBt grade of lime should be used and
if slacked several davs ahead of time
all particles will slack down to a paste
and lie easily put through the strainer
into the tank. In mixing the vitriol
and lime water the lime should be put
first into the tank unless both can be
run in together. The tank should be
then well filled with water before the
vitriol water is added. The agitator
should run continuously while the tank
is being filled and until it is sprayed
out. Vitriol water should be stirred
before being put into the tank as the
strongest solution is at the bottom of
the barrel always.
How about those barrels right now?
Will they hold shelled peas-' If this
method of preparing Bordeaux is used
there will be much less trouble, a bet
ter spray and less time needed in fil
ling the tank.
The first eggs of the second brood of
moths will begin to hatch the latter
part of neott or the first part of the
following week, August 1. Growers
should arrange to apply this spray as
near this date as possible. Willow Flat
and the lfee section can delay their
praying a few days; I'arkdale 10 days.
Some orchards In the Barkdale section
will not need this application. If ab
solutely no worms of the first brood
are present this application may be
All growers whose orchards are in
fected with anthraenose to any notice
able decree should add 3-1-50 Bordeaux
(1 pounds bluestone. 4 pounds lime. SO
gallons water). Be sure to use a good
grade of stone lime. This should be
carefully slacked. All parts of the
twigs, branches and trunks must be
covered with the spray if good results
are to be obtained. The lead should
be used at the recommended strength
of 2 pounds of 100 gallons of water.
Green aphids are not univalent in
many orchards and the general use of
Black Leaf is not recommended for the
present except where these insects are
doing damage.
Growers whose orchards are serious
ly infected with anthracnose are urged
to use the summer Bordeaux. This
has proved of unquestionable value in
the control of anthracnose both on the
fruit and trees. It is the only treat
ment which will keep the fruit free
from the anthracnose spot and also
aids greatly in the control of other
forms of storage rota.
Pythians Off for Coos Bay
The Knights of Bvthias Band, ac
companied by a large number of mem
bers of Waucorna Lodge, left Tuesdav
for Bandon and Marshfield. where thev
will participate in a 4-day celebration.
A large number of the members of the
party motored to Marshfield. Most of
them will return by wav of K lamath
Falls and Grater Lake, touring north
ny way or Menu.
Odell Space Secured
rordham B. Kimball, of the firm of
Malhoeuf v Kimball, states that his
oncern has secured storage and shit
ping space tor handling of tonnage of
truit in the Odell section. Mr. Kim
ball states that he expects to handle i
quantity of apples from this district.
The Same Lvcrj where
The editor of I'aisa Akhbar, a native
newspaper of Lahore, India, savs, "J
nave nseil ( hamper am s Co he and
Diarrhoea Remedy many times arnontr
my cniidren and servants, for colic and
diarrhoea and always found it effec
Apple prospects are better here than
for several years, not only from the
standpoint of production but from that
of the markets. Kastem and middle
western tracts will produce mere nom
inal crops. The boxed apple territori-
ties will be called on to supply apples
for much of the territory that on last
year was flooded with barreled apples.
The cost of production is down consid
erably over that of a year ago. The
grower, it appears from every pros
pect, can confidently expect profitable
returns on his crop, which will be
clean, of fair size and up to a standard
that deserves good price.
Iti the not very distant future a
magnificent tourist hotel;will grace the
forested slope of Mount Hood near the
snowline. Prominent citizens have
already decided, it appears, on such an
institution for supplementing the effi
cient system of highways under con
struction. The only problem now left
is the choice of a location.
Although only minor damage resulted
to the automobiles and nobody was in
jured, no Hood Kiver automobile acci
dent has created such excitement as a
collision Wednesday night of last week
between automobiles driven by Karl
Weber and W. J. Farrell, accompanied
by his wife, en route from Caspar,
Wyo., to Portland. The crash occur
red at the First National Bank corner.
The men immediately started a har
rangue over claims for damages, each
trying to shift the blame.
Ordered by City Marshal Hart to
move his car up a block, Mr. Farrell,
declaring that he understood the officer
to relieve him, proceeded .'out of town
over the Hghway. Traffic Officer Mur
ray was aummuned. He overhauled
the visiting motorist about six miles
west of the city. The latter, it was
said, was driving at a moderate speed.
A charge of speeeding was booked
against him. He was released on $10
bail, but declared that he would return
to fight the case, which occurred at
10 o'clock Friday morning. Opinion of
bystanders was divided. Borne claim
ing Mr. Weber guiltless, while other
prominent business men offered to
take the stand in behalf of Mr. Pal
Purveyors of chewing tobacco will
now find an increased distribution at
points where forest rangers do their
shopping. The rangers have been
asked to cease smoking during the
season of fire hazard, but just watch
them spit.
I)o not miss the opixirtunity offered
over the coming week end to join the
American Legion and thus become a
charter member of a party that will
initiate this annual custom of the le
gionaires Ut climb to ibe summit of
tiie old Wit. h Mountain.
Fortunate is the gardener who not
only supplies his summer table with
iresh vegetables, b.t also has
plus for c-'nning.
a sur-
Japanese Uborer Jailed
S. Kamei, young Japanese laborer,
brought from Dee Monday nigl.t on a
statutory charge involving a little boy,
waa held to the grand jurv Tuesday by
Justice of the Peace Onthank. Ir". de
fault of $1,000 bond the Japanese re
mains in jail. He was releasee sev ml
weeks ago when arrested on a similar
charge, because of lack of na
evidence. .
District Attorney Baker has written
to Immigration Commissioner Bon
haro at Portland seeking deiortation
for Kamei. Vernon Murray made the
St Nark's Episcopal Church
Cor. lilt, and Eiiirene
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Here
after evening prayer service will be
conducted at p. m. each Sunday.
Rev. ( . C. Hoisholt. Hector.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday School at
morning. Regular S
9:30 every Snndav
ar !NerK-e at 11 clock,
r evenin.' service a. Npe
r'lgrama. All cordially
Rev. D. M. Carpenter.
In company with W. A. Langille and
T. II. Sherrard, the latter supervisor
of national forests in Oregon, a party
or prominent Cortland men last week
spent three days on the base of Mount
Hood . rhev toured the route of the
Mount HtMid Loop Highway and visited
Lost Lake. Stanley Walters, chief
ranger of this district, was with the
parly on part of the tour. Jesse W.
( rites, Leshe Butler and K. K. Brett
were members of the tour, and they
ere accompanied by Herbert Nunn
state highway engineer. The Portland
men were: Fnc V. Hauser, owner of
the Multnomah Hotel : Manager Joyce.
f the Bawl Wood restaurants, ami
Judge Mason.
The tour may eventually lead to the
expenditure of a large sum of money
m the construction of a large resort
hostelry on the mountain side. The
men were exceedingly pleased with
what they saw. and they returned to
Portland declaring the Mount Hood
Iioop Highway will open up a paradise
of natural scenic attraction.
The mountain tour whs headed by J.
K. Wheeler, manager of the Portland
Telegram, whose efforts at exploita
tion of the state's scenic assets, are
noted with local gratification.
Japanese Fined $100
T. Kuga, Oak Orove Japanese ranch
er, arraigned on a charge of having
stolen water from the Hood River Irri
gation District by tampering with the
guage !kx supplying his place, was
fined $loo and coats by Justice of the
Peace Onthank. The latter read the
Japanese a lecture, declaring that his
act was one that might cause his
neighbor much .uttering through loss
of his crop. Mr. Onthank stated that
be hoped other- white or Japanese,
would consider the fine assessed Kuga
as a warning.
"I will be prone," he said, "to
make future i?naitit for eucn flr;n43t
as high as possible."
Seventh Dav Auvfiflist Church
Sabbath so
Preaching ser
mer .
are welcome.
muter F.
Columbia '
1 1. 1
i ( streets
urday 10 a. m.
r sl m. Prayer
7.45 p. m. All
K. Oater. Residence tflo
Phone 3473.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver.
Julius I. Moreland, Plaintiff, vs. J
H. Stanford and Jane Doe Stanford,
his wife; B. Kaulfrnan and Jane Doe
Kauffman, his wife; W. E. Barnes and
Jane Doe Barnes, his wife; Sidney
Smith and Jane Doe Smith, his wife ;
( harles I), rults and Jane Doe Fults.
his wife; Mathias Basmussen and Jane
Doe Kasmussen. his wife; J. H. White
and .lane Doe White, his wife; M. Km
strum and Jane Doe hmstrum. his
wife; Frederick W. Carstens and Jane
Ooe Carstens. his wife; and E. B.
Johnson and Jane Doe Johnson, his
wife, Defendants.
To J. H. Stanford and Jane Doe
Stanford, his wife ; B. Kaulfrnan and
Jane Doe Kaulfrnan. his wife; W. E.
Barnes and Jane Doe Barnes, his wife;
Sidney Smith and Jane Doe Smith, his
wife; Frederick W. Carstens and Jane
Dot Carstens, his wife; J. R. White
and Jane Doe White, his wife; M. Em
strum and Jane Doe Emstrum, his
wife; ('harles 1). Fults and Jane Doe
Fults, his wife ; and Mathias Kasmus
sen and Jane Doe Kasmussen, his wife,
of said I lefendants :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the 8th
day of September, I Ml that being the
last day of the publication of this sum
mons, and answer the complaint tiled
herein against you, ami if you fail so
to appear and answer said complaint.
for want thereof the plamtitt will ap
ply to the Court for the relief demand
edin the complaint, to-wit: For i
judgment against the defendant. J. H
Stanford, for the sum of I'JOO.OO with
interest thereon at the rate of 7 per
cent per annum trom March Htli, l!l!i
also the sum of y-HHi. IM with interest
inereon at me rate or i per cent per
annum from March !Mti, r.US; also tin
sum of $-100.00 w ith interest thereon at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum from
March Hth. WIN; also the sum of
$100.00 with interest thereon at th
rate of 7 per cent Hr annum from
March llth, WIN; for the sum of
$250.00 as attorney's fees herein, am
for plaintiff's costs and disbursements;
ami tor a decree against all of the de
tenuanis, foreclosing planum a mort
gage executed by said defendant, J.
H. Stanford, on the !th day of March,
WIN, and upon the following portions
ot said mortgaged premises, to wit:
The N. i of.the N. J.of the NW. i of
Section IS, Township 2 North. Range !
East of the Willamette Meridian ; the
S h of the NW. J ofthe NW. i of Sec
tion IS, Township 2 North, Range !
East of the Willamette Meridian, and
the SE. j of the NE. i of the NW. J of
Section IS, Township "J North. Range !'
East of the Willamette Meridian, all
situate in ILxal River County, State of
'regon ;
which mortgage was given to secure
said sums and interest thereon, attorn
ey fees and costs and disbursements
of this suit; that the whole of the
aforesaid portions of land in said mort
gage described In' cold by the Sheriff
of Hood River County, Oregon, accord
ing to the law and the practice ef the
above entitled Court, and that the pro
ceeds of such sale be applied to the
payment of the amounts adjudged
herein to be due plaintiff on said mort
gage; that said defendants andeach of
them, and all persons claiming under
them subsequent to the execution of
said mortgage, be barred and fore
closed of all right or claim in or to
said premises; that the Sheriff of said
Countv execute's leed to the purchas
er of said premises, and that he tie let
into the possession thereof upon the
production of the Sheriff's Certificate
of Sale.
This summons is served upon you b
publication thereof in the Hood River
(lacier, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation, printed and published
in Hood River, Hood Rixer County.
Oregon, which publication is pursuant
to an order duly made in said cause on 1
the 12th da of July, 1921. by the Hon- 1
orable Fred W. Wilson, Judge of said
Court, which requires said publication
to be made for six successive weeks.
Manning & Harvey
Hemstitching, Ruffle-Fluting
and Button-Holing
by Mrs. J. VV. Forbes
at this store.
See our special values in
Oregon City Auto Robes
Larp-e assortment to choose from
Suit Cases,
Travelling Bags and Hand Grips
A complete line to choose from
Bathing Suits
For Men, Women, Boys, Girls and Children, in cot
ton, wool and cotton mixed and all wool. Why not get
you a sun and enjoy tne line bathing just now. Prices
All colors, sizes and styles.
to suit any pocket book.
Come in arid see them.
in 9 inch
Ladies white underskirts, trimmed
oioiuery. une oi tne Dlggest and best values AA
that we have seen. Your choice while they last "UC
Outing Togs
Outinp; to;s for Men and Women Trousers, Mid
dies, Coats, Hats, Leggintl and Shoes. You can fit your
self out here for less money and have the largest assort
ment to choose from. Come in and let us show you.
Kiddies' Wash Dresses
We have the cutest lot of little dresses and bloom
ers to match just now that you could wish to see and
becomingly made of a Rood grade of Gingham and Wash
Crepes neatly trimmed, and best of all the prices are
most reasonable. Let us show you.
New Fall Millinery
just received this week,
early fall wear we have
If you need a new hat for
the most becoming styles for
New Fall Suits for Ladies
Our first fall showing is now in. Make your selec
tion early and enjoy a full season's wear. We have
some very pretty models for you to choose from.
Retailers of
To Wear
Hood River's
Largest and Best
A new feature of entertainment will
he initiated Monday evening, August
a, uy me Knights of fythiu band,
whose members will charter the 'le-1
ona, newly launched power ferryboat
t the tlood Kiver-W rule Salmon Kerry
U0 and go for a moonlight ride up the
ixiiurnoifl as rar M Meinaloose Island.
1 he big ferry will be equipped with
chairs and refreshments will be served j
the party of merrymakers. The band
will occupy a raised platform and will
give a concert.
Iickets for the ride will be sold for
50 cents each.
Kodak flaiihiof Blooon-Donatriterg
i. one up-to-date dark room, an ui real 2 hour
lervice - ttiats tin. iy atf
rive-ion HiaiKlanl iruck. Miilpcrt with
mm ii in u y Hun iiiiihi, ,i til.. mi ai four
wheels, iiieeliiiiniallv nerfect. Iiv iiiMiilnnir
.iilotiimnlH, tlim MO lie iiiiuie lulu h very
liriintuiile wliem IihiiIiiik truck. IMB0.Q0.
a Inn Uer Six, loi uf hik i-iI, I .1 uf iMiwer.
Pi iniy fur llHell in h Hliurt time. if;. ml
tun (IMC. new I Ires on all four wheeln
r.verv purl in im in;iililne l.s In flu- verv tu-l
Million, has rnn ex lunlvelv mi nave.
IM Ilt Slid We COIlHliler It III lie nue ill the In !
I'M V" III olll Hhnp. We ni e Imelt mil ll With I lie
Mime lilienil k ii hi nntee iiml iiiiiiheh to our new
trucks. fltiftfl.Oli
t inn Federal, thorough I) overhauled fn in
iitii lo tlnlHh, all simulant unlta. mictl aa Con
ine n'Hl motor, lliown Line I i.n-i,, Ii ilon ml
I link, n rear Hxle. H2M.0D.
I ton QUO, on pneumaUc tires We are
'i iiulliu; Huh t ruck at the lucent time.
1 In- i an exri lKnl inni llllli- fur w.nk in snfl
iIIi-Mn where traction In Iiuiuinsi nic lor sohil
lire JliiU.IIU.
1'.. Inn Naiill, overhauled nelf starter, elee
1 1 n- I mills anil cah. Irr.Vii)
l'clon four wheel drive Winlher.
verhauleil. Tins truck linn, itecnleil ailvmi
age due lo I he fuel that any one win-el which
an secuie irnciimi iiaH power rnoniili to move
i ne i rue . in mi.
1 loii O.Mr, cat tin I ly overturn let from Mtein
lo stern. All the tlreH are in Mi-t i lass con, II
i inn and I heie are yeara of hard work In this
truck. fll.MHIU.
I -ton Morelanil. on Milld tire, overhauled
Irom start tofliii. ii, all NUiidanl nulla and a
timitaln at 1775 til).
I -ton Kepulillc on so. Id Ores, fir. I class open
I i umi, cm. ami winiisineni, lu kikmI
mechanical cmnlit loii. M.Vt,
I I Ion OMl'. I x.'i linen niatlc t ires, a huy thai
will he illlllcult In Jiiplicale hiij whete on the
isiasl $77 i til
', Ion lluick, i .,iiliped Willi Mil l IBllll
Urea, l'he antire machine has been carefully
n ci baaM an. I c tH lleve llmler priced roll
shlerlng lluick quality and prestige. fi.rNai.
In aiMltlnn In these we have a nutnlier of
other trucka ranging In sire from to the
largest iiin.te He will be glait to aend von
our complete list nf ured cam upon applica
tion w e win alsn grant very liln-ral terms ti
puichascrs I uk 1 1 iK advantage ol our oiler
wnnin ine next thirty daya.
(IMr and limine Hist rlbutoi tor i iiegon.
Ji Jlitl HI , Cor 1 'ay lor, Portland, t ire als
We Are Repairing'
We have secured the services of an
experienced motor mechanic,
and are equipped to do any kind of
repair jobs on Passenger Cars or Trucks.
We have installed a boring mill for
boring cylinders and are able to give
you quick, efficient service.
Fourth Street
Tel. 2551
Horn . lor Mia, .r will tiaile for Kord truck
mile weal nl town on Ma t ma. I It I
Itoyce m
for Sale h. in. h drv wimhI - Haai .s.r.i rt
livered within IWn mile, ol llairelt stehiw.l
houae II. I.. N,s i Kt I MelhoiliM Lane
Kor Kale An uptight nlaun In maid condi
Hon. Phone H7t.
Kor Nile .' ui l -ar bargain. 11" Mitchell
i i--. nger, perfect mechanical condition, a
p at titl iK) ! Chevrolet -i pa-aenger, ell-
car tiaa j tut been a verbal led. f WU.0B. la
re at ( niiimtua Service station. h4
For Hale-Pine, fir and oak wimmI alio pigs
Call 4"a for prices. Walter Wells. JyJ
For Hale. Feather
Kami. Pin IM&
pillows. Mrs
For Hale M
order. U W.
, II P Waterloo engine
llihop. Phone S7V2.
Ki nest
111 good
For Hale tun - cylinder tractor In
claaa condition, aixi gang plow, tel. u.
' tl
hot Sau Thin rtne I. !! cow. i m be
reclamed. All m..kng 'I wo freah In Sept
i, K. slade. BUV, W ash at
for Mala Dm Wood at : a load. Alan sw
dut lor sale J. A. Sehlndler. Tel. .'tto-J. 1711
For Hall Iturrongh's Addinit Machine.. .
graile. used mi i.ttle. inquire F W t'liUid
mini. Itiext Kiver. juTtntf
For Hale Font Hug. The classieat one In
I'regnn. lias lop, wloiWiirld fi inle-x.biimpers.
spotlight, tpt -eilo meter. cUw-k. shocks, m w
tire., gtaxl paint Tnls car is aa gmal as new.
Am going eaat. iiium .ell. can Im' Mien by ap-p-niitini
in Write Urn 17' .Mo-ier ore' '
For Sail n idea, on h ir 1 t, am i ,) t
hli k . 7 vi ara old, weighi ibtMtaM BOMda,
Also new Mitchell wagon. 8 Inch axel, with
basket rack. I'hone odel I I l.'i iiiii
For Sale 6 weeka old
M P . ITjH each. I .a
Tel. Park dale X.
For Hale At reiluci-d
red Puna' Jer
ed Orchard Co.
condition All guarantei 1 In eer
Kepi) to oh uer eare of (.1. icier
Hay For Hale-Fine quality wheat am
hay. Haled, fr.n per ton. L,. J. M
re; , I
prlii : vour choice of
new or uaed InMiic tile l ower Sprayer, owe
ot the beat on the market, carrlea twD gun.
(Iveaaallatactlon J. E. Ferguanu. Tel. Odell
For Hale
( hole
For Hale At a i i.rg.111 b) owner, to acre.
I. Hood Kim 1
ghorn ben.
ork. a barga 1
Auguat I. U
heating stove,
heater kitchen
inliaT !
For Hale - A good two-Maied hiiek, nearly
new, both tongue and shift-. Alao wiaal.
Call ine he-light motor trucking, uuernsey
Jerst) hull lor service, liladwyn DaTlt '
Ho. of Itioucher tatmu, tel.! Well Ix.V ml'.'tf
F01 Hale Flume lumber, building material
tree prop. Saw mill near Summit PiamJ
Odell 108. W 1. kirln. H,n-i Kiver k a-
I i- Jaftf '
If In market for home near town, 5, 10 or ir
acres. giHid improvement-. will pay you to
eee n. t". Alien, pnone ina. MM
For Hale-Oood lota for Rale In all parts of
heeit) , prices right. A. W.Outuaiik A Co. a!4tf
For Kent-AuguM 1st.
, able for couple. Apply
I ItllllUl ' '
small bungalow sult
II A. t onuers, Into
For Kent -Two furnished rooms, hU State
street. Phone 1411. "t
For Sale-Fir 1
delivered anvw
Kiver I-.. Beau
ft. wood.
s of If 1
. riiiMtf
ror Hale-rord beat engine In the Valley.
. jiiuuriKiniuiiiiu-lir. piston COi plete 1ICW
rear end. vnTve,tc. last year a buy at IJtii
K. W Areu. K. U. i mlttu
Tor Hale Dry body 16-ln. fir wood dallvered
at summer price. We do naming wltu our
J ton truck. Tel. 4T17 Haltrman Hroa. Jn'.'tf
For Ha .e- MaK.rjana tin .tern
Il.trlct, 12
DO. .
Job 11
A team of horse, weight about
. Cheap if taken at oner lei is?h.
r Trade-s acre i n Av a. on Wav
a.irmn paniry, large
1 and r iK-bwed isHch. F'. nip
'and has convenient garage.
For Kent a beautiful S n.ini country nouie
fnrnlabed. rHn i cti. JMtf
f'';'fvKn " -flc5 "Hy torirrKita
.!. F. ciom' m. modern In every resuect. lei
lt. .IJ Front St.
FnrlU nt J turnl.hed naima tn on nf (tie
best I.H-ain.ns m Hood Kiver: modern con
veutenoea .at reaaonahle price, tail tel Oak
at . or tel. 244:1.
first 1
011 or
n or Touring car, modern,
tion.aa part payment for a
eand lottiearcity high achool
culari and I wtllixamtne car
.ngnat Hub. Ira F. Wllllama,
I! irrv 1 .
Hox making at ft ill ,r i,.,,,.i
Armalmng, TeL 4741. jy '
F or s.
Keauty. I 1
reduced pr
For Hal-
l . 1..
t hix. The Car of
car at a grtatly
irge pantrv.
Kw sa.e M P.
aebnient. Finn
ecta. lAadsc.p.
I n Hint
F.n- pr
with take up at
ui.riniiminiiiiiiiiii, Price
rt cedar fcsoe poaU. Beat
ind dreaaed lnmtr. Winana
imr I. atom V.nd mul Vili I
pan imiitotii land with free'
Wanted To bale b 1 i
thing furnhed hat tag., dinner and i.onas.'
reed. J. o. ( amemn. Tel. lt.7 odell i-.
- 1 j j 1
W ,1
pay 111
y young hog. tor feeder: will
' t any time. V T. Beau re
anUt rnLf10 y,,Dr U"I 'ninltar.at4l
Loat - Soldier
finder pleaae lea
Oreg. ui.
515 FVnUin Bui
d . mile North Kami
cord- K. L. Nucl. a4.
For Male 1
bed. and an
alaa-le I i(g)
Howard Ti
tona. New rotting of ttimghv
hay with a few tun. aite. t i Inm,
t s ,4tl
VI w
iyge. .
M V.
-Ojjaral atore. building..
J mi
Kiver. 1 ire.
pbooe I Te
ntf Ki
a: maanory work
tag. piaienng. ca
r addrea Ji, y,
aattrrete. na-k
M Fred Moore
Fourth St Hoed
Kiver. Ore.