The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 14, 1921, Image 9

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H-H-I-I"! ' I 1 "I-I-I-i-H-iH-I-I-t-M-I-!-;-'-
wifft-W I I I I I i hM-H-H-4H-H- !
H. L. ElMbrQQok, Optometriit,
J. R. Watkiris Products, sold by Geo.
Vlide, 1312 ISlb Street. Tel. I!i2:i. jlgtl
r or DOS does painting, sign work uu)
Mldmioing. Tel. 8014. mfHJ
H. O. Kresse whs a business visitor
In I'ortland the first of the week.
Miss Marjorie Wissinger, of Mil
waukie, has been here for a visit with
her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Hell.
Mrs. Frank Larson and Mrs. C. B.
Arisman were here from Underwood
the latter part of last week shopping.
Insist on genuine Ford nurts when
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Furn- Miss Mabel Case, former local teach- T The fnmilv of W. J. Baker ar.d Mrs.
isn, in icruanu, luesiiay, July z, a er, who is now located in Portland. Ham T. DeWitt are now at ther
was here last week the truest of Mrs. : summer camp on the Lake Branch.
rt- Pcnannar. After an extended visit Vvith rela
S. K. Kirby and family, of i Red- i tives and frierids in Ohio, Cus Miller
mond, after a visit here with Mr. Kir-i and wife returned home Tuesday even
having your car repaired
juaran nocor vo.
Telephone -MK1 when yo
reach the Bradley Brick
Work 8.
Or. N. Plyler, Chiropractic
tl wish to
and Tile
and Elec-
parts when
trie treatments. Rooms 28-24-26 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1838, Hood Hiver.
Eyes Scientifically examined by H. L.
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, Heilbronner
Insist on genuine Fore
having your car repaired. Dickson
Murt-li Motor Co. n25tf
W. E. Chown and family motored
down from Mosier last Thursday even
ing to attend the ehautauqua.
Truman Butler and family left last
Thursday for Rockaway Beach for a
two weeks' vacation.
Nelson Emry and family returned
last week trom a motor tour of coast
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells, of
.Seattle, have been here visiting their
son, Walter 1. Wells, and wife.
Highest cash price paid for your used
furniture, stoves and nigs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. s20tf
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. u25tf
All Summer hats, Including some
beautiful liage patterns, at half price.
Blouses at cost-Monner's. jl4.
All films lelt with us up to 4 o'clock
p m. are out the following day at 1 p.m.
In at four "out at four. Slocom-Donner-berg
Co. jy22tf
Mr. and Mrs. Russell. oflVancouver.
B. C, have been guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ceo. E. I'ineo.
H. S. Braakinan is painting, papering
and decorating. Sells paint and wall
paper. Contracts made small or large.
Phone 2404. Cor. 3rd and Oak. inllM
Highest quality coal is cheapest. Utah
King Coal is ''lean, hard and highest in
heat. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. Suc
cessor to Hood Siver Fuel Co. a21tf
Scott Slusher, of Dufur, is here the
guest of his cousin, Thomas Clarke.
The two will visit the Community rec
reation camp this week.
J. G. McDougal, whose father is
governor of the federal reserve hank
at Chicago, has been here the guest of
his uncle, Walter McDougal.
The Royal Neighbors will hold a tea
nett Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Otis Barton, Eighth and June
Robert Waugh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Waugh, is now with the county
road deparment engaged in the laying
oi me market road paving.
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Ontbank. Manager, 300
Oak Street. Phone 1521. jyL'0-tf
Wood fur the range or furnace. Dry,
sound slabs, 16-in. body fir or cord wood.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. Successor to
Hood River Fuel Co. a21tl'
Mt. Home ('amp 3409, R. N. A. meets
2nd and 4th Fr days of each month at
old K. of P. ball. Mrs. Emilia Jones, Re
corder, .Mrs. Elisabeth Rodger, O. nilTtf
C. T. Rawson was down from the
Upper Valley the latter part of the
week. He declares the apple crop of
the district exceedingly fine.
E. A. Kincaid and family spent the
Fourth at Waco, their old home town.
Tqey declare the celebration there one
of the best they ever attended.
Major and Mrs. Steinhauser enter
tained friends at a dancing party at
their Upper Valley home last Thurs
day evening.
C. A. Richards has purchased from
the Morrison estate the Second street
building which he has occupied for the
nast four years with his pool rooms.
cigar and confectionery store.
by s brother, W. I. Kirby, and family,
have returned home.
After a three weeks' visit here with
her parents, Mrs. W. E. Bullard and
children have left for lone to join Mr.
Bullard, now engaged there as a drug
gist. William Huggins and bride, en route
home from a motor tour to coast
points, were here last week visiting
the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Hoggins.
It was announced at the play, "It
Fays to Advertise." that the Star Gro
cery had ordered a carload of "18
Soap, Unlucky for Dirt." R. B. Peri-
go says the order has all been sold.
lliere are no conditions m a motor
car that can hurt a Ray battel y other
than wrecking or freezing. Guaranteed
unconditionally for two years. K. D.
Cameron, Cascade Garage jnltjtf.
Our kodak finishing is in charge of
Mr. Donnerberg - a finisher of experi
ence. If vou are having kodak troubles
ask Don about it. His experience is at
your service - with a smile. Slocom &
Donnerberg Co. jy22tf
Four years ago Thomas l.avicr made
the tirst and greatest advancement In
battery construction since lead plate bat
teries were put in automobiles' You
can take advantage of this great dis
covery by buying the Ray battery from
S D. Cameron at the Cascade Oarage.
Ask about the battery and find out why
it is different.
Having been selected eorsetierof this
district by the Spiralis Corset Co., 1
wish to say to the ladies that I am now
ready to receive orders for made to
measure corsets and will call at your
home at your convenience. Mrs. r red
Howe, 613 Cascade Ave. telephone 17s:i
for early appointments. jn2litf
I have made arrangements to have mv
graders built in Portland and will have
a machine In Hood River for your in
spection in the near future. Don't order
your grader until you have seen this
up-to-date machine. One feature alone
will save yon from $1 00 to 18.00 every
day you use it accoring to size machine
used. Timothy Newell. m2(itf
in MMM 1
A Real Bargain for Owners
of Small Cars
In the past five years nearly 5,000,000 of
these popular 30x3H inch Goodyear non
skid tires have gone into service. More than
a million of them are in use today.
Now you can buy these tires, of big size, strong
construction, and long-wearing treads, at the
same price you are asked to pay for unknown
Why take a chance on unknown tires, when
you can get Goodyear quality at as low a price ?
See your Goodyear Service Station Dealer
10 X J' i Regular Tube $2, 30 J' j Heavy Tourist Tube $3A1
Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company
of California
The following Hood River firms carry
a full stock of
and heartily endorse their quality:
E. A. Franz Company
The Hood River Garage
Mt. Hood Motor Company
Dickson-Marsh Motor Company
Dr. and Mrs. K. L). Kanaka, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. I. Sargent and Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. McCullagh returned last week
from a camping trip in the Warm
Springs Indian reservation.
Timoth Newell lesves next week for
Yakima, where he will spend some
time in demonstrating his apple grad
ing machine.
Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Moore and
daughter, of Salem, were here last
week guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B
Tewkshury. The families were friends
and neighbors in Hutchinson, Kas.
ti. . iieorge has just installed a
"Snooker." or Kngli.-h billiard table
at his Electric Kitchen pool and billiard
parlor, arid the game is meeting with
considerable favor.
2000 men wanted to go to Charlie
Clarke's drugstore and buy a trial boi
of Hunter's Wonderful Salve. Full di
rections w ilh every box. Kennedy espt
cially good for lung and kidney trout les
ami a sure cure for blood poisoning. a4
Walter M. Carson and wife, of San
Francisco, formerly residents of Ken
tucky, arrived the first of the week for
a visit with Mr. ( arson s cousin, J. K.
("arson, and family. Tbej motored
Mrs. N. Plyler has left for Silver
ton, where she will vi. it in r son, O.
F. Duval. Later hho will leave for
Tillamook for a visit with another son,
E. Duval. She may remain for the
summer at Tillamook.
H. S. Mraakman and wife have re
turned from a vacation with relatives
in Seattle. Mr. Braakman, who is
engaged again at his paint ihop, says
the roads between I'ortland and Seat
tle are in fine shape.
Miss Beryl Clarke, accompanied by
her friends, Mis9es Thelma and Alice
McQuaid, of Honolulu, who are here
visiting from the University of Wash
ington, have returned from a visit at
Mrs. R. R. Imbler and children,
Malcolm and lone, returned to Dallas
last week after an extended visit here
with Mis. Imbler's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sanford Smith, and other rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stranahan,
accompanied by their daughter, Dwin-
elda, arid Mrs. I. aura Clapp and daugh
ter, Charlett, motored to Bend and
1'rineville last week for a visit with
old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Taylor have
returned from Puyallup, Seattle, Ta
coma and other I'uget Sound points,
where they journeyed by automobile.
At l'uyallut) they visited their daugh
ter, Mrs. A. F. Whitcomb, and family.
Mr. and Mrs W. B. Dickerson have
leftJforSan Jose, Calif., to make their
home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Butcher
will also reside in the California city,
Mr. Butcher and Mr. Dickerson having
organized a new spray company, the
factory of which will be located there.
Bennett Brothers rexrt the sale of a
Dodge Brothers touring car to H. W.
Chapman. Since the $,'500 price reduc
tion went into effect Bennett Brothers
have sold out their stock of Dodge
Brothers touring cars and are now tak
ing orders for August delivery.
The full congregation of the Imman
uel Lutheran church, following services
Sunday, motored to the ranch place of
B. B. Powell, just west of the city,
where a picnic lunch was spread. In
the afternoon games and contests were
participated in.
Walter F'ord and wife have returned
from a motor tour of Puget Sound
communities. They saw the automo
bile races at Taeoma and then pro
ceeded to Bcllingham, Wash., where
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Green. They visited Vancouver, B
C, before returning home.
Miss Kuth Clark, daughter of E. B.
('lark, of Portland, is flutist and piam
accompanist of the grand opera sing
ers, headed by Mary A del Hays, who
appeared here Sunday1 In concerts
Mr. Clark was here to visit friends
over the week and to hear the concerts
The grand opera singers were given an
J. R. Nickelsen, who spent the
Fourth at Cannon Beach with his fam
ily, says that Hood River was well
represented at the coast resort. The
following motored down for Independ
ence Day : Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taft,
Dr. and Mrs. J. 1). Guttery and Mr.
and Mrs. George Stranahan.
Mr and Mrs. J. W. McDonald, for
merly residents of the Odell section,
who for the past year have resided in
Clackamas county near Oregon City,
have sold their holdings there. They
were here last week, en route by auto
mobile for a visit in their old home
district in Wisconsin.
En route to Seaside, where they will
sriena the vacation season, a large
party of Walla Walls motorists spent
Sunday here inspecting orchard dis
tricts and surrounding points of scenic
interest. The visitors, guests of the
Mt. Hood Hotel, included the follow
ing: Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Thompson,
Mrs. Hunter, Miss Hagerty, Mrs. Rob
ert Allen, Mrs. Nesmith Ankeny, Miss
Ferguson, J. Niswonger and James
Jack Cram, l.r-year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Cram, has just com
pleted a horseback trip of 170 mlies.
Leaving here last Wednesday the
young man reached Ptineville Satur
day evening. He rode his saddle pony,
Prince. The family, expecting to hear
from him en route, had become wor
ried until the message came of his
reaching Prineville. The voting man
will spend the summer with the family
of an uncle, James Cram, rancher of
the eastern Oreon section.
in fact every item in stock have been subjected to a very
heavy price reduction for this
Bathing Suits
98 c
Summer Vests
Big Lot
Misses' and Children's
Summer Shoes
Khaki Coveralls
Men's "Uncle Sam"
Heavy Chambray
Work Shirts
Men's Balbriggan
Shirts and Drawers
Rockford Socks
Men's and Women's
Dress Shoes
to $9.50 values
To $7.50
Ladies' White Shoes
Boy's $5 and $6
Calf Dress Shoes
Silk Bodice
Kayser Unions
To $8.00
Men's Hats
78c to $1.68
Dress Voiles
Half Price
Boys' Mesh, Dimity,
and Balbriggan
Union Suits
Boys' Blue and Gray
Chambray Shirts
Through the courtesy of Manager
Kolstad, the local of the American
Federation of Labor will present here
July 21, the noted film production,
"The Right to Happiness, " which
features Oorothy Phillips, one of the
heat known Bcreen stars. One half of
the proceeds from the show will go to
the treasury of the local union.
W. It. Sagar, chairman of the com
mittee presenting the play, states that
the funds will he used for charity. He
cites a recent instance of the philan
thropy of the union. At a meeting of
the organization word came of the des
titution of a family with little chil
dren. In a few hours the unfortunates
were housed and had a supply of gro
ceries, purchased hy the order. The
committee asks that tickets he pur
chased from its members, as they will
not share in Imix office receipts. The
show, next Thursday, will he present
ed both afternoon and evening.
Free Transportation Proposed
The city school hoard is considering
furnishing free transportation to 15
students who reside in the Kast Side
orchard district and who are forced to
walk daily down the long Kast Side
grade and then climb the Columbia
eanyonsidc in town, in order to reach
the local schools. The matter may he
placed before the patrons of the dis
trict for a vote.
Jay Fike.Sells Watermelons
Jay V. Fike, congenial country sales
man of the Pacific Fruit & Produce
Co.. of i'ortland, demonstrated his su
perior sales ability last Thursday by
dropping into town and bv selling and
delivering a car load of watermelons in
less than a day. these melons were
from the Imoerial Valley arid of excel
lent quality. All of the loral mer
chants have nearly sold out of them.
This car arriving at this time re
duced the price within reason to the
consumer. Mr. Fike it sure a booster
for Hood River and surrounding tern
Band Concert Tomorro Night
The K rights of Pythias hand will
give an open air concert on the court
house lawn tomorrow night. It it
planned that a summer series of weak
ly open air concerts be launched on
this occasion.
Heights Jitney Service Complimented
W. J. White, who visits Hood River
frequently for the Xellerhach Paper
Oo., declared yesterday that the rew
Heights jitney service is filling a long
telt want of traveling salesmen.
It should get the solid patronage of
the traveling men. who made the
Heights as soon as they learned of it,"
says Mr. White. I he charge is reas
onable. Local folk'should find the ser
vice a great convenience. "
Cannon Presides at Luncheon
With W. H Boddy, who had been
designated chairman of the first pro
gram luncheon of the Tuesday Lunch
Club, away in Portland, A. M. Cannon
presided at the session of the organiza
tion Tuesday. Each member respond
ed with a short talk. The luncheon
was held at the Hotel Oregon.
The club adopted an amendment,
permitting representatives of different
business concerns to alternate in their
and have the
hest sizing and
in operating.
least trouble
1920 Three-Grade Cutler, roller $325
table and motor complete w7
1919 Three-Grade Cutler, roller CQRQ
table and motor complete TvU
Three-Crude Cutler Belt Table $200
1917 Three-Grade Ideal $75
Or see Mr. Hartshorne, Hood River Garage.
Mrs. 0. C. Stevens Pass
Mrs. A. C. Stevens was called to
Portland Saturday by the news- of the
death of hr daughter-in-law, Mrs. O.
C. Stevens. She was accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Packer.
Funeral services were held in Portland
Miss Metzgus. Youngest Member
Miss Betsey Iane Metzgus, 19 day
o'd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Metzgus, became a mtmkr of the
Women's Auxiliary last Saturday. She
is the organization's youngest mem
ber. Reports were made on the Fugene
convention at the Saturday meet it, g by
Mrs. V. R. Abraham and Mrs. Oe-.. It.
Owing to the hot weather no regular
meeting of the Auxiliary will be held
until September 3.
The first band concert ever given
from the snowline of Mount Hood will
occur Sunday, July 24, when the Hood
Hiver Progressive Business Men's As
sociation will he accompanied on a pic
nic to Cloud Cai Inn hv the Knights of
Pythias band.
Sheriff Thanks I'ossemen
I wish to express the thanks of all
Hood River county authorities, and my
own. to the citizens of tloixl Kiver who
gave of their time at risk of personal
safety last week, when the captor of
Mrs. Miller and her daughter was be
ing pursue!. Citizens made everv sac-
riiice asked of them. Their conduct
under stress of this occasion, fraught
with so much danger, was such as to
hearten those of us whose time is de
voted to the public.
Thomas F. Johnson,
Sheriff of Hood Kiver County.
Just in the market is
Mountain Maid
Pork and Beans
The Dalles Plats Here Sunday
The Hood
Ml The I),
The keen rivi
the two nei
pected, will
game. The
River baseball team will
locals b
fowty Buns Tao Nta Trucks
The county hat purchased from the
federal government two four-wheel-drive
motor trucks, which weTe piloted
here from Pendleton by Hubert Hat
brooek and Roger Kiackman. The
new Machines were secured through
the State Highway Commission. The
fleet of tor trucks now being used by
the county in highway work numbers
The local team I
home ground last S
Salmon, score 7 to 4.
re Sunday,
lie teams of
is, it is ex
irte resting
ied to their
M 'f.-Rsional
ated on the
by White
They are very fine and we are
nrlad to recommend them and
guarantee every can.
Try this brand next time and
pass judgment on them. We like
them and believe vou will.
Old Lutheran (hurrh Sold
the I
Mr. (i
a nan church
old church lo
I. to J. Gil
remodel the
it for a resi-
The Star Grocery
"Good Things to Eat"