The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1921, Image 1

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No. 0
When you need a third party
pending final payments and ar
rangements on contracts, place them in
We will act as the third party and
hold the contracts in safety until
the fulfillment of the provi
sions stated in them.
Mm ilSHS liMl I'D
The First
Cake of Klenzo Toilet Soap with each purchase
of the New Large Family 50c Size
Next Saturday and all week until the next Saturday
July 2nd to July 9th--you can buy Klenzo Dental ( Verne
in the new, lare family size for 50c and receive one cake
of the new Klenzo Toilet Soap, full size, FREE.
This Economy Offer is mabe to introduce to you this
convenient new size of Klenzo Dental Creme and to
acquaint you with the new Klenzo Toilet Soap.
Come in and hear the July Victor Records
See us before buying
Arsenate of Lead
We handle
The Universal Insecticide
Orchard Supplies
International Harvester Supplies
The Hood. River Fruit Co.
j yV
" f j
Member Federal Reserve System
m Resources Over a Million and a Quarter
Established 1900
Now is the time to place your or
der for slab wood so as to allow time
for proper seasoning during the
summer months. We handle the
entire local output of the Dee mill.
Special prices on car load lots of
ten to twelve cords. F. 0. 1. car
shipments to ranchers at points on
Mt. Hood Line.
PHONE 2181
Successors to
Wednesday and Thursday
Wallace Reid
nug. o
"The Love Special"
a sennett Comedy: "The Fireside Brewer"
Unfortunately, in must business, so-called "servie'
if largeiv a atals. From the half-hearted whiskhroonnng
of the Pullman porter to the final inflection of tlie auto
mobile tester, service seems to lie more a matter of appesr
ances than bnlpfelsjQH
Yon will put up with anv kind of service in a pirn h.
hut you are going to become the permanent MtlMMW dI
the man who gives yu tsreatest satisfaction All. THK
TIMK. That's the one thing I have for sale. C'orm m
and try it.
At the Fashion Stables
Phone 1201
John C. Duckwall
Wm. S. Duckwall
Wish to announce that they will be cash buyers of
the principal varieties of apples and pears this sea
son and load from all points in the Valley.
We furnish growers' supplies and materials.
Apple and Pear Boxes
Spray Materials
We will have a small supply of the specially
prepared oil paper to prevent scald on the late
keeping varieties and recommend a limited use of
it this season.
I'honc Odi ll
Governor Olcott and Other Notables
Participate in the American Legion
Ascent of Mount Hood
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th. is the date
Now pk .is. don't be too late.
At eight o'clock sharp, we will assemble all,
In the M. E. CHIRCH, just above the Library Hall.
Kor admission we warn that we'll sue.
For each letter in vour name pennies two.
Then will be a program sedate.
Following which we will tat ICE CREAM AND CAKF:.
Tho Society of 40 Hommes ami 8
Chevaux, secret organization of the
American Legion, will participate in
an initiation on the summit of Mount
Hood next Sundav as a feature of the
first annual ascent of the snowpeak
staged hy the legion Post. Candi
dates, who will be put through a part
of the performances required of neo
phytes knocking at the door of the
order, at the big camp to tie estab
lished for the party, Saturday night,
will ascend the peak with the hikers.
Once on top, however, the candidates
will be led to the depths of the sulpha
pits, where they will receive their ob
ligation in the unusual 2-mile high
While the party of climbers will not
be as large as anticipated because of
the interest displayed in the announce
ments two weeks ago, it will approxi
mate in size and enthusiasm some of
the recent Mount Hood activities of
Mazamas and friends. Governor Ken
W. Olcott has written to Kent Shoe
maker, chairman of the arrangement
committee, that he, .Secretary of .Matt
Kozer, Adjutant General W bite and
Lyman (!. Rice, the latter of I'endlt
ton anil member of the Oregon Huniis
Commission, will be present. General
White will be accompanied by his wife.
Mr. Shoemaker has received letters
from a number of Legion posts In oth
er parts of the state announcing that
delegations will bo tent here for the
recreational event.
An interesting feature of the moun
tain party will be a reunion of many
members of old Twelfth Company, Or
egon Coast Artillery, called to the
olors in IS) 1 7. Leon roust, original
mess sergeant ot the unit, will be in
charge of providing fojd and supplies
for the camp. Harry Sines, the old
company cook, who was finally located
at Salem, where, following his mar
riage, he had settled down on a farm.
has written that he will be here to
cook for the party. Walter I!. David
son, veteran packer for the Forestry
Service and sergeant of a nack trsin
during the war, will be in charge of
transporting the camp equipment from
the homestead place of J. O. Hannum
the mile and a half distance into
camp. Saturday night will be spent in
a grove just below the snowline. A
huge bontire will be lighted, and the
ex-service men, their families and
friends will join in songs. They will
be led by Mike Hrennan, of Portland.
1 he following instructions have been
given for those who expect to psrtici
pate in the climb :
Every member of the partv, male or
female, should dress just as if they are
going on a hike or fishing trim 1 hey
should wear good stout shoes, piefer
ablv high top, with flat, low heels
These shoes should be studded by tht
local shoeman with cone-htaded Hun
garian tacks, not calks. A pair of 00
oted glasses, preferably amber, must
be worn above the snow line. Tool
who possess ice axes or alpenstocks
should bring them ; others should pro
vide themselves with a stout stick
feet long. Climbers are asked not to
wear heavy underclothes, because these
may cause fatigue, but all should carry
with them a mackinaw, heavy sweat)
or leather jacket, which should be
strapped to be carried from the back
or shoulder. A nair of common cotton
or canvas gloves should be worn. An
other useful hint is that all should
wear woollen socks or stockings on the
climb, and a dry pair should be left at
the base of the mountain with the
blankts for a change as soon as tht
limber descends the mountain.
As the 1021 apple harvest approach
es, the estimates of all mid-Columbia
fruit districts are showing further re
luctions irom those made tiy growers
luring the blossoming period, when
reports from all sections of Hood River
and Wasco counties, Oregon, and Ska
mania and Klickitat counties, Wash
ington, indicated the heaviest yield in
the history of the sections. The early
estimates on the ROM River valley
crop placed the year's yield at 2,o00,-
000 boxes. Today conservative ship-
MH :nd growers report the aggregate
for all districts not to exceed 2,5Ki,(nn
boxes. The highest estimates do not
exceed 2,7.r0,000 boxes. The average
estimate for the Hood River valley
places the 1921 yield at about 1,800,000
The shipers and growers of the
mid-Columbia sections, however, were
justified in their heavy estimates of
blossom days. Never have the orch
ards borne such a profusion of blooms.
The fruit, however failed to stick.
The set was not up to expectations in
many instances, and later the June
drop thinned fruit Beverly in many
tracts. The yield, except in areas of
higher elevation, will be generally
spotted. Some growers will harvest
bumper yields, while their neighbors
will pick crops sh rt of normal.
The condition, according to the ob
servations of growers arid market men
in all sections, results from the heavy
freeze of December, IfttV Many trees
were uprooted last year, entire tracts
having been killed in areas of poor
area drainage, or wherp the soil was
abnormally wet. This year certain
varieties continue to show frost
Observers everywhere, however, re
port that the crop of the year will be
very clean and of high quality. Grow
ers have not been one w hit discouraged
liy the damage resulting from the
freeze. They are reported to be con
tinuing scientific methods of spraying
In most cases they
diligent than during
hen laUr was scare'
Fruit tracts are well
heard of renewed ef
iig a grade and pack
trict receiving conditions at. railroad
yards will be bettered. The Apple
Growers Association will construct
new warehouses at Dee and Odell. Its
Van Horn storage space will be in
creased. The same condition of bet
terment is noticeable In the White
Salmon and Underwood districts.
While growers anil marketer are
alike optimistic over sales prospects
the coming season, the market remains
indefinite. It is not likely that
buying to any great extent will be
made until after the convention of the
International Apple Shippers' Associa
tion at Cincinnati in early August.
The number of independent buyers has
heen largely increased here this sea
sou, out meir activities are not very
marked. Some growers are heard
talking of $2 per box, but it appears to
be the general opinion that the market
will start at a considerably lower
figure. Growers generally did not av
erage more than II. BO cents, net, per
oox tor apples last year, in instances,
where orchardists produced fruit than
ran to good sizes and high grades at an
economical figure, they made money
last year, but such instances were
rare. The chances for prolit this year
are much better. With a light crop
ovre the large commercial sections of
the middle west and east, and the gen
eral, barnyard fruit eroB of nearly ail
sections eastfof the Rockies negligible,
local expectations run high for sub
stantial profits this season, in spite of
the lowered purchasing power of the
consuming public. Labor costs have
been materially reduced over last year.
Boxes will cost. less. The average re
duction of labor and materials, as enm
nared with Ia9t year, will reach about
80 per cent.
The freight reduction announcement
by fail lines has not aroused any en
thusiastic comment on the part of
grower! and shippers anywhere. The
actual reduction per box, it is said,
will be six cents. The demand was
for three times as much. Agitation
for increased water shipments is heard
in every section, and shippers in nu
merous instances are signing up ref, o.
crated steamship space, as fast, as it is
Some of the growers of the Hood
River valley declare that the yield of
this district for the year w ill not ex
eed 1,600,000 boxes. C. H. Snroat.
formerly manager of the Hood River
Apple Growers' Union and later man
aging director of the old National Ap
pie Co., puts his estimate under this
figure. J. P. Naumes, purchasing
agent for Dan Wuille & Co., London
importers, who maintain Northwestern
headquarters here, figures that the
crop will run about 1,600,00V boxes.
f. h. Clark, recently arrived sales
manager of the Apple Growers As
sociation, who formerly headed the
Yakima Fruitgrowers' Association,
tigures that the yield will reach about
2,000.001) boxes in the Hood River val-
y. While he is not displaying an
over-optimism, Mr. Clark declares that
he looks for a hea thv demand for
Northwestern apples throughout, the
season, lie declares that the Associa
tion has determined to grade with the
usual rigidity. In view of the clean
ness of the crop and the present size
f the fiuit. he anticipates that the
pack of 1021 will be as good as the dis
trict has ever put out.
H. F. Davidson, owner of large
orchards here and operator in the do
mestic and export trade from a New
York City office, says he is well
pleased with the harvest outlook.
Mr. Davidson says that his own indi
vidual tracts will yield a bumper crop.
He anticipates a yield of about 2,000
noo boxes.
One of the most carefully analyzed
estimates made on the 1021 crop for
the Hood River valley has been com
piled by Leroy Childs, superintendent
01 the Hood Kiver Experiment Station
Mr. Childs Fays :
"There has been much speculation on
the part ot various writers relative t
the size of the 1921 apple crop'in the
Mood Kiver valley. I best? estimates
have run as high as 2,500,000 boxes.
I consider them entirely too high.
.mi i ... . .
incre is present in the valley a
much smaller number of apple trt
than was present during the bumper
yields of 1 !!!, at which time there was
actually produced on the trees close to
,700,000 boxes of fruit. Of this fig
lire lujly 40, 000 boxes were lost and
did not enter boxes, due to labor short
age am) due to the fact that much of
the stock was frozen before it was
picked. The actual box shipments of
1919 reached approximately 2,:!n0,oon
boxes, Of these slightly over 2. lion.
000 boxes could be considered rummer
ial pack
"Th - year, 1921, is the year when
the 1919 record should have been stir
passed, and doubtless this would have
taken place had it not been for the
-c y. re damage caused by tht; extreme
ly low temperatures of 1919. A large
number of tries in the heaviest pro-
Jucing section of the valley were en
tirely wiped out as a result "of the
weather condition, eliminating an area
capable of producing fully 300,000
boxes. Th: damage, in mi.der form
affected a r. maining large acreage, de-
maaing the production at east 25 er
ent as compared with the 1919 yields.
"In uninjured orchards the yield is
not so consistently heavy as it was
luring the record reason. This irregu
arity is somewhat offset by the fact
that trees arc a little larger and a few
oung orchards are now coming into
bearing which did not produce in ".
I hese condition, however, are not of
any great importance. I he actual
number of apples produced on the trees
will be less than 25 tier cent of the
919 crop, or a box production of
m-o ooo boxes, quality at the present
time i: excellent and the size;, that tin
fruit have attained at this time is
greater than the average. The leaf
roller caused some damage as has j
the drown apnis. l-odling moth and
scab infection are of little commercial
importance in the Hood River section
this season. "
"The apple crop prosfieets in Hood
Kiver county are very good this year."
ssvs M. D. Armstrong, county fruit
inspector. "Total production will con
siderably exceed that of last year, and
the quality will be much f etter. The
fruit generally will be large and clean.
SpmI, will not ho flnr in th- . . m.
Four Box Apple States and British Co
lumbia Represented at Plant
Specialists' Sessions
With over 50 plant specialists from
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, British
Columbia and Utah, the annual con
vention of Northwestern entomologists,
pathologists and horticulturists, whic g
began its sessions here Tuesday, bid .2
fair to to draw a record large attent g
While the year's meeting, it is said'r
will result in no startling discoveriei
in behalf of fruitgrowers, the clearint -house
of experimental results and con
elusions from observations in the provj
ince and four states will present t S
growers of the box apple sections varb 3
ous evidences of a steady progress in 7j
methods of culture and for combating
diseases and pests. j
Tuesday's program was thrown open
to the general public, and the high
school auditorium was crowded with
growers of the valley and adjacent
mid-Columbia Oregon and Washington
sections. C. 1. Lewis, formerly horti
culturalist of the Oregun Agricultural
College, who is now assistant manager
of the Oregon Growers'' Conierativ
Association, in an address on phases of
marketing, declared that the agricul
tural interests are paying an unjust
stiare of the nation s burden. Mr.
Lewis, however, asserted that the
farmer himself is to blame for his con
dition. He declared the onlv remedy
for the condition would be found in
advertising. Announcing that an en
deavor will be made to conduct a co
operative campaign with five big coop
erative fruit concerns subscribing, Mr.
Lewis said :
"Never have the apple nrrowers of
the Northwest had such an opportun
ity. The apple c-ops of the states
east of the Rockies will produce the
smallest crops in our generation. In
quiriee are reaching us daily for our
product. Hy the use of adverising we
have an opportunity of gaining friends
who will stand us in good stead, per
haps, in future years when Virginia,
Missouri, New York and Canada pro
duce a huge apple tonnage."
Mr. Lewis stated that the five big
concerns tentatively engaged to form
an adveristing pool are: The Skookum
Packers Association, The Wenatchee
Fruitgrowers' Association, The Yaki
ma Fruitgrowers Association, the Hood
River Apple Growers Association and
the Oregon Growers Cooperative Asso
ciation. The session was opened Tuesday af
ternoon by W. S. Brown, chief of hor
ticulture at the Oregon Agricultural
College. Addresses were delivered by
the following : C. C. Vincent, horti
culturist of the University of Idaho,
"Kffects of Miscible Oil Sprays on
Fruit Trees;" E. W. White, assistant
provincial horticulturist of Victoria,
B. C, "Apple Tree Anthracnose or
It lack Spot Canker Control;" "Experi
mental Spraying Results in the Hood
River Valley," l eroy Childs, director
of the Hood River Experiment Sta
tion." and D. F. f isher, plant pathol
ogist of the United States Department
of Agriculture, stationed at Wenat-
c.'iee, "Oilel Fruit Wraps and Apple
scald ( ontrol.
Registrations of visiting specialists
and out of town orchardists include:
Clayton L, Long extension horticul
turist, C, K. Schuster, assistant pro
fessor pomology, L. I'. Wilcox, horti
cultural instructor, H. Hartman, as
sistant professor of pomology, W. S.
Krown, chief of horticulture, E. M.
Harvey, professor of horticultural re
search, U, II Fulton, assistant ento
mologist, A. K. Murneck, a.-sistant
professor of horticultural research,
S. M. Zeller. associate plant patholo
gist, F. J. Rinolde, assistant pomolo
giat, R. H. Rob i neon, chemist, all of
Oregon Agricultural College; F. C.
Rcimer, superintendent of Southern
Oregon Experiment Station, Talent;
Leroy Childs and Gordon (J. Brown,
&aperfntendent arid horticulturist of
the Hood River Station ; Ralph H.
Smith, entomologist of the Twin Falls,
Ida., experiment station ; W. Downes,
assistant entomologist, Victoria, B.
C. ; A. II. Steinmetz and E. J. Cum
mins, growers or Underwood :Karl H.
Zeller, ef White Salmon; W. T. Hunt
er, assistant horticulturist, of Vermin,
B. C. ; J. E. Slade, Husum; E. K.
.lackman, county agent of Wasco coun
ty ; F. K. Luck, assistant horticultur
ist. University of British Oilumbia;
M. D. Armstrong, Hood River County
fruit inspector and Chas. A. 1'ark, of
the Oregon Horticultural Commission,
The only other address Tuesday night
was delivered by Mr. Rcimer. an inter
nationally recognised authority on the
propagation of blight-proof pears, who
told of his travels in remote sections
of ChuiH in search of blight resisting
stock. The specialist spent yesterday
partly in demonstrations in Hood River
The programs . sterdav afternoon
ooveted all phases of cultivation and
pests and insect.- attack. A banquet
was staged last night at the Columbia
urge Hotel. hollowing a program
this morning the visitors will be taken
on a tour of I pper Valley orchards
this afternoon. A part of them will
remain over at Cloud Cap Inn for an
ascent of Mount Hood, while others
will return here to leave tomorrow for
a tour of Wasco county orchards.
While Salmon Team Defeated
r.d cultivation.
iave been more
he war year
The Hood River baseball team, ac
cording to local fans, who have wit
nessed game throughout the season,
has made a steady advancement, end
the aggregation is now playing as good
ball as any of amateur standing
throughout the state. The locals de
feated the White Salmon team at
White Salmon Sunday, score 11 to 2.
White Salmon will play here next Sun-
Other pests are
.letf Bell. Sunday's pitcher for Hood
iver. struck out 12 men. He had
rrfect support. For the last four
imes the local team has averaged 13
ts in each game. Ixval bell player
turned from White Salmon exprese
g praise of the sportsmanship of the
hite Salmon players. Atlhough the
game was very one-ided, it was de-
tered their harvesting conditions the
pact summer. In nearly every dis-
C ntmued ou Last Page;
clared, because of the clean
to have been one of the
ing of the.